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Satirical tales of Hans Andersen. Fairy tales and stories

For almost two hundred years, the works of the famous Dane have spread all over the world and are loved by adults and children. In many families, it has long been a good tradition to read Andersen’s fairy tales to children in a close circle, enjoying the unique style, eternal relevance, and incredible plot twists. A genius in his genre, Hans Andersen wrote fairy tales not only for a children's audience, but also for adults, which he constantly reminded of when releasing his new creation.

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All the most famous fairy tales Andersen, which are so attractive to kids, can be found in our section. There was a place here for magical stories, wonderful adventures, incredible journeys. "Princess on the Pea", " The Snow Queen" and "The King's New Dress" will be interesting to all children and will bring a lot of pleasure.

The Ugly Duckling, which has long been considered business card storyteller. The wonderful story of the transformation of a homely, ugly duckling into a handsome swan fascinates with its simplicity and kindness, where cruelty and ill will go hand in hand. As in every Andersen creation, there is a wonderful ending, and kids will certainly love how the tear-inducing sad story ends.

Andersen's fairy tale "The Little Mermaid" partially made the storyteller's dream come true. For many years he tried to get on stage and become an actor, although all his attempts ended in failure. Now one of his best fairy tales has become the basis for films and cartoons, theatrical performances and even operas. Kids have the opportunity to learn about the new adventures of the Little Mermaid, who is so loved in the cartoon, because the original source is always much more interesting, especially if its beloved mother reads it.

Little admirers of the famous storyteller are often interested in details about Andersen’s life. There is nothing noteworthy here, because he was born into a poor family and could not even imagine that he would achieve fame just with the help of fairy tales. Be that as it may, one can only marvel at the skill with which the legendary Dane created his masterpieces, which will always remain favorite creations for children and their parents.

On the pages the sections will once again come to life fairy-tale heroes Andersen, which will allow you to plunge into Magic world. Adults, reading for their beloved child, will be able to remember the wonderful time of childhood, which passed hand in hand with their favorite stories, and kids will hear for the first time fascinating fairy tales that will accompany them throughout their lives.

A collection of the most famous and beloved by all fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen for your kids. The plots of their fairy tales by Andersen I took it primarily not from books, but from the memories of my youth and childhood. Anderson Tales First of all, they teach love, friendship and compassion, and settle in the souls of adults and children for a long time. It is also worth noting one fun fact, the name of this wonderful author is often mispronounced in our country when trying to find it in libraries and the Internet" fairy tales AndersShe", which is naturally incorrect, since in Danish it is written as Hans Christian Andersen. On our website you can find online list of Andersen's fairy tales, and enjoy reading them absolutely free.

On the roof of the outermost house in one small town there was a stork’s nest. A mother was sitting in it with four chicks, who were sticking their small black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood the dad himself, stretched out and one leg tucked under him; he tucked his leg so as not to stand idle on the clock. You would have thought it was carved from wood, it was so motionless.

The master was the godfather to tell. How many different stories he knew - long, interesting! He also knew how to cut out pictures and even drew them himself very well. Before Christmas, he usually took out a blank notebook and began to paste into it pictures cut out from books and newspapers; if they were not enough to fully illustrate the intended story, he himself added new ones. He gave me a lot of such notebooks as a child, but I received the best one in that “memorable year when Copenhagen was illuminated with new gas lamps instead of the old ones.” This event was noted on the first page.

This album must be protected! - my father and mother told me. - It should only be removed when special cases.

Every time a kind, good child dies, an angel of God descends from heaven, takes the child in his arms and flies with him on his big wings to all his favorite places. Along the way, they pick up a whole bouquet of different flowers and take them with them to heaven, where they bloom even more magnificently than on earth. God presses all the flowers to his heart, and kisses the one flower that seems dearest to him; the flower then receives a voice and can join the choir of blessed spirits.

Anna Lisbeth was a beauty, pure blood, young, cheerful. The teeth sparkled with dazzling whiteness, the eyes burned; She was easy in dancing, even easier in life! What came out of this? Mean boy! Yes, he was ugly, ugly! He was given to be raised by a navvy's wife, and Anna Lisbeth herself ended up in the count's castle and settled in a luxurious room; They dressed her in silk and velvet. The breeze did not dare to smell her, no one said a rude word: it could upset her, she could get sick, and she was breastfeeding the count! The graphic artist was as gentle as your prince, and as handsome as an angel. How Anne Lisbeth loved him!

