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Victor Petliura years of life and death. Biography. Further education and career as a singer

Name: Simon Petlura

Age: 47 years old

Place of Birth: Poltava, Ukraine

A place of death: Poltava, Ukraine

Activity: Chief Ataman of the Army and Navy

Family status: was married

Simon Petlyura - biography

In the mass consciousness there is a hysterical image of one of the leaders of Ukrainian nationalists of the times Civil War Simon Petlyura was created thanks to Soviet cinema of the 1930s. In modern Ukraine they have gone to the other extreme. A bust was erected to him in the city of Rivne, released Postage Stamp with his portrait. What was Petliura like in reality, his life biography?

Petersburgers who now live in house No. 30 on the 7th line of Vasilyevsky Island do not even suspect that they live in a historical place. From the fall of 1908 to the fall of 1911, the future head ataman of the Ukrainian Directory, Simon Petliura, lived in one of the apartments of this former apartment building. At that time, he was a modest accountant of the Karavan tea company.

Simon Petlyura - youth

Like Stalin and Dzerzhinsky, Simon Vasilyevich in his youth prepared for a career as a priest. However, he was expelled from the last year of the bursa, having become interested in political journalism. A talented descendant of the Cossacks, Petlyura became a self-taught journalist, writing thousands of articles on the most different topics.

After graduating from accounting courses, using connections in the Little Russian community of the capital, in the fall of 1908 he came to the capital to seek happiness and glory. Petlyura also rented a room near St. Petersburg University, because before the revolution he was a volunteer student there for some time.

Petlyura painstakingly studied the history of Little Russia and became a recognized expert on the St. Petersburg period in the life of Taras Shevchenko and Nikolai Gogol. In the popular magazine “Slovo” he wrote a column on the history of Little Russia. At the same time, he entered the capital’s circle of Little Russian intellectuals, communicating, among other things, with the venerable historian Mikhail Grushevsky. All this gave the provincial a chance to become a highly educated person, albeit without a university diploma, and to take a worthy place in literature. But it was Grushevsky who helped him take the first step towards the fleeting glory of the Kyiv dictator.

The author of “History of Ukraine” himself was accepted into the Masonic lodge back in Paris, in 1903. Simon Petliura was initiated, at the instigation of Grushevsky, into the capital’s lodge in 1909. And in 1911, already in Moscow, it was erected by freemasons into the third degree of the Masonic hierarchy. Probably this circumstance, as well as his marriage, contributed to the fact that three years before the First World War he left St. Petersburg forever.

Simon Petlyura - battle for Kyiv

In December 1918, the troops of the protege of the French Masonic lodges, Simon Petliura, occupied Kyiv practically without fighting. Petlyura gave his predecessor Pavel Skoropadsky the opportunity to leave for his native Germany (this is not an exaggeration: the hetman of all Ukraine was born in the German town of Wiesbaden, in a family mansion). Where does this liberalism come from? Fulfillment of the Masonic vow. Before the First World War, Skoropadsky was initiated into the Freemasons in St. Petersburg. Lieutenant General tsarist army combined the uniform with the apron of free masons.

Both leaders of Ukrainian sovereignty owed their positions in Kyiv in the turbulent year of 1918 precisely to their adherence to the idea of ​​independence from Russia. Only in Berlin they bet on the hereditary aristocrat Skoropadsky, and in Paris - on the self-taught journalist Petliura. Naive in their nobility, the cadets and officers of the White Guard believed that they were defending Kiev and Russia, but in fact the two capitals of the “European Union of 1918” They argued about whose dictation the Little Russians should live under...

Petlyura took power in Kyiv on the night of December 15, 1918. He escaped from the city on the night of February 2, 1919. His reign turned out to be short-lived - only 45 days. It is interesting that the “coronation” of the failed monarch of Ukraine Pavel Skoropadsky took place in the building of the Kyiv circus. “Inauguration” of the social democrat and republican Symon Petlyura - on the stage of the Kyiv opera house. Neither one nor the other chose the place to proclaim their power, for example, Kiev Pechersk Lavra. Maybe both felt the incompatibility of their titles with the holy monastery?..

