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The month of Ramadan. A selection of pictures and postcards with congratulations in poetry and prose on the day of the end of Ramadan. What is Ramadan, the Muslim holy month?

The holy month of Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. It is the most important and significant of all periods of the year. With its onset, every devout Muslim must begin fasting, as well as perform a number of necessary preparations and religious rituals.

Holy fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam and must mandatory observed from morning prayer to evening prayer. In Islam, this type of worship has the goal of bringing believers closer to Allah. When the Prophet Muhammad was asked: “Which is the best deed?” He replied: “Fasting, for nothing compares to it.”

Fasting begins at dawn and ends after sunset. During the month of Ramadan, devout Muslims refuse to eat food during the daytime. In Islam, there are two night meals: Suhur - pre-dawn and Iftar - evening.


Throughout Ramadan, Muslims eat their morning meal before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action.

During traditional Suhoor, you should not overeat, but you should eat enough food. Suhoor gives you strength for the whole day. It is recommended to finish eating 10-20 minutes before the time indicated on the calendar.

If a believer does not perform suhur, then his day of fasting remains valid, but he will not receive any reward.


The evening meal should begin immediately after sunset, that is, after the last prayer of the day (or the fourth, penultimate prayer of that day). After Iftar comes Isha - night prayer Muslims (the last of the five obligatory daily prayers).

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and is translated from Arabic as “hot” or “sultry.” In Islam, this is a sacred time of fasting, spiritual purification and abstinence from earthly passions in the name of Allah. For every devout Muslim, to endure the harsh restrictions of Ramadan means to prove his loyalty to the Almighty. Thus, during this blessed month there are a number of prohibitions and restrictions - eating and drinking, smoking and intimacy are prohibited from dawn to sunset. In addition, during Ramadan it is necessary to perform namaz, read the Koran, give alms to the poor and earn the mercy of Allah with other good deeds. Today we will find out when Ramadan 2018 begins and what date it ends, and we will also study the calendar with the meal schedule during fasting for Moscow. According to tradition, believers exchange congratulations on Ramadan, wishing each other patience and strength to adequately withstand all the trials of life path. In honor of the upcoming holiday, we have selected beautiful greeting pictures and cards with inscriptions in verse and prose - you can download them for free and send them to e-mail to all family and friends. Happiness, peace and goodness to you!

Ramadan in 2018 - what date does the holy month of fasting begin and end?

The holy month of Ramadan occupies a special place in the life of every Muslim. As the Koran says, strict observance of fasting and the renunciation of all sinful thoughts and desires will allow a person to cleanse himself of vices - this is the only way to earn the forgiveness of Allah and eternal happiness in Paradise. However, the date of this blessed month is determined by the lunar calendar, so every year Ramadan falls on a different date. So, what date does Ramadan start and end in 2018? Many people try to find out the deadlines in advance in order to prepare in time for the most important and honorable month of the year.

Beginning and end of the month of Ramadan - 2018

At the core Islamic calendar There is a lunar annual cycle - each month begins with the birth of a new celestial body, and its duration is 29 - 30 days. Therefore, the beginning and end of Ramadan are tightly “tied” to the location of the Moon. So, in different Muslim countries holy month Ramadan begins at different times, with an approximate difference of several days to a week. According to astronomical calculations, Ramadan in 2018 will begin on May 17 and end on June 16.

Ramadan fasting calendar 2018 - meals by day

Every adult Muslim adheres to strict fasting for 30 days of the month of Ramadan from dawn to sunset, which ends with the Festival of Breaking the Fast of Eid al-Fitr. Thus, during holy fasting, eating and drinking water is carried out according to a special calendar, which regulates the diet of believers for every day. In addition to the basic ban on alcohol, during Ramadan the consumption of any food and drinks during the daytime is not allowed - breakfast must be finished 30 minutes before dawn. The menu for the morning meal (suhoor) can include porridge, dairy products or fruits, and then say the obligatory prayer (fajr). The next time Muslims can eat only after sunset, after reading evening prayer which is called "Maghreb". Dates are traditionally used to satisfy hunger during dinner (iftar). Of course, withstand this strict fast Not everyone can do it - the exceptions are the sick, the elderly, travelers, women during menstruation or pregnancy, and nursing mothers. However, in the future, each missed day of fasting will have to be “made up” at any other time before the onset of the next Ramadan. If a person is physically unable to withstand fasting, then he must pay “fidya-sadaqa” - alms-atonement, sufficient to feed one poor person according to the number of days missed. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the Ramadan nutrition calendar for Kazan, one of the regions of Russia with a predominant Muslim population.

