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Sexual Astrology: same-sex love. Some unexpected sides of the zodiac signs
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The topic of relationship astrology, be it sex, love or partnership, is rapidly gaining popularity, and therefore the range of questions asked to astrologers is expanding. For example, defining criteria for homosexuality. There are no clear indications of sexual deviations of this kind in the natal chart yet, but the time has come to bring some clarity to this issue.

Astrology of homosexuality: theory

1. Mars and Venus in the natal chart

Mars is responsible for a man's masculinity and sexuality.
- weak Mars is Mars located in female signs - Taurus, Libra or Cancer;
- strong Mars is Mars in Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn.
- the position of Mars in Sagittarius or Leo leans more towards masculinity;
- the position of Mars in Virgo and Pisces is partially inclined towards femininity;
- the position of Mars in Gemini and Aquarius is the most neutral. But if we take into account that the rulers of these signs, Mercury and Uranus, are asexual planets, then Mars is “blind”, symbolizing fluctuations in matters of sexual identification, uncertain orientation and bisexuality.

A man with Mars in a feminine sign does not necessarily have feminine behavior, he is simply more sensitive and vulnerable, and treats men with more tenderness and interest, for example, his friends. And relationships with women do not bring the satisfaction he needs. May avoid women both consciously and subconsciously.

The above is identical to the female horoscope, only in reverse. Venus is strongest in feminine signs (Taurus, Cancer and Libra), and weakest in masculine signs (Aries, Scorpio and Capricorn). At the same time, the male abode of Venus gives feminine character more courage and determination, and women's - softness and femininity. And only certain premises of the horoscope can influence sexual orientation.

2. Perception of the opposite sex and tense aspects

Even the ancient Greek astronomer and astrologer Ptolemy pointed out in his tetrabook that if a man has the Sun, Mars, Venus and Moon in feminine signs, then he is prone to homosexuality; in a woman, accordingly, if these planets fall in masculine signs. In general, the totality of these planets is taken into account: in what signs they accumulate in the natal chart.

According to classical Astrology, typically male planets, the Sun and Mars, are responsible for relationships with men, and typically female planets, the Moon and Venus, are responsible for relationships with women.
A rather tense aspect is the square between the Sun and Mars and between the Moon and Venus. The Sun-Mars square indicates certain obstacles in the perception of men, and the Moon-Venus square indicates certain obstacles in the perception of women. Square between Mars and the Sun in women's horoscope suggests difficulties in building relationships with the opposite sex, which can lead (if there are other aspects of the horoscope) to bisexuality or a change of orientation. The same situation can arise for men whose horoscope contains a square of the Moon and Venus.
Another tense aspect is the square or opposition between the Moon and Mars.

Astrology of homosexuality: practice

When studying natal homosexual men, the following patterns are noted, some of which contradict the point “about strong Mars,” so simple weaknesses of Mars by Sign cannot be avoided here. There are very harmonious positions of Mars, for example, in Aries or Scorpio, and the person is bi- or homosexual. But at the same time, the “Sun-Moon” motif is very strong. In general, the Moon seems to acquire much greater significance in the male horoscope than Mars, and is more responsible for personal sympathies and emotional attachments than for primitive physiological attraction.

Here are the most common trends in the natal charts of bisexuals and homosexuals:
- fullness of the house of Scorpio (cluster of planets in the sign of Scorpio);
- fullness of the house of Libra (many planets in the sign of Libra);
- close interaction of the Scorpio sphere with Venus, for example: Venus in Scorpio, Pluto-Venus conjunction, etc.;
- close interaction of the lunar and uranic spheres, for example: Moon-Uranus conjunction, Moon in Aquarius, etc.;
- Venus or Mars fall into dual signs - Gemini, Libra or Pisces;
- planets (one or more) are damaged or burned: Moon, Uranus, Mars (for men), Venus (for women).

You can consider natal charts famous personalities with homo- and bisexual tendencies. Let’s say P.I. Tchaikovsky: Moon in Cancer (feminine Moon according to Ptolemy), Mars – burned, in Taurus (Mars in a feminine sign and “damaged masculinity”). That is, without even going into details natal chart, already at first glance, as many as three indicators of erotic or sexual inclination towards the same sex are visible. Or, for example, M.I. Tsvetaeva: Mars in Aquarius (Mars in an asexual sign), Mars square to the Moon. Freddie Mercury: A cluster of planets in Libra, including the sexiest planets Mars and Venus - in Libra.

And finally, the path of “least resistance” - tracking the frequency of zodiac signs on the most popular gay dating site, gave completely unexpected results, although this may be a coincidence. Gay Scorpios predominate according to the Sun (representatives of the most courageous after Aries zodiac sign!). Aquarians, known for their craving for everything unconventional, took second place. By the way, from the point of view of sexual Astrology, it is these two planets: Pluto (ruler of Scorpio) and Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) that serve as the main cause of all kinds of sexual deviations.

