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Table of cultural achievements of Rus' 11th century. Achievements of Rus' in the field of culture. Architecture and fine arts

§ 22. Old Russian culture

Conditions for the development of culture

For a long time, paganism was decisive in the spiritual life of the Slavs. After baptism, it was replaced by a different, largely opposite worldview. Paganism was based on the cult of nature and its phenomena, love for earthly life. In Christianity, earthly things were called mortal and transitory, and real life life after death was considered.

As a result of the interaction of paganism and Christianity, a unique culture developed in Rus'. It developed within the framework of Christianity, but absorbed many pagan motifs and rituals that have survived to this day, for example, such as the celebration of Maslenitsa.

Many achievements of ancient, especially ancient Greek culture were perceived through Christianity. The influence of the culture of the southern Slavs, especially the Bulgarians, was also great. The influence of nomadic peoples, both ancient (Scythians, Sarmatians) and modern Rus' (Khazars, Polovtsians), was also of considerable importance. Finally, Rus' had broad ties with Western Europe and embraced its culture.

Writing and literature

Rus' was characterized by widespread literacy. This was unusual for Europe at that time. It is no coincidence that the daughter of Prince Yaroslav the Wise, Queen Anna of France, in a letter to her father, expressed her surprise at the low level of education of the inhabitants of the kingdom compared to Russia. Catholicism considered writing important only in Latin, which was inaccessible to the majority of the population. Orthodoxy allowed reading the Bible in national languages. This made literacy much more accessible and widespread.

Writing existed in Rus' even before the adoption of Christianity. Evidence of this is the message in the chronicle about the text of the treaties between Oleg and Igor with Byzantium. Together with Christianity, writing came to Russia, created by the Slavic enlighteners Cyril and Methodius.

The level of education in the Russian lands is evidenced by birch bark letters - letters from people of very different social status, gender and age. The inscriptions on pottery and other products also speak about the literacy of the townspeople.

The most important work ancient Russian literature is "The Tale of Bygone Years". Traditionally, its author is considered to be the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery Nestor. However, this opinion, established in the Russian national consciousness, does not correspond to scientific data. Monk Nestor is the author of two works of ancient Russian literature - “Reading about Boris and Gleb” and “The Life of Theodosius of Pechersk”. The description of the life and death of Russian saints in “Reading about Boris and Gleb” fundamentally diverges from the presentation of the same events in “The Tale of Bygone Years.” In fact, “The Tale of Bygone Years” is a complex work that incorporates fragments of various chronicles and literary works of many authors.

Metropolitan Hilarion is one of the outstanding Russian writers. In his philosophical and journalistic work “The Word of Law and Grace,” he substantiates the full place of Russia among other Christian countries and reveals the meaning of the Baptism of Russia.

Literary monuments are the works of Vladimir Monomakh, the author of many letters and messages and “Teachings” to children. The “Instruction” is filled with deep philosophical reflections on the meaning of life, the duties of a ruler, and the relationship between morality and politics. At the same time, this is the first autobiography in Russian.

Philosophical and religious quests were reflected in such works as “The Word” and “Prayer” by Daniil Zatochnik, etc.

All these works were written in line with the Christian tradition, but there were also works where pagan features prevailed over Christian ones. This is, first of all, the most famous monument of ancient Russian literature - “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”. It tells about the unsuccessful campaign of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich against the Polovtsians in 1185. A broad panorama of the life of Russia at that time is given in poetic form. The unknown author of the Lay called on the princes to unite to fight a common enemy.

Architecture and fine arts

The first stone Christian churches were built in Russia by masters from Byzantium. But the original features of Russian architecture were already evident in them. The oldest surviving building is the 11th century St. Sophia Cathedral. in Kyiv, but later it was significantly rebuilt. Quite a bit inferior to it in antiquity

Saint Sophia Cathedral in Novgorod, preserved almost in its original form. This is a majestic and severe structure, typical of Northern Russia.

