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Prayer for anger and irritation. A strong prayer to the Guardian Angel from the anger of the boss. Anger and irritation at the end of fasting

Human life is surrounded by stress and resentment. It is not uncommon for people to encounter injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and malice. Without noticing it themselves, people begin to hate their enemies, causing them irreparable harm, but at the same time harming themselves, because they become embittered, sowing chaos and dark anger in their souls. People close to them begin to suffer from this. Some try to relieve this illness by using alcoholic drinks, others use the advice of a neighbor or a psychologist. But in spiritual culture there is more effective methods- These are Orthodox prayers for anger and irritation.

How to prepare and read a prayer

It is necessary to retire to a separate room so that no one is distracted during prayer. Here's the procedure:

  1. We must understand that prayer is communication with God and his helpers.
  2. Place one or more icons nearby.
  3. Light a candle.
  4. Close your eyes and concentrate if you know the prayer by heart. Or, just keep the text of the prayer in front of you, and trying to understand the meaning more accurately, read the prayer sincerely.
  5. Read this prayer several times.
  6. Stay in silence, listen to yourself.
  7. If you feel anxious, read the prayer a few more times.

Prayer from anger and anger to Ephraim the Syrian

Anger in Christian tradition considered one of the main sins of man. The remedy for this mental illness is orthodox prayer. The prayers of St. Ephraim the Syrian are especially effective in combating anger and irritation. During his lifetime, Ephraim himself was a hot-tempered person, but through persistent spiritual work and with God’s help, he acquired the gift of goodness and humility. And using the experience and gifts of this associate, you can be cured of your illness and find peace in your soul.

O saint of Christ, our Father Ephraim! Bring our prayer to the merciful and omnipotent God and ask us, God’s servants (names), from His goodness for everything that is for the benefit of our souls and bodies: rightful faith, undoubted hope, unfeigned love, meekness and kindness, courage in temptations, patience in suffering , prosperity in piety. Let us not turn the gifts of the All-Good God into evil. Do not forget, miracle-working saint, this holy temple (house) and our parish: preserve and protect them with your prayers from all evil. To her, Holy One of God, grant us a good end and inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, so that we may glorify the wondrous God in His saints, to Him belongs all glory, honor and power, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayers to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It is not uncommon for people to encounter injustice and aggression, which causes a response in the form of anger and anger. Orthodox prayers make it possible to fight these ailments, and for this, one must turn to the Lord, the Most Holy Theotokos and the saints, asking for help and support. In the everyday bustle, when faced with manifestations of anger and anger, it is better not to pay the attacker in the same coin, but to say a short prayer to yourself several times. If you do this often, the power of prayer will increase, and the brewing clouds of conflict will quickly dissipate. But the main thing in this case is not to rest on your laurels, but to continue your prayerful work.

Prayer for anger

Prayer for Anger

Wonderworker Nicholas, pacify my anger and attack, do not let me fall into sin. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer to the icon “Softening Hearts”

Remembering what a terrible destructive force anger is, a believer should try to soften his heart. For this purpose, in Orthodoxy there is an icon “Softening Hearts” (“Seven Arrows”). When reading a prayer, the heart of the person praying gradually thaws and warms up and gains the ability to let in rays of light and goodness. Of course, the feeling of anger is very persistent and does not immediately let go of the heart, but patient and persistent prayer work leads to good results. Bitterness recedes, a person softens and gradually opens up to spiritual truths.

Akathist to the Mother of God in honor of her miraculous icon “Softening Hearts”

Oh, long-suffering Mother of God, surpassing all the daughters of the earth, in Your purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the cover of Your mercy. Do You know of no other refuge and warm intercession, but as you have the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers, so that we may without stumbling reach the Kingdom of Heaven, where with all the saints we will sing praises to the One God in the Trinity, now and ever and forever centuries. Amen.

Soften our evil hearts, Mother of God, and extinguish the misfortunes of those who hate us and resolve all the tightness of our souls.

We are touched by Your holy image, looking at Your suffering and mercy for us, and we kiss Your wounds, and we are horrified by our arrows, tormenting You. Do not let us (names), merciful Mother, perish in our hard-heartedness and from the hard-heartedness of our neighbors, You are truly the softener of evil hearts. Amen.

Prayer for irritability and anger (Abba Dorotheus)

The Monk Abba Dorotheos taught that we must learn not to show anger and irritability towards our neighbor, putting our humility above, so that the soul of the believer rises above discord and conflicts. In this case, the person put himself and the values ​​of life in harmony, above everyday conflicts and avoided head-on collisions, and his opponent, without encountering opposition, could not remain in a state of anger and irritability for a long time, and was forced to retreat. By turning to God in prayer, he had already cleared the atmosphere of his life and eradicated the very cause of the conflict.

Prayer text

Merciful and humane God! By your ineffable goodness, you created us from nothing, to enjoy Your blessings, and the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us, who strayed from Your commandments! Come now, help our infirmities, and as You once rebuked the troubled sea, so now rebuke the disturbance of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, killed by sin, in one hour, and so that You do not say to us: “What good is it?” My blood, let me always descend into decay,” and: “Amen, I say to you, we do not light you,” because our lamps went out from the lack of oil. Amen.

Prayer against husband's aggression

In case of family conflict and husband’s aggression, it is very difficult for a woman during stress to remember a long prayer and therefore the prayer should be short. When reading a prayer, you need to mentally overshadow your husband sign of the cross. The prayer must be repeated several times and then the demons retreat and the conflict subsides. But we can’t stop there. It is necessary to pray every day so that advice and love will be fully restored in the family. According to reviews in in social networks, women who used this prayer said that they managed not only to calm down the raging husband, but also the evil neighbors.

Prayer text

May God rise again and let his enemies be scattered!

Prayer for anger in the soul

Holding anger in the soul is dangerous both for the soul itself and for the body. Having realized that anger has settled in the soul, it is necessary to turn in prayer to heavenly helpers. As a result of this, the believer receives support Heavenly Patrons, finds comfort and care. He gradually begins to understand that he is not alone, and in fact, he is surrounded by attention and a desire to help him, he just needs to not push away those who are happy to come to his aid. We must understand that peace in the soul is created through the efforts of two parties, the believer and the Heavenly Forces, and help comes as a result of his conversion.

