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Georgian green bean lobio is a classic recipe. Classic Georgian recipe: red bean lobio

1. Tear off the ends of the bean pods, removing the veins. Break into pieces 2-2.5 cm in size, rinse under cold water. Before stewing, the pieces can be blanched in boiling water for four minutes and placed on a wire rack to drain. But you can do without blanching if the pods are very tender.

2. Peel the onion and chop into small pieces.

3. Place the onion on the air fryer tray, add vegetable oil and simmer.

4. Place the washed pods directly into the air fryer bowl, but it is better to place them in a special heat-resistant dish and place them on a low rack. Add the stewed onion, the remaining oil and leave to simmer until the beans are soft, that is, about half an hour. Set the temperature in the air fryer to 180 degrees.

5. Cut each tomato in half and coarse grater rub. In this case, the tomato skin will remain in your hand, and the tomato mass will remain in the plate. Add tomato puree to the beans and add salt and stir. Continue simmering for another 15 minutes. Anyone who loves the aroma of sweet pepper can add it by cutting it into strips.

6. The special secret of the recipe for beans in pods or green lobio in Georgian is special set spicy herbs. The flavors of cilantro and garden savory, purple basil and dill suit this dish. Remove leaves from savory and purple basil and use only those. You need to finely chop all the greens, peel and chop the garlic and hot pepper. You can add a few green onions. If there are no fresh herbs, you will have to replace them with dried ones.

7. At the very end of cooking, add the greens, mix everything, keep on the fire for another two minutes, and the dish is ready.

Green lobio can be eaten hot, but most often it is consumed cold. This dish is used as an independent snack, it is high in protein and fiber, but can be served as a side dish. Lobio is perfect for a vegetarian menu and for those on a low-calorie diet. You can reduce its calorie content by reducing the volume of vegetable oil. You can cook in an air fryer practically without it, adding all the ingredients except herbs at the same time.

Video recipes for green beans in Georgian

1. Georgian recipe for green lobio with nuts:

2. Preparing green bean lobio:

Lobio, the most popular dish in the Caucasus, is national dish Georgia, Armenia and Abkhazia. There are many options for preparing it. And although it is prepared either from green beans or boiled red beans, the taste may differ among different housewives or in different cafes. It depends on what spices and what herbs you added, and whether you used nuts. Added tomatoes or tomato paste. How much liquid was added, or not added at all. In some places, a rather spicy dish is prepared, it contains bitter Bell pepper. And somewhere they cook without adding peppers and tomatoes at all, but add adjika.

In general, what is prepared in Georgia from beans is called “lobio”, because the same is the translation of this word.

Unfortunately, we don’t often prepare this dish in its traditional version, that is, in Georgian style. But it would be worth it, the dish is worthy and tasty. unlike any other. Very useful! It can be consumed as a hot or cold appetizer, as well as an independent second course. Beans are very nutritious, tasty, rich in proteins and carbohydrates. True, the latter applies to a lesser extent to green beans. But all the same, if you add nuts to the dish, you can completely do without meat. And if you can’t live without meat, then use lobio simply as a side dish. Beans go well with any meat and poultry.

When we lived in Uzbekistan, we also prepared this dish there. They cooked it with meat or chicken, with enough big amount liquids. And they cooked it like that until I got to Georgia and tried it classic version. I immediately asked for the recipe, wrote it down in detail, and since then I have been preparing this dish in “ Georgian version“, although I don’t forget the “Uzbek” version. By the way, here it is.

Today we will prepare a recipe according to the Georgian version. This recipe has been kept in my treasured notebook for 25 years, or even more. I share it with you. It is a pleasure to cook with it. Just started - already finished! In short, a housewife's dream! It takes about an hour to prepare and cook the dish. Direct preparation takes only 20 minutes.

How to cook lobio from green beans in Georgian style

We will need:

  • green beans -1 kg
  • walnut - 100 gr.
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • tomato - 1-2 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • garlic -3 cloves
  • greens - parsley. cilantro, basil - bunch
  • spices - paprika, cumin, thyme, oregano, hops-suneli
  • salt, ground black pepper
  • red capsicum and peppercorns
  • vegetable oil -4-5 tbsp. spoons

Preparing Ingredients

The cooking process must be divided into two stages. The first is preparation, the second is actual preparation! The dish will be prepared very quickly. All we will do is stir and add the following ingredients. Therefore, we will immediately wash everything, cut it and put it on the table. Because in a hurry it is very easy to forget something.

