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Comparison of Boeing 737 and Airbus A320. How to distinguish between Airbus and Boeing aircraft

Among modern passenger airliners There are two constant competitors - Boeing and Airbus. How is Boeing different from Airbus and what is safer and more reliable? Airbus or Boeing? They have a number of characteristics that distinguish them from each other not only externally, but also according to technical data.

In fact, both Boeing and Airbus aircraft have both very successful models, and having a number of their own shortcomings. We'll consider general features, characteristic, in principle, for the aircraft of these companies.

Boeings are exclusively American aircraft. The company was founded in 1916. It is engaged not only in the design and production of aircraft, but also in scientific research, production and development of a number of aerospace technologies.

By the way, it was the plane of this company that made its first flight around the world. Their head office is based in Chicago.

Airbus is a European company, which was created in 1970 as a result of the merger of smaller companies. And already in 1974 The first of this company took off into the air.

The company immediately received more than 10 thousand orders and sent resin to customers about 6,300 aircraft. At first, their products were not in great demand, but then it only grew.

Airbus also produces and designs military and industrial aircraft. Geographically, the company is located in the city of Toulouse, where Concordes were created.

4 countries own this company— Great Britain, Germany, Spain and France, and parts for their aircraft are produced not only in Europe, but also, for example, in Japan. Therefore, it has international status.


In today's market Airbus' share of aircraft is 50.5%, while Boeing's is 49.5%., on this moment, 135 Boeing 737 models.

Globally, Airbus has completed 7,181 orders and produced 4,218 aircraft over the past 10 years, while Boeing has 6,360 orders and 3,871 aircraft.

This shows the first difference between Airbus and Boeing - Airbus is still more popular among global airlines, but the difference is not so great.

External data

Even outwardly they are very different from each other.

  • firstly, Airbus is taller than Boeing;
  • secondly, the nose of Airbuses is rounded, while that of Boeings is sharp;
  • thirdly, the tail of the first is straight, without any bends. Boeing has it at an angle in the front;
  • fourthly, the so-called Auxiliary Power Unit (abbreviated as APU) on Airbuses is elongated, while on the latter it is slightly oblique and short;
  • fifthly, the engines of the former are round, while those of Boeing are oval with an expansion in their lower part;
  • sixthly, the side windows of the cabin of Airbuses are straight. Boeings have them at an angle at the bottom with additional sections at the top;
  • seventhly, as for winglets and sharklets, the first has them small, while the second has high and long ones.

Number of passenger seats

Here clear favorite Airbus. With one economy class there are almost 600 or even 700 seats. While on average Boeing has 500 seats.

Safety and reliability

If you read the article “?”, you will see that Boeing occupies the top positions there.

But Airbuses have almost 2 times fewer accidents than Boeings. In fact, a lot depends on the specific model.

If we take it in general, then the location of Boeing doors and emergency hatches is more convenient and safe than that of Airbuses, since they are almost impossible to open during the flight. On the other hand, the control system of the latter does not allow the aircraft to be switched to fully manual mode.


The Boeing is longer than the Airbus, almost 3.28 meters. Which is bigger, Boeing or Airbus? Again in this category the last one wins.

The Airbus A380 is the world's largest double-deck passenger airliner. It holds 850 passengers.

Length - 73 m, wingspan - 79 m, and height - 24 m. On its deck there is a Tax Free store, a restaurant and even showers.


Economy and Business classes

Economy is the same for both, but as for Business Class, Airbus wins. For example, at Emirates it is divided into two lounges.

There are private apartments as well as a shower with spa. Lufthansa in the same class only has a personal locker and the ability to fold the seat down to become a bed.

average speed

The cruising speed of Airbuses is higher than that of Boeings. This allows them to cover distances faster. The former has 88% of the speed of sound, while the latter has 86%.


An Airbus costs airlines much more than a Boeing. If you compare the cost of air tickets for both of these planes, you will see that they are more expensive for Airbuses.

For example, an Airbus A380 costs $290 million, and a Boeing 747 costs $200 million.


