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Museum of military uniforms. Museum of Military Uniforms Museum of Military Uniforms Sobyanin

The Museum of Military Uniforms is one of the newest in Moscow; it was opened in 2017 by the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO). Through a combination of classic museum work and modern technologies The institution is quickly gaining popularity among Muscovites and guests of the capital. Another attractive feature of the museum was its location: the exhibitions are located in the Turgenev-Botkin estate in the center of Moscow - this is a historical building, an architectural monument.

The key task of the Museum of Military Uniforms is to visualize the history of the Russian army, to tell about the history of Russia and the Russian armed forces through the prism of front-line and ceremonial military clothing. The creators of the museum managed to achieve maximum visibility and immersion in amazing world Russian army.

The museum houses two permanent exhibitions; temporary exhibitions, scientific and historical conferences, and meetings with writers, historians, and reenactors are regularly held here.

Permanent exhibitions of the Museum of Military Uniforms

Rescued relics

“Rescued Relics” is the first exhibition of the Museum of Military Uniforms. During the exhibition, visitors will get acquainted with examples of uniforms of soldiers, officers and senior army ranks of the 18th-19th centuries.

In 2017, the exhibition “Rescued Relics” was given memorial status: in this way the Museum honored the memory of the head of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense A. N. Gubankov, who died in a plane crash near Sochi in December 2016. It was Gubankov who conceived the exhibition “Rescued Relics” and donated 300 to RVIO exhibits from the funds of the Museum of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: these were collections of ancient uniforms from the former Imperial Quartermaster Museum. It was from this collection that the history of the Museum of Military Uniforms began.

The Quartermaster Museum was established by Peter I; samples of domestic and foreign military clothing, prototypes and sewing patterns were sent to it for storage. In 1917 the museum was closed. Until 1932, the exhibits gathered dust and rotted in boxes in Peter and Paul Fortress. Later, part of the collection was distributed among several museums, and some exhibits ended up in theaters. By 1959, the lion's share of unique military costumes was irretrievably lost.

In 2016, A. Gubankov decided to bring together the collections of the former Quartermaster Museum. Specialists from the Russian Military Historical Society have done a tremendous amount of work, searching for exhibits throughout the country. Then large-scale restoration work was carried out.

In 2017, the newly created Museum of Military Uniforms opened an exhibition of the miraculously saved collection, which found itself in almost complete oblivion for 100 years.

Guests of the Museum will see the military uniforms of Peter the Great's regiments, grenadiers, hussars, soldiers of the Napoleonic army, artillerymen, dragoons, privates, etc.

Rescued relics: two centuries of glory

At the end of 2017, the second part of the “Saved Relics” exhibition, “Two Centuries of Glory,” opened. At this exhibition you can see the military uniform of the Imperial Life Guards, the Life Cuirassier regiment of Tsarevich Alexei, the Pavlovsky, Preobrazhensky and Borodino regiments, the Nizhny Novgorod hussars, the grenadiers of the Winter Palace, etc. In addition, the exhibition features collections of bladed weapons and firearms.

A special place in the collection is occupied by the miraculously preserved non-commissioned officer's uniform of the Tengin Infantry Regiment: this is exactly the military uniform worn by M. Lermontov, it can be seen in the portraits of the poet.

Guests will be interested in the collection of miniatures by the artist A. Voronov and the exhibition of historical costumes from the Mosfilm film studio.

In total, the exhibition “Two Centuries of Glory” presents more than 50 exhibits, clearly demonstrating the evolution of Russian military clothing from the times of Peter the Great to recent years Romanov dynasty.

Turgenev-Botkin Estate

The Museum of Military Uniforms is located in an old mansion - the Turgenev-Botkin estate. From 1803 to 1807 The estate was owned by the director of Moscow University, Ivan Petrovich Turgenev. During this period of time, one of the most famous literary salons in the capital was formed in the mansion. N. Karamzin, V. Zhukovsky, uncle of the great Russian poet A.S. visited Turgenev. Pushkin, V. L. Pushkin. Balls were held here social events, children holidays.

Turgenev died in 1807, and until 1832 the estate passed from hand to hand. Finally, it was bought at auction by a tea merchant, a great lover of fine arts, Pyotr Kononovich Botkin. The mansion, already covered in literary fame, increased it to incredible heights. At Botkin's evenings different time there were L. Tolstoy, I. Turgenev, N. Ogarev, M. Shchepkin and many others.

IN Soviet time the house was equipped for communal housing; there were also nurseries and offices of government institutions located here.

In the 2000s, a scientific restoration of the Turgenev-Botkin estate was carried out. The facade was returned to its original appearance and the interiors were partially restored. The Moscow authorities handed over the building to the Russian Military Historical Society, which housed the historical exhibitions of the Museum of Military Uniforms there.


