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Fables in faces. Tales invented by children Make up tall tales with a friend 2

Getting children to do things they don't want to do is quite difficult. It is even more difficult if the child is hyperactive and rarely sits in one place. You can keep such a fidget busy only if you really interest him. And short fables for children can come in handy here. Especially if they are really interesting.

First of all, it is a way of thinking. Very interesting and exciting. Fables (for children) are short stories or funny rhymes where everything is the other way around. For example, a cat lives in a booth and guards the house, and a dog catches mice. A logically reasoning kid will immediately notice where the discrepancy lies and will definitely correct the storyteller.


There are a lot of fables that were written quite a long time ago. Here is one of them:

A hare sits on a birch tree,
Reads a book aloud.
A bear flew to him,
He listens and sighs.

Such short fables for children really help develop logical thinking. Firstly, hares do not sit on birch trees, but jump on the grass. Secondly, they don’t read books either. Thirdly, bears cannot fly. Even a two-year-old child will quickly be able to understand what the catch is in such a rhyme.

"Vanya rode on a horse..."

Such fables (for children) as about Vanya on a horse, leading a dog on a belt, are not too short. Therefore, it is better to tell them to more conscious children. For example, older preschoolers or younger schoolchildren. It is noteworthy that around the fifth grade, children are often forced to learn this famous fable, since it develops memory, logic and attention well (you need to keep track of exactly what order the sentences in the rhyme are in).

What else is the benefit

Unfortunately, modern children spend too much time watching cartoons and animated series. This significantly affects their worldview. So, some kids do not distinguish reality from virtuality at all. Therefore, it is worth not only giving up this kind of leisure, but also studying folk tales for children. They will help determine how real this or that event is. Eg:

Between heaven and earth
The little pig was rummaging
And accidentally tail
Clings to the sky.

The child should be told that pigs are found in barns or on special farms, and not on clouds. But you can’t cling to the sky with your tail. It’s even better if you have pictures with the real state of affairs at hand: here is the mother pig, here are the piglets, here is the barn, here is the one who feeds the animals. Such simple short fables for children will be much better than any cartoons and comics about superheroes that do not exist in nature.

Where did they come from?

In general, this genre was originally invented by our ancestors, who composed poems and songs according to the principle “what I want, I say.” Well-known fable poems for children like:

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens croak subtly.

And about a brick that, like glass, floats down the river. They were invented a long time ago, but they are still in demand today. Firstly, it's funny, it develops a sense of humor. Secondly, when thinking about the topic given by the verse, the child turns on logic.

Marshak and his tales

Such a famous writer as Samuel Marshak produced many such works from the pen. One of them is called a rather long work that deserves attention. This kind of fable is suitable for children in the 3rd grade of school. How can the work be useful? Firstly, we are talking about pioneers, who no longer exist in our time. That is, you can tell the children about who they were, what they did, what they wore. Secondly, the poems have a deep meaning that even such small schoolchildren can understand.

"He's so absent-minded..."

Although this is not short fables for children, it is still a work worthy of attention. Firstly, here we are talking about something that is so familiar to kids: how to dress in the morning, how to manage their business. Very young children can read the work line by line so that they have time to appreciate both the humor and the lack of logic in the actions of the main character. After all, they don’t put a frying pan on their head instead of a hat, and they don’t put their hands in their trousers. Marshak really tried, creating such a beautiful, useful and fun work that has not lost its relevance for many years.


This term was coined by Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky, who was a master at writing funny nonsense. But inverted tales for children are nothing more than funny nonsense, nonsense, something that cannot exist in nature. For example:

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree -
New shirt
There's a boot on my head,
There is a cap on his leg.

This doesn’t happen in the real world, but it’s fun and funny. Such inversions (when everything is turned upside down) can interest even the most restless child. Especially if you set the right tone for the story, pause in the right places, make semantic accents and reinforcements to make it more interesting to listen and perceive.

Write or read?

Many parents wonder whether they should come up with stories themselves or take ones that have already been written before. It all depends on how well the imagination works in adults, how well the child perceives information by ear. There is a whole category of kids who do not like to listen when they are read to. But the stories are received with a bang by them. In this case, you need to either memorize poems or compose them. The latter is not as difficult as it seems. Rhyme does not have to be present in all lines. For example:

The cat found a watermelon in the forest

Traded it for lard

The bear hides an ace in its paw,

He doesn't have enough honey.

Such a crazy poem can be composed on the fly, in just a couple of seconds. The baby will only have to figure out what is true and what is fiction. For example, a bear really loves honey, there is always little of it, but he cannot hide an ace in his paw, since he is still an animal, not a person.

What should educators and teachers do?

Of course, both of them are simply not able to come up with new rhymes for children on their own every time. Therefore, it is wiser to turn to already written works. For example, in children's preschool and school (younger age) anthologies there are many examples of folk tales and those written by famous authors. Eg:

Early in the morning, in the evening,
Late, at dawn
Baba was walking
In a chintz carriage.

This is from the people. Or the work “On the Horizont Islands” by Boris Zakhoder. It consists entirely of fables and improbables, of what cannot be or can be, but vice versa. If you introduce children to such a poetic story, there is an opportunity to develop not only logical thinking, but also to significantly influence the child’s worldview. For kids who are still in kindergarten, Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky’s poetic fable “Confusion” will be interesting, which talks about how animals stopped being themselves. This is a simple, light and funny work that teaches that everyone has their place in the world, everyone has their own purpose, and if everything is mixed up, then life will become much more difficult. When choosing a work, you should first pay attention to what is more interesting for the baby to listen to, as well as to the age, because not all poems can be understood at two or three years old or even at five years old.

Children love to invent fables, and what’s more, they really enjoy this activity. Drawings based on such essays look very funny. The page presents fables that children came up with for a literary reading lesson in the second grade. Sometimes the concept of improbability is used; it is the same as fable, only an outdated, colloquial expression.