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According to astrologers, stars can say a lot about a person. The time and place of a person’s birth significantly determine his future destiny. The stars do not affirm, the stars only suggest and indicate problematic moments in a person’s life. But if so much is laid down at birth, then perhaps sexual orientation is predetermined, or at least exists as a ghostly sketch. Can a professional astrologer, by drawing up a person’s star chart, determine the present or predetermine the sexual future? .

Albert Einstein

It turned out that the stars predict problem areas and patterns of sexual behavior quite accurately. But only if the person is heterosexual. Plus, the same arrangement of stars for men and women has different interpretation. Since male and female sexuality are completely different things. It is known that the signs of the Zodiac alternately, in order of priority, have an active, action-oriented, or passive sensual nature. The active, or masculine, signs are those with odd numbers: Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius. Passive, or feminine, signs are those with even numbers: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn and Pisces. And so, without knowing the gender it is impossible to give an accurate description. We find confirmation of this conclusion in Vivien Robson’s book “Astrology Sex and Marriage”: “Currently we do not have any reliable method for determining the physiological sex of the owner of a horoscope (although intellectual and psychological gender can be determined very simply). The location of all stars and planets in male signs and positions does not at all indicate that the owner of the horoscope is a man, just as the same number of female factors does not mean that the owner of the horoscope is a woman. However, this suggests that the owner of the horoscope, who has these intellectual and psychological characteristics, perhaps one should be a man or a woman, regardless of what bodily form he or she is clothed in.”

The situation is much more complicated with people of non-traditional orientation. The issue of sexual orientation has been little studied and there are no direct unambiguous indications. But there are indications of distortions when, for example, a woman has sharply expressed harmonious aspects of the male planets and “cooled” the female planets additionally with a strong reflection of Mars or Pluto, etc. But so far few clear combinations of planets indicating certain perversions have been identified. Almost everyone has some distortions in this regard, which can be grounds for promoting sexual deviations. Every person has masculine and feminine qualities, but everyone has their own proportions. And the degree of hetero-, bi- and homosexuality depends on this ratio. It turns out that in order to accurately recreate an accurate picture, you need to know what is in specific person more, and only start from this when drawing up a horoscope.

According to astrologers, the planet Venus is responsible for female sexuality: love, feelings, aesthetics, harmony, choice. For the masculine - Mars: impulsiveness, passion, energy, aggression, violence. Depravity and inferiority are often expressed by Lilith (Black Moon, or the apogee of the Lunar orbit). Unusuality, originality, deviation from the norm - Uranus.

The Lots, or Parses, invented by Arab astrologers, which are obtained by adding or subtracting the coordinates of different planets, show anything, or rather, our expectation of happiness or unhappiness, love or enmity, etc. It has been known since ancient times that a talented person can have a terrible character, while a mediocre person can be pleasant and prosper. Abilities are determined by planets, talents - by the position of planets in the signs of the Zodiac. But character is determined by aspects, or the relative positions of the planets. Just like notes in music, planets can sound differently depending on the sequence and combinations - chords.

When several planets are connected by aspects, a chord is obtained, or in astrological terms, a configuration. From the works of astrologers we learn that usually perversions that harm women are associated with a weak and severely affected Venus. A strong and favorable Venus is a familiar sign of many types of sexual deviations, especially masochism and homosexuality. The nature of aspects to Venus often makes it possible to distinguish different types sexual deviations. So, we will look for the answer in repeating signs, planets, houses, aspects, lots and stars.

Some definitions are also presented in the article by astrologer Andrei Pavlov. If a woman was born on a new moon, then she will experience serious complications in the realization of motherhood and sexual femininity. After all, on the new moon there are dark nights, and the Sun, connecting with the Moon, not only eclipses it, but also, as it were, steps on it. And if the Moon was not in the sky at the time of the woman’s birth, then feminine the native will have a defect. In addition, there will be a huge influence of a strong man who will try to overshadow her, or she will devote her life to her career. Witches and sorcerers are born near the new moon, especially before the new moon. Men born on a full moon are often unhappy, because, firstly, they have a huge chance of becoming slaves to their lower instincts, and secondly, of falling “under the heel” of a stronger woman on whom they are completely dependent. In the worst case, these are alcoholics, drug addicts, vicious people who cannot refuse to indulge in pleasure once again. IN best case scenario such a man will be lucky if he chooses the profession of a cook (a kind fat guy whom everyone loves), a psychologist, a fashion designer, a designer or a winemaker. IN men's horoscopes this is one indication of possible homosexuality.

The problem is that the tendency towards homosexuality is often a consequence of human evolution outside the framework of a fixed horoscope. For example, trauma in childhood, single-parent family, emotional coldness of parents, divorce, psychological trauma in relationships with the opposite sex, etc. But several life problems can be determined by the location of the stars and, accordingly, it is logical to assume that, based on this, it is possible to predict further development sexuality.

In fact, there is a stable psychological and behavioral stereotype. Moreover, if a person of homosexual orientation does not have rejection towards people of the opposite sex, then bisexuality occurs, and it is unlikely that in the end the natural course of things will not prevail.

