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Search and rescue team “Lisa Alert. Search team "Lisa Alert": why is it called that

“A 12-year-old boy disappeared...”, “A girl left home and did not return, blue eyes, brown hair...”, “A man went missing...”. The pages of printed publications and Internet resources are full of such announcements about missing people. Who is doing the search? Police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers, such as representatives of the Lisa Alert organization. Why is the search party called that and what does it do? This will be discussed below.

Who is looking for missing people?

Statistics are harsh and inexorable, and they show that in Russia, every half hour, police departments annually receive up to two hundred thousand applications from relatives searching for their missing loved ones. The vast majority of these requests are processed promptly, and people are found and returned to their families. Police officers, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and, more recently, also volunteers of the “Lisa Alert” search team are involved in the search. The lives of the missing people depend on the coordination of the work of each team member and the efficiency of actions. Caring people make up the backbone of the Lisa Alert search team. Why is it called that?

Lisa - the girl who didn't have time to help

The history of the squad began in 2010. This summer, the boy Sasha and his mother disappeared. Volunteers went out to search, and the child was found alive and well. And in September, a girl, Liza Fomkina from Orekhovo-Zuevo, disappeared after she went into the forest with her aunt and got lost. In the case of Lisa, the search was not started immediately, and precious time was lost. Volunteers joined the search only on the fifth day after the child went missing. 300 people were looking for her, who were sincerely worried about the fate of the little unknown girl. She was found 10 days after she went missing. Unfortunately, help came too late. A 5-year-old girl survived in the forest without food or water for nine days, but did not wait for her saviors.

The volunteers who participated in the search on September 24, 2010 were shocked to the core by what happened. On the same day, they organized the Lisa Alert volunteer search party. Every participant in this movement knows why it is called that.

Alert means search

The name of the little heroic girl Lisa has become a symbol of human participation and complicity. The word “alert” translated from English means “search”.

In the United States, the Amber Alert system has been in operation since the mid-90s, thanks to which data about each missing child appears on the scoreboard. in public places, on the radio, in newspapers, appear on the Internet. In our country, unfortunately, there is no such system yet. Employees of the Lisa Alert search team are trying on their own to introduce, if not an analogue of such a system in Russia, then at least to make information about someone else’s misfortune accessible. After all, in cases where people, and especially children, disappear, every minute counts.

Who are the members of the search party?

Now you know why the squad is called “Lisa Alert”. Let's talk about its composition.

A detachment from Moscow, the first in what has become truly all-Russian movement, is the largest and most active. Today, divisions with different numbers of participants have been formed in forty regions of the country.

There is no single control center; each department operates independently. But there is a constant connection between them, which is carried out as a result of training new employees, sharing experience and information. The organization does not have current accounts; all activities are carried out on a voluntary basis. During search operations, volunteers are provided with the necessary equipment, communications and transportation. During long searches, participants in the rescue operation are provided with food.

Search engines do not charge money for their services. Those who want to help can enroll in the detachment, provide assistance with technical means or other feasible support. And each participant knows why the group is called “Lisa Alert”, and is afraid of not being able to reach those who are in trouble.

How does the search work?

Representatives of the detachment strive to inform people about what needs to be done if a person goes missing. The fate of lost people depends on the clear and timely actions of contacted relatives. According to statistics, when applying on the first day, 98% of those who are lost are found, on the second day - 85%, when applying on the third day, the percentage of a happy outcome drops to 60%. And later, the chances of finding a missing person alive, especially a child, are practically reduced to zero.

In the case of Lisa Fomkina, active searches began only on the fifth day, which led to a tragedy that shocked the volunteers. That's why the search party is called "Lisa Alert" - it's not only a tribute to memory, but also an eternal reminder that someone is in this moment waiting for help.

Interaction with government agencies

Over the years of the detachment’s existence, representatives of the search engines have established contacts with the police and the Ministry of Emergency Situations. After all, the main task of finding missing people falls on government officials. But what can one local inspector do if a person is lost in the forest? considering the scale of the search.

Search party Lisa Alert comes to the rescue. Volunteers create mobile search teams, draw up an event plan, collect information about the missing person, where and when he was last seen. Every little thing can be the key to a happy outcome.

Where does the search begin?

The search team operates a hotline. A single number valid throughout the country. For those who have lost their loved ones, but hope to find them, sometimes it becomes the only thread to salvation. The operator takes the call, but the volunteers do not begin to act without a missing person report received by the police. It's not uncommon for hooligans to call and tell tragic story missing person. If there is a complaint to the police, representatives of the search party come into action, launching organized and coordinated activities, not forgetting for a minute why it is called “Lisa Alert”.

Operation Search

Each squad member is assigned his own place and role in the operation. At the main headquarters they act remotely, collecting information bit by bit, distributing it in the media, on the Internet, posting advertisements, drawing up a map of the search area.

The operational headquarters is deployed directly on the spot. In it, the coordinator determines the search and rescue plan, draws up a detailed map of the area with the definition of search squares for each group member. Here the radio operator ensures communication with each participant, so that if detected, the rest of the search participants can come to the rescue immediately. During long searches, the support group arranges supplies of food, water and other necessary materials so that the search continues without stopping.

Teams of volunteers trained to navigate rough terrain are working directly in the search area. Newbies are always placed next to experienced searchers. If necessary, helicopters from the aviation group will take to the skies to provide aerial reconnaissance. If the search area is far away, then groups can be transported on all-terrain vehicles. The search engines include dog handlers with dogs who help find lost people. If a tragedy occurs near a reservoir, divers from the Ministry of Emergency Situations will examine the water area. All these forces are involved depending on the complexity of the search, in order to have time to come to the rescue and not repeat the situation that happened many years ago, and to remind ourselves why “Lisa Alert” is called that.

