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Types of chopsticks. What the Chinese eat - Chinese chopsticks and other utensils in China. Eating with chopsticks nowadays

Japanese, Korean, Chinese chopsticks

1. Chopsticks - business card asian cuisine

2. About Chinese chopsticks

3. About Japanese chopsticks

4. About Korean chopsticks

What does the average resident of our country know about the culinary traditions of the peoples of Asia? Their food is spicy, hot, exotic, and the most interesting thing is that Asians eat it with chopsticks. They serve not only to grab sushi and rolls with them, as we are used to doing.

Every Asian has their own individual chopsticks. , and sharing them is like lending your own toothbrush. In a word, bad manners and complete unsanitary conditions. If you happen to visit China, do not turn your hands with chopsticks palms up. For local population this gesture is associated with an extreme degree of disrespect for the interlocutor. But if the owner of the house allows you to put food on your plate with his chopsticks, this will symbolize his disposition and sympathy for you.

On the dining table of representatives of Asian culture you can see such an accessory as a chopstick stand. Being a well-mannered guest, use it to secure your cutlery after eating. But putting chopsticks directly on the plate is categorically not recommended, because you will immediately spoil the impression of yourself. If there is no stand, it is better to carefully wrap the tips of the chopsticks on the edge of the plate.

Chinese chopsticks are a classic, along with similar cutlery items from Korea and Japan. We know this for sure. But, despite the obviousness of this statement, a person who is not related to Asian culinary culture is unlikely to know that the chopsticks of these three peoples are different.

It's not just about the materials used. Depending on the type, they can be made from different types of wood, plastic, metal and even ivory. The characteristics of the sticks are different. Let's try to figure out what exactly it is.

About Chinese chopsticks

China, as historical documents show, is the birthplace of chopsticks. It was there that they were invented and used as an auxiliary cutlery for eating. The philosophy of the ancient Chinese boils down to finding harmony in everything. This applies to both spiritual practices and attitudes towards food.

Eating food with chopsticks is a real meditation. Watch and see for yourself. She calms down nervous system and harmonizes the flow of energies. In addition, Chinese chopsticks are a cutlery that allows you to grasp the optimal amount of food, which promotes better chewing.

This improves its absorption and does not interfere with healthy metabolism. It’s not for nothing that the Chinese are one of the healthiest nations, and Chinese women, as a rule, look much younger than their years.

The secret of the beauty and longevity of the Chinese is in their healthy food and, of course, in the way they take it. Chinese chopsticks play a key role in this context.

A distinctive feature of this cutlery from Korean chopsticks and their Japanese counterpart is the length. It is significantly larger, and this is easy to explain. A traditional Chinese meal is a unique and fascinating ritual. It is based on an original way of serving dishes on a platform that rotates continuously and slowly.

She was popularly nicknamed “lazy Susan,” because the hostess thus does not have to worry about changing dishes and making sure that every participant in the feast has the opportunity to try them. It is precisely for the reason that it is more convenient to reach dishes rotating on the platform with long chopsticks, and they are created in this design.

About Japanese chopsticks

And although such an invention as chopsticks was invented in China, this item very quickly migrated to neighboring countries with a similar culture and culinary traditions. However, despite the fact that the average European is unlikely to be able to distinguish Japanese chopsticks from Chinese or Korean ones, there is certainly a difference.

The specificity of serving Japanese dishes is that they are served on plates and not on a platform. During the meal, the Japanese bring the plate close to their face. Therefore, it makes no sense to make the sticks too long.

If we talk about chopsticks, which are used to eat in Japan and other Asian countries, there are two types:

· Disposable. They are used in restaurants, cafes and other catering establishments. Such cutlery is served sealed and fastened at the base. They are absolutely safe from a hygiene point of view, which is very important for an establishment that is visited by many people every day. So, each person will have an individual cutlery that no one has probably used before. The visitor can simply break them at this place and start the meal. Due to their specific nature, there is no point in making disposable chopsticks from too expensive material. Therefore, they are made from willow wood or plastic.

· In Japan they are called hashi. Making such cutlery is much more difficult. Without exaggeration, we can call this national art. The Japanese treat these chopsticks with special reverence. They are given for celebrations, birthdays, weddings and New Year. Khasi are made from noble varieties of wood, as well as from lightweight metal or ivory. They are decorated with exquisite ornaments, and sometimes even gems. Sticks can have different designs. It depends on who the intended owner of the cutlery is. There are women's, men's and children's sticks. In addition, their appearance may vary depending on the event. Just like with us, cutlery can be used for everyday or festive purposes, and the Japanese have different chopsticks in design. Everyday ones look restrained and modest, while festive ones are decorated with bright paintings and made of more expensive materials.