In the 12th century. A special Russian type of single-domed churches is being developed. Most of them have been preserved in Vladimir - Suzdal land. The most famous temple is the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl, erected under Andrei Bogolyubsky. True, now it has also somewhat changed its appearance compared to the original. The temple amazes with its beauty and harmony. No less beautiful are the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals of Vladimir, the churches of Suzdal, Pereyaslavl-Zalessky, etc. Independent architectural schools have emerged in Novgorod and other lands.

Many cathedrals were decorated with stone carvings and reliefs. They revealed the desire of ancient Russian masters for beauty, which did not always coincide with the ascetic ideals of the church. Images of animals, plants, and people indicate the preservation of pagan motifs in fine art.

Artistic creativity Ancient Rus' It is also represented by frescoes, icons, and mosaics.


    What were the features of the development of ancient Russian culture?

    Why did the overall literacy level in Ancient Rus' exceed the literacy level in Western Europe?

    Give brief description famous monuments of ancient Russian literature.

    What architectural monuments of Ancient Rus' do you know? If you have ever seen any of these monuments, describe your impressions of them.

    Fill the table.

A work of literature, its time. creation


Creation Slavic alphabet(missionary monks Cyril and Methodius), monasteries - educational and scientific centers, library and school of Yaroslav the Wise

1073 – Ostromir Gospel

1076 – Mstislav Gospel

Literacy was quite widespread in medieval Rus'. 14th century – the appearance of paper (from Europe). The solemn “charter” letter was replaced by a quicker half-charter. Late 15th century - cursive writing.

1) Growing need for literate people

2) education was primary, of a ecclesiastical nature, and inaccessible (obtained in monasteries, at home, theological disciplines were taught from religious works)

3) Writing - on paper in cursive

1553 – book printing, 1563 – 1st printing house of Ivan Fedorov, 1564 – first printed book – “Apostle”, 1565 – “Book of Hours”, 1574 – 1st primer (in Lviv)

Rapid development of the education system6 primary schools, special schools. School in the German settlement; growth of printed materials, creation of state (Polish order) and private (Ordina-Nashchokina, Golitsyn) libraries, Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow (1687)

1634 – primer by V. Burtsev

1682 – multiplication table printed

1665 – school in the Spassky Monastery

1649 – school at St. Andrew’s Monastery


Kiev-Pechersk Monastery - the center of the origin of chronicles

1073 – ancient vault

1060 – Chronicle of the monk Nikon

193 – initial vault (abbot Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Ivan)

1113- The Tale of Bygone Years (Nestor)

The centers of chronicle writing are Novgorod, Moscow (began under Ivan Kalit), Tver.

The peculiarity is the all-Russian character, patriotism, the idea of ​​​​the unity of Rus'. Trinity Chronicle (early 15th century), Moscow Chronicle Code (late 15th century)

“Facebook Chronicle” (Nikon Chronicle), “Chronicle of the Beginning of the Kingdom, chronographs.

30th – “New Chronicler” (last chronicle)


“The Tale of Law and Grace” (Metropolitan Hilarion, 10th century), “The Tale of Boris and Gleb” (1015), The Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh (12th century), “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” (≈1185), The Prayer of Daniil the Zatochnik ( 12th century), Life of Theodosius of Pechersk (1074), Russian Truth (1016,-1072)

Stories: “The Tale of the Destruction of the Russian Land”, “The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu”, “The Tale of Shavkal”, “Zadonshchina”, “The Tale of the Massacre of Mamayev”, “The Tale of Peter and Fevronia”

"Walking across three seas"

Lives of: Alexander Nevsky, Metropolitan Peter, Sergius of Radonezh, etc.

1st Russian chronograph (mid 15th century)

40th – Great Cheti-Minea (Metropolitan Macarius)

Ivan Peresvetov - “The Tale of Tsar Constantine”, “The Tale of Mohammed-Saltan”, program of reforms in the country.

Andrei Kurbskoy - “The Story of the Grand Duke of Mosov”, correspondence with Ivan the Terrible.