Who can become a member of the squad?

The ranks of the Lisa Alert search team are open to everyone. Everyone can provide all possible help. Students, retirees, accountants, housewives, athletes or freelancers - everyone can become members of a volunteer team. Anyone who has reached the age of majority can become a volunteer. Those still in school can help disseminate and search for information on the Internet, but do not actively participate in the search.

We have already explained to you why the Lisa Alert search team is called that. Volunteers are taught first aid techniques, how to work with navigators, a compass, a radio station, and the basics of cartography. So that each volunteer can provide the necessary assistance to the victim and notify other team members about the find.

Search engines keep up with the times

The Lisa Alert search team has its own number hotline, uniform throughout Russia. Each phone should have these treasured numbers stored in its memory. After all, when a person is lost, not a minute can be lost. The operator will instruct the applicant about the algorithm of actions.

Also on the official website of Lisa Alert you can find a search form, by filling out which, everyone who applies can be sure that this information will be seen in different parts of the country.

Now Lisa Alert also has mobile app. Anyone can download it to a smartphone. This is more of an application for notifying volunteers that a person has gone missing in a specific region. It helps to quickly assemble rapid response teams.

Forewarned is forearmed

Members of the group are taking active preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of disappearances. Simple rules sometimes they help save someone’s life. Also, employees of the “Lisa Alert” detachment (many wonder why they called it that) have developed clear algorithms for how to act during search operations in the forest, on a reservoir, in the city and in other conditions.

Despite all efforts, from 15 to 30 thousand children disappear in Russia every year. Every tenth of them is forever. That's why "Lisa Alert" is called that, and the victory of these people is someone's life saved!

Volunteers of the Lisa Alert search and rescue team have helped find more than 20 thousand people alive over seven years. It would have been possible to save even more if the detachment had been helped more people. To make becoming a volunteer as easy as possible, Beeline launched a new search. BigPiccia interviewed three volunteers subscribed to the mailing list about their first experience of helping the squad.

Alexander Ovchinnikov: “I used to look for the dead, but now I’m looking for the living”

I signed up for the newsletter about a month ago. The first time I received an SMS that a woman had disappeared near my dacha, but I had already left there. And the second time a man disappeared on the street next to me, already in the city, and I decided to go. But in general I signed up for searches throughout Moscow, so it coincided by chance. Used to look for those killed during World War II in different areas Russia, and now I decided to take part in the search for living people.

How did the search go?

There were several carriages in cars, they gave us a map of places where grandmother could go: Izmailovskaya Church, a store next to the house. Her son said that he didn’t find the keys to the dacha at home, but she would hardly be able to go there: she has Alzheimer’s disease, and he has been taking her to the dacha himself for a long time.

Did volunteers also work at the dacha?

No, the coordinators called the watchman and found out that she was not there.

Was the real search different from your ideas about it?

No, it wasn’t different, before that I watched a video from the search for “Lisa Alert” on YouTube, went to a training event at the Beeline office where I work, it was interesting to watch. They told us how to protect a child from going missing.

Did you tell your children?

My child is still small, he is five years old, but there was information on how, for example, to gather children in the forest. You should not dress in green or brown, because a volunteer may walk a few meters from a lost person and not notice him. Then if man walking to the forest, he must have some Snickers with him.

If a person has disappeared, there is no need to call him, you are unlikely to be able to help him. You ask: “Where are you?”, He will say: “I’m in the forest.” That's it, you can't do anything about it. Therefore, you need to call not him, but the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is believed that a missing person report is accepted within three days. This is a big misconception: the police in Russia are required to accept a statement on the first day.

Will you still go searching?

I'll try, it depends on the time and how close it is to me. I think yes, it's interesting.

Have you told your friends about them?

Of course, family, loved ones, relatives. Shared photos on Facebook. Basically they wrote: “Well done, great,” but maybe someone would want to come. I attracted some attention to the detachment.

Mikhail Semenov: “I receive more than I give”

I probably learned about Lisa Alert from social networks; there were constant reposts with information about missing people. Then I went to the forum and studied the search methodology in more depth. I studied as a student sports tourism, we went together to some Kyrgyzstan and rafted down the rivers on catamarans for a month. It was such an experience of communicating with the forest; non-standard situations did not frighten us at all. Therefore, I am familiar with maps, equipment, walking in azimuth, and so on.

What role have you chosen for yourself in the squad?

Walking search engine. There are very different professions there, and each person can help. This includes cartography, mailings, reposts, the call group is very active and effective: it can find people without going outside.

How did you go from reading the forum to actively searching?

I was on topic, but there was no motive to take action. The motive was the search for Artem Kuznetsov in the Lipetsk region.

Why him?

(Pause.) The child is small, three years old. He, his father and sister came to make hay. Artem wanted to play hide and seek, but his sister didn’t want to, so he ran away from her. They couldn't find him for a very long time. This was a high-profile search, when a lot of people are involved and use the media. I found out about him through social networks, and began to blame it on myself: I have children. I’m talking about this now, and there’s a lump in my throat. It was impossible to pass by.

The boy was never found. He spent about four days alone in the forest and eventually died from dehydration.

What are your memories of the search for Artem? It must have been very difficult emotionally?

Yes, definitely. When there is a long distance to the search area, people cooperate and ride in a carriage with someone else. We drove there for six hours and another six hours back, and during this time I was given such a course as a young fighter. I found myself in an interesting crew - with one of the most experienced search engines and with a representative of the Lisa Alert PR service. We talked about everything: about the specifics of the search, about experience, about different situations. For me it was such an introductory theoretical course.

