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Presentation - “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” Moral ideals and covenants of Ancient Rus' - Hymn of love and fidelity. The Tale of Peter and Fevronia presentation for a literature lesson (7th grade) on the topic of love and fidelity to loved ones

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1. Love, devotion, loyalty of the main characters in “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”. Connection of the story with folklore.

The story was written at 15centurywriter, publicistErmolai-Erasmus, who was a priest in Pskov, then archpriest of the palace cathedralSpasa-on-Borin Moscow, then a monk. This is not the only thing, but the most famous work. 150 lists of "The Tale..." have been preserved.

The theme is a story of love, devotion, dedication.

The idea is to show the ideal of the righteous, the affirmation of love - a great feeling.

The main characters are Peter and Fevronia.

The life of Peter and Fevronia is the story of a relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties of a long and difficult earthly path, revealing the ideal of the Christian family.

After reading “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”, we identified the following features of the fairy tale:

1. The beginning of the work is reminiscent of a fairy tale: “There is a city in the Russian land... Once upon a time a prince named Pavel ruled in it...”

2. The story begins with an event that, undoubtedly, came here from a fairy tale: the Serpent began to fly to the wife of Prince Paul and seduce her.

3. The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero-snake fighter, the second is like an everyday fairy tale about a wise maiden. As in all fairy tales there is fairy tale hero- serpent Tempter.

4. According to the laws fairy tale Good always defeats Evil: Peter defeated the serpent.

5. There are riddles that heroes of fairy tales often have to guess. For example, “It’s bad when the house has no ears and the room has no eyes.”

6. Cunning test tasks (Peter’s task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia’s task to make a loom from a log).

7. Magic objects (for example, Agrikov’s sword, from which the Serpent dies).

8. Constant epithets: “crafty serpent”, “ wise maiden" and etc.

Thus, the features we have identified that are characteristic of fairy tales and everyday tales allow us to classify “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” as a folklore genre.

Hagiographic literature was very popular in Rus'. The word "life" means "life." Lives were works that told about state saints and religious figures whose lives and actions were regarded as exemplary. Life is a biography of the saints. A saint is a person who has dedicated himself to God.

Lives had a certain structure:

1. Introduction, which explained the reasons that prompted the author to begin the story.

2. The main part is a story about the life of the saint, his death and posthumous miracles.

3. The life ended with praise to the saint.

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” is written in the form of a life - this artistic biography people canonized as saints.

Features of the hagiographic genre:

2. There is a word of praise to the saints: “Let us, according to our strength, give praise to them...

3. The heroes’ love for God, the heroes’ reverence for the Bible.

4. Miracles that the heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, crumbs of bread turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees).

5. Unusual death and posthumous miracles ( faithful spouses not only did they die on the same day and hour, but also did not separate after death; At the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses).

The story uses vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, giving alms, commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc.

But in the story there is no structure of the work traditional for the hagiographic genre (only the ending is a classic example of hagiography)

The genre of the work is defined in the title: “Tale”. During the study, we discovered the following genre features:

1. Specific locations of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This gives the story credibility.

2. Heroes of the story - real people. The prince, before starting treatment, wants to test Fevronia’s wisdom and gives her impossible tasks. In a fairy tale, such tasks are completed with fabulous speed. Not so in the story. Fevronia on Lukayr answers the task with no less crafty ones.

3. Details. For example, Fevronia wraps a thread around a needle: “... she stopped and stuck her needle in the air, and wrapped the thread around it that she was embroidering...” This detail shows the amazing peace of mind Fevronia, with whom she decides to die with her loved one. The author said a lot about her with just this gesture.

4. The personality of the peasant woman comes to the fore.

5. Theme social inequality.

6. The story of the boyars, eager for power, who killed each other in civil strife.

Thus, in this work there are elements of a historical story.

This is a hagiographic story with elements folk-fairy tale character.

The triumph of faith, wisdom, goodness and love is the main idea of ​​the story. With their lives, Peter and Fevronia showed what a person should be, what his life should be like.

July 8 Orthodox Church honors Saints Peter and Fevronia and this day is considered Valentine's Day in Orthodoxy. In 2008, this day was declared the day of family, love and fidelity, and the chamomile became a symbol of this holiday. Many people make a pilgrimage to Murom to thank these saints for their protection in their family life or ask for their prayer before the Lord for the granting of family harmony and happiness.

2. What is the main idea of ​​V. Mayakovsky’s poem “ Good attitude to the horses"?

Mayakovsky wrote the poem “A Good Treatment for Horses” in 1918.It is known that Mayakovsky, like no other poet, accepted the revolution and was completely captured by the events associated with it. He had a clear civic position, and the artist decided to dedicate his art to the revolution and the people who made it. But in everyone’s life, not only the sun shines. ANDAlthough the poets of that time were people in demand, Mayakovsky, as an intelligent and sensitive person, understood that it is necessary and possible to serve the Fatherland with creativity, but the crowd does not always understand the poet. In the end, not only any poet, but also any person remains lonely.

Theme of the poem: the story of the horse that "crashed "on the cobblestone road, obviously from fatigue and because the road was slippery. A fallen and crying horse is a kind of double of the author: “Baby, we are all a little bit of a horse. ».

How do others react? They are laughing! Onlookers immediately gather. The horse understands that it will not have to wait for help. Gathered my strengths (“maybe old... »), « rushed, stood up, neighed and went ».

Poem idea: If an old fallen horse found the strength to get up, and even walk, “wagging his tail ", then the poet will be able to get up and find the strength not only to live on, but also to create, even if he sees that the crowd of onlookers does not really need him, "poetin ", word.

The fallen horse is a poetic double of the poet himself. Yes, he, like any person, can stumble and fall. But, overcoming the pain and indifference of the crowd, the poet, like a horse, will stand up.

Mayakovsky's optimism, kindness to horses, to people (not onlookers), to the country, faith in his creativity gave him the strength to live.This attitude towards pain and indifference can be learned and must be imitated.

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Open literature lesson in 7th grade

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Fate and character of heroes"

Prepared and conducted:

Skidelo O.S., Russian teacher

Technological support of the lesson:

information technology, ICT;

person-oriented technologies;

technology of education of spiritual culture;

technology of pedagogical cooperation;

technology development critical thinking through reading and writing (RKMChP).

Teaching methods:

creative reading method;

illustrative method;

heuristic method;

search method;

method of analysis and synthesis.

