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Find out the name of your guardian angel. How to recognize your guardian angel by date of birth in Orthodoxy

Finding out who your Guardian Angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy is quite simple. You can determine the character, gender and age of your patron, as well as find out his name and establish contact with the divine essence - this will be useful to every person.

Almost everyone knows who he is in Orthodoxy. However, not everyone understands the importance of knowing his name, character, as well as other details about their heavenly patron. What does understanding the character of your patron give you? The peculiarities of his character will help you navigate if you want to establish contact with your angel in order to receive his help and be able to recognize the angels’ tips.

So, how do you find out what your Guardian Angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy?

To do this, you only need your birth number. In this way, you can calculate the character of the Guardian Angel of any person. What does this give? There is a lot of information about an enemy or friend that you cannot find out in any other way. The second number of your date of birth will tell you about the character of your patron. That is, if you were born on the nineteenth day of the month, the number corresponding to the character of the Angel is 9, and if on the second day - 2.
Read below for the meanings of all ten possible options.
0 - you got a guardian with a fiery disposition. He is practically omnipotent and can be reborn like a phoenix. This Guardian Angel can help in any situation - from minor difficulties to complex and dangerous situations. If he is the one protecting you, you are very lucky.

1 - holy angel. Among all the others, he is considered the most active defender who will never leave his ward in trouble. However, not everything is so rosy - such angels always go to people with a particularly weak energy field, who really need powerful protection from evil.

2 - your angel is bright. In images, these can be seen with large white wings - they are larger than those of other representatives of the celestial protectors of humanity. They are always close to those they protect. At birth, your angel kissed you. Angels' kisses usually take the form of moles and freckles - especially if the meaning of the mole is positive. old signs. A bright angel always keeps in touch with his ward with the help of angelic numerology, dreams and even reflections in mirrors. Pay attention to unusual things in your environment more often, and you will be able to detect traces of the presence of the Guardian Angel.

3 - air angel. He loves to express himself with rustling noises and other unusual sounds. There is no need to be afraid of them, this is how the Guardian Angel shows his presence and support. He often shows frivolity and goes away for a long time on his business, leaving the ward alone. However, the latter can always call on an angel, and also turn to him through prayer - the airy Guardian Angel will hear and rush to the rescue.

4 - you have been granted the protection of a wise Guardian Angel. His help lies in sending the right thoughts and conclusions from what is happening. The wards of the angel-sage are quickly advancing through career ladder- they know what needs to be done for this. Such people are prudent, intelligent and know how to carefully think through the situation and its consequences. It is better to listen to their advice if you want things to be the way you need them to be.

5 - metal angel. Of course, he does not look like an iron statue. The angel of metal protects only the brave, determined people With strong character. He appreciates when his ward shows willpower. This angel helps both physically and spiritually; if you establish contact with him, the Guardian Angel will protect you from any trouble.
6 - rainbow angel. Such patrons go to people with creative inclinations. Representatives creative professions often prone to sudden changes in mood - from inspiration to despondency. The Rainbow Guardian Angel helps to disperse melancholy and get rid of depression; he often inspires his ward to new creative successes.

7 - energetic angel. He is active and wants to be in constant interaction with his ward. However, this Guardian Angel is distinguished by changeability and touchiness. In order not to lose his help, constantly thank the angel for all the good things that happen to you. You can establish contact with him in the same way.
8 - the spirit of a deceased relative or close friend. After his death, he decided to become your patron. Such an angel is quite familiar with the character of his ward, he is merciful and always ready to help. To establish contact with him, you should honor the memory of a relative or friend who decided to become your Guardian Angel, thank him for his help and read prayers addressed to him.

9 - your angel has a warm character. He is always kind to his charges and loves to instill optimistic thoughts in them. The life of a person under the patronage of such an angel is full of harmony and happiness.

Are there icons of the Guardian Angel named after a person?

The icon of the Guardian Angel named after a person is an obvious myth. There is a Guardian Angel, and there is a saint in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. Both are your patrons, but they are completely different personalities. This fact is proven, among others, by the existence of separate prayers to the Guardian Angel and the saint to whom you wish to turn. They should pray in the morning - first to the angel, and then to the saint.
Guardian Angels named after a person are a myth. Only a saint wears the same thing as you, and it was given in his honor and has been known to you since baptism. You can turn through prayer to any of the saints - you will be heard not only by the one in whose honor you were given a name at baptism. There are many recommendations regarding the suitability of saints and situations in which it is customary to ask for their help.
For example, they pray to Saint Matrona to get rid of infertility. There is only one angel, but there are exceptions, which can be read about below.
Guardian Angel in Orthodoxy - find out age and gender
Angels also have an age, but it never changes. In addition, you can find out his gender.

If you are wondering who protects you from life's adversities, add up the numbers of the day and month of your birth. For example, for someone born on August 8, the calculations will be as follows: 0+8+0+8 = 16 In our example, the angel is only 16 years old, but how many centuries in a row he is sixteen is unknown. However, he looks exactly that age.
In order to find out the gender, you need to sum up all the numbers of the date of birth. For example, in our example with the date 08/08/1996, the calculations will be as follows: loading... 0+8+0+8+1+9+9+6 = 41 Now we reduce the number to a single-digit form: 4+1 = 5 5 - an odd number, This means that the angel is female. If the number were even, the angel's gender would be male.
So, in our example it turns out that the angel is a sixteen-year-old girl.

How to find out the name of your angel - effective ways

If you know the name of your angel, it will be much easier for you to establish contact with him. People who are in constant interaction with their heavenly patron are always protected. It is almost impossible to damage them or harm them in any other way. They are lucky even in the most difficult situations.
Next, we will describe techniques that are a kind of acquaintance with the Guardian Angel. Looking ahead, keep in mind that the name may be very unusual. Do not take it for nonsense; disbelief can offend an entity close to God. Try to concentrate better and say the name several times - perhaps you will find a secret meaning in it.

Sometimes angels do not want to write letters familiar to their wards and use unfamiliar symbols and signs. Rest assured, they add up to what you were looking for, but the angelic message will have to be deciphered. So how do you find out your angel's name?
The first method is mechanical writing. To do this you need to be able to go into a trance. Place a pen and paper in front of you, evoke a special state of consciousness, mentally call your guardian and ask his name. If you do everything right, the angel will write his name with your hand. Meditation can help you find out who your Guardian Angel is by name in Orthodoxy.

