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New Jerusalem Monastery, continuation. Shrines of the monastery

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A small room, a very unusual iconostasis - copper, hammered, gilded. The retreating Germans blew up everything, but this temple remained intact, the iconostasis survived and was completely restored.

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The fresco depicts Emperor Constantine before the battle for the capture of Rome - Eternal City. The forces were unequal, the day before Constantine and his entire army had a sign, and in the afternoon - the sign of the Cross of the Lord, with the inscription - “with this conquer.” And at night the sign was explained: Jesus Christ appeared in a dream and ordered to make a banner in the shape of a cross and go into battle with it. Victory was won. The persecution of Christians stopped with Constantine.

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In this fresco, the mother of Emperor Constantine is Helen. Constantine gives her the task of finding the Cross on which Christ was crucified. Elena searched for a very long time, this is a whole separate story, which the guide tells in detail and colorfully. When the Crosses were found (three), it was necessary to determine which one served as the crucifixion for Christ. Here on the fresco it is depicted that crosses are applied to the deceased, and by touching one of them the deceased comes to life. That's how it was found Life-giving Cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. At the place where Elena found the Cross of the Lord, we have a holy spring here in New Jerusalem. Now the passage is closed, water is supplied to the top in a separate tent, where you can collect water.

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The vault of this underground temple.

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One of the Chapels of the Passion of the Lord with a high ceramic tiled iconostasis. This is the Northern aisle, called the title writing aisle. In Jerusalem, a tablet was kept here, the inscription on which spoke of the guilt of Jesus Christ.

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They deliberately left it here so that the masonry could be seen: blocks of stone, and red brick on top - how they were built and completed.

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This is a very beautiful chapel, all gold, but I heard what it was... :(

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Icon of Our Lady of Tikhvin.

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Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God or the Assumption Chapel. Here there is a prototype of a dungeon where prisoners were kept in custody before executions.

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From the same place, the Mother of God mourned her son when he was led to execution.

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View of the altar of the Assumption chapel. The largest tiled iconostasis in the monastery. Here is the main shrine - an ark with a particle of the relics (right hand - hand) of the martyr Tatiana. This gift was presented to the New Jerusalem Monastery by Princess Tatiana, the sister of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. The Ark was decorated gems, so it was difficult for the monastery to get back this gift, which was kept in the museum’s funds.

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Icon, Jesus Christ before execution, in stocks.

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But what the woman is looking into is the room of the Lord’s Prison in the wall. There are stone blocks there, like in the icon; chandelier with thorns of a crown of thorns.

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The main, main iconostasis of the Resurrection Cathedral.

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12 tiers of iconostasis

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next to the iconostasis

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Since the main services were to take place here, two vestibules were built, red, with an eagle - for the king

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green, with a cross - for the patriarch

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The Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher (edicule) from different angles, it’s difficult to stop, not to take pictures, it’s too beautiful and even, I would say, reverent... There was more detail about the chapel in, now - just a photo

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Hurray, almost done

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View from reverse side from the entrance to the chapel

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The rotunda tent, it collapsed from the weight, so this openwork one in the Baroque style is being erected according to the design of V.V. Rastrelli

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The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Three Hands”. Another one. About the first one - in the first part. This image was sent to Nikon in 1663 from a monastery on Mount Athos, but it disappeared, and this is a list from the 19th century. And the legend is this: John of Damascus held the position of adviser to the caliph in Damascus in the 8th century. He wrote letters to his acquaintances in Byzantium, where he denounced the ruling emperor Leo the Isaurian of the heresy of iconoclasm. The emperor is furious and orders John of Damascus to be slandered. There was a forged letter, the angry caliph orders John's hand to be cut off right hand and hangs it in the square as a sign of intimidation.

Through friends, John’s severed hand was returned, and he began to pray in his cell in front of the icon of the Mother of God for healing. He prayed for a long time, earnestly, for many hours, and fell asleep in front of the icon. When I woke up, I saw that the hand was intact, only a small scar was present at the site of the amputation.

In gratitude, John made an image of a silver brush and attached it to the icon in the corner. Hence the name - “Three-handed”.

Date of publication or update 02/01/2017

  • Contents: Serpukhov Most Pure Mother of God Vysotsky Monastery
  • Shrines of the Vysotsky Monastery.

    With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, work was carried out to determine the burial place and discover the holy remains of St. Athanasius the Younger.

