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Do I need to salt the water when cooking mushrooms? How long should you cook mushrooms before frying?

Fragrant gifts of the forest, mushrooms are especially loved.

You can use them to prepare rich soup, solyanka, filling for pies and pies, delicious second dish.

Before eating, almost any mushrooms (with rare exceptions) need to be boiled.

How to cook mushrooms and how long does it take?

Why cook mushrooms

There are several types of heat treatment of harvested forest crops. Cooking is one of the simplest and most common methods. Why is it needed?

Firstly, mushrooms contain alkaloids that are hazardous to health. These are toxic compounds that should definitely be disposed of. Some types of mushrooms, for example, contain gilvelic acid. This is a powerful poison that has a destructive effect on the liver and kidneys and leads to death in 30% of cases. The poison is contained by strings - mushrooms very similar to morels. When cooked, it turns into liquid, so suspicious mushrooms are boiled in two waters, the first one must be drained, and the mushrooms are washed after it.

It is no coincidence that mushrooms are compared to a sponge. They instantly absorb all dirty and harmful substances from environment, including radiation. Boiling helps reduce its level; with a single boil for ten minutes, the radiation level is reduced by 80 percent, and with a double boil, by 97 percent.

In addition, some types of mushrooms that do not pass the boiling water test may taste bitter. Therefore, you need to cook not only dangerous strings (which, in fairness, rarely end up in a mushroom picker’s basket), but also everyone’s favorite chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms and even store-bought champignons.

How to cook mushrooms depends on their type. However, it is important to understand that during cooking, some of the nutrients and vitamins will go into the broth. Therefore, you need to pour a little water into the pan so that it only slightly covers the mushrooms.

How to prepare mushrooms for cooking

Before you put the mushrooms in the pan, you need to prepare them: sort, clean, cut off all questionable places (brown spots, damage, parts infested with worms or slugs). This must be done on the same day that the forest gifts were collected. If the mushrooms are old, you need to remove the bottom part of the cap.

If cooking is scheduled for another day, then the product should be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed, only the adhering leaves, grains of sand and grass are cleaned off with a knife. Mushrooms can be washed before boiling cold water, but quickly so that they do not have time to become saturated with water.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked for several purposes: to freeze for the winter, prepare for pickling, or process before frying. Cooking time will depend on the type of mushroom. Readiness can be determined by external signs: Boiled mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pan when you lift it over the burner. Still, it is best to follow the cooking time recommendations. How long to cook mushrooms? Experienced chefs recommend the following order:

The champignons are cooked purely symbolically - for five minutes;

Fifteen minutes are enough for oyster mushrooms to be ready; large nests can be boiled for five minutes longer;

Chanterelles and boletuses should spend 20 minutes in boiling water (the film is first removed from the boletus caps);

Russula, despite the name, should be cooked for half an hour;

Before boiling, porcini mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, the film removed from the cap, rinsed, and then cooked for 40 minutes;

Boletus mushrooms are processed in the same way as porcini mushrooms, but boiled for 45-50 minutes;

Honey mushrooms are placed in water, brought to a boil, after which the first decoction is drained and filled with a new portion of water. Secondary cooking time – 50-60 minutes;

Dense milk mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for an hour (add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then boiled for 15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms is very simple. You need to put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of water, add salt and, after boiling, keep it in boiling water from five minutes to one hour, depending on the type. If mushrooms are processed for further frying, they need to be cooked for 10-20 minutes less than indicated in the basic recommendation. Then remove from the water, chop or grind in a meat grinder and use according to the main recipe.

A very tasty winter preparation will be made from boiled fresh mushrooms prepared according to the following recipe.


Two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

A spoonful of salt (the amount of salt can be varied to suit your taste);

Two black currant leaves;

Head of garlic;

Ten black peppercorns.


First, you need to sort the mushrooms, clean off the forest dirt, and rinse them in small portions in a colander.

In a large bowl or saucepan, soak the entire amount of mushroom “meat” and add a portion of fresh cold water.

Place a small pressure in the form of a plate of suitable diameter so that all the mushrooms are under water.

