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Monica Bellucci: rare photos and facts from life. In conclusion, a few statistics...

10 lessons of femininity from Monica Bellucci.

Make yourself wait. Early June, 14th arrondissement of Paris. The thermometer outside the window shows plus 35, the air conditioning in the studio is on full blast, and we wait patiently. Monica's agent just called: she's on her way. The beauty appears at noon: at dark glasses, wearing a black satin blouse and black high-heeled sandals. She apologizes for being late in a sexy Italian accent: “I had a hard night, my daughter has a temperature of 39.” Her hairdresser, John Nolle, came with her. He just gave her bangs: “Bangs are beautiful, but I like to change things up, play with my hair.”

It's time to start trying on. Monica does it without hesitation. Slender, tanned, just returned from Spain. Rest was absolutely necessary after the festival marathon in Cannes. “I love the sun, the sun is life. I know that it is not worth abusing it. Most actresses have white skin because light reflects on it better and wrinkles do not appear prematurely. There aren't many roles for tanned girls. That's why I only allow myself to sunbathe properly for a month a year. I only have one life and I can't forget about it. A quarter of an hour in the sun promotes the production of vitamin D, in any case I use SPF 25 protective cream,” Monica consoles us (or, rather, herself).

“Being beautiful at 20 is natural, when you are beautiful at 35 or 45 it’s already life position».

It's good to know yourself.“Do what you want,” she tells the makeup artist in good English. A little foundation, some powder, some black liner around the edge of her eyelid, some false eyelashes on the outside of her eye to open up her eyes, and a little black mascara that she applies herself. Monica looks at herself in the mirror. “Continue the line here a little, it will be softer.” She only asks for a light manicure and doesn't want the skin around her nails trimmed. “I never touch it, otherwise it will hurt for three days and the outline of the nail will swell.” Just before the start of the shoot, the makeup artist applies a lipstick that matches the dress with a brush—from the new Rouge Dior range, of course.

Don't be shy about wearing bright lipstick.“Painting your lips is an erotic gesture, beautiful and sensual. There are many scenes in movies that recreate this moment. And cinema reflects life. My daughter loves watching me apply lipstick. This is a ritual passed down from woman to woman—my mother and grandmother did the same. It’s very touching to remember how my grandmother, at 80, painted her lips before leaving the house. And it was bold: she showed that she still wanted to be liked and be young. Painting your lips, especially plump ones like mine, with bright red lipstick is also bold. You show that you are not afraid to attract attention to yourself and demonstrate the strength of your femininity. Brightly painted lips are definitely a challenge, a provocation!”

Show off your curves. Monica's sensual forms are not a cinematic trick: ample breasts (she says size 90 B) and a thin waist are the way nature has endowed her. To fit into a dress with a bodice, she holds her breath. It took two people to do the zipper, but the end result is Monica looking stunning, like Anita Ekberg in La Dolce Vita. Does she play sports? “Gymnastics, swimming and yoga. But not regularly. Filming, rehearsals, a child - all this, as you understand, is more important.”

Enjoy life. She is not concerned about diets. Detox, macrobiotics and vegetarianism do not cause strong emotions: “Everyone knows that this should be done, but not everyone has the willpower. After all, if you don’t eat cheese and cakes and drink plenty of water, you won’t gain weight,” she concludes. - You need to eat a little of everything. And I always eat meat, fish or pasta only with vegetables.” But she openly envies the photographer chewing a piece of bread: “You’re lucky, you’re thin, you can eat whatever you want...” Because of her hectic schedule, she rarely cooks, but loves to sit at the table: “I often appoint business meetings at lunchtime. By watching how a person eats, you can learn a lot about him. I hate eating in a hurry, probably because of my Italian roots. A shared meal is a moment of revelation when we share thoughts with each other, positive or negative. It is very useful. And I strive to healthy life, I take care of my body. And for the sake of my daughter, I want my life to last long enough - as long as my daughter needs me.”