On December 12, 2019, the Museum of Military Uniforms was opened in the very center of Moscow. This is a unique project of the Russian Military Historical Society, the main goal of which is the preservation and popularization best traditions Russian military service.

The museum is located in the classical ensemble of the Vasilchikovs’ city estate on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, built at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century.

The estate has the status of an object cultural heritage federal significance.

Visitors to the Museum are presented with two permanent exhibitions. The basis of the exhibition “Uniform for a Hero” is samples of military uniforms and equipment from the 16th century to the present. Some of the exhibits are real relics - a collection of priceless items of military uniform, carefully preserved by the Imperial Quartermaster Museum until 1917. A special place in the exhibition is occupied by rare experimental samples of Russian army uniforms, presented to the general public for the first time, things that belonged to the Russian emperors, various equipment and weapons. different eras, authentic exhibits from the 18th and 19th centuries.

It is worth noting that the exhibition includes such exhibits as a reconstruction of the Uniform Dress of Catherine II in the form of the Cavalry Corps (second half of the 18th century), sewn to the exact measurements of the original ( State Museum-Reserve"Tsarskoe Selo"), authentic items of uniform of soldiers and officers of the most famous regiments of the Russian Imperial Army: Life Guards of the Hussars, Cuirassiers of His Majesty, Sapper Battalion, Preobrazhensky, Ulansky, Cavalry Guards, Dragoon Military Order, 145th Infantry Novocherkassk and others. A special place is occupied by the rare and well-preserved uniform of the drummer of the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment of 1809.

The exhibition “The Vasilchikov Estate”, located in one of the rooms in the front suite of the Main House, tells the story old manor, where the Museum is located. The exhibition presents a detailed model of the estate complex of buildings that developed after 1870.

Also in the Museum there are temporary exhibitions “Imperial Cavalry”, dedicated to the history of clothing, equipment and weapons of the main types of Russian cavalry XIX era– the beginning of the 20th century and “Colors of War” - the military chronicle of Russia through the eyes of painters. At the exhibition you can see paintings by Russian artists from the collections of Russian museums.

Distinctive feature The Museum of Military Uniforms is an extensive complex of modern multimedia technologies (touch panels, wide-format screens, projections, binoscopes and much more), which will provide free and effective access to meaningful and visual information on the history of the Russian military uniform of the 16th-21st centuries and create conditions for studying military history countries.

Museum of Military Uniforms- was opened in February 2017 and is structural unit Museum of Military History of the Russian Military-Historical Society (RVIO).


The estate was formed in the middle of the 18th century near the church in the name of the State of the Honorable Faith of the Apostle Paul, built in the 16th century. At the beginning of the 19th century, the estate belonged to Ivan Petrovich Turgenev, a famous freemason, public figure, member of the Novikov Friendly Scientific Society, director of Moscow University, which was occupied by the Turgenev House and became one of the brilliant literary salons in Moscow. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky, Vasily Lvovich Pushkin and other famous personalities often visited here. Ivan Petrovich Turgenev died in 1807 and the Moscow house was sold to the “first-ranking merchant of Dorpat” Christian Fe.

In 1812, the estate burned down and was rebuilt only a few years later. On October 12, 1832, it was bought at auction by a Moscow merchant of the 1st guild, one of the pioneers of the tea business in Russia, Moscow merchant and entrepreneur Pyotr Kononovich Botkin.

Pyotr Kononovich had numerous offspring. Vasily Petrovich Botkin, eldest son, was famous writer and a critic. Nikolai Petrovich Botkin spent almost his entire life traveling. In Rome, he met Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol, who was a frequent guest in the Botkins’ house. Dmitry Petrovich Botkin is a co-owner of the tea trading company “Peter Botkin’s Sons” together with his brother Pyotr Petrovich. Dmitry Petrovich, in his youth, became interested in collecting paintings, watercolors, sculptures and until the end of his life he was collecting works of art; by the end of his life he became one of the most famous collectors and connoisseurs of art. Sergei Petrovich Botkin is a famous therapist, the founder of a scientific clinic of internal diseases in Russia, the founder of the doctrine of the body as a single whole, subordinate to the human mind, a public figure. Mikhail Petrovich Botkin - artist, the most prominent collector and philanthropist of his time, owned a unique collection of works applied arts: ancient, Byzantine, Old Russian, Gothic and Renaissance. Pyotr Kononovich Botkin also had five daughters. The eldest of the daughters, Ekaterina Petrovna, married a well-known manufacturer in Moscow, the Old Believer Ivan Vasilyevich Shchukin. Maria Petrovna is married to famous poet Afanasy Fet. Spouse youngest daughter Anna, there was a famous professor in Moscow, doctor of medicine Pavel Lukich Pikulin.