1. Educational:

introduce students to the world of the ancient Russian story about “Peter and Fevronia of Murom”;

show genre originality The Tale..." as one of the means of creating the images of Peter and Fevronia;

reveal the images of Saints Peter and Fevronia;

help students understand the views, morals, morality of past centuries;

show lasting value love like great power, elevating a person.

2. Developmental:

develop the skill of reading into the subtext of a work, the ability to quote;

 develop analytical learning abilities, logical thinking, oral and written speech;

 improve characterization skills of heroes.

3. Educational:

 educate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, loyalty in friendship and love, the ability to forgive;

 cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the native country and native language;

 through music to cultivate the aesthetic taste of students.

Vocabulary work: saint, morality; Metropolitan, “Great Menaions,” pious, righteous, monasticism, canonization; fairy tale, story, life; venerable, blessed, humble; merciful.

Lesson equipment:

 Worksheets;

Computer presentation to the lesson.

 Exhibition of works ancient Russian literature and reproductions of paintings (icons).

 Audio recording of a church hymn.

 Audio recording of the song “Peter and Fevronia” performed by the “Peresvet” choir..

 Fragments from the film “Peter and Fevronia. A story of love and fidelity." Episodes “The Messenger in the House of Fevronia”, “The Death of Peter and Fevronia”.

During the classes

Organizing time.

Hello guys, sit down! I am glad to see your good mood for our lesson today. Good discoveries to you!

Psychological preparation for the perception of works of ancient Russian literature

Many of you guys have been to church. Let us once again plunge into this holy silence and gaze into the faces of the saints.

Church hymns sound. Reproductions of images of ancient Russian icon painting are slowly alternated using multimedia equipment - Slide 1-7

Do you think the images on the icons are images of real personalities, ordinary people who once lived or unreal, fictitious?

(This ordinary people, but they were extraordinary in relation to the people around them, they had a high sense of philanthropy).

Why did they become saints? (People canonized them as saints because they were examples of moral and spiritual values.

Who is a saint? (A saint is a person who has dedicated himself to God.)

That's right, guys. A saint is a person who has dedicated himself to God, who does good and hates evil, who has earned special gifts from God for his love and faith, for example, the gift of miracles. Slide 8

III. Lesson topic message.

The history of Christianity contains the names of many people who became famous for their kindness, honesty, firmness in faith and courage in suffering.

Today in class we will touch the work for the first time Ancient Rus'- the pearl of ancient Russian literature, whose heroes are the saints - the spouses Peter and Fevronia. Slide 9

The topic of our lesson: “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom.” The fate and character of the heroes. Slide 10

We have already become acquainted with this work.

The purpose of our lesson today: - to consider the genre originality of “The Tale...”; Let's try to determine what the hero of ancient Russian literature is like, what his character is; Let's try to compose a spiritual portrait of Peter and Fevronia, which will help us understand the morality of past centuries and evaluate the ideological content of the story.

Working with an epigraph. Slide 11

An expert on ancient Russian literature D.S. Likhachev said:

Morality is the same in all ages and for all people.

By reading about obsolescence in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves.

How do you understand this statement, which is the epigraph to our lesson, and what is morality?

(Morality is the norms of behavior accepted in society. To be moral means to follow these unwritten rules: to be honest, kind, etc. Norms of behavior, spiritual, life values are the same at all times for all people. By reading ancient books in detail we can find a lot for ourselves)

We will return to our epigraph at the end of the lesson. And now let’s move back to the ancient Russian state, to the distant 16th century and find out who wrote this wonderful work “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”, what is its background? Overview to V. Petelin and A. Yurova. Slide 12

V. The history of the creation of the story. Individual messages from students.

(in costumes of medieval Russians)

Petelin: The 16th century... is the time of the formation of a unified Russian state.

The unification of Rus' was followed by the unification of Russian culture. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Macarius (Slide 13), a collection of the lives of all the saints of the Orthodox Church is being compiled in order of months and days - 12 huge volumes. It was called “Great Chetya Menaion” (Slide 14) (TRANSLATED FROM GREEK – MONTHLY READINGS). And Macarius instructs the priests to collect legends throughout the Russian lands about righteous people famous for their pious deeds.

The old town of Murom was famous for its legends. (Slide 15) 23 Orthodox saints were born, lived and reigned here. No other city in the world can boast of such an achievement. (Slide 16) But the most poetic of the Murom legends was the tale of a wise maiden who became a kind and fair princess. It served as the basis for the story. Slide 17 Pskov Priest Ermolai (monastically Erasmus) literary processed local legends and created a story about Peter and Fevronia of Murom.

Yurova: Peter and Fevronia are real historical figures. Slide 18 Prince Peter ruled in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. He married the peasant woman Fevronia in gratitude for the fact that she cured him of a disease that no one could cure. They suffered a lot of malice from the boyars, but lived happily until the end of their days. Having grown old, they both took monasticism and died on the same day and hour, June 25, 1228. Slide 19

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” became the favorite reading of medieval Russians. It was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Council in 1547. Slide 20 150 copies of the story have been preserved, in which this story is presented in many versions.

Guys, in the speech of our Russians we encountered the words Slide 21: metropolitan, “Great Four Menaions”, pious, righteous, monasticism, canonization.

Let's remember what they mean?

Metropolitan is a clergyman of the highest level in the Russian Orthodox Church, subordinate to the head of the church (patriarch).

“The Great Menaions” is a collection of the lives of all the saints of the Orthodox Church.

A pious person is a person who honors God and keeps his commandments.

A righteous person is a saint who lived not in monasticism, but in ordinary conditions of family and social life.

Monasticism is literally “solitary, lonely residence,” monasticism; monk - Orthodox monk.

Canonization is canonization.

When was “The Tale...” written? (It was written after the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Council in 1547.)

Who commissioned “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” to Ermolai-Erasmus? (Metropolitan Macarius)

VI. Genre originality of the story. Features of fairy tales, lives and stories in pr-i.

The story of Peter and Fevronia is a special work. It is known that Metropolitan Macarius still did not include the life he commissioned in the collection “Great Cheti-Minea.” Why? Slide 22 We will find the answer to this question by considering the features of the genre of this work. Slide 23-1

What genre features are present in the work? (fairy tales, stories and lives)

What is a fairy tale? (A fairy tale is folklore work with a fictional attitude)

What types of fairy tales do you know? (magical, about animals, everyday)

Define the story.

Tale - epic work, which is smaller in length than a novel and longer than a short story. There are several storylines here.