After an hour and a half, rinse the soaked mushrooms again, chop the large ones, and leave the small ones whole.

Pour one and a half liters of water over the mushrooms and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, add pepper and salt, currant leaves and garlic.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool.

For winter freezing, place the cooled mushrooms in bags in small portions of about half a kilogram (exactly as much as you need for mushroom soup, frying with potatoes, making a pie, etc.) and place in the freezer. It is important that there is as little air as possible left in the bag of mushrooms.

Mushrooms frozen this way can be stored for one year.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are a real winter delicacy. You can use them to prepare a variety of delicious, aromatic, amazing delicious firsts and main courses, pastries, appetizers and salads. However, to restore the original properties of the mushroom, it is important to know how long to cook the mushrooms after drying.

Improperly prepared dried mushrooms lose both taste and pleasant texture and become too tough. First of all, they should be soaked in fresh cold water. Four hours of soaking will be enough to restore the elasticity and volume of the mushroom slices. You don’t have to drain the water after soaking, because the mushrooms give it their amazing aroma and taste. Of course, you need to focus on results. If the mushrooms were prepared incorrectly, the water will become dirty, cloudy, clogged with leaves, pine needles, and sand. You shouldn’t cook mushroom “meat” in this.

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are dried. However, you can dry boletus, boletus, morels, moss mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. How long should you cook dried mushrooms after soaking? At least half an hour. You can check readiness by whether the mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan after rising above the surface of the stove.

Depending on the degree of drying, it may take longer to cook the mushroom slices. To prepare a delicious decoction based on porcini mushrooms, you can use the following recipe.


Three hundred grams of dried porcini mushroom slices;

One and a half liters of water;

Bay leaf;

Peppercorns (optional).


Pour boiling water over the mushrooms so that all the slices are under water. You can press them down on top with a plate or lid.

After three to four hours, pour the swollen mushrooms into a pan of boiling water for the broth.

Quit Bay leaf, pepper, salt the broth to taste.

How long to cook dried mushrooms depends on the size of the slices and the degree of drying. If the mushrooms are coarsely dried, the cooking time should be 35-40 minutes. Thin slices will cook faster, literally in half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and placed in a frying pan in heated oil. Cook mushroom soup using the broth.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

You can cook the same wonderful dishes from frozen mushrooms as from fresh ones. They freeze champignons, boletus, white mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles - almost everything that can be brought from a successful mushroom hunt. How long to cook frozen mushrooms? Before answering this question, you need to know how to prepare mushrooms for cooking.

The fact is that it is not possible to remove all the moisture from mushrooms before freezing: a small amount of ice will certainly form on them. You can’t throw mushrooms in this state into the pan, they will ruin the whole thing. Therefore, the mushrooms need to be defrosted first. You can do this in several ways:

Microwave for a couple of minutes;

Leave in a colander at room temperature and wait for natural thawing.

After the mushrooms have thawed, they must be washed in running water. Then everything is simple: add water to the mushrooms and put them on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer, covering with a lid. Be sure to stir from time to time and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms? For complete readiness, 20-30 minutes will be enough. The champignons will be ready in 15 minutes.

How to use boiled mushrooms and mushroom broth

Fresh, dried and frozen boiled mushrooms rarely become a separate dish. Usually they are boiled for pickling, pickling, freezing (if the mushrooms are fresh). In addition, dried and frozen mushrooms are boiled to make soup, mushroom salad, filling in pies or pancakes, julienne, fried potatoes.

After cooking the mushrooms, the broth should not be poured out. This is a valuable food product, on the basis of which you can cook a light, aromatic soup or prepare a wonderful sauce for a meat or poultry dish.

The broth can be frozen in a plastic container or bottle. This is very convenient, because you can prepare soup or sauce with fresh mushroom broth at any time.

Luxurious and one of the most popular mushrooms all over the world is white. Dishes prepared with this ingredient guarantee success and great mood. Whether the product needs to be pre-boiled will be discussed below.

