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Important habits of rich people (billionaires) that are available to everyone. Anna Wintour: Stay active. Beliefs that wealth is bad

What habits and behavior patterns distinguish rich people from ordinary people.

Rich people think and act differently than everyone else. But they are not born with this “rich man mentality.” They learn first and then choose that way of thinking and acting.

This concept has been around in the media for almost 100 years, thanks to a journalistic study of more than 500 self-made millionaires conducted in the early 20th century. Today its importance continues to grow.

In Harv Eker's bestseller Think Like a Millionaire, the author, also a self-made millionaire, describes a certain course of action that Everyday life the richest people adhere to, but most of us do not follow their example.

1. Rich people prefer to control their own success.

Ecker writes: “The rich think: “I am the creator of my life,” and the poor think: “Nothing depends on me.”

2. Rich people prefer to think big.

Who if not me? This is how the rich think, writes Ecker:

“Global plans and large-scale actions bring money and fill life with meaning. Many people place small bets. Why? The reason, firstly, is fear. They are deathly afraid of failure, and even more afraid of success. Secondly, they play small because they think small. They don't value themselves. They feel that they are not good enough or strong enough to make any difference in the lives of those around them.”

3. Rich people are dedicated to being rich.

Instead of wanting wealth, rich people constantly strive for it:

“The path to wealth is concentration, courage, knowledge, competence, one hundred percent dedication, perseverance and, naturally, a “rich” way of thinking. If you are not 100%, firm and unconditional about your desire [to become rich], then you are unlikely to live in abundance."

Rich people can confidently move towards wealth because they have precise goals and a clear vision:

« main reason The reason most people don't get what they want is that they simply don't know what they want. The rich know for sure that they want to be rich. This desire is unshakable. To be rich, they do everything that is within the bounds of law, ethics and morality."

4. The rich focus on opportunity.

Unlike most people, the rich focus not on obstacles, but on opportunities, and benefit from them:

“The rich see opportunities for growth; the poor see opportunities for loss. The rich think about the happy outcome, the poor think about the risk.”

5. Rich people prefer to play to win.

Rich people play to win, and poor people play to avoid losing, says Ecker:

“The goal of every rich person is great wealth. Not just money, but a lot of money.”

If your goal is only comfort, that is, the amount of money sufficient to survive, most likely you will not achieve wealth:

“If you set out to earn no more than you need to pay the bills, you will earn just enough to pay the bills, and not a dollar more.”

6. Rich people prefer to spend time with other rich people.

"Other people's successes successful people perceived as an additional incentive. They see an object to follow. “If they could do it, then so can I,” they tell themselves.”

Rich people do not envy others, but are grateful because they set an example of how to achieve the same success:

“The fastest and easiest way to make a fortune is to learn from rich people by observing the rules those professionals play by.”

7. Rich people don't let problems get them down.

“The secret of success is not to avoid, get rid of or shy away from difficulties, but to rise above any problem. The road to wealth is full of pitfalls and traps, and that is why most people are afraid to step on it because they do not want the difficulties, headaches and responsibility. In short, they don’t want problems.”

Ecker argues that super successful people don't focus on problems or even notice them. Instead, they focus on their goals.

8. Rich people think about their net worth.

Net worth is the financial value of everything you own:

“[This is] the main criterion of wealth, because if necessary, everything you own can be turned into cash.”

9. Rich people prefer to be paid for results.

“There is nothing wrong with receiving a regular salary, as long as it does not deprive you of the opportunity to earn what you deserve. This is the rub. Because that’s usually what happens.”

The richest people do not limit their income from above and prefer not to receive payment for hours worked:

“The rich love to receive money for the result of their work - if not in full, then at least partially. A wealthy person usually owns some form of property rights to what he does. His income is his profit. The rich work for commissions or percentages. High wages such people prefer a stock option or profit share.”

