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Oksana Oleshko from Hi-Fi. History (continued) The original composition of the hi fi group

Remember them? The first soloists of “Hands Up!”, “Brilliant” and other pop groups
We bet, as soon as you see photos of these girls, you will immediately remember them in the first clips popular groups. But quite quickly the artists left the groups, and even the most devoted fans of our pop music will have difficulty remembering their names.

Oksana Oleshko, Hi Fi

Professional ballerina Oksana is the star of the debut video of the group “Not Given”. Oksana worked in the group for 2 years - from 2003 to 2005. During this time, the artist managed to divorce former member group “Na-Na” by Vladimir Levkin and marry millionaire Anton Petrov (the one who left the pregnant MakSim in 2014). Out of desire to become a mother, the artist left the team. Oksana and her second husband had two daughters, but later the couple separated, and Oksana has a son from her next relationship with businessman Sergei Tsvitnenko.

Polina Iodis and Varvara Koroleva, “Brilliant”

In 1995, Polina Iodis abandoned her studies at law school and began a stage career. Polina sang in the first cast of “Brilliant”. Tours, videos, fans, fees... But one day Polina realized that all this was not for her. She was attracted by the ocean and surfing! The decision was made: break with past life, and a little later - moving to Bali. Polina became one of the founders of the Surfing Federation and the Russian Championship in this sport, which she herself won for three years in a row. Polina organizes events, surf camps in Europe, writes articles and films what she loves so much and what she lives by. Nicole, Polina's daughter, appeared in Bali. Varvara lasted even less in “Sparkles” and also preferred sports to music. But instead of waves, the girl chose mountains and began to climb professionally.

Alena Vinnitskaya, “Via Gra”

“Alena, save yourself before it’s too late!” - this phrase from the song “Attempt No. 5” was picked up by the whole country. Alena (whose real name is Olga) in a duet with Granovskaya took on the leading solo parts, so Nadezhda, without a twinge of conscience, decided to establish personal life, but returned to the group a few weeks after the birth of the baby. After this, the fickle Granovskaya left VIA Gro and returned again, so she became a real star of the team. And Vinnitskaya, having gone through four more lineup changes, left VIA Gra in 2003, starting a solo career. Now Alena lives and works in her homeland - Ukraine. For many years Alena has been faithful to her husband, producer Sergei Alekseev, whom she married back in 1995. The couple has no children.

Maria Alalykina, “Factory”

Masha left the group quite quickly (in August 2003) to devote herself to her family. But few people know that the former artist not only got married, but converted to Islam! This was demanded by Masha’s husband, lawyer Alexei Zuenko, to whom Alalykina gave birth to a daughter. True, family happiness did not last long: the man left Masha for another. Alalykina did not take off her hijab and is now raising her daughter Katya in the traditions of Islam.

Elizaveta Rodnyanskaya, “Hands Up!”

“Student”, “Move your body” and, of course, “Song” from the first album “Breathe Evenly” were recorded with the participation of Lisa. Together with the guys, she also starred in the insert of the debut cassette, where she was listed as a member of the group. Rodnyanskaya regularly performed with Zhukov and Potekhin, but Elizaveta no longer worked on the second record. The singer began developing her own project MeliSSa, where she still works.

Marina Lizorkina, SEREBRO

As part of the “factory” trio, Marina participated in Eurovision 2007 with the song Song#1, but a couple of years later the artist decided to change the field of art. Lizorkina left the team to become an artist! Marina presented three exhibitions in Moscow, and since 2015 former singer works and exhibits in the States.

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Oksana Oleshko is known to many fans Russian stage thanks to his work in the Hi-Fi group. A beautiful face, a slender figure, a melodious voice - what else is needed for success? However, unlike many modern stars, she had to make her way to the top on her own. And it wasn't easy.


Oksana Oleshko, whose biography is of great interest to her fans, was born in Barnaul in 1975, Mother future star She worked as a geological engineer, and her father was a military man. In addition to Ksyusha, the family also had an eldest son, Sergei. Being little, the girl was no different good health, often suffered from pneumonia. This was the reason for moving to warmer climes. In 1980, the family moved to Tbilisi. To support their daughter’s health, the parents sent young Ksyusha to ballroom dancing and artistic gymnastics. Already in those years, Oksana Oleshko passionately loved to dance. After graduating from third grade, she entered the city choreographic school, where she received a secondary education and a profession - a ballet dancer. Everyone knows that ballet is not just dance. To achieve anything in this art, you need to work hard every day. For eight years, every morning of the future ballerina began with work at the barre. This was a must. And no excuses about poor health or unwillingness could get in the way. Thanks to hard work, already during the years of study, Ksyusha was invited to perform at performances at the Tbilisi Opera and Ballet Theater.