"Domostroy" (Sylvester)

Historical: “Synopsis” (I. Gezel), “History of Russia (Medvedev), “The Tale of the Azov Seat” (Poroshin)

Lives: Pechersky, Radonezh, Avvakum

Satire: making fun of church ministers, judges and officials (“The Tale of Ersha Ershovich”, etc.)

Secular story-drama (“The Tale of Woe and Misfortune”, etc.)

Poems with everyday, satirical, love motives

1687 – “Virshi” (Semeon Poltsky)


989 – Tithe Church(Kyiv)

1037- St. Sophia Cathedral (Kyiv)

1045 – Golden Gate (Kyiv)

1052 – St. Sophia Cathedral (Novgorod)

1036 – Spassky Cathedral (Chernigov)

1158-1164 – Princely Castle (Bogolyubovo)

1164 – St. George’s Church (Ladoga)

1165 – Church of the Intercession on the Nerl

1197 – Dmitrievsky Cathedral (Vladimir)

1198 – Church of the Savior on Ryadina (Novgorod)

Novgorod, Pskov: churches of St. Nicholas on Lipna (late 13th century), Fyodor Stratilates, Savior on Ilyin Street (1361), Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior (1374), Fyodor on Gorka (early 15th century). Stone Kremlin (Novgorod - 1302, Pskov - 15th century), Chamber of Facets (1433).

Tver: Church of the Transfiguration (1285-1290)


The formation of the Moscow style of architecture (second quarter of the 15th century)

First half of the 15th century: Assumption Cathedral in Zvenigorod (1400), the Cathedral of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery near Zvenigorod (1405) and the Trinity Cathedral of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery (1422)

Moscow Kremlin: Ivan Kalita – oak walls, 1367 – white stone Kremlin, end. 15th – early 16th century. – completion of the construction of the ensemble (Assumption Cathedral (1476-1479), Annunciation Cathedral (1484-1489))

Architectural ensemble of Cathedral Square: Archangel Cathedral (1505-1508), Ivan the Great Bell Tower (1505-1508,1600). Secular knowledge of the Moscow Kremlin: Princely Palace (Chamber of Facets 1487-1491)

Temple construction:

Cross-domed: Assumption Cathedral in the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, Smolensky Cathedral of the Novodevichy Convent, St. Sophia Cathedral in Vologda, cathedrals in Tula, Suzdal, Dmitriev.

Tent: Church of the Ascension in the village. Kolomenskoye (1532), St. Basil's Cathedral (1555-1561)

Kremlins: in the central cities, in Moscow: Kitay-Gorod (1535-1538), White City (1585-1593), wooden walls on Zemlyanoy Val.

1) Secularization of architecture

2)Civil engineering (buildings of the Printing and Mint, chambers of Duma clerk Averky Kirillov, house of boyar Troekurov

3)Stone construction

Shatrovoye (Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin - 1628, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Putinki, Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem - 1652)

- “stone pattern” (Terem Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, Trinity Church in Nikitinki, St. Nicholas Church in Pyzhi and Khamovniki, Ascension Cathedral in Ustyug, etc.)

- “Naryshkino baroque” (Church of the Intercession in Fili)

4)wooden architecture(palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye)


Mosaic – Our Lady Mary Oranta in Kyiv Sofia

Frescoes – Kyiv Sofia and Spaso-Nereditsa (Novgorod)

Iconography – Our Lady of Vladimir, Savior Not Made by Hands, miniatures in the Ostromir Monastery

Novgorod icon painting school

Pskov icon painting school

Moscow school (based on Rastov-Suzdal)

The appearance of frescoes

Feofan the Greek (Arkhangelsk Cathedral in the Kremlin, Annunciation Cathedral in the Kremlin, Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, Church of the Savior on Ilyin).

Andrey Rublev (icon “Trinity”, fresco painting of the Assumption Cathedral, icons of the Zvenigorod rank, Trinity Cathedral of the Toitsko-Sergius Monastery in Zagorsk, Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin)

Iconography: Dionysius (frescoes of the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in the Ferapontov Monastery near Vologda), “letter of existence” (Golden Chamber of the Royal Palace), the Theotokos cycle “Rejoices in You.”