Prayer text

Tie the union of love between Thy apostle, O Christ, and us, Thy faithful servants, thus firmly binding to ourselves to do Thy commandments: love one another unfeignedly, make us through prayers, O Mother of God, the only one who loves mankind. With the flame of love they kindled for me, the servant of God (...), the hearts of all, O Christ God, having previously kindled with their hearts, thoughts, souls and all human strength, they will love their sincere me, as they themselves and my commandments keep glorify me and you, all the good giver. Deliver, Lord, the servant of God (...) from hatred, malice, unpeacefulness and unlovingness. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayers for resentment and anger

Without noticing it, a person sometimes takes offense at his loved ones, thereby causing them suffering, and by hating his enemies, he himself becomes the property of demons. Therefore, we must accustom ourselves to spiritual work by turning to Jesus Christ or St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Prayer is spiritual work and its fruits do not appear out of nowhere. You must first sow the seeds of goodness in your soul, care for them and protect them from illness, patiently nurturing them. It is no coincidence that daily prayer work is called a spiritual feat. It is even much more difficult than ordinary worldly labor, but the values ​​grown as a result of this are of great importance for all people. The fruits grown in the field of spiritual labor can become the property of other people, and therefore it is difficult to overestimate the efforts of the prayer book. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Acquire a peaceful spirit within yourself and thousands around you will be saved.” Therefore, we must accustom ourselves to daily, albeit short, but sincere prayer.

Prayer to Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor by order of the Most High God. Let it be so. Amen.

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

Wonderworker Nicholas, calm down my excessive anger, clear the wrong road. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God

The prayer to the Mother of God for anger and irritation was included in the book “Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos” as the eleventh prayer. The history of the creation of the book “Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos” goes back to Metropolitan Veniamin (Fedchenkov). The Metropolitan said that the only purpose of creating the book was for people to turn and pray to the Intercessor. Outstanding hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in the USA, a theologian, reported on the reasons that prompted him to write this book, and wrote with bitterness in 1940 that “prayer is disappearing from life,” people have forgotten how to pray and do not turn to the Most Holy Theotokos at all. In his books, Benjamin everyone possible ways sought to convince and prove that prayer is the work and life of the soul and is the basis for its spiritual growth. He said that by turning to the Mother of God in prayer, a person communes with her holiness and through daily prayer work transforms his soul, cleansing himself of filth and illness.

Prayer text

Holy Lady Theotokos! Hear my prayer and fulfill it; in You is the hope of all the ends of the earth, I trust.

Extinguish the flame of my body. Calm the storm of anger. Destroy to the end the vain exaltation of my vain youth. Weaken the evil dreams of the heart, induced by evil spirits. Dry up the constantly flowing stream of unclean thoughts that tempt me.

Teach my tongue to speak only useful words, and my eyes to see the single beauty of the shrine. Open my ears, so that I may be satisfied with the sweetest messages of the Holy Scripture and create with Your help. Cleanse my mouth, that I may be worthy to call the Most High God my Father. Grant me time for repentance and save me from sudden death. Cleanse and wash from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Give Your servant a contrite heart, pacification of thoughts, chastity of mind, sobriety of soul, humility in thoughts, a right spirit, a prudent life, and also peace, which was given by our Lord by His disciple. Keep me in undisturbed silence; Rejoice me with unspeakable and unceasing joy; for having repented and walked in the right path of the commandments of Your Son, and the rest of my life, I will no longer be condemned by the judgment of my conscience. Give me, now praying to You, pure prayer; May I worthily glorify Thee even until my death, all the days of my saving feat. After my death, free me from the evil tortures of the air tax collectors.

You, About the Lady Theotokos, the light of my darkened eyes, the consolation of my soul, my hope and salvation, I offer this prayer.

To this day and for one more thing I pray to Thee, my Most Blessed Guide: grant me, who have repented and lamented my sins, without condemnation, even though I am unworthy in every way, to partake of the Most Pure Blood and Body of Thy Son and God, for the salvation of the soul and the healing of the body and as a pledge eternal life. In the future age of the sweetness of the Heavenly Supper, partake of the heavenly ineffable graces of the Kingdom of God. Having been vouchsafed to receive these blessings, I will glorify Thy Son and God with His Beginningless Father and Life-Giving Spirit forever and ever, as now, as ever, and to endless ages. Amen.

Prayer “Invoking the help of the Holy Spirit”

A person lives and makes mistakes, sometimes cursing himself and others for wrongdoing, accumulating anger in his soul. Anger begins to eat him from the inside, looking for a way out and an object of revenge. This is a terrible period of the origin and development of mental illness, and if it is not stopped, it can result in serious illness or crime. When a person feels that anger has accumulated inside him, it is necessary to admit this to himself, and then direct this energy not at the one who causes anger in you, but for a good cause. The best remedy, in this case there will be an Orthodox prayer. By turning to higher values ​​in daily prayer, he thereby gradually purifies his thoughts and soul, transforming not only internally, but also externally. Fierce malice no longer darkens in a person’s eyes, but the light of love from the heavenly world begins to appear. In this case, the prayer “Calling the help of the Holy Spirit” helps well. She the best way suitable for a person suffering from mental illness and therefore short and easy to understand and remember, allowing you to read it many times, including when mental turmoil arises.

Prayer text

O God, Creator and Creator of all things, the works of our hands, begun for Thy glory, hasten to correct with Thy blessing, and deliver us from all evil, for one is all-powerful and Lover of mankind.

Prayer against hatred of a person

Hatred of a person is a grave sin and evil that burns out from within both the hater and his enemy. And here, in fact, it is not so important who was right and who was wrong. In this fight there is no winner or loser, because both will suffer. When both opposing sides receive the ripened fruits of evil and weigh them by the measure and price of loss and suffering, they will be horrified by what they have done. It is easier to punish or kill an enemy than to understand and forgive him. But retribution for this will be inevitable. No wonder they say that best fight, this is the one that did not take place. Therefore, the Holy Scripture says that we must love not only our neighbor, but also our enemy, learn to forgive and be merciful. Therefore, we must turn in prayer for help and support to the Lord Jesus Christ.

You and I all understand what a contagious disease is. And we try not to go to places where we see the spread of some kind of infection. Prudence dictates: you will become infected. However, while acting prudently in the physical realm, very often we act recklessly in the spiritual realm.

A person with evil thoughts is a source of spiritual infection. He is sick with some kind of spiritual flu and can re-infect many. When we communicate with those who condemn and slander someone, we very often sit and agree. At worst, we remain silent. But we don’t stop another person’s mouth. An interview with people who are deceitful and evil in their thoughts inevitably ends in spiritual contamination.