TO end of the 19th century century, the owner of the estate was the daughter of Peter Petrovich Botkin, Anna, who settled there with her husband, the merchant Andreev, who took the position of director of the tea trade partnership “Peter Botkin’s Sons”. Another daughter of Pyotr Petrovich, Vera, in 1887 married Nikolai Ivanovich Guchkov, the future Moscow mayor and public figure. N.I. Guchkov headed a tea partnership and the house belonged to him.

The last members of the Guchkov-Botkin family left the estate in 1921.

In 1918 it was nationalized, and the house was set up communal apartments. At the end of the 1920s, a dormitory for the Communist University for national minorities was built on the site of the former property of the Petroverig Church. The residential buildings of the Turgenev-Botkin estate began to be used as a dormitory. After the war, the buildings of the former estate housed kindergarten, nursery, warehouse of the publishing house "Medicine" and other institutions.

In February 2017, the Museum of Military Uniforms opened in the restored estate.


"Rescued Relics"

On February 2, 2017, the “Rescued Relics” exhibition was opened at the Museum. The exhibition presents unique exhibits of Russian military uniforms XVIII- XIX centuries from the Museum of the History of Military Uniforms, created on the basis of the collection of the Imperial Quartermaster Museum, which existed before the revolution under the patronage of the Russian Emperor. The “sample store,” established by Peter I, received items of military uniform not only Russian army, but also foreign ones, design drawings and sample forms. In 1868, based on the collected items, the Quartermaster Museum was born and by the highest Decree of Alexander II it was ordered to collect both standard samples of military uniforms and experimental, experimental ones in order to “preserve samples of military uniforms for history.”

After historical events The 1917 collection endured many trials and hardships. The life of the museum ceased: the exhibits were put into boxes and sent for storage to the Peter and Paul Fortress. In 1932, part of the collection was transferred to the Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, engineering troops and signal troops, and some went to the costume departments of theaters. Most of the exhibits remained in storage rooms, deteriorated, and wandered around the vast country. Only since 1959 the collection became available to a limited circle of specialists at the development base of the Central Clothing Directorate, organized by the Office clothing supply for the USSR Ministry of Defense.

Thanks to the full support of Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov, Director of the Department of Culture of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation, in 2015, a project was carried out to transfer unique items from the storerooms of the Museum of the Russian Ministry of Defense to the Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO) for restoration and display within the walls of the Museum of Military Uniforms.

Restoration of the priceless collection began in 2016 by specialists from three leading organizations GosNIIR, VKHNRTS im. I.E. Grabar and ROSIZO with the support and active participation Russian Military Historical Society (RVIO). A year after the start of restoration work, after a hundred years of oblivion, priceless rarities of military uniform are shown to a wide range of visitors, including an officer's cuirass of the Life Guards Cavalry Regiment, a grenadier cap of the Life Guards of the Pavlovsk Regiment, uniforms of officers of the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment, 68th Life Guards -His Majesty's Borodino Infantry Regiment, Nizhny Novgorod Dragoon Regiment, Palace Grenadier Company, etc., samples of weapons from private collections.

The exhibition “Saved Relics” is dedicated to the memory of Anton Nikolaevich Gubankov, who died in a plane crash near Sochi on December 25, 2016.

    The exhibition is complemented by a unique collection of miniatures by Alexander Voronov, dedicated to the Russian Imperial Guard of 1906–1917, a period when ceremonial uniforms were returned to raise the prestige of military service.

Museum of Military Uniforms (Moscow, Russia) - exhibitions, opening hours, address, phone numbers, official website.

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One of the newest addresses on the museum map of the capital, the Museum of Military Uniforms opened in February 2017 in the restored building of the historical Turgenev-Botkin estate (early 18th century). Its exhibition is based on a collection of Russian uniforms that Peter I began collecting. More than 300 items of clothing and ammunition from the periods of history from Alexander I to Nicholas II were carefully restored by the Russian Military Historical Society and presented to the audience in a modern multimedia exhibition. She proves that there are no uninteresting topics - you just need to competently and enthusiastically talk about what you love. And the abundance of visitors only confirms this: the museum is equally interesting for “old warriors”, sophisticated young ladies, and children of all ages.

A little history

The history of the museum’s collection goes back to the “sample store” of Peter I - a collection of military uniforms of the Russian army, which, according to the order of the emperor, was to be constantly replenished with any innovations - from changing the shape of bands to new molded buttons, not to mention large-scale changes to the uniform. In addition, the collection was replenished with samples of uniforms of foreign armies, its drawings and projects. Over time, the “sample store” turned into a full-fledged Imperial Quartermaster Museum, which existed until 1917.

The workers and peasants who came to power were not interested in the remnants of the tsarist regime, so fortunately the museum’s collection was not burned! - sent to the cellars of the Peter and Paul Fortress. In the 1930s Some rarities were added to the funds of the artillery museum, while most of the collection was distributed to costume departments of theaters and film studios. Through the efforts of enthusiasts, the surviving exhibits were reassembled into a collection and meticulously restored - they formed the exposition of the Museum of Military Uniforms.