We had not arrived literally ten minutes when information came about stopping the search. It often happens that you don’t reach the search and get rejected. Artem was found dead. First they found his sandal and the place where he spent the night, and then he himself. The canine dog found it, if I'm not mistaken.

Do such stories demotivate or, on the contrary, encourage more participation and attract people?

When you talk to people about memorable searches, everyone says: the ones we remember are the ones we didn't find. The analysis of where things went wrong begins. This is absolute mathematics, everything can be calculated: on average, a child is located five kilometers in diameter from the place of disappearance. This is an area of ​​20 square kilometers. It takes so many people to close them. One team covers such and such territory. That is, we can calculate: with our resources, we could have found it, but we didn’t find it.

At that time we really lacked people. We drove up and saw that local residents were working in haymaking. We wondered: how can people live and exist when this happens nearby? Local residents knew about the search, but did not come out; for some reason they thought that the father was guilty and the death was violent. The poor father was then persecuted, he answered the polygraph.

And only when they found this child’s shoes did they start sending state employees out to search... The governor helped us a lot, additionally providing about four to five hundred police officers and civil servants for the search.

Was this done quickly?

No, unfortunately it took a long time. We didn’t have time, which means it wasn’t efficient. This was already on the fifth day of the search, when the child spent five nights alone in the forest.

How many people did it take to find him?

I can’t say for sure, but off the top of my head it’s around 2000 people.

Note from BigPicchi. During the search for Artem Kuznetsov, the volunteers were greatly helped by a mobile base station (pictured), which Beeline brought to Lipetsk from Moscow. Thanks to it, it became possible to synchronize maps, coordinate better and work faster, which is very important for searches.

This was my first search, but not my only one. Now I am subscribed to all searches in Moscow and the Moscow region. On the eve of the summer season, when many people get lost in the forest, I participate in urban searches. Anyone can help, it doesn’t have to be a person with sports experience like me, with equipment, free time. My latest experience was searching for an adult man: 33 years old, disabled, disoriented. He and his father were riding bicycles in Meshchersky Park, he got scared of the dog and rode off in an unknown direction.

They could not find him for four days. He couldn’t call for help, and people don’t react to such lost people. TO small child They will be suitable if the grandmother is sitting alone at the bus stop in the evening - they will also help, but he looks like an adult man, so he does not attract attention.

Then I worked on the task of stations. It was necessary to conduct a survey, make a posting and communicate with the line police departments in the Belarusian and Kiev directions. The task was to interview, so to speak, the residents of the station, visually inspect whether there were people who looked like the lost one, paste over our stands with landmarks and interview the police whether there had been any incidents with similar people: with men of the same age and, for example, with a bicycle.

I was amazed that in the Kiev direction all the employees of, let’s say, “Lisa Alert” are friendly. They immediately said: let’s leave the orientation and we’ll take a look. The duty officer at the police department immediately radioed to all employees of the department that a search was underway, ordered everyone to report to the duty station, distributed a photo of the missing person, and everyone took a photo of him. It was very prompt and without words at all, automatically.

The work took me two hours, I printed out 20 guidelines and posted them up, covering a large part of the search. Even if you walk for several days and don’t find a person, this is not a reason to be upset; on the contrary, you should be proud, because you have narrowed the search area. This means that it is not here, you need to concentrate on other places. This is about the question of motivation.

I understand that you calmly combine your search with family and work?

Yes, I have two children, my daughter is one and a half years old, my son is three and a half years old, I have a job - I am a sales manager at the Beeline company. Of course, there is not much time, but devoting two hours after work to a truly important matter related to people's lives is not so much.

I know volunteers who go out searching two or three times a month and combine this with work and business. Anyone can help, the more people the better. Someone can print out directions, someone can take them to the headquarters near the metro, someone can take searchers to the forest or city search in a free car.

One of my motivations is this: I currently don’t have the opportunity to fully go hiking. I tried to hunt, but I feel sorry for animals, and I couldn’t. And searching is communication with nature, physical activity and, if this doesn’t sound cynical, it’s also a kind of hunt. Such an unusual hobby. I probably get more than I give.

Do you encourage your family and friends to participate?

Yes, I'm subversive in many places (laughs). Without fanaticism, of course: you cannot force a person. There are simply people who cannot ignore the problem. I analyzed why I was doing this: I can’t pass by a crying child if he’s alone, I can’t help but help carry a bag to the subway. Some people have such upbringing and a sense of responsibility, others do not. Probably, you can’t blame or reproach anyone. I tell the tourism guys about the search, and we sometimes go together.

Igor: “Someone has to do it. I must"

I recently learned about Lisa Alert, went to the site and subscribed to the newsletter.

What search have you already been on?

We walked around the city with a friend, I invited him. In St. Petersburg. I don't have any special impressions. Probably someone should do this - so I should do it. My friend, who completely agrees with me, did this too. That's the whole principle. Our police, even in 2018, are of no use.

Do you encourage your family and friends to participate in the search?

No, I’m not egging anyone on, I’m not putting together any team. It’s just that if I see among my loved ones a person who agrees with me, coincides with me in the vision of this problem, then I’ll simply offer him, and he will 100% take it and go, as happened with mine best friend. I just told him: “Let’s go,” he agreed, and it was night. We got into the car and drove off.

Have you been looking for a long time?

(Turning to a friend.) How long did we walk, Ruslan? Four, five hours.

Found it?

No, the person was not found.

Will you still travel? At night?

It doesn’t matter, there will be time - I’ll go right away, that’s all. Of course I will. It doesn’t matter to me where I go, I have a car, I’ll take it and go anywhere.

How to become a volunteer

To quickly learn about new searches in your area, sign up for a free SMS newsletter from Lisa Alert about searches near you. The newsletter is free and available to subscribers of Beeline, Megafon, MTS and Tele-2.