We need to remember the patristic teaching that the grace of God moves away from a person who carries evil thoughts and condemnation. Bitter and sweet water do not flow from the same source (see James 3:11). You and I remember that bad communities corrupt morals, that you will be with the venerable saint, you will be corrupted with the obstinate(Ps. 17:26).

Therefore, we must avoid people who have murmuring, corrupt, deceitful thoughts. How to do it? In practical terms, this is quite simple.

First degree - do not participate in condemnation and grumbling. Is it impossible for you to leave? Is this a close relative or boss in front of you? Do circumstances require your presence? Let it be so, but you can always avoid participating in an angry conversation.

Second degree - try carefully stop this thread:“Let’s not talk to you about this topic,” “Let’s refrain from slandering our neighbor.”

Third degree - when you feel that you are unable to bear the evil that others say, you can disappear unnoticed. Under some pretext, go to another room, interrupt the conversation, citing some business.

If you know about a person that he constantly judges others, gets angry, gossips, avoid him. Because just as it is impossible not to get dirty among solid tar, it is also impossible not to get spiritually dirty among people who reproach and slander their neighbors.

But how can we to be healed if we are already infected with angry thoughts? As the Holy Fathers teach, the cure for the irritable part of the soul is love. We can transform all the evil that we have heard about a person and accepted into our hearts into love for him. Having come to our senses, we can show love for our neighbor, pray for him: “Help him,

God". Or - suddenly the Lord provides an opportunity to do good to this person.

So, our first instruction is to avoid those who slander. And secondly, if we are infected, heal, transform our evil thoughts into good thoughts, pray for the person about whom the evil is spreading, and provide him with all kinds of good.

Avoid quarrels with a boss, a subordinate and an equal

Quarrels and discord indicate, first of all, to human madness, to darkness of mind among the disputing parties and the lack of peace between those participating in the dispute.

Therefore, disputes and discord are of three kinds. These are disputes and contradictions of subordinates in relation to their superiors, discord sown by superiors in relation to their subordinates and disputes that flare up in teams, in families and in general in any communities, between equal people.

When an employee argues with a boss, this is insubordination. There is no power that is not from God. Our Lord Jesus Christ, through this leader, tries to enlighten His subordinates. What is required? Listen to the leader and try to act in such a way as not to cause criticism towards yourself. And every boss is a servant of God, no matter what he is. According to Senka and the hat. What kind of subordinates - such a boss is sent by the Lord. Therefore, when people laugh at their boss, they laugh at themselves. They slander themselves because they do not understand that the Lord holds a mirror before them in the face of their leader, showing them their vices and shortcomings. Only one thing is always required of a subordinate - to humbly do what is due to him at work. To say: “Lord, Thy will, what I was commanded, I must do, I accept this not as a simple instruction, but as obedience to You.” And then everything falls into place.

The other plane is the attitude of a boss towards his subordinates. It happens that a subordinate is constantly trying to prove something, have his own opinion and become on the same level as his boss. It is clear that such an employee violates the hierarchy of God. What is the prudent course of action for a manager in such a situation? Simply do not impose your point of view, but calmly achieve the fulfillment of what is required in the service. If you demand that this subordinate do anything more than that, you can sow either anger or hatred, primarily in your soul, or cause discord and quarrel.

A much more complicated situation is when a quarrel, a scandal, some kind of disorder between equal people. As equals, they can express all kinds of barbs and insults; a chain reaction begins, and the spirit of the devil descends into one group or another. Someone alone must stop this. Let's remember how prudently we acted Reverend Silouan Athos. Most often he was silent and listened to what they said. As a rule, we try to participate in all the word debates that arise around us. It all usually starts out harmlessly enough. The topic raised can concern anything - the state of the country, political authorities, wages, medicine - but our pride very often leads to the fact that we try to insist on our opinion. We must remember that if the spirit of argument lives in you, this indicates secret pride. Humble man avoid any dispute and will give the disputant the right of primacy if this is not of a fundamental nature. He will say: “Let it be as you say, as you see fit.” Unless, of course, the matter concerns the protection of a neighbor or the weak, when a person can and should raise his voice in his defense.

If we do not avoid disputes, showdowns, and discussions of controversial topics, we will definitely commit a sin, even several sins. Firstly, we will commit violence against another person - our interlocutor. Secondly, if we express our opinion a second and third time, we may at that moment become irritated and angry. The Holy Fathers tell us the following: when You expressed one opinion twice and it was not accepted twice, shut your mouth and don’t speak out anymore. Because this is followed by anger, irritation, annoyance, both yours and the one who wants to refute what was said. Your victory will be Pyrrhic, it will bring nothing but destruction of the heart, devastation of the soul and discord with the person over whom we achieved primacy.

Therefore, dear ones, if you want to preserve your soul so that it is not devastated, I give you this advice: under no circumstances enter into any kind of disputes, by all means avoid both them and those people who are the source of discord. Of course, the devil will be dissatisfied and will immediately begin to prick with needles: “Why are you silent? Why don’t you express your opinion?” - “Don’t,” say, “I’m a small person, I don’t understand these things, you are educated people, argue without me, and someday I’ll realize it and say something.” But pride rises in us, we want to show off our intelligence, our education, and put the last point in the dispute. And we enter into it. And they listen to us and say: “Okay, stay with your opinion, now listen to what we tell you.” And the demonic skirmish continues. This is how the healthy climate in teams is destroyed, people turn from friends into enemies, and all kinds of disorder arise.

In spiritual terms, the disobedience of the younger to the elder in spiritual world called disobedience. To heal this spiritual illness, the younger must tell the elder three words of humility: “Forgive, bless and pray (for me).” IN in the relationship of the elder to the younger, it is necessary that the elder does not mock the younger, but prays for him, so that the Lord gives the spirit of peace, unanimity, mutual understanding and covered the infirmities Jr. And between equal people there must reign compliance.

One of the ancient patericons gives us an example of righteous argumentation between spiritual people. Two brothers in a monastery could never quarrel in their entire lives. And in the end they decided: they say, somehow we live peacefully, let’s quarrel at least a little, so that later we can repent and ask each other for forgiveness. We chose a topic: you will say that this jug is yours, and I will say that it is mine, and through this you and I will quarrel. So the first one says: “This jug is mine.” And the second one says: “Mine.” The first one repeats: “This jug is still mine.” And the second: “Okay, if you think it’s yours, let it be yours.” At this point the dispute ended, and no quarrel broke out. When a person produces something like this the establishment of spiritual compliance, everything falls into place. A prudent person should avoid the contentious spirit in every possible way: “Let it be your way. I I'll give in you, but not I'll seduce you. Thus, perhaps, by humiliating myself, I will extinguish the beginning quarrel. I will accept your opinion, or perhaps I will not accept it, because I know how things really stand, but I will not act in such a way that you will stumble over me.”

