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Pilates: if you want to be healthy, flexible and beautiful. Pilates exercises for beginners at home

Pilates is not only a great way to tighten your body, but also an opportunity to improve your posture, strengthen your muscle corset, gently and effortlessly get yourself into shape. The system of exercises created by Joseph Pilates affects deep stabilizer muscles, which are almost never worked out in classical and strength aerobics classes.

You can do Pilates even at home, the main thing is to choose one for yourself suitable video program. We offer you the top 10 home videos on Pilates, among which you can find a suitable workout for yourself. By following the links you can familiarize yourself with detailed description programs and reviews on them (links will open in a new window).

Pilates at home

1. Janet Jenkins (Hollywood Trainer) – Pilates

Janet Jenkins is one of the most popular trainers in the world for her quality video programs. Her version of Pilates at home will help you strengthen your abdominal and back muscles, improve posture and coordination, and increase flexibility and joint mobility. Pilates from a Hollywood trainer will tone your body without shock load. To achieve tangible results, Janet advises exercising regularly, at least five times a week. But even if you add a Pilates workout 1-2 times a week, you will notice results after just a few sessions.

  • Pilates (The Hollywood Trainer): 47 minutes

2. Series “Beauty and Health” – Pilates School (in Russian)

If you are looking classic version Pilates, then try the program from the Czech authors of the “Beauty and Health” series. The hour-long Pilates School program will help you strengthen the muscle corset and correct posture- such exercises promote rapid recovery from back injuries. The class takes place at a leisurely, pleasant pace; to perform the exercises, you only need a towel. It is important to note that this video of Pilates at home has been translated into Russian.

  • Pilates School: 57 minutes

3. Autumn Calabres – Pilates from 21 Day Fix

Almost no selection on our website is complete without training from Autumn Calabres, which is not surprising - it offers the widest variety of classes for every taste. She also has high-quality Pilates training at home in her arsenal. Autumn offers fitness version of Pilates, which will help you get in shape and tone the muscles of the whole body. The workouts are completely performed on the mat, you will consistently work on all problem areas: legs, buttocks, arms, back and stomach. For Pilates Fix you don't need any additional equipment.

  • Pilates Fix: 33 minutes

4. Katie Smith - Pilates for weight loss (in Russian)

Another version of Pilates for weight loss is offered by Katie Smith. The Fat Burning Pilates program includes two half-hour workouts: one for the upper body and one for the lower body. Such classes are perfect for those who are recovering from injuries and cannot put a lot of stress on their legs, joints, and blood vessels. The training takes place on a mat, you will focused on the quality of exercise performance, not on speed and quantity. In addition, the video of Pilates at home with Katie Smith is translated into Russian, which is an additional plus.

  • Fat Burning Pilates (Upper Body): 30 minutes
  • Fat Burning Pilates (Lower Body): 35 minutes

5. Michel Dozois – Pilates for dummies (in Russian)

Michelle Dozois offers Pilates for beginners or “for dummies”, so the program is suitable even for those who I have never done this type of fitness before. Michelle included basic Pilates exercises in the program to tone the body and strengthen the muscle corset. The complex includes 2 workouts: for a beginner level and for an advanced level, but you can do both classes together. Michelle very carefully explains the technique of performing the exercises (and the videos, by the way, are translated into Russian), so you will have a high-quality and useful Pilates training.

  • Pilates for Dummies: 35 + 25 minutes

6. Suzanne Bowen – Pilates Perfect Body

You will definitely enjoy Pilates at home from Suzanne Bowen, because her program is part of the 10 Minute Solution series. And this means that they are waiting for you short 10 minute workouts which you can perform separately or combine into one hour-long program. Pilates Perfect Body is divided into 5 videos according to problem areas: stomach and back, legs and buttocks, arms and shoulders, whole body, stretching. Choose only the segments that interest you or study the whole complex.

  • Pilates Perfect Body: 52 minutes (5 workouts x 10 minutes)

7. Denise Austin – Shrink Your Fat Zones Pilates

Denise Austin offers an alternative version of Pilates for beginners at home. Denise has been producing video courses with a wide variety of programs for many years, so you can be sure that her classes are effective. Her Shrink Your Fat Zones program is great for weight loss and formation of an elastic body, although the program is far from classical Pilates. The complex included 3 energetic workouts of 15 minutes each: for the upper body, for the abdomen and back, for the hips and buttocks. You will need a towel and a pair of light dumbbells.