Values ​​originality. Like Ava Gardner, Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale, Monica is a brunette with brown eyes. According to her, there are fewer and fewer actresses with such features, and this outrages her: “There are only blondes everywhere: on TV, in magazines! Tell me, how many of us brunettes are there in Hollywood? Two or three, no more.” And she starts counting: “Catherine Zeta-Jones, Penelope Cruz... and me! All the rest are skinny blondes. It’s better for me - more offers.”

To take risks. In the fall, the film Le Concile de Pierre, based on the novel by Jean-Christophe Grange, will be released, there by Bellucci short hair and no makeup. “In our profession you have to take risks. It's not interesting to be the same all the time. When you trust the director, you agree to external changes, and as a result some new inner essence“, not only professional, but also human boundaries are being expanded.”

“How many of us brunettes are there in Hollywood? Two or three, all the rest are thin blondes.”

Fight and search. Is there any advice she could give to her youngest fans? “Dream and do everything to make your dreams come true. When you fail, learn from it and move on. Never back down. Be brave, curious and ambitious." What should you do to make a man fall in love with you? This is, of course, a sensitive issue. “We have to act wisely. It’s very difficult to give advice here - we are all too different.”

Find it and don't give up. Monica stands under the lamplight, and everyone falls silent. Diva on stage. No fatigue, no rush. She professionally chooses a pose, closes her eyes, and concentrates. Now there are only her and the photographer, whom she listens to carefully, like a director, transforming before her eyes. This is called professionalism. Bravo, Monica!

Monica in her youth amazed men with her beauty

History of personality development

Of course, Monica Bellucci did not become a famous beauty from birth. She went to this for a long time. What stages of growing up did she go through?

  • Born in the Italian village of Città di Castello on September 30, 1964. Her parents were an ordinary rural worker and an artist, who supported their daughter and sought to educate her.

  • After school, she entered the University of Perugia, where she was rapidly approaching her dream of a legal career. In order not to depend on parents financially, in free time I worked part-time as a waitress in one of the popular pizzerias.
  • As a result of an agreement best friend takes part in the casting of a modeling agency. Since Monica had a lovely, sweet appearance in her youth, which is clearly visible in her first professional photos, she easily becomes a model. From that moment on, the girl’s priorities changed dramatically. She is full of strength and energy to conquer new heights.

Thanks to painstaking work on her appearance, style, gait, posture, the girl becomes a sought-after model. She is invited to fashion shows in Milan and New York. Even the famous brand Dolce & Gabbana made Monica the face of their collections. Naturally, photos of the model began to appear one after another on the covers of fashion glossy magazines. Who among us does not dream of such success?
In 2004, Monica deservedly became the most beautiful woman in the world according to Ask Men`s.

The interesting thing is that over the years Monica remains just as beautiful, but in her own way. She has an attractive and delightful charm that can be seen in photographs even today.

Note that Monica Bellucci defies all beauty standards and maintains her Italian individuality. She is against plastic surgery and promotes natural beauty. Let's find out the recipe for her elixir of youth together.

In 2004, Monica deservedly became the most beautiful woman in the world according to Ask Men`s

Advice! Don't be afraid to show your individuality. Monica is distinguished by her Italian appearance, which she skillfully emphasizes without hiding it behind a ton of makeup. Thanks to this, she remains desirable to men for decades.

Natural beauty

Makeup has become an integral part of the lives of girls and women. Some people can't leave the house without applying eyeliner or foundation to their skin. Monica Bellucci, on the contrary, is proud of her natural beauty. Her dark thick hair perfectly accentuates her dark eyes.

Monica Bellucci is proud of her natural beauty

Of course, Monica does not allow herself to go out without makeup. But her makeup is almost invisible. She only applies a little foundation and black mascara, which only enhances her natural attractiveness. The actress believes that too many products turn the face into a mannequin or plastic. Such beauty has no meaning, since it is devoid of naturalness. But lipstick in neutral shades has an important place in your makeup bag.

