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Dancing for children's development. The benefits of dancing for children: good health and positive emotions. Advice for parents who send their child to dance school

How to choose an activity for the development of your children?

Well known fact. The degree of a person’s self-realization, quality of life, and even his fate largely depend on the foundation he received in childhood. Skills, knowledge, abilities, manners, aesthetic preferences, physical characteristics, habits - this whole set forms the basis for personal development. Of course, only his parents can make the greatest contribution to a child. And all of them most of all want their children to grow up healthy, smart, successful, with the prospect of a happy, interesting and rich life.

In childhood, the body actively develops. Bone and muscle tissue, respiratory, vascular and nervous system, the foundation of physical health is laid. From the age of three, children are accepted into professional choreography schools, figure skating, hockey, and others that primarily involve the physical development of the child.

When choosing a section and clubs for a child, you should first of all rely on the child’s emotional and psychological predisposition to a particular type of activity. And not on the dreams and unfulfilled ambitions of parents. However, in statistics, gender predisposition has not been canceled. Most boys are interested in more active species classes (martial arts sections, team sport games). For girls it is often gymnastics, dancing, figure skating, and other activities identified with aesthetic beauty as such.

The most universal hobbies for children that involve physical activity in an interactive form include dance clubs and dance classes in general. ANDthat's why:

  1. Compared to most types of active sections (sports-oriented), dance art characterizes the least injury!
  2. Dancing does not require specific clothing, paraphernalia, or special premises. A dance hall can be found in any city area. Not to mention school gyms!
  3. You can start dancing at any age. The classes are perfect for preschoolers, teenagers, adults, and even the elderly. There would be a desire!
  4. And finally, freedom in the use of dance as such. Family holidays, corporate events, parties with friends, fashionable flash mobs and stage performances. What active hobby can you demonstrate success in so freely?

Regular dance classes have a positive effect on all aspects of the developing personality of a child and teenager.

  • Physical health and appearance. Even the simplest dance involves maximum amount groups of muscles and joints, thereby stimulating the blood and respiratory system, digestive system. A person who regularly practices dancing will have a straight posture, a proportionate figure, a beautiful gait, agility, and easy, confident movements.
  • Development of cognitive functions. Execution, honing new dance moves and ligaments perfectly train thought processes, memory, logic, endurance, vestibular apparatus and body control, improving spatial orientation and coordination.
  • Communication skills. Dance as a way of self-expression in itself is a message to society. The dance demonstrates the performer’s personality in all its glory (his appearance, plasticity, dynamics, reflects his creativity and aesthetic depth). Therefore, here you can take into account the next two skills that are useful in life.
  • Aesthetic development– forms visual and musical taste, sense of rhythm, grace of movements
  • Artistry, as the ability to improvise, determines the skill of speaking in public. Systematic speaking in front of a large audience gives a person self-confidence, determines his individuality and independence.
  • From point of view communication skills. Dancing requires constant interaction with teachers, partners, and groups. In dance schools, a child learns to communicate, including with the opposite sex, on an equal basis, overcoming complexes. Dancing for girls develops in them the concept of feminine beauty and plasticity, for boys it gives the concept of respect for a partner, a team, the opposite sex and gentle treatment towards him.
  • Determination. For example, for children, systematically attending dance classes instills in their character the basics of competition, the desire to be better than themselves and those around them.
  • Psychology, emotional and mental state. In the process of dancing, suppressed feelings are released (emotional expression), internal tension is relieved. Systematic dance classes help to gain and maintain psychological stability, and build stress tolerance into the mind. Increases psychological flexibility and personality adaptability. In dance, a person reveals his soul, receiving positive energy in response, from the music, from his partner, from the team and the audience.

Taken together, dance classes are a universal means to achieve the quality and taste of a full-fledged, happy life. And this is true for both children and adults, and the sooner you immerse a person in the consciousness of dance, the faster he will find himself.

…it’s also no wonder thatpassion for the art of dance, and therefore the aesthetics of oneself, significantly increases the likelihood of finding a soul mate and family happiness.

Dance school classes

We invite children, their mothers, girls and women to our branches dance studio TWINS-DANCE. Get to know the teachers and the halls. Try your child and yourself for free, introductory lessons. Feel the power of dance and its usefulness in your personal and everyday life.

We teach various styles and directions. The school trains children, teenagers and adults from 1.5 to 50 years old.

You can apply for a trial lesson , or telephone numbers indicated in contacts (at the beginning or end of the page).