Angry boar sat on a branch
And tweeted with my neighbor
Like yesterday he was at the swamp
Met a blue hippopotamus
He climbed a pine tree
And I wanted to catch a fox

An angry boar sat on a branch
Gnawing on nuts and candies
Washed it down with lemonade
Suddenly he saw a hunter
The boar flapped its wings
And fluttered to Mars

The spoon jumped into the plate
And the plate ran
And fell from the samovar
There was seagulls in the samovar
It spilled onto the shelves

We all wake up at 3 in the morning. Crows are swimming. Mice run after cats. And our mosquitoes are like elephants.

Khramtsov Serezha

I visited wonderland. I saw a raven there, mowing the grass in the meadow for the cat.

Parfenov Ilya

Zhuikov Andrey

A fox walked, flicking its tail and shaking its horns.

A box of pies grew on an empty stump.

One day I went into the forest and met a hedgehog there. With big big ears. He sat and sang a song: “Let them run clumsily...” and waited for the ripe pears to fall from the apple tree. I chatted with him about business and ran home.

Krivonogova Kristina

Listen guys, I'll tell you a secret.
I have a little dragon, he is 10 years old!
We go for a walk with him,
We go to lunch with him.
He likes a bun with jam
Eat a bag of candy.
Zhernakova Tamara

One day I was walking along a forest path and saw two frogs jumping until the sun, fish flying and singing songs.

Ashkanova Edda

One day I was walking through the forest in the summer. Suddenly a hare ran past me with a pine cone in its teeth. He quickly climbed the tree and hid her in the hollow. It's good that cows don't run through trees. Otherwise, all the trees would lie on the ground.

Chepasov Egor

New trick! Deadly number!
Hippopotamus - on the head! The lion was standing on a hippopotamus!
The crocodile stood on the lion! The wolf stood on the crocodile!
And in addition, on the nose of a two-meter boa constrictor...
The wolf held it like a sausage...
Everyone shouted: Bravo! Bravo!
Suddenly - an unthinkable thing! A fly landed on a boa constrictor...
And the boa constrictor, recoiling to the right, slipped on its nose...
The wolf swung - and the boa constrictor
I swallowed it like a sausage.
Mouth open in surprise,
The wolf was eaten by a crocodile.
But in a moment I myself
It hit Leo in the stomach.
The lion staggered - and right
Collapsed into the mouth of a hippopotamus.

Kharitonov Danya

A cat lived on the roof, and he flew off the roof.
I didn’t understand anything, how the cat got wings...
And so he flutters and flies under the clouds, he catches up with the birds.

Stepanenko Nadya

One day I was walking down the street and saw one dog meow loudly, then quickly climbed a tall tree, flapped its wings and flew away.

Grigoruk Kirill

Animals lived in the clearing, they loved tea, they sang songs. They built houses for themselves, squeezed out the clouds, and washed their faces with water from the clouds in the morning so that the animals’ fur would become more beautiful. And Potapych in the clearing entertained his friends with poetry. Of course, he treated me to honey and didn’t forget anyone. In general, life there was smooth: they extracted juice from wells. The rivers contain coconut, pineapple and apricot. It's good in the clearing! We invite you again!

Ivanova Lisa

When I woke up in the morning I saw a note on the table. I read in the note: we went to school, trim the carpet and sweep the refrigerator. Mom and Dad. Not yet fully awake, I went to wash my face. In the bathroom I saw my cat brushing her teeth. I got in line and decided to make breakfast. In the refrigerator I found a couple of bricks, a kilogram of nails, one pack of sand and a bottle of kerosene. This suddenly alarmed me. I looked out the window. The moon was shining brightly outside and the snowdrops were jumping merrily. Suddenly the kettle rang and my mother said that they still had two lessons and I needed to feed the cat shampoo. The cat happily ate a bar of soap and drank a bowl of shampoo. I decided to turn on the TV. I pressed the button and felt my younger sister shaking me: Get up! Happy birthday! Today is April 1st!!!

Perevozkina Dasha

The hedgehog went to school and sees sweets growing on a tree. He climbed a tree and ate some candy. And he went further to school... suddenly he became dizzy and became multi-colored. The teacher guessed that the hedgehog ate the candy from the tree and made the hedgehog study after school.

Gulyaeva Nastya

One day I wanted to eat and put a plate of food and a glass of tea on the table. And suddenly the table came to life, he began to run around the house. It's good that we had a bottle of liquid that could turn anything, animate objects into inanimate ones and vice versa. I started to catch up with the table, having caught up, I poured water on it from a bottle straight to the target and it turned back into an ordinary table. Finally I started eating and drinking tea.

Vorobiev Sasha

In our yard

I went out for a walk in the courtyard of our house and saw a dog riding a bicycle and meowing. I looked up, two cats were flying, flapping their wings and chirping. To the side, two sparrows are building little sand pies. What a surprise!

I looked at all this and went for a walk with the girls.

Pekhtereva Nastya

The bunny went to the store
He bought a limousine there
And he rides in the forest
Wolf, squirrel and fox!

What's happened? I don't understand:
Here the fox screams moo-moo,
And the crows bark
The piglets quack
Flies are walking across the field,
Horses fly across the sky.
The pencil suddenly broke!
Everything around became clearer.

Floated down the river
Tigers in drushlak,
And behind them is an elephant
On horseback.

It's warm summer now
All the people are wearing fur coats,
Flowers bloom in the snow,
Basking on the grass
Seals and walruses

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree
New shirt
There's a boot on my head
Cap on leg

I stood at the bus stop, waiting for a trolleybus.
Suddenly a cart pulls up, and there are two hedgehogs in the cart.
“Two hedgehogs, two hedgehogs, take us slowly!”
We approach a traffic light - there is no light!!!
The signal is given by the striped hippopotamus.
We drive further: suddenly along the zebra crossing
A five-legged crocamote runs by
And a furry-legged sperm whale walks along the street.

