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Presentation of Astafyevs a distant and near fairy tale. Lesson plan based on the story by V.P. Astafiev "Far and Near Fairy Tale". Organizing time. Message topic, goals

Development of a music lesson in 5th grade on the topic: "Music and Literature"

Mishina Galina Nikolaevna,

music teacher of MAOU secondary school No. 32, Krasnoyarsk

Program section: “Writers and poets about music and musicians”

Polonaise by M. Oginsky in V. Astafiev’s story “The Last Bow” - book 1 “Far and Near Fairy Tale.”

Preface: In the Program on Music by G.P. Sergeeva, E.D. Kritskaya, the authors designate intonation as a single core of two different arts- music and literature. The ability to feel and understand musical language based on intonation folk music, is laid down in a person from childhood. The prose of the great Siberian writer Viktor Astafiev fascinatingly introduces the reader to the world of figurative and emotional perception of music by a child, making him feel more deeply the expressiveness of the melody of Oginsky’s polonaise. The lesson is aimed at deepening an interested perception of music and literary text, and at developing a passion for listening and reading. An important role is played by the artistry of the teacher, the ability to read Astafiev’s text in an interesting way, and to expressively perform the song “Thin Rowan.”

Goal: students’ awareness of the idea emotional impact music per person; ideas that everyone can understand musical language, requiring no translation.


Get acquainted with new music and new literary work;

Having penetrated into the depth of the content, analyze the works from the point of view of emotional content;

Find commonality in various types art and means of expression;

Try to reach the level of awareness of the idea that music is a language that does not require translation;

Be able to express your emotional state through auditory perception and vocal intonation.

Music: M. Oginsky Polonaise performed on the violin.


Internet: Complete works/ Astafiev V.P. / Far and near fairy tale

During the classes.

Teacher: - There is an amazing story connected with this music. But before you know it, let's listen. Close your eyes and imagine, remember something while listening to this music (listening to the first part of Polonaise by M. Oginsky).

After listening, everyone must speak. Students talk about what they imagined while the music was playing. Children usually define it as a waltz, due to the smooth three-beat movement of the main melody.

Teacher: - It was no coincidence that we came across this play today. Its name is Polonaise (the word is written on the board, the root pol- is emphasized). What country did this dance come to us from? (the word Poland is written next to it).

Once in a Siberian village, where in those ancient times there were no computers, no televisions, or even electricity, a little boy heard this melody for the first time in his life, it was performed on the violin by a man “out of this world.” And this incident sank into the boy’s soul so much that when he became an adult writer, he wrote a story about it. This boy was... (a slide appears with a photo of V. Astafiev as a child, then a photo of him as an adult) who recognized him, guys? In what village was Viktor Astafiev born?

When the children answer the questions, the teacher continues:

In Ovsyanka, Vitya lived with his grandmother, and Vasya the Pole, a man who had things that no one in the village had: glasses and a violin, came to visit them. He played the violin very rarely. But one late evening Vita happened to hear him playing in his lodge on the edge of the village. And now I want to turn to Astafiev’s text and read with you those lines where Viktor Petrovich describes his impressions of this music (perhaps, if desired, read with the quiet sound of Oginsky’s Polonaise).

The willing student is given the task of illustrating the reading with pictures, slides 4-9. The picture corresponding to the text episode is opened via a hyperlink with a return back.

It is advisable to have the text on each student’s desk in order to participate in reading (one at a time, in a chain, at the discretion of the teacher).

“...from under the ridge, from the tangles of hops and bird cherry trees, from the deep interior of the earth, music arose and nailed me to the wall.

It became even more terrible: on the left there was a cemetery, in front there was a ridge with a hut, on the right there was a terrible place behind the village, where there were a lot of white bones lying around and where a long time ago, the grandmother said, a man was strangled, behind there was a dark imported plant, behind it there was a village, vegetable gardens covered with thistles, from a distance similar to black clouds of smoke.

I’m alone, alone, there’s such horror all around, and there’s also music - a violin. A very, very lonely violin. And she doesn’t threaten at all. Complains. And there's nothing creepy at all. And there is nothing to be afraid of. Fool, fool! Is it possible to be afraid of music? Fool, fool, I never listened alone, so...

The music flows quieter, more transparent, I hear, and my heart lets go. And this is not music, but a spring flowing from under the mountain. Someone put his lips to the water, drinks, drinks and cannot get drunk - his mouth and inside are so dry.

For some reason I see the Yenisei, quiet in the night, with a raft with a light on it. An unknown man shouts from the raft: “Which village?” - For what? Where is he going? And you can see the convoy on the Yenisei, long and creaking. He also goes somewhere. Dogs are running along the side of the convoy. The horses walk slowly, drowsily. And you can still see a crowd on the bank of the Yenisei, something wet, washed away with mud, village people all along the bank, a grandmother tearing out the hair on her head.

This music speaks about sad things, about illness, it speaks about mine, how I was sick with malaria the whole summer, how scared I was when I stopped hearing and thought that I would forever be deaf, like Alyosha, my cousin, and how she appeared to me in In a feverish dream, my mother put a cold hand with blue nails to her forehead. I screamed and did not hear myself scream.

A screwed-up lamp burned in the hut all night, my grandmother showed me corners, shone a lamp under the stove, under the bed, saying that there was no one there.

I also remember the sweaty little girl, white, laughing, her hand was drying up. Transport workers took her to the city to treat her.

And again the convoy appeared.

He keeps going somewhere, walking, hiding in the icy hummocks, in the frosty fog. There are fewer and fewer horses, and the last one was stolen away by the fog. Lonely, somehow empty, ice, cold and motionless dark rocks with motionless forests.

But the Yenisei, neither winter nor summer, was gone; the living vein of the spring began to beat again behind Vasya’s hut. The spring began to grow fat, and not just one spring, two, three, a menacing stream was already gushing out of the rock, rolling stones, breaking trees, uprooting them, carrying them, twisting them. He is about to sweep away the hut under the mountain, wash away the imported goods and bring everything down from the mountains. Thunder will strike in the sky, lightning will flash, and mysterious fern flowers will flash from them. The forest will light up from the flowers, the earth will light up, and even the Yenisei will not be able to drown this fire - nothing will stop such a terrible storm!

