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The best ways to find out the name of your future husband: by hand, date of birth and cards. Fortune telling about your future husband: several ways to find out the name of your betrothed

You can find out the name of your future husband using ancient fortune telling. There are many ways to tell fortunes about your husband. We present to you the most accurate and simple ones that any woman can use. Before any such fortune-telling, it is important to form in your head an image of the person you would like to see next to you; this will help you tune in to the fortune-telling process itself.

Fortune telling for husband's name using a book

Take any book. It is advisable to choose fiction. If the book is about love, then even better. Open the book to a page equal to the number of your birthday. Write down the letter the page begins with. Then open the page equal to the day of your birth month and do the same. Next, open a page equal to your father’s birth number and also write down the first letter on this page. So, you have three letters. These letters will be the initials of your future spouse's name.

How to find out your husband's name with the help of your relatives

It is believed that a woman chooses a man similar to her father as her husband. Psychologists say that this is indeed true. Sometimes things get ridiculous: a girl’s husband becomes a man whose name is the same as her father’s. It happens that when choosing a life partner, a woman is driven by her tribal instincts. In this case, she receives as a husband not only a man similar to her father, but also a name that is most often found in the paternal family.

So if you want to find out the name of your future husband, then you need to find the most popular among your father’s relatives male name. This will be the name of your chosen one.

How to find out your husband's name using wax

This ancient fortune telling must be done late in the evening. You will need a candle and a dish of water. Light a candle and ask what you want to know. Let the candle melt a little, and then tilt it over the saucer and start dripping wax into the water. After a couple of seconds or minutes, the wax will harden on the surface of the water in the form of one or several letters. This will give you the opportunity to find out the name of your future husband.

If you want to get reliable information, you shouldn't do it too often. Remember the saying: don’t guess often - you’ll lose your life. Once is enough to see the future. If the future is in no hurry to reveal its secrets to you, then it means the time has not yet come. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.09.2014 09:05

Epiphany fortune telling is considered one of the most accurate. Our ancestors also used this time to...

Almost every woman dreams of getting married successfully. For some reason this cannot be done...

Fortune telling about your husband, like other types of fortune telling, should be carried out in a calm state of mind. Fortune telling attributes and decks of cards sense a person's anxiety, fear or anger, and can distort information. Fortune telling takes a lot of internal strength, so you should start it only when you are physically healthy. It is not recommended to tell other people about the fortune telling until its results come true.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Prediction by hand

    The marriage line is responsible for the love sphere in the palm. It is located on the Mount of Mercury, slightly below the base of the little finger. Often the marriage line is located on the very edge of the palm, and you can see it only by squeezing your fingers a little.

    Not everyone has this line. Its absence speaks of an emotionally cold nature that is indifferent to love. Sometimes it happens that this line is present in a person who is connected family ties. This indicates a marriage of convenience.

    In some cases, marriage lines arise regardless of official relations. If in a person’s life there was true love, he wanted to create a family union, but this never happened - the imprint of the marriage line will still remain. Its characteristics:

    • Long and clear line - indicates long relationship. Short - speaks of a fleeting connection.
    • Short lines extending downwards from the marriage line indicate problems in relationships. These difficulties will eventually destroy the marriage.
    • The downward end of the marriage line is a sign of dissatisfaction in the relationship. The person is disappointed in this partner, and the love affair is the source constant problems and hassle.
    • The marriage line crossing the heart line indicates widowhood. A person grieves or will grieve for a loved one who has passed into another world.
    • The marriage line reaching the line of the mind is a sign of an unhealthy psychological atmosphere within the family. This may be the despotic behavior of one of the partners, domestic violence, alcoholism.
    • A branch at the end of the line indicates a high probability of divorce.
    • A fork present at the beginning of the line indicates a reunion with a former partner. This symbol usually appears in cases where a husband and wife divorce and then remarry.

    Tarot fortune telling

    Fortune telling using Tarot cards allows you to find out the peculiarities of the circumstances under which the meeting will take place, the character traits of the future husband, and the most likely scenario for the development of the relationship. For a session, it is preferable to use a full deck containing both the major and minor Arcana.

    For single women

    The following Tarot reading is intended only for single ladies. The layout allows you to find out what qualities the future spouse will have, and also gives an idea of ​​​​what kind of partner she needs and how the relationship will develop after the wedding. The layout is carried out according to the following scheme:

    Cards are interpreted as follows:

    1. 1. Which man will suit the fortuneteller in the best way.
    2. 2. What character traits should this person have.
    3. 3. How dear are family values ​​to the future chosen one?
    4. 4. His material wealth, whether the spouse will bring income home.
    5. 5. Economic inclinations.
    6. 6. Degree of decency, risk of betrayal on his part.
    7. 7. General forecast for life together.

