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Internal and external functions of the state in the 19th century. Hello student. Topic: "External and internal functions of the state"

From a functional position, the state is called upon to solve a number of tasks in the spheres of domestic and foreign policy.

The function of the state is understood as a certain direction of its activity.
The functions of the state specify its social purpose.

There are several approaches to understanding the functions of the state, but most scientists adhere to the most developed theory, according to which function the state is divided into external(to ensure the independence of the state outside) and internal(to ensure the supremacy of power within the country and the management of common affairs)

Internal functions of the state:

  • economic - organization and regulation of economic life;
  • stabilization- maintaining stability and peace in society;
  • coordination - ensuring public harmony and unity;
  • social - social security, fair distribution of benefits;
  • cultural and educational— support of culture and spiritual values;
  • legal - rule-making, protection of the constitutional system, rights, legality;
  • ecological - nature protection, ensuring a healthy environment.

External functions of the state:

  • defending national interests at the international level- ensuring mutually beneficial international cooperation, coordinating efforts in solving global problems of mankind, ensuring the work of a number of state organizations - the UN, the Council of Europe, etc.;
  • organization of defense and protection of state security - protection of state sovereignty, the implementation of military operations against other states, etc.

Internal functions of the state

The internal functions of the state are divided into:

  • basic;
  • minor.

Main call the functions that only the state can perform.

Ensuring public order, security, rights and freedom of citizens, including:

  • fight against crime;
  • accounting and registration of the population;
  • prevention of various disasters;
  • measures to eliminate the consequences of natural disasters.
  • Establishment and protection of general rules of social life: economic, political and other social relations (civil law, labor law, etc.)
  • Do not forget that monetary and financial regulation(special emphasis is placed on the issuance of money)
  • budgetary regulation, collection of taxes, duties; distribution of income and expenses in the budget.

Minor Functions can be subdivided into traditional (historically established) and "new" ones that emerged in the 20th century.

Traditional functions are not performed by all states. It is worth noting that they are not the same, each state has ϲʙᴏ and historically established functions.

  • In Russia, traditional functions include:
  • transport and communications management;
  • education and health management;
  • protection of disabled persons and assistance to them;
  • media management.

Sometimes some traditional functions become redundant, and the state refuses to perform them. In particular, this happened with the management of the media, in Russia they were privatized, and now the state nominally manages only two channels on television: the first - as a shareholder - and the 2nd (channel "Russia")

The "new" features include the following.

  • State business. The state is directly involved in production in the defense sphere and in other areas where it, on behalf of society, must exercise control over production. This function was the main one in the socialist countries, where the state was both the owner and the entrepreneur.
  • Influence on economic processes to maintain the stable development of the national economy. The state performs this function by both economic and administrative measures.
  • Social services. Under the influence of the struggle of the working people, the state is engaged in social security, that is, it pays various pensions, benefits to large families, unemployment, housing allowance for the poor, etc.

External functions of the state

External functions of the state

  • The use of the armed forces of the day to solve the foreign policy tasks of the state.
  • Realization of geopolitical and global interests of the country through diplomatic activity. Material published on http: // site
    Geopolitical interests are connected with neighboring states, global ones concern the situation around the world (non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, environmental problems)
  • Stimulation of international economic activity, protection and support of the economic interests of the country abroad.
  • Protection of the economic space from adverse external influences on the economy (customs; system of measures regulating imports and exports)
  • External functions are the main ones, since they are carried out only by the state.

Internal functions

We note the fact that in the modern period the Russian state is characterized by the following main internal functions: economic, political, social, fiscal, environmental, law enforcement.

economic function

In the theory of state and law of the Soviet period, this function was assumed to be economic and organizational. Its role was great due to the complete nationalization of the economy, which, as we noted earlier, led to negative consequences for it - an economic crisis (began to manifest itself from the second half of the 70s of the XX century), which led, in turn, to a crisis in all areas of society.

In the 1980s, this function shifted somewhat towards a certain expansion of the independence of enterprises, but ϶ᴛᴏ did not give the expected result. Since the beginning of the 1990s in Russia, the economic function of the state has changed dramatically: the state, in essence, has withdrawn from the economy, letting it into the elements of market relations. At the same time, such an approach as the other extreme did not bring a positive effect.

As practice shows, these extreme approaches do not contribute to the effective development of the economy. Today, there are trends in the economic function of the state in the direction of greater intervention in the economy within reasonable limits, allowing, on the one hand, to properly stimulate labor, and on the other hand, to prevent distortions leading to the closure of enterprises, unemployment, and the export of capital abroad to the detriment of national interests, the elimination of highly developed sectors of the economy, etc.

In the conditions of demonopolization, the economic function covers the following areas of state activity:

  • real support for manufacturers, incl. small business (subsidies, preferential taxation, defending the interests of Russian companies in the domestic and global markets, etc.);
  • preferential support for strategic, highly competitive on the world market and socially significant industries for Russia (creation of special zones, customs policy);
  • targeted investment policy (attracting domestic and foreign capital);
  • creation of an effective economic mechanism for the agricultural sector, and above all ensuring the right of private ownership of land;
  • gradual decrease in inflation rates and deceleration of price growth;
  • training and retraining of personnel; stop the brain drain process.