About Korean chopsticks

If you take a closer look at Korean chopsticks, you will notice that they are different from Japanese and Chinese. The main difference is that they are square in shape. This has its own explanation. The square shape is more practical than the round one, as it prevents it from rolling down on the table. They are elongated and quite long.

Korean chopsticks have their own unique history. If you look at the culture of eating in this country, you can note that modern Koreans prefer bamboo chopsticks. However, a few centuries ago they used metal ones here. In particular, this was necessary at court. There is a completely logical explanation for this.

Silver sticks served as an accurate indicator of any poison in food, because poisoning was one of the most common causes of death among representatives of ruling dynasties. Palace intrigues and the struggle for power by any means, as is known, are an integral part of the life of nobles.

All this remains part of Korean history, but the tradition of eating food with metal chopsticks still survives. It is worth noting that a European who picks up sticks made of metal for the first time experiences greater discomfort compared to similar ones. wooden chopsticks for food. However, having adapted to metal chopsticks, a person feels all their advantages.

Firstly, they look much more respectable, and secondly, they are absolutely safe from a hygiene point of view, since food and liquid do not penetrate deep into the structure, which eliminates the accumulation of microbes on the surface of cutlery made from such material. The most commonly used modern metal for the production of sticks is stainless steel.

The first association that most people have when they see chopsticks is, of course, Japan. Although in fact the first of them were made in China back in the 12th century from bamboo. According to one legend, this discovery belongs to the Japanese sage Sen no Rikyu, known throughout the world as the founder of the tea ceremony. One day, while walking through the morning forest, he collected several pieces of wood and cleaned them in order to enjoy the unsurpassed aroma of fresh wood. The shape of these pieces was very similar to modern chopsticks.

Hashi (that’s how chopsticks are correctly called) used today in everyday life by ordinary Japanese people was considered an integral attribute of emperors and gods in those distant times. As for appearance sticks, today they are usually divided into:

According to the material:

  • Wooden;
  • Bone.

According to the sectional shape:

  • Round;
  • Square.

According to the shape of the tip:

  • Conical;
  • Pyramidal.

By use:

  • Disposable;
  • Reusable.

Waribashi, disposable chopsticks made from plastic, are becoming increasingly popular among Japanese restaurateurs whose main specialty is preparing and delivering sushi.

Khasi: cutlery or something more?

If for most people chopsticks are an ordinary device for eating, then for the Japanese they are a kind of sacred symbol, promising good luck and longevity. For the same reason, transferring them to someone else's use is a bad omen. Among other things, there is an opinion that the ability to handle hashi perfectly trains small muscles and contributes to the development of mental abilities. This is why children in Japan are instilled with the desire to master chopsticks from an early age. Not so long ago, this statement received scientific proof: Scientists have proven that children who started using hasi at the age of one are significantly ahead in their development of their peers who did not want to part with a spoon.

By the way, mastering the art of using chopsticks will also be useful for adherents of Japanese culture who want to learn how to properly stir sauce, hold food, chop and cut it into small pieces that are convenient to put in the mouth.

Note to connoisseurs

Like all other table setting items, chopsticks in Japan are usually divided into “male” and “female”. They are served in a special paper case called hashi bukuro. Such cases can be either simple, decorated only with the restaurant logo, or a real work of art, perfect for collecting.

In conclusion about traditions

Traditionally, Khasi is considered one of the best gifts for any occasion. Presented as a gift to newlyweds, they symbolize the desire to always remain inseparable. In addition, they make special sticks for the New Year and the tea ceremony, as well as gift sets for large families. The smallest inhabitants of the Country rising sun receive their first hashi already on the hundredth day after their birth during the “First Chopsticks” ceremony, when, with the help of adults, they taste rice for the first time.

One of the main features of oriental cuisine is the very unusual item tableware - chopsticks.

Why do residents of 4 countries: China, Japan, Vietnam and Korea prefer to use just such cutlery? What are their most valuable qualities? Let's try to figure it out...

A little history

Chopsticks have been around in China for quite some time – even before our era. The legend says that they were invented by the legendary Emperor Yu: wanting to get hot meat from the fire, he used two sticks from a tree. Later, they were used to get ready-made food from the dishes, and then they began to use them when eating. The first sticks were made from wood (bamboo).

