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Curse with eternal life. Immortality is the curse of the ancients. Chyawanprash - a legend of Ayurveda

Agasfer's immortality is his curse: he is doomed to wander the earth until the second coming. But it is also his blessing, the promise of mercy and redemption, and through him, forgiveness for the whole world.

The plot of the legend says that when Christ was led to the crucifixion, he carried a heavy wooden cross. The path to Calvary under the scorching sun was difficult and long. Exhausted, he leaned against the wall of the house to rest, but the owner of this house, Agasfer, did not allow it:

- Go, why are you delaying?

“Okay, I’ll go, but you will also go and wait for me,” Christ whispered, “you, too, will go all your life.” You will wander forever, and you will never have peace or death.

The image of Agasfer the wanderer (the Eternal Jew) attracted the attention of many writers. Poems by K. F. D. Schubart, N. Lenau, J. V. Goethe are dedicated to him, philosophical drama E. Quinet, novel-satire by E. Xu.

The legend about Agasfera is still alive, since for centuries different nations every now and then a person appeared (or different people), whom many identified with the immortal Agasfer.

The Italian astrologer Guido Bonatti, the same one whom Dante portrayed in his Divine Comedy, described his meeting with the Eternal Jew in 1223 at the Spanish court. He is further mentioned by an entry made in the chronicle of the Abbey of St. Albana (England). It talks about a visit to the abbey by the Archbishop of Armenia. The archbishop said that he not only heard, but also personally spoke with the immortal wanderer several times. This man, according to him, lived in Armenia for a long time, was wise, knew many languages, in conversation, however, showed restraint and talked about something only if he was asked about it. He described well the events of more than a thousand years ago, remembered his appearance famous people antiquity and many details of their lives that no one living today knows about.

The next message dates back to 1347, when Agasphere was seen in Germany. He then disappeared for centuries and reappeared in 1505 in Bohemia, a few years later he was seen in the Middle East, and in 1547 he was again in Europe, in Paris.

Bishop of Nantes Eugene de Lisle (1542-1608) talks about the meeting and conversation with him in his notes. According to his testimony, this man spoke 15 languages ​​without the slightest accent, easily navigated issues of history and philosophy, and led a secluded life. He was content with the least; He immediately distributed all the money he received to the poor, to the last coin. In 1578 the eternal Jew seen in Spain: Enrico Ogdelius and Mario Belchi, papal historians at the Spanish court, talked with him. In 1601 he appeared in Austria, from where he headed to Prague.

In 1603, on the way back, Agasfer appears in Amsterdam, which was attested by Pastor Colerus, a contemporary and first biographer of Spinoza. In 1607 we find this mysterious person in Constantinople, in 1635 in Madrid, in 1640 in London. In 1648, the wanderer appears on the streets of Rome, and in 1669 - in Strasbourg.

When at the end of the 17th century. The eternal exile reappeared in England, it was decided to check whether he really was who he was taken for.

Agasfer was given an exam by the best professors at Oxford and Cambridge. But they failed to convict him of ignorance of anything. His knowledge of ancient history, in the geography of the most remote countries and continents that he visited or allegedly visited, were astounding. He spoke most European and Oriental languages.

Soon this man is seen in Poland, and then in Denmark, where traces of him are lost again. Voltaire mentions him in his philosophical dictionary(Dictionnaire philosophique, 1764). We find later mention of this mysterious personality in different sources. In 1812, 1824 and 1890 Agasferus, or someone posing as him, appears in France...

The last known mention of this man we find less than a century ago in Bethlehem, where he visited the temple and left an ancient Torah scroll. Before we become familiar literary character, Agasfer was perceived as a historical and very real person.

