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Monstera curly care at home. Does monstera flower? How to transplant an adult monstera

Monstera- a voluminous plant with large green dissected leaves, from a variety of tropical vines. It grows in the forests of America, Mexico, Brazil. Today, the flower is perfectly cultivated also in room conditions, through large sizes liana is often used for landscaping, hospitals, halls, large halls.

monstera attractive

Care rules

The plant is unpretentious, you will need a support, the role of which is played by a tube with moss. There are aerial roots on the vine, they should be tied to a support, directed to the ground, not cut off. should not be placed in aisles where drafts, the leaves will turn yellow or become brownish, then fall off.

  • Temperature. The recommended temperature regime is within +16 - +22 degrees, for some time the monstera can withstand small temperature fluctuations. Flower growth activity depends on temperature, at +10 the plant feels normal, but growth stops. As temperatures rise, the vine grows, and the leaves become large and carved, perforated.
  • Light. The direct rays of the sun adversely affect the liana, it must be placed in a shaded place or choose a corner with diffused light.
  • Watering. In spring and summer, monstera requires good soil moisture. It is necessary to take soft, settled water, water the top layer of soil completely dry. With the advent of autumn, moisture should be reduced, in winter it is recommended to water 2 days after the surface of the soil has dried.
  • Humidity. Monstera loves high humidity. It is necessary to spray the room and the palm tree itself as often as possible, moisten the leaves, prevent dust from accumulating on them, wipe with a wet cloth. In winter, when it gets cooler, moisture should be reduced.
  • Priming. An earth mixture is suitable: earth, sand, peat and humus should be taken in equal parts. The soil must be well drained.
  • top dressing. Feeding is needed in spring and summer. Take fertilizers containing mineral and organic matter, top dressings used for indoor plants are excellent. You need to make it 2 times a month, this is enough so that the monstera does not stop its growth and development. Young plants do not need to be fed.


Monstera pruning should be done correctly, but not too often. In most cases, the pruning procedure is performed in order to form a crown. If the palm stretches a lot in height, you can cut off the upper part to push the side shoots to grow. You should also cut off rotten and bad parts, if any.

It must be remembered that the aerial roots that grow on each leaf are not allowed to be cut.

The roots should be dug into the pot where the monstera grows, you can lower it into other pots with soil to improve the nutrition of the entire flower.


The procedure for transplanting young individuals is carried out every year, it is enough for adults to transplant once every 3-4 years:

  1. Before proceeding with the transplant, the monstera should be well watered. A very large pot is not needed, it is better to increase the capacity gradually.
  2. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot, which can be used as coarse sand, crushed stone, pieces of tile. In the middle of the container, a support should be placed - bamboo or a stick wrapped in moss - sphagnum, which is fixed with twine. Moss helps to maintain an optimal level of humidity and the growth of aerial roots.
  3. We prepare the earth mixture: turf, peat, sand in equal parts, humus - 2 parts.
  4. Monstera should be removed from the pot and carefully, waddling, move it to a new container, setting the plant in the middle. It is necessary to sprinkle the roots of the palm tree with the prepared soil, fix the plant in a pot, tamp it down a little and add the remaining soil. After all that has been done, the vine must be watered.
  5. The plant has received stress, after transplantation it will begin to take root, watering is not required for a week.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to breed monstera:

Diseases and pests

The plant can be attacked by pests:


There are about 25 types of monstera in the world, of which only 2 are cultivated at home:

Delicacy Borziga oblique

  1. Monstera delicacy or delicious- This is a massive, liana-like plant. The leaves are round, large, reaching up to 1 meter in size, the petioles are long. Plant height can reach up to 20 meters. This species is characterized by a smooth stem with well-defined aerial roots. In adults, leaves are dissected or perforated. The fruits are edible and have a special taste. This is an original plant that requires higher humidity and good lighting. - one of the types of delicacy monstera, the palm tree is not so massive and powerful in size (the stem and leaves are 2 times smaller), it is appropriate for growing in small rooms.
  2. Monstera oblique- a less common species than a delicacy. The plant has leaves 25 cm long, about 5-6 cm wide, light green in color, strongly dissected.

Home care for the monstera takes a certain amount of time, however, it perfectly greens the room. When caring for a plant, it should be remembered that its habitat is the tropics, so it is very important to provide a palm tree suitable conditions existence.