  • Shrink Your Fat Zones Pilates: 45 minutes (3 x 15 minute workouts)

8. Leslie Sansone – You Can Do! Pilates

For beginners in Pilates, we recommend trying a very gentle program from Leslie Sanson. Gentle teaching and simplified approach to exercises makes this video accessible to everyone. The workout lasts 45 minutes, for the last ten minutes you will additionally need an elastic band. If you already have even a little experience in fitness, the program will seem simple to you. But you can recommend this lesson with Leslie Sansone to those who are looking for an easy workout for the beginner level. By the way, the You Can Do complex also includes abdominal training and yoga, which will certainly appeal to those who practice it.

  • You Can Do! Pilates: 45 minutes

9. Tony Horton – Pilates X from P90X3

But if you want to get really serious workload, try advanced Pilates from Tony Horton. You do not need additional equipment; all exercises are performed on a mat with your own body weight. The program is progressive, so you will feel an increasingly stronger load with each subsequent minute of training. Here is a review about Pilates X left by one of our subscribers:

Pilates at home from Tony Horton promises to be intense and very effective.

  • Pilates X: 32 minutes

10. Amy BodyFit – Mat Pilates

Surely you haven’t tried workouts from Amy, who runs her BodyFit YouTube channel? Then you can start getting acquainted with a half-hour video of Mat Pilates, which takes place entirely on the floor. Amy uses traditional Pilates exercises, supplemented with some strength training exercises. The main goal of the classes is strengthen the muscle corset, but you'll also tone your upper and lower body. You will not need additional sports equipment for this activity.

  • Mat Pilates Core Workout: 30 minutes

Pilates will be a great addition to your classes, and maybe even become your main training program. You will be able to qualitatively improve your figure and tone your muscles without shocking intense load. Large selection of Pilates videos for home use allows you to count on the fact that everyone will find a suitable workout for themselves.

It's never too late to take care of your figure! However, there is always not enough time and desire. An excellent way out of this situation is Pilates exercises, which give results within a short time regular training. It is suitable even for those who have very little free time. The main thing is not to be lazy, and you are guaranteed a great figure!

Today, Pilates is becoming more and more popular not only in Europe and America, but also in Russia. This system of exercises can be called a worthy competitor to yoga, gradually moving it to the background. After all, everything new always arouses great interest among people, especially in our country.

A little about the creator of Pilates

It is worth introducing a short excursion into history and saying that the creator of Pilates exercises is Joseph Pilates, who was born in Germany at the end of the 19th century. He opened his first school in New York, creating absolutely the new kind workouts called the Pilates method.

His main goal was to develop a special set of exercises that would promote the recovery and speedy recovery of soldiers who participated in the First World War. Thanks to these exercises, your posture straightens, all muscles become flexible and elastic, and, as a result, the likelihood of injury decreases. The main principle is smooth and calm breathing, complete concentration and control over your movements.

It should be noted that many people to this day use the Pilates method, which has proven its significance and necessity even in medicine, not in words, but in deeds. After all, modern doctors successfully use a system of exercises invented in the last century to restore patients after receiving various types of injuries.

Who are these exercises for?

The Pilates Method is suitable for everyone, without exception, who wants to be “friends” with their body and make maximum use of the body’s resources, as well as move beautifully and gracefully.

In our time, unfortunately, the movement as such has almost completely disappeared from people’s lives, practically reduced to zero. What can I say: we are in a hurry to go to work - we sit in the car, we relax at home - we sit in front of the TV, we are at the workplace - we sit at the computer. And this is wrong, because, according to scientists, a person should spend no more than five hours a day in a sitting position. How far from ideal are modern inhabitants of frantic megacities!

Before doing Pilates, just like before doing yoga, you need to full concentration on the muscle group that you are going to develop.

In addition, classes require correct diaphragmatic breathing (i.e., with the stomach) and a serious approach to business, aimed at a positive result.

Features of exercises before others

Home distinctive feature Pilates exercises from others lies in its complete safety for absolutely all people, regardless of age and physical fitness.

It can be done even by pregnant women, which is strongly recommended by many obstetricians and gynecologists.

And two more important advantages of these classes:

  • saving time. Pilates can be done at home and you don’t have to waste time at fitness clubs.
  • saving money. If you decide to work out your figure at home, then the most ordinary clothes will do, and you don’t need to buy a subscription.