It is worth saying - a political function

This is the direction of the state's activity in the political sphere. It is worth noting that it has as its strategic focus the creation of a viable democratic society and the provision of democracy in various forms. ϶ᴛᴏm will be discussed in more detail in other chapters of the textbook.

social function

Social function - ϶ᴛᴏ direction of the state in the social sphere. In Art. 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states that the Russian Federation is a welfare state.

Based on the meaning of the ϶ᴛᴏth article, it follows that the content of this function consists of:

  • V ensuring a decent standard of living for all citizens of the Russian Federation. The state should pay special attention to the standard of living of the socially least well-off strata of the population (pensioners, students, disabled people, etc.) by paying pensions, allowances, scholarships, creating and operating nursing homes, and providing other types of social assistance. It is worth saying that for the implementation of the social function, it is extremely important to mitigate and overcome such costs of the current transition period as poverty, deepening inequality and rising unemployment. The state should pay attention to a more even distribution of the burden of economic hardship among different groups of the population;
  • public health by creating medical institutions, monitoring the cleanliness of the environment, the quality of food, providing the population with medicines;
  • protection of childhood, motherhood, fatherhood by creating a network of preschool institutions, orphanages, boarding schools, providing assistance to needy families, etc.;
  • minimum wage guarantee by establishing a fixed amount of such payment;
  • labor protection at all enterprises, regardless of the form of ownership, by establishing ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙruling legislation and monitoring its observance;
  • assistance to the population in emergency situations(flood, earthquake, fire, armed conflict, ethnic harassment, etc.) by creating conditions for the activities of insurance institutions, providing housing, paying lump-sum benefits, etc.

An integral part of the social function will be the activity of the state for development of culture, science and education(in the legal literature, this activity is referred to as a separate function)

The development of science is realized:

  • the creation of favorable conditions for the creative activity of scientific teams and for the free competition of various scientific schools;
  • by creating and supporting scientific institutes, laboratories, test sites, funding scientific research, training scientific personnel, holding conferences, etc.
  • support for the priority development of fundamental theoretical research and fundamentally new technologies.

Cultural Development implemented by supporting art, literature, theater, cinema, music, painting; development of physical culture and sports; improving the work of radio, television and other mass media; preservation of historical and cultural monuments, historical complexes, protected areas, archives, museums, libraries.

Development of education is implemented by creating state educational institutions and conditions for non-state educational institutions, improving the quality of education in all educational institutions.

ecological function

The main content of the ecological function is nature protection and rational use of natural resources. To implement the ϶ᴛᴏth function, the state must coordinate and control the activities of all enterprises, institutions, specific individuals in the field of environmental protection, environmental management, and environmental safety. The ecological function should contribute to the improvement and improvement of the quality of the environment, the conservation of natural resources.

Fiscal function (function of taxation and collection of taxes)

Do not forget that it will be important to say that the function under consideration is not only the task of optimal collection of taxes to the treasury, but also the task of regulating the impact on the economy.

Law enforcement function

It contains the activities of the state in three major areas:

  • protection of the rights and freedom of citizens;
  • protection of all forms of ownership;
  • law enforcement.

It is worth saying that each of these inextricably linked components of the content of the ϶ᴛᴏth triune function is currently undergoing significant changes.

So, in a state of law (namely, Russia will be such according to the Constitution), the rights and freedoms of citizens will be the highest value of society. As is known, the ϶ᴛᴏt principle was not recognized earlier.

The activities of the state to ensure law and order are also undergoing changes. Today, the authorities, primarily law enforcement agencies, are required to take tough, quick and decisive measures to prevent and suppress terrorist bandit attacks in a timely manner.

External functions

The main external functions will be: the defense of the country, ensuring peace and maintaining world order, international cooperation.

Country defense function

The Armed Forces in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ with the ϶ᴛᴛʙ function are intended to repel aggression directed against the state, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the country's territory, as well as to perform tasks in ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ and with its international treaties.

In each state, a significant share of the state budget is allocated for the maintenance of the armed forces. So far, there are no signs of spending cuts. This is largely due to the difficult political situation in the world, which is clearly seen from the events that took place in Yugoslavia in 1999, when this country was bombed by NATO forces, from the events in Iraq, where American troops invaded with allied troops, without having ϲᴏᴏᴛʙᴇᴛϲᴛʙ international powers.

The function of ensuring peace and maintaining world order

Without the implementation of this function, humanity has no future. A new world war will lead to the death of civilization. At the same time, local military conflicts can lead to a global military confrontation.

The international cooperation

By the way, this function is realized through the development of multilateral ties with other states, the conclusion of agreements in various spheres of life of the world community.

In the legal literature, the function of international cooperation is divided into a number of narrower functions, for example, the function of cooperation and strengthening ties with the CIS countries, the function of cooperation with other countries in solving global problems, etc.

