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The creepiest places on earth (39 photos). The most dangerous places on planet earth

There are a lot of scary and dangerous places on our planet where it is better for tourists not to go. So it’s better to choose your route when you go on vacation, and travel to extreme and dangerous places in virtual world, at home, sitting at the computer.

TOP 10. Somalia, home of pirates

And let's start our TOP 10 most terrible and dangerous places on the planet, an exotic country with pirates of Somalia. In 1990, the Republic of Somalia began Civil War, which does not subside even now. During this war, many terrorist groups emerged, which actually replaced the government in the republic. In addition, constant hunger, disease and robbery in broad daylight haunt the people of Somalia. It is impossible to look at this country not from close up, not from afar. You shouldn’t swim too close to the coast of Somalia either, because here you can stumble upon modern pirates. Every now and then, ships sailing near this state become good prey for pirates.

TOP-9. City of Centralia

The city of Centralia is located in the state of Pennsylvania, USA. 50 years ago, an underground fire occurred in this city, which does not subside to this day. The number of people from 1000 inhabitants decreased to 7 people. This city became the prototype for the creation of the game and film Silent Hill.

TOP-8. Hashima city

The mining settlement of Hashima was founded in 1887 and was the most populous. When coal mining stopped and the mine was closed, this city turned into a ghost town.

TOP 7. Island of Abandoned Dolls

There is an island in Mexico where most of the island is occupied by terrifying-looking dolls. This invasion began in 1950, thanks to the hermit Julian Santana Barrera. There are now 1,000 exhibits of these dolls on the island.

TOP 6. Forest of suicides

At the foot of Mount Fuji lies the old Aokigahara Forest. This forest is notable not for its unique nature, but for the fact that people come here to commit suicide. Suicide counts in this forest have been going on since the 1950s, and the number of victims is more than 500 people. Walking through the forest, you can see signs with the inscription “Life is a priceless gift!” or “Think about your family!” For that. To reduce the number of suicides, corpses are cleared every year.

TOP 5. Danakil Desert

The Danakil Desert is located in northern Ethiopia, which is also called the “Gate of Hell”. The temperature of the area reaches 60 degrees Celsius. This region is represented by salt barrens and active volcanoes with constant earthquakes. You can’t walk in such terrain, there is almost no oxygen to breathe and there are stinking fumes everywhere. The ground under your feet is simply melting. This landscape is more suitable for filming a space planet.

TOP-4. Verkhoyansk

In the center of Siberia, 3000 km east of Moscow, is the city of Verkhoyansk. One of the coldest cities not only in Russia, but also in the world. The city is famous for its eternal winters, and the temperature drops to 40-45 degrees. The length of the day is only 5 hours. The population of this winter town is more than 1,500 people. The Yana River also flows through the city, which is covered with ice 9 months of the year.

TOP-3. Mount Washington

Mount Washington is located in the northeastern United States, with the most high point at 1917 meters. The horror of the mountain is its strong wind, which even holds the record of 372 km/h. The winds on the mountain are not only very strong, but also blow from different directions. The weather is also capricious; temperatures can drop to -42 C with a wind force of 39.1 m/s. But still, on this peak there are weather stations that can withstand winds of up to 500 km/h.

TOP 2. Slums of India

India's slums rightfully take second place. There are no dances, songs and happy endings like in Bollywood films. From morning to night it smells of slop and sewage in which people live. Their job is to process garbage, which is brought there in tens of tons. From children to the elderly, everyone rummages through trash looking for something they can recycle.

TOP-1. Mountain of Crosses

In Lithuania there is the so-called Mountain of Crosses, which is a hill with many crosses with a total number of 50 thousand. Quite a scary place! This mountain is not a cemetery. People believe that if you place a cross on a hill, you will be lucky.