A turning point

Everyone has a moment in life that divides it into “before and after.” Such a moment in the life of our heroine was a trip to Moscow. The parents of fellow students organized commercial performances for them in the capital. The father was against it, but this did not stop the girl. Moscow greeted the young talents very coldly. Their performances were not successful. But staying in a huge city for a month greatly influenced Ksyusha. After graduating from college, she was invited to work in a theater she was already familiar with. But the decision to go to the capital remained unchanged.

First attempts

Oksana Oleshko, having listened to the advice of a fellow student, got a job at Children's theater Sats Natalia. She had nowhere to live, and this was one of the main problems. She was sheltered by the family of Elena Chesnokova. They will become close friends in the future. Elena's husband worked in the same theater, and the decision to help the girl came naturally. As Elena herself recalls, living with Ksyusha was easy. She is a calm, undemanding person. It was always a pleasure to communicate with her. As for the profession, it soon became clear that Oksana felt out of place on the theater stage. So the time has come to try yourself in a different form.

Modern dance

I had to change my field of activity not only out of interest. Life in the capital was rapidly becoming more expensive, and Oksana had to support herself. That's how she got on the stage. Initially, the girl tried her hand at Dmitry Malikov’s ballet. Sweet and open, the singer’s wife really liked her, and friendly relations arose between them. Cooperation with Dmitry did not stop there. Oksana Oleshko had not only outstanding appearance, but also a literary gift. She wrote the song “Golden Dawn” for Malikov. But the girl did not stay long in the ballet itself.

“Na-Na” and Oksana Oleshko

For the girl she was in the background. She simply didn't have time for this. However, love always comes unexpectedly. Ksyusha worked in the ballet group “Na-Na” for about a year and... fell in love. One of the group members became her chosen one. Vladimir Levkin and Oksana Oleshko were ideal for each other. Their feelings were deep, and most importantly, mutual. They wrote poems to each other and read them aloud. Levkin liked her works so much that he could no longer live a day without them. But life is not so simple. The group had a rule - no relationships between participants. Bari Alibasov strictly monitored this and, upon learning of the violation, quickly fired Ksyusha. Love, of course, has not gone away. The young people continued to meet.

New Horizons

After leaving the group, Oksana continued to dance. She could be seen in the ballet of Oleg Gazmanov, Andrei Gubin. One day, the producer of the Hi-Fi group noticed her and offered her a job. New project promised to be successful, and the girl agreed.

It was something new and interesting. The expectations were justified. The team quickly became popular, and with it Ksyusha. Five years later, she decided to leave the stage. This did not happen by accident. The whole point is that the girl met new love. In France, she met an interesting man named Anton. He attracted her attention immediately, he was charming, attentive and smart. The girl always appreciated these qualities in men. The young people quickly found mutual language and decided to continue the relationship. Upon returning to Russia, she divorced her husband Levkin and received a marriage proposal from Anton. wedding ceremony was lush and original. After this, the pop star decided to devote herself to her family and not go on stage anymore. Colleagues in the group, Mitya and Timofey, did not resist this decision. They stayed good friends. By the way, the guys still communicate often today, and when they meet, they always remember their joint work. In August 2005, the couple had a daughter.

Oksana Oleshko and her husband were very happy about this. The girl was named Elizabeth. Young parents are not going to stop there. And they plan to have a boy in the near future.

“Dear Mikhail Filimonov! I think your column is the most killer in Express Gazeta. I like that you reveal the shortcomings of our stars, and not just the advantages that other correspondents diligently emphasize. It’s only a pity that you don’t write about my favorite group at all "Hi-Fi". I have a question for you: is it true that the lead singer of "Hi-Fi" Mitya Fomin is unconventionally oriented? My friend told me: they say, open your eyes, they are all gay on the stage. Mitya and really strange manners: either he is too cultured and affected, or he really is a “pigeon”. And he doesn’t have a wife. “Hi-Fi” themselves deny all the arguments, but you can’t hide an sew in a bag. When I wrote to you, above me everyone laughed: “That’s what they’ll answer you! They don’t write about anyone except Zemfira and Ruk!” But I hope that you won’t let me down. After all, I’m your friend.