Tips for choosing cosmetics from Monica Bellucci:

  • use natural shades of foundation, taking into account your color type;
  • choose foundations and foundations that maintain the skin’s moisture balance and also allow it to breathe;
  • For everyday makeup, light shades of brown or gray are suitable, which perfectly highlight the hazel shade of the eyes;
  • Don’t give up lipstick, it adds seductiveness to your look, because lips are made for kissing (Monica’s favorite color is classic red).

As we can see, it is not necessary to completely correct your face to achieve the ideal. Moreover, each person has a different opinion about beauty. Don’t try to please everyone, accept yourself and then it will be easier for you to present yourself to others.

Advice! Don't use makeup as a way to protect yourself from others. Cosmetics are designed to make yourself and others happy. Do not hide your own self, uniqueness and individuality under makeup, but, on the contrary, emphasize it.

By the way, without makeup and Photoshop, the star looks quite nice even at her age ().

Hair care

Nature gave Monica Bellucci gorgeous thick hair. But we know how negatively they can be affected by constant styling and fixing agents, which must be used regularly to create the desired image in the cinema or in the photo. The actress managed to maintain the beauty, thickness and naturalness of her strands.

Nature gave Monica Bellucci gorgeous thick hair

The girl shares her hair care secrets:

  • you don’t need to wash your hair more than twice a week, otherwise your hair will dry out;
  • to reduce the concentration of artificial components in shampoo, it must be diluted with mineral water;
  • rub olive oil into the hair roots to strengthen them and make them strong;
  • A regular hair mask made from olive oil gives strength and shine to your curls;
  • You need to dry your hair naturally, especially since the actress has enough exposure to a hair dryer and straightener on set;
  • you need to use only high-quality shampoo and conditioner, for example, Dr Hauschka, based on natural ingredients that nourish the curls well.

It turns out that Monica does not have a special recipe for caring for gorgeous hair. You just need to use high-quality shampoos and conditioners, don’t forget about masks that additionally nourish the strands, and use a hairdryer less often. Since Monica is a representative of natural beauty, she takes care of her curls accordingly.

Advice! We often damage our hair on our own. Aggressive dyes, chemical shampoos, hair dryers, curling irons are the enemies of our hair. Give preference to natural care, and your strands will thank you.

Clean skin is the key to success

Imagine a fashion model with skin defects. Introduced? Most likely, this is an advertisement for an anti-acne product. High fashion does not tolerate any errors, even if they can be disguised with cosmetics. When it comes to skin care, Monica is conservative. She is against chemical injections and plastic surgery. I chose moisturizing and timely cleansing of the skin as the main rule for myself. What advice does the actress give to her fans?

  • You need to drink a lot of water so that your skin cells are renewed frequently. At the same time, the eyes become shining and bright.
  • It is very important to moisturize your lips in a timely manner, otherwise they will crack and become rough.

She is conservative when it comes to grooming.

  • If you like to bask in the sun, don't forget to moisturize your skin. Olive oil perfectly nourishes the dermis.
  • Always cleanse your face of makeup at night. The skin should rest and breathe.
  • Do not use low-quality cosmetics, and do not overdo it with the amount. If you hide your skin under a layer of “plaster” every day, it will wither and look tired.
  • In order for eyelashes and eyebrows to grow better, you need to strengthen them with vegetable oils.

Bellucci recommends not to use low-quality cosmetics, and also not to overdo it with the amount of it.

Oddly enough, Monica did not reveal supernatural secrets eternal youth. Regular natural skin care is the basic rule of a woman. Give up chemistry large quantity cosmetics, give your face a night's rest, and notice favorable changes.

Advice! Smoking, stress and pollution environment negatively affect the skin. We can give up bad habits for the sake of beauty, we also need to abstract ourselves from stress, and clean water will help protect us from the effects of the environment.

Monica Bellucci - a victim of diets or God's favorite?