If, as is typical, there is a rejection towards people of the opposite sex with a psychocomplex about their unpleasantness, “dirtyness” or inferiority, then a distortion in terms of tolerance and a xenophobic complex take place. This is a humiliation of Love in terms of its totality and invariance. The dominance of the carnal principle and sensual pleasure of a certain type forms an egocentric scheme of exclusivity, looks unnatural and begins to seem that a person is disadvantaged by someone or something or “misunderstood”.

Behind any homosexual phenomenon there is a problem that needs to be subtly and thoughtfully analyzed and studied. Avoidance of condemnation or distortion in terms of tolerance and a xenophobic complex. This is the competence of neo-astrology, dynamic psychoanalysis, highly individual and extremely complex. There is still no way to take into account the interaction of two horoscopes of homosexual couples. And there are answers, they are obvious, but like any deviations they belong to the part that is atypical, extremely complex and subtle. The solution is at the level of psychoanalysis, psychology and innate and fateful qualities (astrology). But most likely, astrology alone without psychology is not entirely suitable here.

When analyzing horoscopes to obtain information regarding sexual relationships and inclinations, you should remember some rules. The following notes concern the Sun Sign and its interpretation.

At the same time, BF went further and turned to two independent astrologers, providing them with the birth dates of people unknown to them, of different ages, from different cities and with different sexual preferences, with a request to draw up their horoscopes and determine their sexual orientation. In the first case, the astrologer determined correctly with an accuracy of 90% of cases, and in the second - 100%.

But in any case, astrology should not be considered an axiom. In one of his interviews, Pavel Globa noted: “To say that astrology predetermines everything is wrong. We can only assume certain events in advance; we haven’t studied everything in the sky yet, and we don’t know all the stars. There are some situations where, thanks to the stars, we can make a choice in advance and have time to prepare. Is everything predetermined or not? Most likely no. This is how the doctor makes the diagnosis, and whether to be treated or not is decided by the patient himself. Additional information has never bothered anyone, and if handled correctly, it is beneficial. But at the same time, there is no need to take astrology to the point of absurdity and insanity. You need to look into the horoscope only when there are serious problems; going or not going somewhere is not a problem. Any person can solve such a question anyway; such a solution does not carry anything key. It would be absurd to see a cockroach and rush to the horoscope to decide whether to kill it or not.”

When analyzing horoscopes to obtain information regarding sexual relationships and inclinations, you should remember some rules. The following notes concern Sun sign and its interpretations.


Sexual indulgence is to do more with maximum impulse, and even more than one can, trying one's best. Aries is associated with an urgent need for various flirtations and affairs of love, mainly those that flatter the big ego of Aries. Affected Mars or Uranus may indicate sadistic tendencies. Aries has a tendency towards physiological or psychologically conditioned sexual weakness, sometimes characteristic of Aries men, or indifference to sex for Aries women.


Known as the most lustful and lustful sign. This especially applies to Taurus men. Their promiscuity in sex can rival their promiscuity and gluttony in food. Sensuality is crucial for Taurus. They never miss a chance to enrich their sexual experience; they are in search and accumulation of memories of successful lessons. At the same time, by nature, Taurus is loyal, complacent, patient, and simply pleases him. His feelings are deep and strong, he is characterized by possessive instincts. The relationships of Taurus are largely related to financial issues, since by their nature Taurus is a “money” sign.


Known as a fickle sign, prone to betrayal. They may have tendencies toward cruelty and sadism. Polygamy, polyandry and bisexuality are associated with Gemini in obvious ways. The usual attitude of Gemini to the problem of sex is not only experimental, but is often colored by indifference, prudence and selfishness. Often this sign has two affairs at the same time.

The most romantic of the signs, so much so that sex turns into a whim. Sexual devotion is also associated with this sign. Bad mood is the main type of offensive weapon, as well as outbursts of anger, tears and nagging. Cancers are afraid of ridicule and hate criticism. All Cancers have highly developed parental feelings. In sex, he is sentimental and tends to act as a patron.

Tends to put fans on a pedestal and admire their sexual prowess. Leo seeks delight wherever possible, although he will remain loyal to his long-term partner. As a rule, Leos are unhappy in terms of personal relationships. This may occur due to errors in choosing objects of affection, imprudence and impulsiveness during sexual contacts. Leo is an idealist, which often leads to disappointment and loss of illusions, broken engagements and unhappy marriages.


The main perversion associated with this sign is masochism. This speaks to the deep roots of psychological fixation on the fear of infection, which quite often turns many Virgos away from sex altogether. They prefer to mock themselves and enjoy it. Homosexual tendencies are more common in female Virgos. They rarely awaken violent feelings in those around them.


They are idealists and are often more in love with ideas about love than with their partner. Libras tend to demonstrate their affection to others rather than actually experience it. Natural charm provides them with invaluable help. However, if other factors indicate a desire to attract big number partners, then it does not follow that Libra is one of the most sexual signs. Often, Libra flirts with one suitor or another, and in the end they lose everyone and are faced with the prospect of being left alone or being content with the first one they come across.


Known to have an urgent need for sex, although Scorpio's excess sexual appetite should be sought in its opposition. This sign keeps the situation under control and is capable of self-government. Jealousy is a fall, uncertainty and inability, which is why jealous Scorpio is generally associated with sexual perversions. Scorpios are characterized by homosexual tendencies.


