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Why does Urgant not like Solovyov? The quarrel between Urgant and Solovyov split Russia. The conflict develops not only on the screen

IN in social networks users discuss the skirmish between TV presenters Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Solovyov. Users compared the mutual attacks of the two journalists with the fight between Mayweather and McGregor and the rap battle between Oksimiron and Slava CPSU. This was reported by the Internet portal “Dni.ru”.

Urgant wrote on his Twitter account that Vladimir Solovyov banned him.

In the wake of the discussion of the latest verbal skirmish between the two presenters, Urgant raised his April publication: “They say that when Vladimir Solovyov was at school, he knew how to change his shoes faster than all the boys.”

They say that when Vladimir Solovyov was in school, he knew how to change his shoes faster than all the boys. - GRISHA (@GrishkaUrgant) April 09, 2017

On September 8, 2017, the TV presenter interviewed ex-MTV presenter Irena Ponaroshka on the “Evening Urgant” program on Channel One. The girl brought several jars of skin care products to the studio. Urgant opened one of them, said that the contents of the container smelled pleasant, and applied it to his face. She pretended that the jar contained “nightingale droppings,” to which the presenter said that “this good name for transmission to “Russia-1”. In response to this, Vladimir Solovyov on the air of “Russia-1” advised Urgant to “keep joking” so as not to end up “on the same list with his dad.” By the list the journalist meant the scandalous Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”.

“... I know a great way to avoid getting into “Peacemaker” - just make a nasty joke about me on your channel. Then citizens accused of pedophilia who are on the run in Prague begin to quote you with the cry “Well done, how you got Solovyov,” and all Ukrainian sites begin to joyfully print: “Well done, Urgant.” Well done, Vanya, you won’t end up on the same list as your dad and many worthy people. Continue joking,” said Solovyov.

The website “Peacemaker” publishes personal data of people whom the portal’s authors accuse of “separatism” or “connections with the Kremlin.” The site has been repeatedly criticized by European human rights activists.

On August 26, 2017, a fight took place between 40-year-old American Floyd Mayweather and 29-year-old Irishman Conor McGregor. The boxer from the USA won by technical knockout in the 10th round. His opponent received 152 blows during the fight. For Mayweather, this was the 50th fight in his career. The American won all his fights, this absolute record among professional boxers. The fight with McGregor was the last in his career for the athlete. Mayweather received $300 million for the fight, McGregor - $100 million.

On August 6, 2017, a Versus Battle hip-hop duel took place in St. Petersburg between Oksimiron (Miron Fedorov) and Slava CPSU (Vyacheslav Mashnov). Slava CPSU won an unexpected victory with a score of 5:0. For Oksimiron, this defeat was the first in the entire history of his participation in Versus. Within a month, the video of the battle was watched by more than 22 million people.

Users of social networks openly make fun of the confrontation between two “pillars and giants” - Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Solovyov. According to the most sober-minded, the dispute is not worth wasting time on, and the jokes of both participants in the confrontation are, frankly, not so hot.


Nevertheless, users have already managed to compare the pick with the Mayweather-McGregor boxing match that just took place, as well as with the recent battle - a verbal battle between two rappers: Oksimiron (Miron Fedorov) and Gnoyny (Vyacheslav Mashnov). Urgant’s online alter ego, the @GrishkaUrgant Twitter account, complained to subscribers that Vladimir Solovyov had banned him. “They say when Vladimir Solovyov was in school, he knew how to change his shoes faster than all the boys,” @GrishkaUrgant wrote in continuation of the topic, bringing up his old tweet from April.

In the comments under these tweets and on other social networks, when discussing the burning topic of nightingale droppings, users got into serious fights. It is not yet possible to find out which of them is more right: those who defend and uphold the honor of Vladimir Solovyov as a master of journalism - or those who are pleased with the simple and unpretentious, but no less funny attacks and jokes of a fairly young man, if we compare with Solovyov, showman and actor Ivan Urgant.