Accurate calendar with fasting schedule for Ramadan - 2018

Holy month of Ramadan - schedule for Moscow in 2018

As the holy fast of Ramadan approaches, Muslims are preparing for upcoming restrictions on food, drink and marital relations, as well as daily obligatory prayers. By adhering to the restrictions prescribed by the Koran, every devout Muslim achieves physical and spiritual purification. It is believed that a good deed or pilgrimage performed during Ramadan is multiplied by Allah tenfold. Thus, the last 10 days of fasting in the month of Ramadan are considered the most important - following the example of the Prophet Muhammad, many believers spend them in the mosque praying and reading the Koran. A calendar with a Ramadan fasting schedule for Moscow or another region is compiled separately, depending on the geographical location of the area. The time for suhoors and iftars for each day of Ramadan for 2018 in Moscow is indicated in the calendar schedule below.

Ramadan fasting schedule - 2018

Pictures-congratulations on the end of the holy month of Ramadan

According to the Muslim calendar, after the month of Ramadan comes one of the most significant and long-awaited holidays - Eid al-Adha. In honor of the end of fasting, Muslims set lavish tables, put on beautiful clothes, go on visits, and also receive relatives and friends at home. For three days people rejoice and exchange traditional congratulations With Best wishes- happiness, kindness, understanding, patience. The first day after the end of Ramadan is a day off in many Muslim countries, as well as regions of Russia with a majority of the population professing Islam. We present to your attention beautiful pictures with inscriptions of congratulations in verse and prose - for sending by e-mail or in social networks. By choosing several of these bright pictures, you can congratulate all your family, friends and just good acquaintances on the end of the holy Ramadan.

A selection of pictures and postcards with congratulations in poetry and prose on the day of the end of Ramadan

So, when does Ramadan 2018 start and what date does it end? Now you know exact dates the beginning and end of the holy month of fasting for all Muslims - according to the calendar with the schedule of suhoors and iftars for each day (for Moscow and other regions of Russia). In addition, on our website you will find beautiful pictures and postcards with congratulations in verse and prose on the day of the end of Ramadan. Congratulate your family and friends on Ramadan, a joyful and significant Muslim holiday, by delighting them with any colorful picture or postcard from the options presented above.

Every year, Muslims around the world fast for an entire month, completely eliminating food, drink and sex from their daily lives. Such a strict fast is called Ramadan (or Ramadan), and it occurs exclusively during summer time. The fast of Ramadan is dedicated to the time spent by the Prophet Muhammad in prayer and solitude. Once, while being a hermit in the mountains and praying, he received divine revelations. The first of them was included in the holy book of Muslims around the world - the Koran. According to various sources and ancient manuscripts, it was thanks to the revelations received by the prophet in restrictions and prayers that the Koran was written. Muslim fasting is linked to the lunar calendar, so its start and end dates are constantly changing. Find out from your Muslim friends about Ramadan in 2016 - what date they will celebrate the holy holiday. Almost everyone already knows: this year the fast begins on June 6th.

What date does Ramadan fast begin in 2016?

Due to traffic changes globe and rotation celestial bodies, moon calendar constantly changing. More precisely, they “move” important dates celebrated according to this calendar. The Ramadan fast, also focused on the movements of the Moon, begins in 2016 on June 6. From this day onwards, believers in the Muslim world do not drink liquids or eat food. daylight hours days. Naturally, sexual and other pleasures are also prohibited. At the end of the day and at dusk, you can eat and drink; married people can fulfill their marital duty, they can cook food for the next evening and night. Since Ramadan is always summer, observing all the rules and restrictions of fasting is especially difficult. The heat, lack of rain and hot winds are especially difficult to endure, so summer fasting, especially painful at noon, provides “indulgences” for children, the elderly and the sick. These categories of people, as well as pregnant women and travelers (travellers), are also completely exempt from fasting: they are allowed to eat and drink. In the UAE, Ramadan 2016, starting June 6, will also be subject to many restrictions.

Frequent visitors to Dubai and other Emirates, of course, know that in this country, which lives off oil and tourism, the Ramadan fast is not so strict. Service staff of hotels, cafes and bars, restaurants are allowed to eat food and taste drinks, otherwise they simply will not be able to understand what they are serving to their customers. However, in this country, all restaurants install special screens to separate dining customers from passers-by. Celebrations, belly dancing and public entertainment are cancelled. In Russia, during Ramadan, all Muslim believers also strictly adhere to the rules of fasting.

What date does Ramadan end in 2016?

The month of Ramadan in 2016 ends on July 5th. Thus, from the beginning to the end of the great fast of all Muslims, almost a whole month will pass. Believers who violated the ban on food, food and sexual relations, will be punished especially severely. If during fasting a Muslim accidentally takes a sip of water while washing his face, this is not considered a violation. Atonement for sins due to violations of fasting is called Kaffarah. Kaffara for violations of Ramadan prescribes restricting the violator from food for another 60 days. People who find it difficult to bear the restrictions of atonement for sins (and two months of strict taboos are indeed difficult to bear) can give alms, and they will do this during each of the sixty days of atonement for sins.

