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Essay on the topic “An interesting incident from my life. An interesting incident from the lives of several people An interesting incident in my family

Funny incidents often happen, especially among schoolchildren. The most important thing is to be able to beautifully talk about an event by writing an essay on the topic “ Funny incident" In order for a son or daughter to be able to describe the plot beautifully and competently, they will need the help of mom and dad.

How to make an essay plan

To make it easier for your child to write the assignment, you should prepare a plan. This will help you write an essay on the topic “A funny incident from life” in the correct sequence. You can take the following plan as an example:

  • At what time of year, in what area did the funny incident happen?
  • Who was present at the moment when an interesting plot happened.
  • What was the reaction of others to the situation?
  • What exactly do you remember about this funny incident?

Such a detailed plan will help the child complete the task in detail and in detail. Such an essay on the topic “Funny Incident” will certainly please the teacher. Thoughts presented in the correct order will certainly be appreciated.

Short essay on the topic “Funny incident”

Stories that make you laugh heartily may not always be long. Short essay on the topic “Funny incident” may well take place. The following ideas can be taken as an example.

“One summer, I was at home with my friend. We got a little bored and decided to come up with something to do. Edik and I found gouache in the nightstand and air balloons. We had no malicious intent, we just wanted to decorate the bushes that grew under his balcony. To do this, we filled the balls with some water, then poured paint into them and began throwing our products through the balcony window. Edik lives on the eighth floor, so it was difficult to calculate the trajectory.

When we heard that someone was opening front door, we immediately left the balcony. When we went out into the corridor, we almost fell from surprise. Edik’s mother stood on the threshold, covered in red paint. Oh, and we felt ashamed. But thank God his mother had a sense of humor. When she saw balls filled with a strange liquid in the room, she immediately understood where the legs were coming from.

She did not scold us, but told us that we should play such games on the street, and not on the balcony. Then we all laughed heartily, every time we remember this day."

Your teacher will definitely like this essay on the topic “Funny Incident.” After all, the most fun situations that happen to a person will be described colorfully, vividly and with emotions.

An extended essay on the topic “A funny incident from life”

There are also situations when you need to take a long time to get to the funniest moment. In this case, you can describe the plot in more detail. You can take this idea as an example.

"In August we moved to new apartment. Of course, we took our favorite pets with us: the rat Lariska and the parrot Gosha. Gosha lived in a cage on the balcony because he constantly tweeted. And Lariska lived in the bottom nightstand of my closet. Our rat was very well-fed, so there was simply no point in keeping her in a cage; she was cramped in there.

One day a neighbor came to visit us to get acquainted. Her name was like our rat - Larisa. The long acquaintance and tea party lasted until the evening. Everything was calm, and during our communication, none of the animals made a sound.

And then sounds began to be heard from the balcony. “Lariska, come to me. Lariska, why did you go into the closet? Lariska, don’t touch my food.” In general, it lasted quite a long time. The neighbor was shocked and could not understand why and who was contacting her. But when a rat appeared near her table, there was so much screaming that probably all the neighbors of our multi-story building heard it.

When we explained to our neighbor who was speaking on the balcony and that Lariska was our rat, silence began to reign for a minute. And then we burst into laughter so much that we couldn’t calm down for a very long time. Until now, when we meet a neighbor, we involuntarily start laughing.

This is how our pets brought Larisa Petrovna and I even closer together. I will remember this situation forever, it’s not so fun every time.”

Such an essay will amuse classmates and give a boost good emotions to the teacher. Therefore, it is worth taking this story into account.

The most important thing in writing is sincerity. That's why real stories will always be cheerful and deserve high praise.

Essay “An interesting incident in my life.”

When an interesting incident happened in my life, my friend and I turned 10 years old. We live in the private sector, and the houses are almost nearby. Natasha and I walked nearby in a clearing where a walnut tree grew. We usually laid out a blanket under the shade of a walnut tree and played with dolls.