    Fortune telling for those in a relationship

    This arrangement is suitable for those women who are in a hopeless love affair. Fortune telling allows you to find out who your future spouse may be currently, or how to meet him. Cards are laid out according to the scheme:

    Interpretation of cards:

    1. 1. The state of mind of the fortuneteller.
    2. 2. Features of the relationship with the future spouse now, who is his worst enemy.
    3. 3. The sphere of activity that is common to the fortuneteller and this person.
    4. 4. Features of his character and worldview.
    5. 5. What will be the impetus for the development of relationships.
    6. 6. Will a connection with your current partner interfere with building a new relationship.
    7. 7. The card’s advice on whether it’s worth breaking up your current relationship for the sake of new love.

    Universal layout

    The next option for fortune telling is suitable for both single women and those in relationships. Cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Card meaning:

    1. 1. Features of the fortuneteller’s current state of mind.
    2. 2. The circumstances under which the meeting with the future spouse will take place.
    3. 3. When exactly will the acquaintance take place?
    4. 4. Personality characteristics of the future husband.
    5. 5. Will this marriage bring happiness or will it become an ordeal?
    6. 6. What life together will be like.
    7. 7. Advice from the deck regarding the need for this relationship.

    General layout "New Union"

    This fortune telling allows you to find out whether the new love affair will be happy and whether it will bring satisfaction to the fortuneteller. Cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Interpretation of cards:

    • How does the fortuneteller see herself in this union?
    • How she sees her new partner.
    • What helped them connect.
    • What holds this connection together now.
    • Will family life be happy?

    Fortune telling for the future spouse

    With the help of some fortune telling, you can find out the name of your future spouse. This can be done by divination using a table, book, notes, coffee grounds, as well as by the divination’s date of birth.

    Fortune telling by table

    To find out the name of your future chosen one, you need to close your eyes, relax and choose a number at random by pointing your mouse or finger at the table:

    Decoding numbers 1 to 25:

    • 1 - Rustam;
    • 2 - Herman;
    • 3 - Leonid;
    • 4 - Taras;
    • 5 - Rashid;
    • 6 - Vlas;
    • 7 - Azamat;
    • 8 - David;
    • 9 - Dementia;
    • 10 - Klim;
    • 11 - Robert;
    • 12 - Victor;
    • 13 - Abram;
    • 14 - Ignat;
    • 15 - Mark;
    • 16 - Athanasius;
    • 17 - Rodion;
    • 18 - Nikita;
    • 19 - Eric;
    • 20 - Albert;
    • 21 - Benjamin;
    • 22 - Prokhor;
    • 23 - Konstantin;
    • 24 - Nikifor;
    • 25 - Bogdan.

    Numbers 26 to 50:

    • 26 - Miron;
    • 27 - Vasily;
    • 28 - Abdullah;
    • 29 - Kai;
    • 30 - Dmitry;
    • 31 - Alexander;
    • 32 - Vadim;
    • 33 - Nikolay;
    • 34 - Peter;
    • 35 - Sergey;
    • 36 - Kirill;
    • 37 - Daniel;
    • 38 - Andrey;
    • 39 - Egor;
    • 40 - Ilya;
    • 41 - Innocent;
    • 42 - Taras;
    • 43 - Tikhon;
    • 44 - Gregory;
    • 45 - Anatoly;
    • 46 - Gennady;
    • 47 - Timur;
    • 48 - Valery;
    • 49 - Philemon;
    • 50 - Azat.

    Numbers 51 to 75:

    • 51 - Edmund;
    • 52 - Igor;
    • 53 - Spartak;
    • 54 - Arseny;
    • 55 - Valentine;
    • 56 - Savely;
    • 57 - Arthur;
    • 58 - Maxim;
    • 59 - Vladimir;
    • 60 - Fedor;
    • 61 - Semyon;
    • 62 - Philip;
    • 63 - Bogdan;
    • 64 - Anton;
    • 65 - Moses;
    • 66 - Nahum;
    • 67 - Denis;
    • 68 - Artem;
    • 69 - Joseph;
    • 70 - Matvey;
    • 71 - Arkady;
    • 72 - Nazar;
    • 73 - Amir;
    • 74 - Ilya;
    • 75 - Vitaly;

    Numbers 76 to 100:

    • 76 - Zakhar;
    • 77 - Yaroslav;
    • 78 - Andrey;
    • 79 - Makar;
    • 80 - Gleb;
    • 81 - Peter;
    • 82 - Ahmed;
    • 83 - Evgeniy;
    • 84 - Sergey;
    • 85 - Vyacheslav;
    • 86 - Ruslan;
    • 87 - Oleg;
    • 88 - Ibrahim;
    • 89 - Svyatoslav;
    • 90 - Stepan;
    • 91 - Marat;
    • 92 - Rinat;
    • 93 - Edward;
    • 94 - Novel;
    • 95 - Damir;
    • 96 - Alexander;
    • 97 - Yuri;
    • 98 - Ivan;
    • 99 - Ildar;
    • 100 - Mikhail.

    Based on the book

    Any book is suitable for fortune telling, preferably in the romance genre. This is done as follows:

    1. 1. Open the book on a page equal to the date of birth. Write down the letter with which this page begins.
    2. 2. Open the page whose number corresponds to the day of birth, and also write down the first letter.
    3. 3. Then open the page whose number is equal to the birth date of the fortuneteller’s father, and write down the final letter.

    The result is three letters. They are the initials of the future spouse.

    By date of birth

    To find out the name of your future spouse by date of birth, you should:

    1. 1. Write down your date, month and year of birth.
    2. 2. Add all the numbers.
    3. 3. If the number is two-digit, add it again to single-digit.
    4. 4. In the list below, find the letter that will be capitalized in the name of the chosen one.

    Letters and numbers correspondence:

    1. 1. I; S, I;
    2. 2. B, P, R;
    3. 3. X, B, Y;
    4. 4. G, K, Z, E;
    5. 5. D, K, M, Y;
    6. 6. C, L, E, A;
    7. 7. Ch, K, O;
    8. 8. N, T, F, W;
    9. 9. R, Shch, F.

    According to papers

    Fortune telling is carried out as follows:

    1. 1. A sheet of paper is divided into several small pieces of paper.
    2. 2. On each of the scraps you should indicate one male name.
    3. 3. The pieces of paper are folded and placed under the pillow.
    4. 4. In the morning you need to get one of them.

    The name of the future spouse will be indicated on this note.

    Through the coffee grounds

    1. 1. Place a candle and a saucer on the table.
    2. 2. Fill the cup halfway with ground coffee and drink it in small sips.
    3. 3. When only the grounds remain, the saucer should be turned upside down onto the cup and raised after 1-2 minutes.
    4. 4. The letters of the name of the future spouse will be drawn in the stains on the walls of the cup.

    Fortune telling with ring and candle

    The ceremony takes place in the evening. For the sacrament you will need:

    • regular smooth ring;
    • red wax candle;
    • strong rope or thread;
    • a piece of paper with the alphabet written on it.

    The ring is put on the candle (it should go down or catch on the candlestick). Then the words of the conspiracy are pronounced:

    “My beloved wanders around the world, he still doesn’t find the ring. He looks at his feet, looks for the ring, but tells me his name. What is your name, betrothed?”

    When the candle burns out completely, the ring should be hung on a thread. An improvised pendulum is held over a sheet of paper. The deviation of the ring will indicate those letters that make up the name of the future husband.

    When will the meeting take place: fortune telling with playing cards

    For divination on playing cards a new deck is used. First you need to lay out a blank card that symbolizes the fortuneteller. For women who cast a spell on love, this is usually the queen of hearts. Then the cards are shuffled and 12 cards are laid out around the form, one for each month. The first of the cards tells about the events of the month in which fortune telling is carried out, the second indicates the next month, etc. The countdown does not start from the 1st to the 31st, but from the date of fortune telling. Each of the cards has its own meaning:

    • Jacks predict petty intrigues and flirting, the presence of frivolous admirers.
    • Kings are messengers of the interest of wealthy men. But nothing can be said about the nature of these relationships yet.
    • Aces of clubs, diamonds and spades indicate those people who claim the hand and heart of the fortuneteller.
    • The Ace of Hearts is the best sign. Its occurrence suggests that in the life of a fortune teller there is a person destined for her by fate. It is with him that true love awaits her.

    After the session, the fortune telling cards should be laid out in four rows (according to suits), in ascending order. This will allow the deck to be cleared of information, and it will give better predictions in the future.

    Fortune telling by patches on hair color

    With the help of this divination, you can tell fortunes about the appearance of your chosen one. For fortune telling, you will need pieces of fabric of different colors - white, black, orange and gray. You will also need a bag or box.