1. The longest part is peeling the beans. If you have it frozen, and it can also be used, then of course there is no hassle with it, it is already cleaned and completely ready for use. I have a fresh product. I was lucky enough to buy it at a wholesale vegetable market. It's only the end of June, she usually appears later. But good luck, I went to the market for one, and saw another! It was a sin not to buy! Fresh beans make the dish especially tasty.

Here it is not entirely green, but with purple streaks. But during the cooking process, the color will become more uniform.

2. The vegetable must be thoroughly washed in running water. Then leaving it in the water and pulling out one pod at a time, we cut off its tail. And if there is a hard side vein, remove it too, pulling it from one edge. My pods are still young, practically without beans, and the hard vein has not yet formed. Therefore, after washing it and cutting off the tip, I cut it into two halves. The pods are quite long, and it will not be very convenient to eat them. Length 4-5 cm, it will be what you need.

3. While washing, cleaning and cutting the pods, put the water in the pan on the fire. And bring it to a boil.

4. Place the prepared pieces in boiling water and boil for 10-15 minutes. Cooking time depends on the condition of the pods. If you removed hard veins from the sides, then cook for 15 minutes, but if there were no veins, then it will be enough to cook for 8-10 minutes. No need to add salt. All legumes are salted almost at the end of cooking.

When preparing dishes from red beans, they are first soaked in water for 8-10 hours. A green beans Be sure to boil it. This is done so that when soaked and boiled, oligosaccharides dissolve in water. This is the sugar that beans contain and is not digested by the human body. It is this that causes gas formation, and of course complicates the digestion process.

After boiling, drain the water through a colander. And leave the product to cool a little.

5. While the beans are boiling, you can chop the onion. I take two large onions. I like it when there are a lot of onions. Any dish with it becomes more juicy and tasty. We cut it into cubes, not small, but not large either. No more than 1 cm in size, maybe smaller.

To prevent the onion from eating our eyes, we wet the halves and the knife with cold water. I always leave the tail on the onion. Holding onto it, the onion will be cut much easier and thinner.

6. You also need to put the kettle on in advance. And pour boiling water over the tomato. If you have a large specimen, 250-300 grams, then it is enough to take one. If less, then prepare two.

In winter, when tomatoes are in greenhouses, you can use tomato paste and tomatoes. Or just tomato paste. Or take adjika instead of both. This will only change the taste slightly, but the essence will remain the same.

7. Hold the tomato for 20-30 seconds. in boiling water on one side, turn it over for the same time on the other side. Then the tomato must be peeled. To do this, pick it up with a knife, pull the edge and the skin will easily come off.

8. Cut the vegetable. You can do this any way you want. You can use cubes, you can use rings or half rings. I cut into long slices so that the chopped vegetables in the dish are approximately the same size. The beans are long and the tomatoes are of the appropriate length and shape.

9. Cut in the same way bell pepper. It is sometimes replaced with hot capsicum. But we are not big fans of spicy food, so I limit myself to bell pepper and a piece of red capsicum.

10. Divide the garlic into cloves and wash it. Place on a board and crush each clove with the flat side of a knife. Then remove the peel and cut randomly into small pieces. I have young garlic, and its cloves are very small. Therefore, instead of 3 cloves written in the recipe, I took 4.

11. Chop the greens. Today I'm using parsley, cilantro and basil. But in general, you can use dill, celery, and celery root. Mint is also added. But my husband is categorically against mint in any dish. That's why I don't add it. Especially. that my spices contain oregano. Greens, already chopped, turned out to be about two handfuls.

12. Prepare spices in advance. I already have a ready-made spice mixture, including paprika, coriander, rosemary, thyme, oregano, herbs, dried ginger - this is a universal mix of seasonings that can be used for any dish. And I also cook cumin (I can’t live without it), and khmeli-suneli - it’s still a Georgian dish.

13. Carefully sort out the nuts, removing the jumpers and fragments of the peel. Then grind in a blender into fine crumbs.

They also add adjika, but we won’t do that today. However, if you have adjika and want to add it, then it won’t hurt.

And so everything seems to be ready. I wrote longer than I spent cooking! Well, let's cook!


1. Pour oil into a frying pan, heat it and add chopped onion. Fry it until golden brown, about 3 minutes. The fire is not the maximum, but not average either. That is, somewhere in the middle.