He doesn’t necessarily have to answer during it; he might even dream about it, even after a few days. If there is no answer from the angel, most likely you did not concentrate enough, and the angel was offended by the abundance of extraneous thoughts in your head during such an important meeting.

Another way is sleep. If you have learned to be aware of dreams, this will be a plus. You can call on your protector as you journey through the depths of your subconscious and ask for his name. If this is not available to you, ask the question mentally before you fall asleep. Most likely, the angel will answer it in your dream.

The face of an angel - can you see it?

In iconography, the Guardian Angel is usually depicted as a young youth with white wings, a drawn sword and a cross. His images appeared only in the 16th century, while Byzantine iconography, examples of which date back to the 11th century, does not contain them at all. It is believed that the face of an angel is hidden from people. You can see him only after death - the Guardian Angel appears to the dying person to become a guide of his soul to afterworld.

The logical conclusion follows from this: no one has seen the Guardian Angels. Even if we assume that the icon painter died and was resurrected after this, he could only capture his patron, because it is known that every person has his own angel, or even more than one. But you can try to see the face of the guardian in a dream.

Again, if you know how to control dreams, you can try to call the angel, ask for the name and try to make contact. From the lives of saints it is known that sometimes angels show their faces to people, but this is very rare. They usually prefer to help their charges while remaining invisible.

How many angels does a person have according to Orthodoxy?

Many people are concerned about the question of how many angels a person has according to Orthodoxy. Most people believe that there can only be one Guardian Angel, but this is not so. The number of patrons depends on the level of spirituality of a person. In fact, the average person can have from one to nine angels.
The largest number of them patronized Saint Nicholas - he had 27 guardians. The more patrons a person has, the luckier and happier he is. He finds it easy to solve problems and achieve goals. Losers are people who are abandoned by their angels.

They can return, and for this you need to live according to your conscience, do good and not expect gratitude for it. You can also read a prayer appeal to the Guardian Angel to attract the attention of divine forces.
With the help of magic you can increase the number of guardians. Usually, we're talking about about black magic. However, the defenders summoned with its help will relate to dark angels, spirits of dead people, demons and other evil spirits.

According to legends, most sorcerers have demon assistants who do not allow his soul into the afterlife. That is why black magicians die hard and for a long time - until they succeed in passing on the dark gift and demons to the next bearer. In general, every person should know how to establish contact with his personal guardian, given by the Lord.

With the help of simple manipulations you can find out the name, age, character and even gender of your patron. However, you can only see it in a dream or after death. There may be more than one angel; many people receive protection from two or more guardians.

For some reason it seemed to me that my guardian angel was an elderly man, but it turns out that this is a 23-year-old girl with iron wings :))).

To determine the age of your Guardian Angel, you need to add the number of your birth + month, i.e., if your birthday is October 30, then your Guardian Angel is 40 years old. And it will always be like this - angels do not age.

Who is your Guardian Angel - a boy or a girl?

The Guardian Angel has a gender, if you are wondering what it is, your Guardian Angel, you can calculate it.

To determine the gender of your Guardian Angel you need to add up all the numbers in your date of birth. For example, your date of birth is October 30, 1998, which means we add 3+0+1+0+1+9+9+8=31, now we add the resulting numbers 3+1=4.

If the number is even, then your Guardian Angel is a boy, if it’s odd, it’s a girl. In our case, this is a boy, albeit forty years old.

Angelic element

The Guardian Angel, like you, has its own element. The element of your Guardian Angel is the second digit in your date of birth. That is, if the date of birth is the 30th, then the element number is 0, if it were just the 3rd number, then the number is 3. And then we look at the number we need below, and use it to determine the element.

1 - Holiness. Beautiful face. Light halo. They say that the angels in most paintings were copied from them. Their invisible wings cover the whole world like a blanket. These are the kindest angels. They will never calmly watch how bad a person is. Be it their charges or other people. The “owners” of such angels are usually also very kind.

2 - Light. Light sunny angels with large white wings. If this angel kisses you on the cheek, then a freckle appears on that spot. Every freckle on your face is a kiss from a solar angel. He constantly wants to contact you: dream, appear in the mirror, send a sign.

3 - Air. An angel woven from air and wind, of vague outlines. The wings are large, but invisible. He is very carefree, often goes away, but if you ask him, he will smash himself into a cake to please the “master”!

4 - Wisdom. Angels of rare wisdom and intuition. This is often passed on to their owners. Typically, the “owners” of such angels succeed in their studies and careers. It is also important that these angels always manage to suggest the right decision or way out!

5 - Metal. Brave protective angels. Cold and strong wings. It usually comes when you're crying. The more tears you shed, the more painful it is for him, and the stronger he becomes. But this does not mean that he leaves you when you laugh, if you feel good, then he feels good too. Owners of such angels live a very long time.

6 - Rainbow. Bright angels with colorful wings like a butterfly. A real treasure. They play a wonderful flute and violin, dispelling any melancholy and boredom with their melody. Their students are bright, creative personalities.

7 - Energy. Change shapes and colors. The wings are the same. Clumps of energy depending on mood. Therefore, these are the most touchy angels. At the same time, they are loyal and always warn us through prophetic dreams.

8 - Man. They are no different in appearance from ordinary people. There are no wings. Usually, these angels are the souls of deceased relatives or acquaintances who loved you during life. Very caring angels. They follow their owner's heels and never leave them unattended.

9 - Warm. Angels are optimists. Warm wings, fluffy and soft like a kitten’s paw. These angels usually take the form of our friends or animals in order to be closer. They give their owners harmony and agreement.

0 - Fire. They are reborn like phoenixes, therefore invincible. Fire wings. They always want to help, in every little way. Nothing is impossible for them. The “owners” of such angels are always called lucky.

Every person has a guardian angel. Our invisible helpers provide support and protect from all sorts of troubles. But, alas, not everyone feels the help of their heavenly patron. If you feel like you are unlucky, nothing is working out for you. personal life, and problems often arise with finances, then you probably just lost touch with your guardian angel.

So who is he, our guardian angel? How to recognize him? According to most psychics, a guardian angel is our intuition, our inner voice. Also, heavenly protectors can manifest themselves through tips, signs and warnings. In order to establish a connection with your angel and begin to understand him better, you need to know more about him. Numerological calculations are used for this.

You can find out the age of your guardian angel by adding the number 4 to your birth number. For example, if you were born on the 15th, then your guardian angel is 19 years old (15+4=19). The age of the angel does not change.

