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The best name for a company. Law Firm Name: Some Ideas. How to choose a name for a company and who to contact

Choosing a name for a company is a responsible undertaking. A number of factors depend on this, ranging from consumer acceptance of the brand to attracting new customers. Therefore, it is worth approaching the issue with all responsibility. You should not reject such trends as numerology or Feng Shui. These teachings also help to settle on names that can bring good luck to the company.

Basic principles for choosing a company name

How to choose a name for a company? Which criteria should be given preference? Experts recommend remembering a number of simple but effective rules.

  • Positive coloring. Consumers won't want to buy mascara and hair dye from a store called Last Joy. It is worth remembering what the client is looking for positive attitude. It’s not for nothing that most commercials of major brands play on this. The name should put you in a good mood or be neutral in color, but not be negative. Even funeral agencies try to avoid such a slippery topic, without focusing on it,
  • Easy pronunciation. Combining several words into one can sometimes be a great option. But if the result is a half-meter inscription that can break your tongue, that’s bad sign. Consumers don't want to be forever confused about the order of letters and repeating awkward names. The same can be said about titles with “add-ons”. They liked to do this in the USSR, when many parks were named after some hero. However, a window production company named after Comrade Smirnov’s mother-in-law will raise eyebrows.
  • The title should be clear. However, there is an exception here, as many companies have chosen new, previously unknown expressions or combinations of words as their permanent name.
  • Originality is also important. How to choose a name for a company? Of course it's not easy. However, you cannot copy existing names and it becomes the twentieth establishment in the city with the poetic name “Sun”. Moreover, the “namesakes” may be employed in different fields. The owner of a restaurant may not like the fact that the name of his establishment is similar to the name of a sports club or grocery store.

What do Feng Shui and numerology say?

As you know, the name “Feng Shui” comes from the merger of the words “water” and “wind”. Taken together, this gives a sign of harmony. Accordingly, this teaching is to achieve the unity of everyone around us.

It is a mistake to assume that this direction only helps in arranging an apartment or office. The teaching provides an answer to the question “how to choose a name for a company that brings good luck.” The choice of name is an important criterion. This is what influences the future fate of the enterprise. It’s not for nothing that they say that whatever you name a yacht, that’s how it will float. If a business owner wants to make a profit and gain a good reputation, he will have to turn to teachings that some do not take seriously.

How to choose a name for a company that brings good luck, according to Feng Shui? You should focus on short but sonorous words. It is also considered good to alternate words of three and five letters; it is recommended that the name end with a vowel. According to this teaching, good sign will be if the name was invented not by the owner, but by a person close to him. It is believed that in this case it carries a special warm energy that will help the company stay afloat even in crisis situations.

How to choose a company name? Numerology believes that the numbers three and four are good. The first brings good luck in general. Four can mean wealth and attract it. It's worth noting that you shouldn't take this advice too literally. The name itself may not contain a particular number, but it can be written using three or four colors, words can consist of four syllables, and so on.

Company name and owners name

There are many cases when the company name consisted only of the first or last name of the brand owner. And truly, many of them brought good luck to their founders. It's about, for example, about the companies Philips, Siemens, giants like Mars or Martini.

How to choose a name for a company if your name seems simple or not quite suitable? Change it. This is how the Max Factor company came into being. The creator simply shortened his passport data, which was not entirely easy to read.

If we talk about the domestic market, we can recall Tinkoff, Kaspersky, Korkunov. The creators made the right decision when they settled on their own surnames. The whole country knows them and the products or services they produce.

Using someone else's name

What name to choose for the company if your name does not suit? Stop at someone else's! This is one of simple options. Names can be either simple or more intricate. The latter include the names Josephine or Cleopatra.

You can choose the name that you like the sound of. However, if you remember Feng Shui, it is better to choose from the names of loved ones. Even the name of a beloved dog can be a good option. Naturally, if you don’t call the hairdresser or pharmacy “Barbos”. This may seem strange.

Use of place names

Not everyone is aware that Nokia got its name in honor of the river, and a brand of popular cigarettes is named after small town. The same thing can be done now. However, when choosing real place names, it is worth remembering the legal side of the issue. It is necessary to choose a non-proprietary company name in order not to lose large sum money and not give up an already promoted and familiar brand.

