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The smallest peoples in the world. The largest nations of the world in faces (39 photos) What nationalities are there
  • 2. Factors influencing the location of productive forces and their changes in the era of science and technology.
  • 3. Determination of the type of reproduction of the country's population using the age-sex pyramid.
  • 1. Environmental management. Examples of rational and irrational environmental management.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Western European countries.
  • 3. Determine and compare the average population density of two countries (as chosen by the teacher) and explain the reasons for the differences.
  • 1. Types of natural resources. Resource availability. Assessment of the country's resource availability.
  • 2. The importance of transport in the world economy of the country, types of transport and their features. Transport and environment.
  • 3. Determination and comparison of population growth rates in different countries (teacher's choice).
  • 1. Patterns of distribution of mineral resources and countries distinguished by their reserves. Problems of rational use of resources.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Western Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the transport systems of the two countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Land resources. Geographical differences in land availability. Problems of their rational use.
  • 2. Fuel and energy industry. Composition, importance in the economy, placement features. The energy problem of humanity and ways to solve it. Problems of environmental protection.
  • 3. Characteristics based on maps of the EGP (economic-geographical location) of the country (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Land water resources and their distribution on the planet. The problem of water supply and possible ways to solve it.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the countries of Eastern Europe.
  • 3. Determination, based on statistical materials, of trends in changes in the country’s sectoral structure (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forest resources of the world and their importance for the life and activities of mankind. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the countries of Eastern Europe (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Determination and comparison of the ratio of urban and rural populations in different regions of the world (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. Resources of the World Ocean: water, mineral, energy and biological. Problems of rational use of the resources of the World Ocean.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the USA.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main cargo flows of iron ore.
  • 1. Recreational resources and their distribution on the planet. Problems of rational use.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Japan.
  • 3. Explanation of the directions of the main oil flows using maps.
  • 1. Environmental pollution and environmental problems of humanity. Types of pollution and their distribution. Ways to solve environmental problems of humanity.
  • 2. Agriculture. Composition, features of development in developed and developing countries. Agriculture and the environment.
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two industrial regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. World population and its changes. Natural population growth and factors influencing its change. Two types of population reproduction and their distribution in different countries.
  • 2. Crop production: boundaries of location, main crops and areas of their cultivation, exporting countries.
  • 3. Comparison of international specialization of one of the developed and one of the developing countries, explanation of the differences.
  • 1. “Population explosion.” The problem of population size and its characteristics in different countries. Demographic policy.
  • 2. Chemical industry: composition, significance, placement features. Chemical industry and environmental problems.
  • 3. Assessment using maps and statistical materials of the resource availability of one of the countries (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Age and sex composition of the world population. Geographical differences. Sex and age pyramids.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Latin American countries.
  • 3. Comparative characteristics based on the map of the provision of individual regions and countries with arable land.
  • 1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.
  • 2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.
  • 3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Distribution of the population across the Earth's territory. Factors influencing population distribution. The most densely populated areas of the world.
  • 2. Electric power industry: significance, countries that stand out in terms of absolute and per capita indicators of electricity production.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main grain exporters.
  • 1. Population migrations and their causes. The influence of migration on population changes, examples of internal and external migrations.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of the People's Republic of China.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main coal cargo flows.
  • 1. Urban and rural populations of the world. Urbanization. Largest cities and urban agglomerations. Problems and consequences of urbanization in the modern world.
  • 2. Livestock: distribution, main industries, location features, exporting countries.
  • 3. Explanation on the map of the directions of the main gas flows.
  • 1. World economy: essence and main stages of formation. International geographical division of labor and its examples.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Latin American countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Comparative characteristics of the provision of individual regions and countries with water resources.
  • 1. International economic integration. Economic groupings of countries of the modern world.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of African countries.
  • 3. Identification based on statistical materials of the main cotton exporters.
  • 1. Fuel industry: composition, location of the main fuel production areas. The most important producing and exporting countries. Main international fuel flows.
  • 2. International economic relations: forms and geographical features.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main exporters of sugar.
  • 1. Metallurgical industry: composition, placement features. Main producing and exporting countries. Metallurgy and the problem of environmental protection.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the African countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Drawing up a comparative description of two agricultural regions (at the teacher’s choice).
  • 1. Forestry and woodworking industry: composition, placement. Geographical differences.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of Asian countries.
  • 3. Determination based on statistical materials of the main coffee exporters.
  • 1. Light industry: composition, placement features. Problems and prospects for development.
  • 2. General economic and geographical characteristics of one of the Asian countries (at the student’s choice).
  • 3. Designation on the contour map of geographical objects, the knowledge of which is provided by the program (at the choice of the teacher).
  • 1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the teacher’s choice).

