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In August, typical Taurus will be susceptible to vulnerability and touchiness. Subtle experiences and sudden sentimentality will intensify due to the decline in lunar activity at the beginning of the month. In the middle of the month, the negative aspects of the planets will encourage cautious and practical

Pavel Globa's reputation is high among many Russians. After all, his work touched both the personal lives of people and all citizens of the country as a whole. The psychic’s predictions have a lot of factual confirmation, stories that have come true, which allow us to believe in his power. may be of interest not only to ordinary citizens, but also to people from business, politics and other areas. It's time to look into the future, which will arrive soon enough. What a person with unusual abilities of extrasensory vision could see in him.

Globe about Russia 2017

Paul foretells a favorable time for our country. It is aimed at gaining the country an influential position with the resolution of all economic and political issues. After all, this burden has sufficiently tired Russian citizens at all levels of activity for last years. This is the opinion of a person who has been given from above to foresee events beyond the boundaries of usual time. However, in order to get what is expected in the future, he recommends living in the present, already doing good at this time, creating the basis for a prosperous and joyful time called the future.

A lot of dirt comes out from other users who consider themselves psychics. The powers of black and white magic become the basis for foreseeing bad events. However, for Paul they are of no value. In his understanding, an important role is played by all those assumptions that he himself can foresee, based on his own experience and skills. But whatever the predictions, the future is embodied by people themselves, therefore everything can depend only on them, no matter how much you look ahead, guess or calculate by the stars.

Perhaps readers will also be interested in Pavel Globa’s video prediction for 2017

Time 2017 for Russia

According to Pavel Globa and many futurologists from different countries peace for the Russian power is assigned important mission for events on the world stage. Our country, government, citizens have predominantly decisive, influential forces for leading events, changing the situation for the better and only for the better. But what do other futurology experts think, looking from the height of their experience? And what is Pavel Globa’s forecast for 2017 for different countries?

According to Vanga, the future in our country and the whole world will remain without a world war, the third in a row, only because Russia will not allow this to happen. She places more hope in our president, and for good reason. Even though the super-seeing grandmother is no longer in this world, she managed to leave many clues for humanity that can be used now.

For Edgar Cayce, a state astrologer, Russia's role corresponds to Noah's Ark. This place will become a haven for the needy and disadvantaged. The reason for this may be catastrophes and cataclysms. A lot of natural disasters with a volcanic eruption, subsequent tsunami and melting of glaciers. The consequences are obvious; many countries will not be able to survive without casualties. The time for these events is determined in the first third of the year. After changes on the planet, the survivors will be saved by a great march to the lands of central Russia. According to George Friedman, we should expect integration between the countries of the union of councils. They will unite again, and another race will arise between them and America within the framework of cold war. In addition, the scientist expects the final process of the collapse of the European Union. Thanks to the richness of the mineral resources of the Russian land, our state will be able to demonstrate its influence and power.

For Maria Duval, Russia is also seen in a favorable light. Prosperity is expected here on a scale that has not been seen for several centuries. This can be largely achieved through domination over the entire state by one specific person. But who he will be remains a question. The cultural revolution is quite expected for people eager to find themselves in a new community. A lot of inventions will be seen in the field of medicine, and a breakthrough in space will amaze all scientists in the world.
The court, according to the opinions expressed by scientists and magicians from different countries and eras, can note prosperity and stability Russian state, despite all the current indignation of people and minor difficulties. All this passes, only faith in one’s land, Motherland, and fatherland remains unchanged. And now there is no place for traitors whom Russian soil will not demolish.

Pavel Globa said a lot of interesting things about Ukraine in 2017. For the neighbor, this time is a chance to restore the previous connection with Russia, which has existed for centuries. Now the thread is very small, thanks to the current government. And only the will of the people can change the situation, turn it into right side. But whether this will be the case remains a mystery.