    The scraps are put into a bag. Then the question is asked: “What color will my lover’s hair be?” After which any piece of fabric is pulled out:

    • white means blond;
    • black - dark-haired;
    • orange - red;
    • gray - a light-haired man.

    Fortune telling by calendar

    To carry out this fortune telling you will need new calendar. The most optimal time for fortune telling according to the calendar is new year holidays. But if the New Year is far away, it is allowed to perform fortune telling at other times.

    The fortuneteller should retire and concentrate on her desire to meet her chosen one. Then with eyes closed One of the pages on the calendar is torn out at random. The day of the week on the piece of paper gives a hint about a future meeting:

    Day of the week Interpretation
    MondayThe fortuneteller is already familiar with her future chosen one. If this is not the case, then the meeting will happen very soon. At the same time, the fortuneteller will be able to immediately charm the man
    TuesdayIn the near future, a relationship that would lead to marriage is not expected. If the fortuneteller is not married, but is dating someone or living in a civil marriage, most likely the relationship will break up on her initiative
    WednesdayAmong close people there is a person who really values ​​\u200b\u200bthe fortuneteller. She should give him some time more attention- perhaps he is her destiny. In this case, a marriage proposal will not be long in coming.
    ThursdayThe chances of getting married are quite high. This will not be the person from whom the fortuneteller could expect such a step. But the fortuneteller should not rush to conclusions - perhaps this person will eventually become loved and desired
    FridayMarriage will take place very soon. Even if the fortuneteller is still alone, acquaintance will occur in the next month
    SaturdayThe reason for loneliness lies in psychological characteristics the sorceress herself. Subconsciously she avoids marriage. If you don't reconsider your life values, you can be alone for a long time
    SundayThere will be no marriage proposals this year. But on the way you will meet a person with whom the fortuneteller will have deep feelings. If you can discern kindred spirits in each other, then your life together will be long and filled with mutual understanding.

    Conspiracies to make your future spouse dream

    Summoned by a spell prophetic dreams should not always be taken literally. Example: a girl may dream famous actor. This may mean that her future husband will be a foreigner.

    On the plantain

    The girl should go to the crossroads where the plantain grows. The words are spoken above him:

    “Plantain, traveler’s assistant, have you seen my betrothed?”

    Then the charmed leaf should be torn off with the help of the lips and silently go home. The plantain is placed under the pillow. At night the future spouse will dream. You can't talk to anyone until the next day.

    On a poplar branch

    Fortune telling is carried out for three weeks in a row, on the night from Wednesday to Thursday.

    1. 1. From the beginning of the week, the fortuneteller must put on a new stocking.
    2. 2. On Wednesday evening, a thread is taken out of it and a poplar branch is tied with it.
    3. 3. The branch should be spoken and placed at the head of the bed.

    Text of the spell: “Polar, poplar, show me your betrothed. If you don’t show me, I won’t untie you, I won’t let you go free.”

    Each time a new stocking and a new branch are taken. If it is not possible to get the thread out of the stocking, you should get a stocking with a bandage in the form of a ribbon or lace. If no one dreams for three nights, this means that there is no wedding yet.

    For a baked pie

    This fortune telling will require effort on the part of the fortuneteller. You can't drink, eat or talk all day. In the evening, the girl must bake a pie and say to him: “I’ve been silent all day, I want to see my betrothed. Pie, pie, tell me about your betrothed, bring him to the doorstep.”

    Then the girl should eat a piece and go to bed. In a dream she will see her future husband.

    Where will the meeting take place? Fortune telling on wax and sand

    Prepare sea or river sand, a wax candle and a new knife in advance. In the morning, sand is poured onto a sheet of paper. The candle is lit and held several times over the burning flame, saying the words:

    “Golden sand, reveal the secret to me! Where will I meet my dear one, where will I recognize him?”

    The sand is then mixed with a knife. They don't pour it on him a large number of candle wax. When it dries, you can begin to decipher the prediction:

    • straight lines indicate familiarity in the work environment;
    • wavy - among friends;
    • large circles indicate that the fortuneteller is already familiar with her future spouse;
    • small circles indicate that they have mutual acquaintances, or that they are acquainted with the fortuneteller’s husband in absentia;
    • images of animals or plants - acquaintance will take place in nature;
    • human silhouette - the meeting will take place through another person (acquaintance, relative, etc.).