In the search, any help is important: calling hospitals, printing and posting directions, interviewing witnesses, interacting with relatives and the police, the opportunity to take people on foot to search or take part in the search operation itself. In the summer there will be a lot of searches, and there are always not enough people. Everyone is truly important to us.

Search and rescue team Lisa Alert was organized in 2010 as a result of the search for a lost girl named Lisa. This is a non-profit association of people with a common goal - searching for missing people in the natural and urban environment. The organization does not accept monetary donations and operates on the principle of selfless mutual assistance. Anyone who needs it can ask for help in finding a missing person. All you have to do is leave a request by phone or on the Liza Alert website.

Public search team Lisa Alert - official website

On the main page in the header, the user will easily notice telephone numbers by which he can call at any time of the day important information or leave a request to search for a missing person. Distribute important messages to in social networks you can use the buttons located under the hotline phone number.

Below is the main menu bar of the site. The first section, “Movement,” contains information about the detachment, the history of its creation and the basic principles of its activities. Here you can read news and view Lisa Alert's photo albums. A separate page “Volunteer LA” will help you understand whether you are ready to join this movement, find out how you can become a member of the team of volunteer search engines Lisa Alert, and fill out an application form to join the group.

Movement - Volunteer LA

The “Registration” section invites those wishing to sign up as volunteers to select the group in which they want and have the opportunity to participate. Fill out the application form and enter your phone number in the SMS newsletter.

Volunteer questionnaire

The materials section contains statistics on the results of searches. Here you can download banners for placement on various Internet resources. The "Recommendations" subsection contains reminders and articles that will tell you how to behave if you or your loved ones are lost, as well as tips to help avoid such situations.

On the Team Needs page, anyone who wants to help the search party can find out what the search party currently needs.

Squad needs

You can discuss the activities of Lisa Alert and chat on abstract topics on the Forum.

You can contact PSO Lisa Alert and its leader by phone numbers listed on the contacts page. " Leave a search request"missing information can be found by clicking on the button that appears on each page of the site.

Most home page The site is occupied by news. Banners are displayed on the right to inform you about current search operations.

News and current searches

Under the news you can find announcements about children found and returned home, as well as about those people who still could not be found.


A new season of searching for berry and mushroom pickers is approaching. And the more you know the story of Lisa Alert, the weirder it is to go into the forest with an unknown person. And I decided to follow Snowden's example. If you know something about which one could say “he knew too much,” then it is better to tell everything about it, to everyone at once, and even better to publish it. I will do so.

And so, it all started in 2010. Then there lived little Lisa Fomkina, she was 5 years old. Her parents often let her go for a walk in the forest with her mentally retarded aunt. One day they did not return. The parents turned to the police for help, and there they met typical sabotage, stories about three days and all that. They began to search on their own, and volunteers began to respond. In the end, they found the aunt’s body first, then Lisa’s body. Lisa was found on the 10th day of searching. And the medical examination established that she did not live 2 days before she was found. And the volunteers came to the conclusion that if they had started the search two days earlier, they would have managed to save the girl. And we decided to create a volunteer team to prevent such tragedies in the future.

As often happens, when some structure is formed from chaos, it is formed around some already existing structure, in physics this is called the “center of crystallization.” So here, during the search for Lisa, the already existing club of fans of off-road jeep rides became the center of volunteer crystallization. The search was led by Pavel (call sign Rasp); in fact, the entire history of this search and its leadership took place on his page in livejournal. So it is not surprising that when creating a detachment, he can be considered the “Creator of the Detachment”; then it was not important, but now other candidates in this regard have unexpectedly appeared. The most active volunteers formed the Troop Council to resolve all issues related to its creation, I no longer remember who was the first chairman of the Troop Council, however, according to the rules of that time, the chairman could only rule for a year and never for two years in a row, and all issues were still resolved by the Council, the chairman only presided. There was a Charter and all meetings of the detachment council were recorded and necessarily officially published.

And everything would be fine, but as in any fairy tale, “you’re a bad boy” appears, and here a young businessman Grigory Borisovich Sergeev (later GB) arose. By a strange coincidence, he is also a furniture dealer, like Serdyukov. However, maybe he was not alone even then; history is silent about this. But when I already appeared in the detachment, he never, not even one squad event, did not appear without Echo Moscow journalist Irina Vorobyova. In those years, they were inseparable like Siamese twins, which is why they were nicknamed Twix in the squad. So the authorship of all further manipulations with the detachment is questionable, but let’s remember Vorobyov’s name for now.

To begin with, the GB volunteered to help with the creation of the squad’s website, which did not exist at that time and the squad used a forum on some third-party site. And... created. The website http://lizaalert.org has appeared. But for some reason, the website of the Moscow volunteer detachment turned out to be registered in the city of Hinnerup, this is Denmark.

And it was administrated by Admin, also apparently from Denmark, a person whom no one had ever seen during the search. The Squad Council immediately suggested that the GB transfer full access to the site to the Chairman of the Squad Council. But the GB was in no hurry to do this.

I joined the detachment in November 2011, everything that I wrote above I learned from eyewitness accounts. But what I saw myself was that in November 2011 there were still minutes of the Squad Council meetings on the forum. And out of curiosity I opened the last one. This was in the summer of 2011. Firstly, the Troop Council resolved issues regarding the legalization of the detachment. Namely, all the formalities were put in order, the Charter was thought up, etc., and documents were collected to register the detachment as a “Public Organization.” And there was an election for a new chairman of the Troop Council. There were two candidates, Pavel (Rasp), already known to us, and GB. And I clearly remember the number 0 opposite GB. The rasp was chosen unanimously. And if he had managed to register, it would not have been so easy to capture the detachment, everything would have to be done in accordance with the Charter and everything controversial issues could be decided through an ordinary court. And so the GB began to act quickly and organized either a “color revolution” or a “raider takeover” in the detachment, depending on which name you prefer.