Readings. Most often, parents take them from the ABC book.

Preschoolers, and even younger schoolchildren, get tired of reading textbooks from time to time. Then it’s useful to give them something funny: short funny stories, fables.

We write about preschoolers, but working with funny short texts is even more useful for first-graders. Here we also need to take into account the “clip attention” of modern children, which is quickly depleted. And such texts stimulate interest in what is being read. After them, it’s easier to return to reading about things that are not very interesting.

Tales in development

What are fables? The definition for children is this - all kinds of “confusions”. This is probably the simplest explanation.

Fables (nonsense) are important in the development of children for the following reasons:

  1. option for the development of the mind: absurdity is not nonsense, and it is not always easy to grasp its meaning;
  2. allow you to look at the world from a different angle;
  3. forms an understanding of the comical - a sense of humor.

Unusual and funny uses of objects

To understand fables and all sorts of absurdities, it is useful to start working by coming up with an unusual use for objects:

  1. Put a bowl on your head instead of a hat;
  2. Jump on the chair, since it has legs,
  3. A bow is like attaching wings to a cat so that it can fly;
  4. Catch fish with pans;
  5. Take a washing basin instead of an umbrella when it’s raining...

Words can be changed: say, for example, instead of “snowdrifts” - “snowbobes”.

Fables in verse

Tasks to find and explain fables in a poem

  1. Find the fables and underline them with a pencil.
  2. Prove why this doesn't happen.

Confusion-mix-up 1

It's warm spring now.
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ga-ha-ga" - the nightingale sang
Give me an answer quickly
Is this true or not? (L. Stanichev)

Forest fable

One day in the summer at the edge of the forest
Three frogs were pooping.
The little bunny ran to them,
The beak opened and mooed.
An elk flew over them.
(The elk couldn’t sleep for some reason.)
The elk shouted loudly from the sky:
- Hush, brothers, this is a forest!

Confusion Confusion 2

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens quack subtly.
The onion crawled like a snake.
There was a mix-up. (V. Burykina)

Amazing garden bed

In my garden -
The crocodile is growing!!!
And in the Moscow River
The cucumber lives!
Autumn in the garden
The crocodile has arrived!
Cucumber in the Moscow River
Ate all the frogs!
I'm scared guys
What's for this year
Grows in the garden
Scary hippopotamus.
And in the Moscow River
Will fall on the hook -
How do you like it?-
Scary zucchini!
Oh! When in the garden
Will everything be okay!? (Yu. Koval)

It's not for nothing that I praise myself...

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,
I tell everyone and everywhere,
Any suggestion.
I'll repeat it right away.
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I washed the cactus on the window.
The cactus rode on a horse,
Led the old lady on a belt,
And the dog at this time
I washed Vanya on the window.
I know what I'm saying
I said that I would repeat it
So it came out without errors,
Why boast in vain? (E. Uspensky)

Lived once...

Lived once
Grandfather and grandmother
With a little granddaughter,
Your red cat
They called it Bug.
And they are crested
The foal's name was
And they also had
Chicken Buryonka.
And they also had
Murka the dog,
And also two goats:
Sivka da Burka! (Yu. Chernykh)

Mix-up 3

Look at the bunny
There are two full barrels of honey,
But there are no carrots!

And the red-haired squirrel
Three carrots on a plate
But there are no nuts!

And the bull has the nuts,
Two oak chests
But there is no grass!

And Petit the Cockerel
Three whole bags of herbs!
But there are no grains!

In shaggy bear cubs
There are grains in a bowl,
But there’s no honey!

And Zhura the Crane
Three plates of jelly,
But there are no frogs!

And in Masha’s mug
Frogs croak.
The little frog is jumping -
What does this mean?

This means,
That everything is mixed up here.
Now try it yourself
Put everything in its place! (V. Danko)

These poetic nonsense can be given to children by ear, asking them to perform some action after hearing the fable.

Stories - fables

Goal: search for fables and replace them with “ordinary” text

  1. Find the tall tales.
  2. Rewrite the story as it actually happens.

A tall tale about Masha and mom.

This is Masha. She is six years old. Every morning Masha goes to work. She's a salesman. Masha has a mother. In the evening Masha takes her to kindergarten. While Masha works, mom walks, has lunch and sleeps. Mom knows that Masha will come for her in the morning.

A tale about a hare.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in the forest. He was huge and horned. All the animals were afraid of him. How will they see who is hiding where? The wolf immediately dives into the river. Fishes hide in holes. The bear immediately flies away. And a fox looks out of a hollow high in a tree. One gray mouse was not afraid of the hare. She was into boxing. He gets in the way of the hare and starts waving his fists. The hare never offended her. He just threatened to eat it.

A huge fable.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in a forest. A monster the likes of which neither humans nor beasts have ever seen. One day a hare came to talk. He sees a crocodile swimming. The hare shouted to the crocodile:

Sail here. I want to ride you.

Crocodile says:

Hahanki! Run along the water. If you catch up, I'll go for a ride.

A tall tale about smart Vanya

Vanya heard that there was a fish swamp in the forest. There are even crocodiles there. And the fish are visible and invisible. Vanya got ready to go fishing. I put on a short-sleeved shirt to prevent mosquitoes from biting me. I put on sandals so as not to get my feet wet. I took a bucket without a bottom to carry the fish home. A neighbor asks:

What will you use to catch fish?

With your hands. I'll grab you by the tail and won't let go.

Will Vanya catch a lot of fish?

Tales invented by children

Goal: inventing fables by the children themselves

After a short acquaintance with the “confusions,” it is useful to invite the children to come up with fables. Some come up with very interesting, funny and understandable short texts for other children, as, for example, a seven-year-old boy wrote them.

A tall tale about potatoes with eyes.

Once upon a time there was a potato with eyes. The potato looked around at everything, and then told the other potatoes about it. Then she got tired of it.

How stupid you are. I'm bored with you. I'll go see the world

She jumped out of the bag and went for a walk around the kitchen. And the owner was a witch. And it was her birthday.

