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Mikhail circle how old. Mikhail Krug: biography and interesting facts from life. Famous chanson performer. I haven't heard a more reliable version

Krug (Vorobiev) Mikhail Vladimirovich is one of the most prominent representatives Russian Chanson, among critics and music experts has the unofficial title of “King of Chanson”, the author and performer of hundreds of songs that, despite their specificity, went to the people and became hits in bars and karaoke clubs. Paradoxically, his music and the semantic lyrics of his songs were close both to those who managed to visit places not so remote, and to ordinary law-abiding citizens. And the song “Vladimir Central” will remain the anthem of the Chanson style for a long time.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug is the father and founder of “cultural” chanson; he managed to “cultivate” thieves’ music to such an extent that many of his songs were played and sung by a whole generation of people who had nothing to do with serving a sentence, and some songs even went beyond the genre and were rotated by radio stations of a different kind. This is what explains the interest in the life and work of this talented artist.

Most often, fans are interested in Krug based on the following queries: Height, weight, age. Years of life of Mikhail Krug. Unfortunately, the artist’s life was cut short by a gangster’s bullet, so he did not manage to live to a ripe old age; his life was cut short in 2002 at the age of 41. Krug's height was 169 cm, weight - 93 kg.

Biography and personal life of Mikhail Krug

Biography and personal life Mikhail Krug's project dates back to 1962. On April 7, a boy, Misha, was born into the family of a civil engineer and accountant. Mikhail’s childhood was not in the most prosperous area, perhaps this partly influenced his work. He studied at school 39 in Kalinin. Like all the boys in these places, Krug did not like to study, often skipped classes, and was fond of hockey. Studied at music school in the accordion class, but never finished it, lacking perseverance and desire. The place of the button accordion in the guy’s soul, already at the age of 11, was taken by the guitar. Being impressed by Vysotsky’s work, he not only learned to play the guitar, but also began to write poetry. However, then Vysotsky’s work was not welcomed and Mikhail’s idea to perform a bard’s song at one of the school events was received with hostility, a scandal ensued, but Mikhail still graduated from school.

After school, Mikhail went into the army and served in the missile forces in Ukraine. Over the years of service, he seemed to have grown cold to Vysotsky’s work and to music in general, and upon returning to civilian life he got a job as a simple driver. In 1987 they tried to promote him career ladder, appointing him as the head of the convoy. For this purpose, they sent me to study at the Polytechnic. A year later, he realizes that office work is not his calling, quits the institute and returns to the wheel of the car. However, the institute played a crucial role in the development of the Circle as an artist. While studying at the Polytechnic, he took part and won an art song competition. There, at the competition, he met Evgeny Klyachkin, who saw enormous potential in student Misha. It was from this moment that Krug, by the way, it was then that the pseudonym appeared, began to actively engage in creativity, first gaining popularity in narrow circles, Mikhail Vladimirovich’s first albums were not officially published, but thousands of pirated copies went to the people. In 1994, the world saw the artist’s debut album “Zhigan-Lemon”. The end of the 90s marked the peak of the artist's popularity.

His song “Vladimir Central” broke all popularity records. At this time, Krug received a number of prestigious awards in the “chanson” genre. The talented artist was also noticed outside the Russian Federation; Mikhail Vladimirovich actively toured the USA, Israel, Ukraine, and Estonia. He also performed for the priority contingent of the genre, did not disdain concerts in places of detention, had many connections and acquaintances in these circles, and was respected by authoritative people. Hence the question quite often arises: was Mikhail in prison or not? The answer to this is unequivocal - Krug has never been prosecuted for major offenses and certainly does not have a real sentence behind him. Moreover, Mikhail was quite active in public and politician- Member of the Liberal Democratic Party, one of the advisers to its leader.

Unfortunately, in 2002, Mikhail Krug was killed by armed robbers in his own home. Krug died in the hospital on July 1, 2002.

