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Description of Tatiana's beauty in Eugene Onegin. Characteristics of Tatyana Larina. The image of Tatyana Larina. Several interesting essays

Tatyana is a romantic and gentle girl, but at the same time she has enormous endurance and willpower, which is confirmed in the finale of the poem when, despite her love for Onegin, she still refuses him.

Pushkin begins the readers’ acquaintance with Tatyana by describing her as still a village girl, silent and timid, keeping herself apart and cold in her family:

Like a forest deer is timid,
She is in her own family
The girl seemed like a stranger.

Tatyana doesn’t know how to be affectionate with her family and doesn’t like to play with other children:

She didn't know how to caress
To your father, nor to your mother;
Child herself, in a crowd of children
I didn’t want to play or jump.

Of course, this happens because no one truly understands or appreciates her. The Larin family does not accept deep and serious feelings. Tatyana's mother herself easily consoled herself, having been married to an unloved man, and knew about the books only by hearsay. Olga forgets Vladimir very quickly - even Tatyana yearns for him longer, but she was not in love with him!

Tatyana is thoughtful, prefers to be alone, she spends most of her time thinking and reading romance novels; loves long walks and nature in the wee hours.

This character of Tatyana is also shaped by her attitude towards love; for her, love is the whole world, and the loved one is the hero whom she wants to choose once and for all. Tatyana's seriousness leads to the fact that she takes her feelings very seriously.

Onegin is her conscious choice, because when she saw him, she immediately realized that it was “he” - the one who appeared to her more than once in a dream, with whom she had been waiting for so long to meet. She writes about this in the sincere lines of her letter:

My whole life was a pledge
The faithful's meeting with you;
I know you were sent to me by God,
Until the grave you are my keeper..."
You appeared in my dreams
Invisible, you were already dear to me...

Tatyana is a romantic person who believes that Evgeny is her destiny. But after he does not reciprocate her feelings, she does not become pitiful and offended, does not feel anger and hatred towards him, but, on the contrary, evokes respect and admiration in the eyes of the reader, because she behaved very dignified when talking with Onegin, demonstrating your strong character. This girl has enormous spiritual strength - her strength is in the ability to love trustingly and devotedly, in the ability to be simple and frank and to follow her choice to the end. Tatyana knows how to be restrained when necessary, knows how to keep secrets, she is a self-sufficient and interesting girl, an integral person. In relationships with men, Tatyana is not flirtatious: “A coquette judges in cold blood, Tatyana loves in earnest”; she is distinguished by loyalty and simplicity, she has her own moral values ​​and principles. Having tied the knot with the general, she does not allow herself to commit adultery, although she admits that she still loves Eugene. Tatyana’s character is fully revealed precisely at the end of the poem: she is a stately, majestic lady who evokes the admiration of those around her. Onegin is fascinated by Tatyana’s transformation, but he hears a refusal from her: “But I was given to someone else. I will be faithful to him forever." The girl has matured, become wiser and insightful, so she understands that Onegin’s sudden outbreak of love is most likely caused by her current status:

Why are you keeping me in mind?
Is it not because in high society
Now I must appear;
That I am rich and noble?

The ambitious Onegin could bring an affair with her “seductive honor” in circles high society, and Tatyana is perfectly aware of all this, but even during this conversation she behaves very dignified. Tatyana is honest with Onegin, openly tells him that she could not stop loving him, but still does not give him any chance, saying that the past can no longer be returned:

I got married. You must,
I ask you to leave me;
I know: in your heart there is
And pride and direct honor.
I love you (why lie?),
But I was given to another;
I will be faithful to him forever.

Tatyana commands respect from readers for her openness and honesty, for her straightforwardness in communicating with Onegin, she does not leave him false hopes, although she declares that her current status does not bring her any joy, that she is ready to exchange everything that she has now , just to return to his “poor home.”

...Now I'm glad to give it away
All this rags of a masquerade,
All this shine, and noise, and fumes
For a shelf of books, for a wild garden,
For our poor home,
For those places where for the first time,
Onegin, I saw you...

Tatyana's character is a combination of strength and timidity, seriousness and romance, isolation and openness. The girl has a deep inner world, in which so many feelings, so many memories languish, but she restrains the impulses of her soul, remaining faithful to her husband. All this suggests that Tatyana - strong man capable of being true to his word.

We present to your attention brief description Tatiana Larina from the novel "Eugene Onegin", on which Alexander Pushkin worked for about eight years from 1823-1831.

The image of Tatyana Larina is very interesting, and it is clear that Pushkin worked a lot on her, as well as on the rest of the main characters of the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin paints the image of Tatyana Larina very clearly to the reader - Tatyana Larina is a simple provincial girl, she is “wild, sad and silent.” Tatyana is thoughtful and lonely, and it is interesting that the environment does not have a strong influence on her, because she is not proud of her connections, her parents’ belonging to the nobility, or the guests who visit their house.