Without exaggeration, our planet can be called amazing - if only because it is the only one in the whole solar system there is life. Both flora and fauna amaze with their diversity and inspire admiration. And how many unique places there are on Earth that delight you with their splendor! Ancient cities with numerous architectural monuments, miraculous natural beauties that attract millions of tourists - we could talk about all this for hours... But there is also back side medals are God-forsaken corners where people prefer not to go. It's about them, oh most dangerous places on the planet, we'll talk today.

Top 10 most dangerous places on our planet

1 Chernobyl, Ukraine

First place in the list of the most dangerous places on Earth is occupied by Ukrainian Chernobyl - a small settlement that in 1986 went through the worst environmental disaster in the history of mankind. Even now, 31 years after the accident, the level of radiation in the Chernobyl zone is off the charts. The 30-kilometer zone around Pripyat remains uninhabited, people left there, and only a few returned, mostly representatives of the older generation who do not want to leave their homes. Today, the abandoned ghost town attracts tourists dreaming of thrills, however, tours to it are not cheap, very few organize them, and even then it is not known how legally they do it.


The Brazilian Snake Island, located in the Atlantic Ocean, is quite popular among those who want to tickle their nerves. As the eloquent name suggests, the peculiarity of a small piece of land in the boundless oceanic expanses is rightfully considered to be its inhabitants - snakes. According to experts, there are at least 6 reptiles per 1 square meter of land. It's like a natural serpentarium. It's a fun place, don't you think?


One of the most dangerous places in the territory Russian Federation They consider the so-called Mountain of the Dead, which has already been given the status of a paranormal zone. It is located in the northern part of the Urals and is famous for its unique and far from the most human-friendly properties. The number of researchers whose lives ended near the Mountain of the Dead amounts to several dozen. To this day, no one has understood the nature of the Dyatlov Pass, but the story of the death of the entire expedition of the scientist, whose name the mysterious area was subsequently named, is well remembered by everyone to this day.


The waters off the coast of California are literally teeming with white sharks, which is why the area is included in the TOP 10 most dangerous places on the planet. Cruel predators swim all the way to the shore, and if at that moment they meet someone on their way, this someone becomes lunch or dinner for fish that are not picky about food. However, even despite the high level of danger and the huge number of victims, the Californian coast is quite popular among surfers looking for the next dose of adrenaline.


Ethiopia is a rather dangerous place, although at first glance you wouldn’t say it – it’s very beautiful there! However, in summer the air temperature in the desert exceeds +50 degrees, and it is simply impossible to withstand such heat for more than a couple of minutes. In addition to the hot air above Danakil, there are many fumes that are lethal to humans, and earthquakes often occur there. One has to think that if hell exists on Earth, then it is located right here, in the Ethiopian desert.


The valley with an awesome name is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula, in a nature reserve next to the Kikhpinych volcano. The place is very picturesque, but also dangerous. It is surrounded by poisonous gases that have taken the lives of many brave souls who approached the valley at a critical distance.


The mountain owes its name to the active volcano at its peak. Throughout its history, it has erupted more than a hundred times, every now and then claiming the lives of people living nearby. The last time the volcano woke up was in 2014, then the column of smoke above it reached 3 km in height, and the number of victims reached 2 hundred people.


It's about about a winding serpentine road right above a sheer cliff, and even with a terrible road surface. How much has this journey taken? human lives, it’s scary to even imagine, nevertheless, there are regularly brave cyclists and motorists who, in pursuit of adrenaline, are not stopped by sharp turns, steep climbs, or narrow road surfaces. The road is in a deplorable state; in the 70s of the last century they tried to repair it, but at the second ten kilometers the repair equipment fell down and the workers died. No one else tried to restore the Road of Death.


This area is dangerous because of its windiness, it is impossible to be here - the strongest gusts of air literally knock you off your feet. The wind speed reaches one hundred meters per second, and in 1934 a record was recorded that remains unbroken to this day, then the wind blew at a speed of 370 meters per second. This is enough to leave no stone unturned from a fairly strong house, let alone climbers...