Monstera: cultivation and care at home. If you take care of the plant correctly, then problems usually do not arise. This magnificent evergreen has grown well in our homes and offices.

Lighting, temperature control and watering...
Since it comes from tropical forests, the conditions of its maintenance are due to significant humidity and high air temperature.

Temporarily, Monstera can painlessly endure drops and drops in temperature. But the optimum temperature for the winter period is 16-18°C. The higher the air temperature throughout the year, the faster the vine will grow, the leaves become larger and more patterned.

Monstera belongs to shade-tolerant plants, so you can place it in a bright, semi-dark place and even in the shade. True, in this case, the indoor monstera stops growing, as if freezing, but does not die. A powerful and beautiful specimen can only be grown in good light conditions. In low light, monstera leaves are not so openwork, the holes on them are small, and the leaves themselves grow small, so the best option- place the monstera in a bright place without direct sun rays.

It is very important to maintain high humidity, and the dust that settles on large green leaves will have to be overcome. While the plant is small, you should wash it in the shower weekly. The leaves of an adult plant should be periodically wiped with a damp cloth and polished.

In summer, the monstera is watered regularly and plentifully, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings. Excess moisture in the soil is undesirable, this often leads to fungal leaf spots. In winter, moisture is reduced, especially with a lack of heat. For watering and spraying use warm, settled, lime-free water.

In the spring-summer period, it is necessary to regularly feed the plant (every two weeks). If the monstera continues to grow in winter, then it is necessary to fertilize in winter, once a month. If the air temperature drops, feeding is stopped.

Planting / transplanting monstera

Young indoor monstera plants are carefully transplanted annually in the spring, while gradually increasing the height of the support stick to which the vine is attached. If the plant is three years old, it is enough to transplant once every 2 years, when the five-year milestone is reached, the plant can be transplanted even less often - once every 3-4 years. It is difficult to transplant adult, large specimens, but meanwhile the top layer of the earth should definitely be changed every year.

Monstera needs a very large pot. Young plants can thrive in a bucket, but larger pots should be used as the bush grows. These can be special flower pots of large diameter, or spacious wooden tubs. It should be noted that it is the insufficient volume of capacity that is a common cause of health problems, appearance and the beauty of Monstera.

To transplant an adult Monstera, the following soil composition should be prepared (pH 6.5-7.0): sand - 1 part, hardwood land - 1 part, soddy land - 3 parts, peat - 1 part, humus soil - 1 part. At the time of plant transplantation, high-quality drainage must certainly be present at the bottom of the pot.

Monstera breeding and home care

Monstera, like all aroids, is best propagated by apical cuttings, as well as pieces of the stem with an eye or slices of the leaf top. When cutting them, you should make sure that each has at least one internode or aerial root. Cuttings root easily in water, sand or sphagnum moss.

In order for the cutting to take root better and start growing faster, it is covered glass jar or polyethylene film, while maintaining the air temperature from 24 to 30°C. Young monstera plants first give whole, juvenile leaves, and only on the fifth or sixth leaf can you see the long-awaited cut-holes.

Additional support has a positive effect on the development of the bush, therefore, when growing a vine from a cutting, you need to immediately fix the plant. Over time, the stem becomes woody, and it will no longer be possible to give the plant a compact shape. On sale as a support for monstera there are tubes wrapped with dry palm fiber. They can be selected in proportion to the size of the plant.

Monstera is placed in the center, and an artificial trunk (height 70-100 cm) is placed next to the stem, which perfectly performs the function of a support. The trunk should be wrapped with sphagnum and moss should be fixed with wire or twine. The moss must always be kept moist in order to give nourishment and moisture to the aerial roots that the plant abounds in....

For more information about reproduction (process and methods), see on a separate page:
"How to propagate a monstera plant?".

Difficulties encountered when growing monstera

Home monstera can be affected by spider mites and scale insects. But most often after buying a plant, after two or three weeks on the leaves, especially the lower ones, you can find first yellow and then brown spots spreading. Gradually, they fill the entire leaf, and it dies off. This is a spotting of fungal origin, which can destroy the entire plant. It is difficult to get rid of it, therefore, immediately after buying a plant, preventive treatment should be carried out.

It is necessary to transfer the plant into a slightly larger bowl, replacing part of the earthen substrate, not forgetting about drainage. Then water the plant and stick two or three cloves of garlic into the ground. In the future, between watering, allow the soil to dry to a depth of 2 cm. Do not water cold water and put the flower in a draft. The aerial green part of the growing garlic should be removed, after a month the cloves should be replaced. Two to three months of such prevention will help the monstera not get sick (see leaves turn yellow and dry, diseases and pests ...)