Family and children of Mikhail Krug

The family and children of Mikhail Krug are another topic discussed in the journalistic community. Krug's father is a civil engineer, his mother worked as an accountant. The Vorobyov family was not rich, but quite prosperous. Therefore, the fact that Mikhail did not receive a higher education is only his fault. For the same reason, Mikhail’s first marriage partly broke up. Life did not work out with his first wife, Svetlana, to whom he proposed marriage immediately after the army, because her parents never tired of hinting to the girl that she did not need an uneducated husband.

In this marriage, a son was born, Dmitry, whom Krug later raised himself, having sued Svetlana for all rights to the child. In 2001, Krug married for the second time. This was preceded by a passionate romance. For the first time he saw his second wife in one of the Chelyabinsk cafes, she worked as a waitress. At first sight, Irina fell into the maestro’s soul, and he offered to become his costume designer. Whole year the girl remained unapproachable, despite all the singer’s attempts to show her feelings, but then she melted and accepted the offer to start a family. In 2002, she gave birth to a son, Alexander, and has a daughter from her first marriage, whom Mikhail accepted as his own.

Son of Mikhail Krug - Dmitry

The son of Mikhail Krug, Dmitry, was born in 1988, a year before his parents’ divorce. In 1989, Krug divorced his first wife and, by some miracle, sued her child. Dima was raised mainly by his grandmother (Mikhail’s mother); he saw his mother only on weekends. Dmitry grew up as a calm and thoughtful child and was not at all like his father.

He did not follow in his father’s footsteps; as a child, he preferred reading books and communicating with peers to music. As a result, he graduated from cadet school and received higher education and took a high position as a lawyer in the department of internal affairs of the Tver region, maintains friendly relations with the artist’s second wife and his brother (in his second marriage, Krug had a son, Alexander.)

Son of Mikhail Krug - Alexander

The son of Mikhail Krug, Alexander, was born in 2002 a few months before the artist’s unexpected death, so Alexander knows his father only from photographs. Today Alexander Krug studies at the Moscow Lomonosov School, has a rather calm character, is modest and hardworking. Not long ago, Irina Krug published photographs of her grown-up son on her Instagram.

The reaction of subscribers was ambiguous, some claimed that Sasha was an exact copy of his father, others said that he was more like Irina. Sasha has not yet decided on his future, the only thing that is obvious today is that the teenager has no desire for music and he is unlikely to continue his father’s work.

The ex-wife of Mikhail Krug - Svetlana

The ex-wife of Mikhail Krug, Svetlana, did a lot for the development of Krug as an artist. Mikhail owes his popularity largely to her; it was she who insisted that he begin performing in public, and not just for close friends and relatives. It is with light hand Svetlana's audience recognized the songs that had been collecting dust in Mikhail's desk drawer for a long time. It was she who spent a long time organizing her husband’s concerts. But this did not affect the fate of this couple. In 1987, Mikhail and Svetlana separated, largely due to Mikhail’s bad character.

The marriage produced a son, Dmitry, whom Krug sued from his wife. Today nothing is known about the fate of Krug’s first wife.

Mikhail Krug's wife - Irina

Mikhail Krug's wife, Irina, accepted Mikhail's offer to work as his costume designer in 2001. Before this, Irina worked as a waitress in one of the establishments in Tver, where they met.

A year later, Mikhail proposed and accepted Irina’s daughter from his first marriage. After the death of her husband, Irina carries his memory into society, speaking in different genres, including Chanson. He has a number of music awards, including MUSICBOX-2017 in the “urban romance” category, and a multiple winner of the “Chanson of the Year” award. IN last years Duet songs with stars of the genre (Korolev, Bryantsev) brought her popularity. The songs “Hello Baby” and “Bouquet of White Roses” were at the top of the charts of radio stations in the Chanson style for a long time.

Cause of death and funeral of Mikhail Krug

Mikhail Krug became a victim of intruders who broke into his house. Krug’s mother-in-law was the first to suffer at the hands of the bandits; the owner of the house himself came out to hear the noise. Mikhail Krug died from his injuries on July 1, 2002 in the hospital. By a lucky coincidence, the singer’s children were not harmed during the attack; they were sleeping and unaware of what was happening. Mikhail's wife, Irina, managed to leave the house and call neighbors for help, who, having discovered the bloodied Mikhail, helped take him to a medical facility.