In order for a child to develop comprehensively, it is important to teach him move correctly and beautifully, be confident, develop a sense of rhythm and ear for music. Dancing for children can provide all this. Moreover, it is necessary to send your child to dance as early as possible, since some of the child’s abilities, without receiving a timely impetus for development, after a while slowly fade away and disappear altogether.

Children's dancing is useful for the harmonious development of all muscles . Thanks to dancing, the child will learn the plasticity of movements, will be able to control his own body, be graceful and dexterous. Both boys and, of course, girls benefit from dancing, and when working with a children's teacher-choreographer, children get great pleasure, especially when it comes to performing in beautiful colorful costumes. Many children like to be the center of attention, but dancing classes will help shy children become self-confident, which will be useful to them in adulthood.

Dancing school Isadora Group organizes groups in the city of Kyiv, Obolon, in various areas, including Oriental dances for children Obolon. Group leaders: Yulia Torgonskaya and Yulia Mitsai - soloists of the show ballet Isadora Group, winner of international and Ukrainian oriental dance competitions. Girls who come to classes will not only learn to dance Arabic dances, but will also learn the basics of choreography, acquire good posture, beautiful movements, gait. You can find out all the details and class schedule on the website at http://isadora-group.com.ua/studio/obolon/

The dancing child is noticeably different from his peers excellent posture, coordination, and ability to maintain balance.

It has been scientifically proven that children who dance develop much faster than their peers. Moreover we're talking about not only about the physical development of children. Psychologists have long argued that physical activity promotes mental development child.

It is worth noting that for children aged 4 to 6 years, the dance consists of a choreographic part and stretching, which is a good preparation of the child for future stress at school.

Children's dance is a great way to discover and develop the talents that are inherent in a child by nature. Besides, children's dance- this is the best solution to the question of where to direct the energy of an active child.

Beautiful oriental dance performed by the Isadora Group show ballet

The benefits of dancing for children

The current young generation needs active leisure more than adults, because preschoolers and teenagers need to burn off excess energy. Dancing is a great way to spend time, because children have the opportunity to master rhythmic and plastic skills. Dance classes help strengthen the body and promote physical development, but most importantly, they relieve the child of accumulated school stress. Thanks to dance lessons you can get rid of negative emotions, and also learn to work in a team. As a result, visiting a dance school can transform your daughter or son not only externally, but also internally.

Why is dancing good for children?

When we talk about any physical activity (and dancing is no exception), we usually mean positive effect for body. Dance classes really affect the development of the child, his health and body condition:

  • Correct posture is formed, gait improves;
  • The figure becomes slim and pumped up due to strengthening of muscles;
  • Indicators of flexibility and endurance increase, coordination of movements improves;
  • The spine is strengthened along with the muscle corset, tension in the back disappears;
  • Blood circulation is stabilized, as well as the functioning of joints and blood vessels;
  • Proper breathing is established, thereby maintaining precise work hearts;
  • The overall tone of the body improves.

When discussing the benefits of dancing, we cannot limit ourselves to the effect of general health improvement. It is much more important that classes at a dance school have a positive impact on the psychological state of the child.

  1. Children learn to work and communicate with their peers, they develop communication skills and learn to be true team players.
  2. At the same time, dancing will help develop a child’s motivation for life, strengthen his self-esteem and awaken his leadership skills.
  3. Children become relaxed, cheerful, and forget about insecurities and fears. Young dancers learn to be patient with all kinds of failures and continue to move towards success.
  4. Regular participation in training and competitions makes every child disciplined and purposeful.

Any dance style can reveal a child’s potential and awaken dormant talents in him. Children begin to hear and listen to music, understand it and feel rhythmic nuances. Dancing also has a huge impact on the formation of aesthetic taste in adolescents, since students with early years begin to take care of a neat appearance.

Main types of dances for children

If parents decide to enroll their child in dance classes, the next question that arises is the choice of a specific direction. There are many varieties of dances, each of which has its own nuances and features. Some of the trends are more suitable for shy and romantic children, while others are more suitable for energetic little fashionistas. Therefore, when choosing dances, you should focus on the character of your daughter or son, and also take into account that special clothing may be required for performances. Moreover, some classes may be held in special shoes, which also need to be taken care of in advance.