Airbuses have more, and therefore less weight and fuel consumption.

Other Features

For example, if we take the method of retracting the landing gear, it turns out that on Boeings they are placed under the bottom, while on Airbuses they are hidden in a separate niche.

Or a way to open a door. At Boeing it swings open. For Airbuses it moves away.

As for the strobe (these are devices that produce regular flashes of light. Like cars, they are needed so that planes can distinguish each other and not collide), the Airbus has a double one with a small flash, while the Boeing has a single one, without any pauses .

So which is better - Boeing or Airbus? In principle, they are not so different from each other, but if we take all the differences as a whole, in most of them Airbus is clearly the leader. If we take individual models, then for example, what kind of aircraft better than Boeing 737 or Airbus 320?

These are planes of the same class, so the difference will not even be noticeable to the passenger. Much depends on which company owns such an aircraft. The layout of the cabin also depends on this. The first one is, of course, more widespread. Every 5 seconds there is someone's Boeing 737 in the sky.

Also, the fuselage is rounded at the nose and pointed at the tail, while the opposite is true for the fuselage. It is larger in size and in passenger capacity.

Another difference is that the Airbus is computer controlled, while the latter is almost entirely in the control of the pilot.

The 747's engines have a slightly different shape - they're flattened at the bottom, while the A320's engines are completely round. It is longer, but its wingspan is smaller.

As you can see, there are certainly differences between the two companies, but both build their aircraft according to the latest technical developments, as well as the level of safety. Improving their models from year to year, they are almost on par with each other in the number of models sold.

When choosing which plane to fly, you can give preference to any of them. Remember that a lot depends not only on the technical data of a particular model, but also on the pilots, weather conditions and other factors.

24.11.2015 08:03

Recent disaster A-321 revived old fears in many. Although, according to statistics, an airplane is safer not only than a car, but also a bicycle. What if we compare mass-produced civil airliners with each other?

Boeing 737

What kind of plane: Family Boeing 737- the most common group of airliners of our time. Every five seconds, one such machine takes off and lands in the world. The 737 also became the most popular turbofan passenger aircraft in aviation history. By the summer of 2015, more than 8.6 thousand of these machines had been produced, and dozens of countries around the world operate it. By 2005, 1,882 737-300/400/500 (Classic) and 1,643 737-600/700/800/900 (Next Generation) aircraft were in use.

The 737 "dynasty" includes many airliners built in different time and having different capabilities. If Boeing 737-100 has up to 103 passenger seats, the largest aircraft in the family is 737-900ER can carry up to 215 passengers. Now they are producing a new, third generation - Boeing 737NG(Next Generation), and its successor will appear soon - Boeing 737 MAX. One of the differences new car there will be more powerful, reliable and economical CFM International LEAP-1B engines. New technologies will also be used in the design of the aircraft. composite materials. Overall, the plane will become more comfortable and safer. According to Boeing management, this will allow them to successfully compete with Airbus and its new A320neo.

Safety: By 2014, 177 airliners had been lost in disasters Boeing 737, A total number victims exceeded 3.8 thousand people. The biggest crash was Boeing 737-8HG in Mangalore (India) in 2010: then 158 passengers and crew members out of 166 on board died. However, don't be alarmed. In case of Boeing 737NG With one accident per 17 million flight hours, it is deservedly one of the safest airliners in the world. The lion's share of all accidents involving it occurs on low-cost airlines in third world countries, and the cause of accidents is most often human factor.

Airbus A320

What kind of plane: In second position is the no less famous A320. IN Lately chained to this plane Special attention, after all, crashed A321- one of its modifications. A320- a narrow-body passenger aircraft created by a European corporation Airbus. It became the first production airliner in history to receive a fly-by-wire control system (EDCS).

A320 continues to enjoy enormous popularity, and by the fall of 2015, over 6.7 thousand of these ships were produced. By 2005, 2,420 different modifications were in service A320. Let's add that planes Airbus(as well as Boeing) form the basis of Russian civil aviation: by this year Russian operators operated 281 Airbus.