I know that this is difficult for many, but I advise you to work on yourself, work hard, and try to develop such an internal structure. From a person, I repeat once again, who argues and quarrels, the spirit of God moves away, does not remain with him, and another spirit approaches him, the spirit of malice, which takes possession of his heart and soul. Avoid, my dears, quarrels and strife and take care of yourself from this spiritual infection.

If you want to, to God really answered your prayer , please pay attention to the following details. These details have been noticed by people through constant practice and finding ways to attract God's attention to themselves over the years! You can get acquainted with the results in people's lives in a special section or by coming to a service where you will hear real stories the lives of those people who have already won what they prayed for.

Below is the text part of the church service:

Prayer- this is personal communication with God, a conversation with God. Conversation with God(prayer) is the foundation of a relationship with God. Sometimes when I I pray, I don’t want to hear, but I hear people in the hall repeating after me. This shows that there is a lack of relationship with God. A man repeats the pastor’s prayer because he doesn’t yet know how to do it himself. We say: “Pray!”, but the person remains silent.

We ask that you closed your eyes while praying in order to you were concentrating! If a person prays with with open eyes- he looks somewhere, he begins to look at the pastor, people, notices who is entering or leaving, considers what color the pastor’s tie is. So what's going on? The man is not prays, he is cold, passive.

Easy to take prayer and read, but it's just a repetition of someone else's prayers. Prayer which pleases God - prayer, which comes from within a person. How prayed David? - when, going through a difficult moment, I speak in my own words, pouring out everything that worries me, I concentrate and already imagine how God answers me and imagine what I will do.

Here I am writing to you example of prayer, which you can use when starting out pray. Reading this prayer, concentrate and imagine that you wrote it yourself, and everything you read comes from you, from inside your heart. And be sure to develop this prayer, add your words that you want to say to God. Pour out your heart! Remember, God wants sincerity from you, and He will help you no matter how terrible a sinner you are. The main thing is to make a decision to fight to change, and the Lord God Jesus Christ will help you!

All people are sinners, but God wants us to sincerity!

Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, help me to get rid of the spirit of irritability. I don't want to be an irritable person, I know that this does not glorify You. For it is written: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and crying and slander be put away from you, along with all malice” (Eph. 4:31). I often get annoyed that things don't turn out as well as I planned.

I plan one thing, but instead, someone interferes with my plans, and as a result, I can't do anything. It happens that irritation appears when you tell a person one thing, but he does not listen and says his own. Lord, help me to respond correctly to people's words. And even if they say something strange that does not correspond to my concepts.

If a person does not share my faith, help me to be calm about this. Lord, help me to calmly endure failure and not worry about what didn’t work out. If someone is in a hurry and nervous, let them react calmly to the anger of others and not respond with rudeness. Lord, put a filter on my ears so that I don’t hear negative words.

Help, Lord, to treat with compassion those who are hostile to me, let me look with kind eyes at those who do not accept me. Don't let yourself get annoyed by some temporary inconvenience.

Help me to accept everything with humility and with the thought that You are in charge of everything, and all this is only for my good. For it is said: “Say to the righteous that it is good for him, for he will eat the fruit of his deeds” (Is. 3:10). And if the devil wants to provoke irritation in me, in the name of Jesus, I bind him and forbid him to act.

In the name of Jesus Christ, I absolutely calm person and from today I will never be irritated! In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen!

We are pleased to present you audio recordings of prayers - now on the website


Religious reading: prayer for anger and irritability to help our readers.

In many religions, anger is considered one of the main human vices. This mental illness which requires healing. Outbursts of anger bring suffering both to the person himself and to the people around him. How to control your anger? One of the methods - prayer for anger and anger. The Holy Fathers also suggest that at the moment of irritation with another person, remember your own shortcomings and sins. If you think about your imperfections more often, then the shortcomings of other people will irritate you less. I also recommend reading the detailed article “How to cope with irritability.”

How to Control Your Anger with Christian Prayer

Prayer from anger to St. Ephraim the Syrian

Ephraim had a quick temper, but struggled with his shortcomings. And with God’s help I acquired the gift of perfect kindness.

How to deal with your boss's irritability

Chiefs, unfortunately, are not elected. Some bosses are quick-tempered and lash out at their subordinates for any reason. Of course, this spoils the mood. To avoid your boss’s temper and dissatisfaction, try reading special prayers against the boss’s anger before going to work. Some of them are presented below.

Prayer from the anger of the boss to the Lord God

Imagine a humble boss and your calm interaction with him. Read it in the morning, before work.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

How to deal with anger and irritability - Orthodoxy

"Save me, God!". Thank you for visiting our website, before you start studying the information, we ask you to subscribe to our VKontakte group Prayers for every day. Also visit our page on Odnoklassniki and subscribe to her Prayers for every day Odnoklassniki. "God bless you!".

When wondering why people are so often angry and in a state of irritation, many will say that it is because of illness, frayed nerves, etc., and this is fair. In our article you can find out in more detail whether such judgments are correct, what these states are in the Christian religion, what prayers there are for anger and irritability for balance, what the clergy say about this and how to get rid of these passions.

How to get rid of irritability and anger

Such a concept as anger is a destructive addiction, loss of balance of the soul, desire for evil, for those who have upset. By its nature, this gravity is considered indifferent, that is, it can serve to accomplish good deeds, but at the same time it can lead to the worst actions. It is worth noting that the Almighty did not prohibit any frenzy, but only vain ones.

Irritation is an integral part of anger, which fuels pride.

How to deal with these terrible diseases? First of all, you should remain silent. If you feel that anger is already creeping up your throat, then you need to stop it, lock it in a vessel like a caught scorpion and under no circumstances enter into dialogue during this period, no matter how difficult it may be (for example, how not to yelp when you get a burn ). Being in a sophisticated state, you should neither say nor do anything virtuous, except for one thing - your peace of mind.

Holy Fathers on Anger and Irritability

Pious fathers preach the fight against angry addiction, for which one must simultaneously use for good the power of disfavor placed in the human essence by the Heavenly Father. Bitterness leads a believer astray from the path of God, just like the sin of despondency in Orthodoxy and other addictions.

Here, believers spoke about how to deal with anger and irritability.