If Skoropadsky at least commanded regiments, a brigade and an army corps, managed hereditary enterprises and had leadership experience, then Petliura was a “pure” orator-journalist. Until the age of 39, before his proclamation as chief ataman, if he ruled anyone, it was only his wife.

His entire policy was aimed at seizing power in Kyiv and waiting for valuable instructions from the real rulers from Paris and London. However, on New Year's Eve 1919, they had no time for Ukraine: they were dividing the world after the end of the First World War. Moreover, the long-time patron of Ukrainian nationalists, the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, collapsed.

Petlyura was in confusion: what to do now? Banquets, welcoming speeches, interviews with journalists - all this is close and understandable to him. How to live, how to govern the country? He either proclaimed the nationalization of commercial banks and large enterprises, or canceled it. The business world of Ukraine was confused, the economy finally went to the black market. The actual power in Kyiv was seized by the siege corps of the Sich Riflemen - a kind of armed sector of radical nationalists.

Petlyura pretended that these “national guards” - “stormtroopers of 1919” - obeyed him. And throughout Ukraine, Jewish pogroms were raging, perpetrated by Petliura’s troops. From European capitals he expected military reinforcements, money and recognition. But I received absolutely nothing.

On January 28, 1919, a member of the Directory, Sergei Ostapenko, returned to Kyiv from Odessa, where the French consul was quartered. He brought the demands of the French - so shocking that they were not even discussed... The treasury was empty. Anarchy was now seizing not only the provinces, but also Kyiv itself. And from the east the guns of the armored trains of the Red Army roared. A dictatorship was approaching. On the night of February 2, driven into a corner, Petlyura fled from Kyiv.

Murder of Petliura

While I was walking Soviet-Polish war, Petlyura tried to introduce himself as a real politician - either in Poland or in Venfia... And after in 1923 the USSR demanded that Warsaw extradite him as a war criminal, he fled to Paris. Simon Vasilyevich was sheltered by the “brothers” of the Masons, but they could not protect him from retribution. On May 25, 1926, three days after his 47th birthday, the former chief ataman was shot by the anarchist Samuel Schwartzbard - in retaliation for the Jewish pogroms committed by the Petliurists. At the trial, the killer was acquitted...

Simon Petliura - biography of personal life

Petlyura's widow Olga Afanasyevna and only daughter Lesya were poor in the capital of France. The white emigration did not accept them; the Jewish lobby in Paris did not forget the terrible pogroms in Ukraine. The daughter inherited her father's literary talent and became a poetess. But she did not live long: in 1941, at the age of 30, she died in Nazi-occupied Paris from tuberculosis. Petlyura had no grandchildren. Relatives - sister and nephews who remained in their homeland came under repression by the OGPU.

You can dream a little... If Simon Vasilyevich had continued to write his literary and historical works, he would not have become a Freemason, he would not have striven for power - the life of both Petliura himself and his loved ones would have turned out differently. An undoubtedly gifted man renounced his path - to be a historian and writer of Ukrainian culture, and got involved in a bloody battle for power. And how did it all end? It is truly said: the desire for power is the first temptation from the evil one...

Barabash Yu.V. (04/14/1974 - 09/27/1996) - a popular performer of Russian chanson at the dawn of the 90s, known to the audience as Petliura. Born in a land of unique landscapes, in the very “heart of the South” called the Stavropol Territory. Petlyura spent his childhood and teenage life in his homeland. He was brought up in a prosperous and intelligent family. Yuri's mother was an exemplary local worker puppet theater, after studying at the regional philharmonic, and his father was an officer in the USSR Navy. Yuri is the second child in the family, two years younger than his sister Lolita. The future author-performer of chanson was remembered for his rather difficult character, and at times was an uncontrollable child. It was for his restlessness and hooliganism that his peers awarded the guy the nickname Petliura. This nickname had a disapproving connotation, because Simon Petlyura was an ill-wisher for the USSR during the Civil War. Since his teenage years, the guy dreamed of musical achievements, so Yuri’s main hobby was music. There was no opportunity to attend a music school, but he himself mastered playing the guitar at a professional level.