    1. National composition of the world population. Its changes and geographical differences. The largest nations of the world.

    There are about 3-4 thousand peoples or ethnic groups in the world, some of which have formed into nations, while others are nationalities and tribes.

    For your information: an ethnos is a historically established, stable community of people that has a set of characteristics such as a common language, territory, features of life and culture, and ethnic identity.

    The peoples of the world are classified:

    I. By number:

    In total, there are more than 300 peoples in the world, each numbering over 1 million people, which account for 96% of the total population of the Earth. Including about 130 peoples have a population of more than 5 million people, 76 peoples have more than 10 million people, 35 peoples have more than 25 million people, 7 peoples have more than 100 million people.

    For your information: 7 most numerous nations:

    1) Chinese (Han) - 1048 million people (in the PRC - 97% of the total number of people in the country);

    2) Hindustani - 223 million people (in India - 99.7%);

    3) US Americans - 187 million people. (in the USA - 99.4%);

    4) Bengalis - 176 million people. (in Bangladesh - 59%, in India - 40%);

    5) Russians - 146 million people. (in Russia - 79.5%);

    6) Brazilians - 137 million people. (in Brazil - 99.7%);

    7) Japanese - 123 million people. (in Japan - 99%).

    But there are nations of less than 1 thousand people.

    II. By linguistic proximity:

    Related languages ​​are grouped together, which in turn form language families.

    1) The Indo-European language family is the largest, its languages ​​are spoken by 150 peoples of Europe, Asia, America and Australia; the total number is more than 2.5 billion people.

    This language family includes a number of groups:

    · Romanesque (French, Italians, Spaniards, Latin Americans);

    · Germanic (Germans, English, Americans);

    · Slavic (Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Czechs, Bulgarians, Serbs, Croats);

    · Celtic (Irish);

    · Baltic (Lithuanians);

    · Greek (Greeks);


    · Armenian;

    Iranian (Persians, Kurds).

    2) Sino-Tibetan language group: its languages ​​are spoken by over 1 billion people.

    Slightly less numerous language families:

    3) Afro-Asian.

    4) Altai.

    5) Niger-Kordofanian.

    6) Dravidian.

    7) Austronesian.

    8) Ural.

    9) Caucasian.

    National criteria underlie the division of humanity into states.

    If the main nationality on their territory is over 90%, then these are single-national states (Denmark, Sweden, Latvia, Japan, etc.).

    If two nations predominate - binational (Belgium, Canada, etc.).

    If dozens and even hundreds of peoples live in countries and make up a significant proportion - multinational states (India, Russia, USA, Spain, Great Britain, Nigeria, Indonesia, etc.).

    2. Mechanical engineering is the leading branch of modern industry. Composition, placement features. Countries that stand out in terms of the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest sectors of the economy. As an industry, it emerged 200 years ago during the Industrial Revolution in England.

    Mechanical engineering provides equipment and machinery to other sectors of the economy and produces many household and cultural items.

    In terms of the number of employees (more than 80 million people) and the value of products, it ranks first among all sectors of world industry.

    The level of development of the economy of any country is judged by the level of development of mechanical engineering.

    The following main branches (more than 70 in total) of mechanical engineering are distinguished:

    1) machine tool industry;

    2) instrument making;

    3) electrical and electronic industry;

    4) computer technology;

    5) railway engineering;

    6) automotive industry;

    7) shipbuilding;

    8) aviation and rocket industry;

    9) tractor and agricultural engineering, etc.

    The location of mechanical engineering enterprises is influenced by many factors.

    The main ones should be noted: transport; availability of qualified labor resources; consumer; and for some (metal-intensive) industries - and raw materials.

    Recently, the dependence of mechanical engineering on metal sources has been decreasing, but its focus on labor resources, research centers, etc. has been increasing.

    There are four engineering regions in the world:

    1) North America: where almost all types of engineering products are produced, from the highest to medium and low complexity.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (USA): General Motors, Ford Motor, Chrysler;

    · computer technology (USA): “International Business Machines”;

    · electronics (USA): General Electric, American Telephone and Telegraph, etc.

    2) Foreign Europe (in relation to the CIS): produces mainly mass engineering products, but also maintains its position in some of the newest industries.

    Largest corporations:

    · automobile (Germany): “Daimler-Benz”; "Volkswagenwerk";

    · electronics: Germany - Siemens, the Netherlands - Philips, etc.

