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High speed train title. The fastest trains in the world. Japanese vs French competition

Reading time: 6 min.

The railroad appeared hundreds of years ago. There has been an evolution from heavy, clumsy trolleys to super-fast express trains that cross huge distances in a matter of hours, due to magnetic levitation, which is no surprise to anyone. This list includes the fastest trains that develop breakneck speed and work like clockwork.

Speed ​​- 315 km / h
The development of this train was carried out according to the schemes and drawings of the Shinkansen train, which comes from Japan. THSR 700T is located in Taiwan, its speed is from 300 to 315 kilometers per hour, it operates on the route north of Taipei - south of Kaohsiung. It has a dozen comfortable cars and in total it will fit about 1000 people. In 2005, he accelerated to his highest speed - 315 km / h.

Speed ​​- 320 km / h
This type of high-speed trains is widespread on the German railway, as well as in a number of neighboring countries. On the road from Strasbourg to Paris, InterCity Express accelerates to 320 km/h. These are long-distance trains distributed throughout Germany. Now Russia has bought this type of train, where they operate on routes from Moscow to Nizhny Novgorod and from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

Speed ​​- 334.7 km / h
Designed in the UK, a high-speed train from the TVG series that crosses the UK, Belgium and France via the Channel Tunnel (which has the second longest rail track in the world). The train seats nine hundred people and travels typically at a speed of 300/h, and the speed record of this train occurred in 2003 and is 334.7 km / h. To get from London to Paris, you just need to take a Eurostar ticket and in less than two and a half hours you will be there.

Speed ​​- 352 km / h
This train has another name, it is known as KTX II, its first appearance in South Korea was recorded in 2009. Designed by Hyundai Rotem, the French TGV is owned by Korail (South Korea's national railway operator). Although this train can reach the advertised speed of 352 km/h, which it reached in 2004, for safety reasons it does not exceed 305 km/h. Comfortable train cars can accommodate 363 people, it travels along two routes: Yongsan - Gwangju - Mokpo and Seoul - Busan.

Speed ​​- 362 km / h
This electric train was produced in Italy a quarter of a century ago, today its speed is 300 km / h, the official record was set in 2010 between Florence and Bologna and is equal to 362 km / h. It takes him a little less than an hour to get from Bologna to Milan. Three years ago, several ETR-1000 trains with a maximum speed of 400 km / h were supposed to be released, but the release was delayed due to lack of funding.

AVE Talgo-350

Speed ​​- 365 km / h
AVE (Alta Velocidad Española) is a trademark of the Spanish Railways operator Renfe-Operadora. This abbreviation, AVE, also means the word "bird" in Spanish. Each train of this class is high-speed, but we will be interested in the AVE Talgo-350, its capacity is 320 people. Picks up speed to 330 km / h, following from Madrid to Valladolid and from Madrid to Barcelona. In 2004, during the experiment, he was able to accelerate to 365 km / h. Because of its design, this electric train is nicknamed Pato ("duck").

Speed ​​- 486.1 km / h
The maximum speed for this Chinese train according to all documents is 380 km / h, but as it turned out, this is not the limit and it was able to reach a speed of 486.1 km / h. CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock Company - this is the company that produces these bullet trains. The 8 cars of this luxurious train are decorated in an airplane style and can accommodate about 500 people. For the first time, this train appeared on the rails in 2010 and followed the Shanghai-Nanjing route. Then two more lines were added: Wuhan - Guangzhou and Shanghai - Hangzhou.

Speed ​​- 501 km / h
Shanghai Maglev is a Chinese-made bullet train that runs on a magnetic suspension. The first time was seen in Shanghai in 2004. The average speed is 431 km/h, making the journey from the city center to the airport (30 kilometers) a five-minute trip. On November 12, 2003, an amazing event took place - the Shanghai Maglev Train reached a speed of more than five hundred kilometers per hour. The most interesting thing is that this train was developed not quite by the Chinese, but by the Germans. The Transrapid SMT is the model that served as the prototype for this train.

Speed ​​- 574.8 km / h
TVG are French trains that travel between France with Switzerland and France with Germany. Their average speed is 320 km/h. Despite this, the TGV POS model broke all speed records for trains running on rails, reaching 574.8 km/h in 2007.

Speed ​​- 581 km / h
The name of these trains comes from the Japanese word, which means "new highway". These trains received another nickname - "bullet", they own the absolute world record for trains that traveled with a magnetic suspension - 581 km / h, on the rails the result is more modest, but still impressive - 443 km / h. The journey between Osaka and Tokyo by such a bullet train will take only two and a half hours. In addition to being the fastest trains in the world, they are also the safest; not a single accident has occurred in more than four decades of operation.