The most interesting things from Globa for the world and Russia for 2017 and subsequent years

When considering discussions about the coming time for the people, one cannot look at the conclusions of only one person. Together with Globa, the future was foreseen by Nikolai Dmitrievich Morozov, who proposed his vision in 1999. Then he saw a time of crisis from 2008 to 2020-2025 with varying degrees of success. But what will confirm and what will refute the scientist’s opinion? Unique astrological forecast for 2017 from Pavel Globa. Here are his outlines:

  • A series of shocks of a geopolitical and economic nature will go around the world, as a result of which...
  • The power of the United States will fade away, there will be no more union in Europe, just like Ukraine.
  • The third wave of the crisis will occur from 2017 to 2020, although the severity will decrease somewhat. Only moral exhaustion of people, a constant state of depression will depress people.
  • During the post-crisis thirty years from 2020 to 2050, Russia will be destined to be reborn, to become, in the rights of a world leader, a truly powerful country-empire, as it was before.
  • In the period 2020-21, the place of power will be occupied by a powerful, interesting personality in all respects, presented in the role of the “Rider on the White Horse”. You may be able to recognize the image as a person born under the sign of the White Horse (year after eastern calendar).
In general, we can assume that Pavel Globa’s prophecy for 2017 for Russia should come true. After all, in previous years he was not mistaken with the world coup in 2014, when the people of Ukraine were divided, siding with Russia and their own government. Everyone knows that now there is no Kyiv government for eastern Ukraine. And in Crimea one can really note the features of previous events with a Chechen plot.

Observations and parallels of interest to the reader

Since the old days, Anna Akhmatova noticed that there is a certain pattern between events in the world, astrology and history. Thus, at the time of the 150th anniversary of the death of Mikhail Lermontov, the collapse of the country of Soviets occurred. It is possible that by the 200th anniversary we should expect something important and significant for world history.

Globa himself manages to express his explanations on this issue as follows. By 2020, Jupiter will be in proximity to Saturn. It is natural that every 20 years, when the planets are in close proximity to each other, the world is predicted to have good luck and prosperity. This was also confirmed by a Russian astrologer who lived before Nostradamus. His name is known to many - Nemchina Vasily. So, based on the experience of predecessors and personal observations, Globa’s prediction for 2017 of what awaits Russia can come true down to every point. All that remains is to observe and hope for an outcome favorable for Russians and all humanity.

Was the forecast fulfilled? given by Paul Globe for 2016? What are the trends for the coming 2017? Will Bloomberg's forecast that there will be a "Yalta Agreement" number two come true? What awaits the signs Zdiaka? 2017-th- year of the centenary of the February and October revolutions. Were they predicted by astrologers?

How often do such events occur? Or do they have no periodicity? Why did Russia face particularly serious trials at the end of the year? About this in live Pravda. Ru was told by a famous astrologer, historian, rector of the International Astrological Institute.

- We will soon celebrate the year Fire rooster, So?

Actually, according to the eastern calendar, if you stick to the letter, this is not the year of the Red or Fire Rooster, but the year of the Reddish or Pink Hen. According to their calendar, such a women’s year comes once every 60 years. It will not be celebrated on January 1st, but on the first new moon of Aquarius - January 28th. That is, there is still a month left. We will celebrate New Year still in the Red Monkey period.

- Last year, you made a completely fair forecast, for example, regarding Turkey, that we will return to the Turkish Stream, we will either quarrel or make peace with Erdogan...

Well, that's how it happened.

- You also said that there will be a sluggish war in the Middle East, and that’s how it goes.

Same thing - there was no doubt about it.

- About the winners of the US elections, you said that this would be some kind of “dark horse”.

Yes what will it be new person, which is not illuminated in any way. Although experts believed that Trump would not last long and would give his votes to the younger Bush - Jeb, or otherwise leave the race. Nobody predicted it. I also couldn’t say whether Trump would be there or not, just based on earlier forecasts, it was obvious that some completely new person should come to power in America.

The Nostradamus of the Russian Renaissance of the 16th century, Vasily Nemchin, whom I discovered in the late 1970s, wrote about this. He had some very interesting and unique words about the ruler of a country overseas. And then the Atlantic was just being developed. He wrote that each of these rulers would rule for four years, and the 44th ruler would be fatal. Trump is the 44th president.