The cause of death and funeral of Mikhail Krug are covered in a lot of secrets. The investigation named the culprits and the reasons why Krug was shot just recently. For a long time, a version of an attempted robbery was put forward, then Krug’s death was associated with a showdown in authoritative circles, into which Mikhail Vladimirovich allegedly had the imprudence to get involved. In 2008, Irina recognized one of the members of the Tver Wolves organized crime group as the man who shot her husband, but the investigation turned out to be powerless, there was not enough evidence for this episode, and the suspect in the murder of Krug was convicted of a number of other crimes. Later death Krug was still connected with the “Tver Wolves”, but it turned out that they were only executors and initially were only supposed to rob Krug on a tip from crime boss A Kostenko (nickname Lom). According to investigators, he and Mikhail had a conflict related to finances; Kostenko only wanted to punish the artist financially, but at some point everything did not go according to script, the robbers opened aimed fire at the owner of the house. Many people are interested in the question: where is Krug buried? His grave is located at the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery. In 2007, on the initiative of friends and relatives, a place in memory of the Circle appeared in the very center of Tver - a monument to the artist was erected on Radishchev Boulevard.

Instagram and Wikipedia Mikhail Krug

Back in 2002, when Krug was killed, few people knew about Wikipedia, much less there was such a thing as Instagram, so it’s quite difficult to talk about Mikhail Krug’s Instagram and Wikipedia. Of course, he ended up on the page of the most popular encyclopedia on the Internet.

Krug's Wikipedia page contains detailed information about his work and contribution to the development of Chanson in Russia. Krug’s widow, Irina, actively uses Instagram; a sad post appeared there on the 15th anniversary of the artist’s death, and most recently she boasted of her handsome son, who, according to many subscribers to Irina’s account, took after his father.

Monday, early morning, July 1, 2002. Tver is moving away from the next City Day celebration. In his country house Criminal authority Alexander Kostenko - “Crowbar”, “Ivanovich” - plays chess with the killer of the “Wolf” gang Alexander Osipov - “Wolf Cub”, “Younger Wolf”. Nearby is the father of the “Wolf Cub”, a bald, powerful man with a dangerous squinting of his eyes - Anatoly Osipov - “Skull”, “Shaman”, the leader of the combat wing of the killers of the “Wolf” gang, which was completely subordinate to “Crowbar”.

Phone call, Kostenko picks up.

Krug was killed! - sounds at the other end of the line.

I didn’t order that... - the authority bursts out in response...

So, ten years after these events, Alexander Osipov told the investigator “Cub.” Sentenced to life imprisonment, he decided to tell everything as it happened, to reveal the secret of the murder of Krug, he had nothing to lose.

Kostenko was very scared then,” “Little Wolf” explained to the investigator and continued without looking back.

Murder in detail

On the evening of June 30, 2002, Mikhail Krug, having given a concert on City Day, decided not to stay at festive fireworks and returned home earlier than planned. In the house on the outskirts of Tver there were the chansonnier’s mother-in-law, his wife Irina and three children - two from their first marriages and a child together.

Around midnight, the mother-in-law climbed a steep two-flight staircase to the billiard room on the third floor. Before that, Krug was sitting there - playing the guitar a little, tinkering with the game console... Then Irina called him. It was time to go to bed, and the mother-in-law began to lay out the sofa for herself. At that moment, two people attacked the woman from behind. Hearing a noise upstairs, Irina Krug decided that her mother was feeling bad and ran to the billiard room. Opening the door slightly, she saw two big guys with weapons beating her mother.

Misha, they are killing mom! - Irina shouted, breaking through the horror and ran to her husband.

Mikhail was already in the bedroom. A couple of seconds later, he intercepted Irina on the stairs and, covering her with himself, began to lead her to the first floor. Following, from the flight of stairs, shots were heard. In the back. It was inconvenient for the bandits to shoot - the stairs were narrow. One bullet hit the tiled floor, but two still reached the recipient.

Krug was seriously injured, but was still alive for some time. He even managed to run to a neighbor, who took him by car to the hospital. The chansonnier died on the operating table on the morning of July 1. The bandits calmly left the house...