You can combine or shorten existing names. Periodically distort them, leaving only references to a specific area, preferably pleasant for the owner. The last factor is extremely important, since a location that evokes unpleasant associations will not help in a successful name.

Oxymorons in titles: a coup or a trick?

As you know, an oxymoron is a combination of something that seems difficult to combine. We are talking about the “Stylish Monster” or “Red Grass” options. These names are nice because they attract attention.

Clients often pay attention to originality. Therefore, it is worth turning to such a simple move to attract more interested consumers.

However, we should not forget that consumers are also greedy for established combinations. Thus, adding the phrases “royal” or “royal” to the name significantly increases the authority of the company. For example, women are more willing to visit the Royal Lotus hairdresser than the Modest Chamomile. The situation is also the same with the male half of the population. Construction company "Strong Concrete" sounds better than "Wooden Walls".

How to choose the right company name if consumers behave ficklely? Study options, combine different words, phrases and draw conclusions about what sounds better and more attractive. You can also conduct a survey among loved ones.

Focus on activity

The company name can also include the type of activity or hint at it. So, a toy store called “Cheburashka” will not cause surprise. However, faceless names such as “Rose” or “ Sunny bunny» may refer to different types activities.

The name itself may indicate what exactly the company offers. Thus, you can include words that guide the client. You can choose the name of a construction company by choosing the words construction, house, stone, brick, drill, and so on. Beauty salons often use the words scissors, stilettos, or concepts related to ladies as the target audience. This is how the names “Naughty Heel”, “Neckline”, “Beautiful Curl” appear.

Abbreviations and mixture of words

An abbreviation would be a good option for a company name. This has brought good luck to many companies. It is worth mentioning BMW or MTS. An interesting fact is that sometimes the abbreviation may not be deciphered in any way. Thus, the TNT television channel claims that its name is just a combination of letters and does not carry a specific meaning.

A combination of words or their parts can be separated from an abbreviation. Thus, the name of the popular worldwide drink “Coca-Cola” is a combination of two main ingredients, coca leaves and cola nuts. The founders of the VkusVill company also used this trick. Here there was a synthesis of the Russian word “taste” and English word, translated as “village”. This name emphasizes the company's unity with nature.

Associative series

You can choose a name for the company by focusing on associations. So, it’s worth remembering what the company does and what products it plans to focus on. Then you need to take inspiration from the world around you. Thus, it will not surprise anyone if a club with a striptease is called “Playboy,” since half-naked girls are closely associated in the minds of consumers with this particular magazine.

The same can be said about the Wild Orchid lingerie store. Association with the film of the same name will help customers understand that this is where seduction lingerie is sold. Therefore, young couples and those who want to refresh their married life will come here.

Let's draw parallels

You can also take examples not only from literature, cinema and other companions of each modern man. It is worth turning to both the animal and plant worlds. Everyone knows how beautiful flowers are. That is why I often use their names for companies producing goods for women. By adding various epithets, you can achieve results.

If you remember Jaguar cars, you can understand how to choose a company name. The options are simple: if the car positions itself as the fastest, then giving it the name of such a nimble animal is quite logical. The same can be said about high speed trains"Peregrine Falcon".

How to choose a company name? List of errors

When choosing a name for a company, you can make a number of mistakes. Often they become typical. The main ones include:

  • Failure to meet consumer expectations. If a store positions itself as a supplier of fresh seafood for every taste, then it really should have a choice. If only pollock and roach are available for sale, then this is a clear deception of the consumer. The same can be said about a hotel called “Royal”, if it looks more like a hostel.
  • Facelessness. A title that doesn't have a clear direction may fail. It’s hard to imagine that the Romashka company offers plastic windows. Rather, it is a flower salon or a cosmetics brand.
  • Copying someone else's brand. Adapting to a more successful competitor is a bad option. In addition to the fact that the company will no longer be taken seriously, this can also lead to litigation.
  • Lack of name registration. This step is necessary if the owner wants to remain the sole owner of the brand, avoiding copying.

Title check: how to save money

The name must be unique so that none of those who previously registered it can challenge the owner’s choice. Therefore, it is worth carefully examining whether the invented name has been registered. How to choose a name for a company from the registry? It is worth noting that there are companies that offer a service for searching for available names. But it costs money. Therefore, you can try to save money.