The key to success for a mushroom picker in a “silent hunt” is finding at least a few porcini mushrooms in the basket. They will allow you to prepare nutritious winter preparations and give familiar dishes a refined taste. Despite experience and knowledge, housewives are wondering whether or not it is necessary to boil porcini mushrooms before further frying? The answer is simple - cook mushrooms, regardless of the variety and type, collected in the forest or bought at the market. This will eliminate possible poisoning by 99%. The housewife decides how long the product is cooked before further heat treatment, based on the range of 15-15 minutes.

Interesting facts about porcini mushrooms

The former belong to the privileged mushrooms and are included in the first category in terms of taste. They are rarely sold in stores, as they are sent straight to restaurants, so the right way enjoy this forest delicacy - collect it yourself. Preserving the taste and aroma of the product is not difficult - it is recommended to cook forest products correctly, following the recommendations.

How to cook whites: technological secrets

Before heat treatment, including frying, you need to process the collected forest products:

  • Rinse under running cold water;
  • Clean off any remaining contamination;
  • Cut off the ends of the legs;
  • Cut off the caps.

In every second case, white ones are eaten by worms, so the places where “wormholes” are identified are cut off without leaving any residue, but it is better to cut them off and place them in salted water for a couple or three minutes - how long to keep depends on the desire of the owner, but not 30 minutes, otherwise the mushroom will become soggy and unsuitable for food.

It is highly recommended to boil the product collected in the forest, as they absorb all harmful substances and components present in the air and earth. Before this, large specimens - 10 cm tall and dense in consistency - are cut into 1-3 parts for convenience, and small mushrooms 5-7 cm tall are boiled without separating the caps and stems.

After this, the product is transferred to salted water and placed on medium heat. At the moment of boiling, the resulting foam is immediately removed, since it contains harmful substances and dirt residues. As soon as the mushrooms boil, the fire is reduced to the side. Cooking continues for half an hour, stirring and removing foam during the process.

Dried whites are best cooked before frying, but pre-soak for 10-15 minutes. Housewives filter the water that remains from the mushrooms through cheesecloth to remove sediment, after which it will become the basis for soups, sauces and gravies. Important: foam does not form if dried whites are cooked. After boiling, they are heat treated for 30 minutes. It is also taken into account that no spices other than salt are required to be put into the water, otherwise natural aroma will disappear.

Porcini mushrooms: beneficial properties

White ones are tasty and aromatic, good for health, which is why they are called gifts of the forest. Includes:

  • proteins that are easily digestible by the body;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • minerals;
  • phosphates;
  • potassium salts;
  • glycogen.

In addition, the pulp of the mushroom contains hercedin, which is used to treat cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary for people suffering from thyroid problems. Therefore, during the cooking process you should not get carried away with this process - useful material are decreasing. Eating porcini mushrooms has a positive effect on the condition of nails and hair.

Moments of cooking porcini mushrooms

Cooking porcini mushrooms is a culinary science, since this type of forest product is considered elite and is used for home cooking and restaurant serving. The peculiarities of the product consist not only in the fact that the taste and aroma will stand out from the general mass, but also in the fact that the broth prepared on its basis is light without signs of turbidity. Some chefs and experienced cooks argue that if the mushrooms are intended for frying, then there is no need to boil them first, since heat treatment will still occur.

For winter canning - pickling and marinade, it is better to pre-boil the product - how long depends on the number of mushrooms, but not less than half an hour. They should be frozen and dried exclusively fresh, without any heat treatment, as water will make them loose and the drying process will become impossible at all.

How long and how best to cook white mushrooms before frying depends on whether the housewife is going to cook from fresh or frozen mushrooms. So, freshly collected ones are boiled for half an hour, while frozen ones or prepared for the winter in vegetable oil can be pre-boiled for 5-10 minutes. The finished broth can be preserved - stored in the freezer in special containers. In this case, you won’t have to boil the mushrooms again.

Porcini mushrooms are a product that is used in both first and second courses; sauces and gravies can complement and enrich any vegetable preparations. Pies, rolls and other baked goods with mushroom filling are popular. For these dishes, it is recommended to pre-boil the mushrooms for 10-15 minutes, since then frying and baking will take place.

Pre-boiling porcini mushrooms: why is the process necessary?

