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Why is it important and necessary for children to read fairy tales? Consultation for parents “Why it is necessary to read fairy tales to children Why children love to read Russian folk tales

Why do we love fairy tales? The answer to this question is very simple. Our ordinary reality lacks miracles and magic. In pursuit of material assets we drown in routine, begin to slowly go crazy from monotony, constantly experience stress and dream of escaping for at least an hour to a place where fantasy can paint a world different from the usual one, where dreams come true, and good certainly defeats evil.

However, all this applies mainly to adult readers - fantasy fans. If we talk about children, then miracles and magic are as real for them as another deadline at work or a morning traffic jam is for us. They not only believe in them, they are convinced that the world is woven from magic. And fairy tales confirm this confidence. Therefore, reading fairy tales for children is not escapism at all (an attempt to escape from reality into a fictional universe). This is a continuation of what they see around them. And the task of a modern storyteller is to make sure that, on the one hand, not to kill the dream, but on the other hand, to fill his work with realism: eternal values, these rules, understanding of current events, description of the surrounding reality. In a word, you need to combine business with pleasure, and in no case should you violate the correct proportions between the main ingredients. After all, if there is too much reality, the fairy tale will lose its magic. If it is not enough, the work will be empty and will lose its main meaning: teach and pass on accumulated experience from one generation to another.

Fairy tales appeared long before modern civilization. Once upon a time, ancient people told them to each other around the fire, often composing them on the spot. In an allegorical manner, they shared their observations, conclusions, and mistakes. In this way, the kids had fun and learned their first life lessons, which are perhaps more important than all school activities combined. Fairy tales contain not only entertaining and educational components, but also an educational base. They are bright, beautiful and are stored in memory along with all the morality that they contain. And our ancestors understood this very well.

The traditions were continued by the author's stories. Over time, the world and the problems that the storytellers addressed changed. It should be noted that works from the past often seem gloomy to contemporaries, and the ideas expressed in them can traumatize the psyche of prosperous children of the twenty-first century. Therefore, very often classic books are modified, abridged and even rewritten. Is it correct? A question whose answer can be debated for a very long time. But if you want to avoid controversy and read the original book to your children, it would be safer to take the creation modern writer, who understands our realities and the mental characteristics of girls and boys of the new generation.

An author whose work deserves close attention is Natalia Mosina. Her book “How Katenka and Mashenka went into a fairy tale,” which was published in May current year in the publishing house "Union of Writers", very sweet, kind, magical. It is full of magic and adventure, there is a dream to strive for, and hope that leads forward, like a saving light of a lighthouse in the night. The characters turned out to be charming and similar to young readers. They know how to love, make friends, and have respect for elders. Natalia Mosina presents the highest human values, tested by time, to the public. And at the same time, her work is dynamic and colorful in modern traditions.

What is this book about? About two sisters who loved to listen to fairy tales. And then one day they themselves decided to find the way to the world of miracles, the door to which is not open to everyone. They met a good fairy, met a wise Storyteller and went to their own Fairy Tale, where discoveries, adventures and, of course, danger await them.

Buy the book for children “How Katenka and Mashenka went to a fairy tale” in the online stores “#Book” and “Book for Children”.

Why do children need fairy tales? The question is, of course, interesting. There is a suspicion that everyone needs fairy tales, even adults, because a fairy tale is an invitation to plunge into another world, to meet interesting characters, have time to fall in love goodies and experience resentment towards the negative.

The fairy tale is all the more beautiful because it always has a good ending. And this, in turn, gives us unshakable confidence that good always triumphs over evil, that bad deeds are punishable, one way or another, and we should never give up in the face of difficulties in life. But still, is it so? children need fairy tales?

The most traditional are folk tales , passed on from generation to generation, but remaining virtually unchanged.

A child lives through a fairy tale fragments of the life of his favorite characters. Thus, it is as if he is programmed for certain actions in similar situations in his life.

Through a fairy tale, it is easier and more clear to explain to a child the common truths: do not offend the weak, do not deceive, be kind and responsive to the sorrows of others, do not be a simpleton and be able to recognize deception and intentions to harm you.