After you've brainstormed and come up with a few names, it's worth checking them out on the Internet. Moreover, you will have to study a lot of information, since it is not a fact that a company with a similar name is popular and will be found on the first pages of search engines. It is also worth using the search on city maps, here you can find information about whether there is an establishment with that name. If nothing is found, you can contact the tax service. Here you can find out if anyone has registered a company with that name.

How to come up with a company name: selection requirements + 5 ways to search for a name + 5 steps to choosing + 7 naming techniques + online services for creating a name.

Every businessman is aware that the name chosen for a company, store or shopping center can influence the future fate of the business.

Often, novice entrepreneurs, due to their inexperience, choose long and overly complicated names that have nothing to do with the direction of the business.

Because the question is how to come up with a company name and remain in the ear of buyers, does not lose its relevance.

Basic requirements for a company name

At first glance, it may seem that you can come up with a name for a company in 1-2 hours.

But in fact, this process is quite long and labor-intensive.

Naming requires a huge amount of time and effort.

Coming up with a company name is like choosing a name for your child.

Experts in the field of psychology highlight the concept of 7 seconds.

It is during this time, according to experts, that one can evaluate a new interlocutor.

The same principle applies to business names.

The target audience evaluates the brand and its name within a short period of 7 seconds from the moment of first contact.

Therefore, it is necessary to come up with a name that can win over potential clients in such a minimal time.

In parallel, it should contain three main criteria:

  1. Easy to read and easy to pronounce.
  2. Easily remembered and recreated in memory.
  3. Does not evoke negative memories and emotions. A brand should evoke only positive feelings.

These aspects are the basis for creating a name for the new company.

Regardless of whether you are opening an online store, a flower shop or a personal blog, the name you come up with for a company or production should be melodious, memorable and creative.

5 main ways to create a name in naming


    The name directly depends on the field of business.

    For example: “Your milkman”, “Cow” for a supplier of dairy products.

    Law firms select names in the style of “Letter of the Law”, “Themis” (which also creates a positive feeling of reliability and a serious approach to business).


    Basically, the creation of such names is based on a connection to a nearby landmark, local legend or centuries-old traditions.

    For example: “Petropavlovsk kvass”, “Crimean source” - for a water producer.


    It is based on the creation of phrases that were obtained by combining or modifying words (“Smeshariki”, “Zabodaikin”).


    Word formation characterizing the company's activities.

    It may also contain the names, pseudonyms or surnames of its creators (“Cafe at Gleb’s”, “Meat Shop”).


    Invented colorful, sensual company names that are associated with the company’s service or product (teen magazine “Oops”, “Summer” juices).

5 Steps to Creating a Great Company Name

In the understanding of most, a successful name for a company should simply come to mind by itself.

Sometimes a miracle really happens and the founder gets a brilliant idea for a name for his brainchild.

But this is rather an exception to the rule.

Any companies that professionally engage in naming divide the process into 5 key steps.

Step 1. Analysis

An effective name is more than just inspiration and a pretty sound.

It should be based on the tastes of the target audience and correctly characterize the products offered.

To do this, an analysis is carried out on the following points:

    To choose a name that will appeal to customers, you need to understand who exactly is target audience product.

    What do they like?

    What do people expect from your products?

    It is important to evaluate the names created by competitors.

    Your company name must be different.

    And, of course, to be better and more spectacular.

  • A description of the product or service offered by the company is compiled.
  • Basic data related to the company itself is also important: competitiveness, differences and advantages over organizations in the same field.

Step 2. Strategy development

At this stage, additional frameworks should be set that will help “sift through” the invented names.

The business owner must determine his wishes on the following points:

  • What language will the title be in?
  • Long or short?
  • What style will correspond to the concept of the company (official, comic, others)?

Step 3. Putting the strategy into action

“Right after the moment of greatest difficulty lies success.”
Jared Leto

At this stage, names are selected that meet the above criteria.

It is best to come up with a company name with the help of several people.

For example, collect a couple of your best employees who have extraordinary and creative thinking.

Or arrange a family council.

Do not deprive children of attention: often their imagination works even more productively than that of adults.

Write down all the worthy options for “names”, and then “sift” them according to the points identified in step No. 2.