For a fashion model and actress, it is very important to always keep yourself in shape. But constant training and refusal to eat are too exhausting for the body. Monica Bellucci in her youth still looks great. Her weight ranges from 63 kg to 68 kg with a height of 178 cm. Moreover, her parameters are almost ideal: 92-62-92. How does she always manage to maintain her figure? Does the actress really not eat anything?

Her weight ranges from 63 kg to 68 kg with a height of 178 cm

Oddly enough, Monica really loves food. Especially goodies like pizza and other Italian dishes. But before a role where she needs to be in perfect shape, the girl limits herself in her desires. She eats often, but in small portions. The diet includes fish, meat and vegetables. In other words, the actress adheres to proper nutrition. Maybe that's why her skin looks young and fresh.

What about sports? Monica's parameters are not ideal, but, nevertheless, men all over the world go crazy over the beauty of the Italian girl. Even naked fashion models are a delight.

Monica does not exercise regularly, explaining this by her own laziness. If the schedule allows, then instead of running, the fashion model chooses swimming or yoga. He is also interested in capoeiro and kickboxing.

She loves food very much. Especially goodies like pizza and other Italian dishes

By the way, the appearance of extra pounds is affected by alcohol abuse. Therefore, Monica only occasionally allows herself a glass of cool white wine.
Please note that she began to devote time to sports only after the birth of her second daughter. And she is not too happy about this fact. The girl is not used to giving up delicious food and hates daily training.

Advice! To avoid gaining weight, you need to be careful about what you eat and add a little activity to your daily day. It doesn't have to be a grueling workout. But sitting still is not an option either.

Secrets of Monica Bellucci's sexuality

We have already found out that men all over the world dream of an actress, even if she does not have ideal parameters and has no makeup at all. What is the reason? Of course, the girl is naturally beautiful from her youth until today, but this is not enough. The actress's secret is that she knows how to control her sexuality.

The actress claims that her sexuality lies in self-love. No ideal parameters will attract men if a girl’s eyes do not glow. The main thing is the state of mind.

Monica emphasizes that she was afraid of losing her sexuality after giving birth. Naturally, children take up all my free time. But views on life change, and the attractiveness of youth cannot compete with femininity. These are two different concepts. In adulthood, Bellucci is no less sexy, because she fuels herself with internal energy and harmony of spirit and body.

To remain as sexy at 49 as you were at 20, it's important to embrace your age. Over the years, beauty becomes somewhat different, but it does not disappear. Keep in mind that perfection does not exist and every woman is attractive in her own way. This is the only way you will remain the standard of beauty for many years.

In adulthood, Bellucci is no less sexy, because she fuels herself with internal energy and harmony of spirit and body

Advice! Take time for yourself. An hour in the bathroom replaces a week's vacation at a resort. Turn off your phones and social media and enjoy your beauty.

Photos of the actress in her youth and now

For many girls, beauty in youth is not a surprise. Not only fashion models have fresh skin, firm breasts, and toned hips. But Monica turns the mind around with her ability to maintain her beauty even after two births.

If we compare photos of the actress in her youth and at 49 years old, we will see equally beautiful pictures. Only the first ones depict a young girl, beaming with new discoveries and conquering peaks. Today photographers focus on Monica’s worth as an individual, a mother, and an experienced woman. But everywhere we see a beautiful woman who loves herself and values ​​her life.

Monica turns the mind around with her ability to maintain beauty even after two births

Monica's fundamental concept of attractiveness is that a woman's beauty can only be a problem if she doesn't have it, or if she has nothing but beauty.

At 54 years old, Monica leads rich life. In the fall of 2018, the fashion house Dolce&Gabbana presented its new collection at Milan Fashion Week. The highlight of the show was that world-famous models whose age ranged from 45+ were invited to the catwalk. Italian designers wanted to demonstrate that true beauty has no age and being slim is not her criterion. The main star of the show was Monica Bellucci, the true embodiment of femininity and the very dolce vita about which the masters of Italian cinema made films.

