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Russian State Library of Arts. Russian State Library for Art RGB Russian State Library for Arts

Russian state library arts (RGBI) - federal state state-financed organization culture, the largest special library in the field of art, possessing valuable collections of books, periodicals, and iconographic materials. Wealth of funds and electronic information resources, modern technical equipment, and the level of library service make today the RGLI leading in its field. RGLI is a methodological center for art libraries, museum libraries and libraries with departments for literature and art.

Russian State Library of Arts
A country
Address Russia Russia, Moscow ,
st. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, building 8/1
Founded 1922
Fund composition publications in the field of art and theater
Fund volume 2 million units
Other information
Director Ada Aronovna Kolganova
Employees 120
Web site liart.ru

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    ✪ Natalya Agapova and Igor Gurovich. Creative meeting 03/18/2017

    ✪ BU KHMAO-Yugra "State Library of Ugra"

    ✪ RSL, Instructions for using the catalog of the Schneerson collection



The history of the Russian State Library of Arts originated in the bowels of the Maly Theater. In 1921, the theater management decided to create an educational library at the Maly Theater Drama Courses. The organization of the library was entrusted to the dean of the Maly Theater theater school, Professor A. A. Fomin, who became its first director.

The grand opening of the library took place on May 24, 1922 in the building of the Maly Theater School on Pushechnaya Street, building 2.

The basis of the library's collections consisted of printed publications from the personal collections of the founders of the library, the Maly Theater, the Moscow Society of Dramatic Writers and Composers, the state book fund, and the repertory libraries of E.N. Rassokhina, Yu.A. Kamsky, S.I. Napoikina.

Innovative for that time, the idea of ​​​​creating a specialized theater library, which was supposed to not only provide directors, actors, artists with the necessary literature, but also be a kind of creative laboratory for them, determined the significance of the library and its place in the cultural space of Moscow. Since 1923 it became the Central Theater Library. Its employees, in addition to

traditional librarian work, held thematic exhibitions both in the library itself and in theaters, gave reports and lectures, selected visual material for theatrical productions.

Outstanding theater figures K.S. Stanislavsky, V.E. Meyerhold, Yu.A. Zavadsky used its services. I.M. Moskvin, N.P. Okhlopkov, M.I. Babanova, A.K. Tarasova; famous theater artists P.V. Williams, E.E. Lansere, Yu.I. Pimenov, I.M. Rabinovich, A.G. Tyshler, K.F. Yuon and many other representatives of creative professions.

From the very beginning, the peculiarity of the library was determined primarily by the activities of the illustrative department, which was created by the artist, professor P. P. Pashkov. During his 25 years of work in the library, he established a tradition of collecting different types visual materials, created a completely new method of working with graphic materials used by theater, film artists and creators of other works of art. The library has turned into a scientific and artistic laboratory, a creative platform.

In 1936, the library received the status of the State Central Theater Library. “Teatralka,” as Muscovites called it, began serving peripheral theaters; a theater press department was organized, which began creating a collection of newspaper publications.

In the second half of the 30s, during the period of ideological prohibitions, the destruction of many books and archival materials, the library managed to preserve for history many documents about events and representatives of Russian culture and art.

During the Great Patriotic War the library was not closed. Intensive work continued to serve directors, artists and actors preparing programs for front-line brigades.

In 1948, the library moved to house No. 8/1 on Pushkinskaya Street (now Bolshaya Dmitrovka Street), built in 1793 according to the design of M.F. Kazakov, whose history has always been connected with the theater. It is known that the first owner of the house, Senator N.E. Myasoedov, maintained a serf theater here. V. the building housed drama school, later the Moscow office of the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters worked, in Soviet time– Department of State academic theaters, editors of the magazine "Theater". The library's activities continued the theatrical history of the famous Moscow estate.

In the 50-70s of the XX century. The library's holdings have grown significantly, the number of readers has increased, and the forms of their services have expanded. Industry bibliographic and methodological departments appeared, intensive publication of bibliographic indexes began, organization of book and illustrative exhibitions, readers' conferences, and creative meetings began. Film directors, architects, designers, art critics, and historians actively use the library’s services. In the 80s, the species composition of the library collection expanded, and in the 90s, a collection of electronic publications and a collection of video materials was created.

The increase in information resources, the diversity of funds, and the expansion of the circle of users made it possible to transform the main theater library to the leading library in the field of art and humanities. Since 1991, its new official status is the Russian State Library for Art. The active introduction of computer technology, the transition to a new level of informatization, and the expansion of cultural and scientific requests have made the library an information, scientific and advisory center on art issues.

Since 2009, the RGBI has become publicly accessible and open to all citizens. The library's collections, its demand in society, its range of services and opportunities are constantly growing. In 2010, the name of the library was finally clarified - Russian State Library of Arts.