The function of cooperation and strengthening of ties with the CIS countries arose for the Russian state with the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Carrying out the function under consideration, the Russian state stands for strengthening the Commonwealth, first of all:

  • along the lines of forming an economic union;
  • collective security systems;
  • joint border protection;
  • a comprehensive solution to the problem of observance throughout the territory of the former USSR of internationally recognized standards in the field of human rights and national minorities, citizenship and protection of migrants;
  • concern for Russians who find themselves outside the Russian Federation;
  • creation of a single information space.

Do not forget that it will be important to say that when implementing this function, new problems may arise for Russia. The centers of conflicts near our borders, the protracted crisis of the economy, and of the very statehood in a number of CIS countries pose a serious threat to the security of our country.

It should not be forgotten that an important aspect of the function of international cooperation will be Russia's interaction with other countries the world community in solving global problems affecting the interests of every nation and humanity as a whole. These are the problems of outer space and the security of the planet, the protection of the World Ocean, the protection of flora and fauna, the prevention and elimination of the consequences of major industrial accidents, disasters, the fight against epidemics and the most dangerous diseases, etc.

The following can also be distinguished as separate external functions:

  • the function of combating international terrorism;
  • ecological function.

These functions, according to their content, will be both external and internal.

Modern states face a significant number of problems and challenges, the need to respond to which is associated with the emergence of their respective goals and objectives. To achieve them, they are forced to perform a series of functions.

Depending on direction state functions divide by internal and external.

Internal functions of the modern state aimed at the implementation of internal tasks, and external functions- to organize and maintain certain relations with other countries. Internal and external functions are closely interconnected, they complement each other.

TO internal functions of the modern state include: protective (protection of established forms of ownership, law enforcement, environmental protection), economic, social, cultural and other functions.

Function for the protection of existing forms of ownership characteristic of all state formations, since its implementation creates a favorable climate for active economic activity.

The protection of law and order is the most important function of any state, which stems from the needs of society. In most modern countries, the forefront is protection and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens because it is otherwise difficult to ensure genuine law and order.

Function of nature protection and environmental protection has acquired particular relevance recently, especially after the revelation of the facts of the implementation of the global warming scenario. Environmentally harmful production began to negatively affect a person and his health. Such a development of the situation in the designated area predetermined the formation of the functions of nature protection and environmental protection in modern states.

In fact, at all stages of the development of states, one of the key areas of its activity is the implementation economic function. However, the degree of participation of the state in economic processes has a different dimension depending on specific historical conditions. In recent years, the state has been actively influencing the economy, determining the appropriate rates of its growth, and also establishing effective proportions of production between its individual sectors. In most countries, the emergence public sector of the economy, i.e. state ownership and state management of enterprises.

In many countries, the state is the largest entrepreneur. As a rule, large joint-stock companies in strategic areas are represented by state-owned enterprises. It is also often presented as the owner (full or partial) of large banks.

The above conditions allow modern state responsibly forecast and flexibly regulate economic processes on the scale of the entire national economy.

An important place in the activities of state formations is occupied by social function, the implementation of which is closely related to the economic one. The social function is diverse in terms of content and is distinguished by the scale of the volume of state activity in the implementation of this direction. Its key purpose is the elimination or mitigation of possible social tension in society, the equalization of the material and social situation of people, the development of health care, education and culture.

For implementation social function the state forms funds, the funds of which are directed to financial support for the payment of various pensions and benefits, as well as financing education and health care. It is engaged in the development and implementation of programs that provide employment for the population and reduce unemployment, contribute to the wages of workers, etc.

In our time general social functions of the state(economic, social, maintenance of democratic rule of law) become a priority. The activities of the state in the spiritual sphere (education, culture, science) are expanding and becoming more active.

Today, global problems that acutely affect universal interests are especially relevant - the protection of nature and the environment throughout the planet, the fight against international crime, demographic problems, etc. To solve them, joint efforts of all states are required, and hence the development of relevant functions - ensuring world law and order, international environmental, etc.

General social functions of the state provide the necessary degree of stability of relations and ties within society, its integrity and unity on the basis of general social needs and interests (economic, social, spiritual, national).

In modern conditions, the importance of the state in the issue of supporting the progressive development of health care, education and culture has increased markedly. For the effective management of these types of activities, it forms a system of state bodies and hires employees of the appropriate training profile, as well as organizes their financial support.

In recent years, most countries that have the necessary intellectual and financial capabilities have been actively implementing the function of stimulating scientific and technological progress. The constant expansion of state funding for scientific and technical research is explained by the fact that the current scale of research and development work has increased significantly. The stable creation of economically efficient and industrially useful technologies allows modern states to take a leading position in the forefront of the world progressive movement. This circumstance compels states to assume the main part of the obligations for financial stimulation of scientific and technological progress and fundamental theoretical research.

TO external functions of the modern state It is customary to attribute: defending national interests in relations with other countries, protecting against attacks from outside, developing diplomatic relations. In the context of globalization and the formation of a world market, there has been an intensification of interstate mutually beneficial trade, the deepening of economic interaction between states on a regional platform, and the development of systems for ensuring collective security.

