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Long-term planning for the second junior group on traffic rules

Executive Committee Education Department

Sarmanovsky municipal district Republic of Tatarstan

Municipal budget preschool educational

institution Jalil kindergarten No. 1 “Beryozka”

general developmental type

Long-term plan for traffic rules

in the second younger group

for the 2015-2016 academic year.


Getting to know the street. Passenger transport. Freight transport

1. Constructive activity “Wide and narrow path.”

2.Walk around the garden.

2 week

1. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car.”

2.Reading of A. Barto’s poem “Truck”

3.D/game “You can - you can’t”

3 week

1.Drawing “Road for cars”

2.Looking at pictures about types of transport

3.Working with parents: folder - moving “traffic rules”

4 week

1. Plot - role-playing game“Let’s take the toys for a ride in the car.”

2. Didactic game “Name the car”

3. Poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars


Traffic light. Transport on the roadway.

Introduce traffic lights and color names. Please note that a car cannot stop immediately, but a person can. Form orientation in space

1 Week

1.Looking at the picture “Traffic light”.

2.P/game “Colored Cars”.

3.Working with parents: consultation “Teaching the child safety rules”

2 week

1.Verbal game “Imagine a car signal”

2.D/game “Assemble a traffic light”

3. Productive activity (modeling) “Funny traffic light”

3 week

1. Learning the poem “Truck” by A. Barto.

2. Game “Guess the transport”

3.Memo for parents “Teaching children to be observant on the street”

4 week

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic.

2. Outdoor game “Traffic Light”.

3. Observation “Cars on our street” - consolidate children’s knowledge about the movement of vehicles and pedestrians


Profession: driver. " Crosswalk". Street.

Introduce children to the profession of “driver” (he drives a car, transports goods, people), give the concept of “pedestrian crossing”. Develop children’s ability to draw straight horizontal and vertical lines, depicting a “zebra”. Consolidate children’s knowledge about the roadway and sidewalk .

1 Week

1. Observation of the driver’s work

2. Productive activity (drawing) “Pedestrian crossing.”

3.Working with parents: consultation “How to teach a child to behave safely on the street”

2 week

1.Looking at pictures - illustrations about the rules of behavior on the road.

2. Reading “Ball” by Marshak, poem “He usually leaves for work early…”

3 week

1. D/Game “Assemble a traffic light.” 2. Outdoor game “Sparrows and a car”

3.Reading the poem by S. Bird “Someone scattered sticks along the road...”;

4 week

1. The plot-role-playing game “The driver drives a car.”

2.P/game “Red, green”.

3. Poem “In the car, the driver is sitting in the car...”


Driver's work. My friend is a traffic light. Don't get into trouble on the road

To consolidate children's knowledge about the driver's profession and about cars. Develop the ability to walk on the sidewalk. Explain the meaning of traffic lights on the road, traffic signals. To develop children's interest in cars, the work of a driver, and traffic rules.

1 Week

1.Looking at traffic lights in plot pictures

2. Didactic game “Magic lights”

3.Observation of the garbage collection machine

2 week

1. Conversations based on plot pictures.

2. Didactic game “Assemble the same car”

3. Poem “The rules of movement, all without exception, must be known by little animals...”;

3 week

1.Reading the book “Road Traffic”.

2.Verbal game “Imagine a car signal” 3.Recommendations for parents: “When boarding the bus, the child gets on first, and the adult gets off first”

4 week

1. Consideration of a truck and a passenger car.

2.C/role-playing game “We’re going by bus.”

3.Working with parents: screen folder “Attention: ice! »


Stop, car! Stop, motor! Brake quickly, Driver. Types of transport.

Give general idea about methods of movement of people and transport. Develop the ability not to violate traffic rules, to walk on the street only with parents and under their supervision

Give children an idea of ​​freight and passenger transport, consolidate knowledge of its components truck

1 Week

1. Educational lesson “Road Safety”. 2. Productive activity (design) “Construction of a truck”

3. Conversation with parents “An example of compliance with traffic rules is one of the main factors in successfully developing children’s skills safe behavior on the street"

2 week

1. Examination of drawings depicting a bus and a truck.

2. Monitoring the movement of pedestrians on the sidewalk.

3. Conversation with children based on the plot pictures “I am a pedestrian”

3 week

1. D/game “What’s missing.” . 2. Game situation “Let’s teach a bunny to cross the road.” 3.Consultation for parents “Attention is the road.”.

4 week

1. Didactic game “Build a truck”

2.Coloring car silhouettes.