Book miniature

1) Worldliness

2) Icon painting: Godunov style, Stroganov school (Prokopiy Chirin), fusion of Godunov and Stroganov styles (Armory Chamber, S.F. Ushakov - “Trinity”)

3) the last rise of fresco painting (Church of Elijah the Prophet, Church of John the Baptist in Tolchkovo)

4) Parsuns (portraits of Tsars Alexei Mikhailovich and Fyodor Alekseevich, L.K. Naryshkin, G.P. Godunov

Socio-political thought

Cultural unity and a certain stability of social and ethnic processes. A turning point- the adoption of Christianity, which merged with paganism, bringing a new worldview, but also abandoning many traditional holidays.. The struggle for the independence of the Russian Church from Byzantine rule.

70s of the 14th century. - heresy of the Strigolniks. In 1375, the Novgorod Strigolniki were executed. 15th century – Novgorod-Moscow heresy (Judaizers). They were burned in 1504.

The main ideologies are the superiority of secular power over church power ("The Tale of the Princes of Vladimir"), the superiority of church power over secular power ("The Tale of the White Cowl")

IN early XVI V. Elder Philotheus put forward the theory “Moscow is the third Rome”.

At the same time, already in the 16th century. the secularization of culture began, that is, the rejection of exclusively religious worldview, church theme. First of all, this was expressed in the spread of rationalistic views. In the 16th century the traditions of Russian rationalistic heresies have been preserved. The most important topic of journalism of the 16th century. becomes a search for "truth"( Fedor Karpov, Ivan Peresvetov, Andrey Kurbskoy, Ivan 4).

Revival of socio-political thought in the first quarter of the 17th century. was associated with the upheavals of the Time of Troubles. In the middle of the century due to church schism There is a partial split in Russian society.

The science

Crafts and related specialties were well developed, and with the adoption of Orthodoxy, many scientific achievements of the Middle Ages came to Rus' through Byzantium.

From the end of the 13th century. The revival of handicraft production began, especially metal processing. Foundry became widespread - the casting of copper cannons and bells, church utensils and household items. Embossing and engraving became widespread in jewelry making.

On high level there was wood processing.

In the 16th century The development of the craft continued. Certificate high art Russian foundry workers are served by the Tsar Cannon, cast by Andrei Chokhov in late XVI V. Jewelry making was very developed, especially silver work. The construction industry was rapidly improving. New techniques for laying walls and roofs were mastered.

Survey of Siberia by Ermak.

1) Accumulation process scientific knowledge

2) Geography and geographical discoveries: S. Dezhnev - the strait between Asia and North America (1648), E. Khabarov - map of the Amur region (1649), A. Bulygin - survey of the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, V. Atlasov - survey of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands

3) Dissemination of knowledge of other peoples in Russia

4) experiments in theoretical understanding and generalization (“Charter of military, cannon and other affairs” by A. Mikhailov)

Conclusion:The culture of Rus' after baptism became one step higher with pan-European culture and became its worthy representative. After Batu's invasion, there was a decline in culture, which, in spite of everything, began to revive with the economy of the peasants. One of the most important themes of this period was patriotism and the process of unification of lands. The natural process of secularization of culture and its response to socio-political changes is gradually being monitored. The previous century after the Horde yoke prepared a qualitative leap national culture and science in the next century.

The culture of which was a striking phenomenon in the development of the country, famous for its beautiful architectural monuments and literary creations. What influenced its development? How has your view of the world changed? All this needs to be sorted out.