Saint John Domaskin: There are three variations of frenzy:

  • anger - represents a longer lasting indignation or vindictiveness;
  • irritation - is discontent that begins and ignites;
  • rancor, which represents frenzy waiting for the most opportune time to take revenge.

Priest Elchanikov Alexander: when Orthodox person If a feeling of bitterness towards someone takes over, then one should imagine that both must die and imagining this comes the realization of how insignificant the offense is and how wrong the outgoing bitterness is, no matter how formally it is considered correct.

Saint Diadochos of Photius: sometimes ferocity can produce significant benefits. During this period, a person dispassionately uses it in defiance of the unrighteous or in any way acting cynically, so that they are ashamed or receive salvation.

Saint Great Vasily: Indignation is self-forgetfulness of the soul, and it can also deprive the soul of peace, like wine.

The recluse Vyshensky - the clergyman Theophan: frenzy and irritation come from selfishness, due to which a person recognizes himself as worth a lot; Therefore, when someone allows himself not to pay tribute to his neighbor, rage sets in and evil thoughts of revenge come. In order to ruin your self-worth, you must try to control yourself, and you must not lose your composure for a minute. Follow the laws:

  • When something happens that can bring grief and dissatisfaction, you should listen to your heart as soon as possible and try as much as possible to prevent the revival of such a spiritual impulse. Be strong and cry out in prayer. If you allow those feelings to arise, everything will end; for everything comes from emotions.
  • Wait for every moment of failure, and when they come to greet her as a long-awaited guest.
  • For these hammers, add: a gentle tone of voice, holding a gentle gaze, a warm address, and most importantly, try at all costs to avoid by any means reminders of the person who has instilled resentment and a sense of injustice in your soul.
  • Do not look at the offense and the offender, for here you can only find a great support for vindictiveness and resentment; and it is best to rid your mind of this, which will be the right decision. It seems like he won’t be with him, but the feeling will never subside.

Saint John Chrysostom: as if the human stomach could not accept solid and healthy food When it is weakened, so is the soul, it is impulsive and arrogant, becomes relaxed and weakened, unable to perceive spiritual eloquence. Sincere prayer to St. John Chrysostom will help strengthen faith and get rid of sinful thoughts, enlighten and calm.

Reverend Abba Dorotheos: It is unthinkable for anyone to show bitterness towards his neighbor unless his soul first overcomes him and unless he destroys it and considers himself above all this.

Prayer for irritability and anger (Abba Dorotheus):

“God, merciful and loving of mankind! By your ineffable goodness, you created us from nothing, to enjoy Your blessings, and through the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us, who had departed from Your commandments! Come now, help our weakness, and as You once rebuked the troubled sea, so now rebuke the disturbance of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, killed by sin, in one hour, and so that You do not say to us: “What good is it?” My blood, ever descend into decay,” and: “Amen I say to you, we do not know you,” because our lamps went out from the lack of oil. Amen".

Prayer for anger and irritability


Why do people get irritated and angry so often? Some will say that it is due to illness, others complain of nerves. The third will justify himself by saying that he was angry quite rightly.

Reverend Ambrose main reason anger and irritability called pride.

“Three rings cling to each other: hatred from anger, anger from pride.”

“No one should justify their irritability by some illness - it comes from pride.”

The elder, as usual, spoke briefly and aptly, aphoristically:

“The home of the soul is patience, the food of the soul is humility. If there is no food in the house, the tenant gets out.”

The Monk Nikon wrote to his spiritual child about touchiness:

“You consider yourself to be insensitive. But you are not offended by things that you are not interested in. If it touches what you value, you will be offended.”

The Monk Macarius warned: not only the soul, but also the body suffers from anger and irritability. The elder wrote:

“From the action and disturbance of these spiritual passions, disorder also falls on the body, and this is already God’s punishment: both soul and body suffer from our negligence and inattention.”

Elder Anthony called irritability a mortal poison that destroys health and shortens life:

“In terms of irritability, I advise you to protect yourself as if from a mortal poison, which significantly destroys health, renders medical remedies ineffective and shortens life itself.”

The Monk Leo taught to restrain oneself from irritation, so as not to lose peace of mind:

“Multiple experiences should teach you how to restrain yourself from irritations, through which peace of mind is lost.”

The elder wrote about irritability:

“It is healed not by solitude, but by communicating with one’s neighbors and enduring annoyance from them, and in case of defeat by them, by knowing one’s weaknesses and humility.”

The Monk Macarius warned that the fight against anger and irritability requires “a lot of time, willpower, heroism and labor”:

“...this is not a matter of a single day or month, but a lot of time, will, effort, labor and God’s help is required to eradicate this deadly root.”

The monk taught that in life one cannot avoid incidents that give rise to anger, but one can only heal from this passion in one way - through humility and self-reproach:

“This mental illness is not healed by the fact that no one disturbs or insults us - this is impossible: in life there are many unforeseen, unpleasant and sorrowful cases, sent by God's Providence to our testing or punishment. But we must seek healing for this passion in this way: with good will, accept all cases - reprimands, humiliation, reproaches and annoyance - with self-reproach and humility.”

The elder instructed, when indignant and insulted, to refrain from nasty words and to reproach yourself for not being able to maintain peace in your soul, then passions will gradually be exterminated:

“...become observant and attentive to your heart and, when insulted and indignant, refrain from using nasty words and reproach yourself for being indignant, then you will calm down, and your passions will little by little be destroyed.

The Monk Zosima writes: when we, when we are insulted, grieve not for the fact that we were insulted, but for the fact that we were insulted, then the demons are afraid of such a dispensation, they see that they have begun to move towards the extermination of passions.”

Reverend Ambrose, as always, advised briefly and with humor:

“When you get upset, reproach yourself - say: “You damned one!” Why did you disperse, who is afraid of you?”

And here is some brief but very effective advice that the Monk Joseph gave to those who suddenly became angry:

“...When you feel anger and excitement from the power of the enemy, quickly take the water of Epiphany, drink a sip with the sign of the cross and prayer, and moisten your chest with holy water.”

Elder Leo advised to quickly reconcile with those whom you have offended:

“It is much better to make peace and say “guilty” to the one whom you offended, rather than to start litigation, for it is said: “Let not the sun go down on your anger” (Eph. 4:26). Rather, make peace with those you offended.” Sometimes our anger is not without reason; we can be angry with a brother who has committed an unworthy act. But even then we must refrain from anger, because evil cannot be healed with evil, but only with love. Elder Leo wrote this to his child, who was angry with his brother:

“...we do not praise your action, because St. Macarius the Great writes: “If someone heals a brother with rage, he is not healing him, but he is fulfilling his passion,” but what comes out of his mouth, we will not catch him. And with all this, let us recognize our weakness and insignificance.”

