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Law enforcement: who can work after college? Who can work with a specialty in law enforcement? Terms and forms of training

In any civilized country it is necessary to monitor compliance with the norms and rules of current legislation. A person living in a society must obey the laws established in it and not violate the rights of other citizens. To achieve this goal, established order security bodies were created. Law enforcement - what kind of profession is it? This is one of the most important and necessary functions in our society. Employees are required to uphold the law.

A specialist in the field of law enforcement activities carries out:

  1. Monitoring compliance with the rules that are clearly stated in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. Respect for the rights of the country's citizens.
  3. Ensuring the functioning of courts.
  4. In cases of misconduct, initiates investigations to identify those responsible.
  5. Protecting the rights of every citizen.
  6. Assistance in providing evidence to lawyers.
  7. The notary provides protection and is responsible for the legal support of the lives of citizens.


Many applicants dream of working in the field of law or law enforcement, which is why there are long queues at universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs to submit documents. Competition is high, so applicants should carefully prepare for admission. The profession is prestigious and provides the opportunity for further career growth.

Even a young specialist is useful to the Russian Federation. To pass the competition, you will need to first analyze the features of this specialty. Applicants are advised to carefully study the nature of the profession, thanks to which they will be able to accurately determine their specialty.

The activities of the FSIN include a wide range of responsibilities:

  • interaction and direct work to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens;
  • the functioning of individual bodies that monitor, investigate or counter the emergence of an illegal situation.
  • investigations are carried out in compliance with the norms and rules of current legislation.

A person who plans to work in law enforcement should understand what it is. Attention needs to be paid to the essence of the concept and delve into the study of its principles. Only after this can you contact the university with documents. If there are any questions about the specialization, they need to be resolved with the teachers.

In modern legislation, law enforcement activities are understood as all actions performed to protect the legal rights of individuals and organizations. In this case, a number of specific levers of influence are used, which cannot run counter to the law.

Training scheme

People go into law enforcement with a clear awareness and understanding of the fundamentals of their future profession. After 9th grade you can enroll in full-time, part-time and evening courses. However, most often students decide to take such a step only after 11th grade. They are advised to read the requirements for the specialty with code 40.02 02.

The university offers several forms of education:

  1. Full-time.
  2. Correspondence.
  3. Evening.
  4. Mixed.

The latter form has been the most popular in recent years. The student learns through classes and the Internet. Testing and other types of verification of acquired knowledge are carried out remotely.

Useful video: law enforcement

Features of learning after 9th grade

You should submit documents to the university if the passing score on the Unified State Exam is in the range from 35 to 77. Additionally, you will need to pass testing in Russian and a foreign language, or history.

Where can a graduate of the educational institution work:

  • administrative and educational institutions;
  • special police units;
  • organization of a security system in criminal educational institutions;
  • searching for people who have broken the law.

Practice can only be started if a specialist qualification has been obtained.

Important!​ After finishing 9th grade, you can only go to study at a secondary specialized institution with a law enforcement focus.

Education after 9th grade

Future profession

A specialty helps prepare workers for a particular industry. Future specialists in the field of law enforcement receive only the knowledge that will certainly be useful to them in practice. There are several types of specializations, each of them has its own tasks and characteristics.

A lawyer (investigator) works to protect the interests of citizens or legal entities. The activities of this specialist cover a wide range of services in the legal field. For example, he acts as a defender of a citizen’s interests in court or helps him collect all the necessary documents. Lawyers are often involved in traffic accident cases. This specialization is considered the most in demand in the labor market.

A police officer is a specialist who monitors public and legal order. Its activities are aimed at preserving the property and health of the citizens of our country. It is these officers who regularly patrol the streets in order to detain suspicious persons.

The police are contacted in case of theft or other illegal acts. The employees’ task is to analyze the situation and find intruders who are breaking the law.

A bailiff is also a law enforcement officer.

This specialist works in two directions at once:

  • monitors the order and implementation of all norms of law and rules during the court hearing;
  • collects debts during enforcement proceedings, and may come to the debtor’s home to enforce a court decision.

There is one drawback to the work of a bailiff - irregular working hours. However, the schedule will also include night shifts and weekends.