Step 4: Test your business name

The selected titles need to be tested in more detail. Please pay attention to the following points:

  • What associations does the name evoke among strangers?
  • How unique is it (especially important compared to competitors)?
  • Is it easy to remember and write?
  • Doesn't it sound funny or stupid when translated into other languages ​​(if you plan to expand to an international market)?

You can check the uniqueness on the following services:

  • https://www.znakoved.ru/baza_zaregistrirovannyh_tovarnyh_znakov/,
  • https://poiskznakov.ru/ (paid service).

But to analyze the remaining points, it is better to turn to friends, relatives, colleagues, that is, get an outside perspective.

Step 5: Compliance with the Law

Before you start registering your chosen name, make sure that it complies with legal requirements.

WITH full list You can find current restrictions in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Part 4, Article 1473 (http://base.garant.ru/10164072/77/).

Key points to know:

  • names of states and derivatives from them cannot be included;
  • the name should not violate religious or national rights, or contain obscene or inhumane statements;
  • cannot include the names of well-known associations;
  • should not be in tune with any popular brands.

7 naming techniques: how to come up with a name for a company

In naming (developing a name for a company or product), 7 key techniques can be distinguished.

If the above steps for choosing a name did not give any result, try these methods.

Seven key naming techniques that will help you choose a “name” for your company:

    The name of the company can be formed by the name of the founder.

    Famous brands have used this method: "", "Gillette", "Shimano".


    It is based on the repetition of monotypic words in order to form a specific rhythm and rhyme.

    A good example is the manufacturer of the sweet drink Coca-Cola.


    Abbreviation of several words.

    For example, Dolce&Gabbana, Louis Vuitton.

    Method of analogy.

    Use of well-known terms and concepts in the company name.

    For example, "Jaguar", "Puma".

    Parts of words.

    This method of word formation is similar to the abbreviation method.

    Only the first letters, but parts of the word, are used as an idea.

    For example, the company “Integral Electronics” used this method, which resulted in the world-famous “Intel”.


    This includes words that imitate the sound made by animals or humans.

    For example, for a dog food company you can choose the name “Woof”, for a girl’s magazine - “Oops”.

    Hidden meaning.

    A good example is the global brand Nike, which contains the name of the ancient Greek goddess Nike, who was considered a symbol of victory.

A few more tips for those who are choosing a name for a company:

How to come up with a company name using an online service?

The above techniques and methods did not bring the desired result, but your imagination completely refuses to cooperate?

Perhaps the only thing left to do is turn to online name generators.

It’s worth pointing out right away: don’t seriously expect that any programs are capable of generating and coming up with really cool and unique name For the company.

The sites below simply provide random options.

But it's possible that you might really like one of them.

Or at least this method can stimulate the brain to create new, unique ideas.

Online services for generating new ideas

    Brand generator http://brendogenerator.ru

    This is a convenient and quite advanced generator that has only a few set criteria:

    • sphere and region of activity of the company;
    • presence of creativity;
    • complete uniqueness.

    There are asterisks next to the words “solidity” and “elitism”.

    With their help, you simply set the number of words in the company name.

    For example, by selecting the maximum star level in the “Solidarity” item, the service will display something in the style of “SanProfAlcoAllianceUkolNightmareDispanser-M”.

    Company name generator http://namegenerator.ru/

    Thanks to this service it is possible:

    • Come up with a name for your own business.

      If you need to come up with an original name for the company, then enter “LLC” in the “Initial text” column; you can also enter the final word in .

      Then click the “Generate” button, and the program will give ten options for the company name.

      Come up with a name for the sites.

      In the “Start text” field we enter “www”, and for the “End text” field we enter ru or com.

      Generate password.

      To create a unique password, in the “Character set used” field, specify the desired number of characters for the password.

      Then you just have to click “Generate”.

    The next idea generator is on the website http://brandogenerator.ru/?algo=random

    It's very easy to use.

    You need to set the language and click “Generate”.

    The generator will display three groups of options on the screen: gold, silver and bronze.

    In fact, there is no difference between them, because the selected names are simply a set of letters.

    This generator also produces chaotic sets of letters http://planovik.ru/generator

    To obtain options for the name of the enterprise, you must enter the desired parameters and click “Generate”.

    Under the generation window you can see an indication that this service is used exclusively for generating words.