Ancient Rus': culture and its features before and after

As is known, the ancient state was subordinated to pagan religion, as a result of which we can talk about several characteristic features that society. Firstly, oral communication predominated folk art. It was then that epics, songs and fairy tales began to emerge. People passed it on from generation to generation vital information, which has survived to this day. Secondly, wooden architecture was developed. At that time there were no stone buildings in Rus', but there were strong wooden temples and huts known throughout the world. Thirdly, there were no written sources. Yes, before acceptance new faith There were no such art monuments on the territory of our country. Fourthly, there were a lot of features that changed a lot after the adoption of Christianity:

Ancient Rus': culture and its embodiments

The entire culture of that time can be divided into three areas: writing, architecture and fine arts. So, let's start with literature. The first kind of messages to each other (and this can be called the origin were found in Novgorod, where they were nicknamed After the adoption of Christianity, Illarionov’s “Sermon on Law and Grace” appeared, as well as the “Ostromir Gospel” (the authorship is attributed to the scribe Gregory). In addition, it is impossible one cannot remember the fact that the alphabet was created by the great brothers, Cyril and Methodius, also at that time. The history of the culture of Ancient Rus', in particular, stone architecture, is the richest heritage of the entire country. What are the examples of the cross-domed style: both Kiev and Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. One cannot help but recall the single-domed creations of Andrei Bogolyubsky: the Assumption and Demetrius Cathedrals, the Golden Gate, the Church of the Intercession on the Nerl. All this is the property of our Motherland. As for visual arts, then it is worth mentioning such creations as the mosaic “Our Lady of Oranta”, the icon “Annunciation of Ustyug”, as well as the fresco “Prophet Zechariah”.

Thus, Ancient Rus', whose culture laid the foundations for the development of the Russian soul, became an example for subsequent creators. We study her works and rejoice at the achievements of that time to this day, and this is one of the main reasons to be proud of our history.

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Culture Kievan Rus in the X-XII centuries Completed by: teacher of history and social studies MBOU "Secondary School No. 10" of Kaluga Gusarova O.N.

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CULTURE is everything transformative activity person, expressed in material and spiritual monuments and values.

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CULTURAL FEATURES: The monuments that have come down to us are associated mainly with the church and Christian ideology The presence of anonymity in the work (the artist should not leave his name on the creation, because this is selfish in relation to God) Influencing the ancient Russian culture of Byzantium and the adoption of Christianity But at the same time there is a weak connection with culture Western Europe Not the emergence of one thing, but many trends in the culture of Dr. Rus' (oral folk art, literature, architecture, painting, etc.)

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Form for filling out the table of cultural directions of Ancient Rus': (using the example of folklore) Direction of culture Name of the type of direction and its features Example Oral folk art or folklore Epics - poetic memories of the people about different eras his stories. Main character BOGATYR and the main theme is the liberation of the Russian land and its protection. Ilya Muromets is a mighty warrior, Dobrynya Nikitich is a prudent warrior, Mikula Selyaninovich is a plowman and farmer.

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WRITING: The ABC is a great step for every nation. He needs his writing, books and literature. Birth Slavic writing this is the merit of the Greek missionaries Cyril and Methodius, who came up with the “Cyrillic alphabet” (A- “az”, B- “buki”, V- “lead”, D- “good”, etc.)

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Cyril and Methodius. Cyril (in the world Constantine, nicknamed the Philosopher), and Mikhail (after becoming a monk - Methodius), brothers from the city of Thessaloniki, educators of the Slavs, creators of the Slavic alphabet, preachers of Christianity. Canonized and revered as saints in both the East and the West. In Orthodoxy they are revered as saints equal to the apostles.

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First Old Russian books They were handwritten and expensive like in Europe. The books were decorated with MINIATURES - small elegant pictures. They wrote on PARCHMENT (cured calfskin) They usually wrote books quill pen and ink. The privilege of writing swan and even peacock feather had the king. Large format manuscripts were written in two columns. Translations of Byzantine church books and biographies of Christian saints began to appear. Schools were opened at monasteries and churches. Example of 1 books 1056-1057. “Ostromir Gospel”, 1115 “Mstislav Gospel”, 1073 “Izbornik” - a collection of sayings.