    Meeting your soulmate according to the horoscope

    Using a horoscope, you can find out about the approximate time of marriage and which zodiac sign is best suited as a future spouse:

    Zodiac sign Characteristics and behavior in relationships Which zodiac signs suit you best?
    AriesAries often rushes things. Their impulsiveness does not allow them to wait, so they get married very early. They are often disappointed in their chosen one. Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign take their time and weigh the pros and cons before getting married.Gemini, Leo, Aquarius
    TaurusThe Taurus approach is distinguished by sobriety and prudence. This trait allows them to create strong and reliable families. They usually meet their soulmate between the ages of 25 and 30-35. If Taurus is confident in his choice, he can safely marryVirgo, Capricorn, Pisces
    TwinsThey love freedom, easily switching from one love affair to another. There may be a large number of romances in their lives, since Geminis quickly get bored with one partner. But often, with the onset of personal maturity (after 30-35 years), Geminis begin to think more seriously about family and settle downAries, Leo, Libra
    CancerDreaming of a family with early years. Therefore, Cancers get married quite early. The likelihood of a subsequent divorce does not frighten them, and this confidence is justified. In adulthood, Cancers can start a family again, or return to their previous partner after separationTaurus, Scorpio, Pisces
    a lionNoble Leos are picky in choosing a partner and are monogamous by nature. They can live alone for quite a long time. As soon as Leos manage to find a partner for a serious relationship, they stop searching. Leos can start families at any stage of life, but most often this does not happen at a young ageAries, Sagittarius, Libra
    VirgoMost Virgos are careerists who put work and self-development first. Therefore, representatives of this sign are divided into two categories. Some Virgos get married as soon as possible, and then build a career without regard to society’s demands to start a family. Others marry only after they manage to achieve serious career heightsTaurus, Scorpio, Capricorn
    ScalesFamily is one of the most important priorities for Libra. But their indecisiveness prevents them from creating lasting relationships. Therefore, Libra can remain alone for a long time. Astrologers recommend that such people postpone starting a family and devote some time to self-knowledgeGemini, Leo, Aquarius
    ScorpionThey often go to extremes: they fall in love, then they cool down. Scorpios look for support and support in their lover. This sign expects several marriages throughout life.Cancer, Capricorn, Pisces
    SagittariusGreat lovers of freedom and intolerant of obligations. At the same time, it is very difficult for Sagittarius to find a person who would understand them. That's why they get married very lateAries, Virgo, Leo
    CapricornDifficulties family life Capricorns don't care. Representatives of this sign, on the contrary, love to fight fate and thereby become stronger. They marry at an early age and often for lifeTaurus, Pisces, Scorpio
    AquariusThe priorities for representatives of this sign are freedom and power. Aquarians do not like restrictions, and they perceive the family as a burden. But besides freedom, they also value stability. If they manage to find a partner with common values, marriage can take place at any timeAries, Libra, Sagittarius
    FishThey have a well-developed imagination and often withdraw into themselves. This is perceived by people as coldness and detachment. That's why Pisces start families in adulthoodCapricorn, Taurus, Virgo

    For fortune telling to be truthful, it should not be carried out too often. If the fortune-telling results do not satisfy the fortuneteller, it is not recommended to start the next session earlier than in a month. Otherwise, you may receive incorrect information or delay a possible meeting with your future lover.

Ancient fortune telling

Card reading

All four kings are chosen from a deck of cards, and for each the girl thinks of a man's name. The remaining deck must be thoroughly shuffled and the cards must be laid out one at a time under each king, under which card the ace of hearts falls, which means that this will be the name of the future husband. It is believed that the sooner the ace of hearts comes out of the deck, the more accurate the fortune telling.

Fortune telling by book

You need to take a directory of names and open any page at random. The first name that catches your eye will be the name of your future husband.

If they are guessing from an ordinary book, then they guess the page number, line and word in the line. The first letter of the intended word will correspond to the name of the betrothed.

Fortune telling using a pendulum

It is advisable to make the pendulum from silver or, which should be suspended on a thin strong thread about 20 centimeters long. All the letters of the alphabet are written on a piece of paper. The fortune-telling girl places her hand with the pendulum in the center of the table and lets it stop completely, and then begins to slowly move her hand along the letters, trying not to swing it. Above which letter the pendulum begins to swing or spin, it means that the name of the future beloved man will begin with this letter.

Fortune telling on apple peel

You need to carefully peel the apple so that it does not tear, then you should throw the peel with your right hand over your left shoulder. The shape of the peel when it falls on the floor will be a clue to the first letter of the name of the future husband. Girls with a rich imagination are sometimes even able to read the entire name of the person destined for them by fate.