A local police officer is an official who monitors suspicious behavior and ensures that order is maintained in the area entrusted to him. The basis of its activities is the timely implementation of necessary measures to protect citizens. The position of district police officer belongs to the middle and senior ranks of the police. To work in this field, it is important to first obtain a higher education and acquire the necessary experience.

Essential for many businesses and individuals to correctly interpret and comply with laws. He must also monitor their implementation on the territory of the state. It can help to correctly draw up an official document for applying to a government agency.

The lawyer always acts on the side of the plaintiff. Quite often he is hired to assist in court. A specialist in this field must necessarily monitor changes in current legislation. Only in this case will he be able to competently and accurately draw up all the necessary documents.

A lawyer is the law enforcement profession most in demand in commercial circles. Such a specialist can also be actively involved in teaching this discipline. Most politicians and financiers have similar qualifications.

Knowledge of laws can be useful at any time, because they are present in any segment of a person’s life.

For each of the above specializations, recruitment is regularly carried out. However, to compete in the labor market it is necessary to have sufficient work experience and qualifications. The government structure is also actively developing, so many jobs for law enforcement officers regularly appear.

Primary requirements

Before applying for a position in law enforcement agencies, you must familiarize yourself with the list of basic requirements. Most often, an employee is expected to have a good knowledge of constitutional law, administrative, civil, criminal codes and other legislative acts. A law enforcement officer must be well versed in forensic science and know paperwork. Forensic medicine and psychiatry can help in the work. Knowledge of how inquiry and investigation procedures are conducted is of no small importance. During the training stages, you should also delve into the basics of crime investigation methodology.

To work in law enforcement, you must first master the following skills:

  • correctly use special equipment for operational search work;
  • know laws and legal acts, and also be able to interpret them correctly;
  • the specialist must be able to make decisions that strictly follow all laws and previously established standards;
  • maintain public order and counteract illegal forces, be able to use firearms and other means of defense;
  • conducting preventive work that is aimed at strengthening law and order in society. Employees must promote healthy propaganda among all sections of the population.

Law enforcement offers an excellent career opportunity. Employees regularly have the opportunity to increase their rank and improve their living conditions through their wages. Knowledge of the laws will help not only the specialist himself, but also those around him not to get into trouble. It is very important to protect your family and friends from problems with the law.

Important! Law enforcement officers must have strong moral convictions and not take risks in the race for glory.

Useful video: selections for the Ministry of Internal Affairs


Through public service you can secure a secure future for yourself. Even in case of dismissal, there remains the possibility of opening a private practice and conducting legal activities. Employees receive a unique opportunity for continuous career growth. All graduates of this direction become sought-after specialists.

However, your status will have to be confirmed over time. To do this, you need to constantly keep your finger on the pulse: study new laws and amendments to them, improve your professional skills. With experience and perseverance, you will be able to achieve excellent results in this field.

In contact with

The question tormenting many newly graduated students of the Faculty of Law Enforcement is who can they work with with such a diploma? However, some graduates experience difficulties, but only in terms of the direction of future activities.

The list of professions that are available with a lawyer's degree is quite large. You should choose a specific direction based on your own desires and ability to meet the requirements of employers.

If we talk about the specialty, law enforcement activity is to respect and protect all the rights of every citizen and his freedoms. All government bodies are working in this direction. In a narrower sense of the word, law enforcement activities are carried out by a number of structures that directly monitor the observance of rights and freedoms and in the event of violation of the latter.

Students studying the specialty “law enforcement” are trained in several work profiles at once. Namely:

  • educational and legal;
  • administrative;
  • operational-search;
  • to ensure the functioning of special forces;
  • By .

Upon admission, each young specialist can choose the direction in which he will be most effective. Further training will be based on the selected profile.

Where can you work with a diploma in law enforcement?

Choosing jobs seems to be quite a complicated process. Especially when it comes to girls with a specialist diploma in law enforcement and jurisprudence. , in which the knowledge acquired at a university or law college is applicable, is impressive. The general list includes positions:

  • investigator;
  • interrogator;
  • forensic expert;
  • district police officer;
  • lawyer;
  • notary;
  • forensic expert;
  • lawyer (legal consultant).