The largest modification of the aircraft was A321, which in the economy version can accommodate up to 220 passengers. The flight range in this case can reach 5600 km. The aircraft is not only very popular, but also has good prospects for the future. They are associated with modification Airbus A320neo, whose engines will be 15 percent more economical than those used today. The new modification boasts increased comfort for passengers, greater environmental friendliness and reduced noise levels.

Safety: Security level A320 depends on the modification. In total, 33 of these aircraft were lost in accidents and disasters, three of which were variants of the 321. Among the causes of disasters are terrorist attacks, equipment failure and, most importantly, the human factor. The largest tragedy involving Airbus was the recent Sinai incident on October 31, 2015: then, we recall, 224 people died. In general A320 quite safe: one disaster occurs approximately every 15 million hours. This is a few worse than the indicator Boeing 737(as well as a number of other passenger aircraft), but better than many airliners of this class. New modification A320neo, obviously, will be even safer, so there is no need to be afraid of flying on this plane.

Boeing 777

What kind of plane: Boeing 777 took third place in the popularity rating. Here we have a family of wide-body passenger aircraft that have been in operation since 1995. Until September 2015, Boeing produced 1,340 of these aircraft in various modifications, including passenger versions, a transport aircraft and one refueling aircraft. The airliner is the largest twin-engine jet passenger aircraft in operation. You can recognize it by its characteristic six-wheel landing gear. A special feature of the model was that for the first time, paper drawings were not used in its development, and all calculations were performed on a computer. In general, the aircraft has sufficient comfort and is designed for commercial flights lasting up to 18 hours. Capacity, depending on the modification, varies from 300 to 400 passengers in three classes.

Safety: Up to 2014 Boeing 777 was the safest aircraft in the world: one accident occurred every 20 million hours. But in March 2014, flight 370 Malaysia Airlines mysteriously disappeared over the waters of the Indian Ocean, and in July of the same year the same plane (and also companies Malaysia Airlines) was shot down in the sky over Donbass. All this spoiled the reputation Boeing 777, and yet it remains an extremely reliable car. In the foreseeable future, Boeing will begin production of a new modification of the 777X, the level of safety of which will be even higher.

Airbus A330

What kind of plane: Airbus A330- a wide-body passenger aircraft that has been in active operation since 1994. By the fall of 2015, 1,224 such airliners had been produced - both civilian and military. The first include A330-100, A330-200, A330-200F, A330-200HGW, A330-300 and A330 P2F. Russian Aeroflot operates 22 aircraft A330-200 and A330-300. The capacity of the latter is 335 passengers in two classes or 295 in three. The planes make long-distance flights from Moscow to Japan, Thailand, the USA, China and other countries. The newest aircraft model is called A330-300X.

Safety: Airliner A330 quite reliable: one disaster accounts for 14 million hours. The aircraft has suffered two major disasters. The first occurred in 2009 over the Atlantic Ocean, the second in 2010 in Tripoli. The disaster over the Atlantic took the lives of 228 people - everyone on board died. What happened was not only the largest tragedy involving A330, but also the largest airline in history Air France. The cause of the incident, experts said, was the freezing of the pitot tubes, the subsequent shutdown of the autopilot and the ill-considered actions of the pilots.

Boeing 747

What kind of plane: Giant Boeing 747 made its first flight back in 1969, but even now continues active flights. By the time of its birth, it had become the largest airliner in the world (today it holds the palm Airbus A380). The high cost of the aircraft and its operation is offset by the benefits of mass air transportation. The 747-400ER modification can accommodate up to 524 passengers in two classes or 416 in three. It was the 747-400 modification, by the way, that became the best-selling. The latest version of the legendary car - Boeing 747-8 - first took to the skies in 2010. By 2015, over 1.5 thousand of these machines were produced, of which just over a thousand were flying by the mid-2000s. Of course, now there are much more economical and technologically advanced passenger aircraft, but the 747 continues to be actively used on busy and long transcontinental routes.