The gender and character of the angel is determined by adding all the numbers in the date of birth. For example, you were born on June 26, 1978. We add up all the numbers and bring the resulting number by adding to a single digit: 2+6+0+6+1+9+7+8=39=3+9=12=1+2=3. The number 3 is the symbol of the guardian angel for the birth date given in the example. If the number is even, your protector is male; if it is odd, then your protector is female.

Once you have calculated your angel number, you can move on to its meaning.

1 – Your angel is holy. He is one of the most reliable and kind heavenly protectors. This angel, without any requests or prayers, will come to the rescue and avert trouble. As a rule, such angels are given to those who have a very weak energy field. Their help can come in any way. These are the most active defenders.

2 – Angel of light. These heavenly patrons in ancient drawings were always depicted with large white wings. Often these angels kiss their “wards” at birth. This kiss manifests itself in the form of freckles or unusual moles on the face. Angels of light communicate with people through dreams and through mirrors. So if this is your angel, you should take your dreams more seriously. Besides, you are very lucky: this angel is always nearby.

3 – Angel of the air. These angels are almost invisible, but they can be recognized by unusual sounds and rustling noises. Owners of such an angel often find themselves in troubles and difficult situations, so it is very important for them to keep in touch with their protector.

4 – Angel of wisdom. This heavenly creature endows the ward with prudence, flexible intellect and does everything possible to ensure that he thinks through his every decision. The Angel of Wisdom bestows luck and success in your studies and career. He has some power over the thoughts of the one he cares for, and constantly tells him how to do the right thing.

5 – Angel of metal. These are very strong and brave defenders. Most often they come to a person at the moment when he is crying. Tears feed the energy of an angel, this makes him stronger and can move mountains for the sake of the one he helps. As a rule, metal angels are found among strong and confident people. This angel also bestows long life.

6 – Rainbow Angel. These heavenly beings endow their charges with talents and original thinking. They are able to lift their spirits even in moments of sadness and melancholy. You can find contact with such an angel through creativity.

Every person from his very birth is under the protection of the Heavenly Guardian. He accompanies us throughout our lives and helps us in difficult times.

Often we hear hints from him, but we take them for intuition, instinct or some kind of inner voice. Who is this patron who protects against misfortunes? And how can you recognize your Angel?

Many psychics are of the opinion that a Guardian Angel is a kind of messenger from heaven who, through certain signs, gives signals about approaching danger. He can manifest himself with the help of some hints, warnings or sixth sense. Guardian angels are endowed with unlimited capabilities and are able to fulfill desires, but they never cause harm or interfere in our affairs.

According to church beliefs, the Guardian Angel is good spirit sent by God to help man. He is always invisibly near us, but only if we maintain faith and love for the Lord. The heavenly messenger spiritually instructs people, protects their souls, and takes them to eternity.

If you feel that you are unlucky, problems constantly arise in your work or personal life, then most likely you have lost contact with your Angel.

Even though Guardian Angels are spirits, they still have their own names. Finding out the name of your assistant is quite difficult. Many people believe that his name is the same as the person’s name, but this is not the case, since name day (Angel Day) is actually not a holiday of the Guardian Angel, but a day of remembrance of the saint whose name you bear.

To find out who your Heavenly patron is, you should begin to mentally communicate with him. It’s enough to relax, close your eyes, remove extraneous thoughts from your head and ask your question. It is believed that such communication works best on name days, since the Guardian Angel always spends this day with the person and can give a lot of useful advice.

By your birthday you can recognize not only the incarnation of your Heavenly patron, but also his gender, character, and age. To evaluate the incarnation of an Angel, you need to add together all the numbers from the date, and then once again add the digits of the resulting two-digit number.

For example, you were born on May 14, 1977. In this case, add 1+4+0+5+1+9+7+7=34. Next, we add 3+4 and get the number 7. If the number is odd, your Guardian Angel is female, if it’s even, it’s male. To find out the age of the Messenger, you need to add the sacred number 4 to your date of birth. If you were born on the 14th, we add 14+4, it turns out that your Angel is 18 years old.

According to astrologers, every person has a zodiac Guardian Angel, whose name is determined depending on what zodiac sign you were born under.

Thus, people under the sign of Virgo are patronized by Kadmiel, who helps them understand their purpose in life and guides them on the right path.

Cancer's assistant is Diana, and Libra's assistant is Barchiil, who always feels compassion for a person and gives internal energy.

The protector of Sagittarius is Adnachiel, who helps them build a career and protects them while traveling. Kambiil is the patron saint of Capricorns. It promotes any endeavors and brings a certain amount of adventurism into a person’s life. If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, your Patron is Gabriel. With its help, you can easily achieve any goals and make radical changes in your life.

Aquaril helps Leos find the right answers to questions, which gives a person deep knowledge and understanding of the environment. Taurus is protected by Amatiel - the angel of good beginnings and changes in life. He gives a person hope and patronizes new endeavors.

The heavenly messenger of Gemini is Bahram, who helps in overcoming difficulties and saves from depression and pessimism. Aquarians turn for help to Katetil, who restores strength and replenishes energy reserves, and Pisces turn to Egalmiel, who allows them to gain external charm and good luck in love.

And finally, Aries are protected by Bakariel, who gives optimism and helps in life’s endeavors.

Throughout our lives, we interact with hundreds and even thousands of different angels. At the same time, some groups of angels remain with us constantly, while others appear only in certain situations.

Angels do not pursue personal glory, for they know that we are all united in God, and they do not seek rewards for their deeds. Therefore, you are unlikely to know anything about the personal characteristics of the individual angels helping you. However, you have the right to know your guardian angels who have accompanied you on Earth since birth.

Your guardian angels have names. Sometimes they sound human. For example, my guardian angel's name is Frederic. Some other angels have names such as “Joy” or “Peace.”

Ask the angels to tell you their names. Then sit in silence and listen. The answer can come intuitively or at the level of feelings - that is, you will feel the name. You may hear a voice, receive a vision, or simply “recognize” the name. If the answer is not clear enough and you do not understand it, ask the angels to repeat their names until you understand them. Don't be afraid that the angels will be offended or fly away if you say, “Please, could you repeat your answer a little louder?”

I know a woman who one day, while driving home from church in the car, decided to find out the name of her angel along the way. When she asked the angel: “What is your name?”, she heard inside herself, in her mind and heart, a thin voice saying: “Angel.” The woman thought: “Angel! Can an angel just be called Angel? So she asked the name to be repeated a little louder and clearer to make sure she wasn't mistaken. And again I heard the same answer within myself: “Angel.”