The meaning of Ramadan

The meaning of Ramadan is to strengthen the Islamic faith. Only a truly strong, believing person can cope with all the strict restrictions of fasting. Drinking taboos are especially difficult for many. It is believed that only strict prohibitions on bodily benefits, a Muslim achieves enlightenment by understanding the meaning of the Koran and most suras (verses of the holy book).

Share with your friends there what you learned about Ramadan in 2016 - what date the fast begins and when it ends. Tell them about the rules of fasting and the atonement for possible violations. The time of Ramadan will help them think about the meaning of faith and life.

The month of Ramadan 2016 beginning and end. Schedule and calendar in Russia (Moscow, Ufa, Kazan, Astana). Muslims fasting time for Ramadan. For Muslims all over the planet, the holy month called “Ramadan” began.

When does Ramadan start in 2016?

In 2016, the beginning of Ramadan begins on the night of June 5-6. Thus, the first day of fasting is June 6, 2016. The month of Ramadan will last less than 29 days. On July 5, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will begin, and Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Eid al-Fitr), Eid al-Fitr will be on September 23, 2016.
  • Start: June 6, 2016;
  • End: July 4, 2016;
  • Holiday: July 5 (Uraza Bayram - day of breaking the fast).

Ramadan prayer schedule by city

During Lent:
1. Finish eating 20 minutes before. until the time of Fajr;
2. MAGHRIB time - you can start eating. The following schedule is sorted by city, All times indicated in Moscow. If your city is not on the list, write its name in the comments (and we will add it to this page), or just go by the Moscow schedule.
  • Prayer schedule for Ramadan 2016 in Moscow;
  • Prayer Schedule in Ufa for 2016;
  • Prayer Schedule in Kazan for 2016;
  • Prayer Schedule In Astana for 2016.

General information about Ramadan 2016

During this month, good deeds performed are considered the most important. Taking into account the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, Allah will increase the significance of each of your good deeds 700 times. Given the advent of Ramadan, the tourist regime in Muslim countries is changing. For example, state institutions will switch to a reduced work schedule, and a Ramadan menu will be introduced on the planes of some airlines. Tourists are advised to respect the rules and traditions of Ramadan as much as possible, otherwise they may end up in prison (or worse)... In Ingushetia, the sale and, especially, the consumption of alcohol is prohibited during the holy month. Violators will be subject to fines.

BAKU /Trend Life/ - We present to the readers of Trend Life the calendar for the month of Ramadan 2016 for the territory of Azerbaijan, published on the official website of the Caucasus Muslims Office (UMK). The calendar is compiled based on calculations by the Shamakhi Astrophysical Observatory (SAO) of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS).

According to the fatwa of the Council of Kazis and the Scientific and Religious Council of the UMC, June 7 is the first day of the month of Ramadan. The nights of Laylat al-Ghadr will fall from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st, from the 22nd to the 23rd, from the 26th to the 27th days of the month of Ramadan. Ramadan will be celebrated on the first day of the Muslim month of Shawwal - July 6. On the same day, festive prayers will be performed in mosques in Azerbaijan.

The Caucasus Muslims Office calls on everyone to be patient during the month of Ramadan and perform charitable deeds in the name of Allah. Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims and is called the Crown of the Year, Shahrullah (the month of Allah) and Ziyafatullah (the feast of Allah). It was during this month that the Holy Quran began to descend upon the Prophet Muhammad (CAC). During this month, Allah sends great blessings to people, forgives them their sins, ennobles them and bestows them. Just as autumn rain cleanses the earth from all dust, so the month of Ramadan cleanses the soul of believers from sins.

Below is a table of fasting for residents of Baku and its suburbs.

For residents of cities remote from the capital, the time varies from the table presented (in minutes):

Daily prayers for the Holy month of Ramadan

How to fast correctly

The Almighty has determined the order of fasting during the blessed month of Ramadan. Fasting in the month of Ramadan is obligatory for every Muslim who is conscious, of legal age and capable of fasting in accordance with Sharia law.

Every day, after the morning meal (imsak), before starting the fast, it is necessary to say a prayer (niyyet), as well as during breaking the fast (iftar). You can learn about prayers from special religious literature.

It is advisable to open the iftar fast with a date, clean water, milk or something sweet. Under no circumstances should you consume foods that contain pork or alcohol additives while eating. It is not advisable to eat too heavily either in the morning or in the evening, it burdens the body and is harmful to health. It is also advisable to feed those who are fasting in the evening. According to the hadith, the one who feeds a fasting person in the evening will receive the same reward as the one who fasted.