If the slowest train takes the passenger to the desired destination, then the journey just seems like an eternity. But the travel time can be significantly reduced and the whole trip can be spent with maximum comfort. So that the road is not too long and tiring, you should travel on the right railway, which will run the fastest train in the world. And what trains claim to be the fastest? Let's look at a few contenders that are capable of speeds and allow passengers to get to their destinations quickly.

It is the fastest maglev train in the world. It was he who surprised the whole world in 2003 with a speed developed up to 581 km / h - the train managed to achieve this speed of movement twice during test work. And, in general, the average speed of this train is about 300 km / h. However, among high-speed trains in Japan, it has become a true symbol of reliability and speed - and has remained so for over fifty years.

Another contender for the title of the fastest is this French rail train, which is capable of accelerating to almost 575 km/h. The train showed this result during tests in 2007 - thus, it set a kind of world-class record among this type of train. The French are very proud of this train, because they have proven that rail trains can reach no less speed than the champions in this matter - trains on magnetic suspension. This train transports passengers from France to Switzerland and Germany, however, its speed of movement is on average 320 km/h.

This Chinese rail train managed to reach a speed of 487 km / h in test trials. In China's mass-produced train class, this train set a world record. In addition to the fact that it develops high speed, it is also considered the most comfortable and safe. It only takes about three hours to drive from Guangzhou to Wuhan, which are over 1,000 kilometers apart. A train usually moves at a speed of 350 km / h.

And this train can quite reasonably be called the fastest, since it can accelerate to a speed of 500 km / h. The train transports passengers from Tokyo to Aomori and back. Cars in business class, according to passengers, are very similar to the cabin. In addition to high technical characteristics, the Japanese train is distinguished by environmental friendliness and cutting-edge design. The demand for such trains is quite high. They are especially interested in the United States of America, which, when transporting passengers, primarily focuses on safety and environmental friendliness.

This fastest train in Russia, built by Siemens, was purchased by Russian Railways. The train runs on local roads from Moscow to St. Petersburg and vice versa. The maximum speed that the Sapsan is capable of is 350 km / h. However, on local roads the train moves at a speed of 200-250 km/h.

The trains created by Siemens are somewhat different from European-made trains. For example, the air intakes on the trains of this manufacturer are located on the roof, which makes it possible to operate the trains at a very (minus 50 degrees). The Sapsan salon is somewhat wider (by 30 cm) than the salons of European-type trains, which is explained by the different gauge of Russian roads and other dimensions of the rolling stock.

The first train built in England reached 38 km/h, surprising the townspeople and giving horse-drawn stagecoaches of the 19th century a hundred points ahead. Today, when the priority of long-distance travel is given to air transport, the appearance of a train that can reach speeds of up to 603 km/h can also change our perception.

Technologically, trains have evolved in the following sequence: locomotive traction, electric traction, magnetic cushion. Electric traction almost completely replaced steam 80-90 years after the appearance of the first steam locomotive, but still has not exhausted its potential, despite the development of magnetic levitation (maglev).

Japanese engineers went in two directions at once: to improve existing technologies and to develop new ones. Back in 1964, the Shinkansen high-speed highway was opened in Japan. Trains reach speeds of up to 320 km/h due to improved aerodynamic characteristics, new types of engines and other structural improvements. Other manufacturers of high-speed trains have also taken this path: French Alstom, American Bombardier, Spanish Talgo and German Siemens. Each of the companies has among its developments high-speed trains capable of reaching speeds of over 200 km/h. The era of high-speed trains in Russia began in 2009, when the first Sapsan was launched on the Moscow-St. Petersburg route, manufactured by Siemens based on the Velaro E high-speed train model and adapted for our country.

Japanese trains Shinkansen ranked third in the ranking of the fastest trains in the world.

The fastest operating maglev train in China is the Shanghai Maglev. The word "maglev" comes from an abbreviation of two: magnetic levitation. The essence of the technology lies in the mutual action of magnets, the same poles of which repel each other. This overcomes the main problem of rail trains - friction on the surface. The new technology required not only new trains without wheelsets, but also new infrastructure: a special T-shaped rail bed laid on a concrete pad. Visually, the train covers the rail from all sides, rising in motion by only 1-2 cm above the canvas. Shanghai maglev overcomes the route of 30 km in 7 minutes and 20 seconds. The maximum speed reaches 430 km / h.

shanghai maglev- silver champion of high-speed movement among trains.

Another Japanese train, the JR-Maglev, has recently become the leader in speed. It was his experimental trips that showed a speed of 603 km / h. The Japanese technology of magnetic levitation is somewhat different from that implemented in China - levitation is carried out using superconducting magnets. In practice, this means greater stability of movement. The appearance of the railway track and the design of the train itself have changed. A feature of the technology is its efficiency only at high speeds, which implies that trains have wheelsets for movement at speeds of less than 100 km/h.

JR-Maglev— the fastest train in the world, the commercial operation of which is scheduled to begin in 2027. The maximum speed reaches 603 km / h.