No matter how full the windows of bookstores are with publications of modern authors, one should not be lazy in finding folk tales for the youngest listeners, tales of the classics of Russian literature, and one should not ignore the tales of the peoples of the world. Moreover, these books are reprinted regularly, and more colorful illustrations are added to their design.

Listening to fairy tales, the child experiences pleasure, this is a kind of entertainment, in addition, the fairy tale makes the child think, use imagination and fantasy. At the same time, there is no direct moral teaching in the fairy tale; the fairy tale teaches, but not intrusively.

For older children You can use this game regularly: we read a fairy tale, we stop before the denouement and invite the child to come up with the ending himself.

You can play in this way with the same fairy tale as many times as you like until the child’s interest in the process dries up. This method is widely used in fairytale therapy In addition, psychologists often recommend giving the child the opportunity to come up with a fairy tale himself, in which the characters can sometimes commit very illogical, sometimes incorrect, in the parents’ opinion, actions.

You can start reading fairy tales to your child while still in the womb. After being discharged from the maternity hospital, you can start reading as soon as life has been established with the arrival of a new family member, from about two weeks of age.

In addition to fairy tales, you can sing lullabies to your child. The child will immediately love them and as they grow older, parents will begin to notice by the baby’s reaction the moment when the child begins to recognize them by the first sounds.

We read the fairy tale for the hundredth time...

Parents practicing reading a fairy tale for the night, have probably already encountered such a phenomenon as a child’s requirement to read the same fairy tale many evenings in a row. At the same time, no amount of persuasion or luring with brighter illustrations of other books helps for some reason; the child persists and demands only one book.

What is this connected with and is it necessary to fight it?

Psychologists explain it's two factors. Firstly, the child’s brain is designed in such a way that first he remembers information, learns it by heart, and then understanding and awareness of this information comes. As a rule, a fairy tale contains a chain of events, but it seems to us, adults, that everything is presented in an accessible way in the book. But in reality, it is difficult for a child to digest the entire fairy tale in one listen, so there is a need to listen to it and listen.

In addition, the child has a need for stability and rituals. He has already listened to the fairy tale, remembers the ending, and thus the child develops a feeling of confidence, protection, he has, as it were, protected himself from unexpected events. And, of course, there is no need to fight this, but rather, on the contrary, with all actions to support the child’s attachment to a specific fairy tale.

Discussion of a fairy tale read

We should not forget about the need to discuss the fairy tale we read. Even if it seems that the child understands everything, it is better to discuss the fairy tale once again, making sure that the child understood everything correctly, did not distort the attitude towards the actions of the characters, and was able to figure out where they did the right thing and what is an example of negative actions. Through discussion, you can reveal the child’s hidden fears of certain characters from a fairy tale or from the child’s everyday life.

Choosing the right fairy tales for your child

The fairy tale must be selected depending on the age of the child and possible characteristics of psychological development.

From the age of two children give preference fairy tales with cyclically repeating events, as, for example, in the fairy tales “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Turnip”. Fairy tales with animal characters are best learned; the child loves to repeat sounds that imitate the characters in the fairy tale.

From two to five years The child’s ability to imagine is actively developing. During this period, it is favorable to use the game mentioned above - the child himself comes up with the ending of the fairy tale. During this period, the child should buy fairy tales about magic, which he will definitely like.

From five to seven years old, as a rule, the child is interested fairy tales with a dynamic plot, adventure literature. At this age, you should ask the child himself about his preferences in literature, choose heroes close to his liking, there is no need to impose your preferences.

Even after the child has mastered the skills independent reading, a child should not be denied reading before bed. After all, sometimes a child’s curiosity is stronger than his reading speed. And refusal can do harm and discourage a child from interested in books for a long time.

A child who regularly listens or reading fairy tales, grows up more mature, filled sensually, emotionally, comprehensively developed. Somewhere even more self-confident, clearly distinguishing between good and evil, which in the future helps him build meaningful relationships with others.