70% of housewives do not know how much and how to cook porcini mushrooms. To decide whether it is necessary to cook before further frying, you should remember that the porcini mushroom grows in the forest. Consequently, it absorbs substances that are around. It is a mistake to think that they do not contain harmful components - the forest belt is located not only in a quiet place, far from the highway, but also in close proximity to a busy road, which means an increased concentration of gasoline combustion products.

The purpose of pre-cooking before frying is to draw out as many harmful substances as possible from them. It is better to process mushrooms from ecologically clean regions additionally - this will help get rid of microbes. It is recommended by mushroom pickers and cooks to boil the gifts of the forest, even if they are collected in the thicket of an impenetrable forest, in order to guarantee protection from health problems. The fact is that mushrooms accumulate not only those toxins that they receive from the external environment - from the air, along with precipitation, but also the products of their own vital activity. It is better to get rid of them - they can negatively affect the body.

It is better to boil them peeled, always washed in cool water. Cut into small pieces, mushrooms not only look aesthetically pleasing in dishes, they are boiled, freeing them from all substances harmful to humans. Important: the water in the container is 1.5 liters per 1 kg of product. Foam is an indicator of the presence of contaminants, particles, and harmful components. Heat treatment removed them from the product. Therefore, it is recommended to quickly remove it from the container in which the cooking process takes place.

Thus, white, collected with one’s own hand, is a gift from nature and the forest, but it requires attention. We must not forget that the product, which was collected in an open area, has not undergone any testing. For this reason, doctors recognize double heat treatment as a way out - boiling and frying. If preservation in oil is provided, then cooking is not a recommendation, but a necessity, since the mushrooms that have been exposed to temperature long time retain freshness - if they are prepared according to the rules, then preservation is suitable for food for up to 1 year.

Boiling means exposing the product to a temperature of 100 -110 degrees. In the 30-40 minutes allotted for this, the microbes in the mushrooms will die, if they were there, and harmful microelements will also come out of the pulp. After frying, a sufficient amount of vitamins (at least 5-10%) will remain in the old mushrooms to make the dish healthy and nutritious. Porcini, despite the fact that it is edible, it cannot be eaten in its “raw” form.

Fragrant gifts of the forest, mushrooms are especially loved.

You can use them to prepare rich soup, hodgepodge, filling for pies and pies, and a delicious second course.

Before eating, almost any mushrooms (with rare exceptions) need to be boiled.

How to cook mushrooms and how long does it take?

Why cook mushrooms

There are several types of heat treatment of harvested forest crops. Cooking is one of the simplest and most common methods. Why is it needed?

Firstly, mushrooms contain alkaloids that are hazardous to health. These are toxic compounds that should definitely be disposed of. Some types of mushrooms, for example, contain gilvelic acid. This is a powerful poison that has a destructive effect on the liver and kidneys and leads to death in 30% of cases. The poison is contained by strings - mushrooms very similar to morels. When cooked, it turns into liquid, so suspicious mushrooms are boiled in two waters, the first one must be drained, and the mushrooms are washed after it.

It is no coincidence that mushrooms are compared to a sponge. They instantly absorb all dirty and harmful substances from the environment, including radiation. Boiling helps reduce its level, and with a single boiling for ten minutes, the radiation level is reduced by 80 percent, and with a double boiling - by 97 percent.

In addition, some types of mushrooms that do not pass the boiling water test may taste bitter. Therefore, you need to cook not only dangerous strings (which, in fairness, rarely end up in a mushroom picker’s basket), but also everyone’s favorite chanterelles, russula, milk mushrooms and even store-bought champignons.

How to cook mushrooms depends on their type. However, it is important to understand that during cooking, some of the nutrients and vitamins will go into the broth. Therefore, you need to pour a little water into the pan so that it only slightly covers the mushrooms.

How to prepare mushrooms for cooking

Before you put the mushrooms in the pan, you need to prepare them: sort, clean, cut off all questionable places (brown spots, damage, parts infested with worms or slugs). This must be done on the same day that the forest gifts were collected. If the mushrooms are old, you need to remove the bottom part of the cap.