I asked how GB pulled it off. It turned out to be simple. First, he found some people who supported him (or brought them into the detachment, there are no personnel checks), then he initiated re-elections. And at the new elections, bypassing all the rules, he laid out a stack of “receipts” that some people were in favor of him. They objected to him that this would not work, no one saw these people who wrote the “receipts” during the search, no one knows, and what do they even have to do with the detachment? But then GB played its trump card.

As you understand, with any coup d'etat, control over the media is key. What they write in the media is true. And here the only media in the detachment was his forum. On the forum, GB wrote that he was elected chairman, and those who did not agree with this, that is, most of the Squad Council were banned and their posts about how things really happened there were deleted. And here it seems that it is already becoming clear that it is no coincidence that the website of the Moscow detachment turned out to be registered in Denmark. And the Administrator who supposedly he (or she) banned everyone was also out of reach, if not to punch him in the face, then at least to look him in the eye.

As a result, there was unrest and holivar in the detachment, mass bans and total censorship. People registered again to write the truth again, but they were identified and banned again. In fact, at that time there were two Liza Alert squads, one of which consisted of people who believed in the http://lizaalert.org forum, or were not interested in intra-squad politics and read only topics of active searches (and these are the majority). And the second was formed from Rasp and half of the GB detachment that did not recognize such “elections”. They were also called Liza Alert and created the website http://lizaalert.su. Now that site is already closed, but for a long time you could read true information about Lisa Alert in the pre-GB era. Rasp’s supporters also brought the matter to an end and registered the legal entity Lisa Alert as a public organization. To which the GB said that he is such a supporter of freedom that registering a legal entity will only hinder him, because then the officials against whom he is supposedly fighting will restrict him. In the end, Rasp got tired of all this, he declared that he would not use dead person's name girls as the name of the squad and they were renamed Polar Star, by which name they are still known.

An interesting point is that after seizing power in the detachment, the GB and Vorobyov went to Astakhov (the same protector of children under the President of the Russian Federation) and told him that they were the main volunteers of the country. This had never even occurred to anyone before. As a result, he believed them and gave them the official certificates of his assistants. Which they used at every opportunity. But this once again emphasizes that the interests of this couple and their way of thinking were initially different from all normal volunteers. It also seems funny to me that the GB continued to be called the chairman, despite the fact that he dispersed the Council of the Detachment. He is called... the chairman of the detachment. :) He is a detachment, not a Council, the detachment does not meet, he is looking. It may have a commander, not a chairman. This is such a funny thing as a legacy of those times when there was a Squad Council.

And so, November 2011, I appear in the squad. I, like all newcomers, was very naive; I believed that everyone in the squad was exceptionally kind, decent and crystal-honest people. “They save people...” And everywhere there is an atmosphere of friendship and camaraderie. And I didn’t even suspect what was actually happening there. On my first forest search, I discovered a number of shortcomings. Which I wanted to discuss at the forum and propose measures to resolve them. And there were reasons to write about it. Firstly, on my first trip into the forest, they managed to form our group in such a way that almost everyone was absolute beginners, except for the eldest. And the eldest was not an absolute, that is, just a beginner who was on the search 1 or 2 times. Moreover, he himself was such a zero that he did not think of taking either a navigator or a compass from the headquarters, which the headquarters provided to seniors who wanted it. As a result... we arrive, they unload us from the UAZ in the middle of the forest, the car drives away and he looks around and says, “I don’t know where to go...”. And we not only had to go somewhere, but also comb the square with a continuous comb. :) And when we returned, I said that, of course, it was not the leader of the group who was to blame for this, but the one who formed this group with such a composition. Before this, we all wrote questionnaires indicating our equipment and other data. The group was formed this way by Alina Pavlyukova and to this day she can’t forget me, she spreads all sorts of nasty rumors about me in the squad, I’ll send you a private message to anyone interested.

Generally an interesting woman. Openly he writes on the forum something like “the squad is a big red-haired friendly family, how I love you all,” and in private “we are the boss here, and whoever doesn’t like anything, go to the PZD.” And this too important point domestic policy squad. It’s not enough to ban a person on a forum. Even before this, he needs a masterful and professional shit in his soul. So that he doesn’t even have the desire to somehow return, re-register, come back to search, etc. So that he disappears completely. And this happened to many of them.

And another question that I wrote about on the forum then was that a person almost died during this search, primarily because of his own stupidity, of course, and also because of the very great stupidity of all the staff who heard the distress signal, but... didn't do anything. It would take a long time to describe everything in detail, the fact is that then I was banned from the forum for the first time. But unfortunately for them, I didn’t stop searching. But I met the real creators of the detachment in Polar Star, since everyone sent me there, who told me the background to this situation.

The next interesting moment was not long in coming; it was winter 2011-2012. In the detachment, some “old men”, i.e. those who have been in the detachment since its creation, were indignant at why Vorobyova writes political articles in the style of “Echo of Moscow” on behalf of the detachment. Nobody gave her such a right, and indeed the squad is outside politics. Why drag him in there? The situation was aggravated by the GB, declaring that if they did not stop interfering with Vorobyova, then he... would leave the detachment. This, of course, greatly surprised everyone, but... back then there were still a lot of people who remembered both the detachment before the GB and the fact that it was not he who created the detachment. So no one saw the tragedy in this, except that they sighed with relief that perhaps with his departure, finally, this whole mess in the detachment would end. But it was not there.