However, you shouldn't relax. Training will need to be done regularly. What is important here is not the quantity, but the quality of the exercises performed.

There are three types of exercises:

  • on the floor
  • on the floor using special equipment
  • on simulators.

Pilates for beginners

Let's consider each of them separately. Let's start with floor exercises, since machines are most likely suitable for more experienced athletes. All you need is a small soft mat and a bottle drinking water and good mood.

  1. Lying on your back, bend your legs at the knees, place your feet parallel to each other, extend your arms along your body. Now, as if twisting your tailbone, slowly rise up vertebra by vertebra, building a straight line from shoulder to knee. Then just as slowly lower to the starting position. During the exercise it is necessary Be sure to monitor your breathing: take a deep breath and, as you exhale, lift your body. At the top, inhale again and, as you exhale, return to the starting position. It is recommended to repeat 10 times.
  2. Initial position remains unchanged. Raise one leg up, bending it at the knee, pressing your lower back. As you exhale in the air, change legs. The goal of the exercise is to keep your back pressed using your abdominal muscles. When replacing legs, you need to touch the floor with your toes. Perform 20 repetitions on each leg.
  3. Lying on your stomach, stretch your legs, place your arms bent at the elbows so that your palms are slightly higher than your shoulders. Inhale at the bottom and as you exhale, pushing your palms off the floor, lift your upper body. Then, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position. You don't need to go too high to avoid straining your lower back. The lower ribs should remain on the floor. The task is to try to stretch and lengthen as much as possible. Repeat 10 times. At the end, rise up and relax your lower back, taking the “cat” pose.

Video exercises for beginners

These exercises can be called basic, with which it is recommended to start Pilates classes. This is the most the best option for home workouts. The biggest beauty of this is that after just a few days you will be amazed at the lightness in your body and your toned figure.

Pilates exercises for weight loss

With the help of equipment, you can add variety to your classes and focus on Special attention problem areas(buttocks, thighs, abs, arm and chest muscles). Everyone chooses for themselves what they need most. This could be an isotonic ring, a balance board, rollers, an arch (spine corrector), balls, spinning discs, or even a portable Pilates studio.

Weight loss result

Since the purpose of these exercises is to keep the body in good shape, as well as strengthen muscles and joints, with its help you can also lose extra pounds. Of course, you shouldn’t expect immediate results.

After all, each is a kind of work for the body. Unlike other sports, Pilates is not aimed at the rate of fat burning, but at acceleration of the metabolic process by strengthening muscle tissue.

Examples of exercises for weight loss may include the following:

  1. Lie on the mat, tense your abs, place your arms along your body, palms down. Then slowly lift your shoulder blades off the floor and twist forward. Fix the position for 3-4 seconds and return to the original position. Repeat 5 times.
  2. Lying on your side and pulling your abs in, raise your leg and make circular movements with it, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. One minute each way. Switch legs and repeat.
  3. Lie on your stomach and pull your abs towards your spine. Lift your arms and legs off the floor, pull in your stomach and perform short movements for a minute, as if hitting water. Repeat 2-3 times.

I would like to talk about how to make the exercises as simple and effective as possible.

  1. A lot depends on your workout clothes. Dress so that your movements are free and there is no pressure or constriction.
  2. Since the muscles of the foot are involved in the work, it is advisable to practice in socks or barefoot.
  3. Exercise only when you feel well. Although skipping workouts is not advisable, if you are sick, it is better to postpone the lesson.
  4. It is not necessary to exercise in the morning, but not earlier than an hour after eating.

How to eat after training so as not to spoil the result

A set of exercises for weight loss should be combined with proper diet. It has long been known that nutrition and physical development are closely interconnected with each other. After all, our body receives the necessary substances and energy from food, which it then spends in the process of life.

It is important to correctly combine the amount of food consumed with your energy expenditure. There are no special secrets for making Pilates classes beneficial.

The main thing is that you don’t need to load your stomach before bed, eat less chemicals - more natural ones, give preference to dairy products, treat yourself to fruits and drink at least 2.5 sheets clean water in a day.

In conclusion, I would like to say that you can do Pilates even with a chic figure, a wasp waist, an elastic butt, toned belly and seductive hips.

The important thing is that the classes give you a feeling of complete unity with your body, because all exercises are performed slowly and therefore meaningfully.

Pilates not only improves the physical but also the emotional state of a person who, in the modern hectic pace of life, has found a few free minutes to enjoy and feel himself internally.