Monstera is a houseplant with more than fifty varieties. The flower is unpretentious, so home care for the monster does not cause difficulties.

Florists love this plant. Thanks to the bizarre shapes and rather large size, the monstera has become widespread. If you look closely at the photographs of the monstera, you can see large leaves of a bizarre shape. I think that's why it got its name.

It is not difficult to grow a monstera in an apartment environment, but a beginner grower may have difficulties, since it is necessary to observe standard rules still needed.

Monster care secrets

  • Temperature . Monstera is not picky about the temperature regime, it grows and develops faster at high air temperatures. In the warm season, the temperature is 22-25 degrees, in winter - 17 degrees abound. Monstera will survive even 10 degrees, but under such conditions it will stop growth and development. For a flower, drafts are fatal.
  • Lighting. I do not advise you to keep the pot on the northern windowsill, because the monstera does not grow well in low light conditions. As for the southern window sills, in this case, protect the monstera from the rays of the sun. Perfect option- bright, but diffused lighting, on the western or eastern windows.
  • Humidity. Monstera has large leaves. Hence, a large evaporation area. Spray the flower constantly, which will positively affect the condition. I recommend using room temperature water. Keep an eye on the leaves and remove accumulated dust in a timely manner with a damp cloth.
  • Watering. This exotic likes water, especially if it's summer outside. During this period, water abundantly, focusing on the level of dryness of the soil layer. For irrigation, settled, soft water is suitable. In autumn, reduce watering, and in winter, carry out the procedure two days after the soil has dried. Do not allow waterlogging, otherwise it will lead to rotting of the roots and the appearance of spots on the leaves.
  • top dressing. Monstera, like dracaena, needs to be fed. Feed twice a month during the spring/summer season to avoid stunted growth. Young specimens do not need to be fed. It does not hurt to support the flower, and pull the leaves with a rope. If the old plant is not growing, cut back. As a result, side shoots will begin to develop faster.
  • aerial roots . Monstera feature. They can be found on every leaf, but I do not advise cutting. Lower the roots into an additional flowerpot filled with nutrient soil. If the roots are short and it is impossible to substitute a pot under them, lower them into a hanging bottle of water or wrap them with wet moss.
  • Bloom. AT vivo blooms annually. In a room environment, it is almost impossible to achieve flowering. With normal nutrition and proper care, Monstera is able to please the first large inflorescences at the age of two.

Video tips

If you provide a flower with proper care and care, it will decorate the interior of any room, be it a living room or a kitchen.


Exist different kinds plants, but at home the hostesses grow "attractive monstera." The genus of the flower is diverse and has several dozen species that are naturally found in the South American rainforests.

6 most famous types of monstera

  1. attractive . The most common type of creeper. In the greenhouse, the height reaches twelve meters, and in room conditions no more than three. With proper care, adult monsteras bloom annually, and the duration of fruit ripening is 10 months. There is a variegated form, which is more capricious, grows more slowly and loves more warmth. The white stripes make the leaves look spectacular, but require moist air and plenty of light.
  2. climbing. In its natural environment, it is found in mountain forests and the tropics of Central America. It has large, leathery, heart-shaped, strongly dissected leaves, the diameter of which reaches 60 centimeters. The length of the cob is 25 centimeters, the thickness is 15. Berries that have the smell of pineapple are considered a highlight. The pulp of the fruit is edible. Sometimes there is a burning sensation in the mouth, because the fruits contain calcium oxalate crystals.
  3. Leaky. The species is characterized by perforated leaves, due to which the monstera looks exotic. You can meet climbing liana in the American tropics. The length of the oblong ovoid leaves reaches 90 centimeters, and the width is 25. The length of the white bedspread is 20 cm, at the cob this figure is 10 centimeters.
  4. oblique. The leaves of the monstera, which are considered to be the birthplace of the Brazilian rainforests, are the most elegant and have an elliptical shape. The length of a single leaf is 20 cm, width - 5. Under natural conditions, small inflorescences appear on a short peduncle. In the conditions of the apartment, it is impossible to wait for the appearance of a flower.
  5. Monstera Borziga . This Mexican variety cannot be called powerful. It is characterized by thin stems and leaves with a diameter of 30 cm. In culture, the subspecies appeared by splitting during propagation by seeds and further selection. Can be grown indoors.
  6. Monstera Adanson . The height of the creeper found in the tropical forests of Brazil reaches 8 meters. Thin leaves, densely covered with holes, are medium in size and ovoid in comparison with other species. Rarely blooms at home. If this event occurs, you can admire the light yellow cob on a short peduncle.