The Bermuda Triangle ranks among the ten most dangerous places in the world due to the huge number of ships that disappeared without a trace in this area. Sailors consider the Bermuda Triangle to be a path to another dimension. When ships pass this zone, many electronics fail, and people begin to see mirages. This strange stretch of sea is considered the birthplace of cyclones, as the vast majority of storms begin here.

Earth - amazing planet covering a vast territory. It's about the only thing celestial body in the solar system where there is life. Wherein animal world amazes with its diversity and majesty. How many amazing individuals live in the seas? How many dangerous predators live in forests and jungles? At the same time, a small scorpion may turn out to be a more dangerous enemy than huge reptile. But in addition to representatives of the animal world, there are many unexplored and strange locations on Earth. We invite you to consider the most dangerous places on the planet.

TOP 10 Most Dangerous Places on Our Planet

The Top 10 most dangerous places on the planet include Chernobyl. This is about small town in Ukraine, which experienced a terrible disaster in 1986. To this day, there is an excess of radiation here. The fact is that there was an explosion here nuclear reactor NPP. As a result of the emergency, about several tons of radiation dust covered the Zhytomyr region. Thousands of people died. Millions were displaced and left their cities. However, this city attracts the attention of many tourists who want to experience the thrill.


In the Atlantic Ocean there is a unique Snake Island, which is annually in demand among the most adventurous travelers. Based on the name, you can guess that snakes live on this island. Moreover, only snakes live in this place. It's hard to believe, but for one square meter There are 5-6 snakes on the island's territory. Thus, Snake Island is the largest natural serpentarium on our planet.

The most dangerous place in Russia is considered to be the Mountain of the Dead. We are talking about an anomalous place located in the north of the Urals. Many researchers and tourists have given up their lives trying to study this unique phenomenon. By no means, no one has managed to understand the nature of the origin of the pass. To this day, history remembers the mysterious death of all members of the Dyatlov expedition, after which this mystical city was named.

California is also included in the list of the most dangerous places on Earth. This is due to the fact that the waters of this city are the most favorite place for white sharks. Predators swim almost to the shore. At the same time, a huge number of victims are registered every year. Many cases end in death. Despite the danger, a colossal number of surfers are always concentrated here, wanting to have fun and get a dose of adrenaline.

Despite the wonderful landscape, Ethiopia is very dangerous. The desert attracts with a truly colorful and interesting climate. In summer the temperature here reaches +50 degrees. Therefore, it is dangerous to be in the desert for more than a few minutes. Burning oxygen is not the only problem. The fact is that the desert atmosphere contains a huge amount of gases that can kill a person. And this is not the end. They are regularly observed here powerful earthquakes. Many believe that hell is located in this place.

The Top 10 most dangerous places on our planet also includes the Russian Death Valley. This amazing place is located in Kamchatka. Namely, in a small reserve, not far from the Kikhpinych volcano. An interesting corner attracts not only with beautiful landscapes, but also with danger. Although this pleasure is not for everyone. Only desperate tourists are able to approach the Valley of Death. A huge number of people died here due to the poisonous gas. However, every year there are many brave souls who try their luck.


Fire Mountain must be considered one of the most dangerous places on the planet. The name of the location is due to the presence of an active volcano, which has produced more than a hundred eruptions during its existence. The last disaster was registered in 2014. The column of smoke from the eruption rose 3,000 meters in height. In this case, nearly 200 people died. It’s hard to guess how many deaths were observed.

The most dangerous place on the planet is the road of death. We are talking about a path that includes a lot of sharp turns, dangerous terrain, and terrible road surface. Despite this, there are many cyclists who want to try their luck. Every year dozens of athletes and hundreds of motorists die. It is worth noting that they tried to restore the road, but in the 70s an event occurred due to which the work was suspended. At the 20th kilometer the cars fell off and crashed.

Every year, tourists travel around the world and find themselves in dangerous parts of the world. Such places give a person a lot of adrenaline. Sometimes it is very dangerous for human life here, but despite this, more and more people go there. more people. As a result, a list of very scary places on the planet.