Eight months after the murder, in early March 2003, an emerald-colored Japanese SUV stopped on a country road near Kimry. Two people got out of the car - “Volkov” killers Alexander Osipov and Dmitry Veselov, “Vesel”. Osipov took Veselov to a deserted place under a far-fetched pretext, saying that his father “Shaman” was waiting for them in a village near Kimry.

In fact, Osipov, as he himself admitted to the investigation, wanted to receive incriminating evidence on Kostenko from Vesel (Veselov was part of Loma’s inner circle of trusted people). For what? He says that he wanted to collect information and hand him over to the FSB. This would give him and his father the opportunity to become the first, the main, the main ones in the Tver criminal world. It is clear that after such a conversation Osipov did not plan to leave Veselov alive. But that's not why he killed him.

This is what “Teen Wolf”, already in prison for life, told the operas on record:

“I took out my PM pistol, pointed it at him, at chest level, and said:

- Dima, calm down, I need information on Kostenko.

Why do you need it?

- I want to put him in prison.

Veselov said that the only thing Kostenko is afraid of is revenge.

- From whom, from the lads?

No, revenge for Krug.

- Dima, did you do this?

Yes, we are, by order of Kostenko.

- For what?

Veselov replied that in May 2002, Krug, my father (Anatoly Osipov. - Red.) and Veselov himself. At that meeting, Kostenko offered to pay the Circle money from concerts. The circle refused. After that, Kostenko had a plan - while Krug was performing at a concert on City Day, his house had to be robbed and then the stolen goods returned, thereby Kostenko would benefit Krug, he would become obliged to him and begin to pay.”

Hearing this, Osipov shot Veselov in the chest and head and buried the corpse. The remains were found only in 2012 - the life-long killer himself indicated the location.

I have been friends with Krug since 1996, when he came to Kimry for a concert. I talked to him. I loved not only his work. I respected him as a person. By killing Veselov, I avenged Krug,” Osipov admitted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, we managed to meet the killer in the Tver pre-trial detention center.

The question remains - who was second in the Circle's house. Osipov does not know about this, he only assumes that it was someone Sergei, a friend of Veselov, who helped him control prostitutes on the Moscow-St. Petersburg highway in the Tver region.

It is not surprising that after Osipov’s testimony, the investigation into the murder of Mikhail Krug was resumed in December last year. So far, detectives are not revealing the details of the case, as they have not done for 12 years. But, as you know, everything is secret...

Of all characters In the story of the murder of the chansonnier, only Alexander Osipov remained alive. Now he, like other members of the Wolves gang, is facing a life sentence. Anatoly Osipov, "Shaman", killed in 2005. Alexander Kostenko, “Lom”, killed in 2006. These crimes have never been solved.

Special look

I haven't heard a more reliable version


The morning of July 1, 2002 surprised me with the speed at which rumors spread. As soon as it became known that Krug was killed, allegations were already flying around Tver about who did it and why. Although at that moment the operatives at Krug’s house did not even make any assumptions in a whisper.

And then the pages of criminal case volumes and years of ignorance began to rustle. What versions did I not manage to hear during this time? And the thieves sentenced him because he “behaved inappropriately” - he did not sit, but he sings about the life of a thief. And he answered for the vodka business - he allegedly intended to start producing Krugovka vodka, and in order not to get involved in the alcohol business, he was punished (by the way, Krug himself told me that he really plans to produce such vodka). For a long time there was a version about an attempt to steal the matrix of a new disc from Krug in order to demand a ransom from it or sell it to pirates, but they got carried away and killed the chansonnier. And that these are simple burglars, having mixed up the cottage, they accidentally shot the singer...

Perhaps, in 12 years, a multi-volume volume could be printed from versions alone. But what Osipov told, in my opinion, is the most harmonious of all the stories I have heard. It feels like he is saying something he knows for sure. And although the investigators - and during this time there will be a platoon of them - are skeptical about the killer’s confessions, they say, he wants to drag out the case longer, so as not to move from the pre-trial detention center to the zone special regime, I see Osipov’s version as the most harmonious and complete of everything that has been circulating all these years - from popular rumor to the confidential stories of people in uniform.