These are all types of monstera that deserve attention. Looking into the flower shop, you can easily buy any of them. If the flower is not on sale, pay attention to croton. Just remember, he is more demanding in care.

Monstera breeding

Method one - cuttings

The most common and simple technique that helps rejuvenate the plant. With a sharp knife or pruner, cut off the stalk with the air root. Be sure to treat the cut site with charcoal, otherwise the infection will hit the monster in the future. Make a cut just below the air root, and place the resulting workpiece in a container with water. After half a month, the seedling is ready for rooting.

In the case of an old bare plant, a separate technique is used. Cut the stem into cuttings. The main thing is that each fragment has three eyes. Treat the slices with charcoal and dry. Plant blanks in separate pots and cover with jars. Subject to daily watering, after a month, the cuttings will sprout.

Method two - propagation by aerial roots

  1. Wrap a few of the topmost roots with wet moss and lower them into a container of water. As soon as the air roots take small roots, cut off the top, sprinkle the cut with charcoal, and plant the stalk in a pot.
  2. Produces apical shoots with monstera roots in late spring. Despite the propagation procedure, the plant continues to grow and shoots on the sides, due to which it becomes rejuvenated and decomposed.

Method three - propagation by seeds

Initially, prepare a warm room with diffused lighting and a stable temperature. After planting, spray the soil regularly so that it does not dry out. Seedlings will appear in four weeks.

Six months later, the seedlings will release leaves, and a year later from the moment of sowing the seeds, strong plant with developed roots and leaves. Dive seedlings when they become crowded in a pot.

Video instructions

If floriculture is your hobby, and monstera is your favorite ornamental plant, there will be no problems with reproduction. And all because what you love brings pleasure, and the result in this case is easier to get.

Breeding problems

If you want to grow monstera, information on common breeding problems and their solutions will be useful.

  1. Root rot . The reason is excessive watering or watering with cold water.
  2. The leaves turn yellow, without signs of decay and wilting . The reason is that the flower needs to be fed using complex fertilizers. It does not hurt to periodically update the top layer of soil with the addition of humus.
  3. Pests. If the leaves are covered with light dots, then the monster was struck by the Thrips pest, a colony of which can be found on reverse side sheet. Insecticides can help control thrips.
  4. Young leaves are twisted, dry and fall off . The reason is the defeat of the mealybug pest. You can solve the problem with a soapy cloth, which is recommended to wipe the stems and leaves. After the flower, treat with a 0.15% Actellic solution.
  5. Lifeless and sluggish leaves with the appearance of cobwebs . The reason is the defeat of the spider mite. To destroy the pest, use spraying and wiping with soapy water. In case of a strong defeat, Actellik will come to the rescue.

Monstera is a beautiful and very impressive plant. She fell in love with many florists for unusual shapes and their unpretentiousness in terms of care. AT wild nature this perennial plant is found in Central and South America, but today we will consider monstera as a houseplant and figure out how to care for it at home.

Monstera description of a tropical plant

Monstera belongs to the genus Aroid. In total, in this family there are about fifty plants different in shape, structure and height. Monstera has creeping aerial stems, from which aerial roots sometimes hang, and a thick cob creates an inflorescence of the plant.

The leaves of the flower are dark green and glisten in the sun. At a certain stage of growth, holes are formed in them, which are then converted into slots. The shape of the leaves in almost all varieties is oval-heart-shaped, and their size can reach 90 cm in length. How monstera blooms can be seen in the wild, since at home this happens very rarely.

Monstera differs from other indoor plants in its rapid growth, which is why it needs a lot of space. It can be a wonderful decoration for heated winter gardens, where the plant feels just fine. It can also be found in many offices and country houses.

Did you know? The name of the flower comes from the Latin word monstrosus (amazing, bizarre), although some florists claim that the name comes from the word monstrum (monster).

Features of growing monstera at home

All houseplants have their own characteristics of growing, and monstera is no exception in this regard (that is, the care of the plant and its cultivation must be carried out in accordance with established requirements). At home, they often grow delicacy or attractive monstera.