“Why are you getting in your way here,” she asked the potato.

But the potato became proud and did not answer. Then the hostess turned the proud potato into a “potato” cake and served it to the guests for tea. And they ate it with pleasure. (Kirill Tikhonov, 7 years old)

Fables help to understand the hidden meaning of the text. Funny short texts are also good for developing the imagination of preschoolers. When playing with fables, the child begins to listen to the word, which promotes intuition.

The lines of the poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuation is written on the right. The players' task is to connect the first and second parts so as to create a fable.

An angry boar sat on a branch
The steamboat was languishing in a cage,
The nightingale sharpened his fangs,
The porcupine was honking.
The cat taught physics
Masha was catching her tail.
Pinocchio sewed his own pants,
The tailor ate all the pancakes.
The hedgehog was set for dinner,
The siskin moved his mustache,
Cancer was flying under the clouds
The table was chasing mice.
The kettle was jumping in the yard,
The boy gurgled on the fire.

  • Continue making up tall tales with your friend.

The song played chess,
The girl sounded loud.
An elephant flew in the sky,
The goose ran away from the jungle.

  • Read the riddles. Guess them. In riddles, underline the words that help you guess what or who they are talking about.

In summer he wanders without a road
Between pines and birches,
A in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hiding your nose from the frost.

He has a big ears,
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is small,
But drives like a truck.

He has four legs
Scratchy paws,
A pair of sensitive ears
He is the terror of mice.

  • Find a collection of riddles at home or in the library. Write down a few riddles you like.

There is a notebook in the school bag,
What kind of notebook is that is a mystery.
The student will receive a grade in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother... (diary)

On the Primer page
Thirty-three heroes.
Every literate person knows.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house,
And I won't go anywhere
As long as he goes.

Ah, don't touch me
I can burn you without fire.

  • Organize a competition with your friends “Who knows more riddles.”
  • Read proverbs and sayings. What do they talk about, what is the theme of each of them? Can we say that all these proverbs and sayings are about the seasons? Divide them into groups by topic. Complete your groups with proverbs and sayings from the textbook “Literary Reading” (pages 26 - 27). In what other source of information can you find proverbs and sayings?

1. About spring:

1). The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends.
1). Whoever does not lie in bed in the spring will be fed all year.
1). He who sleeps in spring freezes in winter.
1). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
1). March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
1). New Year - a turn towards spring.
1). Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.
1). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
1). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.

2. About winter:

2). In winter, without a fur coat is not embarrassing, but cold; and in a fur coat without bread - you are both warm and hungry.
2). You can’t store it in the summer, you can’t bring it in the winter.
2). What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
2). He who sleeps in spring freezes in winter.
2). In the summer you'll get plenty of exercise, in the winter you'll get hungry.
2). There will be winter - there will be summer.
2). December is the tip of winter, July is the tip of summer.
2). New Year - a turn towards spring.
2). January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
2). In November, winter fights with autumn.
2). Summer is a bounty, winter is a tidy one.
2). December ends the year and begins winter.
2). The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.

3. About autumn:

3). Autumn will come and he will ask for everything.
3). Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
3). There is no turn from autumn to summer.
3). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
3). November - September grandson, October son, winter brother.
3). Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.
3). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
3). In November, winter fights with autumn.

4. About summer:

4). Summer doesn't happen twice a year.
4). You can’t store it in the summer, you can’t bring it in the winter.
4). What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
4). In the summer you'll get plenty of exercise, in the winter you'll get hungry.
4). There is no turn from autumn to summer.
4). There will be winter - there will be summer.
4). December is the tip of winter, July is the tip of summer.
4). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.
4). Summer is a bounty, winter is a tidy one.

All proverbs (except for the proverb “Like the moon, but not the sun,” which must be attributed to the time of day) talk about the seasons.

Proverbs and sayings can be found in various collections with the same name, on the Internet, and learned from elders.

  • Which proverb or saying did you like best? Explain its meaning.

I liked the proverb “Summer doesn’t happen twice a year.” Its meaning is that summer only comes once a year. Figurative meaning: You should not wait for something that has already happened and passed.

  • Which proverb is difficult for you to understand?

New Year - a turn towards spring.

  • Learn fairy tales. Write the names of Russian folk tales.

“Baba Yaga”, “At the behest of the pike”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sivka the Burka”.

  • Find the collection “Fairy Tales of Russian Writers” in your home or school library. What fairy tales have you read? Write down their titles and the names of the authors. Is there among them V. Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower”? Which of the characters says the words: “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east...”?

I found the collection “Fairy Tales of Russian Writers. Elementary School. 1-4 grades." Publishing house “Dragonfly”, 2016. I read the following works from this collection: D. Mamin-Sibiryak “Gray Neck”, P. Bazhov “Silver Hoof”, V. Kataev “Seven-flowered Flower”.

The words “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east...” belong to the girl Zhenya from the fairy tale by V.P. Kataeva “The Seven-Flower Flower”, into whose hands a magical flower with multi-colored petals fell.

  • Discuss with a friend what important things folk tales teach.

The fairy tale is not just meant to entertain. She talks about what is extremely important in life, teaches to be kind and fair, sensitive and responsive; protect the weak; find a way out of the most difficult situations, overcome difficulties, resist evil, come to the aid of a friend; be patient, persistent, brave; respect elders, do not offend younger ones; love your homeland.

  • Write a short message on the topic “What fairy tales teach.”
    Start with the words: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” - says in “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin. And this statement is true. Fairy tales help us believe in ourselves and our strengths, overcome difficulties, cultivate fortitude, courage and courage. They teach children kindness and patience, compassion and forgiveness; Help adults look at themselves from the outside. Fairy tales are our best friends and advisers in the most difficult situations. Fairy-tale heroes, through their actions, teach us to distinguish truth from lies, good from evil. The meaning of a fairy tale never lies on the surface, but its “hints” contain the age-old wisdom of the people.