The incident described in the essay on the topic of an interesting case occurred at the end of summer. On this day the weather was clear, but since it was approaching autumn, it often rained, the evenings became colder and were no longer as cozy as before.


I agreed to meet with a friend after lunch. The weather was good and we decided to just take a walk. Walking along the street, we talked about school, classmates, parents, lessons and homework. Suddenly Natasha stopped and asked if I heard any sound? I answered: “No.” After standing and listening, we realized that tiny kittens were squeaking somewhere. We were standing near a dismantled house, a squeak was coming from the other side. We decided to go in and have a look. Upon entering, we saw three small kittens that were not even 2 weeks old. They lay on the ground and tried in vain to move. It became clear that someone had thrown the poor little ones into the trash, and we, without hesitation, took them with us.

Our parents did not react to the kittens as joyfully as we would have liked; they were against it, because we often brought home animals from the street. But this was the first time we were so small. We didn't know what to do now, but we were able to find a way out. My cat recently had kittens and we gave them away to good hands. She missed them, and we offered her to take care of the found babies. In the clearing where my friend and I played, we built a house where a cat and kittens lived. We kept them secret from our parents for a week. All this time they brought them food and water. But our secret was revealed, the parents of Natasha’s friend decided to take pity on the kittens and take them in for a while.

How the kittens settled down

When the kittens were a month old, we started looking for owners. We simply walked the streets and knocked on doors, offering to pick up the kids. Many refused. But we didn’t give up, and were able to find homes for two kittens. We couldn’t find one for a long time. And Aunt Zhenya, Natasha’s mother, allowed him to stay with her.

At the end of the essay on the topic of an interesting case, I can say that the kitten was given the name Timofey, and now he is a happy, well-fed, fluffy cat.

Remembering this fateful day, in order to write an essay on the Russian language, I thought that everything worked out well, and the animals found their home.

Mini essay “An interesting incident in my life”

One day an interesting incident happened in my life. This was last summer. At this time of year, my parents and I live in our house in the village. Not far from our house there is a not very wide, but quite deep and fast-flowing river. Very often my friends and I go fishing there or just sit on the shore and chat about something different.
Conversations by the river
And then one day, on one of these evenings, my friend Sashka and I were sitting on the bank of the river, telling each other interesting stories and throwing pebbles into the river. A large stone came across my hand and, without hesitation, I threw it into the water with a flourish. And then huge air bubbles appeared from under the water.
Sasha and I immediately fell silent and began to watch what would happen next. Something black appeared at the place where my stone fell. It began to move against the current. We immediately took off and rushed after the stranger.
After some time, a strange object floated very close to us. We froze and something did the same. Dusk was falling on the ground, so we could not see the black object. To be honest, we felt a little scared for a while. But soon we were able to see a funny furry face. The strange object turned out to be a cute little beaver.
After looking at us for a bit, the animal disappeared from sight. And we waited a little, hoping that the animal would show itself to us again. But this never happened.
Waiting for the animal
Sashka and I came to that place many times and brought food with us to treat the beaver, but the animal never appeared.
Watching the animals is incredibly interesting. I think that I will have this opportunity again and again.

This interesting incident happened in my life, I liked this topic then there are other similar essay topics

One day an instructive incident happened to me, after which I had to draw important conclusions. During the summer holidays, my grandparents decided to go for a walk in the forest. They live in their own house, and not far away a large river flows and there is a green forest. I went with them. We walked along the forest paths for a long time, it was warm, grandmother told interesting stories, and grandfather whistled beautifully. He promised that someday he would teach me to whistle like that. Soon I said that I was tired and my grandmother took a blanket from her traveling bag and laid it on the green grass. We had a picnic.