    On September 24, 1994, with the blessing of Metropolitan Juvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, the holy relics of the saint of God were discovered. It is obvious that by the special providence of God, the holy relics of the saint were kept under wraps until our days, and this saved them during the years of persecution of the Russian Church from desecration, desecration and destruction. Now the holy relics of St. Athanasius rest in the Intercession Church in a gilded shrine. From ancient times he was revered as a wonderworker, mentor of monks and heavenly patron Vysotskaya monastery and the city of Serpukhov. As before, so in our time, the monk gives his gracious help to everyone who resorts with faith to his multi-healing relics. Nowadays, many healings of various mental and physical ailments occur from his holy relics, therefore in 2004, at the Council of Bishops, his all-Russian glorification was carried out.

    In the Church of the Intercession there is an ancient, 15th-century, miraculous image of the holy great martyr and Victorious George, who repeatedly saved the city of Serpukhov from enemy attacks and accompanied the Serpukhov militia on military campaigns.

    Three-dimensional image of the head of John the Baptist with a particle of his relics. XIX century

    Ark with relics Rostov saints: prp. Abraham of Rostov, St. Isaiah of Rostov and St. Demetrius of Rostov.

    Ark with relics

    Ark with the relics of the holy noble princes Alexander Nevsky and Daniil of Moscow.

    Revered image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. XV century St. Nicholas Church.

    Personal belongings of St. right John of Kronstadt: chalice, epitrachelion, crucifixion cross and the book “Sun of Truth” with his dedicatory inscription.

    Holy relics are located in arks, which stand in churches and are opened during services, and some, mostly large parts of the relics, are stored in the altar in specially decorated, jewelry-made arks and taken out for veneration by believers on the days of remembrance of these saints.

    There are a number of icons that may not be particularly revered shrines in the monastery, but deserve attention due to their antiquity and beauty.

    First of all, these are the holy Royal Doors of the 17th century, a wonderful Ushakovsky letter, a large icon " Last Judgment" - Also XVII century. In the iconostasis of the Intercession Church there is a local icon of the Savior from the 18th century and a temple icon of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos from the Moscow school of the 17th century; a small icon of St. Joseph of Volotsk in a silver basma frame of the 17th century and a number of other interesting icons.

    Revered image of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear”.

    Revered image of St. Vmch. and the healer Panteleimon.

    Icon of St. royal passion-bearers.

    An icon of Patriarch Hermogenes with a dedicatory inscription: “This holy icon is given as a blessing to Vadim Vasilyevich Orlov for his diligent labors for the good of the Church of Christ.” Tikhon, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia. October 1918 4 days.

    Icon of the Mother of God “Quick to Hear” from Athos letter, 19th century. Conception Cathedral.

    Part of the shirt of St. Seraphim of Sarov, stained with his blood when he was beaten almost to death by robbers.

    This shrine is inserted into the ark and is located in the ancient image of the saint in the Intercession Church.

    The Vysotsky Monastery houses several skillfully made altar crosses from the 18th - 19th centuries, chalices, censers and some other ancient church utensils of that time.

    In the sacristy there are several ancient vestments, coverlets and a shroud, decorated with beautiful hand embroidery. All this is used in worship for its intended purpose.

    Despite the fact that much has already been done to revive the monastery, much remains to be done. The Vysotsky Monastery will not be able to achieve its former splendor for a very long time. But these days, the revived monastery has surpassed in the number of shrines what was in it before. Today's splendor of the Vysotsky Monastery is the fruit of the universal efforts of believers. Everyone helped in any way they could: some brought a preserved shrine to the monastery, some helped with their labors, some contributed all possible material assistance, sometimes sharing what was necessary.

    We are especially grateful to the Moscow Kremlin Museum, which donated many church utensils and holy relics to the monastery from its funds, and to the Serpukhov Historical and Art Museum, which made a significant contribution to the revival of the Vysotsk monastery.

  • Table of contents:
    • The grandiose project of Patriarch Nikon (1605-1681), aimed at recreating the revered places of the Holy Land.
    • The layout of the monastery is reminiscent of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.
    • An interesting architectural monument of the 17th-18th centuries, built and reconstructed by the best architects, including B. Rastrelli.

    Stavropegial Resurrection New Jerusalem monastery- one of the most famous in the Moscow region. This is unique Holy place, amazing both in its design and in its implementation, in which famous architects from several eras participated. It reproduces the location of the main shrines of Jerusalem: the Church of the Resurrection - an analogue of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher with chapels, the underground Church of Constantine and Helena - an analogue of the Palestinian cave church, the Nativity Refectory Church. The natural relief of the area bears biblical names: mountains (hills) Tabor, Hermon, Sinai, Olivet, the Jordan River (Istra), the Garden of Gethsemane.

    The monastery was founded in the 17th century by Patriarch Nikon, and some of the surviving shrines (the tomb and the monastery) are associated with his name. This is also where excursions are held, a Sunday school for children and adults operates, and a hotel for pilgrims operates. A small museum and exhibition complex has been opened at the monastery, the permanent exhibition of which is dedicated to Russian church art, as well as archeology and history of the Moscow region. In the park of the New Jerusalem Monastery complex under open air The Museum of Wooden Architecture is located.