This list applies equally to graduates of both sexes. Although it is generally accepted that positions such as notary, lawyer, lawyer are more suitable for women, in modern society there are no gender restrictions in terms of positions held. Therefore, a girl who has graduated from the law enforcement department at a university can freely choose the type of occupation that interests her within the framework of her specialty.

Ideally, each specialist should take his place in or other services of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, the skills acquired during training will also be useful in private practice (notary, legal consultant, investigator). In addition, given the widespread demand for legal advice, in-house lawyers are necessary for every large enterprise.

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Social studies is a core subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

An important (profile) exam for admission is social studies. The applicant also takes the Russian language and can choose either history/foreign language/computer science; it is important to pay attention to the passing score on the EGE. When applying to a specialty as a second higher education, the applicant undergoes testing.

This area of ​​training was created to prepare for work persons who in the future plan to engage in law enforcement, supervision of compliance with the rule of law, and assistance to the population in matters of protecting rights and freedoms. Such responsibilities are assigned to state law enforcement agencies, so graduates are expected to work in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, courts, prosecutors' offices, investigative committees, customs service, Ministry of Emergency Situations, and auxiliary structures.

Brief description of the specialty

Students in this area study different types of law, but the emphasis is on the future activities of graduates in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the police and other government organizations. Upon admission, you need to choose one of several specialty profiles:

  • educational and legal work;
  • administrative activities;
  • operational investigative activities;
  • ensuring the activities of special forces;
  • security in the penal system.

For students, mandatory practice is provided in the courts (federal, arbitration, constitutional), law enforcement agencies or structures that support the activities of the courts (prosecutor's office, bailiff service, etc., read more about). Practice in a notary office, customs service, detective agency, and forensic laboratory will be useful.

Large universities in the capital

There are quite a large number of educational institutions in Moscow and beyond that are ready to train students in one of the majors. The following are in high places in the ranking of universities in the capital in the field of Law Enforcement:

  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. V.Ya. Kikotya;
  • University of the Russian Academy of Education;
  • Russian Legal Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;
  • Russian Academy of Advocacy and Notariat.

Terms and forms of training

For the convenience of training for yesterday's graduates and working applicants, there are several options for attending classes:

  • full-time (4-5 years of study after 11th grade and 3-3.5 years at the college);
  • part-time (4 and 3 years, respectively, in other universities 6 years after 11th grade or 4 years on the basis of the first higher education);
  • correspondence (6 years after 11th grade and 4 years upon receiving a second higher education);
  • weekend group (6 years).

Subjects studied by students

In addition to general education subjects, which are mandatory for universities of any profile, students study a complex of specialized disciplines. The core of the knowledge gained consists of different types of law, jurisprudence and international experience in their application in practice. Among the disciplines that students will master:

  • foundations of Russian statehood;
  • jurisprudence;
  • international, criminal, administrative, civil, constitutional law and its other varieties;
  • record keeping, legal proceedings, document flow;
  • implementation of operational-search activities;
  • physical training, classes on weapons and self-defense;
  • other items.

Gained knowledge and skills

After graduation, the graduate must be able to apply the following skills:

  • develop and draw up regulatory documents, acts, orders, instructions;
  • conduct an examination of developed acts and legal documents, look for and eliminate opportunities for double interpretations and loopholes;
  • apply the law in practice;
  • understand criminal and administrative cases, be able to draw conclusions;
  • be able to ensure the safety of citizens, both legal and physical (using firearms and other methods);
  • identify and prevent crimes and violations of the law;
  • participate in operational activities and organize them effectively;
  • carry out psychological and psychiatric examinations for the needs of the court;
  • be able to analyze the conclusions of other experts;
  • provide legal assistance to citizens;
  • deal with document management;
  • take part in legal proceedings.

Professions: where and who you can work with

Graduates are expected to be involved in ensuring law and order within the state. It is planned that each of the specialists will be able to work in the police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and occupy the following positions:

  • investigator, investigator, criminologist;
  • district police officer, head of department;
  • advocate;
  • notary;
  • forensic scientist;
  • lawyer, legal consultant.