What is life? (Life is a story about the lives of saints.)

What is their purpose? (The purpose of the lives is to glorify the saint.)

Name the types of lives. (Types: - “martyrdom”, describing the martyrdom and death of a saint;

Life-bios (describes the life of a saint from birth to death)

What structure did the lives have?

Lives had a certain structure:

Introduction, which explained the reasons that prompted the author to begin the story.

The main part is a story about the life of the saint, his pious parents, how faith in God awoke, about suffering in the name of God, the death of the saint and posthumous miracles.

The life ended with praise to the saint.

Now let’s check your background and hear what features of a fairy tale, story and life you found in the work?

List the fairytale elements of this story.

The beginning of the story is reminiscent of a fairy tale: “There is a city in the Russian land... Once upon a time a prince named Pavel ruled in it...”

The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero - a snake fighter, the second - to an everyday tale about a wise maiden.

As in all fairy tales, there is a fairy-tale hero - the tempting snake.

According to the laws of a fairy tale, Good always defeats evil: Peter defeated the serpent.

There are riddles that fairy tale heroes often have to guess. For example: “It’s bad when the house has no ears and the room has no eyes.”

Tricky test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log)

Magical objects (for example, Agrikov’s sword, on which the Serpent dies)

Constant epithets (“the crafty serpent”, “the wise maiden”).) Slide 23-2

What features of the story are present in the work?

historically accurate place names;

the story of the boyars mired in civil strife is told;

details of everyday life / description of chambers, healing, beekeeping, boyar feasts /. Slide 23-3

Name the features of life in this work.

What epithets does the author reward the heroes with? Peter - blessed, blessed, holy, glorified, reverend, humble, sincere. Fevronia - holy, wise, wonderful, blessed, reverend. -What do the words “blessed”, “venerable” and “humble” mean?

Blessed - good, kind.

Reverend - a saint among monastics.

Humble - a quiet, meek person, calm and even in disposition; not angry, kind person.

The heroes' love for God, the heroes' reverence for the Bible.

Miracles that the heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, bread crumbs turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees in the morning). - Slide 23-4

What is the genre uniqueness of this work? What genres does the author use? (The author uses elements of several genres at once: historical story, fairy tale, hagiography.)

Name the main genre of this work. Prove it. Or maybe someone thinks differently. (The main genre is hagiography, since it tells about the lives of saints.)

Why didn’t Metropolitan Macarius include the life he commissioned in the collection “Great Cheti-Menaia”? Slide 24 (Pr-e does not represent a canonical (traditional) life. There is no story here about pious parents, about how faith in God awakened, about suffering in the name of God.)

You're right guys. The work does not represent a canonical life. The test of heroes confirms earthly love, family values, and not a monastic feat in the name of God. Literary scholars define the genre of a work this way: it is a hagiographic story with elements of a folk-fairy tale nature. Slide 23-5

VII. Characteristics of the images of the main characters.

Let's move on to the analysis of thin. images The purpose of our conversation is to create a spiritual portrait of the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia (Slide 24), which will help us understand the ideological content of “The Tale...” and better cope with our homework - creative work associated with these beautiful images.

Open your notebooks. Write down the topic of the lesson. Divide the notebook sheet into 2 equal parts. In the left column you will have to write down everything positive features Peter, on the right - all the positive features of Fevronia.

Characteristics of Peter

Let us turn to the image of Peter.

You guys know that a person in the literature of this period is either positive image, or negative. Does the image of Peter fit this statement? Prove it.

(No. He has both positive and negative traits. On the one hand, he defeats the werewolf snake, goes to church, prays, suffers illness, but on the other hand, he decides to deceive: he did not immediately marry Fevronia, although he gave his word. )

What prevents him from doing otherwise?

(Pride is one of the sins that does not allow Peter to do otherwise. He considers himself superior to a simple peasant girl.)

Who helps the hero recover from this illness? (Fevronia helps Peter gain victory over the evil in himself, or rather, the power of Fevronia’s love.)

What qualities, according to Fevronia, are needed to be cured? Find it in the text. (Kindness and low arrogance)

To be not arrogant means to be what? (Meek, humble)

From the story about Peter, she knows that he fought with a serpent, which means what character trait does he have? (With courage)

What are the qualities of the present masculine character, according to Fevronia? (Courage, kindness, meekness, humility are the real qualities of a man’s character).

Does Peter have them? Let's write them down.

What other traits are revealed in Peter’s character? (Faith in God, wisdom, love for people, love and loyalty to loved ones, justice)

Name the hero’s actions that confirm these qualities. Prove it with text.

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Slide captions:

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” Ermolai-Erasmus Author-compiler Andreyanova I. E., Russian language teacher at Karpov Secondary School

The story was created in the middle of the 16th century. writer Ermolai-Erasmus. The priest received the task of writing an essay about the Murom saints - Prince Peter and his wife. This life was to be included in the complete all-Russian collection of lives - “Great Menaions of the Chetya” (monthly readings)

The heroes of the story are historical figures: Peter and Fevronia reigned in Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. But in “The Tale...” only the names around which a number of folk legends were created are historical. At the council of 1547, Peter and Fevronia were canonized, that is, canonized. But the work was not included in the collection

The author tries to solve contemporary problems: 1. how a ruler should treat his subjects; 2. who are the boyars and peasants; 3. how evil comes into this world, is it possible to fight it; 4. Does evil have its own servants?

Genre originality of the story Fairy Tale? Life? A story?

TALE - a genre of oral folk art, a story about fictional events, which depicts the victory of good over evil, embodying folk ideas about beauty, justice, and human dignity.

LIFE - biography of people declared Christian Church saints.

STORY - halfway between a short story and a novel epic genre, which presents a number of episodes from the life of the hero (heroes).