Many believe that Trump is the 45th President of the United States. But this is not true. In fact, he is really the 44th. Because one of the presidents - Grover Cleveland - was counted twice at the end of the 19th century. He was counted twice, since he was 22nd and after a break he became president again.

So the 44th president, as he is described, is some kind of fatal man, and he is not like everyone else. This was main mystery, I hesitated to say which of them would be Clinton or Trump. Because both of them were not like everyone else. Clinton is a woman, and Trump is from a completely different environment, from the business community. There will be a crisis associated with it and big hopes United States of America. This new period, new era in the history of this state.

- Did you think that the end of this year would be so tragic for Russia? Why is there such misfortune at the end of the year?

I announced at the beginning of December that they would be very heavy and could be associated, most likely, with air travel. Therefore, I warned people to take fewer flights and pay special attention to this.

- What will happen in Ukraine next year?

The same. Maybe the top there will change somehow. There will be no fundamental changes, just like this year. About this year, they asked me in your studio what would happen to Yatsenyuk, I suggested that maybe he wouldn’t be there, but it wouldn’t change anything there. Yatsenyuk is no longer prime minister, but nothing has changed. There won't be a revolution there yet. This is a little later. In the 18th-19th years there will be real changes, I really hope that they will be for the better.

- This year marks the hundredth anniversary of our two revolutions. Could this somehow affect future events?

This is just a myth, although many people pay attention to it and for some reason believe that it could happen again. Despite the centennial dates of the two revolutions, this does not threaten any repetitions or shocks. Because these cyclical patterns, which astrology studies, do not allow us to assume that all this will happen again. It's just far-fetched.

Also in 1912, the centenary of the Patriotic War of 1812 was celebrated. Some then also expected some kind of repetition, but for Russia the year was calm, on the contrary, the economy was on the rise. And now their hope, who want turmoil for Russia, fortunately for the majority of the people, will not come true.

However, the year promises to be difficult. All years are difficult now. But this year is associated with the beginning of a new cycle. There is another cyclical pattern associated with the so-called Decan calendar. They knew him in Persia for a very long time, but then they completely forgot about him. I use it in my forecasts.

The desire to understand the future follows a person’s heels. Even the most minimal knowledge about the weather for the coming week gives us a chance to change our lives for the better and avoid some unwanted situations. Globa's predictions for 2017 are clearly formulated, so understanding them is quite simple.

What do the stars say about the political and economic situation in the world in 2017? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the prophecy of a famous astrologer right now.

Who is this Globa?

Pavel Pavlovich Globa was born during Soviet Union a few years after the end of the Great Patriotic War. Thanks to your noble roots, as well as powerful genetics, he inherited the gift of foresight and is well versed in star maps. His career was extremely varied. Globa managed to be both a watchman and a presenter on central television.

So rich life experience helped the soothsayer become a versatile and educated person. Many of his predictions and conclusions came true, but there were also those that are unlikely to ever come true. Despite such “mistakes,” Globa was and remains a respected and recognizable personality.

First of all, it is appreciated for:

  • the ability to make reasonable predictions;
  • analytical and sharp mind;
  • fulfilled prophecies;
  • modern point of view.

Unfortunately, in recent years Pavel Pavlovich has been trying not to appear in public often, so to speak, he has withdrawn into himself. But his true fans closely follow the life of their idol and continue to firmly believe in any statement he makes.

What to expect in 2017?

The seer claims that over the next 12 months there will be many bright events that will be remembered for a long time by the inhabitants of our planet. First of all, Globa foresees a slight easing of the economic crisis, although people will not really feel it. Perhaps this will happen because the people are already tired of all kinds of fluctuations in the economic field and are trying not to take some good news from this environment to heart. Globa said that the crisis will finally leave our region only by the end of this decade.

Next year will be a landmark year for the American currency. In his opinion, the dollar will depreciate significantly and may even cease to exist. The astrologer advises citizens to quickly convert this currency into euros, because it is considered a more “solid” monetary unit. But soon oil will rise in price again and will help the Russian economy “get back on its feet.”