A game. Making up a tall tale

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The lines of the poem are divided into two parts. The first words of each line are written on the left, and the continuation is written on the right. The players' task is to connect the first and second parts so as to create a fable.

An angry boar sat on a branch
The steamboat was languishing in a cage,
The nightingale sharpened his fangs,
The porcupine was honking.
The cat taught physics
Masha was catching her tail.
Pinocchio sewed his own pants,
The tailor ate all the pancakes.
The hedgehog was set for dinner,
The siskin moved his mustache,
Cancer was flying under the clouds
The table was chasing mice.
The kettle was jumping in the yard,
The boy gurgled on the fire.

  • Continue making up tall tales with your friend.

The song played chess,
The girl sounded loud.
An elephant flew in the sky,
The goose ran away from the jungle.

  • Read the riddles. Guess them. In riddles, underline the words that help you guess what or who they are talking about.

In summer he wanders without a road
Between pines and birches,
A in winter he sleeps in a den,
Hiding your nose from the frost.

He has a big ears ,
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is small,
But drives like a truck.

He has four legs
Scratchy paws,
A pair of sensitive ears
He is the terror of mice.

  • Find a collection of riddles at home or in the library. Write down a few riddles you like.

There is a notebook in the school bag,
What kind of notebook is that is a mystery.
The student will receive a grade in it,
And in the evening he will show his mother... (diary)

On the Primer page
Thirty-three heroes.
Every literate person knows.

He makes noise in the field and in the garden,
But it won’t get into the house,
And I won't go anywhere
As long as he goes.

Ah, don't touch me
I can burn you without fire.

  • Organize a competition with your friends “Who knows more riddles.”
  • Read proverbs and sayings. What do they talk about, what is the theme of each of them? Can we say that all these proverbs and sayings are about the seasons? Divide them into groups by topic. Complete your groups with proverbs and sayings from the textbook “Literary Reading” (pages 26 - 27). In what other source of information can you find proverbs and sayings?

1. About spring:

1). The swallow begins spring, the nightingale ends.
1). Whoever does not lie in bed in the spring will be fed all year.
1). He who sleeps in spring freezes in winter.
1). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
1). March with water, April with grass, and May with flowers.
1). New Year - a turn towards spring.
1). Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.
1). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
1). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.

2. About winter:

2). In winter, without a fur coat is not embarrassing, but cold; and in a fur coat without bread - you are both warm and hungry.
2). You can’t store it in the summer, you can’t bring it in the winter.
2). What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
2). He who sleeps in spring freezes in winter.
2). In the summer you'll get plenty of exercise, in the winter you'll get hungry.
2). There will be winter - there will be summer.
2). December is the tip of winter, July is the tip of summer.
2). New Year - a turn towards spring.
2). January is the beginning of the year, the middle of winter.
2). In November, winter fights with autumn.
2). Summer is a bounty, winter is a tidy one.
2). December ends the year and begins winter.
2). The frost is not great, but it is not good to stand.

3. About autumn:

3).Autumn will come and he will ask for everything.
3). Do not count your chickens before they are hatched.
3). There is no turn from autumn to summer.
3). Spring is red with flowers, and autumn is red with sheaves.
3). November - September grandson, October son, winter brother.
3). Spring is red and hungry; Autumn is rainy and full.
3). Spring and autumn - there are eight weather conditions per day.
3). In November, winter fights with autumn.

4. About summer:

4). Summer doesn't happen twice a year.
4). You can’t store it in the summer, you can’t bring it in the winter.
4). What is born in the summer will be useful in the winter.
4). In the summer you'll get plenty of exercise, in the winter you'll get hungry.
4). There is no turn from autumn to summer.
4). There will be winter - there will be summer.
4). December is the tip of winter, July is the tip of summer.
4). Where there is a river in April, there is a puddle in July.
4). Summer is a bounty, winter is a tidy one.

All proverbs (except for the proverb “Like the moon, but not the sun,” which must be attributed to the time of day) talk about the seasons.

Proverbs and sayings can be found in various collections with the same name, on the Internet, and learned from elders.

  • Which proverb or saying did you like best? Explain its meaning.

I liked the proverb “Summer doesn’t happen twice a year.” Its meaning is that summer only comes once a year. Figurative meaning: You should not wait for something that has already happened and passed.

  • Which proverb is difficult for you to understand?

New Year - a turn towards spring.

  • Learn fairy tales. Write the names of Russian folk tales.

“Baba Yaga”, “At the behest of the pike”, “The Frog Princess”, “Sivka the Burka”.

  • Find the collection “Fairy Tales of Russian Writers” in your home or school library. What fairy tales have you read? Write down their titles and the names of the authors. Is there among them V. Kataev’s fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower”? Which of the characters says the words: “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east...”?

I found the collection "Fairy tales of Russian writers. Primary school. Grades 1-4." Publishing house "Dragonfly", 2016. I read the following works from this collection: D. Mamin-Sibiryak "Gray Neck", P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof", V. Kataev "Seven-flowered Flower".

The words “Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east...” belong to the girl Zhenya from the fairy tale by V.P. Kataeva “Seven-flowered flower”, into whose hands a magical flower with multi-colored petals fell.

  • Discuss with a friend what important things folk tales teach.

The fairy tale is not just meant to entertain. She talks about what is extremely important in life, teaches to be kind and fair, sensitive and responsive; protect the weak; find a way out of the most difficult situations, overcome difficulties, resist evil, come to the aid of a friend; be patient, persistent, brave; respect elders, do not offend younger ones; love your homeland.

  • Write a short message on the topic “What fairy tales teach.”
    Start with the words: “The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”

“The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!” - says in “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel” by A.S. Pushkin. And this statement is true. Fairy tales help us believe in ourselves and our strengths, overcome difficulties, cultivate fortitude, courage and courage. They teach children kindness and patience, compassion and forgiveness; Help adults look at themselves from the outside. Fairy tales are our best friends and advisers in the most difficult situations. Fairy-tale heroes, through their actions, teach us to distinguish truth from lies, good from evil. The meaning of a fairy tale never lies on the surface, but its “hints” contain the age-old wisdom of the people.