If cooking is scheduled for another day, then the product should be stored in the refrigerator. In this case, the mushrooms are not washed, only the adhering leaves, grains of sand and grass are cleaned off with a knife. Before boiling, the mushrooms can be rinsed with cold water, but quickly so that they do not have time to soak in water.

How long to cook fresh mushrooms

Mushrooms are cooked for several purposes: to freeze for the winter, prepare for pickling, or process before frying. Cooking time will depend on the type of mushroom. Readiness can be determined by external signs: boiled mushrooms will sink to the bottom of the pan if you lift it over the burner. Still, it is best to follow the cooking time recommendations. How long to cook mushrooms? Experienced chefs recommend the following order:

The champignons are cooked purely symbolically - for five minutes;

Fifteen minutes are enough for oyster mushrooms to be ready; large nests can be boiled for five minutes longer;

Chanterelles and boletuses should spend 20 minutes in boiling water (the film is first removed from the boletus caps);

Russula, despite the name, should be cooked for half an hour;

Before boiling, porcini mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned, the film removed from the cap, rinsed, and then cooked for 40 minutes;

Boletus mushrooms are processed in the same way as porcini mushrooms, but boiled for 45-50 minutes;

Honey mushrooms are placed in water, brought to a boil, after which the first decoction is drained and filled with a new portion of water. Secondary cooking time - 50-60 minutes;

Dense milk mushrooms are pre-soaked in cold water for an hour (add two tablespoons of salt per liter of water), then boiled for 15 minutes.

Cooking mushrooms is very simple. You need to put it in a saucepan, add a small amount of water, add salt and, after boiling, keep it in boiling water from five minutes to one hour, depending on the type. If mushrooms are processed for further frying, they need to be cooked for 10-20 minutes less than indicated in the basic recommendation. Then remove from the water, chop or grind in a meat grinder and use according to the main recipe.

A very tasty winter preparation will be made from boiled fresh mushrooms prepared according to the following recipe.

Two kilograms of fresh mushrooms;

One and a half liters of water;

A spoonful of salt (the amount of salt can be varied to suit your taste);

Two black currant leaves;

Ten black peppercorns.

First, you need to sort the mushrooms, clean off the forest dirt, and rinse them in small portions in a colander.

In a large bowl or saucepan, soak the entire amount of mushroom “meat” and add a portion of fresh cold water.

Place a small pressure in the form of a plate of suitable diameter so that all the mushrooms are under water.

After an hour and a half, rinse the soaked mushrooms again, chop the large ones, and leave the small ones whole.

Pour one and a half liters of water over the mushrooms and bring to a boil over high heat.

As soon as the water boils, reduce the heat, add pepper and salt, currant leaves and garlic.

Cook for 20 minutes, then remove the mushrooms with a slotted spoon and cool.

For winter freezing, place the cooled mushrooms in bags in small portions of about half a kilogram (exactly as much as you need for mushroom soup, frying with potatoes, making a pie, etc.) and place in the freezer. It is important that there is as little air as possible left in the bag of mushrooms.

Mushrooms frozen this way can be stored for one year.

How long to cook dried mushrooms

Dried mushrooms are a real winter delicacy. From them you can prepare many delicious, aromatic, amazingly tasty first and second courses, baked goods, snacks and salads. However, to restore the original properties of the mushroom, it is important to know how long to cook the mushrooms after drying.

Improperly prepared dried mushrooms lose both taste and pleasant texture and become too tough. First of all, they should be soaked in fresh cold water. Four hours of soaking will be enough to restore the elasticity and volume of the mushroom slices. You don’t have to drain the water after soaking, because the mushrooms give it their amazing aroma and taste. Of course, you need to focus on results. If the mushrooms were prepared incorrectly, the water will become dirty, cloudy, clogged with leaves, pine needles, and sand. You shouldn’t cook mushroom “meat” in this.

As a rule, porcini mushrooms are dried. However, you can dry boletus, boletus, morels, moss mushrooms, champignons, chanterelles, etc. How long should you cook dried mushrooms after soaking? At least half an hour. You can check readiness by whether the mushrooms fall to the bottom of the pan after rising above the surface of the stove.