The legend of Agasphere, the Eternal Jew, cursed by Christ, has haunted minds for more than two thousand years. Many famous writers and poets drew inspiration from this ancient legend. Among them are Goethe, Borges and even our compatriot, the romantic poet Zhukovsky. However, few people know that Agasfer is not the only name of the Eternal Jew, and the legend itself has several variations.
The legend of the Eternal Jew refers to apocryphal legends, that is, those that are not included in the code sacred texts, components modern Bible. This legend was first recorded in the 13th century from the words of the English monk Roger of Wendware and was included in the “Great Chronicle” of Matthew of Paris.
This is what this legend says. At the same time/when Jesus Christ preached in Jerusalem and was condemned to death, a certain shoemaker named Agaspherus lived in the city. He was quite rich, had his own house and land plot. During his way of the cross, the Savior asked the shoemaker to give him a break near his house. Agasferus refused this to Christ, thereby offending him. For this, the Savior cursed the shoemaker, ordering him to wander the earth forever and not know either shelter or peace anywhere. And this will last until the time comes Last Judgment and the Savior will not return again.
However, this legend has another variant. According to him, Agasferus not only refused to allow Christ to rest near his house, but threw a stone at him and wounded him. And that is why the Savior cursed him.

Man with no name

Researchers of biblical legends are inclined to believe that Ahasfer is not the real name of the Eternal Jew. Strictly speaking, the Jewish people simply did not have such a name as Agasfer; it is a so-called stylization.
In addition to the name Agasfer, researchers know at least three more names of the Eternal Jew: Espero-Dios, Butadeus and Cartafail. Espero-Dios means “trust in God”, Butadeus means “he who struck God”, and Cartafail means “guardian of the praetorium” (Roman guard). Under the latter name, the Eternal Jew is mentioned in the “Great Chronicle” of Matthew of Paris. It is generally accepted that this nickname is the oldest. However, what was the actual name of the man who insulted Christ?
It is very likely that we will never know this now. In biblical times, it was believed that a person's name was mystically connected with his destiny. The fate of every person is to live life and then await the onset of the Last Judgment in the grave. Dooming Agasfer to eternal wandering, the Savior, as it were, made an exception for him, took him out of the circle of existence normal people. Thus, his fate is no longer part of the general fate of humanity.
For this reason, Agasfer does not have the right to bear the name he received at birth and is mystically connected with the fate of the world. Now he is an outcast, and an outcast is a man without a name, entitled only to the nicknames given to him by people. Even in our modern proverbs this ancient form of renunciation from the clan has been preserved: “You are now nobody, and there is no way to call you.”

The most terrible punishment

To a modern person, the type of punishment that the Savior chose for Ahasferus may seem rather strange. After all, Christ actually gave him immortality.
To better understand why immortality can be considered a terrible punishment, let us recall one of the most ancient Old Testament legends - the legend of the first murderer Cain. According to the Bible, Cain, who killed his brother Abel, was not put to death for it. God forbade his fellow tribesmen to kill Cain and condemned him to eternal wanderings.
The clan, according to ancient ideas, protects a person from evil, all kinds of misfortunes, and also gives the right to create a family. Having lost his kind, a person becomes powerless, outside the circles in which the world exists. The laws of existence have no power over him, but he also has no power to influence other people in any way. He loses main goal of all people - to continue your lineage yourself.
Man is a collective creature, and, according to ancient people, loneliness is the most terrible punishment. Yes and modern psychologists say that, according to surveys, the most great fear What causes people is loneliness, and not death, as is usually believed.
As for immortality, its nature is now completely understandable from a mystical point of view. The laws of the universe ceased to rule over Agasfer. He stopped, froze, awaiting the Second Coming, becoming a living witness of Christ, although by no means the best.