In the 12th century, the tradition of using such cutlery spread to other eastern countries: Japan, Korea, Vietnam. Chinese chopsticks are usually 25cm long and square at the base. They are called kuaizi. Koreans use thin metal chopsticks (earlier they were made of brass, now they are made of stainless steel). The Japanese call their chopsticks hashi; they are shorter than Chinese chopsticks and have pointed ends.

Modern sticks differ in material: they can be made of wood, plastic, bone or metal. May be disposable or quite cheap. Or they can look like real works of art, being expertly decorated or inlaid.

What is the secret of the popularity of chopsticks?

  • It is believed that chopsticks can only grab as much food as a person can chew. Slow eating and thorough chewing improve digestion and promote quick satiety. Therefore, chopsticks are the main fighters against overeating.
  • The Japanese believe that chopsticks can give gifts to their owner. happy life and longevity. Therefore, these cutlery are the most expensive and most worthy gifts in Japan. They are also presented to newlyweds as a symbol of fidelity (with the wish to be inseparable, like these 2 sticks) and on the hundredth day of the child’s birth, when parents give the baby a taste of rice for the first time.
  • Chinese doctors claim that using sticks, a person is able to massage more than 40 points that are important for health. For the purpose of development fine motor skills hands, which entails the intellectual growth of the child, Eastern people try to teach their child to use them as soon as possible.
  • The process of eating with chopsticks allows a person to fully concentrate on eating. And the information coming from food will be maximally perceived by a person.
  • In the East they believe that chopsticks are a link between the energy of heaven and earth; with the help of these simple devices, a person comes into contact with the outside world while eating. People believe that contact with food is contact with the world and through food with oneself.

Features of use

In the East, certain traditions of using this cutlery have developed. Consider these rules so that a good impression is formed of you, so that you do not offend the owner and do not even cause trouble:

  • you cannot knock on the table with chopsticks: such a gesture expresses dissatisfaction with poorly prepared food;
  • you need to hand them over very carefully, place them and not throw them abruptly on the table;
  • cannot be crossed or placed at different ends;
  • Do not put chopsticks on the bowl;
  • During a shared meal, try not to even accidentally come into contact with your neighbor’s chopsticks;
  • it is indecent to stick food on sticks or “draw” them on the plate, lick them or point them at some object;
  • in Japan there are special stands; you need to place chopsticks on them with their sharp ends facing left;
  • Oriental people believe that you will bring disaster upon yourself if you stick your chopsticks into a bowl of rice;
  • Sticks clenched in a fist will be perceived as a threatening gesture.

Follow the rules, respect the traditions of eastern countries. And then the process of eating will help you achieve harmony with yourself and the whole world around you.

It so happens that chopsticks are traditionally used in four countries: China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam. But the Chinese were the first to use them. Now in this country they quite often use European cutlery, but they are still in no hurry to abandon the usual cutlery, because this concerns not only history, but also the mentality of this people. In addition, those who have tried to eat the same dish with a spoon or kuaizi claim that its taste changes. Perhaps this is why Europeans are actively learning how to eat with Chinese chopsticks and learning to use them with such enthusiasm, because Asian cuisine is becoming increasingly popular in the West.

Chinese chopsticks: history of appearance

There are several versions of how Chinese chopsticks came to be. One says that in the 11th century BC, ivory kuaizi began to be used by the ruler of the Zhou kingdom. There is a note about this in the works famous philosopher Han Feizi.

Other versions are more like legends or myths. So, when the Xia dynasty (2070–1765 BC) ruled the country, the great Yu, the flood tamer, did not have a single free minute while working to come home and eat properly. He and his subjects ate on the river bank to save time and wondered how to remove hot pieces of food from the cauldron without burning their hands. Great Yu broke two twigs from a nearby tree, sharpened them and began to eat.

Some Chinese historians believe that initially chopsticks were used only for cooking. With their help, cooks carried hot stones and could turn over pieces of meat, fish or vegetables. Another legend says that the ruler of Zhou had a concubine named Daji. He gave her the honor of being the first to taste the emperor's food. One day, being late for dinner, the girl, fearing the ruler’s anger, pulled out the jade pins from her hair and picked up a hot piece of meat with them so as not to burn her fingers. The emperor liked the concubine's idea, and he issued an order to everyone in the palace to take food only with such hairpins. Over time, chopsticks spread widely and began to be used everywhere - the Chinese were clearly impressed by the combination of simplicity, convenience, practicality and grace in these gizmos.