Choosing a location for successful growth

The best place for planting a plant such as monstera is a special stand. It should be placed on the west or east side of the window. However, it is worth protecting the flower from drafts so as not to provoke the appearance of diseases. Also, do not often rearrange it from place to place. Monstera does not really like direct exposure to sunlight, so it is impossible to place it on a window sill that is too lit: the lighting should be medium. The sun can cause burns to the flower, which leads to the formation of dark spots, and as a result, to the death of the plant.

Soil and capacity requirements for planting

For the normal development of a flower, attention must be paid to the soil. Most often, it is bought in a store, but you can cook it yourself.

Monstera soil should include the following components:

  • sod land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • leafy earth;
  • sand.

All these components should be taken in a ratio of 3: 1: 1: 1: 1. Such soil will perfectly absorb water and pass air. When choosing a pot for planting a flower, you need to consider the maximum parameters of the future plant. In a large pot, the monstera will quickly strengthen the root system and begin to develop quickly, but as soon as the plant reaches a large size, the roots begin to curl and wrap around in a circle. So that the monstera does not strangle itself, in the process of transplanting it is necessary to unravel and cut off the extra roots. If this is not done, the flower may dry out.

It is better to take a pot larger than the previous one by 2-4 cm in diameter. It must be stable and heavy.

Important! To support the monstera, you should use special tubes that are glued with artificial moss. So they will not violate the decorativeness of the plant.

How to plant a monstera at home: reproduction of a tropical vine

In order for the monstera to grow and develop well, it needs to ensure proper fit and care. Drainage should be laid out at the bottom of the pot, 5 cm thick, then fill the container with soil to ½ of its volume, then carefully place the plant without damaging its root system, and fill it with the remaining soil. At the end of planting, the flower is well watered.

Monstera can and should be propagated, and the methods of its reproduction are listed below.

Method 1. Reproduction of monstera by air layering

Each layer must have at least one aerial root and one leaf. The layering is moved to a separate container with a nutrient substrate, carefully watered and grown separately. Young cuttings are grown in the same way as the monstera itself at a temperature of +18 ... + 20 ° C, in diffused light and in a draft-free room.

Method 2. Propagation by cuttings

This method is the most labor intensive. To achieve a good result, it is worth using stem or lateral processes. The soil mixture for germinating cuttings can be made independently. To do this, you need sand and humus in equal amounts, but do not forget about drainage. The selected stalk is placed in a pot, sprinkled with soil mixture and heavily watered. After that, you need to cover the pot with glass and put it in a lighted place, but not in the sun. Watering plantings should be done twice a day. After the appearance of the first roots, the plant should be transplanted into a separate pot and grown following all the rules.

Method 3. Propagation by seeds

This breeding method is the most practical, but also the longest. First of all, you will need fresh seeds, which you need to plant in a nutrient mixture and germinate in comfortable conditions within 30 days. The optimum temperature for seed germination is at least + 20 ° C, and the lighting should be shaded. After a month, the first shoots will begin to appear, and young plants with about 9-10 leaves can be seen after 2 years. Monstera grown in this way is considered the strongest and hardiest.

How to care for a monstera at home

As mentioned earlier, the monstera is a rather unpretentious plant, but despite this, care (as well as reproduction) must be carried out taking into account a number of mandatory rules.

Watering a houseplant

Watering monstera is the most important stage in its development. She loves moisture very much, but the plant has a clear seasonality of watering the soil. From early spring to late autumn the flower should be watered abundantly. However, the top layer of the substrate should dry out between waterings. If the plant is flooded, it will begin to lose its decorative effect, forming black spots, and in rare cases, the root system will begin to rot. In the winter season, watering should be reduced, but be careful not to dry the monstera.

Water for irrigation should be at room temperature and stand for several days before use. Monstera also needs to be sprayed and regularly cleaned of dust.

Did you know? Monstera reacts to weather changes. On the edges of the leaves of the plant, droplets slowly form, which is why many florists say that the flower cries in the rain.

Monstera top dressing

All house plants need to be fed. If the monstera does not grow, then it lacks nutrients. Therefore, in order not to slow down the growth of adult plants, they need to be fed twice a month. As a top dressing, mineral and organic fertilizers, although young flowers may not be fed.