Mikhail Yurievich Vorobiev

He was born in the old district of the city of Kalinin (now Tver), which was called "Morozovsky Town", now called "Proletarka's Courtyard" about which the song "My Dear City" was written.
Mikhail wrote his first poems at the age of 14, which he dedicated to his classmate. At that time, Mikhail’s idol was V.S. Vysotsky. After the army, Mikhail, impressed by his songs, began to play the guitar and sing in his style.
Mikhail graduated from school No. 39 on Sominka in the city of Tver as an auto repairman by profession. Coming from the army, Mikhail got married, his wife’s parents insisted that he go to college, since their daughter graduated with honors from the Institute of Light Industry, and his education did not correspond to their principles. In 1987, Mikhail successfully entered the institute, where he learned about an art song competition, took part in it and took first place. After that, he seriously engaged in songwriting, but not small role E.I. played in this Klyachkin, who was the chairman of the jury at the 8th art song festival, where he saw the hidden talent in Mikhail and said: “Misha, you need to work…”.
Mikhail recorded his first album “Tver Streets” at the “Tver” studio, then the second album “Katya” was recorded, and the third album without a title, all of them had no release, but were stolen and distributed pirated. Almost all the songs from these albums were rewritten and sung in the albums: “Green Prosecutor”, “Madame”, “Rose”, “Mouse”. In 1994, the first official album “Zhigan-Lemon” was released.
The ring with three diamonds, which he always wore, was given to him by the thief in law Khobot.
Mikhail takes the criminal expressions for his songs from a 1924 dictionary for internal use of the NKVD, which he acquired by accident.
On March 27, 1998, at the Cosmos Hotel, Mikhail took part in the presentation of the Ovation Award and received it in the Russian Chanson category.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, 2002, Krug’s house was attacked in Tver. The criminals shot at the singer several times, mortally wounding him. The singer's wife, mother-in-law and child who were in the house were not injured. Mikhail Krug died that same night after surgery in a Tver hospital.

Mikhail Krug ( real name- Vorobyov) was born in 1962 in Tver and was raised in a simple working-class family. Since childhood, the boy also dreamed of helping Soviet society and working as a driver. Mikhail was also interested in music early years and especially loved the work of Vladimir Vysotsky. The latter quickly became his idol, and the boy, imitating him, began to learn to play the guitar. IN school years He performed both well-known songs and tried to compose his own. Additionally, Mikhail attended a button accordion class and a choral singing section.

After graduating from school, Vorobev began studying to become a car mechanic, still cherishing the dream of getting a profession related to cars. He served in the army and then got a job delivering dairy products and within 10 years climbed the career ladder, receiving a leadership position. Mikhail took his famous pseudonym in 1989. Before this, he had already won standing ovations at various bard festivals, where he most often performed original songs on the topic of the then-current war in Afghanistan.

It was at the end of the 80s that Mikhail Krug’s first album, Tver Streets, was released. After that, he continued to release solo compositions, the recordings of which sold like hotcakes throughout the country. Soon Krug met musicians from the Tver Palace of Culture “Metallist”, and together they formed the group “Fellow Traveler”. In the future, it was the “metallists” who helped the singer in recording his songs and holding concerts. In 1994, Mikhail Krug’s official album “Zhigan-Lemon” was recorded, and his exotic “thieves’ romance” was very much loved by the audience. The same famous song musician “Vladimir Central” was released as part of the album “Madame”, which was released in 1998.

In total, Mikhail Krug released more than ten albums during his life, the last of which, “Confession,” was released after the artist’s death. His family actively supported him in his work. In 1987, Krug first married a woman named Svetlana, and soon they had a son, Dmitry. And yet the couple divorced, and in 2000 the singer married his band’s costume designer, Irina Glazko. They had a son, Alexander.

Death of Mikhail Krug

July 1, 2002 at a private house Mikhail Krug and his family were broken into by unknown masked men. They beat the musician's mother-in-law and then fired several pistol shots at Mikhail himself. Fortunately, his wife and children were not injured in the attack. Mikhail found the strength to get to the neighboring house and call ambulance. He was taken to the hospital, where surgeons fought all night for the bard’s life, but the wounds turned out to be too serious, and he died in the morning.