    To select a “normal” name, the creators recommend turning to real people, not robots.

    This constructor http://megagenerator.ru/brend is as easy to use as the ones above.

This article provided many ways to how to come up with a company name.

Don’t be upset if you’ve tried all the tricks (including visiting every name generation resource) and still haven’t chosen the “name of your dreams.”

Like any other creative endeavor, choosing a title can be time consuming.

But in the end, the right one will definitely be found.

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Name the company correctly- means taking the first step towards success. Managers set different goals for this. Some people want to promote a brand, others want to perpetuate their name or create a name from the names of their partners.

Some people completely avoid the meaning of the new name. What really matters is how the company shows itself later. Her activities will glorify any name. But there are still some guidelines in his choice.

  1. To begin with, the sphere is determined the company's activities and the range of its clients. For example, if a company provides services or sells premium goods, then there is no need to use the words “economy” or “cheap goods” in the name.
    This will discourage customers who want high quality and expensive services and products. The title should provide a clear guide to the content of the activity.
  2. Using names does not provide specifics in informing the client. Moreover, this is inappropriate in the name of a construction organization.
  3. The name should be easy to pronounce and read. If you “break your tongue” about it, then clients will come up with it themselves. And this already introduces the risk of misinformation. They will simply confuse you with someone else.
  4. Comfortable name. If a potential client hears it, even by chance, and becomes interested, he may become your client. For example, a person is looking for good deals on buying housing in a cottage community.
    What attracts him in the first place? Remoteness from the bustle of the city, picturesque nature. Therefore, he will probably be interested in housing companies with a name like “ Birch Grove", or "Golden Dune".
  5. Please indicate your occupation in the title. When choosing a company, the client wants certainty.

Choosing a name for a construction company (examples)

Future employees can help. This will force them to delve deeper and think about the concept of the enterprise and unite the team with a common idea.

This kind of brainstorming will give many options from which you can choose the best by voting. For example, when choosing a name for a construction organization, you need to emphasize high level service and reliability in cooperation.

Therefore, from the options - Domostroy, Capital Developer, Eternal Fortress, VashDomStroy, StroyDomServis, MigDomStroy, the name StroyNadezhServis is suitable. It reflects the company's main goals for working with clients.

This is a reliable home construction service. “ZhilStroy” is a suitable name for a house construction company, “Masterok” is a company selling construction tools.

Choosing a company name based on its owner's name

This option occurs. But then the owner should just make his name famous like Ford, Porsche and the like. If you are confident that you can turn the desired name into a brand, go ahead and name the company with your name or one you personally chose.

Assigning a company name upon registration

When registering a company need to know for sure, what will you name your brainchild. For people who will use the company’s services, it is important to understand by the name the nature of the activity and services provided. The name should be easy to read and harmonious.

If, for example, there are already 4 companies in the city with the same name, then it is better to name the fifth company differently. Such companies differ only in their registration number.

But people will not understand the registration number of your organization and can easily confuse it with competitors and go to them.

Another aspect against identical names. If the namesake company commits fines in front of clients and gets a bad reputation, then the shadow may fall on you. Therefore, when registering in the state register, choose a capacious speaking and original name new company.

The use of abbreviations for better memorability and convenient perception of the name

When registering they legitimize both the full name of the organization and an abbreviated version. The first option is used for paperwork, and the second option is used for business correspondence, internal use. The law requires that the full name must be in Russian.

But the shortened version may include foreign words. After all, many companies operate in the international market. All names must be officially registered, otherwise they will not be valid in the documents. The use of abbreviations shortens and makes the name more informative.

The words Russia and Moscow are prohibited from being used. To use them, you need permission from the Government and payment of a state fee.

Coming to government bodies To register a company, you need to have several options in stock to avoid repetitions of existing ones.

Regulatory acts

Choosing an organization name is, of course, important aspect . Preference is given to the most incredible names. But there are regulations that regulate this. When choosing a name for a new organization, get acquainted with the basic provisions Civil Code RF.

There are special rules for naming an LLC:

  • The name reveals the organizational and legal form;
  • You can use foreign words in Russian pronunciation;
  • An indication of territorial affiliation with the Russian Federation or a specific region of it;
  • You cannot use the names of proprietary brands of other organizations;
  • It is necessary that the name does not contradict the principles of humanity and morality.