“It’s a strange name,” the woman thought, “it’s like giving a cat the nickname Cat.” And she asked to send her a sign to see if her angel’s name was really that - Angel. At the same moment, she felt an urgent desire to turn to the right and look a little behind. There, on the side of the road she was driving along, there was a huge poster (which she had not noticed before) and it said: “Angel Motel.” Thus, she learned for sure that the name of her guardian angel was indeed Angel.

Trust in angels

“I knew that my angels were talking to me!”

My clients say this phrase in one form or another almost every week. When I share what the angels are saying or advising them, clients often admit that they already know the essence of the advice. Most often, angels encourage them to change jobs, be more attentive to their body, forgive their father, or change their place of residence. Very often clients acknowledge the wisdom of this angelic advice and then add, “But...”

“But I don’t have time or money for that.”

“But perhaps nothing will come of it, I will be humiliated, and everything will be even worse than it is now.”

"But what if the angels are wrong?"

“But what if God really wants me to live a poor, ascetic life full of suffering?”

The law of free will prohibits angels from helping us unless we ask them to do so, and the same law gives us the right to accept or reject advice and help offered. Most people unconsciously reject the help of angels. Many succumb to one or another fear and “voluntarily” refuse to receive merciful benefits.

Among other things, many of us were brought up with the morality that it is not good to receive any gifts or offerings for free. We were scolded when we forgot to say “thank you” when receiving a gift, and we were edifyingly taught: “You can’t get something just like that, for nothing.” Therefore, when someone - even an angel - offers us help, we are overcome by doubts and we ask ourselves: “What is the problem here?”, as if God is going to make us pay for the service with a harsh and difficult life.

Know that we we deserve help of God and angels! We are precious and holy children of God and we all deserve good things. Don't wise parents want the best for their children, unconditionally? On the other hand, it is appropriate to remember that our highest I eternally one with God. So when God gives us something, He is essentially giving it to His Own Self.

Don't think that the angels are too busy to help you. Don’t doubt for a second whether a particular need is valid enough to be taken care of by the Kingdom of Heaven. Such doubts are the voice of the lower self (ego), which tends to reject higher help due to a deep-rooted feeling of inferiority. Your true I knows that you are perfect. It knows that we are all reflections of that perfection whose name is God.

If asking for help and receiving this divine help is somehow unnatural for you, ask the angels to help change this situation. Angels are able to increase self-esteem and influence any character traits. They will gladly roll aside or temporarily lift those stones that block your path and prevent you from fully enjoying that divine inheritance that rightfully belongs to all the children of the Holy Creator.

Heavenly Surroundings

Your angels are always with you wherever you go, so they don't really care where you choose to speak to them. On the other hand, there are conditions in which it is much easier to hear angelic voices.

When I first started talking to the angels, they encouraged me to buy some records for the office. classical music and fresh flowers. I internally resisted, wondering whether it was worth spending so much money on flowers that would soon wither anyway, or on music that was already broadcast for free on the radio. But the angels did not lag behind. Finally, they finally made me stop at a flower shop and buy flowers, and then go to a music store to buy cassette tapes.

I asked what this all meant. And I received a detailed answer: of course, figurines and paintings with images of angels in my office create a confidential atmosphere favorable for the presence of angels, but it is also desirable to decorate the office with creations invisible peace. Music and the smell of flowers are woven from vibrations that tune the mind to a higher mode, conducive to perception angel messages. The music on the radio is undoubtedly wonderful, but all this busy business is preventing the music of the angelic realms from filtering out.

So I bought recordings of Beethoven, Handel and Vivaldi. Many composers are highly spiritual people. Thus, Antonio Vivaldi was a priest who spent his entire life teaching orphans to play musical instruments. And George Handel once told to the English king about how the angels helped him compose the famous cantata for the choir “Hallelujah”. Indeed, this music sounds as if it was composed by the angels themselves, and I immediately understood why they insisted that I surround myself with classical music.

A few months later, I came across scientific research that once again confirmed the correctness of this decision: according to statistics, telepathic effects are more often recorded in rooms where pleasant music is playing. I also noticed that when I listen to an audio tape with sounds of nature, my mind is elevated and my thoughts are ennobled, as if I were really in the lap of nature.

Taking other advice from the angels, I bought the most fragrant flowers I could find. They turned out to be asters and tuberoses. These beautiful fragrant flowers truly lifted my spirit. Their scent captivated me so much that I brought a vase of flowers from the office to my home and put it on my night table so that I could inhale their scent all night. It is true that flowers bring wonderful dreams and facilitate communication with angels.

Nowadays, in preparation for sessions with angels, I often also smoke incense. Beautiful floral incense uplifts the spirit and increases vibration, making the channeling process easier.

Light can also be called part of the invisible world, since not all rays and vibrations emanating from candles and colored lamps are perceived by the usual senses. Angels usually suggest using an assortment of lighting fixtures in a meditation room, as they easily resonate with any soft, natural light. Angels welcome any cheerful, rainbow, colorful lights and the joyful mood they create. But you already know how much the angels rejoice when we relax and have fun

From Virtue Doreen’s book “Angel Therapy”

Useful tips

Guardian angels are incorporeal beings who live side by side with us, but not everyone realizes this. The birth horoscope of each person contains information about everything, includingwhat kind of guardian angel is next to him, how he can help him, what character he has, what he can protect him from, and so on.

If you know the characteristics of YOUR angel, you can receive help from him easier and faster. Angels know how to send signals to humans right time to move him to action and striving on the way to cherished dream and goals.

It also happens that some kind of strange circumstances, which force us to do something for our development. For example, we have long wanted to quit a job we hate and devote more time to creative activities that bring benefit and joy to ourselves or other people.

We do not dare to take such a step, but circumstances suddenly they develop in such a way that we start to do this: for example, there is a sharp reduction at work or a company closes for some time, sending employees on unpaid leave, and so on.

Angels also speak to us very often through dreams. They may not appear there as winged people in white clothes, but after dreams we experience some feelings and think about what we need to change, where to move or how to act.

Angels can also send us random people who can suddenly give unexpected advice or suggest something important. Or we may meet some special signs. Angels have a million other ways in their arsenal to convey something important to a person, to help, to suggest.

The English know how to help when a person believes in them and higher power , tries to develop spiritually and does not wish harm to anyone.

Angels differ from each other, having their own characteristics, which exactly your guardian angel has can be calculated by a certain formula(the formula was presented in the book by Elena Mazova “The address of your guardian angel. Communication Guide").