10. The rich prefer to manage their money.

“Wealthy people are no smarter than poor people, they just manage their money differently, more wisely. The only major difference between financial solvency and financial insolvency is the ability to handle finances correctly. Everything is extremely simple: in order to make money work for you, you need to learn how to manage it.”

Ordinary people do not think about how to handle money because they think they have too little money to manage it somehow. Ecker states:

“Until you show your ability to manage what you have, you won’t get more! The amount of money is not as important as the habit of handling it correctly.”

11. Rich people are constantly learning and developing.

The richest people learn success from those who are even richer and more successful. And they continue to learn even when they have already achieved incredible results:

“Every master started with failures. People are not born financial geniuses. Every wealthy person has learned how to succeed in the financial arena, and you can too.”

These habits are no stranger to legendary investor Warren Buffett. And this is where his extraordinary success lies.

“I like to use the word avalanche as a metaphor. – says Thomas Corley, author of the book "Habits of the Rich: Daily Habits Behind Rich People's Success". “These habits are like flakes of snow - they become more and more numerous, and now an avalanche of success has already covered you.”

For five years, Corley studied the lives of wealthy people (those with annual incomes of $160,000 or more and net liquid assets of $3.2 million or more). And the lives of poor people (those with an annual income of $35,000 or less and net liquid assets of $5,000 or less).

He managed to isolate what he calls “ habits of the rich" And " habits of the poor”, referring to the behavior and thinking of people belonging to the respective groups. However, Corley explains, every person has both the habits of the rich and the habits of the poor. “It’s important that the habits of the rich make up more than 50%,” he says.

What kind of habits are these that have such big influence? Here are a few of them:

1. Rich people's goals are always on their radar.

“I focus on my goals every day.”

Rich: 62%
Poor: 6%

Wealthy people not only have it every month and every year, 67% formulate them in writing. “I was amazed,” Corley says. “I thought that a goal was something big and general, but rich people say that desire is not a goal.” A goal is a goal only if it has two characteristics: it is achievable, and there are physical actions that can be taken to achieve it.

2. Rich people know what to do today.

Rich: 81%
Poor: 19%

Not only do the rich make to-do lists, but 67% of them complete 70% or more of their to-do lists every day.

3. Rich people don't watch TV.

“I watch TV for an hour or less a day.”

Rich: 67%
Poor: 23%

Likewise, only 6% of the rich watch reality TV, compared to 78% of the poor. " General characteristics rich is efficient use of its time,” Corley explains. – Rich people don’t watch TV not because they have some kind of supernatural self-discipline or willpower. They simply don’t have time to watch TV because they are busy with other normal daily activities, such as reading.”

4. The rich read... but not for pleasure.

Rich: 86%
Poor: 26%

Of course, the rich love to read, but they prefer non-fiction—self-help books in particular. “The rich read voraciously about how to improve themselves,” Corley says. – In fact, 88% of them read for self-improvement for 30 minutes every day. Among the poor, by comparison, this figure is 2%.”

5. They also love audiobooks.

“I listen to audiobooks on the way to work.”

Rich: 63%
Poor: 5%

Even if you don't listen to audiobooks, you can make the most of your commute with other self-improvement methods.

6. The rich go above and beyond the norm at work.

“I do more than my job responsibilities require”

Rich: 81%
Poor: 17%

It's worth noting that while 86% of the rich (compared to 43% of the poor) work hours per week, only 6% of wealthy people surveyed said they were unhappy at work.

7. The rich don't expect to hit the jackpot.

“I play the lottery regularly”

Rich: 6%
Poor: 77%

This does not mean that the rich never take risks with money. “Most of these people are business owners who invest their own money and take on financial risks,” Corley explains. “Such people are not afraid to take risks.”

8. Rich people watch their weight.

"I count calories every day"

Rich: 57%
Poor: 5%

“Rich people value their health,” Corley says. – One of the participants in my study was 68 years old and had a net worth of about $78 million. I asked why he didn't retire. He looked at me like I was an alien and said, “For the last 45 years, I have been exercising every day and watching what I eat. I knew that at the end of my career I would make the most money.” If he can extend his career by four to five years, that would mean earning about $7 million."