Safety: As one might expect, the fate of the 747 turned out to be eventful and complex. So far this year, 59 of these ships have been lost in accidents, and 3,732 people have become victims of aviation accidents. On account of the airliner Boeing 747 and the worst air disaster in history. It's about about the collision at Los Rodeos airport, when two planes collided on the runway Boeing 747 companies KLM And Pan American. The result was the death of 583 people. True, the cause of the tragedy again turned out to be the notorious human factor: the pilots misunderstood the dispatcher’s command, although, in general, the accident occurred due to a combination of circumstances that were difficult to predict.

Last major disaster with Boeing 747 occurred over the Taiwan Strait in 2002. Then, due to mechanical wear and poor repairs, the plane disintegrated in the air, killing all 225 people on board. The tail section of the vehicle came off in flight, and the plane broke up so quickly that the crew did not even have time to contact the ground. The 747's accident rate doesn't seem that high when you consider how many planes were built and how many flights they flew. One accident occurs every 17.5 million hours, so the airliner can deservedly be proud of the title of one of the safest winged aircraft in the world.

Boeing 767

What kind of plane: Boeing 767 has been in operation since 1982. During this time, they managed to produce 1081 pieces. The wide-body airliner is being built in several modifications, including passenger aircraft and one transport. If other second-generation wide-body airliners (such as Airbus A300) almost disappeared, then Boeing 767 continue to be actively used. Experts have calculated that over all time, various modifications have transported 795 million people, performing 4.8 million commercial flights. The most spacious modification 767-400ER can carry up to 375 people. This option will cost the customer $200 million.

Safety: One of the airliners Boeing 767 companies Air Canada received the nickname "Glider Gimli" because he was able to fly more than 120 km without fuel and make a successful landing. Everyone on board the flight survived, and the plane was restored and returned to service. In total, 17 such vehicles were lost, and 851 passengers and crew members died in accidents. The most famous tragedy involving a vehicle of this type was the terrorist ramming of the World Trade Center tower on September 11, 2001. However, it is unreasonable to attribute the incident to the airliner itself - it is considered reliable and proven: according to statistics, one disaster occurs every 15.5 million hours.

Boeing 757

What kind of plane: In the penultimate position of the rating is a twin-engine narrow-body passenger aircraft. Boeing 757, produced from 1982 to 2004. During this time, they managed to build 1,050 airliners, of which, as of 2005, about a thousand were in operation. The aircraft turned out to be very successful commercially and brought Boeing multibillion-dollar revenues. There are two main passenger modifications of the car: 757-200 and 757-300. The 757-200 variant is the most common and can accommodate up to 235 passengers. But the largest modification of the 757-300 carries up to 280 passengers, and even in an increased comfort cabin, conceptually close to that used on models Boeing 737NG. There is also a transport option - the 757-200F, which is capable of carrying up to 39 tons of cargo.

Safety: We have before us another Boeing creation that is very successful in every sense: one disaster occurs every 14 million flight hours. During all the years of use of the 757, only eight such machines were lost. Moreover, the aircraft accident rate could have been even lower if not for the September 11 terrorist attacks, when terrorists hijacked two of these aircraft. One of them (tail number N644AA) was sent by militants to the Pentagon building, the other (tail number N591UA) crashed in a field when the passengers resisted the invaders. The biggest disaster in history Boeing 757 There was a tragedy near Puerto Plata (Dominican Republic), when 189 people died. The cause of the disaster was... a hornet's nest in the pitot tube device, due to which the operation of the speed indicators was disrupted. This led to incorrect actions by the crew. Once again, people were to blame, not mechanisms.

Airbus A380

What kind of plane: The world's largest airliner Airbus A380- far from the most popular aircraft. As of October of this year, 173 of these machines were built. However, we could not ignore it, because in the future this airliner will be able to completely replace Boeing 747. Liner A380 will accommodate 525 passengers in three classes or 853 in a single-class configuration. So we have a whole aerial “city” in front of us. Note that the cost of one such aircraft reaches $403.9 million.