The level of salaries in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is constantly changing, but usually increases. Yesterday's graduate while serving as a district police officer with minimal work experience can count on 40 thousand rubles. As you move up the career ladder, salary levels increase significantly, but the speed of advancement is sometimes unpredictable.

Continuing training in the specialty

If a graduate is focused on career growth, it is advisable to enroll in a master's program in his specialty. The latter also grants the right to teach in legal disciplines. To seriously engage in scientific and analytical work after a master's degree, a graduate can enter graduate school with the aim of preparing a candidate's dissertation. In addition to gaining knowledge, personal and professional growth, master's and postgraduate studies provide another advantage for young men: they provide a deferment from military service.

Law and law enforcement have recently become increasingly popular among applicants, as evidenced by long queues at university admissions offices and high competition among applicants. This is explained by the privileges of software workers and the prestige of the job, the opportunity for career growth and the internal beliefs of a young citizen of the Russian Federation.

In order to pass the competition for this specialty, it is necessary to take into account some details, without which training is impossible. It is also worth deciding on your future profession in advance in order to choose the right specialization.

What is law enforcement?

The concept of “law enforcement” is considered in a broad and narrow sense. The first is the work of all government bodies that are responsible for ensuring compliance with the rights of citizens and their freedoms.

The second involves the activities of specially authorized bodies, the purpose of which is to protect the law from violations and ensure freedoms. The implementation is carried out in a strictly established manner and within the framework of the law.

The first step is to understand what law enforcement activity is, its concept, essence. This is necessary to understand the principles of work, determine the specialization for which you should apply, and also evaluate the features of the work. According to dictionaries, PD is a type of state activity, and it is carried out to protect the right. This is carried out by authorized bodies when applying certain legal measures of influence that clearly comply with the law.

  • all actions are carried out in accordance with the law;
  • a strictly established procedure that is regulated by law;
  • the bodies that implement legal measures are clearly defined and have a specific list of powers regulated by law.

Traditionally, the documents indicate the following institutions: the court, operational intelligence agencies, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, customs, the prosecutor’s office, and so on. This includes public organizations of a certain type and type of work.

Information about the profession “Law Enforcement” directly depends on the specific type. However, there are also general concepts that each of them necessarily meets. These are signs that correspond to institutions, legal frameworks and powers, direction. It is also worth knowing what law enforcement is for. Its tasks and functions are also a subject of mandatory study.

Among the latter, the following are highlighted:

  • Monitoring compliance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation (relevant courts).
  • Establishment of justice.
  • Organizational support for the activities of courts.
  • Legal assistance, protection of the law on behalf of society, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
  • Notarial protection of citizens' interests.

Each of the above functions is performed by a specific organ, but they are all interconnected, and the work of some affects the results of others directly or indirectly.

Types of Law Enforcement Agencies

In general, they can all be divided into three groups, each of which is engaged in a specific type of activity:

  • Detection and investigation of crimes.
  • Ensuring security and order.
  • Legal assistance.

The first group is engaged in the pre-trial stage, that is, solving the crime. They also have jurisdiction over judicial investigation and inquiry.

The police control the order. Its main function is to prevent crimes, detect them, and suppress them. In addition, security of certain objects and administrative control in various fields of activity can also be added to the tasks of the police.

Law enforcement activities and law enforcement agencies of this unit, or rather their focus, depend on the unit:

  • Municipal.
  • Road.
  • Drug control.
  • Tax office.
  • Military and others.

It is also worth noting that there is an international police force - Interpol, which operates throughout the world and has more capabilities, and also deals with particularly important cases.

The last type is legal aid bodies. They include the Bar, Notaries and others. The main task is to uphold human rights in court and ensure human protection.

Law enforcement universities

There are 23 universities in the Russian Federation that are listed as subordinate to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.

Four of them are located in Moscow, others are dispersed throughout major cities of the country. Also, the vast majority have branches in other localities. This means that the specialty “Law Enforcement” is available to almost all applicants living in small towns, since you can choose an educational institution nearby.

RPA has 14 branches, which are located in St. Petersburg and Izhevsk. Petrozavodsk, Saransk, Tula and other cities.