Lots of flirting is most likely, although it doesn't often go too far. Idealism, along with excess enthusiasm, follows flirtation. Sagittarius is excited by the desire to achieve his goal, but when the goal is achieved, he may become confused. As partners, they tend to demonstrate a friendly disposition rather than tender feelings. They are inquisitive, friendly, but sometimes tiresome with their advice. Sagittarius chooses as it seems to them ideal partner, but often this choice turns out to be false.


Associated with both sadism and masochism. Very often among them there are misogynists and homosexuals. Perhaps this is due to their composure. Capricorns can't help themselves from being in control. Not content with managing their own life and the life of their partner, they strive to manage the life of anyone they meet along the way. In addition, they are very concerned about rights and are not inclined to forgive.


It is not entirely correct to conclude that they are very sexy, since they are often clumsy and stumble into everything, irritating their partner. Sexual issues do not particularly concern Aquarius. To a large extent, friendship replaces for him the desire for possession in love and sexuality. Aquarians are strict in matters of morality and adhere to old-fashioned views, and are very receptive to praise and flattery. None of this is conducive to happiness or contentment with your partner, which may prompt you to look for new hobbies.


Imagining sex in their minds, emotional and sympathetic. They confuse sexual desire with emotional excitement. Sensitive, they are unable to resist temptation and long to be deceived. Often they don’t know what sex really is. From a sexual point of view, Pisces tend to be promiscuous, but negative qualities are explained more by his weakness and emotionality than by depravity in the literal sense of the word. It all depends on the upbringing and environment that Pisces choose for themselves.

The personal horoscope of each person can clearly show whom and at what period of his life he will love; the horoscope will help to identify with which of the partners the relationship will be strong enough, and with whom, most of all, it will not. Especially when it comes to issues of love and sexual relationships, the horoscope will help you find answers to all your questions.

All zodiac signs, without exception, have a number of features unique to them. The characteristics of the zodiac signs in the form in which it is given cannot be called one hundred percent in most cases, since it is compiled only for “pure” signs, which are rare. It will not help to fully reveal the sides of a person general characteristics sign, but an individual natal chart.

Sexiest zodiac sign

Leadership in this list can rightfully be given to representatives of Scorpios and Aries, who have such strong sexual energy that they are simply ready to blow up everything around them. However, they show it in completely different ways: for example, a calm and measured Scorpio at first glance will have to be shaken thoroughly before he begins to experience at least some feelings. What is especially interesting is that Scorpios are often guided by their subconscious impulses, which at the cellular level force them to constantly think about procreation.

In the case of a Scorpio, increased libido is not an indicator of depravity, for them sincere love comes first, and you can be sure that having fallen in love with a girl, Scorpios will never cheat on her, they will preserve for a long time those wonderful feelings that flared up in him .

For Aries, unlike Scorpios, the desire to indulge in passion is primary; Aries can first satisfy his own needs and only then ask what the name of his chosen one is. Passion in Aries arises from the first minute, burns with a bright flame, it’s a pity that it doesn’t last long!

Zodiac elements and sex

As you know, there are 4 elements - these are Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and the entire zodiac series can be divided according to these elements. So the element of Fire, which includes Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, is characterized by passion, expression, momentary impulses that guide these signs.

The Water signs, which include Cancers, Scorpios and Pisces, are distinguished by tenderness and sedateness. Sincere, trusting relationship, are higher for them than sexual needs, it is difficult for such a sign to immediately plunge into the pool of passion if they are not confident enough that they represent true value for their partner.

Air signs, which include Gemini, Libra and Aquarius, place a person’s mental capabilities in the first place. In addition to sexual aspects, such people can often be connected by long friendships and partnerships. An interesting, exciting conversation is sometimes more important to them than good sex.

Representatives of the Earth, such as Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, always look for reliability and solidity in everything and everyone, and therefore only if the relationship takes the direction of longevity, in this case the “earthly” ones will give the go-ahead for physical contact, full of sensuality and passion. In addition, it should be noted that over time, the sensuality of earth signs only intensifies.

Sexual compatibility of zodiac signs

There are many options for combining signs, but each merger can carry both positive aspects and negative relationships that do not always satisfy either partner.

Fire-Fire. If both representatives of a given element are adjacent to a couple, one spark may be enough for the relationship, each with its own flame, which will further enhance the depth of feelings. However, there is a risk of paying off just as quickly.

Fire-Air. The influence of Air sharply intensifies the flame of Fire, the main problem The point is that both partners are leaders by nature, and for sure someday there will be a moment when one will be forced to make concessions, and at that moment a truly “fiery” showdown will begin.

Fire water. To be honest, not the best combination. Since in most cases water can be capricious and sometimes suspicious, it is difficult for Fire to adapt to the constant changes in the mood of Water, as a result of which misunderstanding is born in the couple.

Fire-Earth. Relationships carry mutual affection and understanding, but only at a fairly late age

Air-to-Air, provided they find a large number of common points of contact, can become a wonderful couple. And there will be no problems with sex at all.