Safety: And although the aircraft has been in operation relatively recently - since 2005, it can already be considered one of the safest winged aircraft. On account A380 There were only two accidents, all of them without casualties, and the planes themselves were not used. The first incident (2010) was associated with the destruction of one of the engines in flight. The second incident occurred in 2011, it was associated with a collision of cars on the runway.

Ilya Vedmedenko

What does a frequent flyer see most often? Of course, planes. And it is interesting to distinguish these aircraft by type, and not just by the name of the airline, which is written on board. There are even special fans of this business, called spotters. Spotters do not fly anywhere, but walk around the airport with a camera, so that they can then post the resulting images on the Internet. It is interesting that here too many people very vaguely distinguish between types - it is more important for them to catch a beautiful moment so that the photo is highly artistic. What are the practical benefits? Spotting is something like collecting, that is, there is no particular benefit. Recognizing airplanes is more of a general erudition, but fans of flying may next time choose a flight with a specific airline, seeing that it has aircraft on which they have never flown before.

However, we will start with two types on which, perhaps, everyone has flown: the Boeing-737 and the Airbus A320 - the most popular passenger aircraft in the world, and no matter what airport in the world you spit, you will end up in at least two at once. The planes are direct competitors and are close to each other in size, capacity and performance characteristics, even their engines are often the same. How can one distinguish between the two? different types? In fact, the algorithm is very simple.

First we look at the wingtip. If it looks like a “bird”, “arrow”, “triangle” - call it what you want - in front of you is an Airbus A320.

The wingtips in the form of “arrows” are a guarantee that this is an aircraft of the Airbus A320 family.

But everything is not so simple. Since 2013, A320s have been equipped with a different type of wingtip - “sharklets”, which look like the edges of the wing bent upward. Aircraft of earlier releases can also be redesigned, and are being redesigned: new form allows to reduce fuel consumption. Absolutely any Boeing 737 can have the same type of winglet - both new and heavily used. In fact, they are, of course, not identical, but from a distance they look exactly the same. So if the edges are curled up, look at the tail. The Boeing 737 has a pentagonal keel, similar to the letter L. The Airbus A320, like many other types, has a quadrangular keel. In general, you see a pentagonal keel - in front of you is a Boeing. Don't see it - Airbus. Just to avoid accidentally confusing the A320 with another similar aircraft, for example, the Tu-204, look at the front landing gear: it is always tilted towards the tail. That is, the plane seems to put its foot forward.

Boeing 737 above, Airbus A320 below: note the distinctive keel of the Boeing and the sloping nose landing gear of the Airbus.

Now we can distinguish Boeing from Airbus, but don’t rush. Both the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320 are generic names for FAMILIES of aircraft. And, for example, Boeing has nine different modifications (737-100..737-900), and Airbus’s A320 family includes, in addition to the A320 itself, also the A318, A319 and A321. In the following articles we will tell you how to distinguish these similar friend planes are different from each other and what is the difference between them.

When choosing which plane to fly, many passengers prefer to know which airliners are statistically the safest. London-based insurance company Ascend compared the most used airliners in the world, the number of which exceeds 100 on lines. The number of flight hours was compared with fatalities. And in this case, incidents related to terrorism were not taken into account.

Boeing 737 CFMI. With the participation of this airliner, one accident occurs per 4,836,900 flight hours. It was produced in 1984-2000; 1,796 of these Boeings are still in use. The second generation of the 737 model was sold in the amount of 1,988 aircraft, most of which are still operating around the world today. The CFMI index refers to an engine model built jointly by the American company General Electric and the French from Snekma. The last major disaster involving this airliner occurred in August 2008. Then a Boeing belonging to the carrier Aeroflot Nord crashed near Perm. The plane was 16 years old, and all 88 people on board crashed with it.