The world of fairy tales... How many words can be put into this phrase, starting from magical stories for children, ending with a pleasant time spent reading fairy tales. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that most children simply adore a wide variety of fairy tales, and strive to immerse themselves in “ Fairytale Land" Let's find out what exactly attracts our little treasures to fairy tales, and whether they can benefit from reading works of fiction.

Interesting story

Everyone knows that many guys are also dreamers who tell their moms and dads such incredible stories that one is amazed by their imagination. Therefore, we can say that when boys and girls ask their parents to read their favorite fairy tale at night, there are no limits to their imagination. Fascinating plot, positive and negative characters, expected ending fairy tale- all this interests little people. We think that older generation I have more than once noticed the moment in a young creature when a son or daughter with such enthusiasm followed the course of events taking place in a fairy tale and asked questions regarding the heroes literary works. By the way, adults and their children can easily change the plot of the fairy tale in the direction that appeals to them at that time, starting from a completely different end of the fairy tale, ending with the appearance of other characters. This nuance often allows parents to interest a young creature in reading fairy tales, or more precisely, to continue getting acquainted with them, thereby promoting more and more more emergence love for fiction, which is important for the development of the child.

Fairy tale characters

As a rule, fairy tales always end well, although the plot also contains negative characters. And children often want to try on the role of those heroes who, for certain reasons, appeal to them. Boys do not mind becoming brave knights, and girls are charming princesses, and thus, the young generation, in the world of their fantasies, become the main characters of their favorite fairy tales. This is where moms and dads should take advantage of this situation, seeing how their treasure takes an example from the hero of a fairy tale, and tell him about the positive qualities of his friend from a fairy tale. What is there to hide, children often follow the example of their favorites, so why don’t they adopt their most positive traits. For example, for a restless naughty boy, a story from his parents that his favorite character used to be naughty may be suitable, but now he only pleases his close environment their noble and good deeds. Unnoticed by adults, a child can draw the appropriate conclusion for himself and try to act like his favorite character.

Contact with parents

Almost all of us were told fairy tales by those closest to us as children before going to bed, be it or. In any case, fairy tales for many of us became those vivid memories when mom or dad read different magical stories to us. And to the voice of our parents we fell asleep and enjoyed a healthy sleep. The same thing happens with our children. The evening ritual associated with telling fairy tales for some families becomes an integral part of communication with the little members of the family nest. In addition to the process of learning about the world around them, young creatures for some time need that emotional contact that takes place thanks to fairy tales.

This is how magical stories can have a fruitful influence on the younger generation.

1) Fairy tales are good helpers for adults! They can tell you what to do in a similar situation in life.
The plots of many fairy tales are imbued with optimism - we miss this so much in life!

2) A fairy tale is an excellent simulator for the imagination of both the reader and the author.
It happened more than once that the ideas of fairy tales were later embodied in life.

3) A fairy tale is an opportunity to talk with the child who lives in each of us.
This child wants to be loved. Childhood traumas come out in tears.
Fairy tales for adults – good way help yourself, talk to yourself, help forgive many things.

4) We know what good is, how to behave with dignity, but in real life we forget about values, about decency - a fairy tale, as a reflection of our conscience.
A fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards!
By awakening forgotten feelings and experiences of childhood, fairy tales make life brighter!

5) To understand the world of a child, you need to remember yourself as a child - a fairy tale helps.

6) In our tough times, when we become inexorably callous, a fairy tale is simply necessary. It encrypts important laws of life, thanks to which it is possible to maintain spiritual health.

7) A fairy tale can give rest to the soul and heart, and help to recover from the hustle and bustle of life.

8) Fairy tales help to find confirmation of one’s own life observations. Adults sometimes need a fairy tale even more than children.

9) Fairy tales are like a reminder to yourself about important things that you dreamed about and then forgot about. For what? To move on following your guiding star. To not give up when it's hard.

10)Rereading a fairy tale, you are charged with energy and can perform new feats! And then you can certainly find yourself where you always wanted to be!


