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Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan. Museums of Tatarstan. National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan The National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan (NM RT) is the largest scientific research center in Tatarstan. Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan presentation

Kazan to last years has become one of the most attractive tourist centers in Tatarstan. Everything about it is interesting, including many museums. It is very convenient that many of them are concentrated in the city center. So no travel time is wasted on viewing them. There are many museums either next to or in the Kremlin itself. Moreover, entrance to the Kremlin is free, and only in each individual museum is it paid for.


One of these unusual and most interesting museums, which won the love of adults and children, is the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan. The address at which it is located coincides with the National art gallery"Khazine." This is: Kazan, st. Kremlevskaya, house 2. These museums are located in the premises of the former cadet school, which is located along the street that runs inside the Kremlin from the Spasskaya Tower to Tainitskaya.

Museum building

The school was founded in one thousand eight hundred and sixty-six. The author of the project is architect Pyatnitsky. At first, barracks for cantonists were located in the building, and twenty years later a military school was opened here, which then became a cadet school. The facade of the house is built in the Pavlovian Empire style. It has three entrances with forged awnings. When making them, they chose the Chebaksin forging technique. Roses, cornflowers and mascarons are woven into the forging pattern. The staircases here are three-flight and rest on arches and vaults made of brick. Before the revolution, the building had only two floors, and only in Soviet period the third floor was completed. In the mid-nineties, restoration of the building began, which was successfully completed by the early 2000s.

Now there are several museums located here. In addition to the Khazine National Gallery and the Natural History Museum, several halls are occupied by a memorial museum dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and a branch of the St. Petersburg “Hermitage” - the exhibition hall “Hermitage-Kazan”.


The Museum of Tatarstan occupies two floors, on which more than one and a half thousand exhibits are presented. They decided to open it in two thousand and five. The purpose of the opening is to preserve the nature of the republic.

It is better to start visiting the museum from the first floor to see the entire period of the birth of the planets, the earth and its inhabitants. All the exhibits are very interesting, and you won’t want to miss any of them.

This floor will be more interesting for those who really love to study everything that is in the depths of our planet and beyond, that is, astronomy and geology. This is the general structure that the Tatarstan Natural History Museum has. A description of each exhibition will introduce tourists closer to the history of the republic and awaken a desire to visit this wonderful historical place. The museum was created on the instructions of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic. The project was supported and the first President of Tatarstan Mintimer Sharipovich Shaimiev became a trustee of the construction

The exhibitions at the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan are based on rare scientific finds from the collection of the Geological Museum named after. A.A. Shtukenberg at Kazan State University. Here visitors can visit different rooms.

Halls of space

Using interactive programs, they will introduce astronomy lovers to the basics of this wonderful science. Interactive programs will create an atmosphere of immersion in the history of space objects. Visitors are treated like real space travelers to the world of space. The stars have attracted representatives of the human race for many centuries.

This interest is supported by the museum staff. Here you can also observe the stars with a real telescope and check how much a visitor would weigh on other planets. For this purpose, the museum has installed special space scales. Also here, visitors will be shown real meteorites that once fell on the territory of Tatarstan. The exhibitions located here will tell you about the structure of the earth's crust and the huge variety of minerals on our planet. An amazing interactive cross-section of the planet, in which the winners see what layers our Earth consists of.

This exhibition should popularize knowledge about how diverse the world of minerals on the planet is.

"Black Gold of the Planet" is a series of exhibits that introduce visitors to oil layers, a bitumen lake and mud volcanoes.

No less interesting is the hall in the form of a malachite box, which tells visitors about various minerals. This room is called the “Subsoil Pantry”.

Halls for animal lovers

What else is good about the Natural History Museum of Tatarstan? Here you are allowed to take photos of both some of the exhibits and yourself against their background. This distinguishes this museum from all others; where there are paintings, photographs cannot be taken. The second floor gradually takes visitors into the animal world.

The paleontological exhibition, housed in six halls, is also very interesting. The Vendian Sea diorama shows the period of the era when multicellular organisms arose on the planet. This happened six hundred million years ago.

The “Beginning of the Journey” hall introduces visitors to the inhabitants of the seas of that period. Particularly fascinating are the exhibits of preserved skeletons of amphibians that lived in the ancient seas. With the help of interactive programs, any visitor can observe the gradual transition of amphibians to land. Such expositions as “The Kingdom of Fishes and Amphibians”, “The Kazan Sea”, “Marine Reptiles”, “The World of Mammals” and others will be of interest to all lovers of the animal world.