Air-Water, there is a risk of misunderstanding with sexual relations, since Water Signs prefer spontaneous and quick sex, and Water Signs are exactly the opposite.

Air-Ground, not a very successful combination of elements. Earth signs love everything stable, time-tested, since at the same time, Air constantly strives for variety and new sensations

Earth-Earth. For something worthwhile to come out of a union, people need to know each other a large number of time. Only in this state of affairs is harmony and understanding possible in a couple

Water-Water. In such a couple, one must be more active than the other, otherwise both partners will calmly go with the flow, without thinking about anything else.

Water-Earth. Difficult relationship, since Water constantly demands proof of love and devotion, and Earth refuses to understand such perseverance and meticulousness.

The most common questions related to a particular sign

Pisces are cold in bed

This is a deep misconception, but fish bark with truly the highest sensuality and tenderness, which means that the manifestation of love, warmth and care in bed is far from the last place for them.

Libra needs to be pushed towards something specific

Libra is a sign that constantly doubts, looking for the most preferable conditions. Libras love careful preparation for everything, which means that if you are planning a night with Libra, you need to take care of a romantic evening in advance.

How can a Gemini conquer a rebellious Aries?

Laughter is laughter, but to truly surprise Aries, you need to sleep with him. Only if the next morning Aries is satisfied with the result, and Gemini doesn’t make mistakes during sex, the couple can expect a long and deep relationship.

Are specific zodiac signs associated with gayness?

An individually compiled horoscope will clearly demonstrate which principle prevails in a particular human-female or masculine, and, accordingly, the more energy a person has that is opposite to his gender, the more pronounced will be the tendency towards unconventional orientation. If a woman's horoscope is dominated by Yang energy, then she is likely to have a desire for lesbian relationships, and if a man has a lot of Yin energy, there is a tendency towards homosexuality. Scorpios are considered the most sophisticated in sex, and Aries are truly the most tireless in bed.

Are Pisces and Capricorns compatible?

As mentioned above, representatives of the Earth (which include Capricorns) are often dissatisfied with the constant desire of Water (Pisces) to cling to something, which means that the less suspicious Pisces are, and the more compliant Capricorn is, the greater the likelihood of harmonious relationships.

Who cheats more often?

The question is complex and largely depends directly on the character of the person, but it is believed that Gemini, Pisces and Sagittarius will be the most prone to betrayal. The peculiarity of the characteristics of these signs suggests that they need constant comparison, and they choose something all their lives.

Who is the coldest zodiac sign?

The least sexual energy is typical for signs Air element, and the most passionate and impulsive are the Fire signs. It should be remembered that sexual energy can manifest itself in different ways - each sign sometimes manages to direct all its impetuosity in a different direction

Everything in life is not accidental, is that true?

Our whole life has always consisted and consists of a long chain of causes and effects. Thus, our actions can become a cause for someone else, and for others, on the contrary, a consequence of some previously taken steps. Every event in our life is described in advance in our horoscope, so that what is supposed to happen, what is destined by karma, will definitely happen. It's only a matter of time.

Which zodiac sign is considered the most faithful, and who should not be lost from sight?

The search for a life partner sometimes takes up a significant part of our lives. But we decided to make your search a little easier by telling you which zodiac sign is considered the most affectionate, compiling a fidelity rating for you on a scale from 1 - monogamous to 3 - ladies' man.

Aries: hot head and passionate heart
Loyalty rating: 2

If our “experimental” fell in love, at this stage you are definitely lucky - he is romantic and sentimental. Aries tends to trust his feelings and sensations, so he will promise everything you want. But let's not rush things. Aries is a conqueror, and after achieving a goal, our handsome guy can easily switch to a new object. And yet, in a relationship he is calm and self-confident, he will become good defender, loving and faithful husband, a wonderful father, and an equally wonderful lover. However, Aries cannot be called the most a sure sign, given his love for new sensations.

Taurus: does not chase Casanova’s laurels, and rarely loses his head
Loyalty rating: 1

Taurus men are outwardly closed, but the feelings of representatives of this sign are very deep. They are also very persistent: they will achieve their goal at any cost, so if you see desire in his eyes, remember that for Taurus desires and feelings are the same thing, which means that the boy is in love, and you are really lucky. In love, Taurus are very gentle, passionate, touching and not burdened with unnecessary questions. And if Taurus got married, it means his choice is completely conscious, he counts on reciprocity and fidelity. Therefore, Taurus can safely be considered the most faithful man!

Gemini: Impermanence is consistency
Loyalty rating: 3

Gemini men are a complete mystery, a rebus. They are, in principle, very cold-blooded; at the beginning of a relationship, the desire to know and get to know you is clearly noticeable. But there comes a period when Gemini begins to “withdraw into himself.” At this time, he clearly analyzes everything, and if the Gemini man understands that the relationship is profitable and comfortable, it will continue, but if not, he is looking for a new goal. Therefore, as a rule, they are very fickle and prone to breaking up relationships. This does not mean that you should not get involved with Gemini men, no, you just need to know some of the features of their character.

