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Possessive case of adjectives in English. Possessive adjectives in Russian and English

Possessive pronouns go hand in hand with personal pronouns: every personal pronoun has a possessive. Possessive pronouns in English language answer whose question? (whose?), their function is to determine belonging. At the same time, it is important to note that absolute form Possessive pronouns in English are used to replace the noun itself, that is, the directly qualified word. Let's look at the types of possessive pronouns and the features of their use.

The absolute form of possessive pronouns in English: a parallel with the basic form

Possessive pronouns are characterized by the presence of two forms => basic and absolute. The main form performs the function of definition and its task is to always come before the noun. The absolute form, which is the second, is used directly to replace the noun itself, that is, the word being defined.

Basic form

(serves as a modifier of a noun)

Absolute form

(serves as a direct replacement for a noun)


My (my, mine, mine, mine) => Mine (my, mine, mine, mine)
Your (yours, yours, yours, yours) => Yours (yours, yours, yours, yours)
His (his) => His (him)
Her => Hers (her)
Its (his, her) => Its (his, her)


Our (our, ours, ours, ours) => Ours (our, ours, ours)
Your (yours, yours, yours, yours) => Yours (yours, yours, yours, yours)
Their => Theirs

So, from the table it is clear that possessive pronouns include such as my, your, his, her, its, our, their, mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs.


  • Sarah decided to leave her job to find the better one => Sarah decided to leave her job to find a better one.
  • Mr. Thompson took his shirt to see whether it will suit to his trousers => Mr. Thompson took his shirt to see if it would match his trousers.
  • We really want to taste our cakes to see whether they are really so delicious as people say => We really want to try our cakes to see if they are really as tasty as people say.

The main task of possessive pronouns is to reflect belonging to something or the connection of objects

  • My window is of white color and her is brown => My window white, hers is brown.
  • My pencils are sharp but his– not => My pencils are sharp, his are not.

Today we are studying the topic of absolute pronouns, but in order to understand the features of their use, let’s draw a parallel with pronouns in the attached form.

So, as we have already said, attached pronouns are necessarily used with a noun =>

  • My rabbit is black and white => My rabbit is black and white.
  • Your husband is so handsome I can’t stand but look at him! => Your husband is so handsome that I can’t help but look at him!
  • Our plates are of yellow color while our neighbors decided to buy some of red color => Our plates yellow color, but our neighbors decided to buy some in red.

Features of using the absolute form

From the examples it is clear that the basic form of possessives cannot be used without a noun, the meaning is lost and the sentence will not be correct. As for absolute pronouns, they are created in order to . Using the absolute form of possessive pronouns is convenient when you need to avoid repeating the subject being defined =>

  • It is his pen => This is his pen.
  • This pen is his => This pen is his.

Let's give examples with her - hers, since the pronoun his is the same in different forms.

  • It is her car => This is her car.
  • This car is hers=> This car is hers.

Another striking example =>

  • Whose phone is it? —It's his/hers .
  • Whose car is this? - This is his/hers.

(his/hers are used instead of his car/her car).

Important! Absolute pronouns (mine, yours, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs) are intended to replace nouns

  • What cats like to eat? => Mine likes Kitekat.
  • What do cats like to eat? – Mine loves Kitekat.
  • Mine use instead my cat.
  • Are this mine? => Yes, it is yours.
  • It is mine? - Yes, it's yours.

On a note! If we are talking about the possessive pronoun its, then it is important to remember that it must be used without an apostrophe. If you see the form it's, then this is a shortened version of the phrase it is.

Functions of possessive pronouns in absolute form

Possessive pronouns in absolute form serve several functions in a sentence. The functions are different and depend on the characteristics of the context. Let's look at some striking examples =>

  1. As a subject

These are not her pencils. Hers are in her bag => These are not her pencils. She (be) in her bag.

Where is the lollipop? Yours is in fridge. It is too hot here => Where is the lollipop? Yours is in the refrigerator. It's very hot here.

  1. In addition function

Our texts are better than yours(instead of your texts) => Our texts are better than yours.