Children are especially delighted with the skeletons of Titanophoneus, Pareiosaurus and marine reptiles. The interactive program even allows you to feed them. The hologram on the entire wall, along which people walk, is mesmerizing saber tooth tigers and mammoths. Visitors get the full experience among huge prehistoric animals that you can even pet.

How to get there?

The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is located in the historical center of the city, so it is not difficult to get to it. Transport comes from any remote area. In any case, every resident of the city will tell you where the Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is located in Kazan - everyone knows the address. You can get there both by buses and trolleybuses. By these types of transport you need to get to the stops “Central Stadium” and “Ulitsa Baturina”.

Unfortunately, the metro does not yet go to the bus station and railway station, which crowns the city of Kazan. The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan is directly accessible only by land transport. Having reached the nearest metro station, you can transfer to it to further get to the Kremlevskaya station. On the other hand, those who want to see the city and are not afraid of excessive walking can also get there on foot from the train station; it is not very far.

Opening hours and ticket prices

The Museum of Natural History of Tatarstan in Kazan is open every day, except Monday, from ten in the morning to six in the evening, but you must arrive no later than half past six, since the ticket office closes half an hour before the museum closes.

The cost of tickets is small, adults will pay 120 rubles, tickets for students cost 60, for schoolchildren - 50 rubles. But if visitors want to book a tour, they will have to pay 400 for one floor and 700 rubles for two. But if children visit the museum in a large group, then the excursion is free for them.


Multimedia and interactivity are exactly what make the Natural History Museum of Tatarstan interesting for both children and adults. That is why this place is always full of visitors and the reviews are beyond praise. Foremost positive feedback this is that the museum is never boring and the children who find themselves in it do not want to leave it for a long time. Adults remember with pleasure what they knew from childhood.

I have already written about the Kazan Kremlin many times - I love it very much. And I love looking at him, even from the bus window - he’s so beautiful. And I love walking there. The Kremlin has several interesting museums. I wrote about it a long time ago, it’s a wonderful museum. We were there twice, the young ladies liked it. And again, we visited the Natural History Museum of Tatarstan twice.

It would seem that there could be interesting things there? I immediately remember boring natural history lessons, minerals and different climatic conditions. But no! In 2011, Ruhama liked this museum so much that when she arrived in Kazan a year later, she had only one order for a cultural program: to the Natural History Museum.

The museum was created in 2005. It is very modern, the kind of museum that is friendly to visitors, especially children. We can say that it is directly created for children. There you can touch exhibits, press buttons (and then all sorts of brontosaurs begin to squeal or sparkle), there are a lot of layouts, screens, videos and interactive activities. And on top of everything, the caretakers there are somehow surprisingly chosen: you get the feeling in every room that they were specially sitting there and waiting for you, and now you’ve finally arrived!

The museum has two floors and 12 halls. The beauty begins right in the lobby, where the cash registers are. There is a panel made of wood depicting the geological chronicle of the Republic of Tatarstan

Text from the panel's explanation:

“Geologists often find fossilized shells, animal bones, leaf imprints, and pieces of wood in pieces of rock. Such finds help read the chronicle geological history Earth. Thanks to them, we learn that many thousands of years ago, in place of mountains there was a sea, and in place of modest birch trees and coniferous forests, subtropical plants grew."

The first hall is "Earth and the Universe". There are so many interesting things there that at some point I had to remind Ruhama that this is just the first hall, and there is a whole museum ahead!

In the center of the hall there is a telescope where you can look - different constellations and celestial bodies are visible there

next to it is "layout" solar system. Very visual: there are giants here

and crumbs like our Earth and Mars

next to it is a screen with interesting information

the opposite corner of the hall is an interactive map and space scales.

Cosmic scales - very interesting thing! Gotta step on the scale

choose the planet on which you want to weigh yourself

For example, on the Sun Ruhama weighs this much:

We hung at the interactive map for a long time - and I was still surprised at how interested Ruhama was reading the information on the screens.

First we need to select on the map the region of Tatarstan about which we want to receive information. We chose the Arsky district because a couple of days before we went there to the Gabdulla Tukai Museum.

well, go ahead. Administrative information


Very nice photo holiday!





The next halls are “The Beginning of the Path” and “The World of Ancient Life”

most of the surface Globe occupied a body of water - its inhabitants can be observed in portholes skillfully built into the floor

and even chat with some!