While the introduction of high-speed electric trains is beginning in most countries, scientists are discussing the development of magnetic levitation: if a train on a magnetic cushion runs in a vacuum tunnel, air resistance can be avoided. Theoretically, the speed of such trains will reach 6000-8000 km/h.

Of course, trains can't fly over oceans like planes can. But in comparison with airplanes, trains are much cheaper and more comfortable, and the view from the window is much more picturesque. The most modern high-speed train can move you from one city to another in a few hours. We have compiled a list of the 10 fastest trains in the world for you.

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THSR 700T, Taiwan

The THSR 700T is a series of Taiwanese multi-car high-speed trains. The first launch took place on January 5, 2007. For this train, an ultra-high-speed route has been laid between the cities of Taipei and Kaohsiung. At a maximum speed of 300 km / h. The THSR 700T has reduced travel time between these cities from 4.5 hours to just 90 minutes. The 700T train has 12 cars and is driven by a multi-engine tiered system. 9 out of 12 cars are involved in providing the train with energy. This guarantees high speed and space.

The 700T trains are built in Japan by a consortium of three major companies - Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Nippon Sharyo and Hitachi. Powerful 700T engines provide acceleration from 0 to 300 km/h in just 15 minutes. The introduction of European security requirements has allowed the 700T to expand the safety features - the possibility of bidirectional operations, the presence of an unstable operation detection system, fire and smoke detectors and control stop stations.

Currently, 700T trains are operated in Taiwan on high-speed rail. Each 700T train has one business class car and 11 standard cars. The business class cabin in the 700T can accommodate 66 passengers, while the standard class has 923 seats in one train. The THSR 700T carriages are soundproof and provide a variety of travel and train information in real time.

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ETR 500 Frecciarossa Train, Italy

Maximum speed: 300 km/h

The ETR 500 Frecciarossa is the fastest train in Italy and is operated by Trenitalia. The maximum speed of the train is 300 km/h. You can use this train on the Milan-Rome-Naples route, there are 72 departures daily. Today there are 28 non-stop Frecciarossa trains running between Milan and Rome. At their top speed, the Frecciarossa can travel from Milan to Rome in just 2 hours and 40 minutes.

The Frecciarossa train is a modernized version of the Italian ETR 500 high-speed train. Frecciarossa is built by a consortium of manufacturing companies Ansaldobreda, Bombardier and Alstom Frecciarossa. The train consists of four types of carriages - standard class, premium class, business class and executive class. The Frecciarossa carriages are soundproofed and have free Wi-Fi.

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SNCF TGV Duplex, France

TGV Duplex is considered the fastest train in France, it can travel at a speed of 320 km/h. The train is owned by the SNCF railway company. Such trains first entered service in December 2011. TGV Duplex are double-deck high-speed trains that run on routes connecting all major cities in France. This is one of the most comfortable European trains, it can accommodate 508 passengers.

Double deck TGV trains are manufactured by Alstom. To reduce the weight of the composition, aluminum is used in the production of its body. TGV Duplex has an eco-friendly design and a 90% recycling rate. Rigid passenger compartments on the train also provide safety in the event of a collision.

In this type of trains, passengers are offered three main classes of seats - standard class, first class and TGV Pro. The standard class is equipped with comfortable seats, snack vending machines and a buffet bar. In first class, you'll get more comfortable seats, separate reading lights, and outlets for various devices. The TGV Pro class offers additional comfortable and spacious seats, a welcome drink, free Wi-Fi, newspapers and magazines.

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Alstom Euroduplex, France

Maximum speed: 320 km/h

Euroduplex trains are the third generation of TGV Duplex high-speed trains. Euroduplex is operated by the French railway company SNCF. Such trains connect the railway network of France, Switzerland, Germany and Luxembourg. These multifunctional trains can travel at a maximum speed of 320 km/h.

Euroduplex trains were first launched in December 2011, one such train can carry 1020 passengers at the same time. The Euroduplex trains are designed by the railway company Alstom. Unlike the previous two generations of the Euroduplex train, this version has reduced weight, improved aerodynamics and low energy consumption. The Euroduplex has monitors with real-time information about the progress of the train, one located next to the door to the car, and several more inside the car itself.

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E5 Series Shinkansen Hayabusa, Japan

Maximum speed: 320 km/h

The E5 Shinkansen Hayabusa series trains are the fastest in Japan today. They began carrying passengers on March 5, 2011 and are operated by the East Japan Railway Company. Such trains carry passengers from Tokyo to the city of Aomori. With a maximum speed of 320 km/h, such a passage covers the distance between these cities in just 2 hours and 56 minutes.

The first car of this train has a long 15-meter nose. This design helps to minimize noise and vibration as the train passes through the tunnels. The Hayabusa train is based on the Fastech 360S high-speed train developed by the East Japan Railway Company. These trains have 10 cars with a total capacity of 731 passengers.