Ksyusha, Khabarovsk

"I dream that my letter will be published in Vocal Analysis. I think you good man and help me. The fact is that I love the star - Mitya Fomina from the Hi-Fi group. I don't know how to live with this feeling. I think about him day and night. And when I see or hear him, I start to shake. It is unbearable. I even sometimes think that if I don’t get his autograph, I’ll hang myself or drown myself. And how many poems I wrote for him! Probably 100 or even more. I'll write one of them. Maybe Mitya will read it in the newspaper and find out about my love.

You disappear unnoticed in the BLUE fog. I love you, but you don’t know what’s in my heart. For many years I have been waiting for an answer, but I won’t get an answer, No answer, no hello, who would have known that I would fall in love. No, you don't need to be loved! - I tell myself again. Well, why am I rewarded with unrequited love?” Nastya, 16 years old, Yakutsk

A year ago, during a tour in Odessa, the Hi-Fi soloists Mitya and Timofey raped me, - Dima told. - I'm tired of keeping this to myself. Let everyone know the truth. Like many teenagers my age, I collected autographs popular artists. On November 25, 2000, “Hi-Fi” performed at the Odessa club-casino “Mirage”. I was waiting for them near the exit, but after the concert they were immediately taken to dinner. I asked the driver what hotel they were staying at and went there. The hotel was located at: Kurortny Lane, building 2 (I don’t know its name). When the Hi-Fi arrived, there was another man and a young girl with them. As I understand it, the girl was with Timofey, because she kissed him and then left. I approached Mitya and asked him to sign the poster. He looked at me with some drunken eyes, but at the same time he didn’t smell of fumes (and I was standing quite close). They stood near the hotel for about 15-20 minutes. I was interested in watching them, so I didn’t leave. Then Mitya came up to me and asked me to look at the poster on which I asked to sign, and we started talking. Everything was like in a dream: Mitya himself from “Hi-Fi” spoke to me! He asked me if I wanted to go to his room and chat some more. Naturally, I agreed. Then he introduced me to Timofey, and Ksyusha and the man left. We went up to what appeared to be Timofey's room. He immediately began to sort out some things and took out a bottle of cognac and chocolate. Mitya offered me a drink: "Are you really going to refuse me?" And I melted. I was sleepy and hungry, so I quickly got drunk. And when I’m drunk, even a little bit, it’s immediately obvious to me. Timofey went to the toilet, and Mitya told me to undress. I thought it was a joke and laughed. Then he hit me. I was scared and wanted to run away, but when I opened the door, I came across Timofey. Mitya told him to close the door, and he began to beat me. I don’t know why, but it didn’t hurt me, it was just very scary. I started crying and asking them not to do anything to me. I immediately understood what they needed from me. In response, Mitya said that if I don’t scream and kick, he will manage without unnecessary bruises. I had nothing else to do, so I agreed. To this day I can't think about it without crying. Mitya did it first, then Timofey. After this, Timofey said that if I told anyone, they still wouldn’t believe me. And Mitya laughed and told me not to be too sad, because I’m not the only one. I don’t remember how I got home. Now I understand those people who are raped. I also wanted to commit suicide. I felt the paws of these two bastards on me. I thought about this for a very long time, and sometimes it seemed to me that I myself provoked them to this, but in the end I realized that I was not to blame for anything. It seems to me that they did this out of a sense of permissiveness: they thought that no one would ever know about it. I want to appeal to the guys who suffered just like me. Do not be afraid! Do your best to let everyone know who they really are!

To tell the truth, Dima’s story cast doubt on me. Well, why would the participants of “Hi-Fi” rape someone when there are a lot of hunters voluntarily providing any services to celebrities?! Did the young man invent this whole heartbreaking story? Maybe at the indicated time “Hi-Fi” were not in Odessa?