The highlight of the collection is the restored uniform of a non-commissioned officer of the Tengin infantry regiment, where the military service M. Yu. Lermontov.

Getting to know a museum invariably begins with its building - and in this case, the form is no less important than the content. The two-story mansion of the early 18th century in the style of classicism belonged to I. P. Turgenev and hosted many people in its halls. famous personalities, including Karamzin and Zhukovsky. And in the 1830s. The estate changed its owner - the new, no less eminent owner was the capital's entrepreneur and philanthropist Botkin. After the revolution, the enfilad of halls of the estate turned into communal apartments, then various offices were located here. In the 2000s, the mansion was restored - and today it greets visitors in all the splendor of its classic appearance, with a soft yellowish-green facade, an elegant pediment and discreet stucco.

What to see

The museum's exposition is presented at two permanent exhibitions: “Rescued Relics” and “Rescued Relics. Two centuries of glory." Russian military uniforms in their historical development from the beginning of the 18th to the beginning of the 20th century: everyday and festive attire of grenadiers, dragoons, cavalry guards, cuirassiers, infantrymen of various regiments, individual items clothing and ammunition - caps, boots, belts, saddle bags, sword belts and much more. The multimedia exhibition immerses you in a specific historical era, explains the path that the army has taken from a luxurious, but impractical, to a comfortable and functional uniform.

A special place in the collection is occupied by the ceremonial vestments of the prestigious imperial regiments - the elegance of the cut would be the envy of modern fashion designers.

Original military uniforms of some historical periods turned out to be lost, and these eras are represented by costumes for Mosfilm films. An important part of the exhibition is also occupied by miniatures showing the uniform of the Imperial Guard of 1906-1917, complete examples of which have practically not survived.

Practical information

Address: Petroverigsky lane, 4 building 1, Turgenev-Botkin estate. The nearest metro station is Kitay-Gorod. Web site .

Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday from 11:00 to 20:00. Closed on Monday. The ticket office closes one hour before the museum closes.

Entrance - 250 RUB, discount ticket - 150 RUB. Prices on the page are as of November 2018.

On December 12, 2019, the Museum of Military Uniforms was opened in the very center of Moscow. This is a unique project of the Russian Military Historical Society, the main goal of which is to preserve and popularize the best traditions of Russian military service.

The museum is located in the classical ensemble of the Vasilchikovs’ city estate on Bolshaya Nikitskaya Street, built at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th century. The estate has the status of a cultural heritage site of federal significance.

Visitors to the Museum are presented with two permanent exhibitions. The basis of the exhibition “Uniform for a Hero” is samples of military uniforms and equipment from the 16th century to the present. Some of the exhibits are real relics - a collection of priceless items of military uniform, carefully preserved by the Imperial Quartermaster Museum until 1917.

A special place in the exhibition is occupied by rare experimental samples of Russian army uniforms, presented to the general public for the first time, things that belonged to Russian emperors, various equipment and weapons from various eras, and authentic exhibits of the 18th and 19th centuries.

It is worth noting that the exhibition includes such exhibits as a reconstruction of the Uniform Dress of Catherine II in the form of the Cavalry Corps (second half of the 18th century), sewn to the exact measurements of the original (Tsarskoe Selo State Museum-Reserve), authentic items of uniform of soldiers and officers of the most eminent regiments of the Russian Imperial Army: Life Guards of the Hussars, Cuirassiers of His Majesty, Sapper Battalion, Preobrazhensky, Ulansky, Cavalry Guard, Dragoon Military Order, 145th Infantry Novocherkassk and others. A special place is occupied by the rare and well-preserved uniform of the drummer of the Semenovsky Life Guards Regiment of 1809.

The exhibition “The Vasilchikov Estate”, located in one of the rooms in the front suite of the Main House, tells the story of the ancient estate in which the Museum is located. The exhibition presents a detailed model of the estate complex of buildings that developed after 1870.

Also in the Museum are temporary exhibitions “Imperial Cavalry”, dedicated to the history of clothing, equipment and weapons of the main types of Russian cavalry of the 19th - early 20th centuries, and “Colors of War” - the military chronicle of Russia through the eyes of painters. At the exhibition you can see paintings by Russian artists from the collections of Russian museums.

A distinctive feature of the Museum of Military Uniforms is an extensive complex of modern multimedia technologies (touch panels, wide-format screens, projections, binoscopes and much more), which will provide free and effective access to meaningful and visual information on the history of the Russian military uniform of the 16th-21st centuries and create conditions to study the military history of the country.

Operating mode:

  • Tuesday-Sunday - from 10:00 to 19:00 (ticket office until 18:30);
  • Monday is a day off.


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