There is one secret known to every rich person. It can be expressed in the words of the great Aristotle that we are what we constantly do, that is, our habits. Accordingly, perfection is also a habit.

You too can develop the qualities of rich people that will help you achieve financial well-being and prosperity. Let's look at the main 10 habits of millionaires that allowed them to become who they are.

They set goals

Rich people don't become rich by accident. They set themselves specific goals and eventually achieve them. Goal setting is a very useful process that allows you to see and feel the money you want before you have it.

They are focused on one thing

A laser beam can cut through a wide variety of objects only by concentrating all the force at a certain point. Rich people can be compared to such a laser. They set seemingly impossible goals, but focus all their efforts on achieving them until they succeed in achieving their goal. Ordinary people, as a rule, do not concentrate on one thing, but do what comes their way.

They respect time

According to Brian Tracy, rich people don't look at earnings on a monthly or annual basis. They count how much they manage to earn per hour. Therefore, if they have to waste time on unproductive activities, they realize that they are losing profit every moment. Rich people don't spend a lot of time on social media or watching TV. They work almost around the clock and cannot afford to waste a single minute.

They spend less than they earn

As simple as it may sound, the secret to becoming rich is to always spend less than you earn. The problem many people have is that they increase their spending after their income increases. So, they buy expensive cars, big houses, and at the same time remain either poor or have average income. If you want to improve your financial situation, then follow the rule of saving 10% of all your income.

They work a lot and hard

Except for those who have inherited huge fortunes, you will not find rich people who are lazy people. They work very hard and at the same time constantly work. After all, a person who works hard cannot help but succeed in his profession, regardless of whether he develops his own business or is an employee.

They are constantly learning and growing professionally

The more you know, the more you will earn. Your ability to learn determines your ability to earn money. While hard work is important, hard work alone will not make you rich. So develop your brain and gain more skills and experience every day.

They keep company with rich people

Rich people are not friends with poor people. As the old saying goes, “Show me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are.” Even if you don't have a large amount money now, communicating with financially successful people or those who have rich potential will sooner or later help you become rich yourself.

They are persistent

Rich people don't give up. About 90% of today's rich people have not made their fortunes in the way they originally planned to do so. They tried and failed, then started again, and so on, until eventually luck smiled on them. You may lose a lot of money during this process, but you will constantly learn from mistakes and experiences until you achieve your desired goal.

They take risks into account

Rich people love to take risks. Once they set a goal for themselves, they will do whatever it takes to achieve it, sometimes even risking their lives. If you want to achieve financial success, don't be afraid to take risks. Be bold, courageous, but at the same time prudent. Remember that every decision can cost you, and never put all your eggs in one basket.

They are generous

Rich people are usually very generous. If you look at the lives of the richest people in modern world, you will find that many of them are true philanthropists. This series includes Rockefeller, Carnegie, Bill Gates, Carlos Slim and many others. Make generosity an integral part of your personality, and one day you too will become a very rich person!

We looked at 10 habits of rich people. However, having them is not enough. We also suggest that you familiarize yourself with tips that will help you achieve financial success.

Start early

The old saying goes, “The early bird gets the worm.” In this case, the sooner you start putting effort and money into the business, the more time you will have to achieve success.


You can be your own worst enemy when it comes to financial success. After all, it is very easy to procrastinate and put off things that need to be done, and, meanwhile, give in to temptation and spend more than necessary. This is the perfect recipe for never becoming rich. So, if you yourself cannot start saving 10% of your income (after all, this is the habit of rich people), then automate this process! Set up recurring transfers from your checking account to investment or savings accounts, or create an automatic deduction from your paycheck. This will prevent you from being tempted to spend the money you plan to save.