Music career

Once upon a time a leader famous band“Tender May” Andrey Rezin listened to an amateur recording of Yuri’s song, in which it was impossible not to notice the singer’s enormous potential. After hearing this, the producer invited Petliura to a personal music studio for talented children. After the first successful results of the robot, in 1992 the singer, under his stage name Yuri Orlov, became part of the popular group “Tender May”. After a short time, he leaves the group and begins to build a solo future. The recording of the albums “Let’s Sing, Zhigan” (1993) and “Ben’s Raider” (1994) was carried out in a small home studio, but this did not prevent the songs on the albums from gaining enormous popularity among listeners.

In 1994, Yuri went to Moscow, where he first signed a professional contract with the Master Sound recording studio. The result of this collaboration was several successful albums, including “Fast Train”.

His music career was not public, he did not advertise his identity, did not like to appear on television, radio and even mass events, preferring to simply do what they love and delight their fans with new songs. Many compared Petlyura’s voice with the voice of Yura Shatunov, and it really sounded somewhat similar. But Petlyura’s songs sounded special, because he had his own unique style of performance, which is unlike any other.

Death of Petlyura

On September 28, 1996, Petliura died tragically in a car accident on Sevastopolsky Avenue in Moscow. The details of the event are not fully known, but as some sources report, the singer was relaxing in the company of friends, and was the only one who did not drink alcohol. He got behind the wheel of his BMW car, which he had purchased just recently, to take his comrades for a batch of beer. Yuri had not yet become a professional driver, and, unfortunately for everyone, he lost control.

The driver received fatal injuries, and all other passengers received injuries of varying severity.

Barabash Yuri Vladislavovich did not have time to live a few days before the official release of his next album, which after the singer’s death was called “Farewell”. The singer was buried at the Khovanskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Viktor Vladimirovich Petliura is a chanson performer, songwriter, and musician. Since 2015 he has been performing under the pseudonym Victor Dorin.


The future singer was born on October 30, 1975 in the city of Simferopol (Crimea). His mother was a teacher at kindergarten, and his father was an engineer at a hydroelectric power station. Victor – only child in family.

WITH early age Parents began to notice their son's interest in music. There was no Victor in the family professional musicians or those who attended music school. According to the future singer, he did not understand from whom he inherited his musical talent. By the age of eleven, he taught himself to play the guitar. At this time, he began to write his first songs and perform them with guitar accompaniment.

At the age of 13, Victor, teaming up with his friends, decided to create music group. They played different genres: chanson, folk song. Their work was often compared to the then popular chanson performer Sergei Nagovitsyn. In a year new team was invited to a concert at the factory club in Simferopol as a musical group.

After a spectacular performance, the guys were offered to work in the club and were provided with a large rehearsal room free of charge. This allowed Petlyura to gain experience working with the public and practice writing songs. It was at this time, according to Victor, that he decided to connect his future life with music.

In 1990, Victor graduated from a music school in guitar class, and in 1991 from a general education school, after which he entered College of Music.

Music career

After enrolling in music college, Victor decided to create new group. It included some members of the previous team. Concentrating on creativity, his group took part in many music competitions.

In 1999, Petlyura recorded his first disc, “Blue-Eyed.” The musician prepared for its release for a long time; he selected only his favorite songs. The album was released in a small edition and was soon sold out completely.

Viktor Petlyura - “Son of the Prosecutor”

A year later, the album “You Can’t Get Back” was released. It was recorded in a studio designed for pop and rock and roll performers. Dissatisfied with the sound quality, the musician thought about opening his own studio, where he eventually recorded the next 11 albums. His most popular songs are “Son of the Prosecutor”, “Fate”, “Demobilization”, “Light”, “Pigeons”. His compositions can be heard in the rotation of the radio “Police Wave”, “Dorozhnoe”.

Personal life of Viktor Petliura

Victor was married twice. In his first marriage to Natalya, he had a son, Evgeniy. In his second marriage to his concert director Natalya Kopylova, he is raising his stepson Nikita. Victor and his second wife Natalya have no children together.