Variety of Chinese chopsticks

The first sticks were made of bamboo, and it was not completely split and they were more like tweezers. Of course, we ate with bamboo sticks ordinary people, but the rich wanted something more complex and expensive, so these cutlery was made for them from expensive wood - ebony, mahogany, sandalwood, Chinese holly.

The history of China has preserved a beautiful legend about the appearance of a peculiar variety of bamboo, which is now called “tear bamboo” or “bamboo sticks of concubines from the Xiang River.” The emperor, while touring his lands, died suddenly in the south and was buried in the wilderness. His two concubines, having learned about the death of the ruler, rushed to the Xiang River and began to sob. Their tears dripped onto the bamboo growing nearby and were imprinted on the bamboo trunks.

With the development of production in China, metal sticks began to be produced. Again, in ancient times, eating with these devices was affordable only for the rich. Copper sticks quickly fell out of use among the Chinese, but those made of silver were popular for a long time. Moreover, this was largely facilitated by the bactericidal properties of silver. But kuaizi made of gold, ivory and jade were most valued.

There is a legend about golden sticks. According to the annals of the Tang Dynasty, at a festive banquet the emperor gave such a pair to Prime Minister Song Jing as a reward for his faithful service. At that time, gold products could only be used at court, and anyone who dared to work with gold himself was severely punished. Song Jing was speechless with joy, and the emperor, noticing his embarrassment, said that he was giving him a gift in gratitude for his loyalty, and that he should not pay attention to the gold.

Over time, Chinese chopsticks have become more diverse. For example, in the Spring and Autumn era they were made in a cylindrical shape, in the Han era they were round, and in the Ming era they were square on top and round at the bottom. Currently, they are pyramidal, with thick and thin ends, as well as flat. The cross-section can also be very different: round, oval, square and with rounded corners.

Currently, approximately 45 billion pairs of disposable wooden chopsticks are used and thrown away each year in China. This is approximately 1.7 million cubic meters of wood or 25 million trees destroyed per year. Terrible number! Since April 2006, for protection purposes environment China introduced a 5% sales tax on disposable chopsticks, and in Beijing many hotels decided to abandon them.

It is well known that Chinese craftsmen can create masterpieces out of anything. Therefore, they even learned to create real works of art from such laconic objects as kuaizi. For example, calligraphers wrote poems and ancient texts, including entire poems, on square sticks.

Chinese craftsmen often carved entire paintings on sticks. A beautiful pair has been preserved, where mountains covered with lush tree crowns are carved on the upper end. Lan Xian, the famous Chinese connoisseur of sticks, keeps in his collection an ivory copy of the Ming era, on which a talented artist painted a manor, bushes, a lonely boat on the river bank and an old man and a young man sitting in it, thoughtfully looking into the distance.

Green ceramic kuaizi symbolizes the prosperity and wealth of a family, which directly depends on agricultural work. Porcelain sticks were much more expensive than ceramic ones. They were often made in the shape of fish - a symbol of happiness and well-being of the family. Bamboo was usually made in southern China, where the plant grows in large quantities.

The creators of modern China, thanks modern technologies have true scope for realizing their imagination and rich imagination. Illustrations for famous Chinese novels, for example, “Dream in the Red Chamber” or “River Pools” are extremely popular in the country; poems by Li Bo, Du Fu are also written on sticks, and depictions of a pine tree and a crane are symbols of longevity. The most commonly used chopsticks in China are disposable bamboo and acid- and heat-resistant plastic chopsticks.

Chinese chopsticks - a living tradition

How to eat with Chinese chopsticks is taught from childhood, because the Chinese are very committed to traditions and customs, thus trying to honor distant ancestors. By now, the Chinese have developed special rules and prohibitions on the use of kuaizi. The guest cannot start eating before the host, reach for a dish that is far from him and stick chopsticks vertically into the food, as this is reminiscent of smoking sticks - an attribute of a funeral ceremony. Having finished the meal, the guests must put the kuaizi on the plate, and only when the host has finished eating do they transfer them from the plate to the table and leave from behind it.

Chopsticks outside China

Chinese chopsticks, having spread widely throughout all provinces of the country, moved to Southeast Asia around the 11th century, and later to Europe. At first the Japanese fell in love with them. Externally, their sticks are somewhat different - they are shorter, sharper and thinner. Koreans generally mostly use long and very thin metal sticks.