The above circumstances create favorable conditions for the formation of appropriate external functions.

Thus, only a full implementation internal and external functions will allow modern states ensure the effective implementation of its goals and objectives.

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The theme of the state in social science is one of the most complex and central topics. I hope you understand that these issues are dealt with by a separate science - political science, which is partly included in the school course of social science. The functions of the state, internal and external, is a rather interesting topic, since it gives an idea of ​​why we need it at all. Let's briefly analyze this topic with examples.

However, before further reading this article, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the topic,.


Internal functions - this is the role that the government plays in its internal policy. Why is it needed directly by the people? These functions can be called:

Regulatory- the state acts as the main regulator of public life, the country's economy and a host of various processes. This is what gives political scientists reason to consider it a universal institution.

For example, the government regulates the environment, labor issues of citizens, issues of the same sports policy. For example, when Germany failed at the World Cup in the late 90s, since the early 2000s, the state has launched a special program to support German football. Over 390 new stadiums were built across the country! As a result, today German football plays the most important place on the football map of the world! Issues of pensions, and a host of others - this is all up to the main regulator.

Economic and economic. The government must determine and implement economic policy. After all, in the end, everything depends on the economy: pensions, salaries, business development, construction, education, medicine and other issues. The authorities are obliged to pursue a competent economic policy. This also applies.

Law enforcement. The state arose in order to protect different segments of the population. Previously, it protected only those who had property. Now, in theory, any state is social, that is, it must protect the interests of all citizens. For example, it should not be such that a drunken police officer knocked a man to death, but he is not tried, but the case is simply hushed up. And an ordinary person will be imprisoned both for himself and for this employee.

In addition, the private property of the people must also be protected in a modern state. And such that the city administration burns houses in order to chop off the lands of its own citizens for the development of shopping centers - there should not be such a horror either. Remember, when state institutions decay, when it is criminal, society will also be criminal, because the fish rots from the head!

social function. Any state should give equal opportunities to absolutely all citizens, regardless of social origin, as well as race, skin color, etc. Any layers should be protected. After all, we do not live in the Middle Ages, but in a society that has experienced terrible wars, famine, devastation, massacre of the population more than once or twice. The welfare state must take care of everyone, otherwise people will become animals. Think for yourself why and write in the comments.

The function of socialization (cultural and educational). Education is part of the socialization process. The state is one of the main ones. It should broadcast universal, humane values ​​so that there is no discord in society. After all, any discord destroys society.

For example, in Russia today, for example, on television, time is somehow unfairly distributed. Mostly it is given to the people of the Orthodox Church. Meanwhile, there are many Muslims, Buddhists, Catholics, and, finally, Protestants in the country. Why


External functions are those that ensure the proper role of the state in the international arena and protect its interests in the rest of the world. They include the following characteristics:

Defensive. The state must ensure the defense of its independence from a potential enemy. In general, they all behave like bandits on the world stage, trying to chop off all the most valuable things from a neighbor. For example, the events in Libya, Egypt, Syria clearly show how states can act with each other.

Of course, some idiotic manuals also call the military function. Allegedly, the state is obliged to fight with others for the sake of its own interests. You must understand that war is the last resort of diplomacy. And the fact that it has become constant in the modern world is not the norm! Therefore, it is more reasonable to talk about the function of defense.

Diplomatic. The government must protect the interests of its citizens, as well as legal entities that have its origin. For example, France recently closed its trade office in Russia because the Russian authorities froze the accounts of this state organization. I think that in the future, if such a policy continues, Russia will cease to be an object of investment by Western partners.

Also in the diplomatic role of the state is associated with defending its economic interests at the global level. For example, Russia joined the WTO in 2012. The price of this was the destruction of domestic education. Indeed, in order to enter the World Trade Organization, our country had to implement the main provisions of the Bologna process. By the way, a special integration of domestic education into the world did not happen. But this topic can become a separate article, so it makes no sense to consider it here.

Thus, I think you have learned why the functions of the state are divided into internal and external. In conclusion, we present you a table with examples on this topic:

Sincerely, Andrey Puchkov

Coursework on the theory of state and law of a first-year student. group Yu-105. Esen R.K.

Youth Institute.

Faculty of Law.

Moscow, 1999

The concept of state functions and their classification.

The theory of state and law to describe, explain and predict the active side of the state uses the concept of the function of the state - the characteristics of exactly what and how the state "does".

Function, like many other social science concepts, is not actually a legal and political concept. It is borrowed from other sciences. The concept of a function in the theory of state and law means the direction, the subject of activity of this or that political and legal institution, the content of this activity, its provision. It is this meaning that is implied by the concept of the function of the state.

The term "functions of the state" is used to designate the main, most important areas of the state's activities, in which its social purpose is manifested. The main activities of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the rule of law have a common nature. Their primary goal is to ensure the harmonious life of society.