Boeing 757. The passenger airliner was produced from 1982 to 2005. One crash of such a Boeing occurs every 13,744,400 hours in the sky. 973 aircraft of this model are still in operation, although 1,050 were produced. The Boeing company developed it to replace the already outdated 727. The 757 model turned out to be quite successful; it is still used by many US carriers, including the large United and Delta. And outside of America, the airliner is popular with carriers. There are only 5 fatal accidents involving the Boeing 757, killing 436 people. You can also remember that during the September 11 attacks, 2 of these planes crashed due to a terrorist attack. We are notorious for this airliner, thanks to the tragic collision with a Tu-154 over Lake Baden in 2002.

Airbus A320. This European airliner has been produced from 1988 to the present. One crash occurs every 14 million flight hours. Currently, 4,467 such aircraft are in operation, and more than 5 thousand have been produced. The A320 assembly line even operates in China. This Airbus has several modifications - A321, A318 and A319. They are also very popular not only with low-cost carriers, but also with reputable companies. The number of aircraft of this model in the sky is huge, but over 20 years of use, only 8 accidents have been recorded. A total of about 750 passengers died in them. It was the A320 that pilots managed to land on the Hudson in January 2009 after a flock of birds hit the engine. And in July 2010, such a plane crashed in Pakistan while landing. Then 152 people died.

Boeing 767. One crash of such an aircraft occurs every 14.9 million flight hours. The Boeing 767 began production in 1982, and continues to do so today. 867 of the 1,005 vehicles produced are in operation. The model is one of the most popular long-haul for both American and European carriers. Over the past 20 years, Boeing 767s have only had three accidents, killing 536 people. It was these airliners that rammed the Twin Towers during the events of September 11th. The last accident involving a Boeing 767 occurred in April 2002 in Busan, Korea. Then, during landing, the plane crashed due to pilot errors, killing 129 people.

Boeing 737 NG. The new generation of the 737 series is better and safer than its predecessors. One crash occurs every 16 million flight hours. This type of aircraft began production in 1982 and continues to this day. There are still 2,583 of these airliners in operation. In the entire history of its flights, only three disasters occurred, with the death of a total of 277 passengers. The latest one dates back to February 2009. Then the plane of the Turkish national carrier Turkish Airlines crashed while trying to land at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. The victims were 5 passengers and four crew members.

Boeing 747. This plane has a bad reputation. After all, the collision of two Boeing 747s on the runway in 1977 claimed the lives of 583 people. That accident has the status of the largest in world aviation. However, in general, the airliner shows miracles of reliability. It has been produced from 1969 to the present. One crash occurs every 17.3 million flight hours. Of the 1,443 aircraft produced, about 935 are still in operation. For almost 40 years, the airliner was the heaviest, most spacious and largest passenger aircraft. In 40 years in the sky, fatal accidents happened to him only 18 times. The most recent major one happened with a China Airlines jet in May 2002. Then, due to improper engine repairs, the plane flying from Hong Kong to Taiwan fell apart in the sky. Its remains, along with 225 passengers, fell into the sea.

Airbus A330. This aircraft has been produced since 1993. Until 2008, there were no fatal accidents involving him. However, on June 1, an Air France A330 airliner en route to Paris from Rio de Janeiro crashed and sank in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. The reasons were never really clarified, because the black boxes could not be found. The tragedy claimed the lives of 228 people. At that time, the A330 had already flown about 12 million hours without incident. Another major Airbus accident occurred in 2010 in Libya. The airliner coming in for landing crashed along with 103 passengers. A total of 830 of these aircraft were produced, of which 577 aircraft are in service.

Airbus A340. This newest Airbus has been in production since 1993. In total, about 30 vehicles are in operation, and the same number have already been ordered. There were no fatal accidents associated with this airliner. But he has already flown more than 13 million hours. True, such excellent statistics do not particularly seduce air carriers. The fact is that the model turned out to be quite uneconomical. Other models in this class, the A330 and the Boeing 777, turned out to be much more profitable. The only serious incident with this long-haul airliner occurred in 2005 in Toronto. When landing during a thunderstorm, the Air France plane landed unsuccessfully, resulting in 43 people receiving injuries of varying severity.