Moon fortune telling

Fortune telling should be done on the new moon. You need to stand by the window and look at new moon, trying not to blink. Then the following words should be said: “Hello, Selena, I ask you, tell me who I will marry.” After this, you should not talk to anyone and go to bed. The future husband or his name should appear in a dream.

Modern methods of fortune telling for the betrothed

New methods of fortune telling are very popular in the world. Now TV, computer, radio and telephone have come to the aid of the girls.

Radio fortune telling

You need to randomly turn on any radio station and the first male name you hear will correspond to the name of your future spouse.

Fortune telling on TV

You should concentrate and turn on the TV. The first man seen on the screen will be the symbolic embodiment of the future husband. He will have the same hair color, figure, age and name.

Fortune telling by phone

You need a random phone number and if a man picks up, ask him what his name is.

Fortune telling by computer

You should mentally formulate a question and enter it into any search engine. The first link and picture that appears will be the answer to the name of your future lover.

Every girl dreams of seeing her betrothed in a dream, and even more so, finding out his name, and magic offers many ways to do this. It is not at all necessary to resort to dangerous rituals using several mirrors. Such flirtations with other world can turn into real disaster. In addition, if you want to find out about your betrothed we're talking about not only about fortune telling on cards, but about special rituals, simple to perform, but extremely effective.

How to find out your betrothed's name from coffee grounds

The drink, beloved by many, can be used not only for traditional fortune telling, but also to determine the name of the future spouse. This fortune telling is best done not with friends, but alone. This is best done after sunset on any odd date of the month.

Brew coffee in YOUR cup. Do not put the spoon in the cup. Light a wax candle, place it to the right of the cup and a deep saucer to the left. Take a sip of the slightly cooled coffee and look at the candle flame.

IN coffee fortune telling It is important to read the picture correctly. There may be many symbols hidden in it

Try to imagine your chosen one as you would like to see him and again focus on the candle flame. According to the number of years of your life, in a whisper or quietly out loud, while continuing to look at the candle flame, read the spell: “Fire cleanses my path, coffee reveals secrets to me. Show me my betrothed, his name and his face. Let it be so".

Fortune telling with coffee grounds is widespread in Turkey. There is even a proverb: “ Coffee cup keeps memories for forty years.” And the symbols that can be seen by looking at the bizarre patterns of the coffee you drink are universal. Knowing the basics, you can easily interpret the symbols.

After this, finish the coffee, leaving just a little liquid. Slowly pour the coffee grounds along the edge of the saucer, and quickly splash the rest in the center. Bring the saucer to the fire, tilt it slightly and carefully examine the resulting pattern.

Interpretation of symbols on coffee grounds

Here are some classic interpretations. If a lot of coffee has accumulated around the edges of the cup and a wave pattern has formed, this is a symbol of wealth. Your chosen one will be a wealthy person and manage money effectively.

The symbols on the coffee grounds are deep meaning. Experienced predictors see future events in them

A symbol of marriage on the surface coffee grounds serves as an X-shaped cross. An outlined cross with a white line inside means the same thing. A clearly marked circle indicates that your family life will be cloudless, but if the drawing takes the form of an arc, for a girl who has not yet met her chosen one, it means a new acquaintance.

Favorable symbols for personal life: short strokes are a sign of good luck, an oval is a quick wedding, a rectangle is success in love.

Many small circles without spots, evenly spaced across the surface of the cup, mean that you will never be in poverty in your family life. The more of these circles you have, the more grandly you will live. But the same circles, if there are a large number of spots on them, are a symbol of children.

If a clearly marked line crosses the cup or its bottom from edge to edge, there can be two meanings. First, you have a journey ahead, during which a fateful meeting. Secondly, you have to pass a test of strength, which will bring you respect and honor from representatives of the stronger half of humanity. The second meaning is correct if you see the Latin letter V next to the straight line.

The book will reveal the secrets of the future

A book for fortune telling should be on an appropriate topic, that is, about love. You will need a sheet of paper, a regular ink pen and a pendulum. On a piece of paper, write the numbers from one to nine in a row. Take a pendulum (pass a thick thread through a ring if you don’t have a special pendulum) and determine in advance exactly how the pendulum will show you the answer “yes” and the answer “no”.

All modern fortune-telling on a book is in one way or another connected with fortune-telling on Big Book Changes or I-Ching, the oldest written monument of world literature. To tell fortunes about your betrothed, you can use the text of this book.