Fairytale beginning. The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero - a snake fighter, the second - to an everyday tale about a wise maiden. There is a fairytale hero, the tempting snake. Good conquers evil. Peter defeats the serpent. There are riddles that fairy tale heroes often have to guess. Tricky test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log). Magical helpers (for example, Agrikov's sword). Constant epithets (“the crafty serpent”, “the wise virgin”). Fairy Tale Features

The author glorifies the saints by creating ideal images. (Peter - pious, holy; Fevronia - saint, reverend, blessed). The heroes' love for God, the heroes' reverence for the Bible. Miracles that heroes create. Unusual death and posthumous miracles. There is a word of praise for the saints. The story uses vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, giving alms, commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc. LIFE FEATURES

1. Specific locations of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This gives the story credibility. 2. The heroes of the story are real people. 3. Details. 4. The personality of the peasant woman comes to the fore. 5. The topic of social inequality. 6. The story of the boyars, eager for power, who killed each other in civil strife. Features of the story

The genre of “Tales...” does not find any correspondence with historical story, nor with life. The presence of poetic fiction, going back to traditions folk tale, the author’s ability to generalize various phenomena of life, allows us to consider “The Tale ...” as the initial stage of development of the genre CONCLUSION: An everyday story

The Church of Peter and Fevronia, where the relics of the saints are kept, is the Trinity Cathedral in the Holy Trinity Monastery in the city of Murom. Pilgrims come to this cathedral from all over Russia and even from abroad to venerate the relics of Peter and Fevronia and ask the holy faithful for marital happiness, true love and loyalty.

Cancer with relics

In 2008, on July 8, a wonderful holiday appeared in Russia - the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This beautiful summer day was not chosen for the holiday by chance - for more than 780 years, Orthodox Christians have been honoring on July 8 the memory of the holy noble princes Peter and Fevronia of Murom - the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity. Among the people, July 8, the Day of Peter and Fevronia, has long been considered lucky for love and was simply created for weddings.

Opening date: July 8, 2009 (memory day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Installation location: on Pervomaisky Boulevard between Kazansky convent and the Yaroslavl registry office. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Yaroslavl is a three-meter bronze sculptural composition with the figures of Saints Peter and Fevronia holding a dove in their hands - a symbol of the family hearth and peace. The monument in Yaroslavl was erected as part of the nationwide program “In the Family Circle”. YAROSLAVL

Opening date: October 14, 2009 Installation location: in the Preobrazhensky Park of Abakan next to the Transfiguration Cathedral. Sculptor: Konstantin Zinich. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Abakan was erected not far from a metal oak tree, on which newlyweds, according to local tradition, hang locks with the names of their couple, and throw the key to the lock to the bottom of a nearby reservoir. Now this traditional wedding place of Abakan has been supplemented by a monument to Peter and Fevronia - on their wedding day, newlyweds can ask the saints to make their marriage happy. The sculptor Konstantin Zinich tried not just to depict the holy princely couple, but to show the triumph of the spiritual principle in marriage. The monument to Peter and Fevronia is cast from bronze, the height of the bronze figures reaches 2.6 meters, together with the pedestal - about 4 meters. ABAKAN

Opening date: July 8, 2008 (memory day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Installation location: in front of the Murom Civil Registry Office building. Sculptor: Nikolay Shcherbakov. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Murom is called “Union of Love - Wise Marriage.” In this sculptural composition, Saints Peter and Fevronia are depicted as two kneeling figures, tenderly stretching out their hands to each other. MUROM

ARKHANGELSK Opening date: June 28, 2009 Installation location: at the intersection of Loginova Street and the Northern Dvina embankment next to the Church of the Assumption Holy Mother of God. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Arkhangelsk is made of bronze and reaches a height of 3.3 meters. The sculptor depicted the scene of the return of princes Peter and Fevronia from exile back to reign in Murom. The monument in Arkhangelsk was erected as part of the national program “In the Family Circle”. According to the plan of the project organizers, they wanted to create a local tradition for newlyweds - on the day of marriage or wedding, come to the monument to Peter and Fevronia to venerate the patron saints of marriage and turn to them with a request for the well-being of family life.

Opening date: July 5, 2009 Installation location: in front of the Ulyanovsk building State University. Sculptors: Oleg Klyuev and Nikolai Antsiferov. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Ulyanovsk is made of bronze and represents the young princes Peter and Fevronia with a dove, symbolizing love and fidelity. The monument in Ulyanovsk was erected as part of the national program “In the Family Circle”. ULYANOVSK

Opening date: July 8, 2009 (memory day of Peter and Fevronia of Murom). Installation location: on the square in front of the Sochi registry office building. Sculptor: Konstantin Chernyavsky. The monument to Peter and Fevronia in Sochi represents Peter and Fevronia in monastic robes under the trees, in the crown of the trees there is a family of pigeons in a nest, and under the tree sits a hare, Fevronia’s friend since girlhood. The monument is cast from bronze, its weight is 3 tons, its height is 3.2 meters. The monument in Sochi was erected as part of the nationwide program “In the Family Circle”. Already now in Sochi there is a tradition emerging among young people to propose marriage at the monument to Peter and Fevronia. SOCHI


Sources used 1. Encyclopedia for children. E. 9. Russian literature. Part 1./ Main. Ed. M. D. Aksyonov. – M.: Avanta+, 1998. 2. Kuskov V.V. History of Old Russian Literature. – M.: Higher. school, 1998. 3. www.petr-fevronia.ru 4. www.zlatoriza.ru

Target : -show the significance of “The Tale...” in the formation of moral family values;

Raising the prestige of the family institution;

Prevention of antisocial behavior among young people.


Improve students’ ability to analyze what they read: express their own judgment, reveal the author’s attitude towards characters and events, improve monologue speech.

Instill a culture of discussion in the classroom, the ability to defend one’s point of view, and the ability to listen to the interlocutor.

To cultivate moral qualities in schoolchildren: kindness, devotion in friendship and love, the ability to forgive.

Build skills research work.

During the classes

I. The teacher's word

Good afternoon IN Lately It has become very fashionable to celebrate Valentine's Day, the patron saint of lovers. But in Russian Orthodox calendar has its own Valentine's Day - July 8, associated with the history of the holy spouses Peter and Fevronia of Murom - patrons of family and marriage, whose love and marital fidelity became legendary. The life of Peter and Fevronia is the story of the relationship between a man and a woman who managed to overcome all the difficulties of a long and difficult earthly journey, revealing the ideal of a Christian family.

Since 2008, July 8 has been declared the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. It is symbolic that this holiday was first celebrated in 2008, which was declared the year of the family. On this day, many people make a pilgrimage to Murom to thank Saints Peter and Fevronia for their patronage in their family life or to ask for the gift of family harmony and happiness.

Referring to the epigraph of the lesson:

F. Adler said: “The family is a society in miniature, on the integrity of which the morality of human society depends.”

How do you understand this statement, which is the epigraph to our lesson today?

What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in life? (generosity, kindness, compassion, wisdom, loyalty, honesty...)

Do you think the attitude towards the main truths in human life can change over the centuries or does it remain unchanged?