This formula will allow us to determine the zodiac sign in which the fictitious point of the horoscope is located, which is called White Moon or Selena– white karma of a person. It is Selena who gives an idea of ​​who our guardian angel is.

How to recognize your guardian angel?

Step-by-step instruction:

1. Substitute your data (YEAR – last 2 digits only, MONTH and BIRTHDAY) into the following formula and calculate the total number:

Example: you were born on February 28, 1980. We substitute the data into the formula: 134.70+51.429*80+4.286*2+0.141*28 = 134.70 + 4114.32 + 8.572 + 3.948 = 4261.54.

2. Divide the resulting number by 360: 4261.54/360 = 11.83.

360 is the number of degrees in one circle, so now let’s determine how many “circles” fit in your number. In this case, the whole number is 11.

3. Multiply 11 by 360 and subtract the number obtained in step 1 from the resulting number, calculating the remainder: 11*360-4261.54 = -301.54.

4. Based on this balance of 305.49, you can determine the sign of the Zodiac, this is AQUARIUS. We determine the sign depending on the resulting remainder:

Up to 30.00 or less = Aries

30.01 – 60.00 = Taurus

60.01 – 90.00 = Gemini

90.01 – 120.00 = Cancer

120.01 – 150.00 = Leo

150.01 – 180.00 = Virgo

180.01 – 210.00 = Libra

210.01 – 240.00 = Scorpio

240.01 – 270.00 = Sagittarius

270.01 – 300.00 = Capricorn

300.01 – 330.00 = Aquarius

330.01 – 360 = Pisces

TIP: Do the calculations several times to avoid mistakes! If you have any astrological program, you do not have to calculate manually. Just look at where the White Moon was at the time of birth. The sign in which this point is located will be sign of your guardian angel!

If you have difficulties with calculations, write to our group in contact or in the comments to this article.

Guardian angel by date of birth

Signs of your Guardian Angels:

If you have calculated, using the formula, which zodiac sign your guardian angel “fell” into, you have the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about him.


This angel is quite energetic and has a very large charge of energy, which he happily gives to you. When you are very tired, but you still need to do something, you may suddenly have the energy to continue the task, strength comes from somewhere.

What is his task? Encourage you to make your own decisions.

When does he come to the rescue? If you want to start a new business, embark on something radically new, change your life, this angel is able to support you and give you additional strength and courage.

What is he protecting you from? From very harsh and impulsive actions; from the desire to get everything this minute, without making much effort; from rudeness and rudeness from other people. It can also protect you from very serious injuries, burns, and accidents. Even if you find yourself in such situations, you will get away with minor injuries. This angel is also able to prevent the development of diseases related to Aries - diseases of vision, teeth, etc.

When is he more active? In the first month after your birthday; at the very beginning of any month; in January; when you are just starting a new business.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to develop, don’t strive for new heights, lead a routine life and only talk about how you would like to live differently without doing anything. If you can’t decide on goals, you don’t even want to set them for yourself, you don’t know what you want.

Your angel might look like this:


This angel can be felt by you as something material. For example, you may have a specific thing, a talisman, that you think saves you from troubles and helps you make the right decision in a difficult situation.

What is his task? Teach you to see beauty, give you a sense of taste, teach you to properly manage your resources, correctly save energy, and protect the environment.

When does he come to the rescue? It helps when you are looking for ways to improve your life in a material sense, but do not become so attached to finances that you forget about everything else. He helps you find a business in your life that will give you not only money, but also job satisfaction. It also helps you when you are looking to gain health and adopt a healthy lifestyle. It helps you find the information you need, gives you signs on how to act and what to do. You intuitively begin to remove from your life what prevents you from achieving the body of your dreams and excellent health.

Read also:Test: Who is your guardian angel?

What is he protecting you from? This angel helps you protect yourself from throat and thyroid diseases.

When is he more active? In the second month after the birthday; in February.

When is he powerless? If you destroy your health intentionally, knowing what it will lead to; If you don’t want to lead a healthy lifestyle, don’t pay attention to how you look. If material values matters more to you than spiritual values, and if you are ready to do anything for the sake of money, including bad deeds.

In your dreams, this angel may appear in a classic form, for example, in the body of a child with wings:


This guardian angel may have several faces, or appear not as one being, but as several.

What is his task? He wants you to learn to change, to be more flexible and agile, to calmly accept changes in life, to learn to communicate with people and find the right approach to them.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel loves when a person develops, improves his intellectual level, so he will always help him with this. It will also attract people into your life whose interactions can make you smarter. It helps you make the right purchases, for example, it will lead you to a new bookstore that you had no idea about, but in which you will find a lot of useful things for yourself.

What is he protecting you from? The angel will help you with safety on the road and on your journey. It will protect you from gossip and incorrect information, and will help protect you from dishonest and two-faced people.

When is he more active? In the third month after your birthday; in March.

When is he powerless? If you are not at all interested in anything new, do not like to read, are not looking for a new interesting information. If you become more and more withdrawn with age and do not want to communicate with young people, if you do not accept the changes that are taking place in the world around you. This angel cannot give you anything and cannot help you in any way.

Strong guardian angel


This guardian angel knows like no other how to bring you peace of mind when you need it most. He knows how to take care of his ward as if he were his own child, thereby making this person feel in the company close soul even when he finds himself alone. This angel may appear in your dreams in the form of something or someone very dear and familiar, in the form of a close relative or even a soft toy. You may also have feelings that your angel is your deceased relative.

What is his task? Its task is simple - to give you the opportunity to learn to care for others, give them warmth and help, and become a softer and kinder person.

When does he come to the rescue? If your home means a lot to you, you strive to protect and take care of your family and friends, it is easier for an angel to make himself known with his help and tips. It helps you be closer to your family and find a spiritual connection with them. It gives you the opportunity to see each other and communicate if you live very far from each other. He is especially active when you start your own family or resolve issues related to relatives.

What is he protecting you from? It can protect you from quarrels and misunderstandings in the family, and from diseases associated with the digestive system.

When is he more active? In the fourth month after your birthday, in April.

When is he powerless? He cannot give you anything if your roots and your family mean nothing to you, if you do not think about your family, do not honor your parents and other older relatives, and do not want to take care of the house in which you live.


This is a very bright angel who seems to a person to be a guiding star, a bright ray of light, beckoning to follow him. When you look at the fire, you may get the feeling that an angel is somewhere next to you or standing behind you. It will be easier for you to ask your questions to the angel, for example, by lighting a candle. Watching its flame, you will receive answers to your questions.