No, in November 2000 we really came to Odessa, - the band's concert director did not denyMaxim Alexandrov. - But I don’t remember the hotel on Kurortny Lane. In my opinion, when we worked at Mirage, we lived in the Red Hotel, where they filmed the film Deja Vu. What happened? What did Mitya and Timofey do with this boy? Beaten up, or what? Oh, they raped me... I don’t know anything about this. And then I can’t really imagine Timofey’s participation in this: he’s really not on this topic. Well, you understand... Because of this, he and Mitya never even hang out together. Of course, different stories happen on tour. But even if something happened, they will never admit it to you. You know, let me try to find out from Mitya myself whether this happened or not. He'll tell me...

After talking with Mitya, Mr. Alexandrov noticeably darkened and hastened to end the conversation with me, inviting me to get comments from my ward myself.

Of course, there was no such story, - Mitya Fomin muttered dissatisfiedly. - It is basically impossible. I don't practice po-pa... po-pa... - starting to stutter, the singer involuntarily revealed his excitement, - this kind of entertainment. We get too tired on tour. Usually after a performance I rather eat and go to bed. The most I do is go to some clubs. And my communication with fans is limited to the fact that they give me po-pa... po-pa... pillows, toys, chocolates, books, flowers. I rarely even enter into conversations with them. But inviting them to your room and offering them a drink is out of the question. Are you going to publish this in the newspaper? I don’t think that my comments will somehow change the impression of this boy’s story. And why on earth should I answer you whether it’s true or not? To be honest, I seriously doubt that you actually received the letter. It seems to me that you made it all up yourself. But even if the boy wrote to you... Maybe he is jealous of me. Maybe I didn’t get something in life. Don't, don't, don't waste my time! Print whatever you want!

It became clear that this dirty story could only be sorted out with the help of disinterested witnesses. And such witnesses - oh, miracle! - found. Exactly according to my order email address I received an invitation to visit the website of a young singer from Odessa Maxima Petrenko, performing under the stage name Maxiwave. Looking at the indicated address, I was amazed to find, among other materials, photographs of Mitya and Timofey embracing this young singer...

These photos were taken during the "Hi-Fi" tour in Odessa in the summer of 2001, - explained Maxim Petrenko.- My manager introduced me to them. Lena Kruglenko, which used to transport “Hi-Fi” around Ukraine. True, my communication with Mitya did not work out. But Timofey and I immediately found a common language. Just don’t think, I didn’t have any intimacy with him. I'm straight. And I wouldn’t say that they drink a lot either. It's true that they smoke something. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the arrival of “Hi-Fi” in November 2000. I was not in Odessa then. Better ask Lena about this... - Indeed, in November 2000, "Hi-Fi" stayed on Kurortny Lane, - confirmed by Lena Kruglenko. - This is the former Profsoyuznaya hotel, which is now called “Valentina”. Of course, fans were waiting for them near the hotel. They stood there around the clock. This is a common situation. But then... After the performance, Mitya seemed to go, as always, to the gay club "69". The fact is that he has a friend in Odessa Volodya Chichushkov, former program director of the Rio club. And when he comes to Odessa, Mitya usually goes with him to this gay club or to Volodya’s dacha. And Timofey usually relaxes in a room with a girl. He really likes girls more than young men. I remember during the “Hi-Fi” tour in Western Ukraine, on the way to the concert venue, he met a beauty coming from the market with a bag of cherries. Timofey fell on his knees in front of her and said: "I love you! Come on tour with me." After which the girl gave herself unconditionally to him and, without even going home, she followed him from Lvov to Lutsk. Mitya’s love is clearly not for girls. And he likes to take a walk after concerts. On the other hand, Mitya is too sensitive to his person. It is not so easy to touch it with your finger. Especially for the boy standing near the hotel. And it’s unlikely that Mitya could be interested in the boy. It seems to me that he likes to communicate more with men older than him, like Volodya Chichushkov. Isn't this boy's name Zhenya by any chance? And not Seryozha? And that is, here we have two such fanatics who constantly hover near the “Hi-Fi”. Similar things could well have come from them. In general, in Odessa we have a lot of all sorts of mischievous entertainers. For that matter, our Maxim Petrenko also had an idea to tell the press that he slept with Timofey. Thank God, Maxim came to his senses in time. By the way, what about you Vitas Are you interested by any chance? And he came here recently...

Of course, Vitas could not help but interest me. But about him - separate story. Read the upcoming issues of "EG"! And I take this opportunity to congratulate Mitya Fomin on his birthday! For those who don't know, he turns 28 on January 17...