RGBI is a basic resource for the preservation, study and development of culture, art, humanities, and an information center for the industry. Today the library's collection includes about 2 million items.

The collection of the fund is carried out in a wide range of humanities, organically related to theatre, drama, cinema, fine and decorative arts, architecture, history and theory of literature, cultural studies, sociology of art, history of Russia and foreign countries, ethnography, etc. Books, magazines, newspaper clippings, theater programs, photographs, postcards, engravings, i.e. those types of documents that traditionally comprised the diversity of the RGBI collections are supplemented by a collection of video films, CD publications, and electronic publications.

The collection includes books from the 16th century in Russian and foreign languages. Among the unique copies are domestic old printed books from the mid-18th century, lifetime publications works by C. Goldoni, the Goncourt brothers, A.P. Sumarokova, D.I. Fonvizina, Ya.B. Knyazhnina, I.A. Krylova, P.A. Plavilshchikova, A.S. Pushkin; the richest collection of plays by P.A. Karatygina, D.T. Lensky, F.A. Koni, P.I. Grigorieva. The first post-revolutionary publications, such as the manifesto of the proletarian theater “Revolution and Theater” by P.M., are also a bibliographic rarity. Kerzhentsev (M., 1918), 4th volume of the miraculously preserved author’s copy of “The History of Dances” by S.N. Khudekova (Pg., 1918).

The foundation stores collections of lithographed plays, libraries of famous cultural figures, manuscripts, and valuable archival materials.

The collection of iconographic materials is stored in the Visual Information Center of the RGBI. Here is a collection of visual documents from the 16th to 21st centuries, unique in its composition and of great historical and cultural interest.

Graphics, photographs, engravings, postcards, reproductions, grouped by topics: views of cities and localities, portraits, work and life, types, history, mythology, religion, costume, illustrations literary works etc., are the most valuable materials for historically accurate artistic reproduction of the characteristics of countries, times, types, costumes. The collection of textile samples of the 19th–20th centuries, stored in the library’s collections, provides unique opportunity artists, set designers, costume designers, when working on historical projects, absolutely accurately recreate historical costumes and interiors.

Since 2002, the RGLI has been a member of the Union Catalog of Russian Libraries (UCBR), which provides the opportunity for active cooperation with libraries in the country.

The library's collections became the basis for the formation of special databases. Active work is underway to create repertoire databases “Dramaturgy”, “ Characters" The database “Characters” is formed on the basis of materials from the contemporary drama competition, co-founded by the RGBI. Specialized databases “Visual Material” contain images and descriptions of engravings, postcards, photographs, and reproductions stored in the RGBI collection.

RGBI was the first in the country to provide readers with access to significant global resources on art history by introducing “The Vogue Archive” and “Humanities Full Text Collection”. The Vogue Archive database contains all issues of the American edition of Vogue magazine since the first issue in 1892. This is a unique collection of materials on history and current state international fashion, culture and society, presenting the work of world-class designers, stylists and photographers. “Humanities Full Text Collection” contains a database of “ProQuest” journals with publications on art, design, archeology, architecture and various areas of cultural studies.

Since 2005, the library began to create electronic library, which provides wide access to digitized publications and full-text electronic databases, significantly facilitates work with rare funds.

Scientific and publishing activities

Scientific activity The library is focused on issues in which the RGBI takes a leading position. Issues of theatrical source research, the study of funds, archives, collections, and the history of publications are reflected in studies, reports, communications, the release of scientific publications and auxiliary scientific reference books.

Every two years, the RGBI holds the Mikhoels Readings symposium, which brings together specialists from the CIS and other countries. "Mikhoelsov Readings", which began in 1997 with the study creative heritage the great actor and director Solomon Mikhoels and the history of Jewish theater, today have become the only scientific symposium in the world discussing the problems of national theater in the context of multinational culture.

RGBI organizes scientific conferences “Theater and Book Readings”, each of which is devoted to a special topic.

The problems of the conferences, on the one hand, are directly related to art history, theater history, cultural studies and other humanitarian disciplines, on the other hand, they are devoted to source resources, collections, and archives. The readings have become a regular scientific international forum, the materials and research of which have replenished the art history section dedicated to national theater. Researchers from Russia, Belarus, Lithuania, Germany, Israel, the USA, Great Britain, Japan, Romania, Canada, Ukraine, the Czech Republic and other countries take part in the conferences.

RGLI, as a scientific and methodological center, develops scientific and methodological documentation, conducts seminars that promote the exchange of knowledge within the library and museum community and provide methodological assistance to libraries.

Methodological developments and actions of the RGBI are of industry-wide importance. Scientific and practical seminars attract the attention of specialists from many libraries, museums, art galleries, publishing house Seminar topics covered important aspects work with specialized funds and collections, actual problems resource development, implementation modern technologies into library practice.