2. I don’t like the taste of onions in a dish, so I add a little more than half a glass of hot boiled water. I don't turn down the fire. After 2-3 minutes of intense boiling, all the water has evaporated and you can move on.

3. Add chopped tomato. While stirring, fry it for 3 minutes.

4. Now it’s the turn of the bell pepper. It is enough to fry it for 2 minutes, also remembering to stir.

5. Now add herbs, garlic and spices. And also a piece of red hot pepper and allspice. Count how many peas you are putting in. After the dish is ready, preferably both peas and hot peppers put away. If anyone gets them, it will spoil the overall feeling of the dish. Fry, stirring constantly for 1 minute, so that the spices and garlic “dissolve” all their aroma.

Don't be afraid of the smell of cilantro; add it boldly. It will not be felt at all in the finished dish.

6. Now it’s the turn of the beans. Don't forget to add salt. You need to add a little less than half a tablespoon of salt. Reduce the heat to minimum. Cover with a lid and simmer for 5-7 minutes. During this time, it should be completely ready, and everything else even more so!

7. The last finishing step is to add the nuts. Add them, mix, cover with a lid and turn off the gas. Let the dish sit and brew.

8. Serve with plenty of fresh herbs and fresh vegetables. Good served with cilantro, spinach, fresh tomatoes and cucumbers. If radishes have grown in the garden, they will also not be superfluous. Cut the vegetables into large pieces, add the greens whole. So that while eating, you can eat both!

You can serve the dish in the form you want. You can eat lobio hot, or you can cool it and eat it as a cold appetizer. If you want to cook meat for it, then cook either, or what you like.

As you can see, our dish today turned out to be quite thick. This is exactly what the classic version of the recipe calls for. If desired, you can add a little liquid during cooking. And in this case, you will get the dish with sauce.

And I want to tell you, if you have never cooked such a delicious dish before, be sure to cook it. And I am sure that this dish will become not only frequent, but also a favorite on your table!

Bon appetit!

The main ingredient of the dish is beans, which is why it is called lobio, which is what beans sound like in Georgian. There are many options for preparing this masterpiece. Lobio is prepared from a combination of the simplest and most accessible ingredients, but it turns out very gourmet dish, which is loved by all the peoples of Transcaucasia.

Adding vegetables and dried herbs reveals the taste of the dish, so it can easily become your favorite and appear on your table more often. You can prepare lobio from different beans, including green beans, with or without tomatoes, with nuts, mushrooms, etc. Choose any option from the recipes below and prepare healthy and tasty dish, enjoying the incredible taste and aroma that will fill your home.

Lobio in Georgian - general principles of preparation

It is advisable to cover red beans with water before cooking and leave them in this state overnight. old water always drain, cook with water again, it should be twice as much as the beans. Beans need to be cooked for at least 45 minutes.

If you are preparing lobio from different types beans, then remember that they have different time preparation, so it is better to cook them separately initially.

You can add any meat, vegetables, mushrooms and herbs to lobio. If desired, you can combine these ingredients differently each time.

Use a masher to knead the dish slightly so that the lobio does not turn into bean cream.

Cilantro will be a great addition to enhance the taste of any type of lobio.

The dish is served as a main dish or as a side dish. If desired, any lobio can be wrapped in a thin Georgian flatbread.

The taste of the dish is excellent both cold and hot.

Lobio in Georgian - a classic recipe


Beans (red) 360 g;

Tomato - 3-4 pcs.;

Onion – 3 heads;

Vegetable oil – 50 – 60 ml;

Garlic - 3-4 cloves;

Vinegar 3% - 55 ml;

Khmeli-suneli seasoning – spoon;

Oregano sushi. - spoon;

Mint sushi. – half a spoon;

A bunch of fresh cilantro;

Ground pepper (black and red);

Cooking method:

1. The beans must be sorted, and then filled with cold filtered water and left in this state for 7 hours.

2. Cut the stems from the cilantro branches, chop the greens and pour vinegar over them. Cover with a lid or saucer and leave in the refrigerator overnight.

3. Drain the beans in a colander and then transfer to a small saucepan. Fill the grains with water completely and put on fire. Cooking time 45-50 minutes. Then remove from heat, and if there is any water left, drain it. Use a special spatula to remember the beans themselves.