At the end of winter 2012, everyone was called to a meeting where, as they promised, the “crisis in the detachment” would be discussed. From the beginning they wanted to hold a meeting in Moscow, but they canceled it. Then in Troitsk, there were fewer people wanting to get there, but I went. He also led the meeting interesting person nicknamed Bavarian. He was interesting because, for example, he called normal volunteers “stompers” (those who are familiar with this slang will understand why it is interesting). :) And at this meeting he made an interesting slip of the tongue by drawing an analogy between the chairman and the word “Fuhrer”, which in his translation meant “leader”, in in a good way words. You also need to understand that not every person could even remember the word “Fuhrer” in this, one might say, good sense of the word. The hall where the meeting took place consisted of two halves. And as it quickly turned out, in each half there was a person (at least one, but two were clearly visible) who at the right moments shouted out the necessary phrases in an organized manner or shouted at people who did not need to speak. GB himself was silent for most of the meeting, and not surprisingly, in terms of intelligence and cunning he was very far from the Bavarian.

And so, the meeting. Right off the bat, the Bavarian declares that the hall has a limited time, up to 16, it seems, hours. The meeting cannot go further than this; the hall will have to be vacated. Then he asks, what are we going to discuss? Actually, the crisis in the detachment (for which everyone seemed to have gathered) or... the form of government in the detachment, and the crisis in the time remaining from this. Right there, while everyone else was digesting the very formulation of the question, two shouts from the audience: “Yes, yes, about the crisis in the remaining time.” Well, Bavarian, they say, this is the will of the people, let's do it. For the type of pluralism of opinions, he proposes two forms of government that are possible in a detachment. One of them is a completely idiotic democracy, when on any issue, even a trivial one, it would be necessary to assemble the entire Council of the Detachment and vote. The second form is the complete dictatorship of the “chairman”. And the message is immediately given that democracy is bad, because... makes it difficult to resolve issues quickly, but dictatorship is what is needed.

Of course, other forms of government were suggested from the audience. From the openly sycophantic, when they proposed an even more dictatorial form of dictatorship than the Bavarian himself proposed, it was clear that he was sincerely taken aback by such unexpected ass-licking. And there were quite reasonable proposals when there is both a Troop Council and a chairman, and the chairman makes all decisions himself, but once a month he reports to the Troop Council about the decisions he made and the reasons why he made them one way and not another. To which the GB immediately took the floor and said that if he was forced to report on his rule to at least someone... then... he would. He will leave the squad again.

And here it must be said that it was clear that time was being artificially prolonged, mainly by the above-mentioned decoys. First, everyone who wanted to was given the floor to speak, then they were asked repeatedly, often with repeated questions, like they still didn’t understand. And just like clockwork, three and a half hours passed. There are 20-30 minutes left until the hall is cleared. It was necessary to vote, there were 5 options. And then the Bavarian, looking around the hall with a sly look, took an absolutely brilliant step: “Now let’s vote for those options in the description of which there are the words “squad council”.” Well, everyone has already been explained that “squad council” is bad. But the fact that along with this the forms when the chairman had to report to at least someone disappeared was something that people understood in bewilderment only after the voting was completed. And all that remained was to vote for the initial dictatorship and the total dictatorship.

But that is not all. There are 5 minutes left until the time to “vacate the hall”. The Bavarian makes another brilliant move: “We don’t have time to choose a chairman for next year, we will choose him at the second meeting, in two weeks. But... it turns out we don’t have a legitimate chairman now. Let's quickly elect a chairman for two weeks, until the next meeting. So that there is a legitimate chairman. Who is for GB?” And this made me completely go crazy... and together with some of the equally crazy search engines, I simply left the hall. And those who remained... (by the way, there were a lot of people I didn’t know there), they voted for GB to be the chairman until the next meeting. And I think the readers have already forgotten that everyone actually gathered not for this, but to discuss the crisis in the detachment. :)

Two weeks later there was a meeting, they introduced an innovation... that only those who write their application on the forum, well, their first and last name, can get to the meeting. It seems like a small thing, but everyone who was banned on the forum is immediately eliminated. That's why I didn't go. They said that there the Bavarian made another brilliant move: “Why should we now elect a chairman for a year and waste time on this? After all, as the previous elections showed, there are still no other candidates besides the GB. Let him stay.” That’s it. :) Everything ingenious is simple. And which of the old people didn’t like what... left the squad. They could no longer go to the North Star, because... it was on them that GB relied when he drove out the Polar Star with the Rasp. Therefore, they decided to form their own unit known as the “Red Cross Volunteer Unit.” But that is another story.

GB remained chairman for another year. Then he was re-elected for four years, which is not surprising, at that time there were no people left in the detachment who could be the chairman and who would remember that it was not the GB that created the detachment. And the fact that GB, the creator of the detachment, personally saved a bunch of people - rumors about this were diligently spread. And now there is even talk that the GB is the king and re-electing him will only spoil it. Soon he will probably become a god. God differs from the king in that he no longer does anything, but they only pray to him.

The coexistence of the Polar Star, the Red Cross and Lisa Alert could hardly be called peaceful. At some point, the GB simply stopped publishing information about search applications in the “active search” topic if it could not send its verified coordinator to the search. And the PZ and QC who would be ready to support this search (since they were all “old people” and almost all were already experienced coordinates) were no longer able to obtain information about the search as usual from the LA forum. And few of the victims knew about these units; in order to apply directly, LA was a well-publicized resource and all applications flocked there. It looked like GB, the “main savior,” was so important that other competitors did not get information about the person in trouble and got a little PR from it, that he was ready to sacrifice this person, just to prevent others from being saved. Of course, this met with resistance and something like an underground naturally formed. The most conscious informers secretly leaked information about calls to the PZ and KK, and they raised those searches that the GB refused. The GB, accordingly, tried to find out the channels of leakage of “secret” information. All this looks crazy, but I myself participated in such searches, the missing person’s report in LA was classified as secret.