3. Poem “Merry tires rustling along the roads...”


Street. Passenger transport

Continue to introduce children to the rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge about pedestrian crossings. Introduce children to a variety of passenger transport. Mark characteristic features from freight transport. Through game images, to develop knowledge about the rules of conduct in public transport

1 Week

1. Outdoor game “Colored Cars”.

2.Reading of the poem “Driver” by B. Zakhoder.

3. Board and printed game “Collect a picture - transport”

2 week

1. Examination of illustrations about passenger transport.

2. Outdoor game “Birds and a car”

3. Didactic game “Lay out the traffic light”

3 week

1. Productive activity (construction) “Garage for cars.”

2. D. Bisset’s fairy tale “About the little bus who was afraid of the dark” 3. Individual conversations with parents about how to introduce children to traffic rules.

4 week

1.Work with parents consultation “The child learns the laws of the roads, following the example of family members and other adults”

2. Word game “Make a car signal”

3.C/role-playing game “Bus”


Road signs “Traffic light”, “Pedestrian crossing”.

Introduce children to the “Pedestrian crossing” road sign. Strengthen knowledge about regulating the movement of vehicles and pedestrians using traffic lights

1 Week

1. D/ game “Which light came on?”

2. Outdoor game “Train”. 3.Recommendations for parents younger preschoolers about traffic rules

2 week

1.Reading the poem by Y. Pishumov “Machines” 2.Productive activity (drawing) “Paint the traffic light”, “Draw a pedestrian crossing”

3 week

1. Poem by S. Ptitsin “Someone scattered sticks across the road...”

2. Work with parents: consolidate children’s ideas about freight and passenger transport, analyze it appearance Houses

4 week

1. Reading the poem by V. Kozhevnikov “Traffic Light”

2. Conversation based on illustrations “The ABCs of a little pedestrian.” 3. Story game"Crosswalk"


Traffic situations

Expand children's understanding of the world around them. Know the house where you live, your neighbors, friends. Reinforce the concepts: house, yard, street, traffic rules. To develop children’s ability to answer the teacher’s questions

1 Week

1. Educational lesson “Don’t get into trouble on the road.” 2. Situation: what traffic lights warn about

3. Poem by Yu. Simbirskaya “Like daddy has long legs...”

2 week

1. Conversation “Cargo and passenger car, bus".

2. Reading V. Berestov “About the car” A. Barto “Truck”.

3. Work with parents: Consultation “Safety in public transport”.

3 week

1. Word game “Imagine a car signal”

2.C/role-playing game “Visiting Trip”.

3. Examination of illustrations “Road situations”.

4 week

1. Game situation: “We are walking along the street.”

2. Examination of the car that brought food to the kindergarten

3. Poem “On the street of our car, car. Small cars, big cars..."


The street is full of surprises. Where should children play?

Targeted walk with parents to the roadway

Consolidate children's knowledge acquired throughout the year. Convince children of the need to respond to light and sound signals from cars

Strengthen the ability to walk on the sidewalk, not to go over the curb.

1 Week

1. Conversation “Pedestrians walk on the sidewalk.”

2.Reading familiar poems about traffic lights and transport. 3.Memo for parents “Lessons in children’s behavior on the street”

2 week

1. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic. 2. Productive activity (drawing) “Coloring silhouettes of cars.”

3. Outdoor game “Cars”

3 week

1.Game situation “A bear is driving down the street”

2.D/game “Where are the cars rushing?”

4 week

1. Playing out the nursery rhyme “Chicky, chicky, chickalochka...”

2. Productive activity (construction) “Constructing a road from sand” followed by playing out


Head of MDOU No. 40


L.E. Olkhovskaya



working with young children


No. 1. Conversation: “Transport on city streets”

Target: Teach children to classify vehicles by purpose (give basic concepts about the types of cars and their purpose).

No. 2. Conversation: “In the world of dangerous objects”

Target: Help children remember basic items that require careful handling. Help draw conclusions about the consequences (matches, iron, kettle, etc.)

No. 3. Conversation on the street layout: “Getting to know the street”

Target: Give children an idea of ​​the street (roadway, sidewalk). Provide basic knowledge about pedestrian behavior.

No. 4. A targeted walk along the village street.

Target: Clarify children's understanding of the roadway and sidewalk.


No. 1. Conversation: “Dangerous objects in everyday life”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about dangerous objects. (Telling riddles).

No. 2. Conversation: “Special rescue transport”

Target: Give children an idea of special types transport (ambulance, fire, police) and their purpose.

No. 3. Game: "City Street"

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge about the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

No. 4. Didactic game: “Finish the sentences”

Target : Expand children's knowledge about dangerous objects.

Where people are careless with fire, There will be a ball in the sky. There will always be an evil threat to us, dangerous to everyone... (fire).