Monica takes part in quite candid photo shoots for glossy magazines and looks just great.

The 54-year-old star, after her divorce from Vincent Cassel, is dating a 36-year-old gallery owner and feels great:

Films with her participation continue to appear on world screens almost every year, and in one of the recent ones she played Madonna herself.

And sometimes it seems that time really has no power over her.

Monica Bellucci's main beauty secret is love for life.

“Being beautiful at 20 is natural. But when you are beautiful at 35 or 45, this is already a life position,” Monica said in an interview. Bellucci knows this firsthand: at 24, the Italian beauty, very different from the top models parading on the world's catwalks, conquered Milan and Paris. A seductive figure, long dark hair, almond-shaped eyes and a proud, independent eye drove not only model agents, but also directors crazy. Monica is a win-win trump card: if the name of a young Italian is indicated in the credits, then the success of the film is guaranteed - it was there 20 years ago, and it is the same today.

Skin and hair care

For many years now, Monica has started every morning with a contrast shower. Several times a week, she cleanses her skin with a scrub and a homemade almond oil mask. To prepare it, you need to mix fresh avocado puree, four teaspoons of almond oil and six teaspoons of cream. The resulting beauty potion should be left for 15 minutes and rinsed off thoroughly. Special attention the actress pays attention to hair care. In an interview, she said that she dilutes shampoos with mineral water to reduce its concentration and not dry out her hair and scalp. And for a dazzling shine, Bellucci uses “Italian gold” - olive oil, which, in addition, makes the hair soft and well-groomed, and allows Monica, unlike many of her peers, to delight fans with chic hair.


Lush breasts, thin waist and voluminous hips - despite the fact that Bellucci does not fit into the parameters of an ideal figure established by the fashion industry, the actress has never felt complex about her shape. Monica cannot boast of her love for sports training and healthy food. Like a true Italian, she loves to eat delicious food and is not ready to sacrifice an extra hour of sleep for the sake of the fitness room. However, after the birth of her second child at 45, Bellucci began to monitor her diet more carefully, reducing the amount of carbohydrates and increasing her consumption of vegetables and fruits.


Monica doesn't have to wear a ton of makeup to look seductive. IN Everyday life Bellucci practically does not use cosmetics. At the same time, the actress knows her strengths very well and knows how to highlight them. She likes to highlight expressive eyes with neat black arrows - Monica outlines both the upper and lower contours of the eyelid and shades the lines to create a more natural effect.

Coupled with fair skin and dark hair, a bright accent on the lips is a win-win beauty trick, and Monica understands this very well: “Painting lips is an erotic gesture, beautiful and sensual. You show that you are not afraid to attract attention to yourself and demonstrate the strength of your femininity. Brightly painted lips are definitely a challenge, a provocation!”


Monica knows how to emphasize the advantages of her figure - for example, she is sure that there is no better diet than... wearing the right black dress. The actress, like a true Italian, loves black and knows how to wear it. More than once, Bellucci appeared on the red carpet in dresses with revealing cutouts, which did not look vulgar on her, but rather elegant and tasteful. Monica also loves men's cut suits, which look doubly impressive on the actress's seductive figure.


In addition to beauty, Monica can boast of real feminine wisdom. In numerous interviews, the actress generously shares with fans her views on life and her life experience:

  • “Many people are afraid of losing their beauty as they age, but I try not to worry about these things.”
  • “Beauty is not natural gifts, but femininity that comes with age and life experience.”
  • “I accept myself as I am, and also the fact that perfection does not exist, so I don’t strive for it.”
  • “I will never in my life go under the surgeon’s knife, everything must go on its own course. A forty-year-old woman trying to look twenty is ridiculous and ridiculous.”
  • “Beauty becomes a problem for a woman only in two cases: when it is not there and when there is nothing but beauty.”
  • “Feeling inner comfort is not about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside.”


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