Interestingly, forks appeared in China in the 17th century, along with European missionaries. But, despite the seemingly greater convenience of this tool, it never gained popularity among the Chinese. Many scientists still do not understand the reason this phenomenon, and they build a variety of hypotheses about this. The Chinese themselves say that the choice of cutlery depends on the way of thinking and mentality of people, and the use of chopsticks is not only a tribute to tradition, but also a symbol of directing energy inside oneself, because it is known that training the muscles of the fingers improves brain activity. Europeans, who have always loved to simplify and speed up everything, prefer convenience and comfort. It turns out that Europeans direct their energy outward, as if they were more interested in the aesthetic side of the process.

European scientists believe that their compatriots always eat from their plates, as if trying to isolate themselves from the world and isolate themselves. This is one of the reasons why children leave their families early and prefer to lead an independent life. In China, everything is different: a family sits at a common table, eats “from a common pot,” so they are stronger connected and more dependent on each other. To improve their kung fu skills, Shaolin students are offered to learn how to catch a flying fly with chopsticks.

Modern researchers have proven that Chinese chopsticks promote the development of fine motor skills in children, which in turn has a positive effect on the development of mental abilities. Therefore, from an early age, little Chinese are taught the skills of using these cutlery. Here they believe that the sooner a child learns to use kuaizi, the more capable student he will be.

How to eat with chopsticks? For those who picked them up for the first time and don’t know how to hold them correctly, it seems challenging task. But after using them several times for food, people quickly realize that it is simple and natural. The main condition that practically guarantees success in this matter is not to strain your hand. Let your movements be light, calm and smooth.

Although the Japanese diet has changed a lot and many Japanese enjoy Western foods and use forks and spoons every day, chopsticks are always the choice when we're talking about O Japanese food. And many Japanese continue to use chopsticks for everything they eat. Chopsticks are known all over the world today and have a long history and tradition. We invite you to learn more about the culture of using chopsticks in Japan and use Japanese chopsticks at your next meal.

History of chopsticks

The sticks have very long history. The origins of chopsticks date back to prehistoric times, when people used fire to cook food and needed to use something to remove food from the fire or move hot food into their mouths.

The oldest historical record of chopsticks in Japan is in the Kojiki (the first book on Japanese history written in 712). The oldest facts in the world about chopsticks relate to China. There is information that the emperor asked his servant to make him a set of exclusive ivory chopsticks, this was 4000 years ago! A set of two pairs of chopsticks came to Japan from China in the 6th century.

Japanese industry and chopsticks

Today, more than 85% of chopsticks in Japan are made in Obama, Fukui Prefecture, which is 2 hours north of Kyoto and slightly east (on the Sea of ​​Japan). Best couples chopsticks are only made in a few places in Japan. Kyoto is considered by most to be the center of wand innovation and design.

In the beginning, chopsticks were not made in Kyoto. Craftsmen in Kyoto believed that chopsticks were too easy and simple to make. However, since Kyoto is cultural center for making utensils for the Japanese tea ceremony, which is very popular, so they used special bamboo and sometimes also began to make cedar chopsticks. And eventually, artisans working with wood and bamboo began to develop their own variations of sticks. Soon a new industry was born in Kyoto, and now there is no place in Japan that makes thinner chopsticks.

Today, the number of chopsticks produced in Kyoto is not very high, but their quality and Kyoto's fame for chopstick production is unparalleled.

Ritual supplies for the gods

In early Japanese history, chopsticks were used only as sacred objects and offered to a god or deities. For example, as part of the autumn ritual to thank heaven and earth for a good harvest. All food in such ceremonies and rituals was processed not by hand, but with chopsticks ( human hand should not touch food intended for the gods).

These ritual instruments are still in use today and have a special shape. Both ends of the stick are identical in shape and have almost the same thickness at both ends. One end is for food intended for the gods, and the other is for food intended for people (or the one performing the ceremony). Thus, it can be said that the Japanese gods and the Japanese sharing the same chopsticks are united through this. Chopsticks play a very important role in Japanese folk culture as a way to show the power of the deities that ultimately feed them: rain, earth, wind, sun.

Choosing chopsticks

Since there are so many types of chopsticks, it can be difficult to choose which ones will best suit your needs. The most important thing you should pay attention to when purchasing is whether they match your decor and where they will be used? Do you want a simple option or something sophisticated and creative?

Next, the length and thickness of the sticks are the most important parameters. Very thin, long chopsticks can be difficult to control for inexperienced foreigners. The optimal length of a chopstick is 1.5 times the distance between its large and index fingers or approximately 15% of your height. Therefore, if you are 160 cm tall, then the ideal chopstick length for you is 24 cm. Also, try not to choose chopsticks that are too thin.



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