“What is this?! Where are the people? What are they looking at?! They should tie up Vasya!”

But the violin itself extinguished everything. Again one person is sad, again he feels sorry for something, again someone is traveling somewhere, maybe on a convoy, maybe on a raft, maybe on foot to distant places.

The world didn't burn, nothing collapsed. Everything is in place. The moon and star are in place. The village, already without lights, is in place, the cemetery is in eternal silence and peace, the guardhouse under the ridge, surrounded by burning bird cherry trees and the quiet string of a violin.

Everything is in place. Only my heart, filled with grief and delight, trembled, jumped, and beats at my throat, wounded for life by the music.

What was this music telling me? About the convoy? About a dead mom? About a girl whose hand is drying up? What was she complaining about? Who were you angry with? Why am I so anxious and bitter? Why do you feel sorry for yourself? And I feel sorry for those who sleep soundly in the cemetery. Among them, under a hillock, lies my mother, next to her are two sisters, whom I have not even seen: they lived before me, they lived little, - and my mother went to them, left me alone in this world, where high up in the window an elegant mourning table is beating something heart [stop playing Polonaise music ].

The music ended unexpectedly, as if someone had laid an imperious hand on the violinist’s shoulder: “Well, that’s enough!” The violin fell silent mid-sentence, fell silent, not shouting, but exhaling pain.”

After a pause (be sure to take a break ) teacher asks a question:

Try to answer me by finding out what little Vitya remembered and imagined when he listened to Vasya’s violin. What feelings did this music evoke in him?

Children answer: sadness, melancholy, melancholy.

Teacher : - Let's return to the text of Astafiev himself (slide 9 with phrases from the story). Choose words that talk about feelings (the teacher asks students to write the words on the board).

Teacher: - Tell me, have you ever felt sad in your life? - the children's answers sound.

Teacher: - Do you think it was necessary for little Vita to have any knowledge about this music - what is it Polonaise, Polish dance, who composed it, and so on, in order to feel this melancholy in the music?

Students answer: no.

Teacher: How did he manage to do this, since he was listening to music for the first time in his life?

Listen to children's answers if you need to generalize, although usually children find out on their own the right words, to express the idea of ​​music's emotional impact on anyone willing to "listen with their hearts."

Teacher: - You know, Vitya finally plucked up courage and went to Vasya’s lodge. And this is what the Pole told him about this melody (reading the passage by one student or teacher):

“I...shuddered when Vasya spoke.

This music was written by a man who was deprived of his most precious possession. - Vasya thought out loud, without ceasing to play. - If a person has no mother, no father, but has a homeland, he is not yet an orphan. - Vasya thought to himself for a while. I was waiting. “Everything passes: love, regret about it, the bitterness of loss, even the pain from wounds passes, but the longing for the homeland never, never goes away and the longing for the homeland never goes away...

The violin again touched the same strings that had become heated during the previous playing and had not yet cooled down. Vasin’s hand again shuddered in pain, but immediately relented, the fingers, gathered into a fist, unclenched.

This music was written by my fellow countryman Oginsky in the tavern - that’s the name of our visiting house,” Vasya continued. - I wrote at the border, saying goodbye to my homeland. He sent her his last regards. The composer has been gone for a long time. But his pain, his longing, his love for native land, which no one could take away, is still alive.”

Have you noticed what word Vasya the Pole says when he talks about the feelings of the author of Polonaise? - Yearning. – What is Mikhail Oginsky yearning for at the border when he writes this music? - About the Motherland. – Was little Vitya able to correctly understand what feeling was contained in Polonaise’s music? - Yes, I could. - How did he do it? – He also experienced such a feeling in life.

Teacher : you know, Viktor Astafiev’s favorite song was also filled with this feeling. A slide appears with the writer’s statement: “I don’t know how long God has given me, but when I die, sing “Why are you standing, swaying ...” and I will hear you in the next world.”

If anyone knows this song, sing along.

The teacher performs the song “Thin Rowan”.

Next, students learn the first and second verses in phrases, words and melody are not separated. Separately practice singing long vowels at the end of phrases (qualityahh yasya, slopeyaa yas).

The finale of the lesson is the performance of 1-2 verses of the song by willing children in front of their classmates.

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Slide captions:

V.P. Astafiev Born in Siberia (05/01/1924 - 11/29/2001)

“If I were given the opportunity to repeat my life, I would choose the same one, very eventful, joys, victories, defeats, delights and sorrows of loss...” V. P. Astafiev.

Life path On May 1, 1924, in the village of Ovsyanka, on the banks of the Yenisei, not far from Krasnoyarsk, a son, Victor, was born into the family of Pyotr Pavlovich and Lydia Ilyinichna Astafiev. Banks of Ovsyanka On the banks of the Yenisei At the age of seven, the boy lost his mother - she drowned in the river, her scythe caught on the base of the boom. Viktor Astafiev will never get used to this loss. He still “can’t believe that mom is not here and never will be.” His grandmother, Ekaterina Petrovna, becomes the boy’s protector and nurse.

Ovsyanka An ancient settlement founded more than 300 years ago, shortly after Krasnoyarsk. Its purpose was to protect the city from attacks by nomads on the nearby approaches. Since then, the name of the river closest to the village has been preserved - Karaulnaya. The history of Ovsyanka is inseparable from the name of V.P. Astafieva. He returned to his homeland as famous writer. But it was here that he received full national recognition and love from readers. Thanks to the illustrious fellow countryman, something appeared in it that was not there in other places. Asphalt road, wonderful library, wooden church. However, for last years too much has changed. Ovsyanka has long ceased to resemble the ancient Siberian village that we imagine it to be in “The Last Bow.” This is a beautiful dacha place near Krasnoyarsk on the banks of an ice-free, impoverished river, where red-brick new mansions and old, darkened Siberian huts stand opposite each other. They cannot live on the same land, and the neat Astafievsky house with its overgrown garden seems lost here, belonging to another dimension and time.

Worked at the Bazaikha Krasnoyarsk station railway. Participant of the Great Patriotic War (in the army from October 1942 to October 1945). He was a worker in the city of Chusovoy (Ural), a journalist for the newspaper "Chusovsky Rabochiy".