One, two, three, four There’s a fire... (in the apartment)

Smoke suddenly rose in a column. Who didn’t turn off ... (iron).

A red glow ran, Who with the matches ... (played).


№1 .Conversation: “Traffic lights and traffic signals”

Target: Introduce children to the operation of a traffic light and its signals. Give basic concepts that an intersection is dangerous.

No. 2. “Red, Yellow, Green”

Target: Reinforce your knowledge of traffic lights.

No. 3. Conversation: “Household dangers”

Target: Expand children's knowledge about dangerous objects in the home.

No. 4. A series of conversations on the topic: “Dangerous contacts with strangers»

Target: Give children the idea that situations may arise that can be dangerous for children.

No. 5. Situation: “Mom’s friend”


No. 1. Situation: “Uncle in a car”

No. 2. Situation: “Home Alone”

No. 3. Situation: "I'm lost"

Reading the story by V. Volkov “I got lost”

No. 4. Conversation about family .Target: Find out whether children know their last name, the first and patronymic names of their parents, and their home address.


No. 1. Conversation: "Ambulance"

Target: Introduce children to telephone number 03. Teach how to call ambulance, giving your last name and home address.

No. 2. Conversation: “Balcony, open window and other household hazards”

Target: Expand children's understanding of objects that can serve as a source of danger in the house. Children should know that they cannot open the balcony and windows themselves.

No. 3. Situation: “If there is a fire in the apartment”

Target: Introduce children to the fire service, with telephone number 01. Teach how to behave during a fire or even a minor fire (a potholder caught fire in the kitchen...).

No. 4. Situation: “Contacts with strangers on the street”

Target: Explain that good looks can be deceiving. Discuss dangerous situations contact with strangers on the street.


No. 1. Conversation on posters: “Careful road”

Target: Continue to teach children the rules of behavior on the roads.

No. 2. Conversation: “Where do diseases come from?”

Target: Give children an idea of ​​germs, bacteria and viruses that cause disease in humans.

No. 3. Game: "Vehicles"

Target: Continue to teach children to classify types of transport.

No. 4. Entertainment: “Evening of mysteries”

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of life safety issues (dangerous objects).


No. 1. Conversation: “Be careful with the medicine”

Target: Teach children how to behave during illness and how to handle medications carefully.

No. 2. Problem situation: “If you are lost”

(Repeated from December No. 3).

No. 3. Game: "Red, Yellow, Green"

Target: Reinforce your knowledge of traffic lights.

No. 4. Conversation on the topic: “What to do if...”

Target: Offer children different situations:

- if a stranger rings the doorbell; - if a curtain in the kitchen catches fire, etc.


No. 1. A conversation about contact with animals.

Target: Give children knowledge that touching animals on the street is unsafe and why?

No. 2. Game: “We are on the city streets”

Target: Teach children to navigate traffic situations.

No. 3. Conversation. Problem situations: “Mom’s friend”, “Uncle in the car”

(Repetition of classes for November and December).

No. 4. A targeted walk through the streets of the village.

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of how to behave on the street.


No. 1. Game on the transport site: “Drivers and pedestrians”

Target: Reinforce the concepts of “roadway”, “sidewalk” and traffic lights.

No. 2. Conversation: “Edible and inedible mushrooms”

Target: Give children an idea that mushrooms are edible and inedible. That mushrooms are eaten only edible and boiled.

No. 3. Conversation: “Medicinal plants”

Target: Introduce children to medicinal plants. Provide basic knowledge of how to use them.

No. 4. Conversation: “Insects”

Target: Form ideas about various insects. To provide basic knowledge about the rules of behavior when encountering insects.

Summer period

Repetition of learned material

Deputy Head of Security________________M.V.Berlizov


This activity is aimed at achieving the goals of teaching children preschool age traffic rules and safe behavior on the roads and streets of the city.
Work on traffic regulations is carried out once a month, a total of 9 times a year, and is a component of direct educational activities under the section “Child and the world»
Diagnostics 2 times a year 1 - introductory (September); 2 - final (May)
The long-term plan is drawn up taking into account the requirements of the program, age characteristics, material and technical base of the preschool educational institution and inter-subject connections by sections:
1. creative activity- story drawing based on the impressions of the lessons conducted, modeling of road situations, consolidation of the material covered
2.fiction- use of poems, stories, riddles in classes
3.physical education- use of outdoor games, physical education, psycho-relaxation.
4.acquaintance with the surroundings- consideration of situations in the context of various natural manifestations. Location orientation. History of transport.
1. develop children’s mental activity
2. create a culture of behavior in traffic conditions
3. stimulate the development of the child’s psychophysiological qualities, ensuring his safety in road traffic
4. to form in children self-esteem, self-control and self-organization in the field of traffic
5. teach children to behave correctly and safely on the streets and roads of the city
6. foster a culture of behavior

Long-term work plan
on teaching children safe behavior on the roads
in the second junior group.