4. Peel the onion and cut into small slices.

5. Scald the washed tomatoes with boiling water, remove the skin and cut into cubes.

6. Pour oil into the frying pan and fry the onion in it.

7. Add chopped tomatoes to the onions.

8. Crush the peeled garlic in a press, mix with cilantro in vinegar.

9. Add fried onion and tomato, garlic and cilantro and beans to the stewing pan.

10. Add seasonings, dried herbs, add salt and cover with a lid. Simmer for another 10 minutes.

11. Place the finished lobio in a deep plate and serve with corn tortillas.

Lobio in Georgian “White”


White beans (dry) – 320 g;

Onion - a couple of pieces;

Garlic - three cloves;

Cilantro - a bunch;

Ground pepper (red);

Ground coriander - a pinch;

Vegetable oil - 40 ml;

Cooking method:

1. Soak the beans in cold water the night before.

2. In the morning, drain the water and boil the beans (1.5 hours).

3. Cut the onion into thin half rings and fry it in a frying pan.

4. Add cooked beans to the onions. Move with a wooden spatula to crush the bean kernels. You will end up with a porridge-like mass (several beans should be whole).

5. Peel the garlic and crush it in a press. Add to the contents in the pan.

6. Add seasonings and add salt. Continue frying the dish for about 5 minutes, constantly stirring the ingredients in the pan.

7. Chop the cilantro. Sprinkle it over the finished lobio, mix and place on a flat plate.

8. Serve the dish warm.

Georgian lobio from canned beans with walnuts


Red and white beans - 1 jar each;

Onion - three pieces;

Tomato paste - a couple of spoons;

Garlic - 4 cloves;

Pepper mixture;

Walnuts - 75 g;

A bunch of cilantro;

Spoon of any seasoning;

Vegetable oil - 20 ml.

Cooking method:

1. Peel the onion and cut into cubes.

2. Fry it lightly in oil with the addition of tomato paste.

3. Open the cans of beans, drain the liquid, rinse the beans if necessary and lightly mash (just do not puree).

4. Transfer the beans to a small saucepan and add the contents in the pan.

5. Crush the peeled garlic in a press and transfer it to a saucepan.

6. Add spices to the total mass of products and add salt. Simmer for no more than 5 minutes. Add a little water if necessary.

7. Chop the cilantro leaves with a knife.

8. Crush the peeled walnuts into crumbs.

9. Remove lobio from heat, add nuts and cilantro, stir.

10. Place the finished lobio on a deep plate and serve.

Lobio in Georgian style with green beans


Green beans – kilogram;

Bell pepper (sweet) – one piece;

Tomatoes - a couple;

Garlic – two cloves;

Vegetable oil;

Parsley and cilantro - a bunch each;

Dried basil - one spoon;

Ground red pepper;

Cooking method:

1. Boil green beans (you can use frozen ones) until tender. Cooking time is 15-20 minutes.

2. Cut the onion into half rings.

3. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes. Then peel them and cut out the core. Cut into small cubes.

4. Grind the pepper into thin strips.

5. Chop the greens finely.

6. Pour oil into the pan, fry the onion first.

7. Add the following products to the pan one by one, without stopping stirring them - tomatoes, bell peppers, boiled beans, greens.

8. Mash slightly using a special masher.

9. Crush the garlic using a press directly into the pan. Salt and add spices. Mix everything thoroughly.

10. Fry the lobio for about 1 minute, stirring constantly.

11. Remove from heat ready dish, cool slightly.

12. Serve the finished lobio as a main course or as a warm salad.

Georgian style lobio with champignons


Red beans (dry) – 280 g;


Fresh champignons – 180-200 g;

Peeled walnuts – 85 g;

A spoonful of any pepper;

Grape vinegar - spoon;

Vegetable oil;

Khmeli-suneli - teaspoon;

Fresh herbs (parsley, cilantro to taste) - a bunch.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the beans, fill with chilled purified water. Leave for 6-7 hours.

2. Drain the water from the beans, add fresh ones, and cook on the fire. Cooking time: 1 hour.

3. Peel and wash the onion. Cut into thin half rings.

4. Wash the mushrooms and cut into small slices.

5. Pour oil into the pan. Fry onions with champignons.

6. Peel the garlic and crush it in a press.

7. Grind the nuts into crumbs.

8. Add chopped garlic and nuts to the frying pan with the mushrooms and stir.

9. Pour vinegar into the pan with beans, add salt and spices. Stir.

10. Transfer the contents from the frying pan to the beans and stir again. If the beans are not very soft, then crush them with a masher.