There are three main classes on E5 Shinkansen Hayabusa trains - standard, green class and grand class. The train has 658 standard class seats, 55 green class seats and 18 grand class seats. The Grand Class is the main attraction of Hayabusa trains. At these premium seats, passengers will enjoy high-quality service and luxurious amenities - reclining leather-covered seats, sleep masks, slippers and blankets, while the attendants will provide all passengers with soft drinks and food.

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Talgo 350, Spain

Talgo 350 is a high-speed train in Spain, operated by the state-owned railway company. They can reach a maximum speed of 350 km/h. Talgo 350 runs between Madrid and Barcelona. The train has two control cars and 12 passenger cars. In Spain, such trains are called "Pato", in honor of the nose of the first car, reminiscent of a duck's beak. This distinctive design of the Talgo 350 has aerodynamic reductions.

The cars on Talgo 350 trains are divided into four classes - Club class, First class, Bistro class and Divan class. Talgo 350 carriages of all classes are equipped with comfortable folding seats with footrests. Passengers also have access to video and audio devices in each seat. Also, the train is equipped with many information panels that work in real time and are located both inside and outside the cars.

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Siemens Velaro E/AVS 103, Spain

Maximum speed: 350 km/h

The Velaro E is a Spanish version of the Velaro E high-speed trains developed by the German company Siemens. In Spain, Velaro trains are called AVS 103. Velaro E are used on the Barcelona-Madrid route. The maximum speed of such a train is 350 km/h. The Velaro E train can take passengers from Barcelona to Madrid in just 2 hours and 30 minutes. On this route the Velaro E reaches a top speed of 403.7 km/h.

Spanish National Railways ordered Velaro E high-speed trains in 2001, and in June 2007 they began serving passengers. The train has 8 passenger cars with a total capacity of 404 seats.

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AVG Italo, Italy

Maximum speed: 360 km/h

AVG Italo is the fastest train in use in Europe. This high-speed multiple unit train has a maximum operating speed of 360 km/h. But during its initial test in 2007, its speed record was set at 574 km/h. These trains are built by the French manufacturing company Alstom. In 2008, the Italian company Nuovo Trasporto Viaggiatori (NTV) ordered 25 AVG trains from Alstom for €650 million.

The first AVG Italo train began service in April 2007 on the route between Rome and Naples. Passengers can cover the distance between these cities in just 1 hour. AVG Italo is a very environmentally friendly train, 98% of its components are recyclable. The train has 11 cars and seats are divided into three classes - Club, Prima and Smart. All three AVG Italo classes offer adjustable leather seats, live TV and free Wi-Fi.

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Harmony CRH 380A, China

Max speed: 380 km/h

The Chinese train Harmony CRH 380A is the second fastest train in the world. This electric multiple unit train can travel at a maximum speed of 380 km/h during commercial operation. But his speed record is 416.6 km per hour during the first tests. China Railways has been using CRH 380A trains on scheduled Shanghai-Nanjing services since October 2010.

The CRH 380A high-speed trains are manufactured by CSR Qingdao Sifang Locomotive and Rolling Stock. The CRH 380A train is lightweight due to its aluminum alloy body and the fish head front of the first car. This unusual train design reduces aerodynamic pressure. There is absolutely no vibration in the train.

The CRH 380A train can carry 494 passengers at the same time. Each will be provided with a reading lamp, power ports and an electronic display. There is also a VIP viewing section next to the driver's cab. An entire wagon in the CRH 380A is dedicated to serving food and drink to passengers.

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Shanghai Maglev, China

Maximum speed: 431 km/h

The Shanghai Maglev is the fastest train in the world with a maximum operating speed of 431 km/h. The train is operated by Shanghai Maglev Transportation Development Co in Shanghai.

A Shanghai Maglev operates on a maglev railway line. Unlike conventional railroad tracks, the Shanghai Maglev has no wheels and floats on a magnetic field that exists between the train and the railroad tracks.

The Shanghai Maglev reaches its top speed of 431 km/h in just 4 minutes. The 30.5 km route in Shanghai is the only one in the world where Maglev is operated. This train was built by Siemens and ThyssenKrupp. Passenger service started on January 1, 2004.

The train route runs between one of the subway stations in Shanghai and Pudong International Airport. This train takes just 7 minutes and 20 seconds to complete the entire journey. The total passenger capacity of the Shanghai Maglev train is 574 people. He travels every 15 minutes. The ticket price is $8 or $16 for a VIP ticket.

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Just think about it! The speed of some of these trains is much higher than the speed of a Formula 1 car. One can only envy the inhabitants of those countries where these high-speed trains run! It was an article TOP 10 fastest trains in the world. Thank you for your attention!



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