What is his task? He wants you to be happy and inspired doing what you love. His task is to develop your creative talents and abilities and teach you how to use them correctly.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel will communicate with you through creativity, giving the necessary tips. Most likely, you have some kind of talent in creativity, you can create something. While doing your favorite creative activity, you will feel or see the necessary clues.

What is he protecting you from? From failures in love and creativity, from problems with children. Also, a guardian angel of this type can protect you from heart and vascular diseases.

When is he more active? In the fifth month after your birthday or in May. It is activated when you begin to think creatively, begin to approach things using your creative thought.

When is he powerless? When a person does not want to realize himself creatively, does not want to see joy in the work he is doing, or does not want to do what he loves for various reasons.


This guardian angel is quite intelligent and reasonable; he comes into contact with a person not with the help of vague internal sensations, but inspires certain thoughts that may unexpectedly come to mind. A person may not even suspect that his angel is instilling these thoughts in him, and may believe that he himself came up with this idea.

What is his task? The task of this angel is to turn on your mind when necessary. We cannot live by feelings and emotions alone; in some cases we need to act in accordance with reason.

When does he come to the rescue? It can help you when you are required to think logically and sensibly, evaluate situations wisely, and think through important decisions. For example, it will tell you how to find best job what you need to develop to become a professional in your field, how to act in difficult situations. This angel helps to find a middle ground between feelings and reason in making important decisions. He will always help at the moment when you have a desire to streamline your life, switch to healthy image life, take care of your own health.

What is he protecting you from? An angel can protect you from rash and impulsive actions when you do not want to hear reason. He will tell you how to avoid failures at work, how best to act and how to communicate with colleagues. It helps you avoid actions and situations in your life that could lead to health problems.

When is he more active? In the sixth month after the birthday, in June.

When is he powerless? When you don’t want to hear your mind, don’t want to think logically and obey only the impulses of your heart, then the angel will not be able to help you. You can’t go with the flow all the time, ignoring logic and common sense. This usually comes at a cost to the individual.


An angel of this type may appear in dreams or appear in your imagination as a very beautiful and sometimes even ideal creature. It does not act forcefully, but gently and carefully, leading you to inner peace and tranquility. He gives clues through other people. For example, your partner can teach you something important: it is your angel who sends you his advice and help.

What is his task? Smooth out problems and be there for you when you are out of balance. It is important for him that your life, your thoughts and feelings are in balance, that you do not go to extremes and do not do stupid things.

When does he come to the rescue? This angel helps you achieve mutual understanding with other people, in particular with your partners. He is especially active and starts working when you try to build harmonious relationships. It can also give you important tips in relationships with business partners, when signing contracts, when concluding verbal agreements, etc. He helps you, if you wanted to gain popularity, to become a public figure. He will tell you how best to behave so that your popularity grows and strengthens, and will help you attract the right people into your life.

What is he protecting you from? It protects you from mistakes in relationships with personal or business partners, and with other people in general.

When is he more active? In the seventh month after the birthday; in July.

When is he powerless? If there are constant extremes in your life that you don’t want to get out of, it’s difficult for him to help you. It works when you have the slightest desire to bring balance and beauty into your life and when you begin to strive for this. If this is not the case, then the angel cannot help you in any way.

Guardian angel: meaning


This angel may seem like a very mysterious creature to you, and you may even be afraid of him. Sometimes the signals and signs that an angel gives can be seriously frightening. However, there is no point in fearing an angel - for a person he brings only good. This angel knows how to act through intuitive insights like no other!

What is his task? This angel strives to make you understand that you should not be afraid of the mysterious and inexplicable, this is part of our life. His task is to reveal to you secrets that will help you develop in spiritual sense, help you use other people's energy and your internal reserves in a positive way, make you stronger in the face of temptations and vicissitudes of fate.

When does he come to the rescue? A guardian angel of this type is able to help you when you are trying to get to the bottom of the truth, explore some deep issue, understand the psychological background of actions; when you want to plunge into the world of the incomprehensible and unidentified, when you want to find answers to important questions or just want to find lost item. It helps you when you are running a business, working with other people's money (for example, using loans or loans), or want to increase your income.

Imagine the situation: a man took a plane ticket, but suddenly something delayed him. Perhaps the car didn’t start, the taxi arrived late, the keys disappeared, although it seemed they should have been “right here,” the ill-fated passport disappeared somewhere again. In short, the man was late for boarding. Sadness and swearing! But suddenly, after 1-2-5 hours, they broadcast on TV or radio that the plane he was so eager to get on exploded in the air (fell, sank into the abyss, and so on). What is this: fate, providence or the help of the intercessors of humanity - the angels of God? And if the latter, then who are they, what are their names, how old are they and how to meet them? Let's try to figure it out. If you are interested in how to recognize your guardian angel, read on.

Are there angels?

You can not believe in the existence of celestial beings only in two cases: you do not Orthodox man or have never held a Bible in their hands. On the pages of this Christian book, heavenly protectors are mentioned more than 300 times. Jesus Christ himself, according to Matt. 10:18, said that they should not be offended or despised, for they always see the face of Heavenly Father and can tell him everything. The Lord, in turn, is able to convey His will to people through them.

Guardian Angels in Orthodoxy

In Christianity, they are considered to be God's messengers for protection. earthly man. According to beliefs, they begin their duties from the moment the baby is baptized in the church and freed from original sin. After which they lead a person by the hand throughout his life and protect him to the best of his ability. They can renounce their own responsibilities in one case - if the former ward took an unrighteous path and was seduced by the promises of demons.

Celestial Guardian Abilities

Strength is given to angels by God, whom they can see. It is he who determines what ability this or that heavenly intercessor will have and what he will do. According to many Christian legends, celestial beings are able to protect not only people, but also entire states. If there is a war, they do not participate in it, but earnestly pray to the Heavenly Father for the admonition of people. All angels are given the opportunity:

  • be invisible or visible to the eye (at will);
  • influence the material world;
  • to see a person and his thoughts, to stand up for him;
  • destroy entire cities if necessary.

But they cannot punish a person for anything, since it is not in their power. The Lord himself does this. Many people are interested in how to recognize their guardian angel, but first try to determine whether you have one or have long since left.

Do you have a heavenly protector?