    3) East and Southeast Asia: Japan leads here.

    The region combines the products of mass engineering with products of the highest technology - science centers.

    Large corporations:

    · cars (Japan): “Toyota Motor”, “Nisan Motor”;

    · electronics (Japan): Hitachi, Matsushita Electric Industrial, Samsung, etc.

    4) Commonwealth of Independent States: the leaders in it are Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

    Recently, the pace of development of mechanical engineering in the region has decreased, although it produces a wide range of engineering products.

    Developing countries produce less than 1/10 of the world's engineering products. In most of these countries, there is not mechanical engineering, but rather metalworking, and in addition there are many assembly plants that receive machine parts from the USA, Western Europe and Japan.

    But recently in some of them - Brazil, India, Argentina, Mexico - mechanical engineering has already reached a fairly high level.

    3. Determination of the main export and import items of one of the countries of the world (at the teacher’s choice).

    Using the answer plan below, you can characterize any state in the world.

    Take for example, Japan is one of the 7 economically developed countries in the world.

    To answer the following were used: statistical materials; maps of world economic sectors; atlas maps of Japan (economics).

    Import to Japan (import of products):

    1) raw materials: fuel - 49%, ore, for the textile industry (textile fiber), etc.;

    2) chemical industry products (acids, alkalis, fertilizers, petroleum products);

    3) food products (grain, etc.).

    Export to Japan: products, products of the following industries:

    1) mechanical engineering (cars, ships, electronics, machine tools, watches);

    2) ferrous metallurgy (steel, rolled products);

    3) non-ferrous metallurgy;

    4) chemical industry (synthetic fibers, rubber);

    5) light industry (fabrics, clothing).

    From the above we can conclude: in Japan, as one of the developed countries, the following trend is observed: the import of mainly raw materials and food products (preferably from developing countries) due to the lack of its own natural resources; and export of finished expensive products, both to developing countries in Asia and to developed countries - Europe and America.

    Ticket number 17


    Only on the territory of Russia live 65 small peoples, and the number of some of them does not exceed a thousand people. There are hundreds of similar peoples on Earth, and each carefully preserves its customs, language and culture.

    Our top ten today includes the smallest peoples in the world.

    10. Ginukh people

    This small people lives on the territory of Dagestan, and its population is only 443 people as of the end of 2010. For a long time, the Ginukh people were not identified as a separate ethnic group, since the Ginukh language was considered only one of the dialects of the Tsez language widespread in Dagestan.

    9. Selkups

    Until the 1930s, representatives of this West Siberian people were called Ostyak-Samoyeds. The number of Selkups is just over 4 thousand people. They live mainly in the Tyumen and Tomsk regions, as well as the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

    8. Nganasans

    This people lives on the Taimyr Peninsula, and their number is about 800 people. Nganasans are the northernmost people in Eurasia. Until the middle of the 20th century, the people led a nomadic lifestyle, driving herds of deer over vast distances; today the Nganasans live sedentary lives.

    7. Orochons

    The place of residence of this small ethnic group is China and Mongolia. The population is about 7 thousand people. The history of the people goes back more than a thousand years, and the Orochons are mentioned in many documents dating back to the early Chinese imperial dynasties.

    6. Evenks

    This indigenous people of Russia lives in Eastern Siberia. These people are the most numerous in our top ten - their numbers are quite sufficient to populate a small town. There are about 35 thousand Evenks in the world.

    5. Chum salmon

    Kets live in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region. The number of this people is less than 1500 people. Until the middle of the 20th century, representatives of the ethnic group were called Ostyaks, as well as Yeniseians. The Ket language belongs to the group of Yenisei languages.

    4. Chulym people

    The number of this indigenous people of Russia is 355 people as of 2010. Despite the fact that most of the Chulym people recognize Orthodoxy, the ethnic group carefully preserves some traditions of shamanism. Chulyms live mainly in the Tomsk region. It is interesting that the Chulym language does not have a written language.

    3. Basins

    The number of this people living in Primorye is only 276 people. The Taz language is a mixture of one of the Chinese dialects with the Nanai language. Now this language is spoken by less than half of those who consider themselves to be Taz.

    2. Livs

    This extremely small people lives on the territory of Latvia. From time immemorial, the main occupations of the Livs were piracy, fishing and hunting. Today the people have almost completely assimilated. According to official data, there are only 180 Livs left.