Boeing 777. This aircraft rightfully bears the title of the safest in the world. It has been produced since 1995, and 742 of the 1,040 vehicles produced are in operation. The Boeing 777 has flown more than 19 million hours without a single fatality. Among the incidents, one can only mention the emergency landing of a British Airways airliner at Heathrow Airport, London. The malfunction occurred due to ice crystals entering the heat exchanger. That accident resulted in injuries to 13 passengers, but no one was killed.

Every self-respecting traveler should know the difference between a Boeing and an Airbus! This is the alphabet of all those who fly, or rather its first two letters “A” and “B”. For some reason, everyone can distinguish a BMW from a Mercedes, but in the vast majority of cases the situation with airplanes is very bad. Today we will try to correct this shortcoming, 10 simple but expressive differences between aircraft that are so similar at first glance. Even if you don’t care about flying, such basic knowledge will simply broaden your horizons a little and help you while away the wait at the window at the airport, trying to identify the model of this or that aircraft.

But I’ll start with a small but important clarification... There is no such word in Russian as “Airbus”! IN English transcription The name of the company Airbus should be pronounced as “Airbus”, at first it’s a little unusual, but that’s how it’s correct!
In this article, I will look at the main visual differences between the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737. It is these two aircraft models and their modifications that are the most popular in the world; they are the ones we fly most often. From short one-hour flights to six to seven hour flights over significant distances.
The Airbus A320 family has been in production since 1988, and currently more than 5,400 copies have been produced. Includes models A318, A319, A320, A321, A320-neo.
The Boeing 737 family is the world's most popular narrow-body jet passenger aircraft. More than 7,400 aircraft were produced.
Includes: 737 Original (B737-100,-200), 737 Classic (-300,-400,-500), 737 - Next Generation (NG -600,-700,-800,-900), 737-MAX .
Difference No. 1 - Clearance- Airbus is taller than Boeing.

Difference No. 2 - The shape of the nose. Airbus's is round, Boeing's is sharp.

Difference No. 3 - Tail shape. Boeing has a fork that gives a characteristic “kink” - the so-called. the transition is at an angle in the front part, Airbus does not have it, the tail is “smooth” on both sides.

Difference No. 4 - APU nozzle. Auxiliary power unit: Airbus's is elongated, while Boeing's is short and sloping. The APU nozzle is located behind the fork at the rear of the aircraft:
Three Airbuses and the farthest Boeing in the photo:

Difference No. 5 - Engines- on Airbus (front view) they are round, on Boeing they are flattened at the bottom.

Boeing, The air intakes of Classic and Next Generation aircraft engines have a non-circular shape. The engine units are located in the side bulges. This solution was called “hamsterisation”.

However, earlier Boeing models (Original generation) use engines of a different shape - thinner and more elongated. These are JT8D turbofan engines manufactured by Pratt&Whitney

Difference No. 6 - Cabin side windows: Airbus's are straight, Boeing's are angular at the bottom, sometimes with additional sections at the top.
The Airbus A320 is on the right (!) in this photo, the nose of the A330 is on the left in the background:

Boeing, additional windows above the windshield are borrowed from the Boeing 707. Their main task is to expand the viewing angle. With the improvement of avionics, windows have become redundant and are no longer installed, but they are still quite common:

Difference No. 7 - Chassis. Airbus has closed main strut niches, Boeing does not have them.
The Boeing 737 does not have main landing gear doors. The main landing gear is retracted into recesses in the center section of the aircraft, creating virtually no aerodynamic drag. If you watch the B737 take off while standing on the ground, it is easy to notice the black tire rings under the wings.

Difference No. 8 - Doors- for Airbus it moves to the side, but for Boeing it swings open with a turn of 180 degrees.

Difference No. 9 - Winglets/Sharklets. On the Boeing 737 they are tall and long. Airbus has small ones shaped like birds.
Winglets on the B737 are a form of wing tip that reduces aerodynamic drag, allowing fuel consumption to be reduced by up to 5%. Winglets can be installed even on aircraft that were originally produced without them.



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