    Personality of Patriarch Nikon

    The founder of the monastery, Patriarch Nikon (1605-1681), left a controversial mark on history. IN Orthodox environment not everyone accepted it church reform, which began in 1653 and in many ways brought the Russian Orthodox Church closer to the European Constantinople. The Old Believers saw this as an infringement of the original Russian Church. Resistance to Nikon's reform led to tragedy: the Old Believers were not only not listened to, they were persecuted en masse and executed.

    Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich initially warmly supported Nikon. However, after the Russian-Polish and Russian-Swedish wars, during which the patriarch was engaged in a peculiar way internal politics Instead of the sovereign being busy with military actions, Nikon was forced to abdicate the patriarchal throne. Nikon was subjected to disgrace and exiled to the separated Ferapontov monastery, where he spent 15 years. After the death of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the new Tsar - Fyodor Alekseevich - allowed Nikon to return to his beloved New Jerusalem Monastery. On the way, Nikon died and was buried according to the rites of the patriarch in this monastery, under Golgotha.

    History of the construction of the monastery

    Patriarch Nikon himself chose the place to build the monastery. He often visited the large Iversky Monastery in the city of Valdai, stopping along the way to rest in the village of Voskresenskoye (now the city of Istra). The topography of this area prompted him to come up with a grand plan. The monastery near Istra was to become a symbol of the Third Rome: Russia's military and political influence grew both in the west and in the east, and the center of influence in the Orthodox world also shifted to Moscow.

    In 1656, Nikon began buying up land, renaming the areas in accordance with his plan. A year later, the wooden Resurrection Church was built on Mount Eleon, in memory of the consecration of which, together with Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the Patriarch erected a Worship Cross (restored in 2006). The monastery itself was founded west of the Hill of Olives, on the hill of Zion. To the north is Tabor Hill. The Istra River was renamed Jordan. At the entrance to the city there was a small convent called Bethany. Thus, the topography of Palestine was completely reproduced and the New Jerusalem Monastery arose.

    Before his exile, Patriarch Nikon did not have time to complete the monastery. In 1685, under the regency of Princess Sophia, sister of the future, significant improvements were made to the monastery. Peter I, on the contrary, did not favor monasteries: under him, the staff of monks and the income of the monastery sharply decreased; in addition, in 1726 the monastery was almost completely destroyed by fire. And only 20 years later, Empress Elizaveta Petrovna began to restore the monastery, appointing Karl Ivanovich Blank and (Bartholomew Varfolomeevich) Rastrelli as architects of the project.

    Architecture of the New Jerusalem Monastery

    Forms of the main temple of the monastery - Resurrection Cathedral- were inspired not only by the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, but also, possibly, by descriptions of the Temple of Solomon, drawn from the Bible, as well as the Church of Hagia Sophia of Constantinople. The architects had an idea of ​​the Jerusalem temple from a wooden model brought from Palestine. Averky Mokeev was appointed the main architect of the temple, who also participated in Nikon’s construction of two other large monasteries - the Cross Monastery on Kiy Island and the Iversky Monastery on Valdai.

    The Resurrection Cathedral of the New Jerusalem Monastery consists of three parts: a large rotunda with a tent, a four-pillar temple and an underground church of Constantine and Helena. In addition, the cathedral originally housed the chapels of the Beheading of John the Baptist, the Assumption of the Mother of God and the upper Calvary chapel church. During subsequent restorations, the number of side chapels increased. Particularly striking in the overall multi-component silhouette of the temple is the huge hipped roof of the rotunda. In the rotunda there is a cuvuklia - the Chapel of the Holy Sepulcher. Many are surprised at the completion of the rotunda: after all, Patriarch Nikon subsequently banned the construction of hipped roofs in churches. Probably, the patriarch did not want the temple to be repeated, since in this case the sacred significance of the Resurrection Cathedral would be reduced: in Rus' there could only be one analogue of the Holy Sepulcher.

    Although the cathedral was built during the Russian Middle Ages, it still appeals to order forms, which Russian masters learned from books and engravings brought from Western Europe. Tiles are wonderful examples of Russian art itself. They were worked on, in particular, by the famous master Stepan Polubes, who decorated many Moscow churches with tiles. Even ceramic iconostases were created under Nikon.

    During the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna, during the restoration of the monastery, the dominant style changed: it became Baroque. The heavy stone tent of the Resurrection Church was replaced by a wooden one, with big amount lucarnes, thanks to which the rotunda became illuminated.