    1. Pitcairns

    This people is the smallest in the world and lives on the small island of Pitcairn in Oceania. The number of Pitcairns is about 60 people. All of them are descendants of the sailors of the British warship Bounty, who landed here in 1790. The Pitcairn language is a mixture of simplified English, Tahitian and maritime vocabulary.

      - (incomplete) Contents 1 Classification of peoples by language families 2 Peoples 2.1 A ... Wikipedia

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      WORLD POPULATION- WORLD POPULATION, at the beginning. 1985 (according to the UN) amounted to 4.8 billion people, who live in Europe, Asia, America, Africa, Australia and Oceania (inhabited land area 135.8 million km2). In total, there are 213 countries in the world that have a permanent us... ... Demographic Encyclopedic Dictionary

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      Document adopted by the Meeting of Communist Representatives. and workers' parties in Moscow in November 1960. The Appeal calls on the peoples to rally their forces to fight in defense of peace, against the threat of a new world war. Representatives of the communist... Soviet historical encyclopedia

      Current settlement area and population Total: about 1 million (according to official sources), from 1.3 to 2 million (according to expert... Wikipedia

      International policy document. communist movement, the charter of its struggle for peace and peaceful coexistence of peoples, democracy and socialism. Adopted at the Meeting of Representatives of 64 Communists. and workers' parties, held in Moscow on November 16–19. 1957.… … Philosophical Encyclopedia

      Cover of the Atlas of the Peoples of the World The Atlas of the Peoples of the World is a fundamental work of Soviet cartography, which for the first time in the world gave a detailed ethnic picture of the entire globe. The atlas was compiled by the Institute of Ethnography named after. N.N. Miklouho Maclay of the USSR Academy of Sciences and ... Wikipedia

      Country... Wikipedia

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    • The peoples of the world in morals and customs. Issue 10. South India, Ceylon, Malaysia
    • The peoples of the world in morals and customs. Issue 11. Malay Peninsula, Dutch East Indies, Borneo, . Petrograd, 1916. Publishing house P. P. Soykin. Richly illustrated edition. Typographic cover. The condition is good. “The Peoples of the World in Morals and Customs” is a collective work of more than...
    • The peoples of the world in morals and customs. Issue 12. Philippine Islands, Afghanistan and Balochistan, Persia, . Petrograd, 1916. Publishing house P. P. Soykin. Richly illustrated edition. Typographic cover. The condition is good. “The Peoples of the World in Morals and Customs” is a collective work of more than...

    Modern science is not yet able to answer the question of what is the exact number of peoples on Earth and how many of them are nations, nationalities and other types of ethnic groups. Most often, ethnographers determine the total number of peoples on the planet to range from 2200 to 2400.
    Only 24 of them have a population exceeding 50 million people. And out of twenty-four, nine represent India.

    The largest people on Earth are the Chinese (self-name - Han), who currently number 1 billion 310 million people. This represents 19% of the total population of our planet.
    Chinese actor and director Jackie Chan

    In second place among the largest nations on Earth are the Arabs, who currently number about 350 million people.
    Arab actor Omar Sharif

    The Hindustanis are in third place among the largest nations on Earth, but they can only be called a single people conditionally. Hindustani are a group of ethnic groups in India who are united by the unity of the language - Hindi. Currently, more than 330 million people speak Western and Eastern dialects of Hindi.
    Indian actor Amitabh Bachchan, Hindustani by nationality

    The fourth largest population among the peoples of the Earth is occupied by Americans (314 million people). Americans are a group of national groups of different origins who are citizens of the United States and bearers of American culture, and as a result, claim to be called a single people.
    US President Barack Obama with his family

    In fifth place among the largest peoples on the planet are the Bengalis - the main population of the state of Bangladesh and the state of West Bengal in India. The total number of Bengalis in the world is more than 250 million (about 150 million in Bangladesh and about 100 million in India).
    Indian writer and poet Rabindranath Tagore, Bengali by nationality

    In sixth place among the largest nations on Earth are the Brazilians (193 million people) - a nation that was formed in the same way as the American nation - by mixing different ethnic groups.
    Brazilian fashion model Camila Alves

    The seventh largest people on Earth are Russians, of whom there are about 150 million people in the world, of which 116 million live in Russia, 8.3 million in Ukraine, 3.8 million in Kazakhstan. Russians are the largest people in Europe.
    19th-century Russian writer Leo Tolstoy

    Miss World 2008 Ksenia Sukhinova

    The eighth largest people on the planet are Mexicans, of whom there are 147 million people in the world, of which 112 million people. live in Mexico and 32 million in the USA.
    Mexican Ximena Navarrete - Miss Universe 2010