A game. Making up a tall tale

4.2 (83.41%) of 41 voters

A tall tale is, essentially, a game. A game without rules with words, with thoughts, which, nevertheless, allows the child to find the boundaries and test the rules of this world. If you want (or need) to compose fable, you can use all sorts of techniques to distort reality, reduce it to nonsense and deprive it of meaning. And also give a new, unexpected meaning to thoughts and things. The fables of S. Marshak, B. Zakhoder, K. Chukovsky and E. Uspensky will help you move in this direction.


1. Look at the surrounding world and choose an event as a theme. This could be an incident, a daily ritual action, a boring routine or method of doing something, a boring shortcoming, a vice in society or a person’s personal capacity. As an example, we can cite the absent-mindedness described by S. Marshak.

2. Choose the main character (a famous fairy-tale character, an animal, a non-existent animal) or leave yourself in this role. Let's say, Ivan Toporyshkin, a crocodile with the head of a rooster, etc.

3. Modify the event or phenomenon taken as a basis. To do this, you can use techniques of deliberate distortion of reality, complete inversions, reduction to nonsense, and violation of the semantic compatibility of words. Even spelling “violations” of punctuation change the meaning to the point of stupidity, as in the fable “Where to put a comma?” K. Chukovsky. Come up with unexpected and meaningless combinations of words, unusual collations (hares scattered by mosquitoes), use famous and established phrases (Kudykina Mountain, last year’s snow, fifth corner).

4. Rhyme fables. With the tempo and rhyme, “unprecedentedness” comes to mind more easily, stupidity, similar in sound, but delusional in meaning. And this is exactly what is needed. But it is also possible to invent fables in prose.

5. Develop the plot of the tale. This could be reincarnation of the main character, unexpected fulfillment of his desires, movement in time or fairy tales. How, say, the heroes of “Confusion” got the opportunity to do what they want. And in the cartoon “Last Year’s Snow Was Falling,” filmed by film director A. Tatarsky, “whatever you want, happens.”

6. Make an ending to the fable, some kind of conclusion from the invented setting, maybe an instruction, like in a fable. For example, G. Sapgir in the fable “The Crocodile and the Rooster” ended with how everyone was satisfied with the winning result, and K. Chukovsky in “Confusion” conveyed the idea that trying to be someone you are not will not end well.

Children really love to listen to unimaginable stories filled with adventures and miracles. But at the moment the child turns out to be a passive listener. Wouldn't it be better to combine the glorious with the useful and help him write a fairy tale himself?


1. Writing fairy tales is an effective pedagogical technique. In this creative process, the child’s vocabulary is activated and replenished, he learns the grammatical structure of his native speech, and by telling a fairy tale, he develops oral speech.

2. You can start writing a fairy tale while doing other things at the same time. If your child is 3-4 years old, then he will not be able to completely compose a fantastic story. Therefore, it’s better to use the “complete the fairy tale” technique here. You are telling your child a very primitive fairy tale with a linear storyline. When you get to the most exciting part, you stop and ask, “How do you think it ended?” If your child is in difficulty, ask him leading questions. React sensitively to all your child’s suggestions. If someone is frightened in a fairy tale, portray fear; if amazed, then act astonished. This will help him relate emotions to speech. Writing an ending to a fairy tale will help a child develop the knowledge to finish a thought, comprehend and understand what he hears. Over time, he will be able to invent the ending himself, without resorting to your help in the form of leading questions.

3. The 2nd method of writing is composing a fairy tale based on a series of pictures. For this, it is preferable to use speech therapy notebooks. Update the story line regularly so that your child does not get bored with inventing a fairy tale. Keep in mind that creating stories from pictures is the biggest challenge in school. The purpose of similar exercises is to develop knowledge of selecting verbs of action, presentation, and making collations of objects and characters. In addition, you need to help your child build a logical chain when composing a fairy tale, and the pictures will help you and him with this. When looking at them, you should pay attention to small details, focusing the child’s attention. Just remember that a small child quickly gets tired when he has to hold his attention for a long time, so start with primitive plots of 2-3 pictures.

4. If you are organizing a children's holiday, say, your son or daughter's Jam Day, then organize a collective creation of a fairy tale plot. Let the children themselves suggest the theme and characters of the fairy tale, and your task is to build the plot. In this fun, interesting process, the child indirectly learns to construct a fairy tale, and therefore his speech, based on logic, observing certain stages: beginning, formation and climax.

Video on the topic

Children love to invent fables, and what’s more, they really enjoy this activity. Drawings based on such essays look very funny. The page presents fables that children came up with for a literary reading lesson in the second grade. Sometimes the concept of improbability is used; it is the same as fable, only an outdated, colloquial expression.

Angry boar sat on a branch
And tweeted with my neighbor
Like yesterday he was at the swamp
Met a blue hippopotamus
He climbed a pine tree
And I wanted to catch a fox

An angry boar sat on a branch
Gnawing on nuts and candies
Washed it down with lemonade
Suddenly he saw a hunter
The boar flapped its wings
And fluttered to Mars

The spoon jumped into the plate
And the plate ran
And fell from the samovar
There was seagulls in the samovar
It spilled onto the shelves

We all wake up at 3 in the morning. Crows are swimming. Mice run after cats. And our mosquitoes are like elephants.

Khramtsov Serezha

I visited wonderland. I saw a raven there, mowing the grass in the meadow for the cat.

Parfenov Ilya

Zhuikov Andrey

A fox walked, flicking its tail and shaking its horns.

A box of pies grew on an empty stump.

One day I went into the forest and met a hedgehog there. With big big ears. He sat and sang a song: “Let them run clumsily...” and waited for the ripe pears to fall from the apple tree. I chatted with him about business and ran home.