The fate of an outcast

So what happened to Agasferus next after Christ cursed him? There are many legends on this topic. The darkest of them says that he was imprisoned in the deepest dungeon behind nine castles, where he continuously walks around a pillar, naked and overgrown. This legend became most widespread in the 15th century, during the era of endless wars and the Inquisition.
However, there are more optimistic versions. Thus, in the aforementioned “Great Chronicle” of Matthew of Paris, the story of an archbishop who arrived in England from Greater Armenia is recorded. He claimed that he was personally acquainted with the insulter of Christ. The priest claimed that he repented, was baptized and chose a new name for himself: Joseph. The Eternal Jew leads the life of an ascetic and only occasionally speaks with pilgrims coming to the monastery, telling them about his fate for edification.
There is a mention of it in the records of modern times. Thus, a meeting with Agasfer was written in a Mormon newspaper dated 1868. As for the Mormons, adherents of this branch of the main line of Christianity have never been prone to cheap sensations and hoaxes.
Most references to Agasphere depict him as a tall man wearing long hair. He is always dressed in old, worn clothes, and sometimes just in rags. You can also recognize him by the question that he always asks people who meet on his way: “Is the man already walking with the cross?” After all, Agasfer still does not lose hope that Christ will forgive him after all.
As for age, there is completely different evidence. Some saw him in the guise of an ancient old man, others in the guise of a young man, and still others in the guise of a middle-aged man. Some understanding of where such contradictory statements could come from is given to us by the same mention of a meeting with Ahasfer of the archbishop, who visited Armenia and communicated with him for quite a long time. According to him, the wanderer was cursed at the age of thirty. Since then, he has aged up to one hundred years each time, and after that he again becomes thirty years old. This can explain different variants his age in eyewitness accounts.

Grief is the messenger

Agasfer is not the only eternal wanderer on earth. Mythologists know two more such characters: the Wild Hunter and " Flying Dutchman"All these three legends are united not only by the fact that their characters remain on earth forever, until the Last Judgment, but also by the fact that their appearances are associated with some kind of natural disasters, war or disease.
In Western and Eastern Europe Ahasferus was often seen before a plague epidemic or the start of a war. For those who see him, his meeting promises defeat. So, for example, in the decisive battle between the crusaders and the Saracens, one of the Templars, knights of the Order of the Temple, during a night vigil, met a monk in tattered clothes, who asked him if he had seen a man cross bearer. The strange meeting turned out to be a bad omen - in this battle the crusaders not only suffered a crushing defeat, but also lost forever Life-giving Cross, on which the Savior was crucified. By the way, it was the Templars who lost it, who carried the shrine into the thick of the battle, believing that it would help them win.
There is also quite interesting evidence relating almost to our days. Friedrich Schrader, one of the Wehrmacht officers who fell into the Stalingrad cauldron, survived captivity and then returned home, later recalled that once they brought him for interrogation a man who allegedly escaped from Soviet captivity. His face and hands bore obvious signs of frostbite, his hair was long, and his speech was confused and unintelligible. The only thing the officer managed to remember was: “This man was talking about some kind of cross and that he must find the one who carries it.” Having failed to obtain anything intelligible from him, the officer ordered him to be shot the next morning. However, the prisoner managed to free himself and escape. On the same day, the command reported that the troops were surrounded.

Common noun

By our time, the name Agasfer has gradually become a common noun, denoting a restless person leading a chaotic lifestyle and having no firm plans for the future. Its other meaning is a person who, through his own fault, has acquired big problems for himself that are very difficult to resolve. It is curious that in modern psychiatry there is such a thing as “Ahasfer syndrome”. Typically, drug addicts who abuse strong drugs fall under this definition. In order to get them, they ingratiate themselves with medical workers, coming up with a colorful story about his serious illness.
The legend of Agasphere had quite a big influence on Christian culture, but from a mystical character he gradually turned into a hero of proverbs, sayings and even jokes. However, all jokes about the Eternal Jew are quite dangerous. Suddenly, somewhere on the street one day we will meet a strange person who will ask us: “Isn’t there a man already walking with a cross?” And then we will have no time for jokes.