As previously reported, Vladimir Solovyov sharply responded to his colleague Ivan Urgant. Earlier, the presenter of Channel One joked in his program that “nightingale droppings” is an excellent name for a show on the Russia 1 TV channel. Vladimir Solovyov, apparently, took the joke as a personal insult and responded to Urgant on the air of his program “An Evening with Vladimir Solovyov.” He accused his colleague of wanting to please the Ukrainian website “Peacemaker”.

“Does no one know that Ivan Urgant is not in “Peacemaker”? That’s his father, that’s for sure. But, on the other hand, I know a great way to avoid getting into “Peacemaker” - just make a nasty joke about me on your channel. Then citizens accused of pedophilia who are on the run in Prague begin to quote you with the cry “Well done, how you got Solovyov,” and all Ukrainian sites begin to joyfully print: “Well done, Urgant.” Well done, Vanya, you will not end up on the same list as yours dad and many worthy people. Keep joking," said Vladimir Solovyov.

Ivan Urgant and Vladimir Solovyov. Photo: Collage AiF/ www.globallookpress.com

TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev on the air of his program on the Rossiya-1 channel, he responded to the remark Ivan Urgant.

Where did it all start?

During the evening show on Channel One, presenter Ivan Urgant talked with Irena Ponaroshku O healthy way life, about face and body care. The guest of the show suggested that Ivan try organic cream prepared according to an old Japanese geisha recipe. When the presenter applied the mask to his face, Ponaroshku said that it was nightingale droppings. Urgant joked that this is “a good name for a show on the Rossiya channel.” The hint concerned the political talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov.”

What happened next?

Vladimir Solovyov, discussing the “breakthrough” during his show on the Russia-1 channel Mikheil Saakashvili across the Ukrainian border, did not ignore the attack of his colleague from Channel One. When one of the guests mentioned that the ex-governor of the Odessa region was blacklisted by the Myrotvorets website, Solovyov said: “Does no one know that Ivan Urgant is not on Myrotvorets? I know a great way to avoid getting into the “Peacemaker”. It’s enough to make nasty jokes about me on your channel.”

And there's a new scandal on television. Ivan Andreevich (Urgant) and Vladimir Rudolfovich (Soloviev) have just quarreled, reports Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Ivan started. On Thursday, September 7, in his show “Evening Urgant” he received his colleague, presenter Irena Ponaroshka. They chatted about the beauty of the body (Irena is also a popular beauty blogger), for the sake of humor the guest suggested that Urgant apply a terribly useful mask to his face. And when Ivan smeared himself with the pink substance, she joked that it was not a cream, but nightingale droppings.

“Firstly, this is a good name for a show on the Rossiya channel,” the presenter responded, causing a flurry of applause.

Vladimir Solovyov, who has been hosting political shows on Rossiya 1 for many years, was not long in coming. On Monday, his program featured the usual acute political discussion (they discussed Saakashvili’s forceful invasion of Ukraine), when suddenly Solovyov asked:

– Does anyone know if Ivan Urgant is not in “Peacemaker”? (we are talking about an extremist website where a record is kept of “enemies of Ukraine” who are prohibited from entering this country. - Author) - That’s his father for sure... On the other hand, I know exact way, how not to get into “Peacemaker”. It’s enough to make nasty jokes about me on your channel. Then citizens accused of pedophilia, who are now on the run in Prague, begin to quote you (a hint to the blogger Rustam Adagamov. - Author), shouting “well done, how did you kill Solovyov,” and all Ukrainian sites happily publish it. Ay, well done Urgant! You will not end up on the same list with your dad and other worthy people!

“KP” got through to Vladimir Solovyov:

– You didn’t call Ivan to talk like a man?

- What for?

– Since he spoke on TV, and you decided to answer on TV?