Depending on the degree of drying, it may take longer to cook the mushroom slices. To prepare a delicious decoction based on porcini mushrooms, you can use the following recipe.

Three hundred grams of dried porcini mushroom slices;

One and a half liters of water;

Peppercorns (optional).

Pour boiling water over the mushrooms so that all the slices are under water. You can press them down on top with a plate or lid.

After three to four hours, pour the swollen mushrooms into a pan of boiling water for the broth.

Throw in the bay leaf, pepper, and add salt to the broth to taste.

How long to cook dried mushrooms depends on the size of the slices and the degree of drying. If the mushrooms are coarsely dried, the cooking time should be 35-40 minutes. Thin slices will cook faster, literally in half an hour.

After the mushrooms are ready, they can be cut into smaller pieces and placed in a frying pan in heated oil. Cook mushroom soup using the broth.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms

You can cook the same wonderful dishes from frozen mushrooms as from fresh ones. They freeze champignons, boletus, white mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles - almost everything that can be brought from a successful mushroom hunt. How long to cook frozen mushrooms? Before answering this question, you need to know how to prepare mushrooms for cooking.

The fact is that it is not possible to remove all the moisture from mushrooms before freezing: a small amount of ice will certainly form on them. You can’t throw mushrooms in this state into the pan, they will ruin the whole thing. Therefore, the mushrooms need to be defrosted first. You can do this in several ways:

Microwave for a couple of minutes;

Leave in a colander at room temperature and wait for natural thawing.

After the mushrooms have thawed, they must be washed in running water. Then everything is simple: add water to the mushrooms and put them on the fire. After boiling, reduce the heat to low and simmer, covering with a lid. Be sure to stir from time to time and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.

How long to cook frozen mushrooms? For complete readiness, 20-30 minutes will be enough. The champignons will be ready in 15 minutes.

How to use boiled mushrooms and mushroom broth

Fresh, dried and frozen boiled mushrooms rarely become a separate dish. Usually they are boiled for pickling, pickling, freezing (if the mushrooms are fresh). In addition, dried and frozen mushrooms are boiled to make soup, mushroom salad, filling in pies or pancakes, julienne, fried potatoes.

After cooking the mushrooms, the broth should not be poured out. This is a valuable food product, on the basis of which you can cook a light, aromatic soup or prepare a wonderful sauce for a meat or poultry dish.

The broth can be frozen in a plastic container or bottle. This is very convenient, because you can prepare soup or sauce with fresh mushroom broth at any time.

How much the most delicious dishes: both the first and second, and salads, and sauces, and appetizers - can be prepared from “forest meat”, from mushrooms. However, any novice housewife would inevitably have dozens of questions swarming in her head: How to cook mushrooms correctly? How much water is required? Do I need to add salt or spices? How long does it take for them to be ready? What to serve with? And how to store? Let's try to figure this out.

The process of preparing mushrooms directly depends on what kind of “fruit” is in front of us, fresh, dried or frozen.

Fresh mushrooms they must be recycled immediately, they should not be stored for a long time, and after two days you can safely say goodbye to them - they are spoiled. So, freshly harvested gifts of the forest must be cleared of leaves, pine needles, soil, sand, cut into pieces, washed, placed in a colander and blanched several times. And only after that you can proceed directly to the process of preparing them.

Mushrooms should be cooked over medium heat in a small amount of water , since during the heating process the mushrooms themselves begin to release juice (they are 90% water), which leads to an increase in liquid in the pan. Moreover, it is better to throw them into already boiling, slightly salted water, adding a little parsley, dill, bay leaf, allspice or nutmeg for additional flavor. However, these spices should be added very carefully so as not to drown out the true aroma of the forest. In addition, some mushrooms (ceps, chanterelles, milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps), due to their mild aroma, are not usually supplemented with spices.

The readiness of mushrooms is quite easy to determine by eye: boiled mushrooms easily sink to the bottom. But in order not to stand over the saucepan waiting for the product to “fall”, here approximate cooking time most popular varieties:

  • White – 30-35 minutes,
  • Boletus mushrooms – 45-50 minutes,
  • Boletuses, chanterelles, oyster mushrooms – 20 minutes,
  • Russula, boletus – 30 minutes,
  • Champignons – 5-7 minutes,
  • Honey mushrooms – 50-55 minutes, periodically changing the water,
  • Milk mushrooms – 15 minutes, must be pre-soaked for at least two days, and the water must be periodically changed to fresh.