Definition of its main concept in the name of the company

Each construction company has its own profile activities in a wide range of construction works. Some are engaged in construction, others are in the repair of buildings and objects. If possible, the profile should be “viewable” in the title.

This will make it easier for a client to choose your company. ZhilStroy, RegionStroy, UniversalStroy, StroyMaster, StroyGarant - these names show what the company does and how it does it - with a guarantee, universally.

The leaders are so reverent concern the future of their business that they resort to the services of astrologers and Feng Shui specialists to help them choose the right “magical” name for the enterprise.

They trust the development of a special logo that attracts good luck in business. Color is of particular importance, the shades of which are used to decorate all advertising projects and even the company’s office premises.

What is quality naming?

Naming is the area of ​​expertise in choosing a brand name. Many years of development and research have made it possible to identify a number of fundamental points in choosing a company name. Reflection of activities in names like “Windows-Grad” - production of windows in a broad aspect.

Abbreviated, capacious and sonorous names are well remembered and interest the client. For example, a company that installs ceilings and doors is PiD. The territorial affiliation of the organization may also be in the name - “Saratov Windows”.

Prohibited names

In fact, all techniques and phrases prohibited in naming are reflected in the relevant articles of the Civil Code. This:

  • Prohibited to use full and abbreviated names of states;
  • You cannot use the names of government structures Russian Federation and its subjects;
  • You cannot use the names of international, intergovernmental and public organizations;
  • Obscene, immoral, offensive for any segment of society, words cannot be included in the official name of the company;
  • Words similar in sound and spelling to well-known brands should also be excluded. This is a copyright violation.

Failure to comply with these standards may threaten the owner of the company with claims and litigation, as a result of which he may lose his well-known and well-known brand.

How to name a construction company

If you work with ordinary people, the name should not scare them away. It should be simple, concise and understandable. In this case, you should not resort to foreign words.

Introduction of foreign words into the name

If you are working with major partners, enter the foreign market, then the name should reflect the scale of your activities and the seriousness of your intentions.

In this case, it would be quite appropriate to name the company so that foreign partners would be interested in it. Foreign words in the name will be clear and close to them.

It is inappropriate to name a company only by its abbreviation. It won't tell the general user anything.

For example, a modern company housing construction registered as SGS. The client will not delve into deciphering the letters; he will find a company with a clear name.

Turn on your imagination

To get a meaningful meaning for the name, use your imagination. Come up with original names with puns. For example, if a company builds housing or industrial facilities using accelerated technologies, call it ByStroy, ShuStroy, StroyMig.

Involve as much as possible in this responsible decision. more people. You can announce a competition for the best company name. Set a cash prize. Encourage your employees to be creative about the very idea of ​​the company.

Have you decided to open your own company? Take care to choose for her good name. Without a name you will not be registered with the tax authorities and pension fund, you will not be able to open your own account, sign various contracts and conduct business activities. But how to come up with a company name and what should it be? You should think about the name in advance before you go to register with the licensing authorities. It should be euphonious, short and memorable, attracting customers, not scaring them away. Don't know how to choose the right name? Let's look at this moment.

Key principles

The local tax office can register almost any company name. But you shouldn’t take the first word or expression that comes to mind - think carefully about the name of your company and try to make it reflect its essence.

The name of the company should reflect its essence

Observe the following rules:

  1. The name should resonate with the type of activity of the company.
  2. It should be easy to read, simple and memorable.
  3. The big plus is originality. Research registries in your city to find something unique. Enter the name in an Internet search engine - the fewer pages found for your query, the better.
  4. Try to avoid ambiguity and word play: the simpler and more positive, the better.

Note: often the tax authorities do not register a company with a name that is already active in the city. You should ensure that the name is unique.

Why is it important

Most people select companies either based on reviews from friends/acquaintances, or by finding them on the Internet. A sonorous, beautiful, memorable name is attractive and sets you up for positivity and communication. Think for yourself who you would contact - the Leader company or PishPromBytDostavka. The leader will be immediately remembered, it will be easy to find her on the Internet, recommend her to friends and write down her number in the phone book.

But when choosing a name, you should be careful. People often make the mistake of naming their businesses controversial names. For example, the Gorgon beauty salon or the Atlantis travel agency are not the most reasonable solutions precisely because the name has hidden meaning, canceling out the successful activities of the company.