Her shoes are much more glamorous than yours(instead of your shoes) => Her shoes are much more glamorous than yours.

  1. As a function of the nominal part of the predicate

Whose chinchilla is this? – It is hers .

Whose chinchilla is this? - Her.

Whose red Maybach is it? – It is mine.

Whose red Maybach is this? - My.

Note! After the absolute form of the noun we we don't put it!

Let's sum it up

The absolute pronoun helps make speech simpler and easier without violating the meaning of the sentence. It is better to study possessive pronouns in absolute form in parallel with a topic that reveals the peculiarities of using the basic form of such pronouns. The topic is easy, and if you support the acquired knowledge with examples, you will understand it very quickly.

It would seem that there is nothing simpler than the pronouns: “I, you, he, she - together the whole country,” “You have yours, and I have mine.” But how to say this in English? In today's article we will look at the basic rules for using personal and possessive pronouns in English.

Personal pronouns in English

In English, a personal pronoun is used instead of a noun that we know or have already mentioned. This allows you to avoid repetitions in speech.

This is Jim. Jim is a policeman. Jim lives in New York. - This Jim. Jim police officer. Jim lives in New York.

Agree, there is too much Jim for three sentences. This is easy to fix if we combine the two sentences into one and replace the name Jim with the pronoun he (he).

This is Jim. He is a policeman and lives in New York. - This Jim. He police officer and lives in New York.

A personal pronoun can be:

  1. Subject pronoun

    This pronoun is used in place of the subject in a sentence and denotes the one who performs the action. Subjective pronouns come before the verb and answer the questions “who?” So what?".

  2. Object pronoun

    The pronoun is used in a sentence instead of an object, that is, the action is directed to it. Object pronouns stand after the verb and answer the questions “whom?/what?”, “to whom?/what?”, “whom?/what?”, “by whom?/what?”, “about whom?” / about what?".

Personal pronouns instead of subject

The table below shows personal pronouns that are used in English instead of the subject.

Now let's look at some features of these pronouns:

  • Pronoun I

    I is always written with a capital letter.

    I am a dreamer. - I dreamer.
    Mom says I can do it. - Mom says that I I can do it.

    If I is in a sentence next to another personal pronoun, then I is placed in second place.

    She and I are best friends. - We With her best friends.
    He and I played tennis together. - We With him played tennis.

  • Pronouns he, she and it

    The pronouns he and she are used to refer to people. And to denote inanimate objects, phenomena and animals, the pronoun it is used.

    You know Jane. She is kind and modest. - You know Jane. She kind and modest.
    Did you see the new building yesterday? It is big. - Did you see the new building yesterday? It big.

    And if you treat your pet as a member of the family, when talking about him, you can use he or she rather than it.

    Your dog doesn't like me. It barks at me.
    - My dog ​​never barks at people. He's a good boy.
    - Your dog doesn't love me. He barks at me.
    - My dog ​​never barks at people. He good boy.

    The pronoun it is also used in impersonal sentences(in which there is no actor) to describe weather, time, distance, etc.

    It's a quarter to nine. - It's fifteen minutes to nine now.
    It's foggy outside. - It's foggy outside.
    It's three kilometers between the villages. - The distance between the villages is three kilometers.

  • Pronoun you

    You is translated as "you", "you" or "you" depending on the context, but agrees with the plural verb.

    You look good in this dress. - You you look good in this dress.
    You all are beautiful. - You everyone is beautiful.
    Mrs. Walmer, I think you will be a good nurse. - Mrs. Walmer, I think You you will be a good nurse.

Personal pronouns instead of objects

In the table we present personal pronouns that are used instead of an object and appear in a sentence after the verb.

Personal pronouns
me (me, me, me, about me)us (us, us, us, about us)
you (you, you, by you, about you)you (you, to you, by you, about you)
him, her, it (his/her, him/her, im/her, about him/her)them (their, them, them, about them)

Let's look at examples:

He will help me tomorrow. - He will help to me Tomorrow.
He told us the story. - He said us this story.