The "Black Gold of the Planet" hall is dedicated to oil, but here is the "Subsoil Pantry" hall, where we learned about the mineral resources of Tatarstan

There are many mock-up corners in this room, which we looked at with interest. Here, for example, is a model of the mine - we went to it first, we are practically Urals :))

on the left is the decree of Peter I on the search for gold, silver, copper and other ores in the Moscow state

mine workers

map of mineral resources of Tatarstan

minerals are presented in all their diversity

Hall "Kingdom of Fishes and Amphibians". Tells about the period when fish came onto land, learned to breathe, and four-legged animals appeared.

Ruhama is here for scale next to the huge ancient fish coelacanth

Beeline tells us about coelacanth (this is a large Russian cellular operator and Internet provider)

but the fish come to land

The next room is called “Kazan Sea” and talks about the Permian period on the territory of Tatarstan

marvelous wooden panel on the floor - map of the Kazan Sea

this is our Kazan

and the Ural Mountains

Notice how rich the display is on the walls. Thematic painting or layouts. For example, a life-size dragonfly, it was some kind of huge, a meter long

The next room is “The Age of Beast-like Lizards” with these same lizards

there is a container with sand where you can dig up some dinosaur

painting on the walls

and the "Marine Reptiles" hall

who walk and make sounds

In the "Dinosaur Time" hall, everyone takes pictures with a dinosaur skeleton, and also puts together a dinosaur puzzle on a special magnetic board.

and the “Hall of Mammals”, where Ruhama, at the suggestion of a very nice girl-keeper, took a souvenir photo with a herbivorous ancient bear

I already wrote, but once again: the friendliness of the caretakers in this museum is off the charts. In each hall, the caretaker comes up to you and begins to tell you about the hall himself, without any special requests. He takes the child and says, “Let’s come here and look at this!” He asks the child if he pressed all the buttons and played all the games in this room. They encourage parents to follow the schedule of events and come to the museum again.

In almost all the halls, the caretakers and I started talking about simple life, outside the museum. In the hall of mammals they mentioned that we are from Israel, so they joyfully told us, “Shalom to you in that case, we love Israel so much and have been there so many times!” :)))

Museums of Kazan For the lesson of the surrounding world, grade 4 “The world through the eyes of a historian” Completed by Irina Vasilievna Anoshina MBOU “Lyceum No. 83”, Kazan Museum-Reserve “Kazan Kremlin” This is a unique monument of history and culture, which has preserved traces of three eras: Tatar, Russian and European . In ancient times, inside the Kremlin there was a rich Khan's palace, five stone mosques, tombs and burial vaults. The main mosque of Kul-Sharif was decorated with 8 high and multi-tiered minarets. For the 1000th anniversary of Kazan, this mosque was completely recreated based on drawings from the times of the Kazan Khanate. National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan National Museum of the Republic of Tatarstan is the largest research, cultural and educational institution in the republic. The museum is based on the private 40,000-strong collection of Andrei Fedorovich Likhachev (1832-1890), a well-known archaeologist, historian, collector in the region, as well as exhibits from the scientific and industrial exhibition of 1895. Currently, the museum’s holdings number about 800 thousand items. The National Museum is located in the building of Gostiny Dvor, a monument of Russian architecture, built in 1770 by the architect V.I. Kaftyrev. State Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan

  • Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan.
Created in 1958 on the basis of an art gallery State Museum RT. Museum complex includes three buildings and a park. The museum collection includes more than 21 thousand works of painting, graphics, and sculpture. Museum of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan This new museum was opened as part of the Millennium celebrations of the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan in August 2005. The museum is located in the building of the National cultural center"Kazan" and was created as structural subdivision Museum national culture NCC Kazan. Museum of Islam The first Museum of Islam in Russia opened in February 2006 and is located in the Kul-Sharif cathedral mosque. The exhibition of more than 2 thousand exhibits is located in two halls. The most ancient exhibits are archaeological monuments of the 10th-11th centuries, discovered on the territory of Volga Bulgaria. Museum of the Kazan Chemical School Museum-Laboratory of E.K. Zavoisky KSU Ethnographic Museum of Kazan University Museum of History of Kazan State University named after. V.I. Ulyanov-Lenin Zoological Museum named after E.A. Eversmann of Kazan University Geological Museum named after A.A. Stukenberg of Kazan University Archaeological Museum of Kazan University Museum of Kayum Nasyri Museum of the great Tatar scientist, educator, historian-ethnographer, linguist Kayum Nasyri opened in 2002 and is located on the territory of the Staro-Tatar settlement in a 2-story building, which is a monument of Tatar wooden architecture. Memorial Museum of Constantine Vasilyev Opening date: January 10, 1996. Museum worldwide famous artist occupies part of a residential building in which the artist lived in 1949-1976. The exhibition is based on a memorial collection donated by the artist’s sister V.A. Vasilyeva and his friends. It is located in four memorial rooms and halls and includes sections: family and home, living environment, artist’s studio, and the room of Claudia Parmenovna Vasilyeva’s mother. The exhibition is biographical in nature and is based on authentic materials telling about the childhood and youth of Konstantin Vasiliev, his studies and formation, environment, the last years of his life, difficult fate and tragic death. Museum-apartment of Musa Jalil The museum-apartment of the Tatar poet and hero of the Great Patriotic War Musa Jalil is located in the house where he lived with his family in 1940-1941 and from where he was drafted into the army. The memorial apartment was restored from the words of the poet’s wife and his contemporaries who were here - the poet Sibgat Hakim, the composer Nazib Zhiganov, the writer G. Kashshaf. The museum’s holdings include more than 2 thousand items, of which 396 are in the memorial exhibition “Pages of the life and work of M. Jalil in Kazan (1939-41)”: Museum of E.A. Boratynsky Literary Museum Evgeniy Abramovich Boratynsky - an outstanding Russian poet “ Pushkin era”, friend A.S. Pushkin, master of elegy and philosophical lyricism - opened in Kazan in 1977 as school museum. Located in two rooms: in school No. 34 and in the outbuilding of the Boratynsky city estate (1830, architect F.I. Petondi), in which the poet’s descendants lived until 1918. The museum’s funds number more than 4,000 storage units. Literary Museum of Gabdulla Tukay The museum is located on the territory of the Old Tatar Settlement and occupies a two-story mansion - the former house of Shamil, an architectural monument of the turn of the 19th - 20th centuries. The museum exposition, reconstructed in 1996, represents the main periods of the life and work of the great Tatar poet. Baki Urmanche Museum Museum of one of the greatest artists of the twentieth century, the founder of the Tatar visual arts Baki Idrisovich Urmanche was created in 1998. The museum reveals the life and creative path a great master spanning over 70 years active work in the field of fine arts. Literary and Memorial Museum of Gorky The Literary and Memorial Museum of A.M. Gorky is located in former house Belyaeva second half of the 19th century century, where in 1886-1887 A.M. Peshkov (Gorky) worked as a baker’s assistant.
  • Maxim Gorky (real name - Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) (1868–1936), writer, public figure, first chairman of the USSR Writers' Union. Was born in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1884 he came to Kazan with the goal of entering Kazan University, but with his 2-year education this turned out to be impossible. In Kazan he worked as a loader at the port, a gardener and janitor for General Cornet, and a baker's assistant at A.S. Derenkov's bakery.
House-Museum of V.I. Lenin
  • The V.I. Lenin House-Museum was opened on the 20th anniversary October revolution in the wing of the Orlov house, built in the 1880s, which the Ulyanov family rented from September 1888 to May 1989. The exhibition includes memorial items, illustrative and documentary materials about the Ulyanov family, photographs, books that reveal the pages of the biography of V.I. Ulyanov and his relatives and give an idea of ​​Kazan late XIX V. In the six rooms occupied by the Ulyanov family, the everyday memorial environment has been recreated.
Resources used
  • 1. Kul Sharif Mosque https://www.google.ru/search?q=kul+sharif&newwindow=
  • 2https://www.google.ru/search?q=national+museum+republic+Tatarstan+photo&newwindow
  • 3. http://www.kazan-kremlin.ru/museums/islam/
  • 4. http://drugoe-tours.ru/kazan/tour/museums/
  • 5. https://www.google.ru/search?q=house-museum+of Lenin+in+Kazan&newwindow

One of the pages of the literary guide is dedicated to Kayum Nasyri - educator, teacher, writer. From Gabdulla Tukay Street we will go to Kayum Nasyri Street. In 1841, Kayum was brought to Kazan and placed in a madrasah, from which he graduated in 1855. After graduating from the madrasah, he was offered to become a teacher Tatar language at the Kazan Theological School. Kayum Nasyri's first work was “Collection of News” in 1859. In 1860 he published the brochure At Leisure. The largest lexicographical work of Kayum Nasyri is his Dictionary Tatar language in 2 volumes. Published interesting book"Pearls of Stories". In 1900, the work of Kayum Nasyri, written jointly with P.A., was published. Polyakov, entitled “Tales of the Kazan Tatars and their comparison with the tales of other peoples.” Kayum Nasyri devoted his entire life, wisdom and literary talent to the great cause of enlightenment Tatar people, familiarizing the Tatars with the spiritual treasures of the Russian people.



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