Krivonogova Kristina

Listen guys, I'll tell you a secret.
I have a little dragon, he is 10 years old!
We go for a walk with him,
We go to lunch with him.
He likes a bun with jam
Eat a bag of candy.
Zhernakova Tamara

One day I was walking along a forest path and saw two frogs jumping until the sun, fish flying and singing songs.

Ashkanova Edda

One day I was walking through the forest in the summer. Suddenly a hare ran past me with a pine cone in its teeth. He quickly climbed the tree and hid her in the hollow. It's good that cows don't run through trees. Otherwise, all the trees would lie on the ground.

Chepasov Egor

New trick! Deadly number!
Hippopotamus - on the head! The lion was standing on a hippopotamus!
The crocodile stood on the lion! The wolf stood on the crocodile!
And in addition, on the nose of a two-meter boa constrictor...
The wolf held it like a sausage...
Everyone shouted: Bravo! Bravo!
Suddenly - an unthinkable thing! A fly landed on a boa constrictor...
And the boa constrictor, recoiling to the right, slipped on its nose...
The wolf swung - and the boa constrictor
I swallowed it like a sausage.
Mouth open in surprise,
The wolf was eaten by a crocodile.
But in a moment I myself
It hit Leo in the stomach.
The lion staggered - and right
Collapsed into the mouth of a hippopotamus.

Kharitonov Danya

A cat lived on the roof, and he flew off the roof.
I didn’t understand anything, how the cat got wings...
And so he flutters and flies under the clouds, he catches up with the birds.

Stepanenko Nadya

One day I was walking down the street and saw one dog meow loudly, then quickly climbed a tall tree, flapped its wings and flew away.

Grigoruk Kirill

Animals lived in the clearing, they loved tea, they sang songs. They built houses for themselves, squeezed out the clouds, and washed their faces with water from the clouds in the morning so that the animals’ fur would become more beautiful. And Potapych in the clearing entertained his friends with poetry. Of course, he treated me to honey and didn’t forget anyone. In general, life there was smooth: they extracted juice from wells. The rivers contain coconut, pineapple and apricot. It's good in the clearing! We invite you again!

Ivanova Lisa

When I woke up in the morning I saw a note on the table. I read in the note: we went to school, trim the carpet and sweep the refrigerator. Mom and Dad. Not yet fully awake, I went to wash my face. In the bathroom I saw my cat brushing her teeth. I got in line and decided to make breakfast. In the refrigerator I found a couple of bricks, a kilogram of nails, one pack of sand and a bottle of kerosene. This suddenly alarmed me. I looked out the window. The moon was shining brightly outside and the snowdrops were jumping merrily. Suddenly the kettle rang and my mother said that they still had two lessons and I needed to feed the cat shampoo. The cat happily ate a bar of soap and drank a bowl of shampoo. I decided to turn on the TV. I pressed the button and felt my younger sister shaking me: Get up! Happy birthday! Today is April 1st!!!

Perevozkina Dasha

The hedgehog went to school and sees sweets growing on a tree. He climbed a tree and ate some candy. And he went further to school... suddenly he became dizzy and became multi-colored. The teacher guessed that the hedgehog ate the candy from the tree and made the hedgehog study after school.

Gulyaeva Nastya

One day I wanted to eat and put a plate of food and a glass of tea on the table. And suddenly the table came to life, he began to run around the house. It's good that we had a bottle of liquid that could turn anything, animate objects into inanimate ones and vice versa. I started to catch up with the table, having caught up, I poured water on it from a bottle straight to the target and it turned back into an ordinary table. Finally I started eating and drinking tea.

Vorobiev Sasha

In our yard

I went out for a walk in the courtyard of our house and saw a dog riding a bicycle and meowing. I looked up, two cats were flying, flapping their wings and chirping. To the side, two sparrows are building little sand pies. What a surprise!

I looked at all this and went for a walk with the girls.

Pekhtereva Nastya

The bunny went to the store
He bought a limousine there
And he rides in the forest
Wolf, squirrel and fox!

What's happened? I don't understand:
Here the fox screams moo-moo,
And the crows bark
The piglets quack
Flies are walking across the field,
Horses fly across the sky.
The pencil suddenly broke!
Everything around became clearer.

Floated down the river
Tigers in drushlak,
And behind them is an elephant
On horseback.

It's warm summer now
All the people are wearing fur coats,
Flowers bloom in the snow,
Basking on the grass
Seals and walruses

A hedgehog sits on a pine tree
New shirt
There's a boot on my head
Cap on leg

I stood at the bus stop, waiting for a trolleybus.
Suddenly a cart pulls up, and there are two hedgehogs in the cart.
“Two hedgehogs, two hedgehogs, take us slowly!”
We approach a traffic light - there is no light!!!
The signal is given by the striped hippopotamus.
We drive further: suddenly along the zebra crossing
A five-legged crocamote runs by
And a furry-legged sperm whale walks along the street.

Readings. Most often, parents take them from the ABC book.

Preschoolers, and even younger schoolchildren, get tired of reading textbooks from time to time. Then it’s useful for them to throw something funny: short funny stories, fables, fables in verse.

We write about preschoolers, but working with funny short texts is even more useful for first-graders. Here we also need to take into account the “clip attention” of modern children, which is quickly depleted. And such texts stimulate interest in what is being read. After them, it’s easier to return to reading about things that are not very interesting.

Tales in development

What are fables? The definition for children is this - all kinds of “confusions”. This is probably the simplest explanation.

Fables (nonsense) are important in the development of children for the following reasons:

  1. option for the development of the mind: absurdity is not nonsense, and it is not always easy to grasp its meaning;
  2. allow you to look at the world from a different angle;
  3. forms an understanding of the comical - a sense of humor.