11. Simmer the lobio for another 5 minutes.

12. Add finely chopped fresh herbs to the finished dish. Stir.

13. Serve the lobio with champignons in a large flat plate.

Georgian lobio with vegetables in a slow cooker


White beans (dry) - two cups.

A pair of bulbs;

Large carrots - 1 pc.;

Zucchini – 110 g;

Garlic - according to taste;

Ketchup – 4 spoons;

Vegetable oil - for frying;

Sugar - spoon;

Ground black pepper;

Cooking method:

1. First sort the beans and then soak them in cold water overnight.

2. In the morning, drain the beans.

3. Place the beans in a multicooker bowl, fill it completely with water, and close the lid. Turn on the “Extinguishing” mode, setting the time to 45 minutes.

4. At this time, prepare the vegetables - peel and wash them.

5. Grate the carrots.

6. Cut the zucchini into strips.

7. Finely chop the onion with a sharp knife.

8. Transfer the beans from the multicooker to a separate container and lightly crush them. Be sure to keep half of the grains intact.

9. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Frying” mode.

10. Fry the onions and carrots, stirring all the time.

11. Add tomato paste, zucchini and garlic, crushed in a press.

12. Place the beans back into the multicooker container, add spices, sugar and salt, stir.

13. In the “Stew” mode, cook for another 15 minutes.

14. Chop the greens and add them to the finished lobio.

15. Serve in a large flat plate with tortillas.

If the beans are not fresh, they need to be sorted before cooking.

Do not overcook the main dish, otherwise all the vegetables will boil and it will turn into porridge.

Try not to overdo it with seasonings, otherwise you can ruin the taste of the dish.

The beans will be ready if the skin of at least one bean begins to peel off.

You can use any vinegar in recipes. It is desirable that it be natural.

Although the dish is low in calories, remember that white beans are still difficult to digest.

Equally tasty and nutritious dishes are obtained from different varieties of beans. White beans are suitable for Italian minestrone soup and hot cassoulet; red beans are used to prepare aromatic lobio with coriander and finely chopped walnuts, and green, or asparagus, beans are best served as a hearty side dish. Depending on the cooking method, beans can be placed on the table as an independent dish or in addition to the main dish. Of the seasonings, garlic, coriander and pepper mixture go best with it than others. Bean dishes take time: first, mature beans must be soaked in water for a long time and then boiled. It's much easier to cook beans in a slow cooker or buy a canned version that you can immediately add to your favorite recipe. Various snacks, salads and main courses with beans leave you feeling full for a long time. This is especially true in cold weather, which is why it is so popular in Scandinavian countries. Boiled beans are often stewed with mushrooms and seasonal vegetables in butter. IN different recipes with beans, ingredients may vary. It is often baked in pots, filled with broth. Green beans cook much faster and go well with cottage cheese, tomatoes and Greek yogurt. You can make vegetable stew, French casserole, soup and many other truly delicious dishes from beans.

Georgian cuisine is one of the richest cuisines in the world. Despite the influence of European traditions and the traditions of the peoples of the Middle East, it is incredibly original, and many of its dishes are unique. Meat and vegetables are especially tasty in Georgian cuisine. For example, the national Georgian spicy soup kharcho has long been cooked in many countries, and according to the recipes on the website, it is easy to prepare it at home using beef broth, rice and, if desired, walnuts. The cuisine of western Georgia is famous for its homemade flatbreads made from corn flour and chumiza, which are equally good with soups, main courses and appetizers. Along with beef, they eat lamb and poultry. The country is famous for its dishes made from beans, young nettles, spinach leaves and beets. Sauces and seasonings occupy an important place in Georgian cuisine. The most famous of them are Satsivi, Satsebeli and Tkemali. Georgia is also famous for its sweets. For example, the dish pelamushi, gozinaki and churchkhela, which is traditionally used to snack on strong alcohol.

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Translated from Georgian, “lobio” is simply “beans” (note that the beans are a special type, with a soft, delicate shell). Before you - basic, basic and very delicious recipe lobio with spices crushed in a mortar. It is clear that there are as many options for preparing the signature Georgian lobio as there are regions in Georgia.

What you need to know about making lobio recipe

How to Handle Beans. If the beans are old, be sure to soak them the night before or for at least 3-4 hours. Drain the water, add new cold water and put on fire. If the beans are fresh and in season, none of this is needed. Just add water and cook.

Beans take 2.5-4 hours to cook, depending on the variety and age. After the water boils, drain all the liquid and pour the same amount of boiling water from the kettle (this is “dietary” advice - it will be easier on the intestines).