The beauty of Pilates is that there are no prohibitions or restrictions. The only thing you need to remember is that classes do not require haste and carelessness.

Attention, TODAY only!

Pilates is a new direction that combines elements of yoga, gymnastics and fitness. The founder of the technique is a physical therapist from Germany, Joseph Pilates. The exercises of the complex help strengthen the muscles of the body and develop flexibility of the spine.

This technique is popular all over the world. The set of exercises includes easy actions that you can perform independently at home, regardless of your level of physical fitness. Pilates has general strengthening properties; daily training will make a person hardy, flexible and flexible.

Pilates for beginners at home is a universal system of exercises. It differs from regular training in the following ways:

Exercises for beginners at home:

Stretching legs one at a time

Pilates at home for beginners is very easy to perform, the following exercises are aimed at improvement of gluteal muscles and large back muscles:

Pilates exercises have the following positive influences on the body:

This sports training has negative sides. For example, when creating an exercise program, it is necessary to take into account the person's previous injuries. When performing exercises, the load must be increased gradually, otherwise it may stretch marks appear or large tears in muscle fibers. Before performing the exercise, you must warm up. This is especially true for beginners.

And if it is not entirely clear how the exercise is done, then it is better to watch a video lesson of the fitness program. Pilates as an exercise is suitable for any people, even those unprepared for sports. Pilates is effective only when a person consciously performs the exercises and knows what is happening to the body. In order for the exercises to have the maximum effect, you must strictly follow the recommendations for performing the workout.

Indications and contraindications

The main purpose of Pilates- this is recovery after an illness or injury to the muscular frame. By following the technique, you can prevent initial osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. This sports exercise Perfect for the first stages of scoliosis development, but training should take place under the supervision of a trainer or doctor.

Experts will select exercises to maintain the muscle corset without unnecessary stress on the spine. These recommendations apply to people with a herniated disc. Technology can ease the suffering of people who suffer from migraines. Exercise helps relieve pain and prevent attacks of illness. This sport is suitable for children and teenagers.

Exercises are especially recommended for people leading a sedentary lifestyle and schoolchildren during the period of hormonal changes in the body. The complex will help prevent muscle pain, fatigue and mood swings. The system is also perfect for overweight people who have poorly developed muscles and constant shortness of breath. Pilates can gradually burn subcutaneous fat without harm to your well-being.

Main contraindications:

Before training, it is imperative to conduct a full medical examination.

Class Rules

Experienced experts advise start with the simplest exercises that have a low load on the muscles. For classes you will need a mat. Clothes should be loose and not restrict movement; for better concentration, you can turn on relaxing music. When performing exercises, you must follow the following rules:

Good day, my dear readers. Did you know universal system exercise that helps modern stars lose weight? Yes, there is such a system - Pilates. It shows Rachel Weisz and Charlize Theron keeping fit. And thanks to these workouts, Jennifer Lopez regained her shape after giving birth. Let's figure out why Pilates is so good for weight loss, video lessons will be below.

If you look at Wikipedia, you will find out that Pilates was originally developed for the military. Or rather, for the rehabilitation of wounded soldiers. The author of the wonderful technique is Joseph Pilates.

The uniqueness of the method is that it allows you to use deep muscles, forming a strong frame

All types of exercises contain stretching elements. But it increases elasticity and muscle tone. Well, and most importantly, Pilates is not traumatic. Even pregnant women can practice it, although it has some contraindications. Also, the exercises go in conjunction with proper breathing. As a result, blood flow improves and metabolism accelerates. Contraindications include osteoporosis and high pain syndrome.

Thanks to Pilates, you can burn 200-250 kcal in an hour. Don't let it upset you that it's so little. But proper breathing and physical activity speed up metabolism. Posture is straightened, back muscles are strengthened, blood flow is increased and joints are strengthened. This allows you to correct your figure, losing weight in all places at the same time.

Regular exercise affects your appetite – it decreases. Since superficial and deep muscles are worked, the body constantly needs energy for them. Therefore, in the future you will lose calories after training.

Basic principles of the program

If you carefully study the complex, you can identify a number of principles. Otherwise, without them it won’t be Pilates. So, what fundamentals does this program include:

Breath. A connecting link for the rest of the foundations included in the complex. Working out the respiratory muscles is very important, because without the work of these muscles we cannot live even a minute. Only in conjunction with proper breathing does the program have an effect.