Unusual and funny uses of objects

To understand fables and all sorts of absurdities, it is useful to start working by coming up with an unusual use for objects:

  1. Put a bowl on your head instead of a hat;
  2. Jump on the chair, since it has legs,
  3. A bow is like attaching wings to a cat so that it can fly;
  4. Catch fish with pans;
  5. Take a washing basin instead of an umbrella when it’s raining...

Words can be changed: say, for example, instead of “snowdrifts” - “snowbobes”.

Fables in verse

Tasks to find and explain fables in a poem

  1. Find the fables and underline them with a pencil.
  2. Prove why this doesn't happen.

Confusion-mix-up 1

It's warm spring now.
The grapes are ripe here.
Horned horse in the meadow
In summer he jumps in the snow.
Late autumn bear
Loves to sit in the river.
And in winter among the branches
"Ga-ha-ga" - the nightingale sang
Give me an answer quickly
Is this true or not? (L. Stanichev)

Forest fable

One day in the summer at the edge of the forest
Three frogs were pooping.
The little bunny ran to them,
The beak opened and mooed.
An elk flew over them.
(The elk couldn’t sleep for some reason.)
The elk shouted loudly from the sky:
- Hush, brothers, this is a forest!

Confusion Confusion 2

A cat barks from a basket,
Potatoes grow on a pine tree,
The sea flies across the sky
The wolves ate my appetite.
The ducklings croak loudly,
Kittens quack subtly.
The onion crawled like a snake.
There was a mix-up. (V. Burykina)

Amazing garden bed

In my garden -
The crocodile is growing!!!
And in the Moscow River
The cucumber lives!
Autumn in the garden
The crocodile has arrived!
Cucumber in the Moscow River
Ate all the frogs!
I'm scared guys
What's for this year
Grows in the garden
Scary hippopotamus.
And in the Moscow River
Will fall on the hook -
How do you like it?-
Scary zucchini!
Oh! When in the garden
Will everything be okay!? (Yu. Koval)

It's not for nothing that I praise myself...

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,
I tell everyone and everywhere,
Any suggestion.
I'll repeat it right away.
Vanya rode on a horse,
Led the dog on a belt,
And the old lady at this time
I washed the cactus on the window.
The cactus rode on a horse,
Led the old lady on a belt,
And the dog at this time
I washed Vanya on the window.
I know what I'm saying
I said that I would repeat it
So it came out without errors,
Why boast in vain? (E. Uspensky)

Lived once...

Lived once
Grandfather and grandmother
With a little granddaughter,
Your red cat
They called it Bug.
And they are crested
The foal's name was
And they also had
Chicken Buryonka.
And they also had
Murka the dog,
And also two goats:
Sivka da Burka! (Yu. Chernykh)

Mix-up 3

Look at the bunny
There are two full barrels of honey,
But there are no carrots!

And the red-haired squirrel
Three carrots on a plate
But there are no nuts!

And the bull has the nuts,
Two oak chests
But there is no grass!

And Petit the Cockerel
Three whole bags of herbs!
But there are no grains!

In shaggy bear cubs
There are grains in a bowl,
But there’s no honey!

And Zhura the Crane
Three plates of jelly,
But there are no frogs!

And in Masha’s mug
Frogs croak.
The little frog is jumping -
What does this mean?

This means,
That everything is mixed up here.
Now try it yourself
Put everything in its place! (V. Danko)

These poetic nonsense can be given to children by ear, asking them to perform some action after hearing the fable.

Stories - fables

Goal: search for fables and replace them with “ordinary” text

  1. Find the tall tales.
  2. Rewrite the story as it actually happens.

A tall tale about Masha and mom.

This is Masha. She is six years old. Every morning Masha goes to work. She's a salesman. Masha has a mother. In the evening Masha takes her to kindergarten. While Masha works, mom walks, has lunch and sleeps. Mom knows that Masha will come for her in the morning.

A tale about a hare.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in the forest. He was huge and horned. All the animals were afraid of him. How will they see who is hiding where? The wolf immediately dives into the river. Fishes hide in holes. The bear immediately flies away. And a fox looks out of a hollow high in a tree. One gray mouse was not afraid of the hare. She was into boxing. He gets in the way of the hare and starts waving his fists. The hare never offended her. He just threatened to eat it.

A huge fable.

Once upon a time there lived a hare in a forest. A monster the likes of which neither humans nor beasts have ever seen. One day a hare came to talk. He sees a crocodile swimming. The hare shouted to the crocodile:

Sail here. I want to ride you.

Crocodile says:

Hahanki! Run along the water. If you catch up, I'll go for a ride.

A tall tale about smart Vanya

Vanya heard that there was a fish swamp in the forest. There are even crocodiles there. And the fish are visible and invisible. Vanya got ready to go fishing. I put on a short-sleeved shirt to prevent mosquitoes from biting me. I put on sandals so as not to get my feet wet. I took a bucket without a bottom to carry the fish home. A neighbor asks:

What will you use to catch fish?

With your hands. I'll grab you by the tail and won't let go.

Will Vanya catch a lot of fish?

Tales invented by children

Goal: inventing fables by the children themselves

After a short acquaintance with the “confusions,” it is useful to invite the children to come up with fables. Some come up with very interesting, funny and understandable short texts for other children, as, for example, a seven-year-old boy wrote them.

A tall tale about potatoes with eyes.

Once upon a time there was a potato with eyes. The potato looked around at everything, and then told the other potatoes about it. Then she got tired of it.

How stupid you are. I'm bored with you. I'll go see the world

She jumped out of the bag and went for a walk around the kitchen. And the owner was a witch. And it was her birthday.

“Why are you getting in your way here,” she asked the potato.

But the potato became proud and did not answer. Then the hostess turned the proud potato into a “potato” cake and served it to the guests for tea. And they ate it with pleasure. (Kirill Tikhonov, 7 years old)

Fables help to understand the hidden meaning of the text. Funny short texts are also good for developing the imagination of preschoolers. When playing with fables, the child begins to listen to the word, which promotes intuition.



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