10. California Coast

This is one of the most unsafe places on planet Earth. These waters are home to white sharks that kill hundreds of people. There have been cases of death. But without fear of sharks, surfers and divers still conquer the waves in search of new experiences and adrenaline.

9. Danakil Desert

Dazzling and picturesque landscape The Danakil desert hides many threats that are associated with climatic conditions. The air temperature reaches up to 50 degrees, so staying here for more than 5 minutes in such a place is unacceptable. In addition to this temperature, the desert atmosphere contains a highly concentrated poisonous gas that can be fatal to humans. Earthquakes occur in the desert due to the Arabian Plate located here.

8. Snake Island

In Brazil, there is a dangerous place on the planet - Snake Island. You can find it in the Atlantic Ocean. Visits to this island are prohibited. Just by the name you can guess that snakes live on the island. There are 1-2 snakes per square meter of territory. That's a lot. However, on the coastal rocks you can also see whole balls of snakes. Snake Island is considered to be the largest natural habitat for snakes in the whole world.

7. Death Valley in Kamchatka

Another equally dangerous place is Death Valley in Russia. A valley was discovered in Kamchatka, and the active Kikhpinych volcano is located nearby. It's very beautiful landscape, attracting tourists, but staying there for a long time is dangerous not only for people, but also for animals. Scientists believe that all deaths occur due to poisonous gas in this valley.

6. Chernobyl

Chernobyl in Ukraine is among the ten most dangerous places in the world. The once beautiful and thriving city was forever transformed into an abandoned place. The reason for this was the terrible tragedy of 1986 - an explosion at nuclear power plant, which released tons of radiation, resulting in millions of people being infected. The radiation covered hundreds of kilometers. Now this city is considered a ghost. It seems like it exists, but it seems like it doesn’t. Now this place is considered dangerous to human health and life due to high level radiation.

5. Fire Mountain

Fire Mountain in Indonesia is the most dangerous place on the planet. This is the name of a volcano that still spews lava from time to time. Eruptions happen quite often. Every day a column of smoke is emitted from the mountain to a height of 3 thousand meters. Hundreds of thousands of people die almost every year, but despite this, people still live near this mountain. The distance from the fiery mountain to the settlement is only 6 kilometers from the raging volcano.

4. Summit of Mount Washington

In the USA, there is also a place where it is better not to interfere - Mount Washington. It is considered the most beautiful and at one time the highest point in America. The height of this peak is 1970 meters. The mountain acquired this name because of its location - at the northern latitudes of the Western Hemisphere. We can say that this place is unpredictable, because you never know what weather conditions you can expect. It's dangerous to be on the top of this mountain. High wind speeds have been recorded here more than once, exceeding 100 meters per second. In 1642, a certain Derby Field climbed this mountain for the first time and survived. An inexperienced hiker cannot climb to the very top of Mount Washington. This suggests that to successfully climb a mountain, you need to have special professional skills and love extreme sports.

3. Death Road

Another dangerous place on Earth is in Bolivia - the Road of Death. Looking at the name, everything is already clear; many deaths have been recorded here. This road was continued during the hostilities between Bolivia and Paraguay. There are many sharp turns on the road, the road surface is terrible, the terrain is difficult - all this leads to car accidents. More than one cyclist died on this road, but all in order to get adrenaline. About 200 are recorded per year dead people. This road cannot be removed because it is the only road between the countries. Several decades ago they tried to repair this road, but to no avail. They were only enough for 20 km, the remaining 50 km were without asphalt, made of clay soil. After rain, the road becomes slippery and dangerous to travel.