Cancer: so beautiful, but so unfaithful
Loyalty rating: 3

The Cancer man, at first glance, is one of the most reliable partners, a faithful lover and an ideal family man. In fact, Cancers only strive for their own comfort. The Cancer man finds an excuse for everything, while he himself is never to blame. Even if he finds his girlfriend in bed with another, he will come up with 100 reasons and excuses, and you will be the one to blame for the situation. Cancer men are very promiscuous in relationships. However, among Cancers there are also those who have been devoted to their girlfriend since their youth. Or after 35 years.

Leo men can often be picked out from a crowd by their appearance alone. They have a strong physique (or strive for such), are well dressed, combed, love nice branded clothes - they are materialists. They also give gifts willingly. Leo is one of the most loyal signs of the Zodiac. You can break up with Leo by the following reasons: if you put yourself above him, if you surpass Leo in career success, if you are trying to manage relationships. For the rest, you can be sure: Leo will be reliable and faithful to you!

Virgos: reliable and practical, but why is this not appreciated?
Loyalty rating: 1

Virgo men are not very simple. They don't like theatrical productions, so they won’t dance with you until the morning and read poetry under your windows. The Virgo man always analyzes and pays attention to details, he remembers what you were wearing, how you behaved, what you said. Sex for such a man is not just physical contact. They are quite squeamish and selective, afraid of becoming infected with something, so they have practically no casual connections. So, despite some “boringness” of the sign, Virgos are faithful men.

Libra ruled by Venus
Loyalty rating: 1

Libras are honest, attentive, and can be reliable friends and partners. Libra men are not conquerors; they can break even in everyday matters when the situation develops in such a way that they cannot or do not have time to adapt to it. They like to please, seduce, play, and in return they expect praise, recognition, approval and admiration. Libra men love stability and balance, so they rarely become the reason for betrayal and breakups. If he cheats, he will be caught because he himself will not be comfortable.

Scorpio: the best lover?
Loyalty rating: 3

It is generally accepted that Scorpios are the best in bed. A Scorpio man does not need accessibility: the less accessible and understandable, the better, the greater the interest, the stronger the excitement. Scorpio has two components - soul and flesh. Most often he uses the second one, but access to the soul must be earned. And these two components are constantly in conflict: the soul wants to be faithful, and the flesh... Well, you know where it is calling. Therefore, the Scorpio man is considered the most unfaithful of the zodiac signs. But Scorpios still get married, and if this happens, you are lucky: he protects his home and family like a fortress.

Sagittarius - he is also a Sagittarius in Africa
Loyalty rating: 3

The name of the sign is very harmonious and in tune with its bearer. Sagittarius men are lifelong experimenters, and it doesn't matter what he discovers or receives - it's the process itself that matters. They want to try everything. However, they come in two types: the first redirect their sexual energy to creation, creativity and service to other people; and the latter become true Don Juans. Moreover, love for such representatives of the sign is a sport, a game, an adventure. Sagittarians get married when they understand that an ideal partner does not exist and they will have to be content with what they have.

Capricorn - this is real stability!
Loyalty rating: 1

Capricorns fall in love very difficult, but if this happens, their love is very deep. Capricorns are not particularly good at expressing their feelings, they are not romantics, but this in no way prevents them from creating strong relationships. If Capricorn falls in love, you can be absolutely sure that he will not cheat and will refuse divorce. Capricorn does not need to be conquered by sophisticated outfits or wonderful makeup; he is rather a conservative, and will appreciate an ordinary classic suit much more than a clown outfit. Capricorn in marriage is practical, thrifty and hardworking. He demands the same attitude from his partner.

Aquarius: freedom is our everything!
Loyalty rating: 3

Aquarians are not used to asking, so if you want a relationship with them, take the first step, and he will step forward. Aquarians are often monogamous, and therefore faithful in marriage. They trust their partner, do not control them and often compromise. But, paradoxically, divorces are very common among Aquarius. And this happens because the partner believes that Aquarius does more for others than for the family. Aquarius may leave when he feels that he is “housebound.” At the same time, he has been preparing a retreat plan for a long time, but everything happens suddenly, according to the plan “he went for bread in slippers and did not return.”

Pisces: sensuality and soulfulness
Loyalty rating: 1

Pisces men are soft and kind, they know how to dream and empathize. Love comes to them quietly and imperceptibly, over time it matures and develops. These are exactly those representatives of the Zodiac who can read poetry and sing serenades under the window. But, as we know, one coin always has two sides. The second is that instead of sublime feelings and emotions, Pisces often choose exclusively sexual pleasure. But in marriage, Pisces men are the most attached and devoted, they do everything for the family.