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In the Ostromir Gospel there are three large illustrations depicting the apostles Mark, John and Luke (compilers of the Gospel). Evangelist John Evangelist Luke Evangelist Mark

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LITERATURE is represented by Life, Chronicles, Word of Life- literary description people canonized as saints (life of Boris and Gleb, author Nestor) Chronicle-tradition with annual records of current events (“Hegumen Nikon’s Code” 70s of the 11th century, “Initial Code” 1093-95, “ The Tale of Bygone Years" 1113, author - monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor, "Instructions for Children", author V. Monomakh) The word is one of the earliest (written between 1037-1050) and outstanding works of ancient Russian literature, solemn or edifying address. The author of the Word is Hilarion, the first Russian metropolitan, appointed to the Kyiv metropolitanate from priests in 1051 (“The Sermon on Law and Grace.”

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THE WORD ABOUT IGOR'S SON, IGOR'S SON OF SVIATSLAVLICH, OLGOV'S GRANDSON Old Russian text Isn't it foolish for us, brethren, to begin with the old words of the difficult stories about Igor's pluk, Igor Svyatslavlich? Start your songs according to the epics of this time, and not according to Boyan’s plans! Boyan is prophetic, and if someone wants to create a song, his thoughts spread across the tree, like a gray wolf across the earth, like a crazy eagle under the clouds. "The Tale of Igor's Campaign" - famous monument ancient Russian literature - describes the unsuccessful campaign against the Polovtsians of the Novgorod-Seversk prince Igor Svyatoslavich in alliance with Vsevolod, Vladimir and Svyatoslav Olgovich (1185). According to the time of writing, “The Lay” dates back to 1187-1188.

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Excerpt from the Tale of Bygone Years, XII century. About the settlement of the Slavs The Slavs came and settled along the Dnieper and were called glades, and others - Drevlyans, because they sat in the forests, and others settled between Pripyat and Dvina and were called Dregovichi, others sat along the Dvina and were called Polochans, after a river flowing into the Dvina, called Polota, from which the Polotsk people took their name. The same Slavs who settled near Lake Ilmen were called by their own name - Slavs, and built a city and called it Novgorod. And others sat along the Desna, and the Seim, and the Sula, and called themselves northerners. And so the Slavic people dispersed. The glades lived separately in those days. And there were three brothers: one named Kiy, the other - Shchek and the third - Khoriv, ​​and their sister - Lybid. And they built a city in honor of their elder brother, and named it Kyiv.

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A WORD ABOUT THE LAW AND GRACE OF METROPOLITAN HILARION And having seen all this, rejoice, and rejoice, and praise the Good God, the organizer of everything. You have already seen, if not in body, then in spirit: the Lord is showing you all this. Rejoice and be glad that the seeds of your faith were not dried up by the heat of unbelief, but with the rain of God's haste they bore abundant fruit. Rejoice, Apostle among rulers, who did not raise the dead with their bodies, but us, souls of the dead who died from the disease of idolatry, resurrected. For by your will they came to life and came to know the life of Christ. They were twisted by demonic lies, but by your will they straightened up and entered the path of life. They were blind from demonic lies, but by your will (will) they stretched out the eyes of their hearts; blinded (were) by ignorance, but by your (will) they saw the light of the Trisolar Deity. They were dumb, but by your will they spoke. And now, small and great, we glorify the Consubstantial Trinity. Rejoice, our teacher and mentor of good faith! You were clothed with righteousness, girded with strength, shod with truth, crowned with intelligence, and flaunted with mercy, like a coin and golden utensils.

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From the "Teaching" of Vladimir Monomakh I, thin, was named by my grandfather Yaroslav in baptism Vasily, beloved father and blessed mother, from the family of Monomakhs... and Christians for the sake of people, for how many of them I kept by my grace and father's prayer from all troubles! Sitting on the sleigh (i.e. before death - V.G.), I thought in my soul and gave praise to God, who saved me, a sinner, until these days. My children or anyone else, when listening to this letter, do not laugh, but whichever of my children loves it, let him accept it in his heart and not become lazy, but work. First of all, for the sake of God and your soul, have the fear of God in your heart and give generous alms, this is the beginning of all good…….. …..And then I collected these favorite words and arranged them in order and wrote them. If you don't like the last ones, at least take the first ones. For as Vasily taught, having gathered young men: to have a pure and immaculate soul, a thin body, a meek conversation and to observe the word of the Lord: “Eat and drink without great noise, be silent with the old, listen to the wise, submit to the elders, have love with equals and younger ones, without when talking slyly, but to understand more; do not rage with words, do not blaspheme in conversation, do not laugh a lot, be ashamed of your elders, do not talk with absurd women, keep your eyes down and your soul up, avoid vanity; do not shy away from teaching those who are carried away by power, to not care universal honor. If any of you can benefit others, let him hope for reward from God and enjoy eternal blessings." “Oh, Lady Mother of God! Take away pride and insolence from my poor heart, so that I will not be proud of the vanity of this world” in this insignificant life.