Subject: Diagnostics of children's level of knowledge of traffic rules
Program content: When completing tasks and answering questions, take into account the level of preparedness of children.
Equipment: Traffic light model, car models.
Preliminary work: Introducing children to the rules of the road, observing, looking at illustrations.
Vocabulary work: Traffic light, road signs, driver, passenger, truck, passenger car.
DOW component: Using demonstration material, Didactic game “Assemble a traffic light.”
Related forms of work: Modeling “Fun traffic light”.

Subject: Travel to the country of Traffic Lights.
Program content: Teach to distinguish colors and shapes of objects, consolidate children’s knowledge of the concepts of “circle” (round), “square” (square), “triangle” (triangular), “red”, “yellow”, “green”, “blue” Foster a culture of behavior , observation.
Equipment: Road signs based on a decorative magnet, colored circles.
Preliminary work: Game "Colored Tickets", observations
Vocabulary work: Traffic light, road signs, shape, round, square, triangular
DOW component: Didactic game “Shape and color”
Related forms of work: Drawing "Colored cars"

Subject:"My friend the traffic light"
Program content: To acquaint children with the layout of the surrounding territory, to develop the ability to navigate the layout, to expand lexicon on road vocabulary (pedestrian, sidewalk); consolidate children's knowledge of traffic lights.
Equipment: Layout of the adjacent territory, figures of pedestrians, silhouettes of houses, traffic lights.
Preliminary work: Conversation, questions, game techniques, artistic word(riddles, poems).
Vocabulary work: Traffic light, layout, sidewalk, pedestrian.
DOW component: Didactic game “Assemble a traffic light.”
Related forms of work: Application "Traffic light".

Subject:"Types of transport"
Program content: Strengthen children's knowledge about types of transport through artistic expression; develop children's ingenuity and intelligence; cultivate attention and patience when solving riddles.
Equipment: Car models, traffic lights, demonstration material.
Preliminary work:
Vocabulary work: Air transport, water transport, land transport.
DOW component: Didactic game “Assemble the same car.”
Related forms of work: Construction of "Car".

Subject:“Signals and movement. Moving in a given direction"
Program content: Teach children to develop coordination of movement and reaction to a signal; organizing and conducting targeted outdoor games; strengthening to distinguish the colors and shapes of objects and types of transport.
Equipment: A bunny toy, a diagram, drawings of types of transport (trucks, cars, horse-drawn passenger transport, tractors, motorcycles), a model of cars with missing spare parts, a model of a traffic light.
Preliminary work: Observing the type of transport, the roadway, the pedestrian path while walking; reading the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, guessing riddles by type of transport;
Vocabulary work: Bus, tractor, horse, motorcycle, car, forward, backward, stop.
DOW component: Didactic game “What’s missing?”
Related forms of work: Outdoor game "Sparrows and the cat."

Subject:“Turnip” is a fairy tale in a new way.
Program content: Teach children to understand the importance of cars and trucks, consolidate their understanding of machine parts, and cultivate a desire to come to the rescue in difficult times.
Equipment: Plane theater figures (grandfather, turnip, traffic light, car and truck), model, didactic games: “Which car is extra?”, “Assemble the truck.”
Preliminary work: Reading Russian folk tale"Turnip"
examination of illustrations of freight and passenger transport.
Vocabulary work: Turnip, car, car, truck, traffic light,
cabin, body
DOW component: Didactic game “Correct the artist’s mistake.”
Related forms of work: A dramatization of the fairy tale "Turnip".

Subject:"When we are passengers."
Program content: To promote children’s understanding of the concepts of “pedestrian” and “passenger”, and to gain an understanding of the rules of behavior in public transport.
Cultivate a polite attitude towards each other.
Introduce children to the basic rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge of traffic rules, and instill attentiveness in children (especially on the road)
Equipment: Layout, illustrations, traffic lights, car models.
Preliminary work: Watching traffic, reading fiction, didactic games.
Vocabulary work: Bus, trolleybus, tram, passenger, pedestrian
DOW component: Outdoor game "Tram".
Related forms of work: Application "Bus".

Subject:"Streets of our city"
Program content: Introduce children to the basic rules of behavior on the street, consolidate knowledge of traffic rules,
educate children to be attentive (especially on the road).
Equipment: Ball, road signs, car models with a magnetic element. Layout.
Preliminary work: Looking at illustrations, talking, reading fiction, didactic games.
Vocabulary work: Street, road, sidewalk, roadway.
DOW component: Didactic game “Which car is the odd one out?”
Related forms of work: Drawing "Our street".