    Adjacent to the Resurrection Cathedral from the east underground church of Constantine and Helena, consecrated in honor of the Emperor of Constantinople and his mother. The church is underground: this is how the craftsmen tried to reproduce an analogue of the Church of Constantine and Helena in Palestine, which was carved into the rock. In the 18th century, the church acquired additional domes and a ditch around it to protect it from groundwater.

    The high strong wall of the monastery is decorated with towers: Gethsemane, Zion, House of David, Gate Elizabeth, Innotribal, Farukh, Ephraim and Damascus (clockwise). The towers are similar to each other, but have some differences in decor, the width of window openings and the shape of architectural volumes. The towers have undergone significant changes since Nikon's time. Elizavetinskaya “got it” the most.

    In addition to the towers, the wall is decorated Entrance to Jerusalem Gate Church, built under the leadership of the architect Yakov Bukhvostov. This church has the shape of an octagon on a quadrangle, while the lower volume is decorated with semicircles of vestibules. Despite the complex silhouette and general upward direction, the gate church does not block the rotunda of the Resurrection Church, which is the main dominant feature of the ensemble.

    In the western part of the monastery there are mainly outbuildings, built mostly at the end of the 17th century by order of the princesses Sophia and Tatiana. This refectory with the Church of the Nativity, hospital wards, archimandrite’s chambers, chambers of “monastic children”. Almost all buildings have undergone significant alterations and restorations. The exception is Tatyana Mikhailovna's chambers, malt and blacksmith chambers. The first ones were built much more elegantly - decorated with order platbands and pilasters.

    Speaking about the complex of the New Jerusalem Monastery, it is worth mentioning another building lying behind the Garden of Gethsemane - Skete of Patriarch Nikon. It was about him that he wrote (“The abandoned desert before me...”). Despite the minor mood of the poem, the building itself looks quite elegant: it is decorated with tiles and majolica and does not look at all like a monastic hermitage. However, inside it is very ascetic, like a true hermit’s dwelling.

    During this time, the monastery, located in the combat zone, was almost completely destroyed. The very first reconstruction of the complex after the war began under the leadership of the legendary architect P. Baranovsky, who wanted to restore the cathedral mainly in its original forms of the 17th century. Restorations were carried out in the 1970s–1990s, but not everything planned was accomplished. The main controversy was caused by the covering over the rotunda, or more precisely, its height and material. The monastery website contains: archival photographs, which give an idea of ​​the monument after the explosion in 1941 and the stages of subsequent restoration. The latest restoration began in 2008 and is still ongoing.

    The question of what style the monastery should be restored - medieval (as under Patriarch Nikon) or baroque (as under Empress Elizabeth Petrovna) - was discussed in detail. As a result, experts leaned towards the option of restoring the monastery according to the image that was created in the 18th century: much more reliable data and images have been preserved for this image, and the version of the famous architect Rastrelli is itself no less historical than the version of Nikon’s construction.

    Shrines of the New Jerusalem Monastery

    The main temple of the New Jerusalem Monastery is Resurrection. At the main entrance there is a stone chronicle of Archimandrite Nikanor, written in acrostic verse. It is believed that it renews itself, that is, it does not fade over the years, but on the contrary, it becomes brighter. The same thing, according to legend, happens with the epitaph on Nikon’s tomb. In the rotunda of the Resurrection Cathedral you can visit the cuvuklia - the chapel of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. There is the holy shroud, which is in Good Friday They rely on the Stone of Confirmation. In Jerusalem, the body of the Savior taken from the cross was placed on such a stone. The shroud itself is an analogue of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem.

    In the chapel of the Beheading of John the Baptist there is the tomb of Patriarch Nikon (in Jerusalem, in a similar place, the Old Testament king Melchizedek is buried). In 2013, it was opened, but it turned out to be empty, and it is unknown where and when the relics of the patriarch were transferred after his burial. Nevertheless, services are regularly held at the sarcophagus. There is also a 17th-century tiled iconostasis with modern windows. Rare tiled iconostases are also presented in the chapels of the Passion of Christ and the Archangel Michael. In the same chapel there is a copy of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God and the grave of John Shusherin, the associate and biographer of Patriarch Nikon.

    Among the shrines directly related to Patriarch Nikon, in the monastery you can also see part of his omophorion and antimension. In the side chapel of Calvary Church, in which Nikon most loved to serve, there is an analogue of the Place of Execution, where Christ was crucified. There is a wooden Crucifix carved from cypress, and there is also a preserved iconostasis from the 18th century.

    In the Resurrection Cathedral there is a chapel Prison Church, consecrated in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Palestine, those sentenced to death were kept in the cliff of Mount Golgotha; there the Mother of God mourned Her Son. The monastery church does not look much like a dark cave - it is a well-lit small temple. In the Assumption Limit of the Resurrection Cathedral there is a reliquary with the relics of St. Tatiana, donated to the monastery in the 17th century by Princess Tatiana.