Hello to all seekers of Truth! I often began to notice that many of the forum participants talk and mention the desire to live “Eternal Life”, and not “Eternal Life of the Soul”, namely eternal life our meaty, bodily shell. And out of curiosity, I wanted to look in books to find out what physical immortality is from the point of view of different cultures and times. The answer was not comforting everywhere; everywhere there was a mention of some way to gain eternal youth or eternal life, but it was described exclusively as the most terrible punishment that could befall a mortal, for he always paid for immortality with the same coin - his soul, and immortality, as a rule, turned out to be not what people wanted to see it, namely life of the dead decaying corpses. Below I have presented legends found from books and Internet links:

1) Ancient Greece:

Ambrosia(more precisely, Ambrosia Greek ἀμβροσία, “immortality”) in Ancient Greece - the legendary food of the gods, giving them youth and immortality. According to Onians, it is the divine equivalent of oil and fat. Ambrosia, being consumed by a mortal, took everything from him vitality and killed him, turning him into a living dead, skinny and thin man, becoming a slave of Hades.

Demeter invented it; or it is produced daily by the moon. Sometimes, for example with Sappho, the concept of ambrosia was mixed with the concept of nectar (the drink of the gods).

Onians R. On the Knees of the Gods. M., 1999. P.286

2) Chyawanprash is mentioned in the ancient medical Ayurvedic canons, such as “Dhanvantari Samhita”, “Charaka Samhita” and “Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita”. The legend about the origin of Chyawanprash says:

A sage named Chavan, who lived twelve thousand years ago, sensing the approach of old age and illness, turned for help to the Ashwini Kumaras - twin brothers who practice Ayurveda on the higher material planets. Knowing his righteousness and virtue, the Ashwini Kumaras gave him the recipe for the “Elixir of Youth”. The sage went to the foothills of the Himalayas and collected forty-nine herbs and minerals indicated in the recipe. Within three days, he prepared a miraculous elixir, which he took every year for 108 days. They say that he lived after this for another thousand years and left this world without signs of old age or illness. Since then, this remedy has been named after the sage Chavan. However, it is also said that anyone who tastes this drink will become cursed and will not be able to go to Heaven after death.


Chyawanprash - a legend of Ayurveda

3) Philosopher's Stone

One of the options for obtaining the elixir of life was supposed to be philosopher's Stone(lat. lapis philosophorum), the other main purpose of which was the transformation of base metals into gold. Nicholas Flamel, lived in France in the fourteenth century and is believed to have learned how to make the philosopher's stone. There are references to him (and sightings) throughout the centuries, as he is believed to have gained immortality. He and his wife Perenella dedicated their lives to creating the "eternal elixir." True alchemists did not strive to obtain gold, it was only a tool, not a goal (however, Dante in his Divine Comedy determined the place of alchemists, like counterfeiters, in hell, or more precisely, in the eighth circle, tenth ditch). The goal for them was the philosopher's stone itself. And spiritual liberation, exaltation, granted to those who possess it - absolute freedom (it should be noted that a stone, by and large, is not a stone at all; it is more often represented as a powder, or a solution of a powder - the very elixir of life). Although the use of this artifact did not have dire consequences, it could take the soul of a person who used the philosopher’s stone for personal gain.


Series “Book of Secrets”, volume “Secret Knowledge”.

4) Amrita

Amrita (Sanskrit अमृत, amṛta?, “immortal”) - in Hindu mythology - the drink of the gods, making them immortal. Tradition says that amrita was obtained by churning the sea of ​​milk (kshirodamathana). Amrita was delivered to the gods by Mohini. Anyone who dared to drink it doomed himself to eternal life in misfortune and suffering, as cursed by the Gods.



5) The sale of the soul to demons, the devil, lower Gods, spirits, creatures from other dimensions, appears in all religions, legends and existences, as a rule, it is implied - a transaction between a mortal and a creature from another world, where the price of immortality becomes the soul of a person and his life in period of its eternal existence. But as a rule, this deal becomes a punishment for unwary mortals, which occurs in various ways:

Deal with the devil by his servants- a cursed life and ultimately, even 5000 years later, torment in fiery Gehenna, the Devil is patient and can wait for a soul as long as he wants.

Deal with elves and fairies - immortal life in the form of stone or wood.

Deal with the Lesser Gods- deception and eternal life in the form of a decaying corpse without a chance of death.

Deal with spirits- gaining immortality by becoming a cursed spirit, replacing one's soul with the soul of the spirit that, after transmigration, occupied the body of a mortal.