Concerning political life many countries, then active conflict Unfortunately, it won't stop. The “creeping” war will continue to radiate its oppressive waves into the crowd of the population, thereby once again worsening its moral and spiritual state.

Forecast for Russia

As the famous astrologer stated, Russia will emerge from the crisis by the end of 2017. Despite the fact that many experts predicted the default of this great power, it will strengthen its position and occupy the forefront in the international arena. In addition, most CIS countries will be able to rehabilitate themselves after a protracted crisis by 2020.

Relations with neighbors are another hot topic. Globa is confident that Russia will become the center of a new alliance of post-Soviet states. With its input, a new, powerful Eastern European bloc will be formed, which will include countries such as Russia, Belarus and even Ukraine.

Forecast for Ukraine

They have already begun to come true. Not long ago, an astrologer calculated that the country would face a deep economic crisis starting in 2014. So far all his prophecies are coming true. According to him, the difficult situation in the state will last until 2020. But starting in 2020, Ukraine will begin to rapidly get out of the debt and financial hole, thanks to its unification with Russia.

Globa's predictions that came true

Even the most avid skeptics sometimes listen to famous prophets and astrologers.

Despite the fact that some of Globa's miscalculations turned out to be incorrect, he was still able to see in the future dangerous situations and global disasters that happened earlier.

  • The Chernobyl accident.
  • The earthquakes that rocked Armenia in 1988.
  • Yeltsin's presidential re-election.
  • The September 11 terrorist attack in New York.
  • Collapse of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
  • Bloody wars in Libya and Iraq.
  • The rise to power of Putin, a man from the KGB.

In addition, Pavel Globa has repeatedly stated that Ukraine will be divided into three parts in 2014 - as we all see, this is what happened. Concerning Russian show business, then the famous astrologer foresaw a split in the relationship between Natasha Koroleva and her husband Yuri Nikolaev, as well as the divorce of Tsekalo and Lolita.

Predictions are a very subtle and unknown matter, which not every person can touch. But many of us try to get even one centimeter closer to the solution to our future, so we listen to astrologers, prophets and oracles.

Whether to believe all these people is a purely personal matter. But as practice shows, higher power still tend to interfere during our lives. So why don’t we slightly reveal the secret of our existence in order to have time to prepare for misfortunes or, conversely, to joyfully greet the pleasant and fruitful days that fate has prepared for us.

Pavel Glob's Horoscope for August 2017 will help you take only the best from the coming month. In August, absolutely every person will be able to compensate for the efforts expended with happiness, abundance and good luck.

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa will lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits us in the coming month. Thanks to the horoscope, you will be able to understand in which area of ​​life you need to direct your internal energy to achieve good luck and prosperity. You will be able to normalize and get closer to your own purpose.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Aries

The coming month will be marked by the presence of your patron Mars in the constellation Leo, which will have a positive effect on your mood and vital activity. This position of the stars will give you an inexhaustible source of energy, a thirst for activity and courage.

Problems may be related to financial situation. Negative Impact your opponent Mercury will remain until the 12th. However, this will not prevent you from expressing yourself in your career. Connecting with like-minded people will give you confidence.

Aspects from Mars, the Moon and Jupiter on August 20 and 21 will help Aries feel harmony and unity with the world. The necessary support will be provided in matters. Luck will smile in work and romantic relationships.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Taurus

In August, typical Taurus will be susceptible to vulnerability and touchiness. Subtle experiences and sudden sentimentality will intensify due to the decline in lunar activity at the beginning of the month. In the middle of the month, the negative aspects of the planets will encourage cautious and practical actions.

At the end of the month, your chances of realizing your potential will increase. However, you should avoid emotional and unpleasant people, otherwise your inner peace will be irreparably disturbed. The stars advise you to show yourself outside the box and try to realize your hidden talents.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Gemini

To achieve success, Gemini representatives will have to try hard. The first ten days of the month will be successful for resolving financial issues due to the strengthened position of your patron planet, Mercury. Be careful with money: you can be deceived by criminals.