2. Bermuda Triangle

We can find the Bermuda Triangle in the Atlantic Ocean; it is considered an area with animal phenomena and generally an unsafe place among the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This one is located unusual place near the islands North America- between Bermuda, Miami and Puerto Rico. If you draw lines in your mind, combining these points, a triangle is formed. Once upon a time, newspapers published an article that ships and aircraft disappeared without a trace in this mysterious place, and navigation instruments stopped functioning. This part of the ocean holds many secrets and threats. It is dangerous here, first of all, because large quantity shallows, and climatic conditions often change. The weather can be beautiful and out of nowhere a storm or a cyclone can change. It is because of these weather anomalies that countless crashes and instrument failures occur in this area.

1. Dyatlov Pass

In Russia there is a mountain of the dead, which is called the Dyatlov Pass and is considered the most dangerous place on the planet. This mountain is in first place on our list. This anomalous area is located in the north of the Urals. A huge number of deaths occurred in this place. And for mystical reasons. Many tourists and explorers died here. On February 1, 1958, a tragedy occurred here, about which nothing is still known. An entire expedition led by Dyatlov died mysterious death. To this day no one knows real reason their deaths. This pass was named in honor of the commander-in-chief.

During a visit, your skin gets goosebumps from what you see here. With the most scary places We'll get to know each other further on earth.

Old Jewish cemetery in Prague, Czech Republic

Processions in this cemetery took place for almost four centuries (from 1439 to 1787). More than 100 thousand dead are buried on a relatively small plot of land, and the number of gravestones reaches 12,000. More ancient
Cemetery workers covered the burials with earth, and new tombstones were erected in the same place. On the territory of the cemetery there are places where 12 burial tiers are located under the earth's crust. As time passed, the subsided earth revealed old gravestones to the eyes of the living, who began to move later slabs. The view was not only unusual, but also creepy.

Island of Abandoned Dolls, Mexico

There is a very strange abandoned island in Mexico, most of which is inhabited by scary dolls. They say that in 1950, a certain hermit, Julian Santana Barrera, began collecting and hanging dolls from trash cans, who in this way tried to calm the soul of a girl who had drowned nearby. Julian himself drowned on the island on April 17, 2001. Now there are about 1000 exhibits on the island.

Hashima Island, Japan

Hashima is a former coal mining settlement founded in 1887. It was considered one of the most densely populated places on earth - with a coastline of about a kilometer, its population in 1959 was 5,259 people. When coal mining here became unprofitable, the mine was closed and the island city joined the list of ghost towns. This happened in 1974.

Chapel of Bones, Portugal

The Copella was built in the 16th century by a Franciscan monk. The chapel itself is small - only 18.6 meters long and 11 meters wide, but the bones and skulls of five thousand monks are kept here. On the roof of the chapel is written the phrase “Melior est die mortis die nativitatis” (“Better the day of death than the day of birth”).

Suicide Forest, Japan

Suicide Forest - unofficial name Aokigahara Jukai forest, located in Japan on the island of Honshu and famous for the suicides that often occur there. The forest was originally associated with Japanese mythology and was traditionally thought to be the abode of demons and ghosts. Now it is considered the second most popular place in the world (first at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco) to commit suicide. At the entrance to the forest there is a poster: “Your life is a priceless gift from your parents. Think about them and your family. You don't have to suffer alone. Call us 22-0110."

Abandoned psychiatric hospital in Parma, Italy

Brazilian artist Herbert Baglione created an art piece from a building that once housed a psychiatric hospital. He depicted the spirit of this place. Now ghostly figures of exhausted patients wander around the former hospital.

Church of St. George, Czech Republic

The church in the Czech village of Lukova has been abandoned since 1968, when part of its roof collapsed during a funeral ceremony. Artist Jakub Hadrava populated the church with ghost sculptures, giving it a particularly sinister look.

Catacombs in Paris, France

The Catacombs are a network of winding underground tunnels and caves beneath Paris. The total length, according to various sources, is from 187 to 300 kilometers. Since the end of the 18th century, the remains of almost 6 million people have been buried in the catacombs.