Time has passed.

Astakhov was replaced and now GB has become the chairman of the NGO “Liza Alert” (but what about his statements that a legal entity is harmful and will allow the authorities to control us? :).
And he, together with Vorobyova, enters working group“by volunteering” under the new Commissioner for Children Anna Kuznetsova. In essence, they are not volunteers, they are officials of the presidential staff and this is their job. Vorobyova, even more interesting, became the director of the foundation for the development of the “Method Center” system for searching for missing people. Those. Yes, Lisa Alert doesn’t take money! But... Vorobyova takes them. And here is a very interesting interview.
The center consists of only one person. Actually Vorobyova. At the expense of the Foundation, she solves the following problems. “is studying the problem of missing people, search methods, and analyzing statistical data.” And according to this link
financial statements with the Foundation since 2013
Have there been many new search methods from Vorobyova since 2013? Statistics? Yes, I remember, sometimes there were numbers annual reports how many people were found? Did Vorobyova make them? Well, even if so... On weekdays, people wander through forests and swamps at night, don’t sleep for days, drive around the entire region in cars for their own gasoline, and even deliver people on foot to their homes completely free of charge. And in order for Vorobyova to then calculate statistics on a calculator at the end of the year... she needs a Fund. :) And she also calls herself a volunteer. :) Yes, I didn’t see her collecting money for her Fund from ordinary people. But... in the interview there is a list of the Foundation's board of trustees, when I saw these positions I was shocked. These are such wonderful posts that I’m ready to copy and paste them.

Alexey Venediktov - editor-in-chief of the radio station "Echo of Moscow"
Alexey Vorobyov - Deputy Director of the Financial Institutions Department of Vnesheconombank
Vadim Klyuvgant - lawyer, public figure
Svetlana Mironyuk - senior vice president,
Director of Marketing and Communications Department of Sberbank
Maxim Motin - head of business communications at Megafon
Dmitry Muratov - editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta
Elena A. Panfilova - Vice President of Transparency International
Eugeniya Chistova - Head of Social Responsibility at VimpelCom (Beeline)

How many of them do we know as search engines? How are the people related to the squad? But it is absolutely clear that with such a board of trustees, Vorobyova does not need to collect money from ordinary people. She's doing well there anyway.

And the funniest thing is her words: “That is, yes, we are not helping specific people, we do not help volunteers with money. We solve problems." Anyone who knows how she “participated in the search” for as many years as I did will understand all the sarcasm of her phrase. :)

PS I received a refutation (in personal correspondence) of part of my information.
Start of quote.

However, I’ll correct you a little:

1. Moscow regional public organization"Lisa ALERT", which was created by the real founders of LA, is still in registered status, although it does not conduct any financial, operational or other activities.

2. Gr. Sergeev is not the chairman of the NGO "Lisa Alert", because He did not create or register such an NPO. The article you are relying on simply contains an error, just like the original version of the list of members of the public council posted on the website of the Commissioner under the President.
Thus, the current aircraft, led by gr. Sergeev, still remains an unregistered public association.

3. Not only legally, but also in fact and in any other way - Sergeev and Vorobyova are in no way connected with the AP, do not in any way influence the decisions and even the opinions of the AP, even being on the public council under the Commissioner (which, of course, is good news).

4. Vorobyova’s fund was registered on November 9, 2016, so it cannot possibly have reporting for the period 2013-2015. The site on which you saw this only provides copies of part of the information from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, so the standard site template in any case shows hidden reporting cells for previous years, which misled you.

End of quote

I can agree with some things, for example, the Ministry of Justice website really doesn’t know anything about the NGO DPSO “Lisa Alert”. Not with something, because... I saw for myself what an impact GB has. :) Everyone can check something.

PPS The story with this post, unexpectedly, received a continuation. On July 17, 2017, Ruslan Kechkin, 4 years old, Klinsky district, Moscow region, disappeared. I recently returned from a search in the Lipetsk region, there, too, for 4 years, but, what to do, I covered the blister on my leg with a plaster and decided to go. First, I agreed with Pistachio, she was just driving past me on the Moscow Ring Road, that she would pick me up. But after that Pistachio picked up Wasser. And Vasser said that she was the eldest in the car and she forbade taking me on the search. It’s difficult for me to understand this woman’s train of thought; no one appointed her as a senior person in the car; the senior person in the car, of course, is the owner of the car. And she wasn’t even the oldest in age. Where does this come from? Okay, I found another car. I arrive to search, where Katya the Cat declares that she does not allow me to participate in the search. To the question "Why?" In front of all the volunteers, she was embarrassed to answer. But when everyone left, she said that she did not allow me to participate in the search because she did not like my post on my VKontakte page, this one. And here we can already speculate about which people with what priorities sometimes end up in the coordination of the aircraft. What I write on my VKontakte page is much more important to her than saving a 4-year-old child. I asked her whose order this was, she replied that it was her personal initiative.
Anyway, GB, if you're reading this post (and I'm sure they are), these two women really want a promotion.

PPPS I wrote a memoir about how I went to Krymsk with Lisa Alert after the flood. This also has something to do with the history of the unit.

PPPPS I found a copy of the statement from the real creators of Liza Alert, which was previously posted on lizaalert.su.

