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We use synonyms to diversify English speech. English synonyms - learn from the dictionary

Have you ever wondered why synonyms are needed in English language? Why do you need so many ways to say the same thing?

Maybe, well, these English synonyms? Maybe it's enough to learn good, important, beautiful and a couple of others?

But no!

But what about the shades of meaning? Precision and freedom of expression? Graceful style? Rich vocabulary?

Shades of meaning

Firstly, English synonyms convey different shades of meaning and different intensity of emotions. For example:

good – great – awesome – terrific – amazing – fantastic

important – essential – vital – key – indispensable

beautiful – attractive – good-looking – charming – gorgeous

Do you agree that for us, as native speakers of the Russian language, there is a difference between “good” and “mind-blowing”?! Likewise, English synonyms have different tastes and colors.

English synonyms (and Russian ones too!) are wonderful because we can say exactly what we want. And we don’t limit ourselves to words important only because we don’t know how to express ourselves more precisely.

Do you pay attention to English synonyms? Leave a comment - let's discuss!

Every language is rich in synonyms, thanks to which the beauty of speech is achieved. To find a synonym for a certain word, people most often turn to dictionaries. On native language choosing the right synonym that will not change the meaning of the sentence will not be difficult. But what if, for example, you are learning English and want to find a synonym for a certain word? Of course, you may have some difficulties.

A typical dictionary entry, for example, to the word "big"(English) big) as follows:

Big (adjective) - big

  • big

large, great, greater, big, high, wide

  • large

large, major, big, coarse, massive, heavy

  • important

important, significant, great, big, substantial, serious

  • significant

significant, great, considerable, large, substantial, big

  • wide

wide, broad, general, large, full, big

  • high

high, tall, lofty, big, elevated, heavy

  • extensive

extensive, vast, large, broad, wide, big

  • loud

loud, sounding, big, clarion, strong, ringing

  • adult

adult, grown, big, marriageable, grown-up, full-grown

  • generous

generous, magnanimous, benevolent, forgiving, noble, big

As you can see, there is no shortage of synonyms. The problem is completely different - how to choose the right one according to your meaning? It’s good if you have an English-Russian dictionary of synonyms, that is, immediately with translation. If not, you need to try not to make a mistake. Of course, the use of a particular word depends on the context.


Youhaveabigdog.-You have a big dog.

Youhaveafatdog.-You have a fat dog.

Of course, a dog can be just big, and fat, and huge. Think about what exactly you want to say. If you know the translation exactly, then it will be easy for you to choose the correct synonym. If not, try using it in another phrase.

You have a fat house.-Your house is thick. You won't say that, will you?

Not about a house, but about a dog or cat it’s quite possible to say so, of course, if it’s true.

Another example:

Nice – adjective, translated into Russian means "nice". Let's look at the synonyms for the word "pleasant" in English.

Nice (adjective) – good, pleasant

  • good

good, well, nice, fine, kind, satisfactory

  • nice

pleasant, nice, agreeable, enjoyable, pleasing, good

  • Beautiful

beautiful, nice, handsome, lovely, goodly, fair

  • Cute

cute, dear, nice, sweet, darling, lovely

  • glorious

glorious, nice, famous, decent, pleasant, dear

  • Kind

good, kind, kindly, gracious, nice, gentle

  • delicious

tasty, yummy, savory, palatable, nice, appetizing

  • delicate

elegant, graceful, fine, slim, delicate, nice, courteous

  • kind

kind, accommodating, dear, amiable, gracious, nice

  • careful

careful, neat, tidy, trim, snug, nice

  • thin

thin, fine, subtle, delicate, small, nice

  • legible

legible, picky, choosy, discriminating, nice, fastidious

Let's compare the offers:

These flowers smell nice.- These flowers smell nice.

Theseflowerssmellcourteous.– These flowers have a delicate scent.

People usually are courteous if they are civilized. – People are usually delicate if they are well brought up.

As can be seen from the examples, finding a synonym is not a problem. The problem is to use it correctly. A big advantage for you will be the opportunity to speak with native English speakers. In this case, by the expression on their faces or the question, you can understand that “fat house” or “delicate smell of flowers” ​​are not entirely acceptable phrases in English.

A brief dictionary of English synonyms

A short dictionary of synonyms in the English language: a manual for teachers.
Potapova I. A.
State educational and pedagogical publishing house
Leningrad, 1957
The task Brief dictionary English synonyms is to show the difference in meaning or in terms of usage between the words given in it. Differences along the lines of semantic shades, stylistic coloring, compatibility with other words and other features of word usage are illustrated with examples taken from the texts of textbooks for the English language, as well as from works of English fiction. All examples are translated into Russian.
At the end of the dictionary there is an alphabetical and item-by-item index.
This manual sets itself purely practical goals and does not address issues related to the general theory of synonymy.

Format: DjVu
Size: 2.87 MB

A brief dictionary of synonyms in the English language [Potapova]

English-Russian synonymous dictionary

Compiled by: Yu. D. Apresyan, V.V. Botyakova, T. E. Latysheva and others. Under the direction. A. I. Rozenman, Yu. D. Apresyan
M.: Russian language, 1979
Dictionary contains about 350 synonymous rows in English.
Each dictionary entry provides an interpretation general meaning series in Russian and its translation, a detailed description of the similarities and differences between synonyms, an analysis of the conditions under which synonyms can replace each other, as well as a description of the structure of the synonymous series.
Synonymous series are illustrated with quotations from classical and modern literature in English.
The dictionary is intended for English language specialists, teachers, students and translators.

Format: PDF (544 pages) (average scan quality)
Size: 91.45 MB

English-Russian synonymous dictionary [Apresyan]

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms

A Merriam Webster
Thousands of synonyms defined, discriminated and illustrated with quotations. Plus antonyms, analogous words and contrasting words. To help you use the right word in the right place

Format: PDF
Size: 38.6 MB

Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms

English-Russian and Russian-English synonymous dictionary

English-Russian and Russian-English synonymous dictionary with thematic classification. Advanced English through synonymy: Textbook. self-education manual
Litvinov P.P.
M.: "Yakhont-A", 2002

The dictionary contains 1,500 of the most common words in English, of which 15,000 words are obtained by synonymizing them. Key words and their synonyms are given with transcription and translation into Russian.
This dictionary has the following structure: key words are divided into 3 sections by parts of speech (verbs, adjectives, nouns). In each section, the keywords are in turn divided: 1) by topic, 2) by English alphabet, 3) according to the Russian alphabet. Synonyms are given for keywords, which are also given in the thematic classification.

Format: PDF
Size: 5.6 MB

English-Russian and Russian-English synonymous dictionary [Litvinov]

English Synonyms and Antonyms with Notes on the Correct Use of Prepositions. Designed as a Companion for the Study and as a Text-Book for the Use of Schools.
By James C. Fernald, L.H.D.

A Practical and Invaluable Guide to Clear and Precise Diction for Writers, Speakers, Students, Business and Professional Men.

This work treats within 375 pages more than 7500 synonyms. It has been the study of the author to give every definition or distinction in the fewest possible words consistent with clarity of statement, and this not merely for the economy of space, but because such condensed statements are most easily apprehended and remembered.
The book also contains more than 3700 antonyms. These are valuable as supplying definition by contrast or by negation, one of the most effective methods of defining being in many cases to tell what a thing is not.

Format: PDF
Size: 3.03 MB

English Synonyms and Antonyms
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