The second half of the month is marked by a positive relationship between Mercury and Venus, awakening tender and reverent feelings. It is possible that Gemini may sense more serious intentions towards their chosen one.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Cancer

The coming month may bring problems for Cancers: uncomfortable conditions are expected for carrying out important tasks. At the beginning of August, your patron will enter into aspects with hostile planets, which will increase internal tension. Astrologers advise avoiding conflicts, even if you are the instigator.

More positive conditions will come after August 8th. The moon in the constellation Pisces is a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Try to schedule the most important plans and exciting events around the 9th and 10th.

It will not be possible to avoid a breakdown on the eve of the Full Moon. August 21 is an energetically dangerous period. You will benefit from the confidence and brightness favored by the constellation Leo during this period.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Leo

In August, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be lucky. Luck will not leave you. The energy patron Sun will be in your Sign until August 21, which favors bright and harmonious manifestations. Leos can successfully take an active position in public life, take steps towards well-being and think through grandiose plans.

The Moon will visit your Sign on August 20 and 21, which will allow you to lose yourself in creative activity. At this time, you can follow the dictates of your heart.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Virgo

Representatives of the Virgo sign will have a great month. The patron Mercury will not leave your Sign throughout the entire period, with the exception of August 31, which means only one thing - the positive energy of the planet will manifest itself in the most favorable way for you. Representatives of this Sign will feel harmony and will have the opportunity to independently manage life.

From August 12, Mercury will go retrograde, which will require a more scrupulous attitude towards money and work. Astrologers advise analyzing past mistakes and looking for profitable terms. Several aspects of the planets on August 22 and 23 will give Virgos pleasant emotions and the opportunity to establish the necessary connections.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Libra

The first half of the month is favorable for Libra. Venus, which rules your Sign, will be marked by being in the constellation Cancer, which will bring to your love relationship tenderness and warmth. According to your horoscope, you should avoid unpleasant communication. Hurt feelings during this period will disrupt inner harmony.

The second half of the month will have explosive energy, which will encourage conflict situations and disagreements. There is no need to be afraid: a good opportunity will arise to defend your own views. The most successful aspect of the coming month is the sextile of Mercury and Venus on August 10, which will bring good opportunities.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Scorpio

The stars promise a calm month for Scorpios, but it cannot be called boring: unpleasant clashes and an open struggle for success are expected. At the beginning of August, the Moon will visit your Sign, which will cause a series of conflict situations. It is possible that you will be able to break other people’s principles and achieve your own.

In the middle of the month, Scorpios may be angered by someone's actions, especially imposed life position. Astrologers recommend keeping yourself in control and working on controlling your emotions.

At the end of August, representatives of this Sign will experience a period of relaxation and new opportunities. The positive influence of the stars, especially the antagonist Moon in a weak position, will attract you unusual people and opportunities to expand the usual horizons of life.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Sagittarius

Fate and the stars will provide you with excellent opportunities in August. At the beginning of the month, luck will smile on you, everything will work out. However, violent emotions can discredit you in the eyes of others, so keep your feelings under control.

Show yourself with the best side will succeed on August 11, when the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter will have a beneficial effect on your Sign. The middle and end of the month will be associated with supporting and defending your own or others' rights. Be consistent and free in your actions, relying on your intuition.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Capricorn

An eventful month awaits representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Astrologers recommend not to waste your resources and direct energy only in the right direction. Scandal and intrigue should be avoided. Excessive gullibility will be punished.

At the beginning of the month, a weakened Moon in your Sign will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of strength and confidence. Luck will find people who are able to concentrate and make responsible decisions. The aspect of the Sun and Saturn, which will occur on the 14th, will give you social activity.

The end of the month is marked by successful opportunities. Trust yourself and follow your dreams. However, excessive activity can backfire, causing stress and lowering the overall tone of the body.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Aquarius

The stars promise Aquarius interesting August. Patron Uranus will be marked by retrograde and being in the constellation Aries. This will help representatives of the constellation Aquarius reconsider own life and discard unnecessary things. However, astrologers advise not to act rashly and not to commit actions whose consequences you cannot change.