The functions of the state express its essence, the real role that the state plays in solving the main issues of social development and, above all, in satisfying the various interests of the country's population. The functions of the state are established depending on the main tasks facing the state at a particular stage of its development, and represent a means of realizing these tasks. The content of the tasks of the state is determined by various internal and external factors. For example, crisis phenomena in the economic life of the country require the concentration of the efforts of the state, all its bodies on solving economic problems. The growth of crime forces the state to take serious practical steps in a timely manner to strengthen the fight against it, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that give rise to it. The threat of external aggression mobilizes the state mechanism to prepare the population of the country to repel it.

All functional activities of the state are aimed at achieving the main goal: the formation of civil society, the creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person, his moral, material and physical well-being, maximum legal and social protection of the individual. The state must always act as the supreme guardian and protector of the legitimate interests of the individual. It is through the individual that the state promotes social progress as a whole, improves and enriches the entire system of social relations.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that the functions of the state are the main (main) directions (parts, types) of the state's activities to implement the tasks it faces in order to achieve certain goals, due to both its class and general social essence and social purpose.

In the modern theory of state and law, it is customary to classify the functions of the state according to:

1. Areas of activity (objects of influence) on:



Since the functions of the state are the activities of the state, taken in its entirety, with a single political, structural, territorial organization, the division of functions into internal and external is the most common and recognized in the theory of state and law.

All the main activities of the state, depending on the sphere of public life in which they occur, are divided into internal and external. The life of any modern society is carried out in two main areas: within the country and in the international arena.

2. Duration of action:



Permanent functions are carried out at all stages of the development of the state. Temporary functions cease their action with the solution of a certain task, which, as a rule, is of an emergency nature (these include, for example, the elimination of a natural disaster, large-scale disasters, anti-constitutional speeches).

3. Social significance:


Chapter 1. Internal functions of the state.

The internal functions of the state are the main directions of the state's activity in managing the internal life of society. The classification of internal functions is carried out according to the spheres of activity of the state. Each state, regardless of its form of government or state structure, solves a number of fundamental economic, social, protective and control tasks. In addition, at present, the most important task of all states is the protection of the environment. In accordance with the indicated areas of activity, the internal functions of the state are divided into:


Provision of social services

Protection of law and order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens

Ecological (environmental)

financial control.

1.1 The economic function of the state.

The economic function of the state is expressed in the development and coordination

the state of strategic directions for the development of the country's economy in the most optimal mode: the formation of the state budget and control over its spending; determination of general programs for the economic development of the country; stimulation of the most priority sectors of the economy; creation of favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity; creation of conditions for the realization by everyone of the right to be an owner.

In a state governed by the rule of law, functioning in the conditions of market commodity relations, state regulation of the economy is carried out mainly by economic rather than administrative methods. Such a state is characterized by the freedom and independence of the owner, which ensure real equality and independence of both producers and consumers of social goods.

There are two main economic methods of state regulation:

Firstly, a certain and rather rigid tax policy, which allows the state to successfully solve its social problems, as well as redistribute part of the national income in order to more balanced development of the productive forces of society.

Secondly, the creation of the most favorable business conditions in priority sectors of the economy, the development of which provides the greatest benefit to society as a whole.

The economic activity of a modern legal state has the following areas:

Firstly, the state impact on the economic life of society as a whole, which is expressed in the formation of the state budget and control over its spending; in drawing up programs of economic development on a national scale; in financing industrial and scientific research programs; in the issuance of subsidies to producers of material goods to stimulate production. Higher and local government bodies, as well as specialized institutions, participate in the state regulation of economic processes. For example, such institutions in the United States are the Bureau of Management and Budget, the Council of Economic Advisers, the National Labor Relations Administration, the Federal Reserve System, and others. They are part of the office of the President of the country.

The local authorities of the state also have a stimulating effect on the economy. They provide capital inflow and business development in the trust area in order to obtain large funds for the local budget. By supporting entrepreneurship, attracting new companies to their territory, local authorities are thus developing infrastructure and solving the problem of unemployment. To implement these tasks, the mechanism of taxes is used, land plots are allocated for construction, bonds are issued to finance new producers.

The economic function of the state mainly consists in regulatory, stimulating, consulting actions, but in no case in the creation of distributive or prohibitive mechanisms. In modern civil society, only economic units and labor collectives (manufacturers) can decide which bodies of state and economic management they need, what the functions of these bodies should be, how much to pay them and for what services.

Secondly, the economic activity of the state is also expressed in the direct economic management of the public sector of the economy (at state enterprises, institutions, institutions). Here the state itself acts as the owner of the means of production, the producer of material goods and services. The methods of its influence on the economic relations that are taking shape in this sector of the economy do not fundamentally differ from the general methods of state regulation of economic processes in the country.

1.2 Social function of the state.

One of the functions of the state is the need to provide a certain part of the population with the means to maintain an appropriate standard of living, that is, maintenance at the expense of society in special cases and in special ways of certain categories of citizens, thus the social function of the state is designed to ensure the social security of the individual, normal living conditions for all members of society, regardless of their direct participation in the production of goods.

The types and forms of social security, the amount of funds or natural services provided, the range of services provided depends on the level of development of society and the state as a whole, the degree of its civilization and humanity.

INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………………………. 2


1.1 Economic functions of the state …………………...…………….. 8

1.2 Social functions ……………………………………………………… 10

1.3 Functions for the development of scientific and technological progress and culture ...... 11

1.4 Security and law enforcement function ………………………………………. 13

1.5 Ecological function ………………………………………………… 17

1.6 Financial control function ………………………………………….. 19


2.1 Maintain mutually beneficial cooperation with other countries.. 24

2.2 National defense function ………………………………………..……… 27

2.3 Functions to solve global problems …………………………… 31

CONCLUSION………………………………………………………………. 38

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………. 40


The theory of state and law to describe, explain and predict the active side of the state uses the concept of the function of the state - the characteristics of exactly what and how the state "does". Function, like many other social science concepts, is not actually a legal and political concept. It is borrowed from other sciences. The concept of a function in the theory of state and law means the direction, the subject of activity of this or that political and legal institution, the content of this activity, its provision. It is this meaning that is implied by the concept of the function of the state.

The term "functions of the state" is used to designate the main, most important areas of the state's activities, in which its social purpose is manifested. The main activities of the legislative, executive and judicial authorities in the rule of law have a common nature. Their primary goal is to ensure the harmonious life of society.
All functional activities of the state are aimed at achieving the main goal: the formation of civil society, the creation of conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of a person, his moral, material and physical well-being, maximum legal and social protection of the individual. The state must always act as the supreme guardian and protector of the legitimate interests of the individual. It is through the individual that the state promotes social progress as a whole, improves and enriches the entire system of social relations.

Thus, from all of the above, we can conclude that the functions of the state are the main (main) directions (parts, types) of the state's activities to implement the tasks it faces in order to achieve certain goals, due to both its class and general social essence and social purpose.

In the modern theory of state and law, it is customary to classify the functions of the state according to:

1. Areas of activity (objects of influence) on:

Since the functions of the state are the activities of the state, taken in its entirety, with a single political, structural, territorial organization, the division of functions into internal and external is the most common and recognized in the theory of state and law.
All the main activities of the state, depending on the sphere of public life in which they occur, are divided into internal and external. The life of any modern society is carried out in two main areas: within the country and in the international arena.

2. Duration of action:



Permanent functions are carried out at all stages of the development of the state. Temporary functions cease their action with the solution of a certain task, which, as a rule, is of an emergency nature (these include, for example, the elimination of a natural disaster, large-scale disasters, anti-constitutional speeches).
3.Social significance:

4. Functions to solve global problems:

The problem of preventing a new world war

The problem of preventing a new economic crisis




It should be said that the classification of the functions of the state presented here is ambiguous and suspects a plurality of criteria and assessments.

Relevance lies in the fact that, having studied the functions of the state, one can understand the essence of the state, its role and significance in the life of society.

Target this course work: consider the functions of the state.

Tasks :

Give the concept of the functions of the state;

Consider the essence and significance of the functions of the state;

Give a classification of the functions of the state;

Consider the internal functions of the state;

To study the external functions of the state;

methodological The basis of the work was such methods as the method of historicism and the comparative method.

object is the state as a whole.

Subject is the concept of state functions.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters and a conclusion.

Provisions for defense.


The internal functions of the state are the main activities of the state in managing the internal life of society. The internal functions of the state are the main directions of the various internal activities of the state, due to the need to solve the internal tasks facing it, both numerous and diverse. They affect almost all spheres of society and the state itself: economic, social, political, spiritual, financial, etc. In addition, the state often solves problems that go far beyond the boundaries of one single sphere.

Because of this, when determining the list of internal functions of the state in the scientific and educational legal literature, they are often not only directly associated with various spheres of society, but are completely identified with them. Such was, for example, the position of a number of authors who, back in the 1970s, classified the functions of the state into the functions of the political protection of the system (political function), as well as into economic, social, and ideological functions.

True, at the same time, the possibility of a more fractional classification of the functions of the state, which does not completely coincide with various spheres of life of society, was stipulated, and the idea was also held that one should not subdivide, in fact, the unified functions of the state into internal and external.

The classification of internal functions is carried out according to the spheres of activity of the state. Each state, regardless of its form of government or state structure, solves a number of fundamental economic, social, protective and control tasks. In addition, at present, the most important task of all states is the protection of the environment. In accordance with the indicated areas of activity, the internal functions of the state are divided into:


Provision of social services

Protection of law and order, property, rights and freedoms of citizens
- environmental (environmental)
-financial control.

1. 1 Economic function of the state

In the system of internal functions of the modern state, the economic function is of decisive importance, which expresses the degree of participation of the state in managing the country's economy, its ability to promote or hinder the development of the country's economic forces, to create appropriate conditions for the realization of the economic and social rights of the population.

Carrying out the economic function, the modern state carries out the following measures.

Directly participates in the economic activities of the company. The state often acts as the owner of enterprises and transport, means and institutions of communication, land, mineral resources, and concentrates in its hands a significant amount of loan capital.