Your “10 reasons” speak of the author’s great powers of observation and extraordinary mental abilities: not everyone can think, reflect and draw such deep conclusions.
You have produced a brilliant treatise-research entitled “What is a FAIRY TALE?”
I absolutely agree with all the conclusions you made.
Well, after the words that “a fairy tale is a concentration of wisdom and moral standards” - I would put at least ten exclamation marks or highlight these words in capital letters. There is sacred truth in these words, and it seems to me that it is with these words that you need to start the 4th point of your research, and then give it the brief transcript with which you began this paragraph.
Thank you for such a necessary, pleasant and unexpected gift to readers. It will probably make many “adults” think.

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Lack of romance

Many women need fairy tales, because they simply don’t have enough romance in their lives. At the same time, they may have a loved one whom they value and value, but his tightness in feelings becomes the reason for the lack of romance in the relationship.

Single ladies also love to read fairy tales and watch fairy-tale cartoons and films. Of course, their favorite genre is tales of love. Why? Because thanks to such works, women simply continue to believe that sincere and real feelings exist. Moreover, in modern interpretations of fairy tales, positive and romantic heroes have become more like real people who you can always meet on the street. That is why, by reading and watching fairy tales, women fuel their faith in love in general and in men in particular. Based on fairy-tale characters, they create images for themselves and fantasize. Since all fairy tales for children are written by adults, they often contain a deeper philosophy that we simply do not notice in childhood. But adult girls can fully understand and realize what kind of subtext the author intended, what he wanted to teach. In addition, in fairy tales everything happens very easily and simply; princes always find their princesses themselves. And this is what many women want: to do nothing, and then once again - to marry the most handsome, intelligent, loving and generally ideal man. Fairy tales are an excellent cure for complexes, because in fairy tales almost everyone can receive their love.


By the way, fairy tales are watched not only by those who lack romance. They are also loved by real adventurers and adventurers. It is worth noting that not only those stories that are initially defined as fairy tales can be called fairy tales. For example, many adventure films, by and large, can also be classified as fairy tales, since they all end well, the heroes have some kind of supernatural abilities, and they glorify friendship, mutual support and love. Adventure tales are loved by those who lack thrills in life. These are people who had to give up their real desires, for the sake of a job, because of some personal fears, and so on. So they watch fairy-tale adventure stories, associating themselves with the main characters of these invented epics. Fairy tale adventures always exciting. There is no place for the same days and boring life. These are the main characteristics that attract people to fairy tale adventure stories. Many may say that a person might as well love every adventure story. But it is not so. It's just that in fairy tales everything always ends well. There no one gets lost, no one dies, no one hurts others. That’s why we choose fairy-tale stories, because in them there is no place for grief and disappointment; looking at the screen or reading a book, we are charged only with positivity.

Friendship and heroism

Another reason why adults love fairy tales is the lack of real friendship and heroism in their real lives. People want to receive what others cannot give them. That's why they plunge into a fairy-tale life. After all, there is no place for betrayal. If there is a group of friends, then they will all stand by each other until the very end. In fairy tales, no one betrays anyone. Even having committed some stupidity, in the end, people realize their mistakes and ask for forgiveness, atone for their sins. Fairy tale characters much more sincere and kinder than those we meet in real life. Fairy tales allow people not to lose their faith in true friendship. On the one hand, they seem to understand that this is just a fairy tale. But on the other hand, such stories affect their subconscious, rooting the idea that true friends still exist and never fail or betray. As a result, people begin to look for friends in their own image and likeness fairy-tale heroes, and what is typical, they often find just such people, because they subconsciously feel what kind of person they need.

As for heroism, many people want to save others or to be saved. But in real life this is not always possible. In addition, in reality, all enemies and problems are much more cruel and evil than in fairy tales. Therefore, it becomes easier for people when they associate themselves with fairy-tale knights and princesses who save each other, show heroism, and so on. Thanks to fairy tales, we never stop believing in something good, bright, kind, in a miracle that will happen to us one day. That is why it is very good when adults love fairy tales, because it is fairy tales that give them the strength to live and hope for better.



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