At the end of each section
characteristics are listed three
groups of signs by degree
intimate compatibility
+ perfect for your
~ suitable for you in one way or another
-- incompatible with your sign.
ARIES (March 21 - April 20)
His strong, domineering, often
extraordinary character
manifests itself in all respects
people, including
relationships with loved ones. For
he achieves his goal
uses all sorts of tricks
capable of deceit, often
creates problems for himself and
difficulties where there are none. Wherein
proximity itself no longer brings
his charm because of his strength
were spent to ensure that
achieve. Aries sex happens
untempered and rude, with
this is the slightest hint of
sexual incompetence
hurts him painfully. Loves it when
partner admires him, him
only praise is needed
words. Sometimes Aries becomes
suspicious, and then intimacy
turns into a partner
torture. There is no doubt that
Aries will choose his partner
the person who will
obey and follow it
whims. By purchasing at
relationships, self-confidence and
calm down, Aries will be
beautiful sexy
partner and good ally.
+ Leo, Gemini, Sagittarius
~ Libra, Virgo, Taurus
- Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio
TAURUS (April 21 – May 20)
Partners strive for long-term
and loved ones, one might say
marital, relationship with him.
They are captivated by his confidence in
self, sense of self
dignity, correctness and
respectful attitude towards
partner. You can't name him
sophisticated and refined
lover, but his passion is strong
and has a stimulating effect. IN
he strives for intimacy
equality and does not strive
suppress your partner
sensuality. It is open at
all manifestations of intimacy and
assumes the presence of the same
openness from the other side.
Jealous, but considers it his own
weakness. In choosing partners,
as in everything else, absolutely
independent and relies only on
own experience. His
almost impossible
seduce with all sorts of
tricks, for this he is enough
smart and insightful. Saves
excellent physical shape
old age. Close
Taurus relationships
long lasting and happy
although he doesn't apply to it
special effort.
+ Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces
~ Gemini
- Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Aries
GEMINI (May 21 – June 21)
Most guys born
under this sign - talented,
gifted natures, but
talent is not at all
the key to talent in
sexual sphere. Twins
have sensual
perception of the surrounding world.
They highly value the beauty of their partner and
the beauty of intimate relationships.
Romantic worldview
prevents him from correctly assessing
partner, it envelops him
a flair of romance that evokes
natural response, but
moment of intimacy often
disappoints your partner. After all
The twin loves not so much the other,
how much of yourself is in this love.
Romantic images feed him
creativity, but not intimate
relationship. He needs
continuous care, and almost
there's always a guy who
sacrifices himself for his talent,
who clearly understands that
create a union with Gemini
impossible, and is content
the role of a guardian muse.
+ Libra, Aquarius, Leo, Gemini
- Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius
CANCER (June 22 – July 22)
There's a long trail behind him
offended and abandoned
boyfriends, but it doesn't appeal to
with feelings of compassion,
because he has little to do with him
predisposed What makes him different is
selfishness, flavored with a fair amount
some snobbery and
self-confidence. Guys
more experienced people avoid him, but
he is capable of young hares
turn your head and throw it away
they will only bore him. Cancer
takes care of his own health
and always submits to this concern
my sex life. He is very
erotic, but in bed more often
takes care of his own
satisfied, behaves
sometimes offensive and cynical.
Get real pleasure
only those inclined to avoid contact with him
partners to masochism.
Relationships are closer than partnerships,
considers it an attempt on life
personal freedom. It's not made for
union, because it suppresses everyone
those around you. But even here
there are exceptions when
takes control even more
a powerful and tough man.
+ Taurus, Scorpio
~ Gemini, Virgo, Pisces, Leo
- Libra, Capricorn
LEO (July 23 – August 23)
Like any lion, he has a lot
weaknesses. People around me don't even
suspect that behind the confident and
good-natured appearance can
hiding far from confident
in your abilities and
possibilities man. To him
it always seems that
the slightest mistake he will
criticized by
partner. Because of this, he constantly
is in a nervous state
voltage. To prove to myself
and to others your fullness, Leo
indulges in all sorts of things
love affairs and enters into
dubious connections to which
not naturally predisposed.
If his partner manages to figure him out,
then the king of beasts can become
a toy in the paws of a favorite. By-
truly find out the depth of the soul and
to uncover real strength Leo
maybe only smart and tactful
a partner who can convince
him is that he is a cut above
any man. Exactly like this
partner and will be his companion,
having received a beautiful reward
a man: faithful, reverent and
+ Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius
~ Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio
- Taurus, Aquarius
VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)
Composure, love of order is not
only in business, but also in
relationships with a partner,
characteristic of those born under
sign of Virgo. Striving for
clarity and simplicity, as well as
some shyness a little
complicate his love affairs.
His amorousness also hinders him,
stemming from several
ideal idea of
to a man. Sexual
his possibilities are high, but
the partner is struck first of all
not this, but his tenderness, which
rarely found in others
men. It is tenderness and
with devotion he wins the heart
beloved. At the same time he
able to satisfy the most
refined needs
partner. Only treason can
coolly turn his character around, and
the thirst for love will turn into thirst
revenge. He's a little childish and
he doesn't need so much
support as much as friendly
guy's location. Given that
attentive attitude towards him
becomes beautiful
+ Leo
~ Virgo, Aquarius, Pisces
- Taurus, Scorpio, Libra, Aries
LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)