The characteristics of Tatyana Larina are formed by completely different circumstances and events of her life. For example, Tatyana loves nature, she is romantic and is inspired by the novels of Rousseau and Richardson.

Characteristics of Tatyana Larina during the appearance of Evgeny Onegin

Drawing the image of Tatyana Larina, Pushkin does not resort to irony, and in this regard, the character of Tatyana is the only and exceptional one, since from her appearance on the pages of the novel to the very end, the reader sees only the love and respect of the poet.

You can remember these lines from Pushkin: “I love my dear Tatyana so much.”

Belinsky called the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” “the most sincere work” of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. And the author himself considered this novel his best creation. Pushkin worked on it with great passion, devoting his whole soul, all of himself to creativity. And, undoubtedly, the images of the main characters of the novel are very close to the author. In each of them he reflected some of his own characteristics. The images from the novel became almost familiar to Pushkin.

The image that is closest to the author is Tatyana, who, in essence, is the ideal of a Russian woman for Pushkin. This is exactly how he imagined a true Russian woman - sincere, fiery, trusting and, at the same time, possessing spiritual nobility, a sense of duty and a strong character.

In the portrait of Tatyana Pushkin gives no appearance, but rather her inner portrait: “... Wild, sad, silent...”. This is an atypical image, attracting not with its beauty, but with its inner world.

Pushkin emphasizes the difference between Tatyana and Olga:

Not your sister's beauty,

Nor the freshness of her ruddy

She wouldn't attract the eye - he says about Tatyana and then repeats more than once that Tatyana is ugly. But the image of this meek, thoughtful girl attracts the reader and the author himself with its charm and unusualness.

In the second chapter of the novel, we meet a girl whose favorite circle of life consists of nature, books, the countryside with the stories and fairy tales of her nanny, with her warmth and cordiality.

Thoughtfulness, her friend

From the most lullabies of days,

The flow of rural leisure

Decorated her with dreams.

Reading the novel, you can notice that in those stanzas where we're talking about about Tatyana, there is always a description of nature. It is not for nothing that Pushkin many times conveys Tatyana’s state of mind through images of nature; he thereby emphasizes the deep connection that exists between the village girl and nature. For example, after Onegin’s stern sermon, “dear Tanya’s youth fades: this is how the shadow of a barely born day dresses the storm.”

Tatyana's farewell to her native places, native fields, meadows is accompanied by tragic description autumn: “Nature is tremulous, pale, Like a sacrifice lavishly adorned.” Tanya’s entire inner world is in tune with nature, with all its changes. Such closeness is one of the signs of a deep connection with the people, which Pushkin greatly valued and respected. The children’s song comforting Tanya, the attachment to “Filipovna grey”, fortune-telling - all this again tells us about Tanya’s living connection with the folk element.

Tatyana (Russian soul,

Without knowing why)

With her cold beauty

I loved Russian winter.

Loneliness, alienation from others, gullibility and naivety allow the “tender dreamer” to imagine Onegin as the hero of the novel, to appropriate for herself “someone else’s delight”, “someone else’s sadness”.

But, soon seeing that the hero of her dreams is not at all what she imagined him to be, she tries to understand Onegin. The girl writes an ardent, passionate letter to Onegin and receives a stern sermon in response. But this coldness of Eugene does not kill Tanya’s love; the “stern conversation” in the garden only revealed to Tanya Onegin’s hard-heartedness, his ability to ruthlessly respond to sincere feelings. Probably, the birth of “that indifferent princess” who so amazed Onegin later begins here. But, meanwhile, even Lensky’s death did not destroy the deep feeling that Tatyana felt for Onegin:

And in cruel loneliness

Her passion burns more intensely,

And about distant Onegin

Her heart speaks louder.

Onegin left, and, it seems, irrevocably. But Tatyana, before visiting his house, continues to refuse when others woo her. Only after visiting the “young cell” and seeing how and how Evgeniy lived, she agrees to go to the “bride market” in Moscow, because she begins to suspect something terrible for herself and for her love:

What is he? Is it really imitation?

An insignificant ghost, or else -

Muscovite in Harold's cloak?

interpretation of other people's whims,

Fashion vocabulary words?

Isn't he a parody?

Although Evgeny’s inner world is not limited to the books he has read, Tanya does not understand this and, drawing erroneous conclusions, becomes disappointed in love and in her hero. Now she faces a boring road to Moscow and the noisy bustle of the capital.

In the “district young lady” Tatyana, “everything is outside, everything is free.” In the eighth chapter we meet the “indifferent princess” “legislator of the hall”. The old Tanya, in whom “everything was quiet, everything was simple,” has now become a model of “impeccable taste,” a “true ingot” of nobility and sophistication.