“Collection of fairy tales and legends”

6) Eitr of eternal life of the Scandinavians.

A drink brewed by the Cursed God Loki and, according to him, bestowing eternal life, but being just a deadly poison that killed a mortal and doomed his soul to eternal wanderings in his own damned, decaying body. Such a spirit was angry with mortals and found consolation by killing living people and poisoning rivers and wells into which he used to spit.


“Edda of the Gods of the North” (Unfortunately I don’t know which page)

7) Elixir found by the Conquistadors while exploring the Jungle in search of Eldorado. This elixir did not bring any harm as such and was rather a mockery of mortals thirsting for immortality, the person continued to live as before, but when he looked in the mirror or into the water he always saw himself young, even if he was many years old.

8) Our science:

Removing the SIR2 gene from the body, known for five years now as a gene that slows down aging, leads to a fantastic increase in life? as much as six times. These results have so far been confirmed in yeast and human liver cells.

Five years ago, Professor Leonard Guarente of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology conducted a series of experiments showing that an extra copy of the SIR2 gene can significantly increase the life expectancy of simple microorganisms such as yeast, fruit flies and some types of worms. Since then, a number of large pharmaceutical companies have been trying to create drugs based on the proteins encoded by this gene.

However, a group of scientists from the University of Southern California led by Valter Longo doubted the correctness of the findings and began their study of the SIR2 gene. The results of the just completed experiment suggest that SIR2 does not fight old age, but, on the contrary, turns on the aging mechanism.

As it turned out during the experiment, the complete removal of SIR2 from the genome of the experimental microorganism, accompanied by the introduction of certain changes in the operation of the RAS2 and SCH9 genes, which are responsible for storing nutrients in the cell and resisting damage to the cell membrane from unfavorable conditions, can extend the lifespan of the test subject by approximately six times . This effect was observed not only in the case of yeast, but also when conducting experiments on living human cells, according to a press release from the University of Southern California. That is, it can be assumed that SIR2 rather ensures that the organism leaves the arena of evolutionary confrontation in time, rather than creating excessive mass numbers in it.

According to Professor Longo, the SIR2 gene (and its mammalian counterpart SIRT2) prevents cells from going into emergency mode, when, under the influence of an unfavorable environment, they try to do everything possible to survive difficult times and ultimately produce new offspring, as they do , say, some pathogenic bacilli, protected from drought, heat and cold with the help of?armored? dispute.

Long-lived cells lacking the SIR2 gene exhibited a completely unusual ability to resist stress. Despite the fact that scientists exposed the modified cells to oxidants and hot air, the cells stubbornly clung to life, although ordinary cells would have died long ago.

However, in the case of the experiment, one interesting feature- during experiments on mice, the experimental samples began to show aggression and a decrease in brain activity, as a result, the mice became kind of dead while alive. And based on this, I can assume that all those legends that exist in different cultures have real moments in them. Is it possible to assume that ancient scientists were able to find a drink that could completely rid cells of the aging gene, and the same story happened to those people who drank it as with laboratory mice? They degenerated mentally and physically and literally became evil, aggressive zombies, just like mice? And the madness that overwhelmed people seemed then to be the release of devilish forces from the body of the one who risked trying the elixir on himself? Perhaps now our geneticists are repeating the sad experience of our ancestors who warned not to use the elixir of immortality, since the price for its use was very high.



Therefore, you shouldn’t joke with nature; our body is just a temporary shell, and you don’t need to hold on to it, you shouldn’t be afraid of death; after all, it’s not the end, it’s only the beginning.

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Entry: Immortality is the curse of the ancients.
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An ancient curse An ancient curse is inextricably linked with past lives. After all, a person lives on earth more than once. He constantly dies and is reborn in another body. In one of his lives he may commit a great sin. This sin will haunt him in future reincarnations and poison his earthly existence. But you can get rid of the curse and heal normal life. Let's look at this with a specific example. A woman named Anastasia lives in the city of St. Petersburg. Until recently, her earthly existence was plagued by various ailments and illnesses. Her relatives never complained about their health. All of them were long-livers, but for some reason the poor woman fell out of the general series and constantly fell ill with one disease or another.