The death of a beloved artist shocked the residents of Russia, who came in droves to Tverskoy drama theater, where the funeral service was held. People accompanied the funeral cortege all the way to the Dmitrovo-Cherkassky cemetery, where Mikhail Krug found his final resting place. At the same time, an investigation began into a criminal case initiated for murder, which lasted more than ten years.

The criminals were identified in 2008: they were members of the Tver Wolves criminal group, Alexander Ageev and Dmitry Veselov, the latter of whom was already dead by that time. Ageev was sentenced to life imprisonment in aggregate earlier crimes committed. Mikhail Krug became a victim of racketeers, refusing to pay them a large part of his fee for patronage. Today, fans of the chansonnier continue to remember and listen to him, and the loving widow Irina Krug performs bard compositions in memory of her husband.

Biography and episodes of life Mikhail Krug. When born and died Mikhail Krug, memorable places and dates important events his life. Musician Quotes, Photo and video.

Years of life of Mikhail Krug:

born April 7, 1962, died July 1, 2002


Death is terrible.
But memory is beyond her control.

Biography of Mikhail Krug

When they asked him - how are you? sing about prison if you've never been to prison, he answered: “Daniel Defoe wrote Robinson Crusoe without even being a sailor, and not only did not know how to swim, but had never seen the sea. That's not the main thing, the main thing is empathy, state of mind" He visited places of detention only as an artist, and in life he sang songs about “prison romance”; nevertheless, he enjoyed love and respect on both sides of the barricades.

His lyricism and touching charm captivated listeners of any age. While the pop music accused Krug of popularizing “thieves’ songs,” he wrote songs about what people like himself wanted to hear about - about freedom, friendship, love for mother and woman.

Biography of Mikhail Krug - biography of an ordinary Russian guy: school, vocational school and specialty "car mechanic", military service, work as a driver. He was 18 years old when he met his first wife, who also became his first producer. It was Svetlana who persuaded Mikhail to record his songs and share them with people - she sent him to music competitions, sewed concert costumes, and made audio recordings. The marriage quickly fell apart, but the wife's efforts bore fruit- The circle continued to write and perform, becoming more and more popular and in demand. It took him several years to truly break into the world of Russian chanson - the album he released in 1994 became a truly turning point for Krug. He was recognized.

Following fame in the biography of Krug Numerous trips followed - to Germany, the USA, Israel. The entire Russian-speaking emigration enjoyed going to Krug’s concerts; he also enjoyed great respect in the chanson music community. Vika Tsyganova, Willy Tokarev, Evgeny Grigoriev - they all spoke of Krug not only as a talented author, but also simply good friend and a friendly person.

Michael was a pious man. He did not smoke or drink - except on rare holidays. Even in the group, Krug had prohibition for many years. The artist was sure that if people don’t drink, they don’t create problems: they don’t be late for work and don’t swear. The life of Mikhail Krug was ideal - success in creativity, a happy second marriage, the birth of a daughter.

On the night of June 30 to July 1, unknown persons attacked the house of Mikhail Krug. Mikhail himself, his wife, mother-in-law and children were in the house. During the attack, the children were sleeping, the mother-in-law was wounded, and Irina managed to hide with her neighbors. Mikhail Krug was seriously injured, and although he was able to get to a neighbor’s house, from where he was taken to the hospital, by morning the artist died. Krug's death occurred early in the morning of July 1.

The murder of Krug shook up the Russian public, the investigation lasted for several years, there was even a version that they simply wanted to rob Mikhail - the royalties for Krug’s last songs for the album “Tverichanka”, which was then released after his death, were just about to arrive. One of latest versions that the Tver Wolves gang was involved in the death of Krug.

Krug's funeral took place on July 3, 2002- first there was a civil memorial service in the Tver Theater, then a funeral service in the Resurrection Cathedral and, finally, the funeral of the “king of Russian chanson” at the Tver cemetery in Dmitrovo-Cherkassy.