Concentration. It is very important to learn concentration during training to work through an exercise. Only after achieving the most correct execution can you expect some results.

Finding the center of gravity of the body. Since everyone has a different body type, the center will also be located differently. When you find your center, the load will be evenly distributed across all muscles.

Movement control. Allows you to accurately perform exercises, improves motor skills and muscle elasticity.

Accuracy of exercises. The main difference between Pilates and other systems is that movements must be performed strictly according to instructions. We can say that exactly lies the key to mastering the complex.

Smoothness of movement. This is very important point. You need to achieve a smooth “flow” of one exercise into another. Sharp transitions and even more so stops are prohibited. The smoothness of movements depends on the ability to use different muscles at the right moment.

Video tutorials for beginners at home

Now check out our selection of video lessons. I tried to pick up all the lessons in Russian. The complexes are different, there are ones for the whole body, there are exercises for individual parts. There are complexes that will take no more than 5 minutes of your time. The frequency of training is individual, it depends primarily on physical fitness.

For beginners, 2-3 lessons per week lasting from 20 to 60 minutes are enough. As you gain experience, the time can be increased to 1.5 hours. And the number of workouts is up to 4-5. It is very important not to interrupt classes; if there is no time, reduce the training, but do not abandon it.

The main principle of Pilates is not the quantity of training, but its quality.

You can wear it during classes. This will speed up the process of losing weight in the lower body.

Classic Pilates from Michelle

I advise you to start with this program. Firstly, everything is explained very clearly. Secondly, they understand typical mistakes. The training time lasts no more than half an hour. For the unprepared, this is the best option. Be sure to complete the exercises in the order given. This video also contains exercises for advanced students.

Also check out the support package

Valya : The program is just super! Leading beauty. I received both physical and aesthetic pleasure. I recommend to all. After class I feel like I was born again

Kate : Well... I’m not a beginner, I have good physical training. But I didn’t do two exercises ideally. I will continue to practice, respect to the coach)))

Bunny : What I didn’t expect was such a load on the abs! Super!!

Classes with Inga Yakhnya

This trainer is the leading Pilates trainer in Russia. She provided a 50 minute video with detailed analysis exercises. That is why her complex is perfect for beginners. The lesson begins with a warm-up that lasts 10 minutes. It includes elements joint gymnastics, main part and extensions.

In her classes, Inga focuses on strengthening her back and abs. You will see twisting and stretching exercises. The pace of movement is slow.

Ksenia: Wonderful program. I like that there are exercises for every taste - simple and complex. The only thing that alarmed me personally is that very little is said about breathing. As far as I know, this is the basis of Pilates. And my muscles don’t hurt after classes, although the load seems to be good.

Anita : I like how the trainer explains, the movements are easy and effective.

Elena : I like it very much, there are no difficulties with implementation. Because everything is told very clearly. The only thing that turned out to be difficult for me was finding balance. This is an exercise where you need to be on your side in an extended position.

Pilates for abdominal muscles

The complex is for those who do not need to work out all the muscles. Here the emphasis is on the abdominal muscles. In 4 minutes you can work the upper and lower abdomen. It is important to keep the muscles tense and perform the complex slowly.

Pilates with Alena Mordovina

A wonderful trainer, I follow her program myself. I like her video lesson with exercises on the ball. All muscles feel very good after exercise. The trainer explains and shows everything very clearly. Start with 15 minutes of exercise, do not try to immediately go full circle, as in the video. Otherwise, your whole body will hurt, and then you won’t force yourself to exercise.

Olga : Well, I finally found lessons without any frills. I mastered everything. Alena thank you so much! I’ve only been doing it for a week, and I’m already seeing changes. Posture has improved, stooping goes away. The body has become toned. How nice it is to look at yourself)))

Catherine : You immediately feel that this is a professional! Good diction, the voice is pleasant, the instructions are clear. in general everything is on point. I like that the trainer mentions the basic principles of Pilates. Immediately you get the right mood. My training turns out to be very effective.

Oksana : I am absolutely delighted, I have such a good stretch after class. I can really feel all the muscles being used, thank you!

Well, be healthy and beautiful! Perhaps you are already involved in some of the listed areas? Share your impressions, we will discuss)) Bye everyone, I’m waiting for you on my pages.