Elder Macarius explained that even our unjust offender would still not be able to offend and offend us without God’s permission, and therefore we should consider him an instrument of God’s Providence:

“But we should not dare to accuse someone who insults us, even if it seems to be a wrong insult, but consider him an instrument of God’s Providence, sent to show us our dispensation.”

“And no one can offend or annoy us, unless the Lord allows this to be for our benefit, or for punishment, or for testing and correction.”

About offenders, about those who unjustly insult, the Monk Joseph wrote:

“Our offenders are our first spiritual benefactors: they awaken us from spiritual sleep.”

The elder considered it useful to be insulted “when we are pushed”:

“And it’s good for us when we are pushed. The tree that is swayed more by the wind is strengthened by its roots, but the tree that is in silence immediately falls.”

Sometimes, after an insult inflicted on us, we cannot come to our senses for a long time and find peace of mind. The soul is exhausted from meaningless memories, the mind idly replays the unpleasant situation over and over again. The Monk Ambrose advised in such situations:

“If a thought says to you: why didn’t you tell this person who insulted you? Then tell your thoughts: now it’s too late to talk - I’m late.”

“If they really catch your eye, tell yourself: not calico, you won’t fade.”

To learn to bear grievances patiently, Reverend Ambrose advised to remember your own wrong deeds:

“Don’t complain, but bear this blow patiently, putting your left cheek forward, that is, remembering your wrong deeds. And if, perhaps, you are now innocent, then you have sinned a lot before - and thus you will be convinced that you are worthy of punishment.”

One sister asked Elder Ambrose:

“I can’t understand how one can not be indignant at insults and injustices.” Father, teach me patience.

To which the elder replied:

– Learn and start with patience when you find and encounter troubles. Be fair yourself and don’t offend anyone.

Sometimes we wish for peace, but reconciliation does not happen. Elder Hilarion instructed in this case:

“...if you reconcile your own heart towards someone who is angry with you, then the Lord will command his heart to be reconciled with you.” The Monk Joseph advised to pray for those with whom you are angry in order to crush your embittered heart:

“Pray harder and more often for those towards whom you will feel anger and resentment, otherwise you will easily perish. With patience and thanksgiving to the Lord for everything, you will be saved more easily.”

The teachings of the Optina elders on the fight against the passions of anger, irritability and resentment are useful to always have on hand and re-read in Hard time when the soul is outraged by these passions.

From the heritage of the Optina elders

The Lord calls us not to make enemies out of our neighbors. Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' spoke about this.

According to the High Hierarch, when we talk about love for enemies, we do not mean the enemies of the Motherland who come to us with a sword or try to weaken it so much that the Motherland perishes.

“Who is the enemy who needs to be loved? - said the Holy One. “Often we ourselves create such enemies - out of thoughtlessness, at the instigation of others, out of internal opposition to another person, out of envy.”

“We create enemies for ourselves in our communication and then we begin to fight them, we try to do them some kind of harm, to remove them from our life path, forgetting the words: “how you want people to treat you, that’s how you treat them.” But the Lord calls us not to make enemies of our neighbors, but to find the strength to forgive, to find the strength to create peace around us. And who comes out victorious when a person forgives his enemy? The enemy or the one who has forgiven the enemy? Of course, the one who has forgiven the enemy, because fighting with one’s neighbors brings suffering to a person. Life turns into hell, you have nightmares, a person wakes up with high blood pressure, with a headache, everything is subject to this struggle with your neighbor. And this means that if your neighbor really did you harm, then by responding to him in kind, you are giving up your position, you are losing the fight. You were calm, but you showed up evil person, and your calmness disappeared, it means he defeated you. He sowed his anger and his untruth into your heart. But if you do not respond to him with evil, if you pray for him as for a perishing person, if you drive out anger from your heart without losing a reasonable assessment life situation, then you sleep peacefully, you maintain your health, and this evil person does not defeat you, you defeat him with your goodness,” concluded Patriarch Kirill.

Short prayers for resentment, anger, anger and hatred.

Accept as an invaluable gift short prayers for terrible ailments, which include anger, hatred, resentment and malice.

Without noticing it ourselves, we become angry, offended by those closest to us and terribly hating our worst enemies.

We try to justify ourselves with quotes from misconceptions, other religions and scriptures, where “an eye for an eye” is considered a good decision.

In holy Orthodoxy, the Lord God commands us to forgive our enemies, let go of grievances, and not waste our anger on those next to us.

For these sorrows, the soul becomes callous, and hatred fills every cell.

To cope with such ailments, you need to periodically read special prayers, not necessarily addressed to the Lord God.

They can be addressed to Blessed Matrona, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Most Holy Theotokos.

When you feel anger, overwhelming hatred or malice, at the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room to read these short prayers.

Light at least one candle. If you have holy water, fill the cup. Place any available icons nearby.

Calm down a little and begin to slowly pray.

Prayer for resentment.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor by order of the Most High God. Let it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.

Prayer for anger.

Wonderworker Nicholas, calm down my excessive anger, clear the wrong road. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for anger.

Wonderworker Nicholas, pacify my anger and attack, do not let me fall into sin. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for hatred.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me for the hatred that strikes me, cleanse my aching soul from anger. Save me from hellish shackles. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Reading these short prayers will not take you much time.

At the command of the Lord God, anger will subside, resentment will be dissipated, and evil hatred will be replaced by generosity.

Complete collection and description: Orthodox prayer for grievances for the spiritual life of a believer.

With unforgiveness of insults and remembrance of evil

My Savior, teach me to forgive with all my heart everyone who has offended me in any way. I know that I cannot come before You with the feelings of enmity that lurk in my soul. My heart is hardened! There is no love in me! Help me, Lord! I pray to You, teach me to forgive those who offend me, just as You Yourself, my God, forgave Your enemies on the cross!