Grandma is so old, her face is all wrinkled, her hair is white, but her eyes are like your stars - so bright, beautiful and affectionate! And what wonderful stories she knows! And the dress she’s wearing is made of thick silk material with large flowers - it’s rustling! Grandma knows a lot, a lot; After all, she has been living in the world for a long time, much longer than mom and dad - really!

Grandmother has a psalter - a thick book bound with silver clasps - and she reads it often. Between the sheets of the book lies a flattened, dried rose. She is not at all as beautiful as those roses that stand in grandma’s glass of water, but grandma still smiles most tenderly at this particular rose and looks at it with tears in her eyes. Why does grandma look at the dried rose like that? You know?

Every time the grandmother’s tears fall on a flower, its colors are revived again, it again becomes a lush rose, the whole room is filled with fragrance, the walls melt like fog, and the grandmother is in a green, sun-drenched forest!

Once upon a time there lived an aeronaut. He was unlucky, his balloon burst, and he himself fell and broke. A few minutes before, he lowered his son by parachute, and this was happiness for the boy - he reached the ground safe and sound. He had all the makings to become an aeronaut like his father, but he had neither a balloon nor the means to purchase one.

However, he had to live somehow, and he took up magic and ventriloquism. He was young, handsome, and when he matured, he grew a mustache and began to walk in nice dresses, then he could at least pass for a natural graph. The ladies really liked him, and one girl fell in love with him for his beauty and dexterity and decided to share his wandering life in foreign countries. There he awarded himself the title of professor - he could not be content with anything less.

Once upon a time there was a man; he once knew many, many new fairy tales, but now their supply - according to him - has been exhausted. The fairy tale, which is itself, no longer came and knocked on his door. Why? To tell the truth, he himself did not think about her for several years and did not expect her to visit him. Yes, of course, she didn’t come: there was a war, and for several years there was crying and groaning in the country, as always during the war.

Storks and swallows returned from a long journey - they did not think about any danger; but they showed up, and there were no more nests: they burned down along with the houses. The country's borders were almost erased, enemy horses trampled ancient graves. Those were hard, sad times! But they too came to an end.

Once upon a time there was a little sea fish from a good family;

I don’t remember her name; Let the scientists tell you this. The fish had one thousand eight hundred sisters of the same age; They knew neither their father nor their mother, and from birth they had to fend for themselves, swim as they knew how, and swimming was so much fun! There was plenty of water to drink - a whole ocean, there was no need to worry about food either - and there was enough of it, and so each fish lived for its own pleasure, in its own way, without bothering itself with thoughts.

The sun's rays penetrated the water and brightly illuminated the fish and a whole world of amazing creatures swarming around. Some were monstrous in size, with such terrible mouths that they could swallow all one thousand eight hundred sisters at once, but the fish did not even think about it - not one of them had yet to be swallowed.

In Florence, not far from Piazza del Granducca, there is a side street called, if I haven’t forgotten, Porta Rossa. There, in front of the vegetable stall, there is a bronze boar of excellent workmanship. Fresh flows from the mouth, pure water. And he himself has turned black with age, only his muzzle shines as if polished. It was hundreds of children and lazzaroni who held on to her, offering their mouths to get drunk. It’s a pleasure to watch how a handsome half-naked boy hugs a skillfully cast beast, placing fresh lips on its mouth!

Works are divided into pages

Hans Christian Andersen is deservedly considered the best storyteller of times and peoples. Amazingly, he had no intention of becoming a writer, much less a storyteller. Andersen's passion lay in something completely different. He dreamed of becoming a great actor. But, to the writer’s great regret, the theater was not favorable to the inconspicuous young man. And in order not to starve, Andersen began to write fairy tales. The writer loved and knew from childhood folk tales V large quantities, and it was on this fertile soil that his great talent blossomed. He managed to brilliantly combine the two directions of the magical and everyday worlds. The author based his works on this.

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The list of Andersen's fairy tales is very large and we tried to collect the most interesting and fascinating ones on the pages of our website. But we still want to draw your attention to the most famous works- The Ugly Duckling, The King's New Dress, The Princess and the Pea, The Snow Queen, Thumbelina... All Andersen's fairy tales very colorful and filled with real fairy-tale magic. Children listen to these works with great pleasure. And read magical stories kids have to do it more than once in a row.

The genius of this writer lay in the fact that the plots of his fairy tales and the main deep meaning is still relevant today. Read Andersen's fairy tales It is also necessary for the child to learn to accurately distinguish between good and evil. And also remember what this or that action can lead to.