RGBI specialists make presentations at Russian and international conferences, publish articles in specialized literature, conduct active work in the Russian Library Association, where the RGLI is the headquarters of the Section of Art Libraries and Museum Libraries.

The library regularly participates in congresses of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA), meetings of the International Association of Theater Libraries and Museums (Société Internationale des Bibliothèques et des Musées des Arts du Spectacle - SIBMAS ) , the work of international book fairs.

Exhibition and educational activities

The RGBI is widely known for its exhibitions, which take place in the library, at exhibition venues in Moscow, Russian cities, and abroad (Lithuania, Hungary, USA, Serbia, Belgium, Slovenia, North Korea and other countries).

The corporate style of RGBI exhibitions is the combination of rarities from library collections with exhibits from museums and other cultural institutions, objects from collections public organizations, private collectors, works made by artists using library materials. The most popular exhibitions are those devoted to the history of costume, religious architecture, documents from the First World War, rare theater postcards, etc.

The art of outstanding readers - theater and film artists: S. Barkhin, S. Benediktov, R. and V. Volsky, O. Sheintsis, O. Kruchinina, E. Maklakova, B. Messerer, L. Novi and others was repeatedly demonstrated at the exhibitions. Exhibitions of coursework and theses students of the Moscow Art Theater School and VGIK, created on the basis of the RGBI

The library is a cultural and educational center. The halls of the RGBI regularly host concerts, performances, book presentations, master classes, meetings with directors, writers, actors, and artists.

In 2009, the unique Reader's Museum of the Russian State Library was opened, the exhibitions of which present the library as a creative laboratory, where actors, directors, theater and film artists, designers, using the rich capabilities of the library's funds, work to create works of art. The exhibits clearly demonstrate the long-term cooperation of the RGBI with leading theaters, film studios, art universities, and publishing houses.

In 1922 K.S. Stanislavsky praised the Theater Library as “one of a kind,” calling it a “precious source.” The words of the great director are relevant for the art library today.


1. Theater library / Ts.P. // Theater. – 1939. - No. 5. – P. 147-148.

2. Itkin A.G. In the Central Theater Library / A.G. Itkin // Theater. – 1950. - No. 8. – P. 96-97.

3. Bykovskaya L.A. The book serves the performance / L.A. Bykovskaya // Theater life. – 1958. - No. 8. – P. 34-37.

4. Beilkin Yu. Moscow theater / Yu Beilkin // Culture and life. – 1970. - No. 12. – P. 15-17.

5. Antonova S.G. State Central Theater Library in the Library System / S.G. Antonova // Soviet library science. – 1980. – No. 2. – P. 79-88.

6. Bykovskaya L.A. Anniversary of the State Theater Library / L.A. Bykovskaya // Soviet library science. – 1983. - No. 1. – P. 109-112.

7. Kolganova A.A. Art Library: (RGBI) / A.A. Kolganov // Book: encyclopedia / ch. ed. V.M. Zharov. – Moscow, 1999. – P. 87.

8. History of theater libraries and collections: reports and messages: fifth scientific readings " Theater book between past and future" / Ministry of Culture Ros. Federation, Russian Federation state b-ka on art; [comp. and scientific ed.: A.A. Kolganov]. - M.: FAIR PRESS, 2003. - 269 p.

9. Kolganova A.A. Library of Arts: palette of activities / A.A. Kolganova // Bulletin of the Eurasian Library Assembly. – 2003. - No. 2. – P. 60-65.

10. Russian State Library for Art: annotated bibliographic index / Ross. state b-ka on art; [compound. Akimenko, E.I. Alekseenkova, N.D. Samoilova; hands project A.A. Kolganov]. - Moscow: Rosinformagrotekh, 2006. - 164 p.

11. Kolganova A.A. Russian State Library for Art (RGLI) / A.A. Kolganova // Library Encyclopedia / Ross. state b-ka. – Moscow, 2007. - P. 871-872.

12. Kolganova A.A. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 8/1 / Ada Kolganova; [conversation is conducted by Yuri Fridshtein] // Theater. - 2007. - No. 29. - P. 50-53.

13. Russian State Library of Arts: [booklet]. - Moscow: Russian State Library of Arts, 2012. - 48 p.

14. Ada Kolganova: “Even the intelligentsia does not know all our capabilities” / [recorded] Anna Chepurnova // MIT-info = ITI-info. - 2012. - No. 3. - P. 72-81 – URL: http://rusiti.ru/ITI12.pdf

15. Anniversary of the RGBI: [selection of articles] // Librarianship. – 2012. - No. 10. – P. 1-44. - URL: http://www.bibliograf.ru/issues/2012/05/199/0/

16. Documentation of theatrical heritage: international scientific conference: for the 90th anniversary of the Russian State Library of Arts: reports, messages, publications / Ross. state b-ka arts; [comp. A.A. Kolganov]. - Moscow: New publishing house, 2013. - 427 p.