Subject:"Magic Flower"
Diagnostics of the level of knowledge of traffic rules.
Program content: When completing tasks and answering questions, take into account the level of preparedness of children. To consolidate the knowledge and skills children have acquired over the course of the year regarding the rules of safe behavior on the road.
Equipment: Traffic lights, road signs, layout, car models.
Preliminary work: Didactic games, conversation.
DOW component: Didactic games, demonstration material.

Tatiana Pyanzina
Forward planning according to traffic rules in the second junior group

Traffic regulations project

MBDOU Kindergarten k/.v "Bell"

Long-term planning according to traffic rules

at 2 younger group

Educator: Pyanzina T. A.

Target: Formation in children junior preschool age skills of safe behavior through familiarization with traffic rules.


Introduce children junior preschool age with road safety rules;

With a traffic light and its purpose;

Learn to understand the meaning of traffic light signals;

Develop basic skills for safe behavior on the road.


1. Target walk "Getting to Know the Street" Give an idea of ​​the street, road, sidewalk, cars, basic rules of behavior on the street. Territory kindergarten

2. Conversation “Where are we hanging out?” Give children the idea that cars drive on the pavement, and people only walk on the sidewalk. Illustration "Street"

3. Cognitive development.

"Wide Path" Teach children to build a wide path (red, placing bricks next to each other with a long narrow edge, teach play actions (a trip to the bunny for carrots) Construction material

4. Looking at illustrations

"Getting to know the car".

Give the concept that all cars are transport, that transport can be different. develop children's knowledge about various parts cars/cabin, wheel, steering wheel Car-toy, illustrations "Cars".

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Finger game “Who has arrived?” Develop fine motor skills fingers, speech. Card index of finger games.

2. P. game "Sparrows and the car" Learn to jump on two legs, maintain balance, run in one direction without bumping into each other. Toy steering wheel, masks "Sparrow".

3. Observation of passenger and freight transport. Reinforce the concept that in addition to passenger transport there is also a freight transport, characterize the main parts and purpose of each of them.

4. Role-playing game "Drivers" Introduce children to the actions of transport drivers. Traffic light model, oilcloth "zebra", toys cars.

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Listening to a song "Jolly Travelers"(M. Starokadomsky, Develop auditory perception, promote a positive emotional mood.

audio recording

2. Cognitive development

"Truck" Develop speech activity, attention, memory, fine motor skills. Cultivate a caring attitude towards toys. Learn

carry out the construction consistently, controlling your actions, placing the parts evenly, and teaching how to play with the buildings. Abstract, illustrations "Truck", toys.

3. Speech development

Reading by A. Barto


Didactic game

"Let's show the bear how

you need to carefully roll the dolls in the car” Develop attention. Introduce children to transport. Teach attention -

It is advisable to listen to the teacher while reading the poem. Learn to finish words and phrases. Practice naming

transport. Improve speech hearing. Abstract, illustrations for the poem by A. Barto "Truck", toy - bear, car.

4. Artistic and aesthetic development

"On a level path..." Learn to use paints. Learn to draw straight lines. Help the bear drive a truck correctly. Abstract, material: A-4 sheets with a picture of a typewriter, black gouache, brush, sippy cup with water, napkin. Teddy bear toy.

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Conversation "Introduction to traffic lights" Give children an idea of ​​the purpose of a traffic light and its signals. Layout of a traffic light.

2. Didactic game "Traffic light" To consolidate children’s understanding of the purpose of a traffic light and its signals;

Strengthen children's understanding of color (red, yellow, green).

Material: colored cardboard circles (yellow, green, red);

traffic light layout.

3. Board game

"Assemble the car"

Strengthen children's understanding of types of transport;

Strengthen children's understanding of the main parts of cars and trucks (body, cabin, steering wheel, wheels) .

Material: color cut-out pictures of types of transport.

4. Conversation "Street and Road"

Form ideas about the street and its main parts; introduce traffic lights and their meaning Illustrations "Street and Road"

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

"The truck is carrying a Christmas tree" Develop fine motor skills and speech activity. Cultivate interest in construction, expand children's ideas about winter. Learn how to build consistently. Abstract, illustrations "The truck is carrying a Christmas tree"

2. Dramatization of the story

I. Pavlova "By car"

words: car, wheels, let's go. Lead children to understand the main meaning story: You can’t leave friends in trouble.

Book by I. Pavlova "By car", toys Steering wheel.