For example, moving clockwise will mean an affirmative answer, counterclockwise will mean a negative answer. Or - the answer is “yes” if the pendulum moves along a line perpendicular to you, and the answer is “no” if the pendulum remains motionless. Then place the pendulum over the numbers. Alternately move the pendulum along the number series and watch when it gives a positive answer. Mark this number. Repeat three more times and write down the numbers. For example, they dropped: 4359.

When fortune telling for your betrothed, choose love story with a happy ending

In this sequence, the first three digits will indicate the page number, the last - the line number. If the book has fewer pages, add up the first three digits to get a two-digit number that represents the page. In our example, 4+3+5=12. See the answer on page 12. If there is no name on the dropped line, pay attention to the first letter of the line. The betrothed's name will begin with it. If there is a specific name on a line, look at what letter it starts with. The name of your life partner will begin with the same.

How to see your chosen one in a dream

This fortune telling requires a little preparation. It is quite possible to see the image of your betrothed in a dream, but it is advisable to do this in the first three days of the new moon or at least on the waxing moon. For the first two nights of preparation, you will need to go to bed a little earlier than usual if you are used to falling asleep later than midnight. If your sleep pattern is not disturbed, then preparation may not be required.

Wood is considered an excellent conductor of subtle energies, so if you put a wooden comb under your pillow and say a short spell: “Come in a dream, betrothed, come in a dream, destined by fate. I’ll comb you and ask you about our future fate.” After this, without talking to anyone, you need to try to sleep. It is believed that on this night you will see your future spouse.

On the night of fortune telling, without telling anyone about your intentions, briefly describe your request on a piece of paper. Describe what you want to see in your betrothed’s dream and under what circumstances. Be sure to indicate that you want to know his name, because without taking this moment into account, you may see the image of your companion, but the circumstances of the dream will be such that you will not have the opportunity to ask him a question. Fold a sheet of paper twice and place it under your pillow.

The answer in a dream can come in the form of an image. It is important to decipher it correctly

Take the most comfortable position for you and try to relax all the muscles of your body. It’s better from top to bottom - relax the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders, arms, abdomen and move gradually down. When you feel that you are starting to fall asleep, in your own words again set yourself what exactly you want to see in your dream. Important rule- be sure to leave a notepad and pen by your bed so you can write down your dream in the morning.

It often happens that when they see an answer in a dream, they do not immediately write it down, and after half an hour many of the details of what was taken are forgotten. The answer to your request, if you strictly followed the proposed technique, can come in a direct form - you will simply see the companion prepared for you by fate, and he himself will say or someone will say his name. It also happens that the answer comes in the form of an image. For example, you will read a name on a piece of paper or see it on the wall of a building or something else, because in a dream everything is possible.

Tarot cards will tell you about your soulmate

Before any fortune telling, it is important to find the appropriate mood. Try any relaxation technique or use the one suggested in. Your task during fortune telling is to have an even emotional mood. First, determine the significator card, which will represent your betrothed. Place it in the center. Then, from left to right around the central card, place the remaining eight.

The first denotes the mind of your chosen one, his beliefs and his way of thinking. The second card represents his heart. The card will show how emotional he is and whether he is inclined to show his emotions in public. The third card will show his activities during outside world. You will be able to determine how active he is in society. The fourth card denotes the environment of your chosen one - either his character or a significant person in his life, which will be denoted by any other figured card and certain cards from the Major Arcana.

When interpreting Tarot cards, keep inner peace so that the result is clean

The fifth card will describe what kind of “relationship” your chosen one has with money. Good sign, if the card of pentacles is drawn, especially an ace. The sixth card will describe the nature of your relationship with your partner.

It’s great if a card of cups appears in this position, with the exception of some that have a negative connotation.

The most favorable card of the deck in the romantic sphere is considered to be the ace, denoting true mutual love and trust, the three of cups foreshadows a wedding, the four warns against grievances from the past and foretells a delay in love affairs, the five - the pangs of love, the six - former love, the seven - romanticism, the eight - separation, nine - deep cordial relationships, ten - wedding, as well as jack - marriage proposal, knight - spring in a relationship, queen - this is gentle loving woman, the king is, accordingly, a loving man.

The seventh card will help determine the time of the likely meeting, and the eighth will generally show what your union will be like. If you have not used Tarot cards before and naturally do not have your own descriptions of each card, use the classic meanings, for example, those proposed by the famous tarot reader and esoteric philosopher Hayo Banzhaf.

Special notes on fortune telling

All fortune telling for a betrothed, as a rule, is aimed at obtaining an answer hidden in the depths of our own heart. Therefore, when starting any of them, cast aside all doubts.