People who have happily escaped any tragic situations are usually considered lucky and are said to have a heavenly intercessor. Allegedly, it was he who hurried to their aid and shielded them from trouble with his wing. But how do you know if you have a guardian angel, if someone invisible will come to the rescue if trouble happens? In fact, this is quite easy to determine; you need to look at:

  1. To your dreams. You can sometimes see in them a person who gives a hint or warns against something. This is the guardian angel.
  2. Real visions. Angels are able to appear before their charges in the form of a completely ordinary people. Therefore, if you saw a handsome old man (an old woman, a woman in white) and he warned you about something, it is better to listen.
  3. Otherworldly voices that sound somewhere from the outside, but have no source. They can be heard when you wake up from sleep, when you are alone at home, or among others. An important sign is that no one but you can hear voices and sounds.
  4. Signs - numbers, letters, symbols and so on. If, for example, you see the same number everywhere, you should pay close attention to it and try to decipher the message.
  5. Strange but pleasant sensations. For example, a delicious smell that only you smell may indicate that a guardian angel is somewhere nearby.

Evidence of the existence of your protector is also provided by seemingly random events that occur: you were late for the plane, and it crashed; unexpectedly left the place where they had been standing for a long time - a brick fell; moved from one seat to another on the bus - an accident occurred, half the transport was demolished, you miraculously survived. All this means that someone is carefully guarding you.

Man or woman?

According to the Bible, angels do not have a specific gender, nor do they have a physical appearance. But they can, if necessary, take on one form or another. If you are interested in how to find out your guardian angel by gender, you should add up all the numbers of your date of birth. For example, this is November 29, 1968: 2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 37. The result is an odd number, which means that the person’s heavenly patron is a woman or a girl. If you get an even number - respectively, a man or a boy, depending on how old he is.

How old is he/she?

After you have decided who it is - he or she, you can calculate the age of the guardian angel. To do this, you need to add the numbers of the date and month of birth. In our case, this is 29 + 11 = 40 years (quite an old lady, it’s worth noting). But it may also happen to you that the protector (or intercessor) turns out to be a very small child. You shouldn't worry about it. Even earthly children see and feel much better than their parents, let alone heavenly ones.

Who according to the elements?

The most interesting thing about how to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth is the opportunity to understand what kind of person he is - kind or mischievous, brave or touchy, and so on. To do this, it is enough to calculate the figure of his element. You should look at the date of the month in which you were born. If the number is single-digit, you need to look at it, and if it’s two-digit, look at the last one. In our case it is 9, look:

  • 0 - element “Fire”. Very strong and brave guardian angels, capable, like the legendary Phoenix bird, of being reborn from the ashes. They are ready to fight for the ward to the bitter end, to take any risk if necessary (within reason, of course). The people they protect are called lucky or fortunate.
  • 1 - element “Holiness”. These angels are considered the kindest, calmest and most capable of helping in resolving any problems. It is their faces, along with the images of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Saints, that icon painters most often depict on their canvases. A person under their care is often ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of others.
  • 2 - element “Light”. If you're wondering how to recognize your guardian angel, then you're in luck. Heavenly patrons Lights love to appear in the mirror, communicate with a person and warn him of all sorts of dangers. In addition, they often kiss their charges. Why do you think there are so many cute freckles on your face?
  • 3 - element “Air”. These are angels with large invisible wings and a rather carefree character. They rush to help if the ward asks them for their protection, the rest of the time they mostly go about their own business.
  • 4 - element “Wisdom”. Very smart angels who can help you make the right decisions. The people they protect are also quite wise, have developed intuition, succeed in their studies and careers.
  • 5 - element “Metal”. Brave, cold and strong angels with powerful wings. They come to the rescue if a person is crying or grieving. The more pain you get, the stronger they will become. The wards of such heavenly protectors live for a very long time.
  • 6 - element “Rainbow”. These angels are very funny. They enjoy playing violins and flutes and are able to change their appearance. They give clues through dreams. Their students are extraordinary people with developed creative abilities.
  • 7 - element “Energy”. These are the most touchy defenders of man, but also very devoted and faithful. If you do not listen to their warnings sent through prophetic dreams, they will fly away and will not return until you strongly ask for it.
  • 8 - element “Human”. These angels are like ordinary people. In fact, they can be them, or rather the souls of deceased relatives or friends. They always come to the rescue, look after the person entrusted to them, and take care of him.
  • 9 - element “Warmth”. The most optimistic angels with warm wings. They can take the form of animals to be closer to their charges. For the people they protect, everything in life is usually harmonious and calm.

What is your angel's name?

If you are interested in how to find out the name of your guardian angel by date of birth, you must remember: there is nothing impossible about this. In Christianity, it is generally accepted that it is the same as the name given to you at baptism. However, this is not entirely true; a defender can be called differently. To hear how, you need to sit more comfortably, relax, renounce worldly thoughts, close your eyes and ask the angel a question of interest.
If the same name comes to your mind several times, that's it. To be sure, it is enough to ask the intercessor to give some sign. It is best to do this on the day of your angel, which is indicated in Orthodox calendar. But remember that at such a moment you must be pure spiritually and in heart, otherwise he may refuse to communicate with you.

How to see a guardian angel?

So, we found out how to find out the name of your guardian angel, his gender, age and element. But sometimes this is not enough. I want to not only understand what he is like, but also see him. Of course, this cannot be done, but with a little practice, you can feel his presence very close. To do this, you need to sit in a warm environment on the floor or sofa, on which there is something beautiful (pillow, blanket, etc.).

You should sit as comfortably as possible, straightening your back and closing your eyes. Imagine that a bright golden color is spreading around, and roots are going from your feet to the floor. Ask the heavenly intercessor to come, whose name you heard before when you looked at how to recognize a guardian angel by date of birth. You can feel it nearby by a sudden feeling of warmth, a light breeze, or lightness spreading throughout the body (this is purely individual).

At such a moment, you should ask for a hug, touch or advice. After a few minutes, it is recommended to sincerely thank you for the communication and release the angel, since he cannot stay on earth for long. When you open your eyes, you will first find yourself as if in a fog, but not sticky and heavy, but light and airy. It will be good for your heart!

Prayer to your heavenly intercessor

The question of how to find out the name of your guardian angel is, of course, an interesting one. You can sit for days and count various numbers, figuring out the answer. But you should not forget to sometimes pray to your intercessor. You can do this at any time when you feel scared, sad, offended or hard. The words are simple, but very true: “My angel, come with me. You are ahead, I am behind you."