Victor Petlyura now

In 2015, Petlyura went on a long tour of Krasnodar region with the program “Everything will come true.” Having completed his southern tour, Viktor Petliura began using the pseudonym Viktor Dorin. All because of confusion with musician Yuri Barabash, who performed under the Petlyura brand. Plus everything in creative life Victor has entered a new stage, so let’s start a new life from scratch!

Victor Dorin - I will choose you (LYRICS VIDEO)

On February 13, 2018, the single “I will choose you” was released. After its release, Victor went on tour with solo concerts.

Bad company

Yuri's father was an officer in the navy, and Petlyura spent the first years of his life in Kamchatka. His older sister Lolita was born there, named after the Argentine singer Lolita Torres. By the way, Yuri himself received his name in honor of his great-grandfather, whose name was Jozef - he was a Polish officer.

The boy's studies were so-so, but he was the soul of the courtyard parties. He did not at all want to move to Stavropol at the age of eight and part with his Kamchatka friends. But I had to: my sister was diagnosed with a heart defect, and the Far Eastern climate was contraindicated for her. In the south, Yura faced a new blow: his father died in 1984.

Barabash was left without a strict officer education and went into all sorts of troubles, especially since he found new friends very quickly. Already in the third grade, his mother caught him with a cigarette. She generally suffered with him: Yura did not want to obey at all and, although he was a very kind person at heart, he tried to do everything in defiance.

Fate miraculously saved him from major troubles: once, with friends, they stole little things that were completely unnecessary to them, like pencils and paints, in kindergarten. “Well, do you want me to return it?” - Yura asked after a serious conversation with his mother. And he returned it, after which he never took someone else’s. On the contrary, I tried to share food and clothes with the orphanage residents I knew. Listen to "Vorovskaya"

How Yura became Petliura

The teachers also got it from Barabash: the nickname “Petlyura” appeared at school (it was awarded to Yura by a classmate defeated in a fight) and had two meanings. Firstly, a rhyme to the name, and secondly, an allusion to the Ukrainian nationalist Symon Petliura, disrespected by Soviet historians during the Civil War. However, Yura even liked the negative flair around this surname: the nickname Petlyura clearly indicated his rebellion and hooliganism. For Yura’s 14th birthday, his mother gave him a guitar.

He mastered the instrument quickly and without any problems. music schools. His repertoire was largely shaped by the street and interactions with difficult teenagers. Petlyura heard many of the courtyard, prison, and criminal songs as a child. Subsequently, some of them were included in his albums: most of his compositions are not original works, but adaptations of all kinds of “urban folklore”. Listen to “White Dress”

Tender Orlov

At the age of 17, Petlyura recorded several songs at home and soon received an invitation from the great and terrible producer of the group “Tender May” Andrei Razin. He, as you know, put the production of teenage groups on stream, and they all bore the name “Tender May” and could simultaneously tour with the same repertoire in different cities. To be fair, it should be noted that Razin almost never placed extras in front of the microphones who opened their mouths to the soundtrack - no, he honestly auditioned dozens of boys, relying on young singers with difficult fate: orphans, orphanages, and so on.

In 1992, Yura Barabash ended up in one of the last lineups of “Tender May”: wild popularity was a thing of the past, but Razin still called a vocalist into the group, whose voice reminded him of the style of Yura Shatunov. For some reason, Barabash was given the pseudonym Orlov, under which he worked at Tender May for several months. From a creative point of view, this gave him little, but it taught him how to work and allowed him to save some money to start solo career. Besides, Petlyura didn’t like wearing long hair and an earring in my ear.

Listen to “Light the Candles” New life The discs “Sing, Zhigan” and “Benya the Raider” were recorded in a home studio and began to spread throughout the country. Moreover, under the name “Yura Petliura”: one of the spontaneous “publishers” heard the musician’s childhood nickname and put it on the cover, because they simply did not know him real name. Due to the similarity of voices, there were even rumors that it was Shatunov who sang hooligan songs.

One cassette fell into the hands of the head of the Master Sound company, Yuri Sevostyanov. Many of the chansonniers he “discovered” later clashed with Sevostyanov, but he managed to do only good things for Petlyura. In particular, early albums were re-recorded in professional studios. In addition, several more discs were published and, what is especially important, included in the extensive distribution system. As a result, in 1996, Yura Petlyura became one of the most popular performers in the country, although television did not favor him at all. Listen to “Fast Train” Highway Patrol On September 27, 1996, Yura Barabash gathered his friends to show off a brand new BMW, bought with his first “real” royalties.