    On the territory of the monastery you can draw water from the “Siloam” spring in the Garden of Gethsemane or from the well “ Life-giving spring"in the underground church of Constantine and Helena. In the Holy Land, it was in this place and at the same depth (6 m) that the Empress Helen of Constantinople found the Cross of the Lord. The approximate location of the Cross to Helen was indicated by a resident of Jerusalem, who was subsequently baptized with the name Cyriacus, was killed by Christian persecutors and is revered as a holy martyr. In connection with these events, the church has a chapel of the same name.

    You can take a dip in the Jordan River (Istra). There are no convenient changing rooms or equipped access to the water yet, but this does not prevent hundreds of believers from plunging into blessed water in the ice holes on the feast of Epiphany. According to legend, on Epiphany night - from January 18 to 19 - you can see a miracle taking place on the Istra River: at 1.30 am the water stops, and the flow in the river is barely noticeable for five minutes.

    Near the river, on Mount Eleon, there is a Worship Cross. This is a replica made in 2006. The original cross was installed in the 17th century as a sign of the consecration of the first church in the monastery. The inscription says that Emperor Alexei Mikhailovich “found the surrounding area beautiful, like Heavenly Jerusalem, so he named the area and the monastery under construction New Jerusalem.” This is how the history of the monastery began.

    Holy topography

    Probably the most important shrine of the monastery is the topography of Russian Palestine - a reproduction of holy places, partly created by nature itself.

    The topography of the area that existed before the construction of the monastery surprisingly reminded Nikon of Palestinian shrines. An analogue of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, the center of the entire ensemble was the former Church of the Resurrection in the estate of the boyar Boborykin. In the north there was the Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord in the village of Buzharovo, in the East - the Church of the Ascension in the village of Aleksino. To the south and southeast of the Church of the Resurrection were the churches of Elijah the Prophet and the Nativity of Christ. If you focus on the toponymy of Palestine, then this place is Bethlehem, where the Savior was born, and nearby is the monastery of St. Elias of the 4th century. The town of Ramu near Jerusalem, where the prophet Samuel was born, corresponds to the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary with the chapel of the prophet Samuel. There is also a monastery of Savva the Illuminated in Palestine, and the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery is located next to Russian Palestine.

    Address: Russia, Moscow region, Istra, Sovetskaya street, 2
    Date of foundation: 1656
    Main attractions: Cathedral of the Resurrection of Christ (1685), Church of the Nativity (1692), Gate Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (1697), Church of Constantine and Helen (1690)
    Shrines: fragment of the omophorion of Patriarch Nikon (1597), Tabernacle from the holy chapel Mary Equal to the Apostles Magdalene, icon of the Lord Pantocrator with the fallen Saint Philip and His Holiness Patriarch Nikon (1657)
    Coordinates: 55°55"17.3"N 36°50"43.2"E
    An object cultural heritage Russian Federation

    New Jerusalem Monastery It is also known under another name - the Resurrection New Jerusalem Monastery. The Orthodox men's monastery was founded in 1656 near the city of Istra in the Moscow region. It owes its appearance to Patriarch Nikon, who wished to establish the residence of the patriarchs in this place. Nikon himself stopped here for the night many times, because he often had to visit the Iversky Monastery (he traveled along the old Volokolamsk road). By building a new monastery, the patriarch wanted to achieve the arrangement of the center Orthodox world on Moscow soil. At the same time, it was planned that the grandiose structure would topographically represent the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, located in Jerusalem.

    Bird's eye view of the monastery

    The foundation of the monastery was carried out on a hill with the Palestinian name Zion. On the eastern side, the Hill of Olives was adjacent to the monastery, its northern “neighbor” was the Tabor Hill, and the local Istra River received a new name - Jordan.

    Due to the persecution of Nikon and his exile, construction work was interrupted for 14 years. Thus, they took place in 2 stages. The first period of construction occurred between 1656 and 1666. At this time, wooden walls were installed, stone services were built, and the construction of the main temple was almost completed. The same period of time saw the construction of the Nikon monastery, which was later called the Waste Hermitage, and the Chapel of Olives.

    View of the monastery from the village of Nikulino

    Since 1679, the interrupted work has been resumed - Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich issued a corresponding decree on their continuation. In addition, by a new decree, the ruler assigned two dozen more different monasteries with peasant households to the New Jerusalem Monastery, total number which amounted to 1630 buildings. Together they formed a huge property and made stauropegic monastery one of the richest shrines in Russia.