It is worth saying this simple phrase so that the celestial will hear you and come to your rescue. You yourself will be surprised how light and calm your soul will become, as if someone really covered you with their invisible wing. outside world and his cruelty.

Should we believe the results?

Well, the answer to the question of how to find out who your guardian angel is is given. Now you can independently determine his name, gender, age and character. But we should not forget that all these formulas and decodings for them were invented by people - just like you and me. No one knows how things really are.

All people are under the protection of their guardian angel. He will protect, support and help in difficult times. It’s good when a person knows his guardian, which means he can turn to him and ask for help in trouble, during illness or before important event- wedding, exam, new job, quarrel with a loved one, etc.

When a person does not know his main patron, then you can turn to numerology and make calculations that help you find out who your guardian angel is by date of birth in order to maintain contact with him.

For example, a person was born on June 1, 1996, which means we count: 1+6+1+9+9+6=32=3+2=5. This is his number by which he can find out who his guardian angel is.

So, who is a person’s guardian angel?

Date of birth: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 January February March April May June July August September October November December 1940 1941 1 942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 196 8 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 199 3 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 201 8 2019

Your patroness is Kazan mother of God. She treats you like a child who needs to be cherished and cherished, protected in difficult situations and led through life by the hand. But you, like any child, want independence, which most often ends in trouble - debts, injuries and quarrels, health problems. But the Mother of God will forgive and understand if you realize your wrongdoings. When they are constantly repeated, you can get a big punishment - serious illnesses, blows of fate with loss loved one and much more. Ask for forgiveness from your patron angel, go to church and place a candle near his icon. Everything will work out - Our Lady of Kazan cannot be angry for long.

Angels of light help you walk through life. A sign of their love are freckles on your body, as well as moles: the more there are, the stronger their feelings for you. They give advice through dreams. Therefore, if you have any important questions, stand before going to bed by the window and stretch your hands to the sky, ask a question mentally and go to bed. You will see a prophetic dream. Try to remember it, but if it slips out of your head, it means the angels think that you do not need their advice and you should rely only on yourself. But you will still thank them by throwing a few coins on the Moon on your birthday.

Your guardian angel is Saint Barbara. She is quite strict, so she doesn’t like it when people don’t listen to her. She usually communicates her displeasure in a simple way- an unlucky day, full of various incidents: losing a small amount of money, stumbling, torn shoes or clothes, but all this can be easily fixed. Be sure to visit the temple the next day and place a candle near the icon of your guardian angel. So that your guardian angel can give you advice, get close to a girl named Varya, through her you can receive the necessary information. She will be faithful.

Your guardian angel, Saint Paul, as they say, cannot be spoiled; he does not tolerate wards who waste money, use foul language and lead an indecent lifestyle. He punishes such people severely, but in good conscience, he takes money from spenders, forces lazy people to work, doing everything for this, and on those who express themselves in obscene speech, he sends diseases associated with the vocal cords. And only awareness of wrong behavior gives a chance to start life in a new way - without problems and hassle. Those who Paul likes never need anything; he tries to thank them for their good deeds and efforts. But they should not forget to thank him for this, and go to church at least on major holidays.

If you are not clean of hand and tongue, then life will be difficult for you, since your guardian angel, Holy Mother of God, does not tolerate those who steal and lie. Her punishment is cruel - she can give a person a hard life with imprisonment or permanent serious problems. If you are an honest person, then the Most Holy Theotokos will make your life full of pleasant surprises. Just thank the Mother of God on August 28, visit the church and pray for the health of yourself and your loved ones.

This guardian angel takes pity on people living in poverty because of their wretchedness, forgiving them almost all their sins. Sergius of Radonezh did the same during his lifetime. Although he keeps those who can earn their daily bread in strictness, constantly testing their strength. But all his life exams are always strong. He always rewards them with some pleasant events or fulfills the plans of his ward. Never be angry with your guardian angel, then you will live with him in harmony and love.

You have received the kindest guardian angel - Saint Matrona. She always helps everyone, and not only her charges, but she especially loves them and takes pity on them, even where a person could handle it himself if he tried. However, if she gets angry, then her punishment is serious - for insults she makes a person an outcast, for deception - serious illness and so on. Therefore, she cannot be put out of patience. On the day of her memory - May 2 - the ward must present gifts to those in need - money to the poor or do charity work, for example, by visiting a children's home or the elderly.

You are protected by the angels of deceased relatives who knew you well during life, so they can punish you as in the earthly world and for the same offenses that they did not like during life. Pay attention to when you hit a low point and which of your deceased relatives might not have liked your behavior. For the peace of this person’s soul, light a candle on memorial days and days of his death. He will soften and help in solving problems, both small and serious.

Saint Tamara is your guardian angel, who will always be next to those who are purposeful and will help them achieve what they want. But those who are not used to fighting for their happiness will be punished by it with minor troubles, which should encourage them to do big things. But, if even after such a shake-up nothing works out, you should expect trouble - serious illnesses, quarrels, loss of dear people and more. For help, you need to contact Saint Tamara women's days both men and women, light a candle for your health in her face, and also carry her icon with you.

First, I apologize for the fact that my daughter, on my (erroneous) instructions, posted the last part of the article to the blog (I was undergoing hospital treatment at that time). So here's the previous part, and you've already read it! 🙂

Now we will talk about the time of your birth. Date of birth is the day of the month on which you were born. It is believed that the essence of an Angel can be determined by the second number (if there are two numbers) of your birthday, or simply by the number if there is one.

how to recognize your Guardian Angel

But everything is in order. The number one means purity, this relates to the Angels depicted by famous artists, glorifying sinlessness in the faces of the bright Angels on their canvases. These Guardians help not only their wards, but also the relatives who live with them.

Therefore, they are considered to be among the kindest angels; usually the people they care for are also different. The number two means light, essentially, Angels. They most often have wonderful faces and huge white wings. This angel communicates with his ward through a dream and tells him the news, too, but it may also appear in the mirror, or leave a sign in reality.

If the number three relates to you, then your Guardian is airy, created from wind and ether. Therefore, he is most often not visible, has large wings, although not clearly expressed, because of his airiness he is often absent, but if his help is needed, he helps very much - such an Angel is simply invaluable - how to recognize your Guardian Angel!

Four is related to. Such Angels are characterized by intuition and wisdom, and he rewards his ward with the same qualities. Usually people who have such a Guardian are very successful in their studies, and then in their work, and they are sure to have an excellent career, and therefore a comfortable life. And the Angels are always ready to help them with a hint or advice when needed.



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