Today Pilates is considered one of the most popular types of training. Classes using this method are widely used in all fitness centers on the same level with other strength loads, as well as in dance studios and clinics that specialize in the restoration and treatment of the musculoskeletal system. Pilates - what is it and what are its advantages over other physical activities? The uniqueness of this technique is that it is considered completely safe, but at the same time its main goal is to teach a person to feel his body and influence it.

Pilates - what is it? Basic concepts and classification

Pilates is a set of static exercises aimed at developing flexibility and mobility in combination with proper breathing and maintaining the body in balance.

The main task of Pilates is the interaction of all muscle groups, ligaments and tendons. This helps strengthen the body’s muscle tissue, increase the elasticity of ligaments, and improve mood and morale.

The peculiarity of this technique is awareness of actions during exercises, maximum focus and concentration of the brain, which ensures and controls the work of the whole body.

The positive aspects of such training are the smoothness and continuity of the exercises. The absence of imbalance and overstrain is caused by a state of relaxation in unused muscles.

There are three types of Pilates:

  • Exercises on the floor.
  • Training on simulators.
  • Pilates classes with special equipment.

Benefits of Pilates

Such a young form of fitness as Pilates has a large number of advantages. What is it and what are its benefits?

  1. Subconscious body control and development of motor coordination.
  2. Rebalances all muscles around the joints and restores the natural curve of the spine.
  3. Restores neuromuscular balance.
  4. No age or gender contraindications.
  5. An ideal option for rehabilitation exercises after a musculoskeletal injury.
  6. Strengthens and at the same time builds muscle mass and increases its strength.
  7. Prevents bedsores and pulmonary edema in bedridden patients.
  8. The ability to adjust loads depending on a person’s physical abilities.
  9. In combination with the body, a person’s emotional state is trained and restored.
  10. Possibility of conducting classes at home.

Fundamental Principles

The Pilates technique is based on the principles of engagement maximum quantity muscle fibers during exercise. In order for training to bring significant benefits to the body, it is necessary to follow the basic laws of a technique such as Pilates. What are they and what is their essence?

  • Integration - concentration of attention. During exercise, you should focus on both the muscles involved and the parts of the body that are not moving.
  • Intuition - muscle control without tension. The ability to modify exercises when pain or discomfort occurs.
  • Centralization - creation of a “center of power”, formation of muscle strength in the abs, lumbar spine and gluteal muscles.
  • Visualization is the involvement of muscle bundles at the subconscious level. This principle allows you to get to a complex anatomical system and work out the most distant and smallest muscle fibers.
  • Smoothness and continuity. Each exercise has a starting point and an ending point. The essence of this principle is a smooth transition between movements.
  • Precision - promotes efficient functioning of the body's muscle tissue. Compliance with all the rules will increase the effectiveness of your classes.
  • Correct breathing is the natural rhythm of a person’s normal breathing when doing exercises. Calmly inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the mouth.
  • Regularity and stability. Classes are held 3 times a week, preferably at the same time. It is not recommended to take long breaks.

Gymnastics for beginners

What are the features of Pilates exercises for beginners? What is it and what points should you pay attention to? The effectiveness of training depends on the correct technique for performing all exercises.

Pilates for beginners has a large number of advantages over other types of fitness. Lack of physical training will not prevent you from tightening your abdominal muscle fibers and back muscles through such training.

The main thing that beginners should pay attention to is practicing the basic stance and breathing before starting the main part of the classes.

In the main stance, the body should be perfectly straight and the lower back should be flat. Breathing should be done slowly and calmly through the chest. The correct technique for performing exercises will allow you to get maximum health benefits from Pilates.

Basic exercises:

  • Warm up.
  • Twisting the spine in a vertical position.
  • Plank.
  • Abs exercise.
  • Plank.
  • Swing your legs.
  • Stretching.

Help to learn correct technique These basic exercises will allow you to perform more complex aerobic sessions. Pilates consists of more than just that. But performing more complex exercises should not be included in training for beginners.

How to lose weight with Pilates?

IN Lately Several varieties of gymnastics such as Pilates for weight loss have appeared. By using such a fitness system for training in combination with other strength and physical activities, you can get rid of extra pounds and centimeters much faster. Gymnastics for weight loss Pilates - what is it and how does it affect the body?

During the training, muscle tissue is strengthened, the tone of the whole body increases, and this is exactly what is necessary to speed up the metabolic process, which promotes active weight loss.

Pilates for weight loss for beginners is a separate area of ​​fitness. There are special aerobic sessions, during which more than 600 kcal are burned in the body in one workout.