    Nikon's plan was fully realized, and ultimately it amazed with its scope. The complex called “New Jerusalem” maximally reflected the Holy Lands, parts of which the entire area of ​​Istra received new names - Galilee, Bethlehem, Olivet. When studying old maps, it is clear that the new building with its surrounding environs is a smaller copy of its true prototype. Unfortunately, the founder of the monastery did not wait for the completion of construction - he died in 1681. Subsequently, the ensemble was completed under the leadership of Archimandrite Nikanor and with the participation of the master foundry hieromonk Sergius Turchaninov.

    View of the main entrance to the monastery

    In the winter of 1941, the Resurrection Cathedral at the New Jerusalem Monastery was destroyed by German troops. As a result of the explosion, the bell tower, the central chapter, and the rotunda tent were damaged. Many years later, already in 1985, the cathedral finally found its lost chapter. As for the collapsed tent, it was restored in the early 90s of the 20th century. But its basis was now a metal structure.

    Since 1995, the entire architectural ensemble of the Resurrection Monastery has become part of the Russian Orthodox Church. Since then, two institutions have peacefully coexisted here - the stauropegic monastery itself and the New Jerusalem Museum, recognized as a historical, architectural and artistic monument.

    View of the Gate Church of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem from the monastery

    Sacred landmark of Russian Palestine - Resurrection Cathedral

    According to the construction plan, the Resurrection Cathedral was supposed to exactly copy the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, functioning in Jerusalem. Reflecting its prototype as much as possible, the grandiose three-part building appearance conveys all the main Christian shrines, namely: Golgotha ​​as the place of the crucifixion of Christ and 2 more places - burial and Life-Giving Resurrection.

    The list of works for the construction of the Resurrection Cathedral was also carried out in stages. Until 1666, it was possible not only to bring the building to the roof, but also to attach a bell tower to it, and also to prepare a place for the construction of an underground church. Named in memory of Saints Constantine and Helen, it served as a repository for the place where the Holy Cross was found. But let's get back to admiring the cathedral. Outside and inside it is decorated with ceramic belts, decorated with portals and platbands, and hung with strict and majestic iconostases. 15 ringing bells were cast especially for its bell tower. Of the largest cast items, only one remains to this day - this is the stopudov bell, made back in 1666.

    In the foreground is the Church of Constantine and Helena with the Resurrection Cathedral in the background.

    The second stage of construction of the main cathedral of the New Jerusalem complex occurred between 1679 and 1685. Then a dome appeared over the central part of the building, and the master covered the rotunda with an impressive brick tent, the diametrical value of which reached 22 m. In 1690, a ceremony was held to consecrate the underground church.

    Despite the fact that the Resurrection Cathedral serves only as a miniature of its prototype, through its appearance and decor it very accurately conveys all the theological content and does not deviate from the old Russian traditions of architecture and art. This trend can be seen very clearly in the appearance of the eastern facade of the temple. Its multi-domed composition, reminiscent of a pyramid in shape, was built by combining parts independent of each other into a whole indivisible structure.

    From left to right: Resurrection Cathedral, Church of Constantine and Helena

    Chambers of the "New Jerusalem"

    The western part of the ensemble is represented by the chambers - the Refectory, the Archimandrite's and the Hospital. Initially they were built as separate buildings (from 1685 to 1698), but at the end of the 18th century the decision was made to unite them into a single integral building. The foundation of the Refectory Chambers were old stone services laid before 1666. Three chambers were located against the backdrop of the western part of the wall and stood perpendicular to the building of the Church of the Nativity, located not far from them in the east. The chambers are decorated with white stone platbands, refreshing the huge semi-circular windows.

    Hospital wards

    The wards with the name “Hospital”, located near the Church of the Three Saints, look quite modest both in size and in decor. Adjacent to them from the north are the Rector's chambers. Despite their apparent simplicity, these chambers are not lost against the background of the other buildings of the New Jerusalem monastery - they only favorably emphasize the Refectory Chambers, hinting at their dominant position.

    The Church at the Hospital Wards was consecrated in 1698. As a result of a fire that engulfed the monastery courtyard in the 18th century, it burned down, but was not subject to restoration work. The premises of this shrine were simply moved to the second floor of the Royal Apartments - the result of the work of the architect Kazakov, who erected them above the hospital rooms at the end of the same century. The staircase leading to the Royal Apartments is decorated with an elegant arcade. As a decorative detail, it organically complemented the composition of the eastern facade.

    Inner courtyard of the monastery

    The Skete of Patriarch Nikon is a valuable monument of Russian Palestine

    The monastery for solitary prayers of Patriarch Nikon was built in 1657 - 1662. (the building is located on the banks of the Istra River). Of all the architectural monuments located behind the walled fence of Russian Palestine, only this monastery has survived. Its two lower floors were used as service and utility rooms. On the third floor there was a reception room for the clergy and the Church of the Epiphany. The flat roof of the monastery became suitable place locations for such significant buildings as the octagonal church of the apostles Peter and Paul, a miniature belfry and a small cell with a seat made of stone.