    The ninth largest people in the world are the Japanese (130 million people).
    Japanese actress Kyoko Fukada

    Punjabis close the top ten largest nations on Earth. There are 120 million Punjabis in the world, of which 76 million are lives in Pakistan and 29 million in India.
    Indian actor Hrithik Roshan, Punjabi by nationality

    There are 11 nations in the world, numbering more than 100 million people. These peoples, in addition to the above, also include the Biharis, who mainly live in the Indian state of Bihar. There are 105 million Biharis in the world.
    Indian actress Sonakshi Sinha of Bihari origin

    The 12th largest people in the world are the Javanese (85 million people), the indigenous population of the island of Java in Indonesia.
    Javanka Megawati Sukarnoputri, 5th President of Indonesia

    The 13th largest people on the planet are Koreans. There are 81 million Koreans in the world, of which 50 million live in South Korea and 24 million in North Korea.
    South Korean actors Song Seung Heon (left) and Song Hye Kyo

    The 14th largest people in the world - the Marathas (80 million people) - are the main population of the Indian state of Maharashtra.
    Indian actress Madhuri Dixit is from the Maratha people.

    The 15th largest people on Earth are the Tamils, of whom there are 77 million people in the world, of which 63 million live in India.
    Indian chess player Viswanathan Anand (Tamil by nationality), current world chess champion.

    There are approximately the same number of Vietnamese (Viets) in the world as there are Tamils ​​(77 million people).
    Truong Tri Truc Diem (born 1987) - singer, actress, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador. She has twice represented Vietnam in international beauty pageants: in 2007, she took part in the Miss Earth pageant, and in 2011, in the Miss International pageant.

    Another large nation is the Germans. There are 75 million Germans in Germany. If we also count people of German origin, we get a more impressive figure - 150 million people. For example, in the United States, 60 million people have German ancestry, making them the largest ethnic group among Americans.
    German actress Diane Kruger

    The Telugu people, the main population of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, also number at least 75 million.
    Indian spiritual teacher Jiddu Krishnamurti, Telugu by nationality.

    About 70 million people are Thai - the main population of Thailand.
    Thai Piyaporn Deejin, Miss Thailand 2008

    About 65 million people are Turks.
    Tuba Büyüküstün is a Turkish actress.

    Also, at least 65 million people are Gujaratis - the main population of the Indian state of Gujarat.
    Indian politician Mahatma Gandhi, Gujarati by nationality

    One of the largest peoples in Europe and the world is the French (64 million people).
    Catherine Deneuve - French actress

    Another European nation, one of the largest nations in the world, is the Italians. 60 million Italians live in Italy
    Claudia Cardinale - Italian actress

    About 60 million people are Sindhis. 53.5 million Sindhis live in Pakistan and about 6 million Sindhis live in India.
    Former Prime Minister of Pakistan Benazir Bhutto is a Sindhi.

    I recently asked myself this question and tried to find the answer. Surprisingly, despite the level of science in our time, scientists cannot clearly determine the exact number. However, the topic is quite interesting, and therefore I will share the information I found.

    How many peoples are there on Earth?

    Even scientists find it difficult to answer accurately - there is simply no clear answer. Every time this topic is raised, a new figure is heard, but official science believes that our planet is inhabited by from 2 to 4 thousand nationalities and peoples. Agree, the spread is quite large. The thing is that it is almost impossible to give an exact definition of the term “people” - everyone has their own understanding of this word. For example, there are states whose residents communicate using the same language, but in fact are different peoples, and it happens the other way around.

    If you try to find definition of a term in a dictionary, then one can find that the term is used both in a political sense and in a cultural one. There are several meanings:

    • a certain set of art consumers, in other words - the public;
    • population of a state;
    • a crowd of people in a certain place;
    • working population:
    • an ethnic group with distinct common characteristics.

    The last definition is generally accepted; as for the mentioned characteristics, they are:

    • culture;
    • traditions;
    • language.

    How do peoples differ?

    The main feature is the language, therefore its unity is considered a paramount indicator. Exists about 4000 languages, which are identified by scientists into separate groups. There are about 20 such groups. Half of humanity speaks languages ​​included in the largest - Indo-European group. What else could be different? Certainly, by number. Research suggests that most peoples are not particularly numerous - no more than 1 million people. However, there are also quite numerous ones, for example, the Chinese and Indians.

    Culture is one of the characteristic differences. They distinguish both spiritual and material. The first group includes legends, songs, dances and so on. The second group includes the type of housing, clothes, kitchen features etc.



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