The university accepts students in three faculties:

  • Socio-legal.
  • Advanced training.
  • Legal.

RPA trains bachelors, specialists, masters, and also has postgraduate, doctoral and pre-university education. There are a number of groups in which children in grades 4-5 take part.

Other, no less popular universities are the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in St. Petersburg, the Far Eastern Law Institute, and the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Recruitment to the university (“Law Enforcement”) is made from graduates of the 11th grade of secondary schools, technical schools, and colleges. The peculiarity of submitting documents is that they are primarily sent not to the selection committee, but to the completing internal affairs body at the place of residence. After reviewing the application on site, the papers are transferred to the university.

As in other higher educational institutions, the main selection is based on the results of the Unified State Exam. But, in addition to this, for the specialty “Law Enforcement”, it is also necessary to successfully pass professional psychological testing.

All universities require excellent physical preparation for some specialties, which is why many also announce an additional type of entrance campaign - a test of endurance, capabilities and strength. So you should prepare in advance or sign up for courses that are often organized by the university itself.

“Law enforcement” is a specialty that entitles every cadet who graduates from an educational institution to exemption from military service.

In addition to the opportunity to remain a teacher at your alma mater, there are hundreds of other employment options.

Before applying for the Law Enforcement specialty, it is worth deciding who you can work with. Modern universities train judges, police officers, investigators, lawyers, prosecutors and other specialists. Depending on the direction of study, the place of work is determined. In addition, most educational institutions employ their graduates.

Upon completion of training in the specialty “Law Enforcement,” experience will tell you who you can work with, since the student undergoes several types of internships, during which he can see with his own eyes the work of a particular specialist and weigh the pros and cons.

The first step is to submit an application for admission to the police department at your place of residence. Authorities fill out a personal file and send it to the selected university or institute.

Then, on behalf of the applicant, an application is written addressed to the head of the internal affairs department. After this, the contracting authority must issue the following documents:

  • Results of medical-military examination.
  • Results of professional psychological selection.

Then you need to go to the university and grab your passport (or other identification documents), original diploma or certificate. It is worth clarifying in advance before writing an application for training in the specialty “Law Enforcement”, who you can work with after graduation.

At the end of 4 years, the student receives a bachelor's degree and can either go to work or continue his studies at this or another university.

If the documents are submitted to a branch, then you must immediately ask where you need to continue your studies as a specialist or where to enroll in graduate school.

The specialty “Law Enforcement” requires training for at least 4 years. Correspondence and full-time forms of study have the same length, but it is worth noting right away that some specialties do not provide for correspondence courses.

Students of universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and similar ones are exempt from military service. There is a set of benefits for rent and utilities. And also the amount of pension and the time of retirement are calculated differently.

Not exactly a benefit, but also an advantage of graduates - an abundance of professions after graduating with a degree in Law Enforcement. Who you can work for is indicated directly upon admission.

For each law enforcement officer, the prospect of career growth opens up in several respects: the opportunity to obtain a higher rank, improved life and increased wages. In addition, competence in the legal field will help not only avoid troubles, but also protect others from them.

In any case, law enforcement officers are people who make their choices based primarily on moral values ​​and beliefs, and not chasing glory.

Specialty law enforcement

Law enforcement (specialty 40.02.02) monitors the fulfillment of citizens' rights and protects the right from violations and ensures freedoms within the framework of the law.
The essence of training in the specialty of law enforcement is as follows:

  • control over the implementation of the Constitution of the Russian Federation);
  • execution of justice;
  • organization of work of courts;
  • identification and investigation of violations of law;
  • assistance of a lawyer, protection of the law on behalf of the public, protection of citizens;
  • protection of civil interests by a notary;

SPO law enforcement activities after 11th and 9th grade

Law enforcement is a specialty that requires a conscious attitude, which cannot be entered easily or on a residual basis.

Forms of teaching the base of 9th grade:

  • full-time - 3 years 6 months;
  • part-time - up to 5 years;
  • evening - up to 5 years.

On the basis of 11 classes, it is possible to study the specialty of law enforcement (specialty code 40.02 02) in the following forms:

  • Full-time (duration of study – 5 years);
  • part-time (6 years);
  • evening (7 years);
  • mixed (7 years).