But it cannot be said that now she is truly an “indifferent princess”, incapable of experiencing sincere feelings, and that not a trace remains of the former naive and timid Tanya. The feelings are there, they’re just well and firmly hidden now. And that “careless charm” of Tatiana is a mask that she wears with art and naturalness. The light made its own adjustments, but only external ones; Tatiana’s soul remained the same. That trusting girl still lives inside her, loving the “Russian winter,” the hills, forests, the village, ready to give “all this glitter, and noise, and child for a shelf of books, for a wild garden...”. Now the impetuosity and recklessness of feelings have been replaced in her by self-control, which helps Tanya withstand the moment when the embarrassed, “awkward” Evgeniy is left alone with her. But still, Tatiana’s main advantage is her spiritual nobility, her truly Russian character. Tatyana has a high sense of duty and self-esteem, which is why she found the strength to suppress her feelings and tell Onegin:

I love you (why lie?)

But I was given to another;

And I will be faithful to him forever.

Pushkin admired the image so skillfully created by himself. He embodied in Tatyana the ideal of a real Russian woman.

The writer saw the wives of many Decembrists who, out of their love and sense of duty, went to Siberia to get their husbands. This is the kind of spiritual nobility he endowed his heroine with. The image of Tatyana is the deepest and most serious in the novel. The height, spirituality, and depth of Tatyana Larina allowed Belinsky to call her a “genius.”

The image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” by A.S. has conceptual significance. Pushkin. Firstly, because the poet in his work created the unique, unique character of the Russian woman. And secondly, this image embodied an important principle of Alexander Sergeevich - the principle of realistic art. In one of his articles, Pushkin explains and analyzes the reasons for the emergence of “literary monsters” with the appearance and development romantic literature which replaced classicism. Let's take a closer look at the image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin".

Pushkin's main idea

The poet agrees that the depiction of not a moral teaching, but an ideal - the general trend of contemporary literature - is correct in its essence. But, according to Alexander Sergeevich, neither the past idea of ​​human nature as a kind of “cute pomposity”, nor today’s image of vice triumphant in the hearts are essentially deep-seated. Pushkin, thus, affirms new ideals in his work (stanzas 13 and 14 of the third chapter): according to the author’s plan, the novel, built primarily on a love conflict, should reflect the most stable and characteristic signs of the way of life adhered to by several generations of the noble family in Russia .

Pushkin's heroes therefore speak in a natural language, their experiences are not monotonous and schematic, but multifaceted and natural. Describing the feelings of the characters in the novel, Alexander Sergeevich tests the veracity of the descriptions with life itself, relying on his own impressions and observations.

Contrast between Tatiana and Olga

Taking into account this concept of Alexander Sergeevich, it becomes clear how and why the image of Tatyana in the novel “Eugene Onegin” is compared with the character of another heroine, Olga, when the reader gets acquainted with the first. Olga is cheerful, obedient, modest, sweet and simple-minded. Her eyes are blue, like the sky, her curls are flaxen, her figure is light, yet she does not stand out in any way from a number of similar provincial young ladies in the novel “Eugene Onegin.” The image of Tatyana Larina is built on contrast. This girl is not as attractive in appearance as her sister, and the heroine’s hobbies and behavior only emphasize her originality and difference from the others. Pushkin writes that in her family she seemed like a strange girl, she was silent, sad, wild, timid, like a doe.

Name Tatyana

Alexander Sergeevich gives a note in which he indicates that names such as Thekla, Fedora, Filat, Agrafon and others are used among us only among common people. Then, in the author's digression, Pushkin develops this idea. He writes that the name Tatyana will sanctify the “tender pages” of this novel for the first time. It merged harmoniously with characteristic features the girl’s appearance, her character traits, manners and habits.

The character of the main character

Village world, books, nature, horror stories, which the nanny told on dark winter nights - all these simple, sweet hobbies gradually form the image of Tatyana in the novel "Eugene Onegin". Pushkin notes what was most dear to the girl: she loved to meet the “sunrise of dawn” on the balcony, to watch the dance of stars disappear on the “pale horizon.”

Books played a big role in shaping the feelings and views of Tatyana Larina. Novels replaced everything else for her, providing her with the opportunity to find her dreams, her “secret heat.” Passion for books, meeting others, fantasy worlds, which were filled with all sorts of colors of life, were not just entertainment for our heroine. Tatyana Larina, whose image we are considering, wanted to find in them what she could not find in real world. Perhaps that is why she suffered a fatal mistake, the first failure in her life - her love for Eugene Onegin.

Perceiving the alien environment as contrary to her poetic soul, Tatyana Larina, whose image stands out among all others in the work, created her own illusory world where love, beauty, goodness, justice ruled. To complete the picture, only one thing was missing - a unique, only hero. Therefore, Onegin, shrouded in mystery, thoughtful, seemed to the girl the embodiment of her secret girlish dreams.