3. Didactic game "What is this?" Strengthen children's knowledge about transport. Cards "Transport"

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

“Introducing children to traffic lights”. Introduce children to traffic lights and their effect in regulating traffic. Reinforce with children the knowledge of traffic light colors - red, yellow, green. Teach children to behave safely on the street. Model of a street with a pedestrian crossing and a model of a traffic light, a children's toy stroller, cars.

Lesson notes.

2. Theatrical play

"I'm going, I'm going in a car".

Develop children's ideas about means of transportation, intensify their use in speech words: "car", "wheels", "steering wheel". Card index of theatrical games, chairs, toy steering wheel.

3. Artistic and aesthetic development.

Application "Truck".

Consolidating knowledge about machine parts, developing fine motor skills.

Abstract, landscape sheet A-4, finished machine parts, glue, brush, napkin, oilcloth

4. Role-playing game

"Trip to the Store". Strengthen knowledge about the road, street, cars. Toy cars, traffic lights, zebra crossings.

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Did. a game "Red, yellow green". Teach children to establish connections between objects and phenomena and act on signals. Material:circles (red, yellow, green)

2. Reading a poem by E. Motsikovskaya "Train".

Continue to introduce transport. Learn to choose toys related to transport. Book by E. Motsikovsky "Train", illustrations for the poem.

3. Role-playing game “We’re going to visit grandma in the village”. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in transport.

Chairs, toy steering wheel, bi-ba-bo doll "Grandmother"

4. Looking at illustrations "Meet the Bus".

Learn to distinguish and name parts of the bus / driver’s cabin, passenger compartment, wheels, steering wheel Illustrations

"Meet the Bus".

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Cognitive development

"Road signs"

To develop knowledge about the road, road signs and their purpose


Material:TV with a connector for a flash card, images of road signs, toy cars, Dunno toy, traffic light model, colored mugs cardboard: red, yellow and green, magnetic board, magic box, song "Traffic light" Music and words by A. Orlov

2. "Types of transport". (fixing). Consideration illustrations: bus, truck, passenger car.

Strengthen children's ability to recognize and distinguish different types of transport Cards "transport"

Reading a poem by V. Golovko "Traffic Rules" Explain through reading a poem how important it is to know traffic rules Book by V. Golovko "Traffic Rules"

puppet show

"An Incident in the Woods" Clarify the idea that you cannot play on the roadway;

To consolidate knowledge about the meaning of traffic lights;

Evoke an emotional response to the story. Active faces:

The narrator, the cat, the fox, the cockerel, the bear are adults.

Decoration: forest clearing, tower, road. Traffic light.

No. Topic Purpose Methodological support

1. Drawing on asphalt "Traffic light" Strengthen your drawing skills geometric figures and the meaning of traffic light colors. Colored crayons

2. Excursion to the intersection and observation of traffic. To consolidate children's knowledge about transport, practice crossing the street through "zebra". Excursion summary

3. Entertainment:

"Red, yellow, green" To consolidate children's knowledge about the purpose of a traffic light, to introduce it into the children's current dictionary words: transport, "zebra", pedestrians. Abstract "Red, yellow, green".

Working with parents to prevent traffic accidents

Topic Goal Time frame

Consultation “Rules of conduct for adults and children on the roads”.

To create in parents the need to intensify their activities in studying traffic rules with their children; expand and clarify knowledge on organizing the safety of children along the route from home to preschool educational institutions and back; develop responsibility, cultivate attention, curiosity. September

"Dead Zones" on the roads and "White spots" in education." Introduce parents to the concept "dead zone" and rules of conduct in this situation. October

Exhibition of creativity "Green Light Relay".

Involve parents in joint creative activity Houses; activate the creativity of children and parents November

Sliding folder “Only together can we achieve results! Parents! Remember!

To increase parents' level of knowledge in the field of traffic rules, to show that their behavior on the road serves as an example for children.

Conversation “Me and my child on the city streets”. To increase the level of parents’ knowledge of traffic rules, identify disadvantages, and give appropriate recommendations. January

Information stand on traffic rules on the topic "Take care of young passengers". Show parents the need to purchase a child car seat for the safe transportation of children February

Traffic regulations reminder “Teach the children!”.

Increase parents' knowledge of child safety on the road.

Recommendations: “A reflective vest will increase your safety by 40 times!”. Show parents the need to purchase a reflective element for the safety of their child on the road. Show parents the need to purchase a reflective element for the safety of their child on the road. April

Information stand on traffic rules “If you get on a bike, follow the rules!”. Introduce parents to the rules for choosing a bicycle for a child; show the need to comply with traffic rules. May

Long-term plan
working with children on traffic rules
in the second junior group.
Compiled by: Bubnova V.V.
MBDOU TsRR-kindergarten No. 6 village Staroshcherbinovskaya
Month Main educational activities Didactic, plot-role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
September Topic: “Truck”.
Purpose: to introduce children to transport. means: truck; give an idea of ​​its components (body, cabin, wheels, windows, steering wheel). Form an idea of ​​the driver’s work. Develop speech. Foster respect for the driver’s work.