Monstera pruning features

In order to stimulate the growth of new leaves, it is necessary to cut off the top. This is done in early spring, and when pruning, at least three knots should be left on the top handle. The longer the cutting, the more it will root. The cut must be made, stepping back from the flower node 1-2 cm, and it must be straight. After pruning, the stem should be sprinkled with charcoal powder, and if the cutting needs to be rooted, then the lower cut is made oblique.

All about monstera transplant

Monstera can be transplanted as soon as she is one year old. Young flowers are moved to another place once a year: in spring, at an air temperature of at least + 16 ° C. A three-year-old monstera should be transplanted every two years, and a five-year-old one every 4 years.

For transplanting, choose large pots. With each transplant, the size of the pot is increased by 2-4 cm. At the bottom of the container, it is necessary to arrange drainage from shards, pebbles, broken tiles or coarse sand. A young flower needs slightly acidic or neutral soil, which consists of peat, deciduous, humus soil, turf and sand. For perennial monstera plants, acidic soil works well. In addition, it is worth installing a support in the center of the pot, which helps the plant to support it in it. the necessary conditions for the development of both the flower and its aerial roots. When transplanting, carefully remove the flower from the pot and move it to a new container, slowly filling it with earth. After that, fill the pot to the top with earth and water well.

Some flower lovers have a question: "How to transplant a monstera with aerial roots?". With such a transplant, it is necessary to carefully wrap the aerial roots with wet twine and attach to the trunk. When they start to sprout small roots, then part of the plant stem with leaves can be cut off, planted in a container, covering the place of the cut with earth. Thus, a new, young flower will grow.

Important! If for some reason it is not possible to transplant the monstera, you just need to add earth to the pot.

The main pests and plant diseases

If you do not take care of the plant, then the monstera will begin to lose immunity and various diseases or pests may appear. The most common of them are spider mites and scale insects. spider mite is a small red spider that loves warmth and dryness. It appears from the underside of the leaves and braids them with cobwebs. For treatment, a soapy solution is used, which is used to treat the leaves. After three hours after the procedure, the leaves are washed with warm water.

Lack of light during the development of monstera can lead to crushing and falling of leaves, twisting of the stem. Waterlogging causes yellowing and rotting of the leaf plates, and with a lack of moisture, the leaves become Brown color and dry up. Lack of plant nutrition contributes to the appearance of slits on the leaves.

Is the monstera poisonous

This plant contains poisonous juice. When it comes into contact with the skin, it causes inflammation and burning, and when ingested, it often causes bleeding in the intestines and severe inflammation of the oral mucosa. Despite such a reaction of the human body, in some countries monstera juice is used in the treatment of certain diseases and with its help support the immunity of sick people.

Caring for a plant is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is important to follow all the rules and take into account its possible growth, since it can grow several meters wide. Experts advise placing it in a spacious room or in a winter garden.

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Monstera is the most popular deciduous ornamental plant. Florists often use the beautiful dissected leaves of this indoor liana to decorate bouquets, and designers use adult plants of the South American liana when decorating the interiors of private houses, offices, and large shopping centers.

From the article you will learn:

Plant characteristic

Monstera (lat. Monstera) is a genus of large tropical plants, vines with dissected leaves, arranged alternately on the stems of the Aroid family (Araceae). The growing point is at the top of the shoot.

Monstera is unpretentious, it is quite easy to grow, and, probably for this reason, this vine with beautifully dissected dark green leathery leaves with cuts and holes of various shapes has become one of the most common indoor plants.

Monstera flower: how to care for it properly

Consider the proper care of the monstera. She comes from the tropics, therefore, requires appropriate

conditions. Quite successfully growing monstera at home, but the most in the best way our Tropican feels at home in greenhouses, winter gardens and greenhouses. The only major difference is the frequency of its flowering - in natural conditions it will be more frequent.

Growing in a private house or apartment, a plant can bloom for 6-7 years of cultivation only when certain conditions are created:

  • The flower pot should be placed in a place where there is bright but diffused light (it should not be under direct rays, as well as in the shade).
  • Watering plentiful, regular with periodic spraying.
  • Young plants are transplanted annually, and older ones - once every few years. When transplanting, the main thing is that the pot matches the size of the plant's root system.
  • In order for the monstera flower to feel good, it definitely needs a good, strong support. It is desirable that it be vertical (so the plant will take up less space).
  • Rubbing the leaves with warm boiled water with a clean rag to prevent the appearance of scale insects or spider mites.
  • Humidity in the room should be sufficient, but not too high. With an excess of moisture, monstera leaves will begin to turn brown and crack.
  • The aerial roots of the plant like to be in the ground, so it is advisable to provide them with soil. On sale there are very tiny pots that can be adapted for these purposes. If they could not be found, small bags of earth can be adapted.
  • The soil mixture for monstera growth should consist of soddy soil, humus, peat and sand (1: 1: 1: 0.5).