It is possible that in ancient times we will find the answer to this question, because ancient Russian literature covers a period of 700 years out of 1000 (from the 10th century to the 17th century).

Today we will plunge into the world of ancient Russian literature - calm, solemn, contemplative, wise. Let's fast forward to the distant 16th century...

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the content of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom,” and today we will turn to the work again to understand what the author wanted to tell us, what topics he raises in the story, what problems worry the writer of the distant past.

The first part of our lesson will take the form of defending your presentations, which you yourself prepared in groups of either historians or literary scholars.

Your projects will be assessed by an expert council (three students) who have a sheet with presentation evaluation criteria. After defending your projects, they will be given the floor.

II. Defense of a presentation by a group of “historians”

- “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is one of the masterpieces of ancient Russian literature, and the name of its author should be among the most prominent writers of the Russian Middle Ages.

Who wrote this work? What's his backstory? The floor goes to our historians.

The results of the research work will be presented by the head of the group of “historians”

The 16th century is the time of the formation of a unified Russian state with the capital city of Moscow. The unification of Rus' was followed by the unification of Russian culture. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Macarius, an extensive - 12 huge volumes - collection of all that is being compiled, i.e. books read in Rus'. This meeting was called "Great Chetii-Minea".

In the “Great Cheti-Menaia”, stories about the lives of the saints of the Orthodox Church were presented in order of months and days. A Russian proverb says: “A city does not stand without a saint, a village does not stand without a righteous man.” And Macarius instructs the priests to collect legends throughout the Russian lands about righteous people famous for their pious deeds. Priest Ermolai, a writer and publicist, was commissioned to write a life about the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia.

While reading the work, we noticed that the author writes: “At one time they took monasticism and put on monastic robes. And the blessed prince Peter was named David in the monastic rank, and the Venerable Fevronia in the monastic rank was called Euphrosyne.”

We were interested in the question: “Is Prince Peter a true hero or was there a prototype?”

Murom was famous for its legends. The most poetic of the Murom legends was the tale of a wise maiden who became a kind and fair princess. It served as the basis for the story. It is still unknown who can be called the prototypes of heroes. But most often, as we found out, the prototype of the hero of the story, Prince Peter, is called Prince David Yuryevich, who ruled Murom at the beginning of the 13th century. He married the peasant woman Euphrosyne in gratitude for the fact that she cured him of a disease that no one could cure. The prince's marriage to a simple peasant woman caused malicious slander, but the couple lived happily until the end of their days. Having grown old, they both took monasticism and died in 1228.

The story became a true masterpiece ancient Russian literature, it was written after the canonization, that is, the canonization of Peter and Fevronia at the Moscow Church Council in 1547. It was widely read in the Moscow State; 150 copies of this work have survived to this day.

Defense of presentations by groups of “literary scholars”

III. Work of creative groups with the text: “Fairy tale? Life? A story?

As you know, Metropolitan Macarius did not include the life he commissioned in the collection “Great Cheti-Minea” (monthly readings). Why? The answer lies in the research of creative groups of students - literary scholars who worked to identify the features of the genre of a given work.

During the presentation, students fill out the following table in their notebooks:

The results of the research work will be presented by the leaders of each group of “literary scholars”.

1 group of literary scholarsfairy tale

A fairy tale is a folklore work based on fiction.

After reading “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia,” we identified the following features of the fairy tale:

The beginning of the story is reminiscent of a fairy tale: “There is a city in the Russian land... Once upon a time a prince named Pavel ruled in it...”

The story begins with an event that, undoubtedly, came here from a fairy tale: the Serpent began to fly to the wife of Prince Paul and seduce her.

The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero - a snake fighter, the second - to an everyday tale about a wise maiden. As in all fairy tales, there is a fairy-tale hero - the tempting snake.

According to the laws of a fairy tale, Good always defeats evil: Peter defeated the serpent.

There are riddles that fairy tale heroes often have to guess. For example: “It’s bad when the house has no ears and the room has no eyes.”

Tricky test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log)

Magical objects (for example, Agrikov’s sword, on which the Serpent dies)

Constant epithets (“the crafty serpent”, “the wise virgin”).

Thus, the features we have identified that are characteristic of fairy and everyday fairy tales allow us to classify “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” as a folklore genre.

But it should be noted that as the plot develops, the images of Peter and Fevronia increasingly begin to acquire the features of Russian saints.

2nd group of literary critics - life

Hagiographic literature was very popular in Rus'. The word "life" means "life." Lives were works that told about saints - statesmen and religious figures, whose lives and actions were regarded as exemplary. That is, the life is a biography of the saints.

Lives had a certain structure:

Introduction, which explained the reasons that prompted the author to begin the story.

The main part is a story about the life of the saint, his death and posthumous miracles.

The life ended with praise to the saint.

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is written in the form of a hagiography - it is an artistic biography of people canonized by the church.

In the course of our work, we identified the following features of the hagiographic genre:

There is a word of praise to the saints: “Let us, according to our strength, give praise to them... Rejoice, venerable and blessed ones, for after death you invisibly heal those who come to you with faith!..”

The heroes' love for God, the heroes' reverence for the Bible.

Miracles that the heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, bread crumbs turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees in the morning).

Unusual death and posthumous miracles (faithful spouses not only died on the same day and hour, but also did not separate after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses).

The story uses vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, giving alms, commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc.

But, as we can note, in the story there is no structure of the work traditional for the hagiographic genre (only the ending is a classic example of hagiography).

3rd group of literary critics - story

The genre of the work is defined in the title: “Tale”. During the study, we identified the following genre features:

Specific locations of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This gives the story credibility.

The heroes of the story are real people.

The prince, before starting treatment, wants to test Fevronia’s wisdom and gives her impossible tasks. In a fairy tale, such tasks are completed with magical speed. Not so in the story. Fevronia responds to a crafty task with no less crafty ones.

For example, Fevronia wraps a thread around a needle: “...At that time she was finishing embroidering that holy air: only one saint’s mantle had not yet been finished, but she had already embroidered the face; and she stopped, and stuck her needle in the air, and wound the thread with which she was embroidering around it...” This detail shows Fevronia’s amazing peace of mind with which she decides to die with her loved one. The author said a lot about her with just this gesture.

The personality of the peasant woman comes to the fore

Theme of social inequality

The story of boyars striving for power who killed each other in civil strife.

Thus, this work contains elements of a historical story.