Never use credit cards

After all, rates on such loans are one of the most serious threats to your financial well-being. Say goodbye to your credit card. This will prevent you from paying unnecessary interest and fees and help you save money. Instead, explore the possibilities of how and where you can get a profitable loan to start a business or study if necessary. But under no circumstances should you spend this money on excesses; live within the means you earn.

Avoid temptations

This tip is closely related to the previous one. After all, the temptation to live better than we can afford haunts us constantly - on TV, when reading magazines and watching social networks, and also while listening to boastful stories from friends and colleagues. But always remember that if you are tempted, you may find short-term satisfaction from, for example, buying an expensive car, but ultimately you will regret it in the future, since you will have to pay for the purchase for many years, paying off a considerable interest on a monthly basis. credit. Moreover, it will certainly shake your financial stability. So don’t go to expensive stores just for fun, unsubscribe from mailing lists from various catalogues, etc.

So what do the richest among us do that is so unusual? Moreover, what instructions do they give to their assistants, butlers and servants? Or do they send their laundry to be washed in a limousine? Or do they go to the bank to check their vault?

It's true that not everything in this world can be bought with money, but there are many things that money can "buy" for you - and wealthy people have a unique understanding of the difference. No matter how eccentric and special they may be, wealthy people think and act differently than most of us. This is how they made their fortune.

We've compiled a list of the 15 most important daily habits of wealthy people. What are they worth? Do the math: If you know a millionaire who does all these things, then you can say that the value of each habit is 66,666 dollars and 67 cents. Or, if you prefer round numbers (and what oligarch doesn't?), then that's $70,000 per habit. Well, let's begin...

1. They stay calm

To write his book Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill studied the habits of more than 500 wealthy people. Among the main factors that help to win people over, he identified the following: “When you are trying to make a fortune, do not forget that a strong reaction gives people a bad impression of you.” In another book, Hill wrote: “Remember that silence can be much more effective than hot-tempered, negative speech.”

2. They create a daily to-do list.

Tom Corley, a financial analyst and president of the accounting firm Cerefice & Company, conducted his five-year study of the habits of rich and poor people. He presented the results in the book “Rich Habits: The Daily Success Habits of Wealthy People.” If buying this book isn't on your to-do list, it might be worth writing it.

When Corley asked about a to-do list, 81% of wealthy people said they make one daily. Among the poor, this figure was only 19%. Two-thirds of rich people complete 70% or more of their to-do list. If you are unable to complete some points, remember the proverb “Moscow was not built in a day.”

3. They don't watch TV

This point is more about taking care of your mental health. As Tom Corley points out on his website, it's also about using your time productively. Only 23% of rich people allow themselves to watch TV more than one hour a day. Compare that to 77% among the poor. Impressive? This gives the rich time to do other activities that broaden their financial horizons, such as reading books.

4. They read the Financial Times

Go ahead, mock those orange and pink pages. People who read the Financial Times will also laugh at you when they go to the bank. In February, the Neman Journalism Foundation at Harvard University published an article about the alleged difficulties of the Financial Times. The publication's website was ranked 44th on the list of the most popular online resources for business news in the United States, but it looks like someone was using the wrong numbers. The article also cited the FT's own statistics, which show that its subscribers have an average net worth of $250,000 and that 13% of its readers are millionaires.

5. They team up

Just like poor Chicago Cubs fans, rich people have a penchant for hanging out and socializing with their own kind. They spend a lot of time expanding their network and influence through business organizations or groups that attract ambitious people with an entrepreneurial mindset.

6. They eat healthy food

It's hard to get your earning brain to function at 100% if you feed it McDonald's burgers and Diet Coke all day. Experts from the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine cite sad statistics: people with low incomes are less likely to follow a diet, while the rich are increasingly monitoring the quality of their food. This happens not only because they have more money. Vegetables, fruits and whole grains are not only healthy for the body, but also relatively cheap, especially compared to, for example, caviar.