With unmercifulness and irritation towards one's neighbor

Merciful, merciful, kind, long-suffering, loving, gracious Heavenly Father! I mourn and confess before You the innate malice and insensitivity of my heart, that I often sinned against my poor neighbor with unmercifulness and unfriendliness, did not take part in his poverty and the misfortunes that happened to him, did not have due human, Christian and brotherly compassion for him, abandoned he was in distress, did not visit, did not console, did not help him. In this I did not act like a child of God, because I was not merciful like You, my Heavenly Father, and I did not think about what Christ my Lord says: blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. I didn't think about the last sentence on Last Judgment: Depart from Me, you cursed, into eternal fire; For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was naked, and you did not clothe Me; I was sick and did not visit Me. Merciful Father! Forgive me this grave sin, and do not hold it against me. Turn away from me the grave and righteous punishment, and make sure that judgment without mercy is not carried out on me, but cover and forget my unmercifulness for the sake of the mercy of Your beloved Son. Grant me a merciful heart that would grieve for the misfortune of my neighbor, and make sure that I am quickly and easily prompted to compassion. Grant me grace so that I may help to alleviate, and not increase, the sorrows and disasters endured by my neighbors; so that I console him in his sorrow and show mercy to all sorrowful spirits - the sick, strangers, widows and orphans; so that he would help them willingly and love them not only in words, but in deed and truth. My God! You want mercy, not sacrifice. Make me clothe myself with heartfelt mercy, kindness, humility, patience, and willingly forgive, as Christ forgave me. Make me aware of Your great mercy in me, because I am too small before all the mercy that You have shown over me since the day I was born. Thy mercy went before me when I lay in sins; it embraces me, it follows me wherever I go, and finally takes me into eternal life. Amen.

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Orthodox Prayer Book

My Savior, teach me to forgive with all my heart everyone who has offended me in any way. I know that I cannot come before You with the feelings of enmity that lurk in my soul. My heart is hardened! There is no love in me! Help me, Lord! I pray to You, teach me to forgive those who offend me, just as You Yourself, my God, forgave Your enemies on the cross! In case of unmercifulness and irritation towards one's neighbor, merciful, merciful, kind, long-suffering, loving, compassionate Heavenly Father! I mourn and confess before You the innate malice and insensitivity of my heart, that I often sinned against my poor neighbor through unmercifulness and unfriendliness, did not take part in his poverty and the misfortunes that happened to him, did not have due human, Christian and brotherly compassion for him, abandoned he was in distress, did not visit, did not console, did not help him. In this I did not act like a child of God, because I was not merciful like You, my Heavenly Father, and I did not think about what Christ my Lord says: blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy. I did not think about the final sentence at the Last Judgment: depart from Me, you cursed, into eternal fire; For I was hungry, and you gave Me no food; I was naked, and you did not clothe Me; I was sick and did not visit Me. Merciful Father! Forgive me this grave sin, and do not hold it against me. Turn away from me the grave and righteous punishment, and make sure that judgment without mercy is not carried out on me, but cover and forget my unmercifulness for the sake of the mercy of Your beloved Son. Grant me a merciful heart that would grieve for the misfortune of my neighbor, and make sure that I am quickly and easily prompted to compassion. Grant me grace so that I may help to alleviate, and not increase, the sorrows and disasters endured by my neighbors; so that I console him in his sorrow and show mercy to all sorrowful spirits - the sick, strangers, widows and orphans; so that he would help them willingly and love them not only in words, but in deed and truth. My God! You want mercy, not sacrifice. Make me clothe myself with heartfelt mercy, kindness, humility, patience, and willingly forgive, as Christ forgave me. Make me aware of Your great mercy in me, because I am too small before all the mercy that You have shown over me since the day I was born. Thy mercy went before me when I lay in sins; it embraces me, it follows me wherever I go, and finally takes me into eternal life. Amen.

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Prayer for those who hate and offend us

Throughout life, a person faces different people, which evoke a huge range of feelings. We can be loved, appreciated, hated, protected, offended, etc. Not only psychologists, but also believers believe that it is impossible to accumulate negativity in the soul, since it only leads to the abyss. There is a special prayer for those who offend and hate us, by reading which a person can cleanse himself of negativity and achieve perfection. The clergy say that when a person is ripe to pray for his enemies, this indicates his readiness to enter the Kingdom of God.

You can make prayer requests both at home and in church. The location doesn't really matter. If you want to go to confession, then before it, you need to pray for your enemies in order to cleanse yourself of negativity.

Why read a prayer for those who hate and offend us?

To understand this issue, we suggest turning to religious origins. While Jesus was being crucified on the cross, he turned to God and asked him to forgive the soldiers involved in the execution and the people who watched what was happening and did nothing. The Christian religion has always been considered “all-forgiving”, since even in Old Testament the feeling of revenge is included in the list of terrible sins. There is even a commandment that very clearly describes the principle of forgiveness: “if you are hit on one cheek, then turn the other.” The meaning of this expression is much deeper than it seems, since it helps a person to distinguish between accident and malicious intent. Believers believe that prayer for hating enemies helps to cleanse one’s own soul and draw closer to God.

Almost every religion has certain taboos, the list of which includes the desire for revenge. In Christianity, it is believed that a person who is often offended, hates others and wants to take revenge is simply denigrating his soul. It is necessary to read prayers regularly, and do this exclusively from a pure heart and with good intentions. You need to open up to God only in this way so that you can receive blessings and support from the Higher Powers.

Prayer to forgive those who hate and offend us Ignatius Brianchaninov

This prayer is largely a prayer of gratitude, because the saint asks God to send various blessings to his enemies. He explains this by the fact that it is enemies who allow a person to become closer to God, teaching humility and awareness of existing sins.

Text of the prayer for those who hate and offend us:

“I thank You, Lord and my God, for everything that has happened to me! I thank You for all the sorrows and temptations that You sent me to cleanse those defiled by sins, to heal those ulcerated by sins, my soul and body! Have mercy and save those instruments that You used to heal me: those people who insulted me. Bless them in this age and the next! Credit to them as virtue what they did for me! Assign them abundant rewards from Your eternal treasures. What did I bring to You? What are acceptable sacrifices? I brought only sins, only violations of Your Divine commandments. Forgive me, Lord, forgive the guilty one before You and before people! Forgive the unrequited! Grant me to be convinced and sincerely admit that I am a sinner! Grant me to reject crafty excuses! Grant me repentance! Grant me contrition of heart! Grant me meekness and humility! Grant love to my neighbors, immaculate love, the same to everyone, both those who console me and those who insult me! Grant me patience in all my sorrows! Die me to the world! Take away my sinful will from me, and plant Your holy will in my heart, so that I may do it alone in my deeds, words, thoughts, and feelings.”

There are other prayers for those who hate and offend us.