Tatiana's letter

Tatyana's letter, a touching and sweet declaration of love, reflects the entire complex range of feelings that gripped her restless, immaculate soul. Hence such a sharp, contrasting opposition: Onegin is “unsociable”, he is bored in the village, and the members of Tatyana’s family, although “simply happy” to have a guest, do not shine in any way. This is where the excessive praise of the chosen one comes from, conveyed, among other things, through the girl’s description of the indelible impression that she received at the first meeting with the hero: she always knew him, but fate did not give the lovers a chance to meet in this world.

And then came this wonderful moment of recognition, meeting. “I recognized it instantly,” writes Tatiana. For her, whom no one around her understands, and this brings suffering to the girl, Eugene is a deliverer, a savior, a handsome prince who will revive her and disenchant Tatiana’s unfortunate heart. It would seem that dreams have come true, but reality sometimes turns out to be so cruel and deceptive that it is impossible even to imagine.

Evgeniy's answer

The girl’s tender confession touches Onegin, but he is not yet ready to bear responsibility for other people’s feelings, fate, and hope. His advice is simple in everyday life, reflecting life experience accumulated by him in society. He urges the girl to learn to control herself, since inexperience leads to trouble and not everyone will understand her the way Eugene understood.

New Tatiana

This is just the beginning of the most interesting thing that the novel “Eugene Onegin” tells us about. Tatiana's image is significantly transformed. The girl turns out to be a capable student. She learned to “control herself” by overcoming mental pain. In the careless and stately, indifferent princess it is now difficult to recognize that former girl - in love, timid, simple and poor.

Have Tatyana's life principles changed?

Is it fair to assume that if significant changes have occurred in Tatyana’s character, then life principles have the heroines also changed significantly? If we interpret Tatyana’s behavior in this way, then in this we will follow Eugene Onegin, who was inflamed with passion for this unapproachable goddess. Tatyana accepted the rules of this game that was alien to her, but her sincerity, moral purity, inquisitiveness of mind, directness, understanding of duty and justice, and the ability to courageously and with dignity to face and overcome difficulties that arose along the way did not disappear.

The girl responds to Onegin’s confession that she loves him, but is given to another, and will be faithful to him forever. This simple words, but how much resentment, bitterness, heartache, suffering! The image of Tatyana in the novel is vital and convincing. He evokes admiration and sincere sympathy.

Tatyana's depth, height, and spirituality allowed Belinsky to call her a “genius.” Pushkin himself admired this image, created so skillfully. In Tatyana Larina, he embodied the ideal of a Russian woman.

We have considered this difficult and interesting image. Tatiana Onegina was not in the novel, and could not have been, according to Pushkin. The heroes' attitudes to life were too different.

Tatyana Larina symbolizes the image of a Russian girl. It is difficult to understand the soul of a Russian without being a Russian. It is Tatyana who appears before us as a symbol of the mysterious Russian soul.

From childhood she was distinguished by her difference from others. Her originality, sometimes wildness, seems to some like pride, affectation. But that's not true. A gentle disposition, but strength of character is manifested and even more emphasized against the background of his sister Olga. It would seem that a young girl in a noble family could be worried. Are deep thoughts, the ability to reason and analyze inherent in such a greenhouse environment? Lightness and carelessness should have become her companions, but everything turned out differently. The girls' desire to study and self-development was made strong character, deeply thinking, empathetic. Frequent solitudes contributed to deep immersion and self-knowledge.

The first feeling that washed over Tatyana absorbed her completely. She was ready to meet love. Reading novels contributed to this. And so, the image of a person who corresponded to her fictional hero appeared in reality.

Tatyana, clean and open man, went towards the feeling. She accepted it and decided to take a difficult but necessary step - recognition.

Having overcome her maiden pride, she dared to take the first step. What did she get in return? Condescension on the part of the brilliant Onegin towards a provincial girl, a humane act of refusal. First love often breaks young hearts. But this defeat made Tatyana stronger. The feeling did not fade away, but only hid somewhere in the depths of my soul. Nothing could stop her from loving Evgeniy, neither his indifference, nor cruelty, nor cynicism, nor the murder of Lensky. You cannot love for something, you can love in spite of it. Only then is it love.

Tatyana is a sensual but proud person. She did not humiliate herself and ask for Onegin’s love. She tried to move away and forget. Only she herself knows what was going on in her soul, what kind of struggle was raging between her mind and her heart. Reason allowed a provincial savage girl to turn into a sedate lady, the owner of a salon. An unloved husband cannot doubt his wife’s tenderness and fidelity even for a second.

The power of love, its beauty is most colorfully revealed in tragedy. Tatyana is not destined to be with Onegin. Love is alive in her heart, and perhaps has only intensified over time. But, alas. A sacrifice of love for the sake of honor and the promised oath at the altar.



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