It is especially important to observe this when fortune telling with cards, otherwise the cards will describe not the answer to the question, but your own emotions that are prevailing at the moment.

Fortune telling helps you discover the answers already hidden within your being.

The same applies to other fortune telling, each of which is preceded by a short relaxation session, precisely designed to calm your mind and free your heart from excess emotions.

You can even get an answer to any question you are interested in, as well as find out the name of your future spouse, by paying attention to a phrase accidentally thrown at a passerby or from a line heard in a film.

The only question is whether you remain aware and ready to read the signs that the Universe constantly gives you if you ask a certain question. The answer is always there, keep your heart open to it.

Fortune telling about your future husband will be an excellent way to save yourself from troubles in the family and predict the habits and desires of your future chosen one.

In the article:

Fortune telling about a future husband for single women

If you are not yet married, you have the opportunity to find out about your future family happiness with the help of fortune telling for your future husband. It’s not a problem if you are not currently in a relationship with men, with the help of fortune telling on the cards you can easily find out about the one you have not yet met on your life’s path.

For this layout, any cards can be used - both Tarot and ordinary playing cards, if previously only you used them for predictions and not for playing. Shuffle the deck as you normally would. Place the first card on the table at random, face down. Below it, lay out six cards in three rows, a pair in each row. There should be seven cards in total, which will tell you about who you will live with in marriage.

  • First the card represents you, your condition and mood to find a husband and find family happiness. Perhaps it's all about the attitude towards marriage.
  • Second the card will tell you when you will meet your husband. It indicates precisely the time, perhaps some period of life, and sometimes reveals the place.
  • Third talks about the circumstances under which the meeting will take place and what it will be like. Thanks to this information, you will not miss your betrothed.
  • Fourth will describe the personality and sometimes even the appearance of the person who marries you.
  • Fifth the card speaks about whether this person is destined by fate.
  • Sixth- how life will be after the wedding, what your family life will be like in general.
  • Seventh the card will give advice on marriage and relationships with your future spouse.

Fortune telling for the future husband

With the help of fortune telling, you can find out not only the qualities of your future husband, but also his name. There are many ways to obtain this information, but they do not work for everyone. For getting true prediction Concentration and the ability to create the right mood are very important, then you can easily find out the name of the person you are going to marry. Don't forget about others.

During the new moon, the name can be recognized in a dream. Before going to bed, you should open the window, sit for a while on the windowsill or near the window and spend a little time concentrating on what you want to achieve. After this the following words are said:

Selena, greetings! Please tell me the secret of who will become my husband

Then go straight to bed. On this night you cannot talk to anyone, receive phone calls or open the door for anyone. Try to make sure that no one disturbs you in advance.

In the old days it was popular with the help of an apple. Using a sharp knife, remove the peel so that it forms a spiral. The peel is thrown behind the back right hand over the left shoulder, and then look at what letter it looks like after the fall.

If you have several suitors, you can find out which one you will marry. You can use this fortune telling in another situation, for example, write the names of all the guys you know and add another word “stranger”. They write names on the same paper, but at a respectful distance from each other. Then they take a ring on a string or, if you know how to tell fortunes with a pendulum, you can use it. Under no circumstances should you use it; its magic, according to signs, can completely distort the result. By the movement of the pendulum they predict what name the betrothed will have. Sometimes this is done when telling fortunes about a future boyfriend; it is believed that the ring will behave differently on the name of a person who is somehow connected with you than on other names.

Fortune telling for the future with a man “Future Husband”

First, place seven cards on the table from right to left so that they form a semicircle. Place the eighth over the fifth card, the ninth over the third, and the last, tenth over the fourth. Now you can begin to decipher the prediction and make decisions about the wedding and future family life.

  • First The card speaks about your expectations from family life and from the person you are going to make your spouse.
  • Second will tell you what kind of husband he will make young man whether he will meet your expectations and whether life with him will correspond to your ideas.
  • Third the card is his attitude towards you, and how it will change after marriage.
  • Fourth- his relationship with your parents.
  • By value fifth the cards judge his thriftiness, ability to earn money and be useful to his family.
  • Sixth the card will tell you which chosen one will be the father.
  • Seventh- intimate relationships after marriage.
  • Eighth states the likelihood of having a healthy child in this couple.
  • Ninth the card will warn about the tendency specific person to betrayal.
  • The last one tenth the card will give some advice about the guy and the relationship with him.

In general, these fortune-telling talk about who will be your real chosen one and do not apply to short-term partners, therefore, if your Life is going with contradictory interpretations - this only means that you have not yet met your destined life partner.



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