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THE LIFE AND WALK OF DANIEL, THE IGUMEN OF THE RUSSIAN LAND "The Life and WALK OF Daniil, the Igumen of the Russian Land" not only oldest description pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but also one of the first most remarkable creations of ancient Russian literature. Researchers suggest that Daniel was tonsured at the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery, later became abbot of one of the monasteries of the Chernigov land and led the Russian pilgrims who made a “walk” to the Holy Land in 1104-1107. I, the unworthy abbot Daniel, the worst of all monks, humble, possessed by many sins, dissatisfied in every good deed, was forced by my thoughts and impatience, I wanted to see the holy city of Jerusalem and the Promised Land. And with God’s help, he visited Jerusalem and saw the Holy places, walked around the entire land of Galilee and the Holy places near the city of Jerusalem, where Christ walked with his feet and showed great miracles in those Holy places. And I saw everything with my sinful eyes that the good-natured God allowed me to see and that I had longed to see for a long time. Brothers and fathers, my lords, forgive me, a sinner, and do not blaspheme my thinness and rudeness, what I wrote about the holy city of Jerusalem and about that good and about your visits to holy places. He who travels with the fear of God and humility will never sin against the mercy of God. But I walked around holy places inappropriately, in all sorts of laziness and weakness, in drunkenness, and did all sorts of inappropriate things. However, hoping for the mercy of God and your prayer, I believe that Christ will forgive my countless sins. And so I described my path and holy places and I’m not proud and don’t boast about my journey, as if I had done a good deed: I didn’t do anything good on the journey, but only for the love of holy places I wrote about everything that I saw with my own eyes, so as not to forget what the unworthy me had to see.

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ARCHITECTURE Can be divided into two types: A) wooden ( peasant huts, boyars' mansions, characterized by multi-tiered buildings, the presence of extensions, art. wood carving) B) stone (temples, churches, cathedrals. A type of construction borrowed from Byzantium is often used - a cross-domed structure). For example, in Kiev the Church of the Tithes (25-domed church of the Assumption of the Virgin), St. Sophia Cathedral 1037, in In Novgorod, the St. Sophia Cathedral, but simpler in construction, only 5 chapters, has survived to this day; in Chernigov, the Spassky Cathedral, etc.

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Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir 1158-1160 Church of the Intercession on the Nerl 1165 Demetrius Cathedral in Vladimir 1194-1197 Golden Gate in Vladimir 1158-1164. Stone buildings

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St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, 1037. is the first significant monument of ancient Russian architecture, the temple was built on the site of the battle of the Kievans with the Pechenegs, which ended in the complete defeat of the nomads. The original Sophia of Kiev was wooden, and only a few years later Yaroslav the Wise began to erect a monumental stone temple in its place.

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Saint Sophie Cathedral. Novgorod Hagia Sophia - the main one Orthodox church Veliky Novgorod, erected in 1045–1050. It is the oldest surviving temple in Russia, built by the Slavs.

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St. Cyril Church (mid-12th century) on the outskirts of ancient Kyiv - Dorogozhichi.

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PAINTING Presented in the form of: A) frescoes - painting with water paints on wet plaster. B) mosaics - a drawing or pattern made of multi-colored stones and pieces of glass. A) icons - a picturesque - less often a relief - image of gods and saints, which is the subject of religious worship.


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