- So, what is the genre of this work? “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is a folklore or literary work? Can this work be called a hagiography?

The conclusion is drawn regarding the definition of genre: hagiographic story with folk-fairy tale elements.

IV. General conversation.

Word drawing: Which episodes of the story would you make drawings for? Why specifically these? What would you like to say with your illustrations?

(A wise girl from the village of Laskovo. Fevronia’s condition and healing. Conspiracy against Princess Fevronia. “Give what I ask!” Fevronia’s insight. Return to Murom and a happy reign. “The time has come for repose.” Miracles with the bodies of Peter and Fevronia.)

You and I know that it was no coincidence that Peter and Fevronia became the heroes of the story. For the writer, Prince Peter is the embodiment of fair princely power: by talking about the reign of Prince Peter, the author showed what this power should be like. But he also showed an example of married life, fidelity and faith. Life according to God’s commandments, a person’s conscious desire to do good is the most important thing for the author.

But did Peter always act according to his conscience? Didn't it cause condemnation? (I didn’t marry Fevronia right away, I began to test her when the wives of the boyars began to slander her, for example, about the crumbs that she collects).

Why do you think the author main character chose a girl not of noble origin, but of peasant origin? (He teaches to value people not by their origin, but by their actions; I wanted to say that among the peasants there are wise, pure, and faithful people). Let's not forget that the heroes of the story are real historical figures.

What feelings did you have towards the heroine while reading about her? (They sympathized and felt sorry when Peter and then the boyars did not accept her; they respected her for her intelligence and loyalty, they rejoiced when everyone realized that she was wise, kind, fair, and accepted her).

Why doesn't the author draw portraits of the characters in the story? (Not appearance, not beauty is the main thing for him, just as this is not the main thing for Peter and Fevronia. Peter was convinced of the intelligence, spiritual beauty of the girl. After all, before Peter took Fevronia with great honors to Murom, they had not seen each other and all communication led through servants).

Where does he find his supreme expression the inexhaustible power of mutual love between Peter and Fevronia? (Both spouses, not thinking of the possibility of outliving each other, die on the same day and hour and are not separated even after death, in defiance of those who tried to separate them).

What is the main value of the book? What life values ​​are affirmed in it?

This story is a kind of hymn to faith, love and fidelity.

Love for people, courage, humility, family values, loyalty, religiosity.

The triumph of faith, wisdom, reason, goodness and love is the main idea of ​​the story.

Miniature essay: “How did “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” change me?” (2-3 sentences).

V. The teacher's word.

By reading ancient Russian literature, we get to know ourselves, our soul, make our life more fulfilling, and get to know our meaning in it.

Reading excerpts from miniature essays.

VI. Let's summarize. Reflection.

What do you remember about today's lesson?

How has the story of Peter and Fevronia enriched you?

What eternal topics did we talk about today?

Homework. Make a plan for an essay: “What family values ​​are relevant in our time?”

Municipal educational institution "Bessonovskaya secondary school"

Belgorod district, Belgorod region"

Literature lesson

“Our heart will keep love and loyalty”

(based on “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”)

S. Bessonovka

Lesson topic: “Love and fidelity will heal our hearts” (based on “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” by Ermolai-Erasmus)

Target: show the significance of “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” in the formation of moral family values

1. Educational:

identify the problems of the story;

identify techniques for creating artistic person Ancient Rus';

improve your hero characterization skills.

2. Educational:

cultivate moral qualities: kindness, devotion, loyalty in friendship and love, the ability to forgive;

cultivate a respectful attitude towards the culture of the native country and native language.

3. Developmental:

develop logical thinking, oral and written speech, communication skills (work in groups);

develop research skills.

Lesson type: lesson - research (using interactive techniques)

Vocabulary work: blessed, righteous, pious, blessed, cancer with relics.

Equipment: multimedia projector, computer.

Homework (preliminary): assignments for groups, individual.

The lesson is accompanied by a multimedia presentation

Annex 1

During the classes

    Organizing time.

Hello guys, hello dear guests.

    Approach to the topic of the lesson. Intrigue.

Do you think the attitude towards the main truths in human life can change over the centuries or does it remain unchanged?

What, in your opinion, is the most important thing in life?

But what do they think about it? different people who lived in different erasSt. Augustine(4-5 centuries AD) and academician D. Likhachev (20 century)


All virtues are nothing more than love in different forms.

(Blessed Augustine)

Morality is the same in all ages and for all people. By reading about obsolescence in detail, we can find a lot for ourselves.

(D. Likhachev)

Pay attention to the topic of our lesson. It sounds like this: “Our heart will heal... and...”. Write it down in your notebook.

Guys, what does the verb “heal” mean and who is called a “healer”? Let's look into V. Dahl's dictionary

*Heal - free someone from illness, cure, restore health.

Healer – one who heals someone. (V.I. Dal)

What can heal a person's heart?

Tell each other in pairs.

Write the answer options on the petals.

We will return to your answers a little later and will be able to restore the theme of today’s lesson: “...Our heart will heal.....and.....”. A work that will help us answer these and other questions is one of the most beloved and most readable works Old Russian literature of the 16th century - “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” by Ermolai - Erasmus.

The purpose of the lesson: Today in class we will talk about human relationships, try to understand what the author wanted to tell us, what problems worried the writer of the distant past, and determine the genre of this work.

III . Educational research. Group performances.

To solve the outlined tasks, allow me to open a meeting of the Academic Council. The members of the Academic Council are literary scholars, linguists, historians, and art critics. Each group received its own topic for research. Each group will present the results to us.

The story is one of the masterpieces of ancient Russian literature, it has entered the treasury of world culture and the name of its author should be among the most prominent writers of the Russian Middle Ages.

Who wrote this work? What's his backstory?

A word to our historians.

1. Speech by “historians”.

Let's fast forward to the distant 16th century - the time of the formation of a single Russian state with the capital city of Moscow. The unification of Rus' was followed by the unification of Russian culture. Under the leadership of Metropolitan Macarius, an extensive - 12 huge volumes - collection of all that is being compiled, i.e. books read in Rus'. This meeting was called "Great Chetii-Minea". Menaia from mineos (Greek) - month.

And then there are monthly readings. In the “Great Cheti-Menaia”, stories about the lives of the saints of the Orthodox Church were presented in order of months and days. A Russian proverb says: “A city does not stand without a saint, a village does not stand without a righteous man.” And Macarius instructs the priests to collect legends throughout the Russian lands about righteous people famous for their pious deeds. Priest Ermolai received an assignment to write a life about the Murom saints Peter and Fevronia.