The use of additional sports equipment during exercise, such as dumbbells, balls, expanders and fitballs, allows you not only to diversify the training process, but also to increase physical stress on the body, which leads to muscle tightening and burning subcutaneous fat.

Differences from yoga

Yoga is a system of spiritual self-improvement through performing various asanas. In this system, all exercises are done using static loads of the body's muscle tissue. The main goal of yoga is to stretch and strengthen the muscle corset through methods of static fixation of the body in different positions. Most attention When practicing yoga, attention is given to the back muscles, stretching the spine, and developing the ability to relax and concentrate.

Pilates is a subtype of fitness that is designed to develop strength and endurance skills. When doing Pilates, the main exercise stress goes to the abdominal area and back muscles. the main objective Pilates, unlike yoga, is about strengthening muscles and putting bones and muscle bundles in their places.

Also, the difference between Pilates and yoga is the breathing technique. The functions of breathing in Pilates are to enrich the body with oxygen, and yoga adds to this the ability to control the body.

Exercises aimed at developing muscle strength and endurance are the basis of such a type of gymnastics as Pilates. Yoga, in turn, is aimed at spiritual development and body-mind interaction.

There are differences between these types of gymnastics, but they are somewhat similar to each other. Having understood all the nuances and selected the most suitable training system for yourself, you can safely begin the training process.


Pilates is the basis of a healthy body. Systematic implementation of a set of exercises will allow you to tone your muscles and overcome extra centimeters and kilograms. The main rule of successful training is the correct execution of each exercise. Pilates works with stabilizer muscles, and this contributes to the acquisition flat stomach and perfect posture in a short time.

Basic Pilates exercises

  • "A hundred". Lying on the floor, raise your straight legs 45 degrees up, while simultaneously lifting your head and shoulders off the floor. The arms are straight, located along the body. For 5 inhalations, make 5 blows with your hands with your palms up, and as you exhale, make 5 blows with your palms down in the air. Number of sets - 10.
  • "Penknife". Being in a horizontal position, smoothly and slowly first bend your legs at the knee joint 90 degrees, then stretch them up perfectly straight. Lifting your pelvis off the floor, raise your legs up, twisting your body forward as much as possible.
  • Neck traction. We sit on the ground, the torso is at an angle of 90 degrees. Smoothly and slowly reach your hands towards your legs, tilting your body as low as possible.
  • Stretching the spine and legs. We are in a sitting position, one leg is bent at the knee, and we tilt the body towards the other. The bends should alternate on each leg.
  • "Mermaid". Sitting on your hip, you need to lean on the floor with one hand and gradually raise your body, forming a perfect straight line from head to toes. The exercise is repeated on each side.
  • Circle your legs in the air. Starting position lying on the floor. Raising your legs up 45 degrees, draw circles in the air. First one way, then the other. We hold our legs using the press and do not allow them to come into contact with the floor.
  • Turn. Sitting on the floor, your legs need to be extended and joined, toes apart. The upper limbs are raised to the sides and up at shoulder level. We smoothly make turns left and right, fixing for a few seconds at the extreme point.
  • Rifles. We sit on our buttocks, lower limbs bent at the knees and tucked towards the chest. We roll forward and backward.
  • "Pendulum". While in a horizontal position on your side, you should lift your leg and swing upward. For each lower limb you should do at least 20 swings.
  • Shoulder bridge. Lying on the floor. Legs bent at the knees and pulled towards the buttocks. Smoothly lift the pelvis from the floor, forming a bridge. We perform a fixation at the top point of the amplitude for 5 respiratory cycles.

Pilates for beginners consists of basic exercises. Having understood and learned how to perform them in compliance with all principles, you can begin to perform more complex exercises.

Pilates gymnastics: reviews and comments

How many people, so many opinions. This subtype of fitness, such as Pilates, has a number of positive feedback. Systematic exercises will allow you to acquire beautiful posture, flexibility and endurance.

It is impossible not to appreciate the impact of Pilates on the body during pregnancy and preparation for childbirth. Reviews from mothers are based only on the fact that classes help strengthen the back and prepare the body for labor.

His technique is designed for people with any physical fitness and even injured bodies. Strong physical training is not required. Pilates consists of a whole range of different exercises. Therefore, they can be selected individually for each person based on their health status. Get toned body, having worked all the smallest muscles, a system such as Pilates allows.



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