Troparion, tone 4:

“Lord of love, who prayed for those who crucified You, and commanded Your disciples to pray for their enemies! Forgive those who hate and offend us, and turn from all evil and deceit to a brotherly and virtuous life, we humbly offer a prayer to You: that in unanimity we may glorify You, the only Lover of mankind.”

“As Your first martyr Stephen prayed to You for those who killed him, Lord, and we, falling to You, pray: forgive those who hate everyone and those who offend us, so that not one of them perishes because of us, but all are saved by Your grace, O All-Bountiful God.” .

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How to deal with anger and irritability - Orthodoxy

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When wondering why people are so often angry and in a state of irritation, many will say that it is because of illness, frayed nerves, etc., and this is fair. In our article you can find out in more detail whether such judgments are correct, what these states are in the Christian religion, what prayers there are for anger and irritability for balance, what the clergy say about this and how to get rid of these passions.

How to get rid of irritability and anger

Such a concept as anger is a destructive addiction, loss of balance of the soul, desire for evil, for those who have upset. By its nature, this gravity is considered indifferent, that is, it can serve to accomplish good deeds, but at the same time it can lead to the worst actions. It is worth noting that the Almighty did not prohibit any frenzy, but only vain ones.

Irritation is an integral part of anger, which fuels pride.

How to deal with these terrible diseases? First of all, you should remain silent. If you feel that anger is already creeping up your throat, then you need to stop it, lock it in a vessel like a caught scorpion and under no circumstances enter into dialogue during this period, no matter how difficult it may be (for example, how not to yelp when you get a burn ). Being in a sophisticated state, you should neither say nor do anything virtuous, except for one thing - your peace of mind.

Holy Fathers on Anger and Irritability

Pious fathers preach the fight against angry addiction, for which one must simultaneously use for good the power of disfavor placed in the human essence by the Heavenly Father. Bitterness leads a believer astray from the path of God, just like the sin of despondency in Orthodoxy and other addictions.

Here, believers spoke about how to deal with anger and irritability.

Saint John Domaskin: There are three variations of frenzy:

  • anger - represents a longer lasting indignation or vindictiveness;
  • irritation - is discontent that begins and ignites;
  • rancor, which represents frenzy waiting for the most opportune time to take revenge.

Priest Elchanikov Alexander: when an Orthodox person is overcome by a feeling of bitterness towards someone, then one should imagine that both must die and imagining this comes the realization of how insignificant the offense is and how incorrect the outgoing bitterness is, no matter how formally it is considered correct.

Saint Diadochos of Photius: sometimes ferocity can produce significant benefits. During this period, a person dispassionately uses it in defiance of the unrighteous or in any way acting cynically, so that they are ashamed or receive salvation.

Saint Basil the Great: indignation is self-forgetfulness of the soul, and it can also deprive the soul of peace, like wine.

The recluse Vyshensky - the clergyman Theophan: frenzy and irritation come from selfishness, due to which a person recognizes himself as worth a lot; Therefore, when someone allows himself not to pay tribute to his neighbor, rage sets in and evil thoughts of revenge come. In order to ruin your self-worth, you must try to control yourself, and you must not lose your composure for a minute. Follow the laws:

  • When something happens that can bring grief and dissatisfaction, you should listen to your heart as soon as possible and try as much as possible to prevent the revival of such a spiritual impulse. Be strong and cry out in prayer. If you allow those feelings to arise, everything will end; for everything comes from emotions.
  • Wait for every moment of failure, and when they come to greet her as a long-awaited guest.
  • For these hammers, add: a gentle tone of voice, holding a gentle gaze, a warm address, and most importantly, try at all costs to avoid by any means reminders of the person who has instilled resentment and a sense of injustice in your soul.
  • Do not look at the offense and the offender, for here you can only find a great support for vindictiveness and resentment; and it is best to rid your mind of this, which will be the right decision. It seems like he won’t be with him, but the feeling will never subside.

Saint John Chrysostom: just as the human stomach could not accept solid and healthy food when it is weakened, so is the soul, it is impulsive and arrogant, becomes relaxed and weakened, unable to perceive spiritual eloquence. Sincere prayer to St. John Chrysostom will help strengthen faith and get rid of sinful thoughts, enlighten and calm.

Reverend Abba Dorotheos: It is unthinkable for anyone to show bitterness towards his neighbor unless his soul first overcomes him and unless he destroys it and considers himself above all this.

Prayer for irritability and anger (Abba Dorotheus):

“God, merciful and loving of mankind! By your ineffable goodness, you created us from nothing, to enjoy Your blessings, and through the blood of Your Only Begotten Son, our Savior, who called us, who had departed from Your commandments! Come now, help our weakness, and as You once rebuked the troubled sea, so now rebuke the disturbance of our hearts, so that You do not lose both of us, Your children, killed by sin, in one hour, and so that You do not say to us: “What good is it?” My blood, ever descend into decay,” and: “Amen I say to you, we do not know you,” because our lamps went out from the lack of oil. Amen".

Short prayers for resentment, anger, anger and hatred

Accept as an invaluable gift short prayers for terrible ailments, which include anger, hatred, resentment and malice.

Without noticing it ourselves, we become angry, offended by those closest to us and terribly hating our worst enemies.

We try to justify ourselves with quotes from misconceptions, other religions and scriptures, where “an eye for an eye” is considered a good decision.

In holy Orthodoxy, the Lord God commands us to forgive our enemies, let go of grievances, and not waste our anger on those next to us.

For these sorrows, the soul becomes callous, and hatred fills every cell.

To cope with such ailments, it is necessary to periodically read special prayers, not necessarily addressed to the Lord God.

They can be addressed to Blessed Matrona, Nicholas the Wonderworker and the Most Holy Theotokos.

When you feel anger, overwhelming hatred or malice, at the most appropriate time, retire to a locked room to read these short prayers.

Light at least one candle. If you have holy water, fill the cup. Place any available icons nearby.

Calm down a little and begin to slowly pray.

Prayer for resentment.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Deliver me from resentment towards my neighbor by order of the Most High God. Let it be so. Amen.

Cross yourself heartily and drink holy water.

Prayer for anger.

Wonderworker Nicholas, calm down my excessive anger, clear the wrong road. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for anger.

Wonderworker Nicholas, pacify my anger and attack, do not let me fall into sin. Thy will be done. Amen.

Prayer for hatred.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Forgive me for the hatred that strikes me, cleanse my aching soul from anger. Save me from hellish shackles. And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Reading these short prayers will not take you much time.

At the command of the Lord God, anger will subside, resentment will be dissipated, and evil hatred will be replaced by generosity.

Live in harmony!



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