Cover of the album “Mikhail Krug and Irina Krug - Love Story”, released in 2011

Life line

April 7, 1962 Date of birth of Mikhail Vladimirovich Krug (real name - Vorobiev).
1987 Admission to college, marriage to his first wife Svetlana, participation in an art song competition.
1988 Birth of son Dmitry.
1989 Divorce from Svetlana, recording of the first album “Tverskie Streets”.
1994 Release of the album “Zhigan-Limon”.
1996 Premiere of Mikhail Krug's first video on television.
1997 Performance at the festival “Russian Chanson in Germany”.
1998 Performance in the USA.
March 27, 1998 Ovation Award in the Russian Chanson category.
2000 Marriage with Irina Glazko, tour of Israel, role in the film “April”.
2002 Birth of son Alexander.
July 1, 2002 Date of death of Mikhail Krug.
July 3, 2002 Civil memorial service, funeral service and funeral of Mikhail Krug.

Memorable places

1. Tver school No. 39, where Mikhail Krug studied until the 8th grade.
2. The house of Mikhail Krug in Tver, in which he was attacked.
3. Tver regional academic theater drama, where the farewell service was held.
4. Voskresensky Cathedral, where the funeral service for Mikhail Krug took place.
5. Dmitrovo-Cherkasy cemetery, where Mikhail Krug is buried.
6. Monument to the Circle in Tver.

Episodes of life

Krug's first marriage quickly fell apart. He himself admitted that his wife stopped paying attention to him, believing in his potential, caring for him, and he could not forgive her for her coldness. After the divorce, he promised himself not to marry again, since he believed that there was only one marriage in accordance with Orthodox laws. Krug took his son for himself and raised him independently with his mother. A few years after the divorce, he met Irina, fell in love and married her.

When Mikhail met Irina, for a long time he did not take any steps to make their relationship closer. As Irina herself admitted, “everything was on a strict note.” The circle seemed to be looking closely at his future wife, checking, and taking his time with the choice. And a year later he simply said: “That’s it, we’ll live together!” and took Irina to his home to soon marry.

Mikhail Krug never sat and was always indignant at being asked about this. He was also offended by the idea that his music promoted criminal life. “Those who have a little common sense know: prison is not the best place where you can spend your best years "- said Mikhail Krug. This genre simply exists as a genre, a reflection of our life. From our history you cannot erase all kinds of gulags and camp systems that Stalin invented. You can keep silent about it, but you can’t cross it out.” He took the jargon used by Krug in his songs from a special collection “Blatnaya Music” for NKVD employees, produced in 1927, which he once accidentally fell into his hands.

Monument to Mikhail Krug in Tver on Radishchev Boulevard


“My dream is a return to the empire, to the monarchy. Return of faith to Rus'."

“There is no old person who would say that there is no God. God exists. Even the most ardent atheists come to this…”

“And I wish you - bread on the table, a bottle of vodka for the holidays, health - this is the most important thing. Our country will rise, I believe in it and I know that in our country live the best, kindest, hard-working people who know what they want.”

Fragment from the film “Legends of the Circle”


“This is the first time in my life I’m burying someone like this. good man. I’ve known Mikhail for several years now. He was my assistant. We liked each other. A wonderful guy - quiet, calm, there was never any pretentiousness or swagger in him, which is inherent in many pop performers. I always have his cassette playing in my car. It's like medicine. If the criminals knew who they entered the house, they would not have done this. Their arms and legs would become numb. With Misha’s departure, an empty niche was left.”
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, politician

“Krug sang with his soul, and his songs will forever remain in the hearts of millions.”
Victoria Tsyganova, singer



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Elizabeth I ruled England from 1558-1603. Thanks to wise foreign and domestic policies, she made her country a great European power....

Corn flour pancakes (no oil) - my Diets recipe

Corn flour pancakes (no oil) - my Diets recipe

Good day everyone!!! Everyone has been baking these American pancakes for a long time, but I still didn’t dare to bake them, but it turns out in vain. The other day...

Choux pastry for eclairs - Best recipes

Choux pastry for eclairs - Best recipes

The article offers you a recipe not only for delicious choux pastry for eclairs, but also recipes for unusual and classic fillings for cakes....

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