Restrictions and features during fasting

During the period between morning and evening prayers, you cannot perform certain actions:

1) You cannot deliberately lie when swearing in the names of Allah, prophets and imams.

2) You can’t eat or drink. In addition, nothing should enter the body through natural openings. For example, it is forbidden for water to enter the ear hole, or for thick fog, smoke and steam to enter the body through the mouth or nose (flour, dust, cigarette smoke, etc. in the air), chewing gum and performing enemas are also prohibited . You can taste food (if a person prepares food), but do not swallow it, but spit it out. If food is swallowed out of forgetfulness or unconsciously, then the weapon is not considered interrupted. After the morning meal (imsak) before fasting, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the mouth and between the teeth of food debris, since if small food debris is swallowed during fasting, this breaks the fast.

3) You cannot join sexual intercourse during fasting. It is also undesirable for spouses to engage in intimate caresses that excite each other. Intimate relationships after fasting are permitted, but with the condition of complete ablution before morning prayer. Note that if an orgasm occurs during sleep (wet dream), this does not lead to stopping the fast. In this case, you should swim and continue fasting.

4) Vomiting, if it occurs deliberately, breaks the fast. If a fasting person vomits against his will, then the fast is not broken, you just need to rinse your mouth.

5) The appearance of menstruation even before sunset breaks the fast. Women are not prohibited from using cosmetics and incense, but it is better to abstain, because lipstick can enter the body, and this is unacceptable during fasting.

6) It is better not to perform actions that cause blood loss, including tooth extraction. If the gums bleed and the fasting person swallows blood with saliva, then the fast is broken. Taking medication also breaks the fast. Injections are given to sick people for whom fasting is not advisable, but after recovery the person must make up for these days.

7) Swallowing saliva and phlegm does not break the fast, as does rinsing the mouth and bathing. Only the person bathing must be careful not to swallow the water or plunge headlong into the water. For example, do not jump into the pool or sea.

Release from fasting

Fasting is obligatory for all believers, except minors, the elderly and seriously ill, the insane, pregnant women and nursing mothers, travelers and those on the battlefield.

“Whoever of you finds this month, let him fast, and whoever is sick or on a journey, let him fast on other days. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire difficulties, and that you fast completely and completely and glorify the Lord for that , that He led you to the true path, maybe you will be grateful! - it is said in the Koran.

It is a sin for a woman to fast during menstruation and postpartum cleansing, but after cleansing she must make up for the missed days of fasting. The same as for a sick person, after recovery, and do this before the month of Ramadan next year. But if a person is sick or old, and cannot keep the fast in any way, then for each missed day of fasting he must feed the poor person to his fill. If the fast was missed voluntarily, due to negligence or neglect, then this is a grave sin and a heavy fine is imposed (ask about the amount at the mosque).

Night of Predestination

The exact date of the revelation of the Quran is unknown, but for centuries Muslim believers have been celebrating the holy night of Laylat al-Ghadr in the last 10 days of Ramadan at night on the odd days of the month (Ehya Gejesi). It received a different name - the Night of Predetermination of Fate, because it is believed that it is on this night that the Almighty determines the fate of a person for the coming year. The Qur'an says: "We sent it (the Qur'an) down on the Night of Predestination. How do you know what the Night of Predestination is? The Night of Predestination is better than a thousand months. On this night the angels and the Spirit (Jabrail) descend, with the permission of their Lord, to fulfill His commands "On this night - sending greetings until dawn."

As a rule, some Muslims celebrate this night from the 18th to the 19th, from the 20th to the 21st and from the 22nd to the 23rd of the month of Ramadan. Others believe that the Holy Night falls precisely on the night from the 26th to the 27th of the month of Ramadan.

Fasting improves health

Compliance with fasting according to all the rules purifies a Muslim not only spiritually, but also improves health. If a person constantly eats and drinks heavily, without giving the body rest, then toxic substances accumulate in the body. The human body, tired of systematically eating throughout the year, rests during this month. At the same time, a kind of renewal occurs in our body. This is what the Prophet Muhammad (S) said about this: “Keep the rules and you will become healthier.”

According to doctors, fasting strengthens the immune system, improving the functional parameters of lymphocytes tenfold, as well as increasing the content of cells responsible for immunity; prevents obesity; prevents the formation of excess acidity, which is main reason stomach ulcers; protects against the formation of kidney stones, as it increases the sodium content in the blood, preventing calcification processes; restrains sexual instincts, especially in young people, thereby protecting the body from mental and physical disorders; abstaining from drinking increases the body’s energy and learning ability, improves memory; activates and optimizes metabolic processes taking place in cells with the participation of glucose, fats and proteins.



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