    View of the western side of the Resurrection Cathedral

    The fortress wall and the Holy Gates are the “defenders” of the territory of the New Jerusalem Monastery

    It took 4 years to build a solid stone wall to replace the original wooden fence. It was built from 1690 to 1694 according to the rules of serf architecture. The result of the work led by architect Bukhvostov was a large-scale fence with the following characteristics:

    • height – about 9 m;
    • thickness – 3 m;
    • total length – 920 m.

    View of the monastery walls with towers

    It is noteworthy that the corners and breaks of the fence were not empty - their ugliness was brightened up by seven towers of the same type. In the courtyard of the tower there was also an eighth tower - the Elizavetinskaya. The tall structure simply decorated the western gate. It is interesting that all the tiered towers belonging to the New Jerusalem complex do not play any defensive role. Although they are a common element of Russian fences, they are not defensive, but rather artistic function. Their designs with round extensions for spiral staircases are similar to the rotunda and tent at the top of the Resurrection Cathedral.

    People come to the city of Dzerzhinsk, Moscow region, in different ways, but most often with one goal - to visit the ancient Nikolo-Ugreshsky monastery. The monastery was founded in September 1380 by Prince Dmitry Donskoy in honor of the victory in the Battle of Kulikovo.

    From the history

    In the 14th century, Russian lands were under the yoke of the Golden Horde. In 1380, Dmitry Donskoy gathered a militia of 70 thousand warriors from several principalities and went beyond the Don to fight Khan Mamai. On the banks of the Moscow River, where the soldiers stopped for the night, a significant event occurred. While praying over a pine tree, Dmitry Donskoy saw an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, the most revered Saint in Rus'. The prince was amazed; for him it was a divine sign - Nicholas the Wonderworker himself blessed him for the battle.

    The Battle of Kulikovo took place on September 8, 1380. Many soldiers remained on the Kulikovo field forever. There is a legend that Dmitry Donskoy wanted to enter into battle with Mamai’s army along with all the warriors and therefore exchanged armor with one of his associates. The opponents, not knowing about it, killed the warrior, whom they took for the prince.

    Having won the Battle of Kulikovo, Dmitry Donskoy founded a temple at the site of the appearance of the miraculous image of St. Nicholas, which warmed his heart. The church in honor of St. Nicholas the Saint marked the beginning of the history of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery.


    Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery is an Orthodox male stauropegial monastery (stauropegial, that is, subordinate directly to the patriarch). The architectural complex was mainly created in the second half of the 19th century. The monastery has more than 20 buildings, including nine temples, a bell tower and two chapels.

    Bell tower

    The bell tower, called the Ugreshskaya candle, is one of the most ancient buildings that has survived to this day. It was erected during the time of Elizabeth Petrovna, in 1761. On its second tier in 1840 a temple was built in the name of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist. Only the base of the building from that time has survived to this day. During the Great Patriotic War The bells were removed from the bell tower, and the upper tiers were demolished so that the Ugreshskaya candle could not be seen from the air by German pilots. The bell tower was rebuilt in the 20th century.

    Chapel of the Apparition of the Image of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

    In memory of the appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the 19th century, a chapel was built, which marked the site of the miraculous event. In the chapel for a long time the frame of the tree over which the image of the saint was revealed was kept. Unfortunately, in Soviet time this relic was lost. Today all pilgrims come here to collect holy water.

    Sovereign and Patriarchal chambers

    The Sovereign and Patriarchal Chambers are the most ancient building of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. In the 17th century, for the tsars and patriarchs who came to the festive service, the Royal and Patriarchal Chambers were built next to the bell tower.

    Assumption Church

    In the 18th century, when the capital was moved to St. Petersburg and the visits of distinguished guests ceased, the Assumption Church was erected on the site of the abolished Royal Chambers (instead of the completely dilapidated one). The temple, founded in 1763, houses one of the main shrines of the monastery. This is an icon Mother of God Tikhvinskaya, written in the 19th century and donated by His Holiness Patriarch of All Rus' Alexei II (it was the cell icon of the Patriarch, is a copy of the miraculous image that appeared in Rus' in the 14th century).

    There is a room in the temple where the relics of saints brought from different corners peace. The arks contain particles of the relics of the Baptist John and the martyr Barbara, the Kiev-Pechora saints and many others.

    Not all believers have the opportunity to visit holy places. Arriving at the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery, pilgrims can venerate the shrines brought from different parts of the world, and, as it were, prayerfully visit the holy places from where these shrines were delivered.