Soon my grandparents decided to lie down to rest, and I could walk not far from them. I walked along the overgrown path and looked at the trees. I didn't notice how I had moved too far. At first I decided to call for help, but then I remembered what cartoon characters do, and decided to find my way on my own and go back. I began to retrace my steps. Then I realized that I was confused and started crying. Suddenly, I heard my grandfather’s voice and shouted back. It turned out that I had not gone far at all, and our camp was behind two bushes.

After this incident, my grandmother told me that as soon as I realized that I was lost, I should scream and call for help. If I had gone the other way, I could have gone very far and gotten really lost. Now I know that if I lose sight of the adults again, I will stop in place and call them so as not to get even more lost.

Essay 2 option - A memorable incident

I would like to tell you about an incident on the eve of May 9th. One day, a school organizer came into the classroom and told the students about the idea of ​​visiting all the WWII veterans in our village and helping around the house, doing what the old people asked. We naturally agreed, chose several addresses and shared among ourselves. We ended up with 5 people per 1 veteran.

On the second day, immediately after school, we scattered around the village. The team I was on found a grandmother who lived not far from me. I walked past her yard every day and didn’t know that she was lonely. It seemed like she had a family, because the yard was always clean and tidy. The curtains are always snow-white, a large number of The flowers on the windows are constantly blooming, which means there is someone to look after them; the gates, although old, are painted every year before Easter.

I wasn’t the only one who was surprised when an old grandmother who walked with the help of two sticks opened the door for us. Tears appeared in her eyes when we explained why we came, but she let us into the yard and found work for everyone. Two of them cleaned the house, two of them went to plant several buckets of potatoes, and I got to clean the kitchen.

Seeing how she really lived, I was upset, because while we were playing and running around the village, we could occasionally come and help lonely people. The greasy dishes haven’t been washed properly for a long time, because the old lady’s hands are not at all the same, the floor is dirty from the dirt caused by the rain the day before yesterday, towels that can’t be washed, but only thrown away, and much more. It turned out that the only thing that helps her is Social worker, who comes 2 times a week and also brings groceries from the store.

We completed all the work in just two hours, then we sat for a long time and listened to stories about the war and the life of Tamara Feodorovna. They separated when it began to get dark. After this hike, my friend and I began to visit this grandmother every Saturday and help her as much as we could. Unfortunately, she didn’t live long enough to see the next May 9th, but we didn’t stop working good deed and took custody of an old man living on a nearby street.
This is how one incident, one day completely changed our outlook on life and attitude towards older people.

Several interesting essays

  • Essay February 14 Valentine's Day

    In many schools and beyond, Valentine's Day is regularly celebrated and this holiday is considered a special day on which you should definitely confess your feelings to someone or exchange pleasant cards.

There have been many different interesting incidents in my life, but I want to tell you about how one day a small black and white kitten made me and my uncle laugh a lot. We often remember that incident and laugh, although Uncle Marquis’s cat has long become a serious and intelligent adult cat.

One day my uncle took me on a long trip to show me his new country house. We were traveling by car, so we arrived quite quickly. Along the way, next to the road, we noticed a small black and white lump. It turned out little kitty, who pressed himself against a lamppost and was shaking violently, either from fear or from the cold. Uncle decided to take it for himself. On the way, we bought food for the baby and gave him something to drink. When we drove up to the house, he was already playing with the pendant that hung in the car.

The kitten happily ran around the house and got in the way. And when we entered the room where a huge mirror had already been installed, we noticed that the kitten had disappeared somewhere. Literally a minute later we found him - he himself came out of the box with building material in the hope of “defeating” the beast he saw in the mirror. His fur stood on end and he was seriously scared. He rushed at the mirror like a wild animal, but it looked incredibly funny and amusing. Then the kitten looked behind the mirror and began to realize that he was not in danger. This is how my acquaintance with country house uncles and the kitten's introduction to the mirror.

We will never forget this incident. From that moment on, I fell madly in love with cats and begged my mother to get a kitten. Within a week, we also had a small kitten at home, which we adopted from a homeless animal shelter.

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