The “mixed form” of education, which has been gaining popularity in recent years, is the addition of the classroom-lesson system with Internet educational technologies (online testing).

Specialty law enforcement after 9th grade

The passing score for admission to secondary vocational education in the Russian Federation is from 35 to 77 Unified State Examination.

Entrance tests for the specialty of law enforcement are conducted in the following disciplines:

  • Russian language;
  • Social studies (major subject);
  • Foreign language and history (optional).

Training allows you to master the following specialties in law enforcement agencies:

  • administrative work;
  • educational work;
  • work in special units;
  • work to create security in the penal system;
  • work to find violators.

Upon successful completion of training, the graduate is awarded the qualification “Specialist in the field of training “Law Enforcement.”
After ninth grade, you can enter a secondary specialized law enforcement institution.

Who and where to work in the specialty of law enforcement

The law enforcement activity of a lawyer is to protect the interests and rights of citizens and organizations. Provides legal services in various areas of law: acts as a defense attorney in court, helps to correctly draw up documents, considers cases of road accidents, etc. The specialty is in demand in the labor market.

Monitors the observance of public order, protects the property and health of law-abiding citizens by patrolling the streets and detaining suspicious persons.

Bailiffs work in two areas:
1. Ensure the order of the courts’ activities.
2. Collect debts and visit the homes of debtors.
The working day of a bailiff is usually irregular (night hours and weekends may be included in the work schedule).

District Police Commissioner
An official who controls the activities of suspicious elements and protects citizens in a certain area of ​​a residential area of ​​the city. Precinct commissioners represent middle and senior police officers.

Specializes in the application and interpretation of laws, their compliance in government agencies, enterprises and institutions. Like a lawyer, he assists in the competent drafting of documents, contracts, and represents the interests of the plaintiff in court. A lawyer analyzes and reviews current legislation.

The qualification "lawyer" specializing in law enforcement activities is also in demand in commercial structures. A lawyer has the right to conduct teaching, political work, and act in financial organizations.

Each of the listed professions is necessary in the modern labor market. First of all, this is due to the development of government structures and the emergence of new jobs.

Public service is a secure future, because the state will not close and will not lose its license to operate. Working in a government law enforcement agency means guaranteeing yourself opportunities for career growth. It is possible and necessary to receive education in this area - its specialties are necessary and in demand by the direct customer - the state itself.

Specialty 40.02.02 Law enforcement

Description of the educational program

  • legally qualify facts, events and circumstances;
  • ensure compliance with legislation by legal entities;
  • implement the norms of substantive and procedural law;
  • ensure law and order, security of the individual, society and state, protect public order;
  • carry out operational and service activities in accordance with the training profile;
  • suppress illegal actions, including taking actions to suppress offenses by force, detaining and escorting offenders;
  • ensure the identification, disclosure and investigation of crimes and other offenses in accordance with the training profile;
  • carry out technical, forensic and special technical support for operational and official activities;
  • provide first aid and self-help;
  • use in professional activities regulatory legal acts and documents to ensure the regime of secrecy in the Russian Federation;
  • ensure the protection of information constituting state secrets, confidential information and other secrets protected by law;
  • carry out the prevention of crimes and other offenses based on the use of crime patterns, criminal behavior and methods for their prevention, identify and eliminate the causes and conditions conducive to the commission of offenses;
  • carry out their professional activities in interaction with employees of other law enforcement agencies.
  • computer science and information technology in professional activities,
  • Theory of Government and Rights,
  • constitutional law of Russia,

The law enforcement specialty is designed to train professionals who will protect law and order at the state level. Students study domestic and international law, and also get acquainted with real judicial practice. Specialists in this profile bear a great responsibility. They must ensure law and order, protect the interests of citizens, and prevent crimes. This also includes preventive work, for example, inspectors for juvenile affairs with dysfunctional families and monitoring of children at risk. This requires a good knowledge of the law and the ability to apply them. Regardless of position, a person guarding law and order must be honest, fair, and have a developed sense of social consciousness. Police officers need, among other things, good physical fitness, courage and balance.



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