For 30 years she has been ill with everything. It’s easier to name those diseases that she didn’t have. As a result, her studies failed, personal life, career. After all, no one needs a sick worker or a sick wife. The woman got by with temporary work and hoped to apply for disability. She noticed that after visiting church she experienced temporary improvement general condition. Anastasia even began to feel like a healthy and full-fledged person. But after a couple of days, everything returned to normal, and illness and malaise again took over the body. The doctors could not help the unfortunate woman, and she finally decided to turn to magicians. There are only a few real magicians, so a lot of time passed before the woman finally found an experienced and knowledgeable sorcerer. He was able to look into the history of Anastasia’s past lives and found the cause of her painful condition. Three thousand years ago, she was a man and lived in one of the tribes that inhabited Ancient Greece. This tribe was enslaved by the warlike Hellenes, and the ancient reincarnation of Anastasia hated the enslavers. One day it came to a place called Epidaurus. Hellenic priests lived in it and treated the sick with herbs. The reincarnation also pretended to be sick and asked permission to spend the night in Epidaurus. The priests agreed to this request, but ancient image Anastasia did not go to bed. He climbed into the sanctuary and polluted it with his excrement. However, the priests quickly found the culprit. They sent 12 afflictions upon him. After 3 years, the defiler’s body became paralyzed, and he died suddenly in the prime of his life. And for the past 3 thousand years, each new reincarnation has suffered from incurable diseases and ailments. Thus, the human essence atones for its unsightly act committed in ancient times. Hence the powerlessness of medicine and the short life expectancy. In order to get rid of the ancient curse, the sorcerer advised Anastasia to go to Greece, find the place of Epidaurus there and ask for forgiveness from the ancient architectural remains. The woman did just that. She learned that the ill-fated place was located in the northeast of the Peloponnese peninsula. I arrived there, walked around the surrounding area, visited ancient excavations and the ruins of the amphitheater. She had the feeling that she had once been in this place. Mentally, Anastasia asked for forgiveness for the grave sin that her ancient essence had committed a long time ago. Literally immediately she felt inner freedom and great relief, as if a mountain had been lifted from her shoulders. The woman returned home almost healthy. But the sorcerer advised to consolidate the success. To do this, Anastasia put a glass of water in front of her every evening for a year and recited to it: “I conjure myself to God’s servant Anastasia from 12 sorrowful ailments: from black sickness, from shaking, from deafness, from thorns, from blindness, from itching, from blinking.” , from twitching, from aches, from stabbing, from shooting, from fire. Get rid of all your ailments and get rid of God's servant Anastasia. Get out of my life this very hour, so that there will be no memory of you left. Amen! The woman drank the charmed water and went to church regularly. She did everything right, because a year later she felt great, and ancient curse disappeared from her life forever. Vadim Sukhov

Curse of eternal life

The Lord was dumbfounded by such sheer sedition and, losing his self-control, angrily said:

And now you are cursed from the earth! When you cultivate it, it will no longer give its strength to you. You will be an exile and a wanderer on earth.

Real! Your punishment is more than a person can bear. I will hide from your presence and will be an exile and a wanderer on earth, and anyone who meets me will kill me.

Anyone who kills Cain will receive sevenfold revenge. Do not be afraid!

This is how the Lord God punished Cain with Eternal Life! Please note that later the servants of God will promise eternal life as a great blessing... Well, would you like to live forever, outlive your children and grandchildren, bury them, and then see great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren who are completely strangers to you and live in someone else’s, completely unfamiliar society?

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Ba-ba-ba! Did you know your wife? Which wife? Where did he find her? After all, our Being created only two people: first Adam from the dust of the ground, and then Eve from an evo rib... Where does this Beautiful Stranger come from? However, why these stupid questions “Where from?” Where?" From a camel!

His nameless wife brought Cain numerous offspring...

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