17. Kolganova A.A. From floor to ceiling / [Ada Kolganova; the conversation was conducted by] Viktor Borzenko // Theater. - 2014. - No. 9. - P. 42-46. - URL: http://www.teatral-online.ru/news/12834/

18. Russian State Art Library / Russian State Library for Art; L. D. Ready, translation. - Moscow: RGBI, 2014. - 47, p. : ill.,color. ill. 19. Public report on the activities of the RGBI in 2015 / Ministry of Culture of Russia. Federation, Feder. state budget cultural institution "Russian State Library of Arts". - Moscow: Russian State Library of Arts, 2016. - 97 p. : ill., color. ill., portrait

The Book of Honorary Visitors, carefully preserved in the library’s collections, contains notes and wishes from A.V. Lunacharsky, A.I. Sumbatova-Yuzhina, P.M. Sadovsky, M.N. Ermolova and other famous figures of art and culture.

History of the library

The initiative to found the library was taken by literature professor and dean of the theater school of the Maly Theater A.A. Fomin, who became its first director. Initially, the hall and library collections were located in the premises of the Higher Theater Workshops of the Maly Theater and served mainly the needs of the school students.

Since 1925, the library began to provide literature for other Moscow theaters; the collections were significantly replenished by books from the theater department State Academy arts and other institutions.

During the Great Patriotic War, “Teatralka” did not close. Work continued in unheated premises to preserve funds and maintain front-line theaters.

In 1948, the State Central Theater Library moved to new premises - old manor NOT. Myasoedov, built according to the design of the architect M.F. Kazakov in 1793. Since the time of the first owner, the building housed a serf theater, and starting from the 19th century, a theater school was located here, then the Directorate of the Imperial Theaters. House with theatrical history It turned out not to be intended for the needs of the library; only decades later the room was equipped properly.

An important component of the Teatralka collections are the collections of books by artists - directors, actors, theater historians and critics, including M.N. and A.P. Gaziev, S.S. Ignatova, S.S. Mokulsky, Yu.I. Slonimsky, N.D. Volkova. Significant additions to the library's collection began in the 1960s, when the volume of funds increased to 1,670,000 volumes, including books on the humanities and art.

In 1992, the State Central Theater Library was renamed the Russian State Library of Arts.

Library today

For several decades now, the RGBI has been functioning as scientific library humanitarian profile, in other words - a research laboratory. The most interesting part of the collection consists of archival materials and music manuscripts from the rare book department. The library contains video recordings of theatrical performances different years, the collection of which is regularly updated.

Today, the Russian State Library of Arts is the country's main library, collecting publications on various cultural issues. Possessing extensive documentary collections and visual materials on the history of theatre, opera, ballet, and circus in Russia and abroad, the library has become cultural center for professionals and students.

Also in the building on Bolshaya Dmitrovka There are exhibitions and musical evenings, conferences and seminars. The library's collection is a source of inspiration and help for all art lovers.

    - (RGBI) in Moscow. It is the main library collecting literature on issues of art and theater. Founded in 1922 on the initiative of Taatrov scholar and professor A. A. Fomin as the Central Theater Library. In 1991 it was renamed to Russian... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Art library. Moscow. Russian State Library for Art (street, 8/1), the leading library and information center in the field performing arts. Founded in 1922 on the initiative of A.A. Fomina as a library; in 1936 transferred to... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    Russian State Library for Art (RGLI) in Moscow- the largest in Russia. Federation library in the field of theater and fine arts. Basic in 1922 as a theater library based on the library of the school at the Maly Theater and transformed into the State Central Theater Library (modern... ... Pedagogical terminological dictionary

    Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Collection items: books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific works, documents, etc... Wikipedia

    Location... Wikipedia

    See also: Lenin Library (metro station) Russian State Library ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Library Location Moscow Founded on July 1, 1828 Collection Collection items: books, periodicals, sheet music, sound recordings, art publications, cartographic publications, electronic publications, scientific works, ... ... Wikipedia

    Russian State Institute (RGBI), in Moscow. Founded in 1922. Modern name since 1991. In 1998, about 2 million storage units ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Coordinates... Wikipedia

    THEATER LIBRARY central (Moscow). Founded in 1922. In 1993 approx. 2 million units hr. In the 1990s. renamed the Russian State Library for Art (see RUSSIAN STATE LIBRARY FOR ART) ... encyclopedic Dictionary


  • Theater periodicals in Russia. The collection continues the tradition of book readings at the scientific conference “Theater Book Between Past and Future,” held every two years by the Russian State Library for Art. Subject…


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