Since April 1957, Astafiev has been a special correspondent for the Perm Regional Radio. In 1962 the family moved to Perm, and in 1969 to Vologda. In 1980, Astafiev moved to live in his homeland - Krasnoyarsk. Until his death, the writer lived and worked both in Krasnoyarsk (Akademgorodok) and in Ovsyanka, in a summer house.

Literary creativity Since 1951 he began to engage in literary work. The result writing activity became a 15-volume collection of works. Autobiographical prose Man and the chaos of war. Harmony and discord. Man and nature.

Literary meetings in the Russian province The special pride of the Ovsyankinsky Library is the “Literary Meetings in the Russian Province”, when once every 2 years writers, poets, publishers and library workers not only from Siberia, but also the capital and other regions gather in Ovsyanka. Any library in Russia would be proud if its reader wrote about it the words that Viktor Petrovich wrote about his library: “... And the library of a village is a window of one’s home, where a friendly light always shines.” The first “Literary meetings in the Russian province” took place in August 1996, then in 1998, 2000. Literary meetings have become one of the most significant events cultural life our region, a tradition laid down and bequeathed to us by the great Russian writer V.P. Astafiev.

Autobiographical prose Throughout his life, Viktor Petrovich returned to the same themes - autobiographical ones. Childhood in Siberia ("Last Bow", "Ode to the Russian Garden"), war (from "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess" to "Cursed and Killed"), post-war famine and restlessness. The characters could be different, different from “Astafiev there and then,” but the themes, circumstances, locations, air are only from memory.

Harmony and discord The problem of harmony and discord continues to be the most “painful” point in Viktor Astafiev’s thoughts about his people. The writer put it with the greatest poignancy in two almost simultaneously created works - in the story “Living Life,” which was published in the September book of “New World” for 1985, and in the novel “Sad Detective,” published in the January issue of the magazine “October” ” for 1986.

Man and the chaos of war Viktor Astafiev’s thoughts about good and evil, about their unpeaceful coexistence in one earthly space, in one society, and sometimes in the soul of one person - these thoughts were refracted in a very unique way in his constant interest in the topic of war. Russian literature about the Great Patriotic War was initially permeated with heroic pathos. Astafiev also treats this time with reverence. But he somewhat shifts the traditional optics in approach to this topic: for him and Patriotic War- this is, first of all, war, that is, a certain unnatural state of the world, a concentrated embodiment of chaos, a visual embodiment of those forces and conditions that are contrary to human nature by definition and can only destroy the soul. “Starfall” “The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” “Cursed and Killed” “So I Want to Live” “The Jolly Soldier”

Man and Nature Astafiev’s annual trips to his native places served as the basis for writing a broad prose canvas “The Tsar Fish” (1972 - 75), one of the most significant works writer. Here the writer turns to another fundamental principle of human existence - to the connection between “Man and Nature”. Moreover, this connection interests the author in a moral and philosophical aspect: in what Yesenin called “the nodal ovary of man with the natural world,” Astafiev is looking for the key to explaining the moral virtues and moral vices of the individual, the attitude towards nature acts as a “verification” of spiritual consistency personality.

The first collection of stories "Until Next Spring" (Perm, 1953). Astafiev graduated from the Higher Literary Courses (1961). Member of the Writers' Union. Most famous works: "Starodub" (1960), "Theft" (1968), "The Last Bow" (1968), "The Shepherd and the Shepherdess" (1973), "The King Fish" (1977), "The Sad Detective" (1986), " The Sighting Staff" (1991) has been translated into many languages. Scriptwriter for feature films“Twice Born”, “Starfall”, etc. Astafiev’s work is characterized by in-depth psychologism, acuteness of problems, and high humanism

Museum-Memorial of V. Astafiev In the homeland of Viktor Astafiev - in the village of Ovsyanka near Krasnoyarsk - a monument to the writer was erected. The monument depicts Viktor Petrovich and his wife sitting on a bench in the shade of trees. The bronze sculptural composition by Vladimir Zelenov is life-size and cast at one of the Krasnoyarsk factories. During installation, workers had to try not to break the branches of the apple tree planted by Astafiev himself. On May 1, Krasnoyarsk celebrated the 80th anniversary of Astafiev’s birth. A memorial museum named after him was opened in Ovsyanka, which included the Astafiev Museum, a library, the house of the writer’s grandmother, a chapel and a memorial cemetery where all the relatives and friends of the famous Siberian are buried.

Museum-memorial of V. Astafiev House-museum of the writer. Oatmeal Room of V. P. Astafiev. Oatmeal In 1980, V.P. Astafiev returned to his homeland. It was no coincidence that he chose the house in Ovsyanka: grandmother Ekaterina’s house stood nearby. From May to October, the writer broke away from his family and moved from Krasnoyarsk to Ovsyanka, to his home. To a house where the stove had to be lit, food had to be cooked, and a great many guests had to be received. Before donating the house to the museum, the writer's widow Maria Semonovna carried out routine repairs at her own expense.

V. Astafiev Memorial Museum On September 1, 1975, a library was opened in Ovsyanka. Its permanent leader is Anna Yepiksimovna Kozyntseva. In the early 90s, on the initiative of V.P. Astafiev began construction of a new building for the Ovsyansk library. The building project was developed by the famous Krasnoyarsk architect A.S. Demirkhanov. May 4, 1994, on the 70th anniversary of V.P. Astafiev, the library welcomed its first guests and readers in a new building on the banks of the Yenisei. On August 31, 1999, the library received the status of a library-museum in the village of Ovsyanka. The library's fund is 35 thousand items. hr. The library has become a real spiritual center not only for the residents of Ovsyanka, but also for Siberia and Russia. It's been there a lot famous people: M. Gorbachev, President of the USSR; B. Yeltsin, President of Russia; N. Mikhalkov, A. Solzhenitsyn, A. Lebed and others.