The brightest aspect according to the horoscope awaits you on August 21. The trine of your energy patrons Uranus and the Sun will help you realize your potential and attract good luck for quite a long time. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunities the Universe provides you. Courage and energy at the end of August will allow you to get what you want.

Pavel Glob's horoscope for August 2017 Pisces

August promises to be calm and harmonious for representatives of the Sign of Pisces. Throughout the month, you should remain faithful to your own principles and do what you love. However, we should not forget about those actions that bring not only satisfaction, but also material benefit.

The most favorable period is indicated for Pisces: on August 10 and 11, the patron Moon will be strengthened by being in your Sign, which will give peace of mind and harmonious development of events.

In the middle and at the end of the month, it is advisable for Pisces to establish useful connections and make profitable acquaintances. It is not recommended to trust the rumors and advice of strangers. Be prepared to engage in aggressive debate to defend your own principles and desires.

An astrological forecast from Pavel Globa takes into account the bright aspects of the planets and shows the most favorable cosmic conditions for doing business. To ensure that luck does not leave you even in moments of negative influence of celestial objects, you should use additional methods to attract it. We wish you a successful month and new victories. Be happy!

Taking only the best from the coming month will help you astrological forecast. In August, absolutely every person will be able to compensate for the efforts expended with happiness, abundance and good luck.

Famous astrologer Pavel Globa will lift the veil of secrecy over what awaits us in the coming month. Thanks to the horoscope, you will be able to understand in which area of ​​life you need to direct your internal energy to achieve good luck and prosperity. It will be possible to normalize personal life and get closer to your own destiny.


The coming month will be marked by the presence of your patron Mars in the constellation Leo, which will have a positive effect on your mood and vital activity. This position of the stars will give you an inexhaustible source of energy, a thirst for activity and courage.

Problems may be related to financial situation. The negative impact of your opponent Mercury will continue until the 12th. However, this will not prevent you from expressing yourself in your career. Connecting with like-minded people will give you confidence.

Aspects from Mars, the Moon and Jupiter on August 20 and 21 will help Aries feel harmony and unity with the world. The necessary support will be provided in matters. Luck will smile in work and romantic relationships.


In August, typical Taurus will be susceptible to vulnerability and touchiness. Subtle experiences and sudden sentimentality will intensify due to the decline in lunar activity at the beginning of the month. In the middle of the month, the negative aspects of the planets will encourage cautious and practical actions.

At the end of the month, your chances of realizing your potential will increase. However, you should avoid emotional and unpleasant people, otherwise your inner peace will be irreparably disturbed. The stars advise you to show yourself outside the box and try to realize your hidden talents.


To achieve success, Gemini representatives will have to try hard. The first ten days of the month will be successful for resolving financial issues due to the strengthened position of your patron planet, Mercury. Be careful with money: you can be deceived by criminals.

The second half of the month is marked by a positive relationship between Mercury and Venus, awakening tender and reverent feelings. It is possible that Gemini may sense more serious intentions towards their chosen one.


The coming month may bring problems for Cancers: uncomfortable conditions are expected for carrying out important tasks. At the beginning of August, your patron will enter into aspects with hostile planets, which will increase internal tension. Astrologers advise avoiding conflicts, even if you are the instigator.

More positive conditions will come after August 8th. The moon in the constellation Pisces is a reason to breathe a sigh of relief. Try to schedule the most important plans and exciting events around the 9th and 10th.

It will not be possible to avoid a breakdown on the eve of the Full Moon. August 21 is an energetically dangerous period. You will benefit from the confidence and brightness favored by the constellation Leo during this period.

a lion

In August, representatives of this Zodiac Sign will be lucky. Luck will not leave you. The energy patron Sun will be in your Sign until August 21, which favors bright and harmonious manifestations. Leos can successfully take an active position in public life, take steps towards well-being and think through grandiose plans.

The Moon will visit your Sign on August 20 and 21, which will allow you to immerse yourself in creative activity. At this time, you can follow the dictates of your heart.


Representatives of the Virgo sign will have a great month. The patron Mercury will not leave your Sign throughout the entire period, with the exception of August 31, which means only one thing - the positive energy of the planet will manifest itself in the most favorable way for you. Representatives of this Sign will feel harmony and will have the opportunity to independently manage life.