7. They educate themselves

Audiobooks. Reading. Watch TED Talks videos. No matter where they are or what they do, rich people constantly absorb knowledge. Tom Corley's research shows that 63% of wealthy people listen to audiobooks while commuting. By comparison, among poor people this figure is only 5%.

8. They invest

Investing may seem like a simple process: if you own a fortune, you can invest a lot of money, right? But rich people track and pour much more money, as a percentage, into pensions and insurance on a daily basis. Consumer spending statistics released in 2015 by the US Department of Labor Statistics found that the richest 20% of people spent 15.6% of their income on pensions and insurance. That's six times what the poorest 20% spend.

9. They avoid gambling

For some people, trading in the stock market can also feel like gambling. But for the rich, temptations like lotteries and casinos are less attractive, say experts from the Institute for Addiction Research at the University at Buffalo. The institute's experts determined that the poorer the area, the higher the likelihood that it will have problems with gambling: in areas with the most high level poverty risks are twice as high as in areas with the lowest poverty rates.

10. They get up early

You've probably heard the expression “The first to rise gets the slippers,” but the one who gets up early gets a lot more than the slippers. “Take 100 millionaires from around the world, and I can bet that not one of them has a habit of sleeping long,” says Murray Newlands, investor and entrepreneur. “Most of these people wake up at 6 or 7 a.m. and start working hard, while others are still lounging in bed or drinking their morning coffee and donuts.”

11. They play sports

Okay, not all rich people do this. We all know the stereotype of the “man with a belly.” But in 2013, Psychology Today conducted a study of 5,042 Finnish twins (did you ever imagine there were 5,042 twins in Finland?). The results showed that physical activity has a positive effect on people’s incomes (over a distance of 15 years). Physically active people earn 14-17% more than those who lead a less active lifestyle. In other words, if you want to earn more, take up sports.

12. They set goals and work toward them.

This advice was given to us by Idan Spieser, who skillfully used $3,000 and turned it into a $27 million business - 911 Restoration, a company that helps residents affected by floods and floods. He argues that it is goal focus that distinguishes survival from success. “A lot of people decide to go into business, but they don’t have a vision, a strategy, and most importantly, goals. If you remember your goal every day and work towards it, your life will change,” he says.

13. They leave time for creativity.

One of the New York Times' most successful writers, Brandon Burchard, who is friends with the likes of Bill Gates and Richard Branson, constantly finds time to be creative. In his interview with Entrepreneur magazine, he noted that this is a habit of the most successful and rich people.

14. They buy shares of companies

American transnational corporation Fidelity Investments analyzed its clients who have $1 million or more in their retirement accounts. Experts determined that 75% of these people's assets were invested in company shares and various funds. While we hit the vending machine at work, they are giving away part of their paycheck every day to become even richer in the future.

15. They leave time for rest.

Newlands, the same expert who talked about “working hard,” would never say that rich people are workaholics and that the rest of us should be too. Instead, they accumulate energy and strength to squeeze out tomorrow maximum benefit, just like they did today. “Stop working after 5-6 pm. Don't do anything work related, including checking email, until the next day."

So, 10 good habits of a successful person A

Now we will look useful actions on every day. If you cultivate them in yourself, you will reach the top. Below is a list of habits the best businessmen and the stars of the planet:

1.Early bird

Everyone loves to sleep, especially on weekends. But I think you have noticed that when you sleep until lunch, the day seems lost and time passes quickly. Then we don’t have time to do all the planned things. But rich people get up very early. And not because there is a lot to do, but in order to have time to do more. The fact is that the time from 6 am to lunch is the most productive and energetic part of the day. Therefore, try to get up early. But not at the expense of your health. Remember that by lying in bed at this time, you are wasting precious hours. Better set aside time in the evening to cozy up watching a movie on the sofa.