We also use these pronouns after the prepositions about, on, in, with, for and others.

Stay with us. - Stay with us.
I am doing this for her. - I'm doing it for her.

You can fix the topic and take tests in our articles “Personal pronouns in the English language” and “”.

Possessive adjectives and pronouns in English

In English there are two possessive forms:

  1. Possessive adjectives
  2. Possessive pronouns

Both forms denote that something belongs to someone and answer the question “whose?/whose?/whose?/whose?”

Although this article is about pronouns, we will also cover adjectives so you don't get them confused.

Personal pronounsPossessive adjectivesPossessive pronouns
Imy (my)mine (my)
hehis (him)his (him)
sheher (her)hers (her)
itits (his/her)its (his/her)
weour (our)ours (our)
youyour (yours/yours)yours (yours/yours)
theytheirtheirs (theirs)

So what is the difference between a possessive adjective and a pronoun? A possessive adjective in English always comes before a noun and characterizes it.

This is my cup. - This my cup.
His phone is on the table. - His phone lies on the table.
Your music is annoying. - Your music annoys.

A possessive pronoun does not characterize a noun, but replaces the construction “possessive adjective + noun”. Most often, such pronouns appear at the end of a sentence.

Are those shoes mine? - Those shoes my?
It's their dog, and that is ours. - This is their dog, and this is - our.
My dress is prettier than yours. - My dress is more beautiful yours.
Her cake was better than theirs. - Her cake was tastier than their.

We can also use a possessive pronoun after a noun with the preposition of.

This is Ross. He is a friend of me my mine. - This is Ross. He my Friend.

Also, possessive adjectives and pronouns have other features that should be remembered:

  • In English there is no pronoun corresponding to the Russian “svoy”. Therefore, we translate it according to the context using possessive adjectives or pronouns.

    I'll take my(possessive adjective) bag and you take yours(possessive pronoun). - I will take my (mine) bag, and you take it my (yours).

  • The possessive adjective and the possessive pronoun its are written without an apostrophe. If you meet it's, then this is a shortened grammatical form: it's = it + is.

    The cat played with its(possessive adjective) toy. - The cat was playing with his a toy.

  • Formally, its exists as a possessive pronoun, but its use is avoided. It is used only with the pronoun own - its own (own, own).

    Each district of the city has the charm of its own(possessive pronoun). - Every district of the city has your own Charm.

We have also collected personal and possessive pronouns English in one diagram for clarity. You can use it as a cheat sheet.

We invite you to watch a funny video from the Looney Tunes cartoon series. In this episode you will see how desperately the drake Daffy Duck tries to get hunter Elmer Fudd to shoot Bugs Bunny the rabbit. But Daffy has one problem - he gets confused about pronouns.

Try taking a short test on the use of personal and possessive pronouns in English.

Test on the topic “Personal and possessive pronouns in English”

We hope that our article helped you understand the features correct use personal and possessive pronouns in English. If you want to practice the rules you have learned using examples that you understand, go to one of them.

We very often use possessive pronouns in both Russian and English. Do you think it’s enough to learn my, his, her, their? No, their use sometimes puts those who do not know all the secrets in an awkward position.

Ask yourself: what is a pronoun? Yes, a part of speech that replaces a noun or adjective. But a special group of Possessive Pronouns, so to speak, characterizes an object, phenomenon, property, indicating that it belongs to someone and answers the question whose? whose? whose? (whose?).

This is my note-book - This is my notebook.

Their decision was unexpected. “Their decision was unexpected.

Our car is broken. — Our car is broken.

What are the possessive pronouns in English?

This group takes its roots from personal pronouns in terms of education, and it is by comparing them that we will consider the use of these parts of speech. To make it easier to understand and remember, we will divide all Possessive Pronouns into two groups.

  • Possessives pronouns-adjectives. This name indicates that the listed parts of speech are before a noun, which it describes, characterizes it. In this case never no articles are used. However, after these possessive pronouns in English, there can be other definitions (adjectives), which come after them. I would also like to note that these pronouns are placed after all and both, if there are any in the offer. Let's dive into the examples and consider all the cases.