1. D/i “A truck carries cargo to a construction site.”
Purpose: to reinforce the idea that trucks transport goods.
2. D/i “Show me what I’ll name.” Goal: to consolidate knowledge of the parts of a truck.

2. P/i “We are trucks.” Goal: teach children to “drive” cars without colliding with each other.
3. P/i “Let’s help Bunny transport the harvest.” Goal: ability to work together. 1. Reading and learning the poem by A. Barto “Truck”
Goal: develop memory, develop interest in fiction.
2. Learning the rhyme “Stop, car, stop, motor!”
3. Reading the poem by Ya. Pishumov “My car.”
1. Examination of the truck (body, cabin, wheels, windows, steering wheel).
2. Observations of a truck while walking.
3. Constructive play"Let's build a garage"
Goal: to introduce children to the concept of “garage”, to teach how to build a garage from cubes.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
October Theme: Getting to know the street
Purpose: to introduce the concepts of “road”, “street”; clarify knowledge about where cars drive and where people walk.
Literature: Garnysheva T.P. How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, educational games.

2. D/i “Where are we walking?” Goal: to bring children to understand that they can only walk in certain places.
1. Physical exercise “Travel”.

3. P/i “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.
Reading works of fiction:
1. V. Suteeva “Different wheels”.
2. I. Ishchuk “Fast Train”.
3. S. Marshak “Ball”
1. Guessing riddles according to traffic rules.
2. Examination of illustrations and street layout.
3. Conversation “How to cross the road.”

November Topic: “Traffic light”.
Purpose: to give an idea of ​​​​traffic lights, teach to understand the meaning of red, yellow, green traffic lights;
develop speech, interest in traffic rules; to cultivate attention and culture of behavior of children on the roads.
Literature: T. I. Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching preschool children traffic rules.”
1. Story-role-playing game “Let’s take Katya to kindergarten.”
2. D / and “Red and Green”. Goal: to establish that the traffic light has three signals.
3. D / and “Assemble a traffic light”
1. P/i “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.

3. P/i “Traffic Light”. Goal: ability to accurately execute commands.
1. Reading the work of S. Marshak “If the color turns red...”.
2. Memorizing a poem about a traffic light.
1. Conversation “Dangerous Road”. Purpose: to remind you that you can only cross the road with adults when the traffic light is green, at a pedestrian crossing.
2. Communication situation “My friend is a traffic light.”
3. Making riddles about traffic lights.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
December Topic: “How transport helps people.”
Goal: to introduce children to specialized transport (fire, ambulance, police, etc.); to form in children an idea of ​​how machines help people.