Who are they - Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia? Does history know such names?

We found out that the chronicle does not know the Murom prince Peter and his wife Fevronia, and folk tradition identifies them with the Murom prince David, who married the peasant woman Euphrosyne in gratitude for the fact that she healed him of a disease that no one could cure. Ermolai - Erasmus literary processed the local legends about Peter and Fevronia and the legends about the flying snake - the werewolf and the wise maiden. However, besides the name, the city of Murom there are other historical realities.

Let us remember what historical objects are found in the story? I say the name, and your task is to remember which hero it is associated with or in which episode it appears:

The village of Laskovo, Ryazan land

Church of the Exaltation of the Honest and life-giving cross

Cathedral Church of the Holy Mother of God

City Cathedral Church of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin.

Thus, having examined the historical realities, we are convinced that it was important for the author to emphasize the authenticity of the events that he talks about in his work.

IV .Speech by “literary scholars”.

As you know, Metropolitan Macarius did not include the life he commissioned in the collection “Great Chetya - Menaion”. Why?... The answer lies in the research of creative groups of students - literary scholars who worked to identify the features of the genre of a given work: “Fairy tale? Life? A story?

1 group of literary critics - fairy tale

A fairy tale is a folklore work based on fiction.

After reading “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia,” we identified the following features of the fairy tale:

The beginning of the story is reminiscent of a fairy tale: “There is a city in the Russian land... Once upon a time a prince named Pavel ruled in it...”

The story begins with an event that, undoubtedly, came here from a fairy tale: the Serpent began to fly to the wife of Prince Paul and seduce her.

The first part is similar to a fairy tale about a hero - a snake fighter, the second - to an everyday tale about a wise maiden. As in all fairy tales, there is a fairy-tale hero - the tempting snake.

According to the laws of a fairy tale, Good always defeats evil: Peter defeated the serpent.

There are riddles that fairy tale heroes often have to guess. For example: “It’s bad when the house has no ears and the room has no eyes.”

Tricky test tasks (Peter's task to sew a shirt from a bunch of flax and Fevronia's task to make a loom from a log)

Magical objects (for example, Agrikov’s sword, on which the Serpent dies)

Constant epithets (“the crafty serpent”, “the wise virgin”).

Thus, the features we have identified that are characteristic of fairy and everyday fairy tales allow us to classify “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” as a folklore genre.

But it should be noted that as the plot develops, the images of Peter and Fevronia increasingly begin to acquire the features of Russian saints.

2nd group of literary critics - life

Hagiographic literature was very popular in Rus'. The word "life" means "life." Lives were works that told about saints - statesmen and religious figures, whose lives and actions were regarded as exemplary. That is, the life is a biography of the saints.

Lives had a certain structure:

Introduction, which explained the reasons that prompted the author to begin the story.

The main part is a story about the life of the saint, his death and posthumous miracles.

The life ended with praise to the saint.

“The Tale of Peter and Fevronia” is written in the form of a hagiography - it is an artistic biography of people canonized by the church.

In the course of our work, we identified the following features of the hagiographic genre:

There is a word of praise to the saints: “Let us, according to our strength, give praise to them... Rejoice, venerable and blessed ones, for after death you invisibly heal those who come to you with faith!..”

The heroes' love for God, the heroes' reverence for the Bible.

Miracles that the heroes perform (for example, Fevronia heals the sick, bread crumbs turned into incense, dead stumps became lush trees in the morning).

Unusual death and posthumous miracles (faithful spouses not only died on the same day and hour, but also did not separate after death; at the place of their burial, believers receive healing from the most serious illnesses).

The story uses vocabulary characteristic of spiritual literature: blessed, giving alms, commandments of the Lord, loving children, etc.

But, as we can note, in the story there is no structure of the work traditional for the hagiographic genre (only the ending is a classic example of hagiography).

3rd group of literary critics - story

The genre of the work is defined in the title: “Tale”. During the study, we identified the following genre features:

Specific locations of action are indicated: the city of Murom, Ryazan land, the village of Laskovo. This gives the story credibility.

The heroes of the story are real people.

The prince, before starting treatment, wants to test Fevronia’s wisdom and gives her impossible tasks. In a fairy tale, such tasks are completed with magical speed. Not so in the story. Fevronia responds to a crafty task with no less crafty ones.

For example, Fevronia wraps a thread around a needle: “...At that time she was finishing embroidering that holy air: only one saint’s mantle had not yet been finished, but she had already embroidered the face; and she stopped, and stuck her needle in the air, and wound the thread with which she was embroidering around it...” This detail shows Fevronia’s amazing peace of mind with which she decides to die with her loved one. The author said a lot about her with just this gesture.

The personality of the peasant woman comes to the fore

Theme of social inequality

The story of boyars striving for power who killed each other in civil strife.

Thus, this work contains elements of a historical story!

So what is the genre of this piece? Is this a folklore or literary work?

Write down the conclusion in your notebooks: “To create the images of Peter and Fevronia, the author uses elements of several genre forms at once - a historical story, a fairy tale and a fairy tale, the main form being hagiography.”

V . Analysis of the story.

1. Return to the topic of the lesson.

Guys, you read the story carefully and thoughtfully. What do you think it's about?

Let us restore the words missing in the title of the topic. You can do this by solving the crossword puzzles that are on your desks. (Solving crossword puzzles).

Ready? What keywords did you come up with? (love and fidelity).

2. Images of Peter and Fevronia.

You and I know that it was no coincidence that Peter and Fevronia became the heroes of the story. For the writer, Prince Peter is the embodiment of fair princely power: by talking about the reign of Prince Peter, the author showed what this power should be like. But he also showed an example of married life, fidelity and faith. Life according to God’s commandments, a person’s conscious desire to do good is the most important thing for the author.

What character qualities does a person need to have in order for his memory to live on for centuries?

From the proposed character traits, choose those that are revealed in Peter’s character; as evidence, select those actions of the hero that confirm these qualities in the hero.

Courage, bravery


Meekness and faithfulness to the commandments of God


Love and loyalty to loved ones

The ability to forgive

So, we found out that Peter’s character is revealed in his actions, in his attitude towards other people.

With the help of what objects can you and I imagine Peter’s life path?

* Circle, stairs, path.