The ratio of beans and water is 1 to 4. The fire after the water boils is slow. The beans need to be stirred from time to time as they may burn. In addition, there should be a kettle with boiling water nearby to add water if it evaporates more than necessary. What is the correct consistency of lobio? Mushy.

About the condition of beans: You can consider them ready if the skin of most of the beans has broken. Using a wooden spoon or masher, mash the beans, but do not puree them. We are not preparing bean cream, but lobio - it should be “pressed”, but large. After this, put the beans on the fire for some more time (no more than 15 minutes).

About seasonings. The recipe for making lobio lists the main seasonings. However, it should be borne in mind that their quantity must be controlled, especially for people who are not accustomed to rich or spicy tastes.

Savory (in Georgian “kondari”) is not added in all regions of Georgia, but as for utskho-suneli, this is a required ingredient in almost all lobio recipes. Utskho suneli is nothing more than blue fenugreek - an herb actively used in Mediterranean and Caucasian cuisines, and, unfortunately, poorly known among us. You can buy it at the market from seasoning traders (already in dry form).

It is not necessary to use balsamic vinegar in the lobio recipe; you can use red wine vinegar. It is only necessary that it be natural.

How to serve bean lobio. Lobio is served both hot - then it will be the main course, and cold, as an appetizer. If you prepare very spicy lobio or lobio with walnuts, you can serve it as a dip, dipping pieces of bread or thick corn porridge into it. “Bread” is lavash or unleavened corn cake (mchadi).

Lobio recipe ingredients

To prepare classic red bean lobio you will need:
  • red beans 600 g
  • onion or red onion 400 g
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • dry seasonings: savory, coriander, utskho suneli 0.5-1 tsp.
  • hot red pepper, black pepper (amount to taste)
  • fresh cilantro 1 bunch (50-60 g)
  • balsamic vinegar or tkemali
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • salt, 3 bay leaves

How to cook red bean lobio

1. Fill the beans with cold water, add Bay leaf, add a little salt and cook for 2.5-3 hours, stirring occasionally, until the beans are soft.

2. 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking, remove the lobio from the heat, pour off the liquid, and crush the beans and mash them. If it turns out to be a dry mass, add a little bean juice (the water in which it was boiled). Then put it back on the fire to simmer.

3. Sauté chopped onion in vegetable oil. Chop fresh cilantro. For this purpose, use not the whole bunch, but a part (the other part will be used for serving). When they are ready, add the dry seasonings and mix everything together.

4. Place fresh and dry cilantro, utskho suneli, savory, pepper, garlic and a pinch of salt in a mortar. Grind them thoroughly with a pestle.

5. When the lobio is ready, add the frying agent, vinegar or tkemali and the ingredients crushed in a mortar. Return to the heat for another 5-1o minutes. Add salt if necessary. If you want to serve in clay pots (traditional Georgian serving), it’s time to transfer the food from the pan there and put it in the oven for 5-7 minutes.

6. Serve lobio topped with fresh cilantro (or parsley) and onion half-circles.

Recipe for lobio with ham

We're talking about adding ham to the lobio. You can replace it with dry or salted beef (such as basturma or rennet), chorizo ​​sausage, or even better - a combination of both. An incredibly tasty recipe, a super protein option for our menu. The dish is served in restaurants Georgian cuisine.

Lobio recipe ingredients

  • 700 g beans
  • 400 g ham
  • 100 g pork fat
  • 5 cloves garlic
  • 3 onions
  • coriander 2 - 3 bunches
  • pepper, salt
  • tkemali
  • dry basil

How to cook Georgian lobio with ham

Prepare the beans: rinse them and soak them overnight in lightly salted water. In the morning, drain the water.

Place the beans in a clay pot (if you are cooking in a pot in the oven) or in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour clean boiled water (it should cover about 3 cm of the contents of the pan) and add the following ingredients: slices of ham, bay leaf, red pepper, savory, basil. Cook (bake) over low heat.

Note. If you cook with basturma or other dry meat, then it should also be soaked for several hours separately from the beans.

When the beans and meat are cooked (this will take 2-3 hours), mash with a wooden spoon and add a little boiled water if you want the lobio to be thinner. All that's left is to fill it up.

Separately, sauté onion and garlic in pork fat. Mix with lobio. Add tkemali and fresh cilantro. Season with salt and pepper if necessary.



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