Centralia, Pennsylvania, USA

Due to an underground fire that broke out 50 years ago and continues to burn to this day, the number of residents has decreased from 1,000 people (1981) to 7 people (2012). Centralia now has the smallest population in the state of Pennsylvania. Centralia served as the prototype for the creation of the city in the Silent Hill series of games and in the film based on this game.

Magic Market Akodessewa, Togo

Market magic items and witchcraft herbs Akodesseva is located right in the center of the city of Lome, the capital of the state of Togo in Africa. Africans of Togo, Ghana and Nigeria still practice the voodoo religion and believe in the miraculous properties of dolls. Akodesseva's fetish assortment is extremely exotic: here you can buy cattle skulls, dried heads of monkeys, buffalos and leopards and many other equally “wonderful” things.

Plague Island, Italy

Poveglia is one of the most famous islands of the Venetian lagoon, in northern Italy. It is said that since Roman times the island was used as a place of exile for plague patients, and therefore up to 160,000 people were buried on it. The souls of many of the dead allegedly turned into ghosts, with which the island is now filled. The island's dark reputation is compounded by stories of horrific experiments allegedly carried out on psychiatric patients. In this regard, paranormal researchers call the island one of the most terrible places on earth.

Hill of Crosses, Lithuania

The Mountain of Crosses is a hill on which many Lithuanian crosses are installed, their total number is approximately 50 thousand. Despite the external resemblance, it is not a cemetery. By popular belief, the one who leaves the cross on the Mountain will have good luck. Neither the time of the appearance of the Mountain of Crosses nor the reasons for its appearance can be said with certainty. To this day, this place is shrouded in secrets and legends.

Burials of Kabayan, Philippines

The famous fire mummies of Kabayan, dating back to 1200-1500 AD, are buried here, as well as, as local residents believe, their spirits. They were made using a complex mummification process, and are now carefully guarded, as cases of their theft are not uncommon. Why? As one of the robbers said, “he had the right to do this,” since the mummy was his great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.

Overtoun Bridge, Scotland

The old arch bridge is located near the Scottish village of Milton. In the middle of the 20th century, strange things began to happen on it: dozens of dogs suddenly threw themselves from a 15-meter height, fell onto rocks and were killed. Those that survived came back and tried again. The bridge has turned into a real “killer” of four-legged animals.

Actun-Tunichil-Muknal Cave, Belize

Actun Tunichil Muknal is a cave near the city of San Ignacio, Belize. It is an archaeological site of the Mayan civilization. Located on the territory of the Mount Tapira Natural Park. One of the halls of the cave is the so-called cathedral, where the Mayans made sacrifices, as they considered this place to be Xibalba - the entrance to the underworld.

Leap Castle, Ireland

Leap Castle in Offaly, Ireland is considered one of the cursed castles in the world. Its gloomy attraction is a large underground dungeon, the bottom of which is studded with sharp stakes. The dungeon was discovered during the restoration of the castle. In order to remove all the bones from it, the workers needed 4 carts. Local residents say that the castle is haunted by many ghosts of people who died in the dungeon.

Chauchilla Cemetery, Peru

The Chauchilla Cemetery is located about 30 minutes from the Nazca desert plateau, on the southern coast of Peru. The necropolis was discovered in the 20s of the twentieth century. According to researchers, bodies found in the cemetery are about 700 years old, and the last burials here took place in the 9th century. Chowchilla differs from other burial sites in the special way in which people were buried. All the bodies are “squatting”, and their “faces” seem to be frozen in a wide smile. The bodies were perfectly preserved thanks to the Peruvian dry desert climate.

Sanctuary of Tophet, Tunisia

The saddest thing known feature The religion of Carthage involved the sacrifice of children, mainly infants. During the sacrifice it was forbidden to cry, since it was believed that any tear, any plaintive sigh would detract from the value of the sacrifice. In 1921, archaeologists discovered a site where several rows of urns were found containing the charred remains of both animals (they were sacrificed instead of people) and small children. The place was called Tophet.