Museum-memorial of V. Astafiev “My Childhood House”, where the writer’s soul invariably rushed. The main book of Viktor Petrovich’s life - “The Last Bow” - is dedicated to this house, “where, as if in a good hut, he collected and carefully resurrected a beautiful page of his childhood, and with it all his relatives, thanks to whom he had a wonderful family even in his orphanhood, a tree a family where he was not a foreign branch.” (V. Kurbatov). Grandma E.P.'s house Potylitsina

V. Astafiev Memorial Museum In 1916, a church was built in Ovsyanka; in the 40s, the building was converted into a bakery, and after the war it was completely dismantled. The initiator of the construction of the chapel was V.P. Astafiev. On September 15, 1998, as part of the 11th “Literary Meetings in the Russian Province,” the chapel was opened and consecrated. The chapel bears the name of St. Innocent of Irkutsk. Bishop Innokenty Kulchitsky (1960-1731) was elevated to the rank of Russian saint in 1804, had big influence for spiritual life Eastern Siberia. Graduated from the Kyiv Theological Academy. From 1727 to 1731 he headed the newly organized Irkutsk diocese. It is known that Innokenty of Irkutsk himself was engaged in icon painting; icons were revered as shrines. Innocent Day of Irkutsk (November 26), like Siberia Day (October 26), is one of the outstanding Siberian holidays.

Museum-Memorial of V. Astafiev Rural cemetery, where the grandmother, all relatives, friends, Viktor Petrovich’s mother, Lydia Ilyinichna, lie. The writer was buried next to his daughter Irina.

M.S. Koryakin about her husband Small details disappeared, routine disappeared hastily. And you are incredibly, incredibly sinless. We are powerless before time: What was close has become distant. But the further away you are, the more beautiful, the more inaccessible, the more desirable. I’m overwhelmed by your greatness And I’m surprised every now and then: How did I dare to love such a long time ago? M. Zimina

  • develop the ability to analyze a literary work;
  • promote the development of students' intellectual competence and research skills;
  • by including music as an art form in the lesson, to promote the development of creative imagination, emotional perception of the work, as well as increasing reader interest.
  • Equipment: computer, projector, interactive whiteboard, Oginsky’s polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland”, slide presentation for the lesson.

    During the classes

    I. Motivational stage of the lesson. Goal setting.

    The music of Oginsky’s polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland” is playing. (Annex 1)

    Preliminary learning task: try not only to listen, but to “get used to” the music being played.

    A) Questions and comments after listening.

    Appeal to lexical meaning words “polonaise” (ceremonial piece of music; ballroom dance)

    What thoughts and feelings arose while listening to music?

    Can the same music always evoke the same emotions?

    What does this depend on? Give examples from life and literature?

    (A person under different circumstances and at different ages can perceive music differently. The story of V.P. Astafiev “Far and Near Fairy Tale”)

    Story by V.P. Astafiev’s “Far and Near Fairy Tale” Opens the writer’s work “The Last Bow”. Why do you think V.P. Is that what Astafiev called his work? “Bow” to what?

    (Childhood, grandmother, native places)

    Determine for yourself a goal that you would like to achieve in the lesson.

    II. Checking the initial perception of the story. Conversation on issues.

    • From whose perspective is the story told?
    • Who is in the spotlight of Vitya Potylitsyn? Why? What unusual thing did the village boy find in Vasya the Pole? And what makes the story so unusual?
    • How does the narrator strive to convey to us his perception of the music?

    (Highlighting the main episodes that confirm the idea previously expressed by the children)

    • How can this be recorded so that we always keep it in mind and what would make our work easier? (Drawing up a table corresponding to the topic of the lesson on the interactive board and in notebooks)
    Episode no. When and where did you listen to music? “Language” of music Feelings evoked by music Images evoked by music What inspired the music?
    First hearing Early autumn at the importation gate “Quiet and lonely”, “it has become more terrible”, “such a horror”, a lonely violin does not threaten, complains”, “there is no creepy”, “the violin fell silent, exhaling pain”, “it broke off with a groan into the sky” “I was afraid to breathe loudly”, “cold under my shirt”, the music nailed me to the wall”, “fear lets go of my heart”, “sorry for something, myself”, “delight”, “a heart wounded for life by music”, “tears ", "I didn't have the strength to get up" “The key is flowing”, “someone is drinking”, “quiet Yenisei”, “a man, a convoy, something blurred by mud, a grandmother tearing out her hair”, “talking about my illness”, “a menacing stream”, “thunders, lightning ” “I wanted to die abandoned and forgotten by everyone,” “he made his way to the guardhouse and sat down on the threshold. “Play again, uncle”
    Second hearing In Vasya the Pole's guardhouse, at night “Softer, kinder, anxiety and pain”, “the violin no longer moaned, its soul did not ooze blood, the fire did not rage... the stones did not crumble” “The violin again touched those same strings that were heated during the previous playing and had not yet cooled down,” a feeling of gratitude (“ thank you, uncle”), “nothing is scary now”, “the world is kind and lonely” I went to my mother’s grave, asked for forgiveness for being forgotten, “I didn’t want to go home”
    Third hearing “In the last autumn of the war, in a small, broken Polish city at a post near the guns” “The sounds of the organ poured out,” “the music unfolded the soul...,” “everything was naked, clothes were torn from everything,” “everything was turned inside out dirty.” “My throat squeezed, squeezed” Vasya the Pole, “music is like a sigh of the native land” “It sounded like a battle cry, called me somewhere, forced me to do something so that these fires would go out... so that people would come into their home...”

    III. Organization of a mini-study. Work in groups to analyze episodes and fill out the table (in notebooks, a representative from the group - on the interactive whiteboard)

    IV. Report on the work of groups with the completion of the table on the interactive whiteboard.

    Each group formulates a conclusion about the power of music’s influence on the narrator.

    When analyzing the second episode, in addition to the content of Vasya the Pole's story, historical information is provided. (In March 1794, an uprising began in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, led by Tadeusz Kosciuszko. Count Michal-Kleofas Oginski is an ardent supporter of it. He was elected to the National Council, at one of whose meetings he declared: “I give my property for the good of the Motherland, work and life." At his own expense, he formed a large armed detachment, which he himself commanded. He replaced the ancient coat of arms of the Oginskis with a shield with the motto: “Freedom. Fortitude. Independence." After the defeat of the uprising, M. Oginski was forced to flee to Italy).