  • Modern dances. This category includes various fashion trends that are in demand not only in Russia, but also abroad. Modern and contemporary develop the child’s acting skills and add plasticity and flexibility to his body. Professional dancers in these areas often become famous coaches abroad.
  • Breakdancing and hip-hop. These dances came from modern direction, but today they are already considered street style classics. This dance technique is in demand among boys, especially since it requires physical endurance and strength. Hip-hop and breakdancing make students confident, courageous and fashionable. It is worth bringing a child to such an activity at the age of 7-9 years.
  • Ballet. Real dance art can become a vocation for both boys and girls at a very early age - from 4-5 years old. Ballet is the basis for many other dance styles, as it helps to develop discipline and endurance, self-control and perseverance in a child. In addition, you can make a worldwide career in ballet.
  • Jazz funk . This type of dance captivates the audience due to the combination of completely different movements. There is a place for smoothness and sharpness, tenderness and slight aggressiveness. Dance makes the child plastic and flexible, because there are a lot of slides, arches and waves. This is a very creative direction, in which there is room for interesting improvisations. Jazz-funk can become a favorite dance for both girls and boys.
  • Pop and folk dances. This is very large group dancing, associated with active communication in a team. Such dances are almost always popular, so the child will have a great opportunity to make new friends. Another advantage is that such performances are accompanied by theatrical elements, so children can learn acting skills. Pop and folk dance direction will help your child become charismatic and get rid of shyness. It is worth enrolling children in such classes from the age of 4.
  • Ballroom dancing. This is a sports area for working in pairs. Such dances are among the most popular among parents, because they teach how to present oneself, develop grace, and improve communication skills. Ballroom dancing also helps with control of movement and balance, and improves concentration. You can send a child to this direction from the age of 5, but not later than 12 years.
  • Dancing in oriental style. This direction is especially in demand among girls, because it helps to develop plasticity and flexibility. Eastern dance help you become feminine and graceful at any age. In addition, such exercises correct the figure, shaping the abs and pumping up the abdominal muscles. Children aged 5-7 years should be enrolled in oriental dancing.


It was already mentioned above that any direction in dance needs appropriate stage attire, as well as costumes for training. Sometimes you may even need additional paraphernalia.

If we talk about bright clothes for competitions, then parents will have to prepare in advance:

  • Latin American dances are obligatory girls' short dresses with a full skirt and a spectacular cutout on the back;
  • Hip-hop and breakdancing - wide pants or shorts, loose T-shirts, tops and shirts;
  • Folk dances– these are bright themed costumes with national ornaments;
  • Ballroom dancing - classic outfit;
  • Ballet – snow-white tutu for girls;
  • Oriental dances - a costume with a shiny skirt and sequins.

Dancewear adds confidence and comfort to the child during classes, and also improves his learning progress, because it eliminates stiffness in movements. An outfit for daily activities should be comfortable, durable and of high quality, while a stage costume may well be extravagant and multi-layered.

Dancing is not only a very enjoyable form of leisure, it is also a way to introduce children to the arts. Thanks to dancing, a child develops not only physically, but also emotionally and intellectually.

Ballroom choreography classes will allow your daughter to feel like a real princess in beautiful ballroom dresses for girls, and boys in tailcoats will turn into noble gentlemen during performances.

The benefits of dancing for children's health

Any type of children's dance involves physical activity and activity, so children who regularly engage in choreography significantly improve their health.

The benefit of dancing for children also lies in the fact that children increase flexibility, strength and endurance.

No other sport corrects your back or promotes spinal health and alignment. Many children today have scoliosis and other back problems, dancing will help you forget about this, it improves muscle tone, posture, as well as a sense of balance, coordination and balance.

Dancing is also good for blood vessels and joints; during exercise, blood flow to all organs, including the brain, improves.

Children's dance lessons and communication

When little children dance, it's easier for them to find mutual language, they are brought together by melodic music, the atmosphere of a dance class and communication with the teacher. Dance lessons will help children improve their social and communication skills - they will learn to work in a team, they will develop a sense of trust and cooperation.

Children's dancing is liberating - if you have a modest and shy child, training will remove all barriers and make him more courageous. Dancing for children is good for children's mental health as it increases self-esteem, develops a sense of confidence and the ability to express emotions.

The benefits of dancing in the artistic development of children

Regular children's dance classes help them learn to feel the rhythm and understand music, and improve the baby's ear for music.

Dancing helps stimulate imagination and creativity in children with early age, and also instill a love of art. Dancing classes stimulate the development of artistic talents of the child’s personality.

If children dance from an early age, they will definitely have a beautiful figure and gait; children's choreography classes help improve health and develop a sense of beauty. Don’t forget that, in addition to the benefits, the child also gets great pleasure from dance lessons for children.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova



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