Dual nature. On one
his beautiful is tipping the scales
character, grace,
elegance, desire for
stability, love
those around him, on the other -
painful, hidden from
everyone, an indomitable attraction to
man, constant thirst
sex. Sometimes prosperous
harmony is achieved, and he
manages to curb his
temperament, but it happens that
the other side of the scale goes down, and
need for pleasure
eclipses the whole world. This
the condition is fraught for him
breakdowns, nervous
disorders. Intimacy with a guy
just for a while
eases his suffering, and if
it was possible, he would have quit
and the union, and the work, and all immersed
into erotica. Position
is further aggravated by the fact that
partners don't get it
attention as he strives
to your own satisfaction
passions. He is able to achieve
relative peace in loved ones
relationship, provided that it
the husband will be the guy with
similar temperament.
+ Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries,
~ Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer
- Pisces, Virgo
SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)
Most sexy sign
horoscope. Males born
under this sign, most often
turn out to be temperamental and
capable of the most
unexpected actions. Scorpion
great player and artist.
Superb sexy
partner, he will never allow
relax yourself and get under
enchantment, since the biggest
the value for him is
personal freedom. Sex for him -
the sport in which he finds
application of your mind and talent
reincarnation. It's not
attracts accessibility, higher
his pleasure is to win
a man equal in strength
intelligence, free and
independent like him. Wherein
Scorpio is not interested in facts
victory, as much as the process of the game itself.
What he does to the vanquished
nobly, as he commands
own code of honor. IN
their reward goes to him
temperament and rich
sexual experience. Many
men believe that to lose
he doesn’t care what it means to win. IN
as a permanent partner
it is difficult to imagine and more often
all Scorpio remains
+ Capricorn, Pisces, Cancer, Virgo
~ Libra
- Aquarius, Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)
Cheerful, good-natured, in love with
nature. His kind soul
is drawn to beautiful deeds and
charming guys.
Traveling through life, he lets
Cupid's arrows to the right and to the left, not
caring very much about results. He
not ready for very strong
affection and does not require it from
partner. He is a romantic by nature and
tramp. wanderlust and
circumstances determine it
lifestyle. Man
will never become his guiding light
a star, but that doesn't say anything about him
indifference. Against,
sexual contacts deliver
he has a lot of fun, but giving
that’s all for the partner, he leaves, and he doesn’t
trying to hold him, great
aware that he was not created for
long union. Worrying
intimacy, he sincerely believes in
love, but after a while
from the meeting remain from time to time
sad tender memories.
Unsuccessful flirting is not scary
Sagittarius. It refers to
to what is happening philosophically: “Well
well, some other time.”
+ Pisces, Gemini, Virgo, Leo,
~ Scorpio, Capricorn
- Aries, Cancer
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)
Capricorn tends to clearly
determine your aspirations. He
realist and always finds the right thing
path to the goal. In a relationship with
he is almost always a man
achieves success, but this is not at all
characterizes him as
collector. The subject of it
passions are also an object of worship.
He remains faithful to him for a long time
time, he knows how to listen attentively
erotic experiences
men. Sex is always for him
colored by the feeling that it is very
highly valued by partners. IN
in sex Capricorn is reserved and wears
your erotic secrets in yourself, but
he is able to open up and
show all your passion
nature. Attempts to persuade him to
union often does not lead to anything
what result, since for
personal independence is dear to him,
and he creates a union only in that
case when he himself comes to
such a decision. He is in union
becomes excellent
partner, and attraction to an ally
over time even more
+ Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces
~ Aries, Cancer, Libra
- Aquarius, Leo
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 20)
For the temperamental man
This is most likely not a gift. His
the sexual sphere is small and
is somewhere on the outskirts of it
souls. Erotic claims
are minimal and it is quite
makes do with rare connections, in
whom he is not attracted to
so much physical pleasure
how much is the fact of possession
a beautiful partner,
temperament and experience
which he absolutely
indifferent. In many ways it
sexual behavior
determined by conversations with
friends, books. During
proximity he calmly and willingly
obeys his partner because
I’m simply not ready for another role. IN
union, he does not allow betrayal,
because his head is full
work and family matters. Not
looking at this, his chosen one
can't be called happy
because sensual
it gives him pleasure
few. Aquarius suits men
with limited temperament,
because in the rest of his life he
very interesting and gifted
man, faithful comrade and
+ Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius
~ Aries, Cancer, Virgo
- Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Capricorn
PISCES (February 21 – March 20)
Born under this sign
endowed with great sensuality.
Its rich inner world full
experiences and contrasts, and
erotic motives occupy in
it is not the last place. His
sensuality excites
partners and brings them a lot
pleasures, but any attempts
he penetrates the soul softly, but
correctly rejects. When are these
attempts become
persistent, goes away unnoticed,
letting your partner know that he
"a cat that walks by itself"
to yourself." About his intimate relationships
Even the best don't know
Friends. It's enough for him to rejoice
victories and experience failures in
alone. In his soul he
collector, but collector,
able to highly value one's own
acquisitions. Joins the union
quite consciously, although not
permanent partner. Joint
his life is quite stable, but
his partner will miss him
+ Taurus, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio,
~ Gemini
- Aries, Leo


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