    Teacher: Story “Distant and close fairy tale” was written in the 60s of the last century. In it V.P. Astafiev revealed to us the ability of music to influence a person, to shape his thoughts and feelings.

    V. Reflection. Preparing for homework.

    It's the 21st century. And music continues to excite with the help of its language and evoke reciprocal feelings. Listen to a poem by modern poet Tatyana Savostyanova.

    What could be more eloquent than hands?

    What could be more eloquent than hands?
    More sensitive, softer and more gentle?
    For a musician, fingers are an image! Hearing –
    Chords endless movement.

    The sounds are careful and quiet
    Or perky, pitifully sad.
    From all sides, outside, inside,
    Arose on purpose and by accident.

    Mad whispering of leaves
    Autumn morning, the wind is crying hysterically
    I hear the darkness rattling
    And the rustle of the waves, and the sad cry of the seagulls.

    It's all in music, nature and me
    Merges, diverges in circles...
    I'm melting... In reality or in a dream...
    Like the milky road under your feet.

    Questions and tasks for analyzing the poem.

    • Determine the theme and idea of ​​the poem.
    • Why does the author call the musician’s hands “eloquent”?
    • Find lines that support this.
    • Indicate the lines with which the author conveys the power of the music’s impact on the listener.

    Teacher: I’m an adult... But just like you, I once studied at school. I still remember how once during a singing lesson (that’s what “music” was called back then), the class listened to Oginsky’s polonaise “Farewell to the Motherland.”

    There was dead silence in the class, and for some reason we were sad...

    Many years later, I read “The Last Bow,” which began with the story “A Far and Near Fairy Tale.” This work caused a storm of feelings in me, I even cried. And then the poem “Far and Near Fairy Tale, or Reading Astafiev...” was born. (I read a poem against the background of a polonaise - author)

    Silence over peace and quiet,
    Only the violin cries over the river,
    And sad sounds sing in the night,
    talking about pain and separation.
    Violin's soul yearns for the country,
    What is very good:
    Oginsky's Polonaise played
    A man who did not know his homeland.
    In it Oginsky many years later
    I sent greetings to my homeland.
    The Yenisei echoed the violin,
    Singing to her about the cherished.
    - Hiding, I listened to the chant
    And I learned a lot with my soul.
    I recognized longing, sadness and pain
    About a distant and foreign country,
    I found out that difficult ways
    I'll have to walk on the ground.
    41st. The war has begun.
    The violin string broke.
    The gentle voice is replaced by a hum.
    He inspires horror, fear and pain.
    And the Almighty has already commanded me
    Find yourself in that foreign country.
    Through a series of passing years
    Oginsky sent me greetings again:
    Through the fire of conflagrations, hurricane explosions
    I heard the organ sound!
    How? Where did this sound come from?
    I see: on the wall of the Holy Face...
    And in his eyes there is direct reproach
    For a bloody tornado, war, ruin...
    The music was getting louder and louder!
    The thunder of guns burst through it!..
    But she took power over fear,
    The passion was so strong throughout the world!
    Stop, people, the feast of death -
    Let peace reign in the world!

    There is no need to say anything now. Let's just sit quietly. Let’s let the soul cope with the surging feelings, and at home...


    Write an essay “A soul touched by music...”.

    Library lesson

    Subject: « Souls unbroken flight.VIKTOR ASTAFYEV: Life and creativity.”

    Venue: Municipal educational institution secondary school No. 4, Bolotny, Bolotninsky district Novosibirsk region(school library)

    Class: students in grades 9-11.

    Librarian: Zabavko Vera Vasilievna


    1. Introducing students to the life, work, and personality of the writer;


    1.Promote comprehension of what you read;

    2. Expand the literary horizons of readers;

    3.Preparing graduates for the Unified State Exam.

    4.Form the skill of generalizing, drawing conclusions;

    5. Foster a reading culture;

    6. To develop a sense of humane attitude towards people and nature;

    7.Promote the education of human and civic feelings;

    8. Help foster a sense of responsibility for the world in which you live.

    Planned results:

    To develop reader interest in the personality and works of V. Astafiev.

    Methodical techniques: conversation, self-control, story, illustration, clarification of concepts, use of presentation.

    Forms of work: individual, frontal.

    Lesson design: Slide presentation, exhibition of books by V.P. Astafieva, Physical map of the USSR.

    Lesson equipment:

    Technical support – Computer, projector.


    2. Bolshakova A. A distant and near fairy tale: The image of childhood in the works of Astafiev. Children's literature, 2000, No. 4

    3. Kruk N.V. Library reading lessons, part 2, M., 2010.

    4. Makarov A. Man to man. – M., 1971. P. 432.

    1. Meremkulov O. Leafing through Astafiev’s books. pp. 115-121.

    2. Solovyova Yu.I. Stories by V.P. Astafieva at school. Primary School, 2004, No. 7

    3. Tubelskaya G.N. Children's writers of Russia. M., 2007

    4. Tarkovsky M. Somewhere nearby, in Ovsyanka. First of September, 2004

    5. Internet resources.

    Epigraph: “The primary task of a writer is to resist evil, affirming goodness” (V. Astafiev)

    Organizing time. Message topic, goals:

    Hello guys. Today at the library lesson we will talk to you about the life and work of the Siberian writer, prose writer, essayist, playwright, our fellow countryman V.P. Astafieva. V.P. Astafiev (1924 - 2001) passed away not so long ago. (Slide No. 1). People like him are called the conscience of the nation. K. Azadovsky said about him: “Astafiev is a writer” smart at heart" We will get acquainted with the exhibition of works by V.P. Astafiev, let us repeat the genres of literature, some elements of the structure of works. A group of library activists from among students in grades 10-11 prepared messages and learned poems that they will present to your attention. During the lesson, your task is to fill out a reader’s sheet (distributed to each student). This will help you later write an annotation, for which the literature teacher will give everyone grades.

    Reader's sheet.