Read Andersen's fairy tales

On the roof of the outermost house in one small town there was a stork’s nest. A mother was sitting in it with four chicks, who were sticking their small black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood the dad himself, stretched out and one leg tucked under him; he tucked his leg so as not to stand idle on the clock. You would have thought it was carved from wood, it was so motionless.

“This is important, so important! - he thought. - There is a sentry at my wife’s nest! Who knows that I am her husband? They may think that I am here on guard duty. That’s what’s important!” And he continued to stand on one leg.

Children were playing in the street; seeing the stork, the most mischievous of the boys began to sing, as best he could and remembered, an old song about storks; Everyone else followed suit:

Stork, white stork,

Why do you stand there all day long?

Like a sentry

On one leg?

Or do you want kids?

Save your own?

You're fussing in vain, -

We'll catch them!

We'll hang one

We'll throw the other one into the pond,

We will kill the third one,

The youngest is alive

We'll throw it on the fire

And we won’t ask you!

Listen to what the boys are singing! - said the chicks. - They say they will hang us and drown us!

No need to pay attention to them! - the mother told them. - Just don’t listen, nothing will happen!

But the boys did not stop, sang and teased the storks; only one of the boys, named Peter, did not want to pester his comrades, saying that it was a sin to tease animals. And the mother consoled the chicks.

Never mind! - she said. - Look how calmly your father stands, and on one leg!

And we're scared! - said the chicks and hid their heads deeply, deeply in the nest.

The next day the children poured out into the street again, saw storks and sang again:

We'll hang one

Let's throw another one into the pond...

So will we be hanged and drowned? - the chicks asked again.

No, no, no! - answered the mother. - But soon we will begin training! You need to learn to fly! When you learn, we will go with you to the meadow to visit the frogs. They will squat in front of us in the water and sing: “kva-kva-kva!” And we'll eat them - it'll be fun!

And then? - asked the chicks.

Then all of us storks will gather for autumn maneuvers. Then you need to be able to fly properly! It is very important! The general will pierce the one who flies poorly with his sharp beak! So, try your best when the training begins!

So we will still be stabbed, as the boys said! Listen, they're singing again!

Listen to me, not them! - said the mother. - After the maneuvers we will fly away from here far, far away, beyond high mountains, behind dark forests, to warm lands, to Egypt! There are triangular stone houses there; their tops touch the very clouds, and they are called pyramids. They were built a long time ago, so long ago that not a single stork can even imagine! There is also a river there that overflows, and then the entire bank becomes covered with silt! You walk through the mud and eat frogs!

ABOUT! - said the chicks.

Yes! What a delight! All you do there all day long is eat. But while it will be so good for us there, not a single leaf will remain on the trees here, it will be so cold that the clouds will freeze in pieces and fall to the ground in white crumbs!

She wanted to tell them about the snow, but she couldn’t explain it well.

Will these bad boys also freeze into pieces? - asked the chicks.

No, they won’t freeze in pieces, but they will have to freeze. They will sit and get bored in a dark room and won’t dare stick their nose out into the street! And you will fly in foreign lands, where flowers bloom and the warm sun shines brightly.

A little time passed, the chicks grew up, they could already stand up in the nest and look around. Every day the father stork brought them nice frogs, small snakes and all sorts of other delicacies that he could get. And how he amused the chicks with various funny things! He pulled out his tail with his head, clicked his beak, as if he had a rattle in his throat, and told them various swamp stories.

Well, now it’s time to start learning! - the mother told them one fine day, and all four chicks had to crawl out of the nest onto the roof. My fathers, how they staggered, balanced with their wings and yet almost fell!

Look at me! - said the mother. - Head like this, legs like that! One-two! One-two! This is what will help you make your way in life! - and she made several flaps of her wings. The chicks jumped awkwardly and - bam! - everyone was stretched out like that! They were still difficult to lift.

I do not want to study! - said one chick and climbed back into the nest. - I don’t want to fly to warmer climes at all!

So you want to freeze here in winter? Do you want the boys to come and hang you, drown you, or burn you? Wait, I'll call them now!

Ay, no, no! - said the chick and jumped out onto the roof again.

On the third day they were already flying somehow and imagined that they could also stay in the air on outstretched wings. “There’s no need to wave them all the time,” they said. “You can rest.” They did so, but... they immediately fell onto the roof. I had to work with my wings again.

At this time, boys gathered on the street and sang:

Stork, white stork!

How about we fly down and peck their eyes out? - asked the chicks.