    In the 19th century, a chapel was added to the temple in honor of Mary of Egypt. The image on its western wall represents scenes from the life of the Venerable One. Some paintings have survived to this day. This is surprising, since in Soviet times there was a police station in the chapel and the walls of the room were painted over oil paint. During the restoration of the temple in post-Soviet period the artists managed to find almost intact images.

    The time has come for the secularization of the 18th century (secularization - seizure of church property), led the monastery to impoverishment. Also, its situation became more complicated during the plague epidemic of 1770, since plague patients were brought here.

    During the Patriotic War of 1812, Napoleon's cavalry regiment was stationed in the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. Fortunately, the sacristy was promptly transported to Vologda and many valuables were saved. After the liberation of Moscow, the sacristy was returned and the monastery was restored as best it could at that time.

    The true flourishing of the monastery occurs under Abbot Myasnikov, who later became the Venerable Pimen of Ugreshsky. Under him, the territory of the monastery expanded, churches were erected, St. Nicholas Cathedral was rebuilt, a hospital was built, and residential premises were renovated. The Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery becomes a communal monastery, that is, services, meals and rules become common for the brethren. Under Abbot Pimen, the number of brethren increased from 10 people to 150, and the number of pilgrims also increased.

    Palestine wall

    In 1866, under Abbot Pimen, the Palestine Wall was built on the northern side of the monastery. Its outlines resemble the temples and buildings of the city of Jerusalem. Reverend Pimen wanted pilgrims who noticed the walls of the monastery from afar to have the feeling that they were about to find themselves on holy land.

    The Palestine or Jerusalem Wall is part of the monastery fence. This business card and the mystery of the monastery, the image of heavenly reign and the image of proud Jerusalem.

    Monastic monastery

    With the expansion of the territory of the monastery, a monastery was founded within the monastery in the name of the holy apostles Peter and Paul, the charter of which was very strict. Thus, women could only set foot on this territory several times a year, on major holidays. Today the monastery operates, and the church in the name of Peter and Paul is the only wooden church of the monastery.

    Transfiguration Cathedral

    In 1880, the year of the 500th anniversary of the monastery, the foundation was laid for the grandiose Transfiguration Cathedral. Its construction lasted 14 years and in 1894 it opened its doors to parishioners. According to some reports, this is the second largest temple in Moscow and the Moscow region, in size it is second only to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The cathedral seats 7,000 people, and the height of its central dome reaches 68 meters.

    The main shrines of the monastery are kept here - a piece of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker and the relics of St. Pimen of Ugresh, as well as the icon - “The Cathedral of All Saints of Ugresh”, painted in honor of all the saints whose lives are in one way or another connected with the monastery.

    The abbot of the monastery and its main inspirer, Abbot Pimen, never saw the Transfiguration Cathedral - he died in the year of its foundation. His ashes rested in the chapel, and now a temple in his honor has been built on this site.

    The mystery of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

    Pay attention to the altar part of two churches - the Transfiguration Cathedral, built for the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Kulikovo, and the recreated St. Nicholas Church. We know that everything Orthodox churches should be oriented to the east by the altar. Indeed, the altar projections of these buildings face east, but their east is slightly different. Apparently, this is explained by the fact that in the 19th century the direction was determined by a compass, and during the construction of the predecessor of the modern St. Nicholas Church, the direction was determined “by eye”, by the sun.


    Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, St. Nicholas Square, no. 1

    How to get to the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

    • Get to the Kotelniki metro station on the Tagansko-Krasnopresnenskaya (violet) line. There, change to bus 347. Go to the stop “St. Nicholas Square (monastery)” for about 20 minutes.
    • Get to the Alma-Atinskaya metro station on the Zamoskvoretskaya (green) line. There, change to bus 1063. Go to the stop “St. Nicholas Square (monastery)” for about 50 minutes.
    • Get to the Lyublino metro station on the Lyublinsko-Dmitrovskaya (salad) line. There, change to bus 305. Go to the stop “St. Nicholas Square (monastery)”, about 50 minutes
    • The monastery can be seen (only from afar) during river cruises on the Moscow and Oka Rivers departing from the Southern River Station.

    Official website of the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery

    In 1925, the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery was closed, the cemetery was desecrated, and the cathedral was beheaded. It housed a Leisure and Recreation Center, and the monastery was transformed into a labor commune named after Dzerzhinsky.

    Currently, not a trace remains of the desolation of Soviet times in the monastery. The Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery has a large and well-groomed territory, there is a pond where black and white swans swim, there is a fruitful garden and even a small zoo. A museum dedicated to to the last emperor Russia Nicholas II. But the main thing is the monastery, which the now famous saints created through prayers and spiritual deeds.



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