1. "The fourth wheel." Goal: development of attention, thinking, speech of children.
2. The plot-role-playing game “Drivers”. Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.
1. Physical exercise “Machines”.
2. P/i “Colored cars”. Goal: to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, and reinforce traffic rules.
1. Reading the work of V. I. Miryasova “Passenger car”, “Truck”.
2. Reading an excerpt from S. Volkov’s work “About the Rules of Traffic.” 1. Making riddles about transport.
2. We observe the traffic from the kindergarten site.
3. Constructive game "Garage". Goal: to develop the desire to construct buildings according to one’s own design, to learn how to play with buildings.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
January Topic: “Driver’s work.”
Goal: to introduce children to the profession of a driver, to show its social significance. To consolidate knowledge about freight, passenger, and passenger transport. Develop fine motor skills of the hands. Cultivate attention and respect for adults.
Literature: T. I. Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching preschool children traffic rules.”
1. Thematic and didactic game “Chauffeur”. Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.
2. D / and “Show me the transport that I will show.” Goal: consolidate knowledge different types transport.
3. Game – imitation “I am a driver”. 1. P/i “Drivers”.
Goal: development of attention, speech of children, motor activity.
2. P/i “Bus driver”.
Goal: to consolidate the concepts of “forward” and “backward”, to teach how to act on a signal from the teacher.
3. Physical exercise “Machines”
1. Memorizing the poem by A. Barto “Truck”.
2. Reading E. Pavlov’s “Ambulance.”
3. Reading N. Dedyaev “Fast cars”. 1. Situational conversation “The driver brought vegetables to the kindergarten.”
2. Constructive game “Bus”.
3. Making riddles about transport.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
February Topic: “What is transport.”
Goal: to activate the vocabulary of “pedestrian”, “driver”, “passenger”; consolidate types of transport (passenger cars, trucks), instill safe behavior on the road.
Literature: Traffic rules. Junior and middle groups./L. B. Poddubnaya.
1. The plot-role-playing game “Trip to the city.”
2. D/i "Transport". Goal: development of memory, attention, thinking, speech.
1. P/i “Truck”. Goal: fostering team spirit, developing speed, motor activity, and the desire to win.
2. P/i “Colored cars”. Goal: to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, and reinforce traffic rules. 1. Reading G. Georgiev “Traffic Light”.
2. Learning counting rhymes:
“Where have you been so far?
The traffic light was delayed.
Red - clear
The path is dangerous.
Yellow - the same
As is red
And the green one is ahead -
Don’t delay, go!”
1. Monitoring the road and transport from the kindergarten site. Goal: we continue to talk about road safety in the winter season.
2. Situational conversation “Safety at the site.”
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
March Topic: “Three signals.”
Goal: we continue to introduce children to the purpose of traffic lights; learn to be a diligent pedestrian; cultivate a desire to comply with traffic rules.
Literature: Avdeeva N. N. Safety on the streets / N. N. Avdeeva. – M.: LLC Publishing House AST – LTD, 1997.
1. D/i “Assemble a traffic light.” Goal: to consolidate the skills of organized behavior on the street.
2. D/i “Light the flame.” Goal: ability to distinguish the colors of a traffic light and name them.
1. P/i “The most attentive”
Goal: to consolidate the ability to act depending on a traffic light signal.
2. P/i “Traffic Light”. Goal: ability to accurately execute commands.
3. P/i “Colored cars”. Goal: to train children in the ability to respond to color, develop attention, and reinforce traffic rules. 1. Learning an excerpt from S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Traffic Light”
Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge of traffic lights, to develop children’s memory.
2. Reading poems by N. Sorokin “Crossroads”. 1. Conversation “What is a traffic light for?” Purpose: we continue to talk about the purpose of the traffic light and its three colors.
2. Drawing “Traffic light”. Goal: to lead children to the image of round objects.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
April Topic: “Travel by transport.”
Goal: to systematize children’s knowledge that you can travel by plane, train, car, ship. Formation of children's safe behavior skills on the road.
Literature: Traffic rules. Junior and middle groups./L. B. Poddubnaya.
1. The plot-role-playing game “Bus”. Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.

2. D/i “Find and show.” Goal: development of attention and memory. 1. P/n “We are machines”

2. Physical exercise “Cars on the streets.”
1. Reading E. Kuzmin “My cars”
2. Reading V. Lyaskovsky “If you are brought up” 1. Observing cars on the road. Purpose: to remind that a car is a danger. Rules for crossing the road.
3. Modeling “Machine”. Goal: continue to teach children to sculpt objects consisting of several parts from plasticine.
Main educational activities Didactic, role-playing games Outdoor games, physical exercises Reading fiction Additional activities
May Topic: “Our street.”
Purpose: to clarify ideas about the sidewalk, street, road, cars, trucks, and passenger transport. Develop children's attention, thinking, speech
Literature: T. I. Danilova “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching preschool children traffic rules.”
1. Thematic role-playing game “Transport”. Goal: to develop the ability to interact in stories with two characters.
2. Thematic role-playing game “We are pedestrians.”
1. P/n “We are machines”
Goal: to teach children to imitate the movement and hum of a motor, to “drive” along the road without going onto the sidewalk.
2. P/i “Sparrows and the cat.” Goal: to develop the ability to perform simple movements.
1. A. Barto “Truck”.
2. E. Kuzmin “My cars.”
3. V. Lyaskovsky “If you are brought up.” 1. Making riddles about traffic rules. Goal: development of thinking.
2. Situational conversation “What I saw on the street.” Goal: continue to introduce people to your immediate environment.
1. Avdeeva N. N. Safety on the streets / N. N. Avdeeva. – M.: LLC Publishing House AST – LTD, 1997.
2. Garnysheva T. P. How to teach children traffic rules? Lesson planning, notes, crosswords, educational games. - St. Petersburg: OOO Publishing House “Childhood - Press”, 2011.
3. Danilova T. I. “Traffic Light Program”. Teaching preschool children traffic rules". – St. Petersburg: OOO Publishing House “Childhood – Press”, 2011.
4. Koldina D.: Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Class notes
5. Traffic rules. Junior and middle groups./L. B. Poddubnaya. – Volgograd: ITD “Corypheus”.
6. Traffic rules for preschool children / Comp. N. A. Izvekova, A. F. Medvedeva, L. B. Polyakova, A. N. Fedotova.; Ed. E. A. Romanova, A. B. Malyushkina. – M.: TC Sfera, 2006.



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