The intensity of state intervention in the country's economy is felt in the legal regulation of the economy in order to conduct antimonopoly policy, create conditions for fair competition among producers, support strategically important, socially significant industries, and develop agriculture. The subject of legal regulation is most often relations in the field of business, construction, transportation of goods and passengers. Particular importance is attached to the normative - legal regulation of property relations of enterprises, organizations, issues of quality and price of industrial and food products.

The state establishes and pursues a rational planned policy that promotes the development of strategically important and socially significant sectors of the people's state and the reduction of enterprises and organizations in whose activities the society does not experience a great need. A state interested in obtaining sufficient funds for the maintenance of the state apparatus and financing of defense and other industries, however, should not impose excessively large taxes.

The state exercises control over the entrepreneurial activities of citizens and legal entities, registers legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, supervises and controls the compliance of the activities of enterprises, organizations, institutions with the laws in force in the country and other regulatory legal acts, as well as statutory tasks.

1.2 social function of the state

The social function of the state must ensure all the rights provided for in Art. 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. These include the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and his family, including food, clothing, housing, medical care and necessary social services, and the right to security in the event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, old age or other loss of livelihood due to circumstances beyond his control.

The social policy of the state is focused primarily on the poor and includes:

1) the fight against unemployment and state assistance to persons who, for one reason or another, cannot find a job or are not able to work at all;

2) state regulation of the minimum wage;

3) general availability and free of charge of general education in state and municipal educational institutions;

4) free medical care for the poor;

5) free use of library funds and a relatively low fee for visiting museums, art galleries, theaters;

6) social security for old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner and other cases.

1. 3 Function of the development of scientific and technological progress and culture

The economic function of the state is closely related to its function of developing scientific and technological progress and culture. This relationship is two-way. The possibility of performing this function directly depends on the economic well-being of society and the related financial capabilities of the state.

The state, unable to carry out the function of developing scientific and technological progress, thereby significantly reduces the country's ability to successfully develop and create modern high-performance machine tools and mechanisms, competitive consumer goods, find ways to replace expensive raw materials or endangered materials. Without the development of scientific and technological progress, it is difficult to solve problems in the field of defense of the country from an external aggressor. The pattern according to which the war is won by the one who possesses the most advanced types of weapons has been convincingly proven by centuries of wars, including the Second World War. Only by possessing modern and sophisticated weapons will Russia be able to adequately maintain its independence and status as the world's leading power.

The state is fully interested in the development of all forms of culture: literature, theater, cinematography, television and other mass media, the preservation of historical and cultural monuments, the development of a network of libraries and museums, printing. This spiritual sphere of society is an indicator of its ability to assimilate the best examples of world culture and make a significant contribution to it; it is also fundamentally important for the state.

Developing culture and art, all their forms, the state creates the necessary conditions for upbringing and education, spiritual development of the younger generation, familiarizing it with world culture. When receiving proper support from the state, a creative person can freely work and contribute to the further development of national, and through it, world culture.

1.4 Security and law enforcement function

The law enforcement function is an activity of the state aimed at ensuring the exact and complete implementation of its legislative prescriptions by all participants in public relations. In a state of law, where public and state life is built on the basis of fair laws, the interests of society, the state, and the individual are protected from any illegal encroachment. At the center of the law enforcement actions of the state is, first of all, the individual, the individual as a citizen, as a member of society, as a free individual, as well as the state itself and its various structures. Therefore, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the individual, the state simultaneously protects its own interests, the interests of the whole society.

Crime is one of the greatest dangers to humanity, its democratic, economic, social, humanitarian, environmental, scientific, technological and international development.

The dominant criminological trend of the current century has been the continuing growth of crime in the world and its individual countries, outpacing (in terms of pace) population growth while at the same time lagging behind social and legal control from the growing criminology of public relations.

The formal eradication of certain types and groups of crimes in a particular country occurs only through decriminalization. For example, for seventy years we fought hard against speculation. About a million people were prosecuted. And now speculation is considered one of the forms of normal economic activity. Hundreds of such examples can be found in the history of the criminal law of any country in the last century alone.
One of the priorities of the criminal policy of civilized countries is the protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, property, public order and public safety from crime. The statistical criterion for such a priority can be the number of citizens protected from criminal attacks, or the number of citizens whose interests are protected in criminal proceedings. The fight against offenses is an important, but not the main aspect of the law enforcement activities of the state. The state is called upon to really ensure, including with the help of special bodies (court, prosecutor's office, etc.), such an order in public life that would fully meet the requirements of legal norms, the principles of freedom and justice laid down in them.