Her ticket is on the table. — Her ticket is on the table.

It isn't my bus. - This is not my bus.

Your friend came to see me yesterday. — Your friend visited me yesterday.

He gave me her address. — He gave me her address.

Where is mygreen pencil? - Where is my green pencil?

Hiselder brother writes poems. — His older brother writes poetry.

Allmy books are in the bag. — All my books are in my bag.

Bothhis friends smoke, but he doesn’t. Both of his friends smoke, but he doesn’t.

  • Possessives pronouns-nouns(or absolute form). This subgroup is used without a noun and performs its function as a subject, a nominal part of a predicate or an object. They can appear either at the end or in the middle of a sentence.

As can be seen from the table, they are identical in meaning and translation, but the formation and use will have to be remembered. To make it easier to remember, look: his - the two forms are the same, I changes to mine, and the ending -s is added to all the others. Let's look at examples where the absolute form is used. According to lexical norms, it is advisable to use it so as not to duplicate the noun that was used in the previous replica.

Are these your spectacles? - No, they are not mine. - Are these your glasses? No, they are not mine.

Her house is not far from ours.— Her house is not far from ours.

Does this book belong to Mary? - No, It's yours.— Does this book belong to Mary? - No, it's yours.

Her score was better than theirs.“Her score was better than theirs.”

We'll leave her house after dinner, so we should be at yours before 10.


When translating from English into Russian, problems usually do not arise. You just have to remember all the forms. But in English! Here you often come across bumps that cause you to trip painfully. To ensure you are on the right path to learning a language, remember some features:

1. In the Russian version they can stand "his, theirs" , which can be translated by English possessive and personal pronouns. The first ones answer the question whose? whose?, and the second - whom? What?

I saw him. - I saw him (someone - personal).

This is his watch. - This is his watch (whose - possessive).

I met them. - I met them (whom - personal).

This is their home. - This is their house (whose is possessive).

2. Russian is also often a dead end. "mine", because in English there is no corresponding form. Therefore, we translate with one of the possessive pronouns, which depends on the subject.

I gave my car to my son. — I have given my car to my son.

He lost his keys. — He has lost his keys.

They gave us their food. — They gave us their food.

I don't have a ticket. Can you sell me yours? — I haven’t got a ticket. Can you sell me yours?

3. Very often in Russian in general absentT possessive pronoun, and in English it should be. Only if the meaning “your” is implied, is it necessary to use this part of speech. This is where many people make the mistake of using the instead of a pronoun. Most often, this situation occurs before nouns denoting parts of the body, family members, or clothing.

I told my wife everything. — I have told everything to my wife (not the wife - means to his wife.)

They put their hands in their pockets. - They put their hands into their pockets (your hands in your pockets).

Put on your coat! —Put on your coat!

There is nothing complicated here. If you need to insert possessive pronouns into English sentence, then look at the presence of a noun: if there is, then the relative form, if not, then the absolute form. Of course, you need to do exercises to consolidate all the material.


  1. An old friend of (us, our, ours) telephoned yesterday and said he would visit (us, our, ours).
  2. Is that picture on the wall (your, yours, you)?
  3. (They, their, theirs) holiday starts the week after (we, our, ours).
  4. Can we have (you, your, yours) suggestion first and then we’ll hear (he, him, his)?
  5. I didn’t bother going to (she, her, hers) party and she won’t be coming to (me, my, mine).
  6. (Us, our, ours) flight was delayed but (their, theirs, them) took off on time.
  7. Can I borrow (your, yours, you) pen? — I’m sorry, it isn’t (my, mine, me).
  8. Bob is one of (our, ours, us) best pupils.
  9. She has no mistakes in (her, hers, she) test.
  10. (My, mine, me) hands are cold, but (your, yours, you) are warm.

1. ours, us.
3. theirs, ours
4. your, his
5. her, mine
6. ours, theirs
7. your, mine.
9. her
10. my, yours



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