No, don't! - said the mother. - Listen better than me, this is much more important! One two Three! Now let's fly to the right; one two Three! Now go left, around the pipe! Great! The last flap of the wings was so wonderful that I will allow you to go with me to the swamp tomorrow. There will be many other lovely families with children there - show yourself! I want you to be the cutest of all. Keep your heads up, it's much more beautiful and impressive!

But will we really not take revenge on these bad boys? - asked the chicks.

Let them shout to themselves what they want! You will fly to the clouds, see the land of the pyramids, and they will freeze here in winter, not seeing a single green leaf or sweet apple!

But we will still take revenge! - the chicks whispered to each other and continued their learning.

The most playful of all the children was the smallest one, the one who first started singing a song about storks. He was no more than six years old, although the chicks thought he was a hundred years old - after all, he was much larger than their father and mother, and what did the chicks know about the years of children and adults! And so all the revenge of the chicks was supposed to fall on this boy, who was the instigator and the most restless of the mockers. The chicks were terribly angry with him and the more they grew up, the less they wanted to bear insults from him. In the end, the mother had to promise them to somehow take revenge on the boy, but not before just before they flew off to warmer climes.

Let's see how you perform on big maneuvers first! If things go badly and the general pierces your chest with his beak, the boys will be right. We'll see!

You'll see! - said the chicks and diligently began to exercise. Every day things got better and better, and finally they began to fly so easily and beautifully that it was simply a pleasure!

Autumn has come; The storks began to prepare to fly away for the winter to warmer climes. That's how the maneuvers went! The storks flew back and forth over forests and lakes: they had to test themselves - after all, a huge journey lay ahead! Our chicks distinguished themselves and received not zero with a tail, but twelve with a Frog and a Snake! It couldn’t have been a better score for them: frogs and snakes could have been eaten, which is what they did.

Both adults and children love to read Andersen's fairy tales. The list of fairy tales is huge, and we have selected the most interesting and memorable ones. Reading the works of Hans Christian, it is difficult to understand how he could write fairy tales SO that each of them is still relevant and does not leave his lips.

NameTime Popularity
08:20 90
14:24 80
04:20 400
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06:26 300
02:55 70
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30:59 40000
19:37 95000
03:56 200
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26:49 40
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12:22 350
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10:37 10
06:12 100
24:12 8000
03:50 10
13:34 10
02:59 1200
05:38 350
08:54 1000

The Danish writer Andersen became famous throughout the world mainly thanks to four fairy tales.

Andersen's fairy tales - list of the most popular:

  1. Ugly duck. It is believed that the fairy tale about the fate of the duckling is like a description of life little Hans Andersen, because he was also unprepossessing on the outside and very dreamy on the inside.
  2. The king's new dress. This fairy tale, as Hans himself admitted, was borrowed by him from a third-party source, but has become so famous that people begin to read Andersen’s fairy tales from it.
  3. Princess on the Pea. One of the first fairy tales that parents read to their daughters, it tells the story of a little princess who is so sensitive that even forty feather feathers will not prevent her from feeling a pea.
  4. Shadow. A short philosophical essay, just right for reading and understanding by children of high school age.

Andersen's fairy tales, the list of the most famous ones is also complemented by The Snow Queen with countless film adaptations, Ole Lukoye, Thumbelina and many, many other immortal works.

about the author

The writer and storyteller was born in 1805 into a very poor Danish family. From childhood he was a dreamer and visionary, which was encouraged by his father. Andersen was not married, he had no children, he put all his love into the theater, this passion of his brought him a lot of humiliation, he often had to beg to be taken into the play, so he could not make money doing what he loved. Andersen wrote his main fairy tales after 1833, when he went on a trip with the king’s money. He tried to write plays and novels, but only fairy tales brought him popularity, which, although he wrote, he said that he despised them...

Oh, no, Andersen had no intention of becoming a storyteller! All his dreams were about acting career, hectic life and other joys. However, it so happened that a thin and completely ugly boy, who excelled in singing and reciting poetry in public, was, thanks to his appearance, not destined to become famous actor. Hans' life itself has become similar to one of his many stories, in which the hero has to endure many adversities before achieving something truly worthwhile, such as Andersen's fairy tales, a list of which, by the way, contains his own autobiography under the simple title “Fairy Tale” of my life".

Andersen's life was not fun or simple; he was always very lonely, even among friends. However, there is no place for sadness in his stories and, as they say in Len’s fairy tale, the song never ends and this is the most wonderful thing! We know about this, and therefore we are the happiest! Andersen's fairy tales are pleasant and easy to read, because through them you can understand what it means: to be the happiest of all.



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