    Book title

    The year of publishing



    Brief summary

    Basic Concepts

    Getting to know the life and work of the writer:

    1 message:

    “Biography of the Writer”, presented by a student and a student: (Slide No. 2)

    Victor Petrovich Astafiev was born on May 1, 1924 in the village of Ovsyanka, in the vicinity of Krasnoyarsk, into a large peasant family of Lydia Ilyinichna Potylitsina and Pyotr Pavlovich Astafiev. He was the third child in the family, but his two older sisters died in infancy. (Slide No. 3). Viktor Petrovich recalled his birth like this: “But the time has come for me to be born. There was a lot of noise in the house, there was smoke everywhere, and my mother went to the bathhouse to give birth. Grandfather Pavel Lately hung out with the city nobility - hairdressers, shopkeepers, lawyers.

    In the morning, mother came to the house with a bundle and showed the grandfather his first grandson. Delight, roar, clinking of glasses, guests from the city volunteered to baptize me and gave me a fashionable city name. I was the first Victor in the whole village. Fedek, Petek, Serezhek, especially Kolek and Ivanov are complete, but Victor is alone. The birth was probably difficult, try to give birth easily to someone like me. A few days later, my mother came out of the room sick, pale and, naturally, asked: had the boy been baptized and, if so, who were the godparents, where they were and what their names were. The grandfather was embarrassed - he did not remember the names of his godparents, and then my mother began to cry. My grandfather respected my mother and remembered her all his life with respect and guilt towards her. He went to church and somehow persuaded the priest to baptize me again under the same polyphonic, fashionable, urban name. The priest, most likely, did not take the drunks seriously as godparents and did not write them down in the church register. My second godparents were my mother’s sister Apraksinya Ilyinichna and my father’s young brother Vasily Pavlovich.”


    What is surprising about this memory? (Attitude towards the child. Irresponsibility of adults, the fact of the birth of a child - as something taken for granted). Subsequently V.P. Astafiev will write “I have long been rejected and forgotten by my relatives.”

    The student continues:

    The writer said about his mother, Lydia Ilyinichna: “She was a woman who was not afraid of work, from a large family.” Viktor Petrovich’s grandfather and father loved to walk and dance. Astafiev in his autobiography calls his grandfather’s house, where he was born, a “drunk house.” The entire household was run by two women: the grandfather’s wife and the writer’s mother. A few years after the birth of his son, Pyotr Astafiev goes to prison with the wording “sabotage.” During Lydia's next trip to her husband, the boat in which she, among others, was sailing, capsized. Lydia Potylitsina fell into the water, caught her scythe on a floating boom and drowned. Her body was found only a few days later. Victor was then seven years old. After the death of his mother, Victor lived with her parents - Ekaterina Petrovna and Ilya Evgrafovich Potylitsin. Viktor Astafiev spoke about his childhood spent with his grandmother Katerina Petrovna and which left bright memories in the writer’s soul in the first part of his autobiography “The Last Bow”. After leaving prison, the father of the future writer married for the second time. Deciding to go after the “northern wild money”, Pyotr Astafiev with his wife and two sons - Victor and newborn Nikolai - goes to Igarka, where the dispossessed family of his father, Pavel Astafiev, was sent. The following summer, Victor’s father entered into an agreement with the Igarsk fish factory and took his son on a commercial fishing trip to a place between the villages of Karasino and Poloy. After the end of the fishing season, returning to Igarka, Pyotr Astafiev ended up in the hospital. Abandoned by his stepmother and relatives, Victor ended up on the street. For several months he lived in an abandoned hairdresser's building, however, after a serious incident at school, he was sent to an orphanage.

    Student 2 continues: (Slide No. 4)

    And Vitya Astafiev spent his entire childhood in an orphanage. Wonderful people he knew a lot, but not from his relatives: the first - after his mother, grandmother and grandfather - was Vasily Ivanovich Sokolov, a teacher in an orphanage. Vasily Ivanovich often told him about his “natural gifts”, about “undoubted literary talent,” and from these words he fell either into dashing, foolish gaiety, or into embarrassment, but little by little he began to compose poems, participated in the school handwritten journal and lied recklessly children, retelling the books they have read. Vitya loved to read indiscriminately and incessantly, everything that fell into his hands, he fought over books, even stole them, not considering this a great sin. Wonderful man, who met him at the beginning life path, was Ignatiy Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky, Siberian poet. He taught Victor Russian language and literature. As time went.

    And then 1941 came. On Sunday morning, June 22, 1941, German troops began an invasion of Soviet territory along the entire western border of the USSR. (Show on map). Thousands of German guns opened hurricane fire on the border units of the Red Army. Nazi aviation launched powerful bomb attacks on airfields, railway junctions, naval bases and peaceful cities.

    (3 student expressively)

    June. Dawn. The river is broken.

    Fog over the forest. Silence.

    Projectile. Gap. And from the sky with thunder:

    "Today the war began..."

    You can’t say: “She wasn’t expected...”

    “They didn’t believe in her...” - more precisely

    We went from Moscow to our dachas,

    We caught perch in the river...

    The crowd stood confused

    "Without declaring war..."

    Someone will tell me - everything is not new,

    The country is no longer the same...

    But three words live in my memory:

    "Today the war began..."

    2 student continues with the message “The Life of V.P. Astafiev in the war and post-war years": (Slide No. 5)

    In 1942 V.P. Astafiev volunteered for the front. He studied military affairs at the infantry school in Novosibirsk. In the spring of 1943 he was sent to the active army. He was a driver, artillery reconnaissance officer, and signalman. Until the end of the war, Viktor Astafiev remained a simple soldier. The front-line biography of soldier Astafiev was awarded the Order of the Red Star, medals “For Courage”, “For Victory over Germany” and “For the Liberation of Poland”. He was seriously wounded several times. (Slide No. 6, 7). In the hospital he met Maria Semyonovna Koryakina, who became a faithful and reliable companion throughout his troubled, vibrant life. After demobilization in 1945, he went to the Urals, to the city of Chusovoy. In the same year, Astafyev married Maria Semenovna Koryakina. They had three children: daughters Lydia (born and died in 1947) and Irina (1947-1987) and son Andrei (born in 1950). In Chusovoy, Astafiev worked as a mechanic, auxiliary worker, teacher, station attendant, and storekeeper.