Observing all of the above conditions, be prepared for the appearance of a snow-white inflorescence among the leaves of the creeper - an ear of small flowers. Purple monstera fruits ripen a year after the appearance of the inflorescence and have the smell and taste of pineapple. In many countries, monstera is grown for berries.

However, monstera fruits can only be considered edible after full ripening. An unripe fruit can burn the oral mucosa. In the conditions of the room, it is unlikely that it will be possible to bring the fruits to the desired state, so you should not risk trying them.

It must also be remembered that on the north side or in the depths of dimly lit rooms, you will never get large, heavily dissected leaves from monstera. Place the plant according to the light in the room.

Monstera breeding

The monstera flower is propagated by apical and stem cuttings, each of which should have an eye. Root cuttings in sand, water or sphagnum moss under a glass cover. It can also be rooted with aerial roots, for which the selected segment of the stem is covered with sphagnum. When the root system develops, this segment is separated and planted.

Is it possible to keep a monstera at home

Often you can hear from people that monstera is an energy vampire, a devourer of well-being and that

similar. This is nothing more than speculation and in science they do not find any confirmation. Scientists note that this plant is safe even for allergy sufferers.

If there is enough space in your house, do not hesitate to purchase a monstera. It helps to put in order thoughts, will help develop intelligence. The air around it is enriched with oxygen and ozone.

In some Asian countries, on the contrary, monstera is considered a flower that brings happiness, good luck and health, and they even put it next to the bed of a sick person for a speedy recovery. As you can see, how many cultures will take so many.

In what cases can not you keep a monstera at home

There are situations when the presence of monstera in the house may be undesirable. This is not at all about signs and not about bioenergetics, but about the properties of the leaves of this plant - they are poisonous. If you chew a leaf, it can burn the mucous membrane of the mouth and alimentary tract, and in large doses, burning poisonous substances can lead to death.

With this in mind, it is best not to keep the monstera in a home where there are small children and animals that can bite off pieces of leaves. External contact with the leaves will not cause any harm to anyone, so in other situations the vine is absolutely safe.

Monstera flower: interesting facts

  1. The name of the monstera plant has a very unusual origin. After the discovery of South America about this mysterious land there were many stories. One of them was the legend of giant killer plants that are found in the South American jungle. Travelers said that after the attack of these plants, only skeletons remained from people and animals, literally pierced by long shoots hanging from the trunk. Monstera was considered this plant. There were grounds for such stories. Travelers mistook the aerial roots of the plant for murderous tentacles. Hanging down, the roots could sprout through the skeleton of a man lost and dead in the jungle. Although this fact had nothing to do with the reasons for the death of travelers, the helpful imagination of the people of the Middle Ages painted a completely clear picture of the murder of the unfortunate.
    unfortunate vicious, predatory, creeping plant. It is believed that thanks to these legends, the monster got its name, in Latin monstrum - a monster. By the way, interpreting the origin of the word "monster" from the word monster, people began to attribute harmful properties to the liana, such as energy vampirism. According to other sources, the word "monstera" goes back to the Latin monstrosus - amazing, bizarre. I would like to think that the second etymology of the word is more correct.
  2. In room conditions, monstera leaves on average have a length of about 30 cm, but can be much longer. For example, in natural tropical conditions, the leaves of monstera delicacy, which is most often grown in indoor floriculture, reach 90 cm.
  3. Monstera is sometimes called the harbinger of rain. The fact is that before the onset of precipitation, tears appear on the edges of the leaves of the vine - droplets of sticky juice.
  4. Fully ripened Monstera fruits have a pleasant, banana-pineapple taste and are used as a dessert. Princess Isabella of Braganza, daughter of the Emperor of Brazil, Pedro II, considered the fruits of this plant to be the best of all known to her.

Here he is such a beautiful, strange and mysterious monstera flower. If you like the unusual leaves of the plant, decorate your home with them. If you believe too much in various signs and are afraid negative impact creepers, place it in a bright hallway or in a winter garden.

Video: Transplanting, care and reproduction of monstera



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