Explore the market

When writing a business plan, you will likely conduct market research and draw a portrait of your client. Focus on it, but don't overdo it. If most of your customers are teenagers and young people, then you can use some slang word (for example, Bomb store). But such a name will probably not appeal to older people who are poorly versed in modern trends.

The company name should be simple and memorable

Also try to tie the name to what you will be doing. For example, the name “Cheap workwear” immediately determines the type of your activity and pricing policy companies. It will be of interest to a wide range of workers who use workwear, as well as management who are looking for interesting offers for their production. But the name “Inexpensive luxury mink fur coats” will, on the contrary, scatter your audience. Those looking for an elite mink will not want to go to an inexpensive store for the general public, and those who need inexpensive fur coats will immediately reject your option because of the eliteness.

Get attached to the activity

People often choose beautiful names companies that are in no way related to the job profile. But this is not so bad - there are situations when the name misleads the client and creates a large flow of non-target audiences. For example, you sell optical sights and night vision devices for hunting. Your company is called “ Keen Eye" Most visitors will think that you can buy contact lenses, glasses, or, in extreme cases, spotting scopes and binoculars, but not NVGs.

Note: if you can’t link the name to the activity, then take a neutral, expressive name. This a good option for large and small companies.

The more original, the more clients

If you take some banal name, for example, the Aphrodite beauty salon, then you simply will not be found in search engines or directories, since there will be a huge number of the same salons in all regions of our country. Try to choose something unique - this way you will quickly be found on the Internet, and you can easily rise to the TOP without major investments.

Read also: Young millionaires of Russia: list

Only positive emotions

How to name a company so that it is successful, profitable and attracts customers? Try to call her name positive emotions. Avoid negativity and controversial situations. For example, the Nif-Nif cafe will evoke associations with a children's fairy tale for some, and a pigsty for others. The clothing store “Garden of Eden” is also not the best choice, because in paradise, according to legend, everyone wore the costumes of Adam and Eve.

Come up with a few options and experiment with them by discussing with friends and colleagues

It is also not recommended to call the business by your first or last name. As a last resort, beat her somehow to get interesting name. For example, owner Vladislav Dorn decided to open his own tourist agency and call it similar to your name. In this case, the name “Lord of the Roads” would be a good alternative. But the hairdressing salon “Lana” has a right to exist, since the name here is quite abstract. Another reason not to name the company by your own name is the possible sale of it in the future. It is unlikely that the new owner will want to manage a company named after someone unknown.

Simplicity and Memorability

The simpler the name, the easier it is to remember. Don't overload your clients with unnecessary information. For example, you decide to open a confectionery shop. You can call it “Delicious cupcakes with raisins from Valya,” but this name is unlikely to be popular. But “Funny Marmalades” will certainly be remembered and will attract many new visitors with children.

Come up with a few names and “test” them with your friends. Give them a name, find out what associations it evokes. Carry out the same experiments with children - they may give you unexpected results.

Remember the laws

The law clearly regulates the requirements for company names, so be sure to carefully study this section. Let's figure out how to name a company so that it is successful. The list of title requirements is as follows:

  1. All foreign names in official papers and in advertising must be written only in Russian letters. That is, inventing English name think about how it will look in transcription. Foreign letters can only be used in the abbreviated name.
  2. The name includes the form of ownership of the company. That is, in short you can be called “Nymph” LLC, but officially you will be a company with limited liability"Nymph".
  3. The company name should not contain the names of countries or official names government agencies. You will not be able to name the company “Form for the FSB”, “Lawyers from the GPU” or “Beer from the Czech Republic”.
  4. Brands of well-known companies cannot be used. You will not be able to register the company “Apple Laptops” or “Voronezh Sprite”.
  5. It is not allowed to use names that offend the feelings of believers or certain categories of citizens.

Note: you can register two names for a company - one official, the other a short one. This will allow you to significantly expand the company's capabilities.

Brevity is the sister of talent, the simpler the name, the more clients will remember it

For example, your company’s official name is “Irkutsk Specialist Management Company”, or “IFUS” for short. IFUS is an interesting and memorable name that will appear in advertising and spoken language, and in official documents there will be a complete decoding of this name.



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