There are also some peculiarities in cooking mushrooms prepared for future use, both frozen and dried.

Let's start with frozen ones. During the period of their preparation, the water in which they were soaked or boiled is frozen along with the mushrooms. You should not cook mushrooms with this water; it is better to defrost them first and drain the liquid. Then pour in fresh cold water and keep on low heat, closing the lid and removing the periodically appearing foam, for 25-30 minutes. Ready-to-eat mushrooms can be seasoned with vegetables, add parsley or dill, fried onions, sour cream, apples.

Dried mushrooms before boiling you should soak in cold water for at least 4 hours , and then cook (preferably in the same water, so as not to lose the aroma and taste). The cooking time for dried mushrooms is about an hour and a half; to determine readiness, you can also rely on when they sink to the bottom.

Storing mushrooms is also an important and pressing issue.

  1. Fresh mushrooms do not last long, a maximum of two days in the refrigerator, and they must be dry and cleaned; it is better to choose open containers.
  2. Cooked mushroom dishes are also not very shelf stable. It is better to eat everything at once, but in the refrigerator they will live for a maximum of two days.
  3. It is more convenient to package frozen mushrooms (both fresh and boiled) in portions in bags and store them in the freezer for up to one year. Frozen fried mushrooms are less stable and will not last for more than six months.
  4. The most storage-resistant ones are dried mushrooms. Under strictly observed drying conditions, such mushrooms will last for several years, maintaining their taste and aroma unchanged.

So, let’s summarize using the “by contradiction” method, that is what not to do:

  • cook mushrooms over too low heat (if they are not frozen) or too high heat, so they will become too hard or soft and, naturally, tasteless;
  • heavily season mushroom dishes, so the aroma and taste of the mushrooms themselves will be “lost”;
  • Store cooked mushroom dishes for a long time.

Step 1. Prepare the dishes for pickling.

To pickle mushrooms, it is better to choose a wooden tub, an enamel pan, or glass jar. Wash the selected dishes thoroughly in water. Then wipe dry with a towel.

Step 2. Prepare the mushrooms.

Thoroughly clean the mushrooms (boletus, aspen, moss mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, nigella, valui, champignons) from the soil, rinse, and place in an enamel pan.

Step 3. Cook the mushrooms.

Pour water into a saucepan with mushrooms, put on fire and lightly salt. Bring to a boil and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon and skimming off the foam. Russulas are boiled 5 -6 minutes; milk mushrooms, white mushrooms, white mushrooms and serushkas - 8 - 10 minutes; porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, fly mushrooms, butter mushrooms and champignons - 10-15 minutes; honey mushrooms, chanterelles, valui, rubellas and other mushrooms containing bitterness - 25-30 minutes. Then drain the water in which they were boiled, and rinse the mushrooms in cold water, placing them in a colander to drain.

Step 4. Mix the ingredients.

Mushrooms prepared in this way should be placed in dishes (tubs, jars, pans) and salted at the rate 45-60 grams of salt on 1 kg boiled mushrooms and cover with a wooden circle with pressure. As a seasoning, you can add garlic, onion, horseradish, tarragon or dill to the mushrooms. It is better to first chop the onion into small cubes. You can either squeeze the garlic through a garlic press, or cut it into small pieces, or even throw it in whole. but this is provided that the teeth are small. I cut the garlic into pieces so that the mushrooms would be better saturated with the aroma of garlic when salted, but for the experiment I squeezed the garlic into a couple of jars using a garlic press. After all the mushrooms have been salted, they can be placed in jars and sealed with plastic lids. Mushrooms salted in this way can be eaten through six - eight days.

Step 5. Serve salted and boiled mushrooms.

Can be served as a cold appetizer, placed in a deep plate. You can season with vegetable oil and add onions, cut into rings or pieces. Bon appetit!


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