    In 1951, V.P. made his debut. Astafiev as a writer. Astafiev’s first story, “Civilian Man,” was published in the Chusovskoy Rabochiy newspaper. Since 1951, he worked in the editorial office of this newspaper, writing reports, articles, and stories. His first book, “Until Next Spring,” was published in Molotov in 1953.


    Guys, let's remember what a story is and give its definition.

    The most important themes of Astafiev’s work are anti-Soviet, military and rural. One of his first works was an essay written at school, which was later turned by the writer into the story “Vasyutkino Lake.” The fate of the story is very interesting. Teacher I.D. Rozhdestvensky suggested writing an essay on the topic “How the summer went.” V. Astafiev got lost in the taiga in the summer and described his adventures in an essay. The boy's essay was published in the magazine under the title "Alive." Many years later, the author remembered him, and this is how the story “Vasyutkino Lake” turned out, which opens the collection of stories “The Horse with a Pink Mane”

    Astafiev began his career as children's writer. He wrote about it this way: “I always write for children with bright joy and I will try throughout my life not to deprive myself of this joy.” (Slide No. 8)
    Astafyev’s stories about childhood go beyond personal memories, and their significance lies not so much in the material itself, but in the emotional and moral charge that can awaken the brightest feelings in the reader. Most of the stories he wrote for children were included in the collection “The Horse with a Pink Mane.” One of the critics said that the main thing in Astafiev’s stories is “reflection on our life, on the purpose of man on earth and in society, on the Russian national character.” All stories by V. Astafiev included in this collection (“Monk in New Pants”, “The Smell of Hay”, “Photograph in which I am not in”, “Autumn Sadness and Joy”, “Geese in the Ice Hole” and many others) imbued with the irresistible power of goodness, and it itself loosens the soil for itself. In essence, V. Astafiev’s stories are a quiet, but confident and strong-sounding song about the power of human spiritual unity, love, fidelity - those feelings, the manifestations of which life is beautiful and immortal.
    Stories about childhood, which were written over 20 long years, made up a complete book "Last bow". The author called this literary work “the best book,” a “secret” book, since “he put a lot of himself into the book.” Introducing the book “The Last Bow” to young readers, V. Astafiev stated: “I have not worked on any of my books with such delightful joy, with such clearly tangible pleasure as on “The Last Bow” - a book about my childhood.
    The main theme of “The Last Bow” is the theme of growing up young man, the formation of the protagonist’s personality.
    Central image books are the image of my grandmother, Katerina Petrovna. He is akin to that Nekrasov Russian woman - a peasant woman, to whom “the dirt of the wretched situation ... does not seem to stick.” The author of the book first of all gives a grateful bow to her, the worker, the nurse, the keeper of the family, the protector of childhood. The image of the grandmother, warmed with love and bestowing love, runs through the entire book. No one chooses their childhood, parents, relatives, neighbors. But everyone learns their own lessons in life. Perhaps the most important lesson Vitka learned in his grandmother’s house is the ability to value a person not by the bad, but by the best in him. Therefore, the little man, who had already suffered so many troubles in life, did not break later, did not tarnish his biography with not a single spot in adult life.

    In his works, Viktor Petrovich could not help but depict the theme of war.

    What works about the war were welcomed by the state at that time?

    (works that did not say anything about the war as a tragedy)

    The peculiarity of Viktor Astafiev as a writer is that the Second World War in his works appears as a tragedy. What works about the war by V.P. Have you read Astafiev, which ones have you heard of? (Children's answers)

    Repetition of literary genres and structural elements of a work:

    Library component:

    Genres of literature

    Tale- This prose work, which differs from a story in a larger number of events and volume of text, and a more in-depth analysis of events.

    Biographical story - a work of fiction about the life of a person.

    Library component:

    Genres of literature

    Structural element of the work

    Novel - A large essay in prose containing a complete, rounded story of a fictional or fictionalized incident or event.

    Play -(from French - part), common name for dramatic works: comedies, dramas, vaudeville, etc.

    Preface – Element of the book apparatus. The preface reflects the purpose and features of this publication, characteristics of the problems covered in it, etc. There are prefaces: “From the publisher”, “From the editor”, “From the author”. The foreword is usually placed after the title page.

    In the story The Shepherd and the Shepherdess(1971) tells about the hopeless love of two young people, brought together for a brief moment and separated forever by war. This work is one of the few that recreates the whole truth about the war. This was Astafiev's first major work about the war. According to researchers, here V.P. Astafiev describes the Korsun-Shevchenko operation of 1944, one of the most outstanding in the history of the Second World War. About the author’s idea of ​​“The Shepherd and the Shepherdess” Astafiev himself wrote this: “I wanted to somewhat anticipate the time and say that the days will come, they cannot but come, when education and culture will lead, cannot but bring a person into conflict with the reality when people killing people."

    In the play « I'm sorry"(1980), which takes place in a military hospital, Astafiev also writes about love and death. The face of war in the story is shown even more harshly than in the works of the 1970s « This is how I want to live"(1995) and in the novel « Cursed and killed" (1995). (Slide No. 9). In his interviews, the prose writer repeatedly emphasized that he did not consider it possible to write about the war, guided by ostentatious patriotism. These works are “trench truth”, met with hostility by official criticism and literary authorities. The author himself said this about his war works: “I wrote very little about the war and “about the war”. It is difficult to write about war... Memory of war! Happy is he who does not know her, and I would like to wish all good people: never to know her, never to know. Do not carry hot coals in your heart, which burn your health, sleep, normal relationships with people and the world around you.” In the preface to the book “War Pages”, the author writes: “The stories and stories collected here - scattered pages of the war - I consider an application for the “main” book about the war, an approach to work, inexorable and inevitable, because, I repeat: for me “my “no one will write a war, no one will stop the terrible impending thunderstorm for us, people.”
    Shortly after the publication of the novel “Cursed and Killed,” Astafiev was awarded the Triumph Prize, awarded annually for outstanding achievements in literature and art.

    4th student: “The relationship between man and nature in the works of V.P. Astafieva"

    A special place in the work of V.P. Astafiev is interested in the topic “Man and Nature”.