Search and rescue team "Lisa Alert"
File:LA logo.jpg
Date of foundation October 14, 2010
Type volunteer squad
Number of participants It is not possible to measure the number of participants since people come and go
Chairman Grigory Borisovich Sergeev
Website lizaalert.org

DPSO Lisa Alert (Volunteer Search and Rescue Squad, Search Squad Lisa Alert) is a non-profit public organization consisting of volunteers and engaged in the search for missing people. Also known as Volunteer Search and Rescue Lisa Alert. The name of the organization comes from the name of 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, whose search gave impetus to the creation of the detachment, and English word Alert(translated as an alarm signal). The bulk of the searches take place in the Moscow region and surrounding areas. Priority is given to searching for children and the elderly, as well as people lost in natural environment. The detachment does not search for missing soldiers and identify them. The detachment does not provide paid search services; searches are carried out free of charge by the efforts of volunteers.

Squad functions

  • Operational search for missing people;
  • Carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Training members of the Lisa Alert DPSO and state search and rescue teams in the skills of conducting search operations, methods of providing first aid to victims, using search equipment (compass, walkie-talkie, navigator, etc.) and other skills necessary in search work.
  • Dissemination of information about the Lisa Alert DSSO in order to attract new volunteers and optimize interaction with government agencies in the process of conducting search activities.

Functions of squad members


  • Hotline operators receive, process and forward requests to PSO units around the clock, and advise applicants on initial actions in the event of a missing person.
  • the information coordinator provides the necessary data to the headquarters and directs volunteers;
  • the information group disseminates information in the media and attracts volunteers;
  • the cartographer prepares maps of the search area.
  • the coordinator directs search and rescue operations;
  • an operational cartographer puts the necessary information on the map;

In the search area:

Organization of search activities

Applications for searches are received in the form of a call to a 24-hour phone number or to the website of the PSO “Lisa Alert” by filling out a special form. Anyone can apply. This is usually done by relatives and friends of the lost person or by official services. The only condition: the person must be officially listed as missing, i.e. there must be a police report.

Upon acceptance of the application, a search coordinator and information coordinator are determined. Members of the squad are notified by posting a relevant topic on the forum, sending SMS and email newsletters to subscribers from among the squad members, and posting information on Twitter. At the same time, calls begin to be made to the Central Information Ambulance, the Accident Registration Bureau, as well as hospitals in the corresponding region. Volunteers ready to leave notify the search coordinator about the time and place of departure for the search; with the help of the information coordinator, vehicle crews are formed depending on the territorial location of the search engines.

Maps of the search area are prepared and printed. Directions are compiled and replicated with a photograph of the missing person, a description of the main signs and an indication of the date and place where the person was last seen. Information about searches is disseminated on the Internet and in the media.

Upon arrival at the search site, relatives and friends of the lost person are interviewed, and contact is established with the official services involved (police, Ministry of Emergency Situations). A field headquarters is organized, which includes: a headquarters tent and/or vehicle, workstations for a radio operator and cartographer, a doctor on duty, a kitchen, and a parking lot. All available and emerging information during the search flows to the coordinator. The territory is divided into squares and zones.

The coordinator, taking into account the skills, abilities, and capabilities of the volunteers, divides them into groups and directs them to perform tasks on the ground. The data received from the search teams is brought together, and the surveyed territories are marked on maps. When conflicting information appears, all possible versions are explored. The search coordinator analyzes all information obtained during the search process and makes decisions regarding further search activities. Searches begin and are carried out at any time of the day and are carried out until the lost person is found or until all available leads are worked out. Next, active searches can move into a passive phase until new information appears.


In addition to direct search activities, the detachment is engaged in the following activities:

  • attracting and training volunteers in first aid techniques, working with a navigator, radio station, compass, cartography, leading a search group, managing the search in general, etc.;
  • conducting training trips where various search activities are practiced;
  • work with the media;
  • establishing contacts with official and unofficial organizations;
  • carrying out preventive measures aimed at reducing the number of cases of disappearances;
  • Carrying out promotions aimed at updating society's attention to the problems of missing persons.

The detachment took part in eliminating the consequences of the flood in Krymsk ( Krasnodar region) in the summer of 2012.

The team is a Winner of the ROTOR Award in the “Internet Community of the Year” category.


The detachment was built on the basis of goodwill, mutual benefit, and selflessness. PSO "Lisa Alert" does not accept financial assistance and does not have current accounts or virtual wallets. This is the principled and unchanging position of the detachment. Those who wish can help disseminate and/or collect information, assist in providing or donate to the detachment the equipment necessary for search work (a publicly available list of equipment is available on the Organization’s website), as well as products for providing food for searchers during search work.


The detachment consists of people of different nationalities, professions, views, and religions. The main thing that unites them is a caring attitude towards the misfortune of others, enthusiasm, and a willingness to spend their time, effort and money for the benefit of the victims. Minors are not allowed into the squad.

Regional divisions and colleagues

The Moscow detachment is the most numerous and active. Units of the detachment, of varying degrees of organization, were formed in more than ten regions of Russia: Tver, Krasnodar, Ivanovo, Leningrad, Kostroma, Rostov, Bryansk, Kaluga, Altai, Kursk, Tatarstan... In a number of regions, local search and rescue teams are being born: Tula, Perm, Vologda, Vladimir, Khabarovsk, Omsk, ... The structure of the detachments is network, there is no coordination from the center, interaction occurs for the purpose of exchanging information, training (including distance learning) and providing assistance in creating an independent, capable regional structure.

Why do people disappear?

People who are unable to navigate space on their own and are left unattended easily get lost. This category includes young children, people with mental disabilities, memory disorders, including senile ones. The squad has to look for victims of accidents and crime. A separate category consists of the so-called. “runners” are people hiding of their own free will.

History of creation

The idea of ​​creating a squad to search for missing children came in the fall of 2010 after the search for little Sasha, who got lost in the forest near Chernogolovka, and 5-year-old Liza Fomkina, who, along with her aunt, got lost in the forest near Orekhovo-Zuev. The prototype for the squad's name was the international warning system



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