– The attack [on me] was on TV! At the same time, I did not deliver my answer to Moscow (the program first goes out to the eastern regions of the country. - Author). But Vanya went out to all “orbits” [broadcasting]. This means [CEO of Channel One] Ernst saw and approved. So it was not Vanya’s joke, as I understand it, but a reprise. Apparently, someone is painfully worried about the departure of a number of presenters from Channel One to the Rossiya TV channel. Here Urgant is the remedy. What he did is unacceptable. They don't usually do that on television. This is a declaration of war. At the same time, Urgant had a good human relationship with me.

– Why didn’t you leave your line for the Moscow audience?

- And on purpose. To show that this is not a federal level topic. Some people are starting to get nervous on that channel. The joy with which the joke (I wouldn’t be surprised that he didn’t even write it himself) was picked up by Ukrainian pro-Bandera sites shows how Vanya got into the topic. I don’t think that people working on this channel are so naive that they could not calculate this elementary reaction of the Ukrainian side. This means they do it consciously...

Another scandal broke out on Russian television. It was initiated by Ivan Urgant, the star of Channel One.

The conflict began on September 7. In his evening program, Urgant, talking with guest Irena Ponaroshku, applied the cream she brought to his face. The latter turned out to be nightingale droppings. “This is a good name for a program on the Russia 1 channel,” Urgant joked, thereby hinting at the political talk show “Evening with Vladimir Solovyov.”

Vladimir Solovyov commented on his colleague’s attack on September 11, when he discussed the Ukrainian border with Mikheil Saakashvili during his show. When one of the guests mentioned that the ex-governor of the Odessa region was blacklisted by the Myrotvorets website, Solovyov replied: “But no one knows, Ivan Urgant is not on the Myrotvorets? That's his father for sure. But, on the other hand, I know a great way to avoid getting into “Peacemaker” - just make a nasty joke about me on your channel. Then citizens accused of pedophilia who are on the run in Prague begin to quote you with the cry “Well done, how you got Solovyov,” and all Ukrainian sites begin to joyfully print “Ay, well done, Urgant!” Well done, Vanya, you won’t end up on the same list as your dad and many worthy people. Keep joking"

In a conversation with RBC, Vladimir Solovyov said that Urgant started “channel wars” with his joke. In his opinion, Urgant coordinated criticism of the Rossiya-1 TV channel with the management of Channel One. “I am deeply indifferent, I do not need any apologies or comments from Urgant. Vanya could not help but get the go-ahead from his leadership to [make] this raid on the canal. This is not about me, but about the fact that he spoke extremely disrespectfully about the Rossiya channel. This is unacceptable - this is the beginning of channel wars,” Soloviev told RBC. According to him, Urgant’s joke looked like a “well-prepared reprise.”

However, one of the screenwriters of Evening Urgant, who wished to remain anonymous, told the Zvezda TV channel that the joke about nightingale droppings was Urgant’s personal improvisation. “We don’t write any jokes at all. Vanya said it himself,” he emphasized.

As the radio station “Moscow Speaks” reports, citing a source on Channel One, Urgant is preparing a response to Solovyov’s criticism voiced on the Rossiya TV channel. The statement should be broadcast on September 13.

Let us remind you that this summer Russian TV channels set a record for scandals. First, Andrei Malakhov, the host of the TV show “Let Them Talk,” left Channel One and went to work for the Russia 1 TV channel. Instead of Malakhov, “Let them talk” by Dmitry Borisov. The “Tonight” program, which was also hosted by Malakhov on First, as RBC reported, was replaced by Yulia Menshova and Maxim Galkin.

In addition, the program “While Everyone is Home” with Timur Kizyakov will no longer air on “Pervoy” and on the “Russia” channel. The TV channel announced that it was refusing to broadcast “While Everyone Is Home” due to the “damaged reputation” of the program, the creators of which were involved in the scandal. At the same time, the presenter of “While Everyone is Home” Timur Kizyakov RBC that the television company “Dom”, which was producing the program, itself decided to stop cooperation with “Channel One” due to the “unacceptable methods” of its management.

Let us add that the presenter is also of the “Wait for Me” program. However, Alexander Galibin said that he now intends to make films and stage plays.



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