N. S. Demenkova believes that “the development of the plot is the steps, stages of Peter’s moral insight, leaving the world of earthly passions for the world of eternal truths.” I agree with this point of view, because Peter goes through the path of physical and spiritual healing thanks to Fevronia. His life path can be represented as a ladder. 1st step - the fight against external evil in the guise of the serpent - the tempter 2nd step - Peter's illness and trials 3rd step - the fight against internal evil - over pride 4th step - meekness and faithfulness to the commandments of God, holiness.

Who helps the hero recover from this illness?

What is the mystery of Fevronia? The character of the main character is multifaceted. Characteristics of Fevronia Confirmation from the text

A wonderful gift


Moral purity

The ability to love selflessly

The story brings to the fore the girl’s extraordinary wisdom. The girl’s wisdom is noticed by a messenger who is looking for a doctor for his prince. What did the messenger see when he entered her house?

In this episode we paid attention to the hare. The hare is a cowardly animal, but here he is not at all afraid of humans. This means that Fevronia is capable of taming animals. Fevronia of Murom is not the only holy virgin in the history of Christianity who had a tame hare. (speech by an art critic on the iconography of Fevronia and St. Millengela of Wales).

Fevronia’s needlework is also significant in this episode - she sits at a loom and weaves canvas. Fevronia did not weave by chance. Homely, hardworking women and girls of Ancient Rus' could most often be seen at a spinning wheel or a loom. Many ancient peoples made not gods, but goddesses sitting at a spinning wheel or loom, the masters and guardians of destinies. In the folklore of many nations, the thread symbolizes human destiny. Hence the expression “thread of fate.” Before her death, Fevronia embroidered “air” for the holy chalice for the Church of the Mother of God. But the “thread of fate” had to be interrupted, since Peter and Fevronia die on the same day.

Fevronia is also characterized through actions. One of the means of creating artistic image Fevronia becomes a detail. This is another feature of this work, because in traditional life there are no details, the author avoids certainty and accuracy.

What do you think symbolizes the miraculous revival of the trees cut down for the fire?

* Firstly, the miraculous gift of the holy virgin Fevronia is confirmed, and secondly, the exile of Peter and Fevronia will end with a return to Murom and the restoration of the princely title.

Academician D.S. Likhachev noted: “The life-giving power of Fevronia’s love is so great that poles stuck into the ground bloom into trees with her blessing. Crumbs of bread in her palm turn into grains of sacred incense. She is so strong in spirit that she can unravel the thoughts of the people she meets. In the strength of her love, in the wisdom, as if suggested to her by this love, Fevronia turns out to be superior even to her ideal husband, Prince Peter.”

If you and I compare her life path with the same subjects, then which subject will you choose?

*He taught to value people not by their origin, but by their actions.

How do the spouses respond to the machinations of the boyars who did not like the new princess for her low birth?

* Both Peter and Fevronia leave the city. For Peter, loyalty to the sacrament of marriage turns out to be higher than princely privileges.

What human vices force the boyars to do this to the ruler?

* Envy, anger, deceit, vindictiveness.

Was the boyars punished for their black deeds?

Yes. “... Many nobles in the city died from the sword, everyone wanted to rule, and destroyed themselves...”

What about repentance?

* “... Do not leave us defenseless, but return to your fatherland!

3. Presentation by linguists.

* Peter - blessed, blessed, holy, glorified, reverend, humble, sincere. Fevronia - holy, wise, wonderful, blessed, reverend.

What do the words “blessed”, “pious”, “venerable” mean?

What techniques for creating an artistic image helped us comprehend the images of saints?

* The character of the characters, which is revealed in their actions, in relation to other people, artistic detail, comparison of the hero with other heroes, author's assessment.

Which episode in the text confirms the inexhaustible power of love between Peter and Fevronia?

* Both spouses die on the same day and hour and are not separated even after death. - At the Moscow church council in 1547, Peter and Fevronia were canonized, that is, canonized. There are two miraculous icons Peter and Fevronia - in the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Murom and in the Church of the Small Exaltation in Moscow. Our art historian tried to comprehend the icon of the saints.

4. Speech by an art critic: analysis of the icon.

So, we conclude the meeting of our Academic Council. All studies were presented.

VI . Final word teachers.

Among all the lives of Russian saints, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom” shines with a special light. The Russian people have no other equally poetic and instructive story about marital love and fidelity. Murom legend about the love of a prince and a peasant girl, which blossomed under the pen church writer Ermolai the Pregreshny has become the most favorite reading of the Russian people. The story, which reflected the ideal of Christian marriage, was called “the pearl of ancient Russian literature” and entered the treasury of world culture.

VII . Lesson summary. Conclusions.

What is the main value of the book? What life values ​​are affirmed in it? Write down your conclusions in your notebook: The main idea of ​​the story is the triumph of faith, wisdom, reason, goodness and love. Basic human values ​​affirmed in story - love to people, courage, humility, family values, loyalty, religiosity.

What do you think helps heal a person’s heart? (reading notes)

What helped Fevronia heal Peter’s heart? (Love and fidelity).

What did you write on your petals? (Reading notes).

Let's collect your petals into one flower - chamomile. Do you think this common wild flower Any relation to our lesson?

VIII . Message about the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.

On July 8, the Orthodox Church honors Saints Peter and Fevronia, and this day is considered Valentine's Day in Orthodoxy. In 2008, this day was declared the day of family, love and fidelity, and the chamomile became a symbol of this holiday. Many people make a pilgrimage to Murom: both those who have just decided to get married, and those who have just come to thank these saints for their protection in their family life or to ask for their prayer before the Lord for the granting of family harmony and happiness.

This summer, the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia visited many Russian cities. One of your classmates has seen this icon and will say a few words about his impressions. (Student's speech).

IX . Reflection.

They resort to the help of saints to find a family, preserve love, and raise children. Looking at the light of a candle burning in front of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, you can mentally ask for true love, about the health and well-being of your family and friends.

We worship the eternal shrines,

And our love for the world is pure.

The Russian heart still believes

The cruel world will be saved by beauty.

What a beauty? (Spiritual)

Ermolai - Erasmus speaks about spiritual beauty in “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”; spiritual beauty is sung in a song.

Listening to the song “Peter and Fevronia” (performed by the “Peresvet” choir)

X . Homework.

Essay – reasoning “What attracts readers to Peter and Fevronia today and what do the heroes of ancient Russian life teach us?”



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Asp fish: photos, recipes

Asp fish: photos, recipes

Buy at good discounts for personal use and as a gift to friends and acquaintances. Buy quality products at affordable prices in....

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