Hi-Fi initially included Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko. The team worked in this composition until 2003... Read all

The history of Hi-Fi began long before the official date of the creation of the team in the capital of Siberia. It was in Novosibirsk that the future founders of the group, Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia, met and became friends. After numerous musical experiments, it was decided to create a group.

Hi-Fi initially included Mitya Fomin, Timofey Pronkin and Oksana Oleshko. The team worked in this composition until 2003.

August 2 is considered Hi-Fi's birthday, because it was on this day in 1998 that the group's debut video was filmed. They filmed a video for the song “Not Given” in St. Petersburg, directed by Eric Chanturia and Alisher. The plot of the video, like a mirror, reflected real story team: Mitya, Ksyusha and Timofey each went their own way, and then their paths crossed in one short word - Hi-Fi. It was on the set of “Not Given” that the group members first saw each other. The guys' first impressions were very contradictory - their characters turned out to be too different. But over time, it became clear that even such polar personalities are quite capable of getting along with each other. Since then, Hi-Fi has been considered one of the most friendly groups on the stage.

Hi-Fi's first performance took place on August 23 at the Soyuz show. After this, the band began preparing material for their debut album. The release of the album “First Contact” took place in February 1999, it included 11 tracks authored by Pavel Yesenin and Eric Chanturia. In support of the debut album, Hi-Fi is shooting a video for the song “Besprizornik”, one of their most striking works.

Immediately after the release of “First Contact”, the authors of Hi-Fi began preparing material for the next album. The album “Reproduction” was released in the second half of 1999. It included Pavel Yesenin’s remixes of hits from the album “First Contact”, as well as 3 previously unreleased songs – “Black Raven”, “About Summer” and “Cuba”. Two of them acquired video versions at the same time.

In the fall of 2000, Hi-Fi released a new masterpiece - the song “Stupid People”. This composition became the first sign from the upcoming album Hi-Fi. The third album of the group “Remember” was released in February 2001 and included seven completely new songs, three compositions already known to the public. At the end of 2001, the Hi-Fi group again released an album, this time an album of remixes. It was then that the long-standing Hi-Fi tradition was broken for the first time - the creation of melodies for the project was not entrusted to Pavel Yesenin. An experiment in the form of creating remixes for best songs The band was supported by musicians such as Maxim Fadeev, Yuri Usachev, Evgeniy Kuritsyn and others - their original versions of proven Hi-Fi hits made up the group’s new record called “New Collection-2002” or “D&J REMIXES”.

In April 2002, the fifth Hi-Fi video clip was filmed. Song " high school No. 7" entered the golden circle of Hi-Fi hits and every summer becomes the anthem of all school graduations. The next composition, “I Love,” became the last collaboration of the original composition of the project.

In 2003, serious changes took place in the group: the group's lead singer Oksana Oleshko decided to leave the group and devote herself to her family and husband. In place of Ksyusha in the group, professional model Tatyana Tereshina appeared, who now performs solo under the pseudonym Tanya. The first work of the updated Hi-Fi line-up was the song “The Seventh Petal”. In 2004, the band's songs were recognized as the most rotated.

At the beginning of 2006, the Hi-Fi group again changed its soloist; to this day, she is a student of the jazz department of the St. Petersburg University of Culture and Arts, Ekaterina Lee.

For one of them, “Following the Footsteps,” a colorful video was shot in Thailand. And at the end of 2007, the Hi-Fi group went to Kyiv, where they planned to shoot the video “The Right to Happiness” under the direction of the talented Ukrainian director Alan Badoev.

On August 2, 2008, the Hi-Fi group celebrated its tenth birthday. The result: dozens of invariably hit songs, an immense number of awards, prizes and prizes, high-quality work at thousands of venues throughout Russia and far beyond its borders, a recognizable and beloved image by many - a mark has been left in history.

In January 2009, changes took place in the Hi-Fi group. To replace Mitya Fomin, who left the team for solo career, comes new member- Kirill Kolgushkin. With the updated lineup, the group releases a new hit, “It’s Time for Us,” and shoots a video of the same name under the direction of director Maxim Rozhkov.


2008 - “The Best I”

2002 - "Best"

2001 - “D&J REMIXES”

2001 - “Remember”

1999 - “Reproduction”

1999 - “First Contact”

Official site.



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