Snake Island, Brazil

Queimada Grande is one of the most dangerous and famous islands on our planet. There is only a forest, a rocky, inhospitable coast up to 200 meters high, and snakes. There are up to six snakes per square meter of the island. The poison of these reptiles acts instantly. Brazilian authorities have decided to completely ban anyone from visiting the island, and locals are telling chilling stories about it.

Buzludzha, Bulgaria

The largest monument in Bulgaria, located on Mount Buzludzha with a height of 1441 meters, was built in the 1980s in honor of the Bulgarian Communist Party. Its construction took almost 7 years and involved more than 6 thousand workers and experts. The interior was partly decorated with marble, and the staircases were decorated with red cathedral glass. Now the monument house has been completely looted, only a concrete frame with reinforcement remains, looking like a destroyed alien ship.

City of the Dead, Russia

Dargavs in North Ossetia looks like a cute village with small stone houses, but in fact it is an ancient necropolis. In the crypts various types they buried people along with all their clothes and personal belongings.

Abandoned military hospital Beelitz-Heilstetten, Germany

During the First and Second World Wars the hospital was used by the military, and in 1916 Adolf Hitler was treated there. After World War II, the hospital found itself in the zone of Soviet occupation and became the largest Soviet hospital outside the USSR. The complex consists of 60 buildings, some of which have now been restored. Almost all abandoned buildings are closed to access. The doors and windows are securely boarded up with high boards and sheets of plywood.

Unfinished subway in Cincinnati, USA

Abandoned subway depot in Cincinnati - project built in 1884. But after the First World War and as a result of changing demographics, the need for the metro disappeared. Construction slowed in 1925, with half of the 16 km line completed. The abandoned subway now hosts tours twice a year, but many people are known to wander its tunnels alone.

Hanging Coffins of Sagada, Philippines

On the island of Luzon, in the village of Sagada, there is one of the most frightening places in the Philippines. Here you can see unusual funeral structures made of coffins placed high above the ground on the rocks. There is a belief among the indigenous population that the higher the body of the deceased is buried, the closer his soul will be to heaven.

Nuclear lighthouse at Cape Aniva (Sakhalin)

The lighthouse was built with great difficulty in 1939 according to the design of the architect Miura Shinobu - it was a unique and most complex technical structure in all of Sakhalin. It operated on a diesel generator and battery backup until the early 1990s, when it was refurbished. Thanks to the nuclear energy source, maintenance costs were minimal, but soon there was no money left for this either - the building was empty, and in 2006 the military removed two isotope installations that powered the lighthouse from here. It once shone for 17.5 miles, but is now plundered and abandoned.

Eighth workshop of the Dagdizel plant, Makhachkala

Naval weapons testing station, commissioned in 1939. It is located 2.7 km from the coast and has not been used for a long time. Construction took a long time and was complicated by difficult conditions. Unfortunately, the workshop did not serve the plant for long. The requirements for the work carried out in the workshop changed, and in April 1966 this grandiose structure was written off from the factory balance sheet. Now this “Array” is abandoned and stands in the Caspian Sea, resembling an ancient monster from the shore.

Psychiatric Clinic Lier Sikehus, Norway

The Norwegian psychiatric hospital, which is located in the small town of Lier, half an hour from Oslo, has a dark past. Experiments on patients were once carried out here, and for unknown reasons, four hospital buildings were abandoned in 1985. Equipment, beds, even magazines and personal belongings of patients remained in the abandoned buildings. At the same time, the remaining eight buildings of the hospital are still operating to this day.

Gunkanjima Island, Japan

In fact, the island is called Hashima, nicknamed Gunkanjima, which means “cruiser island.” The island was settled in 1810 when coal was discovered there. Within fifty years, it has become the most populated island in the world in terms of the ratio of land and the number of inhabitants on it: 5,300 people with a radius of the island itself of one kilometer. By 1974, the reserves of coal and other minerals on Gankajima were completely exhausted, and people left the island. Today, visiting the island is prohibited. There are many legends about this place among the people.



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