Petliura was an inexperienced driver: he had just purchased a car and only managed to make a couple of test drives. By evening they decided to “wash the behu” - modestly, the plan was to buy beer, and that’s all. It was for beer that Yuri left late in the evening on his last trip to Sevastopol Avenue, covered with thick autumn fog...

I didn’t even take any documents with me. The friends in the mangled BMW survived, but the driver died on the spot. A group from the “Road Patrol” program came to film the terrible accident: on TV they said that the identity of the deceased had not yet been established - and they showed the driver’s body. Many people learned popular artist: calls started coming in, viewers reported that it was Petliura. Yuri was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.

A few years after the funeral, his mother Tatyana Sergeevna and older sister Lolita moved from Stavropol to Troitsk near Moscow (and now Moscow) so that they could go to the grave closer. The artist has no other relatives. At twenty-two, Petlyura did not have time to get married, and he had no children left. Listen to “I Didn’t Want to Die” Petlyura-2 Three years after the death of Yuri Barabash, chansonnier Viktor Petlyura released his first album.

He is only a year and a half younger than Yuri, and in his debut album Victor used some fragments from Barabash’s songs. Many listeners then condemned him for his “cheap” attempts to achieve popularity by speculating on famous name, however, Victor eventually became established as an independent musician, having already released thirteen solo discs.

And, it’s quite likely that if it weren’t for that accident, both performers would now calmly coexist in the genre.

Photo: group in memory of Yuri Barabash on VKontakte

Everyone is familiar with the words of Viktor Petliura’s songs. Of course, they were never hits, but they were heard by many. He was loved and listened to; this was a certain category of people. For all cause of death of Yuri Barabash became sudden.

Yuri Vladislavovich was born in 1974, on April 14 in the Stavropol Territory. The whole country knew him under the pseudonym Petlyura. One person combined a sad look and heartfelt songs. Everyone listened to the songs and wondered: who is this man? He was probably sitting or sitting and why this particular surname. Even now there are no fewer questions.

Yura never chased fame and did not seek meetings with journalists, nor did he attend noisy events. He simply performed his songs. The singer's childhood took place in Stavropol, a city that was the same as all cities. Much later, Yu. Cherny would dedicate a song to Petlyura about small homeland- Stavropol region.

Yurino’s generation is people who are a little over 40 years old. They survived perestroika and live in new times. They accepted the change of power, and Petliura simply sang and did not pay attention to his surroundings. He sang mostly songs that weren’t his own. She herself wrote 2-3 maximum. He performed. He sang so soulfully that it was impossible not to listen to his voice. Sometimes sad, sometimes happy.

The first album “Benya the Raider” was recorded at home. At the time, it was cool to insert computer commentary during music. During this period, on the rise of Petlyura and Shatunov, they could have been confused. Therefore, the words were inserted into the music: “This is not Shatunov, this is Petlyura.”

Yuri Petlyura’s style and manner of performing songs appeared immediately. The album “Little One” appears already on professional equipment. Some of the songs are new, some are covered from previous albums. It is released into the world on cassettes and discs. People are buying up again.

I learned how to attract new viewers with the help of the composition “Rain”. It was performed as a slow dance at discos in villages and children's camps. The girl’s boys listened and wanted to hear other songs by Yuri Barabash. In his songs, he touched on themes of prison, army, relationships with betrayal, etc.

In 1995, Yuri Sevostyanov invested in Petlyura, a Russian chanson. The compositions included songs from streets, courtyards, night restaurants and kitchens. We started filming a video for “Fast Train.” He has already moved to Moscow and works day and night. The album “Sad Guy” is being prepared for release. Petlyura's career is on the rise and suddenly death . Cause of death of Yuri Barabash banal. Car accident. He sat behind the wheel about 3-4 times. In the accident, everyone escaped with injuries; he died alone on the night of September 27, 1996. The musician was buried in Moscow at the Khovanskoye cemetery.



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