    Viktor Petrovich did not live permanently in his historical homeland. Only in 1980 did he return with his family to native Oatmeal.

    “I felt calmer at home,” writes Astafiev, “and I began to work greedily in my house in my native village.

    Oatmeal(Approximate location shown on map), (Slides No. 10, 11, 12).

    Ovsyanka is an ancient Siberian village founded more than 300 years ago. The purpose of the settlement was to protect the city from attacks by nomads on the outskirts. Modern history The village is inextricably linked with the name of V.P. Astafiev, who lived and worked here. Admire the Siberian nature, visit small homeland famous writer Many people come, including from abroad. These are picturesque places steeped in history. Not far from the village there is an “Observation Deck”, from where incredible views beautiful landscape: the rocky shores of the mighty Yenisei, from where the villages of Sliznevo and Ovsyanka are clearly visible, and on the other side, in the distance, in the haze, Krasnoyarsk. Ovsyanka is located along the Yenisei, from the village there is a beautiful view of the opposite bank of the river.

    We were once again convinced how beautiful and rich the Siberian region is! It is very different in the north and south, near the Yenisei and in the deep taiga. There are slender pines, gentle birches, proud cedars. There are meadows in bloom, clear rivers, inaccessible rocks. There are endless distances and there are close, dear places where your home is located. But the whole region is our common favorite house, only a very big one. So big that even winter and summer come in it different time.

    5 student (expressively)

    Trees covered in snow
    All around, wherever you look,
    Here are the years, destinies, distances,
    They fly invisibly through the centuries.

    Among the universal flight,
    We see fugitive Russian people,
    He is a boyar who does not accept oppression,
    Found my shelter in Siberia.

    Stories of moments melt away,
    One thing after another,
    In Siberia, nights give way to days,
    And we treasure every moment as taiga.

    Remembered by the taiga of Siberia
    How Ermak beat Kuchum here,
    And how in this harsh world
    Shukshin carried a backpack on his shoulders,

    Like a bear alone,
    With a spear at the ready,
    The hunter walked and put an end to it,
    Siberian remembers this forest.

    He remembers the Russian Old Believers,
    Those who create prayer,
    For the sake of my stern faith,
    They fled from the Tsar to Siberia.

    Siberia, my land without end,
    The stern shines with beauty,
    Rus''s beloved dear daughter,
    With a broad Russian soul.

    Here is the snowy taiga expanse,
    Here the cedar and pine say,
    Here, among this freedom,
    Stopping, time sleeps.

    (A.E. Gavryushkin)

    (Slide No. 13)

    Every year Viktor Petrovich made trips to his native places, native land. The impressions served as the basis for writing a broad prose canvas “The Fish King” (1972 - 1976); the writer designated the genre as “narration in stories.” This is one of the writer's most significant works. You read it in literature lessons (grade 11, grades 9 and 10 will read it)


    1. Observations on the title of the work:
    King - fish - SYMBOL OF NATURE

    Which famous aphorism Do you know which reflects the polemical meaning in relation to the title of the work?

    Man is the king of nature

    1. Brief overview of the content of the work (for grade 11)

    2. What does the author say about poachers? Why did you pay so much attention to them? Depicting the fight between the poacher Ignatyich, who suddenly felt like a speck of dust in the universe, and a huge, almost mythical fish, the author comments: “The king of the river and the king of all nature in one trap.”

    3. What is author's position to poaching?

    4. What can we conclude?
    (man encroached on the riches of nature and destroyed himself)

    How should we treat nature so as not to perish? (guard, carefully)

    (“Nature is not a temple, but a workshop, and man is a worker in it”)

    After its publication, the book “The Fish Tsar” turned out to be a disturber of literary peace: discussions arose around it on the pages of magazines and newspapers, not only professional critics spoke out, but also readers of various professions, and among the latter, with particular passion, nature conservation specialists. “The King is a Fish” hit the sore spot of the “Man and Nature” problem.

    Can you give more examples of works in XIX literature c., which raises the problem of the relationship to nature and the use of its resources?

    (A. P. Chekhov’s play “The Cherry Orchard”. In the play appeared new hero- a descendant of serfs who became a rich merchant. perfect for him The Cherry Orchard- a source of possible income, and not just an object for admiration, as it was for the old owners of the garden - bankrupt nobles; V.G. Rasputin "Farewell to Matera").

    Many writers, incl. and Viktor Petrovich, were concerned about the relationship between man and nature and the consequences of these relationships. Perhaps the writer is asking us readers a question? The world for Astafiev is the world of people and nature, abiding in the eternal. An inextricable and contradictory unity, the violation of which threatens degeneration and death. The writer has great faith in the triumph of goodness, in the fact that each of us can know ourselves as human beings. Conclusion: so, guys, what themes are typical for the work of V.P. Astafiev? (war, man and nature, childhood)

    The librarian reviews the remaining books on display.

    6th student: “Memory of the writer V.P. Astafiev." (Slides No. 14, 15)

    In 2001, at the age of 78, V.P. Astafiev died of a stroke and was buried in Ovsyanka. The memory of him lives in his works, in his deeds. He was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor, he is a Laureate of the USSR State Prize (1978, 1991), was awarded the State Prize of Russia (posthumously), and the Pushkin Prize of the Alfred Tepfer Foundation (Germany, 1997). Works by V.P. Astafiev translated into many languages ​​of the world. (slides):

    Reflection: unfinished sentence method: (filling out anonymous questionnaires)

    1. In class I learned about V.P. Astafiev...

    2. I liked the process of working...

    3. I remember this lesson...

    4. I wanted to read the following works by V.P. Astafieva...

    5. I will write a review about the book I read by V.P. Astafieva...

    Guys, our lesson does not end here, I suggest you continue the conversation now when discussing specific works (which, I learn from your reviews).

    The review can be written according to the following plan: (memos are handed out) and everyone will receive literature grades for it.

    Plan for writing a review of a book you read:

    1. Introduction.
    - Author and title of the work;

    Brief information about the book;

    Main characters;

    2. Main part.

    Which of the characters was your favorite and why?

    What stood out most to me was;

    What did you think about while reading the book?

    3. Final part.

    How the book is read (easy, difficult, exciting, etc.)



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