From August 12, Mercury will go retrograde, which will require a more scrupulous attitude towards money and work. Astrologers advise analyzing past mistakes and looking for favorable conditions. Several aspects of the planets on August 22 and 23 will give Virgos pleasant emotions and the opportunity to establish the necessary connections.


The first half of the month is favorable for Libra. Venus, which rules your Sign, will be marked by its presence in the constellation Cancer, which will bring tenderness and warmth to your love relationships. According to your horoscope, you should avoid unpleasant communication. Hurt feelings during this period will disrupt inner harmony.

The second half of the month will have explosive energy, which will encourage conflict situations and disagreements. There is no need to be afraid: a good opportunity will arise to defend your own views. The most successful aspect of the coming month is the sextile of Mercury and Venus on August 10, which will bring good opportunities.


The stars promise a calm month for Scorpios, but it cannot be called boring: unpleasant clashes and an open struggle for success are expected. At the beginning of August, the Moon will visit your Sign, which will cause a series of conflict situations. It is possible that you will be able to break other people’s principles and achieve your own.

In the middle of the month, Scorpios may become angry at someone's actions, especially the imposed life position. Astrologers recommend keeping yourself in control and working on controlling your emotions.

At the end of August, representatives of this Sign will experience a period of relaxation and new opportunities. The positive influence of the stars, especially the antagonist Moon in a weak position, will attract unusual people and opportunities to expand the usual horizons of life.


Fate and the stars will provide you with excellent opportunities in August. At the beginning of the month, luck will smile on you, everything will work out. However, violent emotions can discredit you in the eyes of others, so keep your feelings under control.

You will be able to show your best side on August 11, when the relationship between the Sun and Jupiter will have a beneficial effect on your Sign. The middle and end of the month will be associated with supporting and defending your own or others' rights. Be consistent and free in your actions, relying on your intuition.


An eventful month awaits representatives of this Zodiac Sign. Astrologers recommend not to waste your resources and direct energy only in the right direction. Scandal and intrigue should be avoided. Excessive gullibility will be punished.

At the beginning of the month, a weakened Moon in your Sign will give you the opportunity to feel a surge of strength and confidence. Luck will find people who are able to concentrate and make responsible decisions. The aspect of the Sun and Saturn, which will occur on the 14th, will give you social activity.

The end of the month is marked by successful opportunities. Trust yourself and follow your dreams. However, excessive activity can backfire, causing stress and lowering the overall tone of the body.


The stars promise Aquarius an interesting August. Patron Uranus will be marked by retrograde and being in the constellation Aries. This will help representatives of the constellation Aquarius reconsider their own lives and give up unnecessary things. However, astrologers advise not to act rashly and not to commit actions whose consequences you cannot change.

The brightest aspect according to the horoscope awaits you on August 21. The trine of your energy patrons Uranus and the Sun will help you realize your potential and attract good luck for quite a long time. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunities the Universe provides you. Courage and energy at the end of August will allow you to get what you want.


August promises to be calm and harmonious for representatives of the Sign of Pisces. Throughout the month, you should remain faithful to your own principles and do what you love. However, we should not forget about those actions that bring not only satisfaction, but also material benefit.

The most favorable period is indicated for Pisces: on August 10 and 11, the patron Moon will be strengthened by being in your Sign, which will give peace of mind and harmonious development of events.

In the middle and at the end of the month, it is advisable for Pisces to establish useful connections and make profitable acquaintances. It is not recommended to trust the rumors and advice of strangers. Be prepared to engage in aggressive debate to defend your own principles and desires.

An astrological forecast from Pavel Globa takes into account the bright aspects of the planets and shows the most favorable cosmic conditions for doing business. To ensure that luck does not leave you even in moments of negative influence of celestial objects, you should use additional methods to attract it.

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Pavel Grudinin, biography, news, photo Pavel Grudinin candidate and his state farm

Another candidate for the post of President of Russia has appeared - an ambitious businessman, truth teller Pavel Grudinin, head of the Lenin state farm near Moscow....

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