2.Sport for body and soul

Have you noticed that all celebrities and successful people play sports? And this is not just to look good on red carpets and business meetings. Sport can train the spirit, give self-confidence and teach you to go towards your goal. Physical exercise help develop willpower and patience. This will be useful in other matters. In addition, a healthy and fit person has more energy and mood to work on himself. It is not necessary to conquer Olympic heights. There are many sports that do not take much time and effort. For girls, for example, fitness or yoga are a great way to become more beautiful and bolder. And for men, morning jogging and, of course, martial arts. Force yourself to play sports, and over time the desire to do this will appear on its own.

3.Books and more books

In recent years, such a hobby as reading has been coming out of the shadows. Some people still consider it a useless activity and do not like books at all. However, many people actively read and enjoy it. Interest in literature is an integral feature successful businessman or entrepreneur. First of all, this is your literary stock and grammatically correct speech, because reading improves these skills. In addition, books increase general awareness in all areas and develop a sense of taste.


When we wake up in the morning, we set ourselves tasks that need to be completed. But often there is not enough time for everything, because there are still things that need to be done. This is how we forget what is important. To prevent this from happening, plan your day in detail. Do important and urgent things first. And then the secondary ones. To do this, keep a notepad. This will make your life more balanced. You will have free time for other useful activities or relaxation.

5.Goals and dreams

We all have a dream and more than one. For some it is spiritual achievements, for others it is financial. However, often what we can achieve in a couple of months turns into a lifelong dream. Goals should be set not for the future, but for every day, but small ones. For example, tell yourself that today you will learn 20 foreign words or cook a new dish. This way you will learn to achieve what you set, and from less you will smoothly move on to big dreams and their execution.


If you think that you have had enough books, then this is not so. Books are not so much a hobby as they are a must. educational program. But for an interesting pastime, you need to choose something you like. This could be drawing, handicrafts, cycling, dancing, photography, any sport, tourism.

The main thing is that it brings pleasure and lifts your spirits. But collective hobbies, where you meet new people, will help you make new acquaintances. Eg, favorite hobby millionaires - golf. Well, why not?


If you have chosen a hobby or want to develop a skill, you need daily work. You can’t learn a language or learn karate in one day a week. It takes daily practice. Set aside a couple of hours in the evening to study what you want. And soon you will see results that will inspire you to do more serious work.

8.Leaving your comfort zone

Most highly effective people say that sitting in your comfort zone will get you nowhere. You need to overcome yourself and do what you don't like. Or try something new, expand your horizons. The main thing is not to sit in your cocoon, but to work, achieve, try and make mistakes, learn from mistakes.

Set yourself a goal to do something new and unusual once a week. Start small, move on to bigger ones. Then you will understand that everything stressful situations– these are the little things in life.

9.Elocution and communication skills

If you want to become rich and achieve results, you need to be able to communicate with people. Talent, skills, knowledge are one thing, but the ability to communicate freely and without fear with new people or speak in public is not given to everyone. But this can also be learned. There are special courses where they will teach you not to be afraid, give you a speech and help you relax. Remember that charisma and charm play a significant role in closing deals, getting hired, and communicating with clients.


Here you are successful person and you have a lot to do. And even on weekends you have no time to rest. And here Steve Jobs I have always adhered to an important principle: if you work actively every day, then you don’t need to try to get even more done on the weekends. Set your priorities correctly, regardless of career or self-improvement. We must not forget about family and friends. It is better to devote a couple of days a week to relaxing with family, walks, cinema, restaurants. This way you will restore harmony, relax and have more strength for new achievements.


We looked at different habits, from concrete to abstract. These are the simplest and most important moments in the life of every successful person. You will say that it is not so easy to get up in the morning and start doing all these things. But no one says that dreams are easy to achieve.

The path to success requires great job over yourself, daily practices and efforts. In this matter, it is important not to give up. If you make a mistake, move on. They will not scold you for mistakes, but they will praise you for success. Self confidence and developed strength will give excellent results.

Habits are second nature to you. They determine your destiny and future lifestyle.

Remember, everything is in your hands!

See you soon in new articles!



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