In our country, one of the links in the law enforcement mechanism of the state is the prosecutor's office, which is a special legal institution that occupies a special position in the system of government. So, in accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", adopted on October 18, 1995, prosecutors supervise the implementation of laws and observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in order to ensure the rule of law, unity and strengthening the rule of law, protect rights and freedoms, as well as those protected by law the interests of society and the state.
The powers, organization and procedure for the activities of the prosecutor's office are determined by the Federal Law "On the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation", which not only establishes the fundamental principle of building the prosecutor's office as a single federal, centralized system that is not part of any of the branches of government and exercises supervision over the execution of the laws in force on its territory, but also significantly supplemented and concretized its tasks to protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, as well as the legally protected interests of society and the state of human rights and freedoms, are singled out in a separate direction. A special chapter is devoted to it, which defines the subject of supervision, the powers of the prosecutor in this area, the means and forms of prosecutorial response to violations of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

These norms of the law directly follow from the content of Art. 2 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation that human rights and freedoms are the highest value, and the recognition, observance and protection of human and civil rights and freedoms is the duty of the state.

The duty of the state is to ensure and respect the rights and freedoms of citizens through justice. State protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens is understood as the activity of authorized state bodies and officials. Thus, the state assumes a duty, which corresponds to the right of a person and a citizen to demand state protection from encroachments on their legal freedoms. Judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen is an institution of constitutional law. It is a legal mechanism by which the state is obliged to ensure the observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

The state must create such conditions under which the right to legal protection must be established by the competent judicial and other authorities and it is obliged to develop the possibilities of judicial protection. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that judicial protection is a type of state and legal protection, since it is carried out by the court as a public authority and, in its implementation, the courts are guided by law as the main form of law.
Protection of individual freedom is recognized as one of the main functions of the judiciary. In turn, the criterion of the autonomy and independence of the judiciary is its ability to ensure the real security of the personal freedom of citizens, to exercise effective judicial protection of their rights and freedoms from encroachments of various kinds.
Maintaining a stable law and order in the country is the task of the entire state, the entire system of its bodies. The coercive side of state activity gradually loses its force with harmonious, objectively determined economic, political, social and moral relations between citizens and the state. It is transformed into the legal order of a civilized society.
Thus, the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens is now an indispensable, specially allocated function of the state. The interests of the state and its citizens represent an organic unity. As Yu.I. Skuratov: “While protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens, we are simultaneously protecting public interests. And vice versa, without ensuring state and public interests, it is impossible to ensure the rights and freedoms of citizens "

In this unity of the duties assigned to the state, in my opinion, the content of the law enforcement function of the state is revealed. At the same time, in order to fully realize the proclaimed rights and freedoms, the state must be economically capable of ensuring the standards it has set itself.

1.5 Ecological function

The ecological function is a relatively new direction in the activity of the state, the need for which is caused by the negative consequences of human economic activity on nature. One of the leading theses of the UN International Conference on Environment and Development, held in June 1992 in Rio de Janeiro - either the whole world will be saved or the whole civilization will perish - is by no means an exaggeration. Global and irreversible changes in the natural environment today are obvious and indisputable. Two of them (the destruction of the planet's ozone layer and the "greenhouse effect") put humanity on the brink of an ecological catastrophe.

Realizing the reality of the threat to human life, all developed democratic states are taking coordinated measures to protect the natural environment. The United Nations, as well as the World Health Organization, the International Atomic Energy Agency, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission and other international specialized agencies play an important role in the international cooperation of states on environmental protection issues.

The main measures of the state for the implementation of the ecological function is expressed in the following.

The state takes measures to standardize the quality of the natural environment. On the basis of scientifically substantiated data, the state establishes standards for maximum permissible emissions into the natural environment (atmospheric air, water sources and soil) of harmful substances and other harmful effects on nature. The state also develops sanitary rules and regulations designed to minimize the adverse impact of the production activities of enterprises and organizations on human life and health. In particular, noise, vibration, and magnetic radiation are subject to rationing.

The state regulates public relations in the field of environmental protection. In normative legal acts, the state fixes the procedure for the activities of state bodies, various kinds of inspections for the protection of the natural environment, forms of participation in this activity of public associations and the population, measures of responsibility for violation of environmental norms and standards. Of particular importance in modern conditions are the environmental requirements developed by the state for the placement, design, construction, reconstruction and commissioning of enterprises, structures and other facilities.

The state takes measures aimed at preserving the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of its resources, and improving the human environment. The state finances scientific and technical, hydrotechnical, reclamation, biological and other works aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, establishes reserves and sanctuaries, protects rare or endangered species of animals and plants.

The state carries out activities to identify and suppress violations of environmental legislation, involves public associations and the population in this activity, applies legal liability to persons and organizations guilty of violating environmental legislation.

1.6 The function of financial control of the state

The function of the financial control of the state is expressed in the identification and accounting by the state of the income of producers. According to the law, part of these revenues in the form of taxes is directed to the state budget to meet social and other national needs. The state exercises control over the correct spending of taxes. Scientifically based and practically effective budgetary activity, or rather the budgetary and financial policy of any state is an hourly, daily, purposeful life-supporting form of functioning of all state bodies without exception in improving the welfare of society, defense capability, power and economic basis of the state as a whole. The economic activity of the state is subject to the so-called economic principle, according to which, in all areas of this activity, an optimal ratio between the achievement of the set and realized goals by the funds spent on this must exist and function. It is this coefficient of activity of the executive power (its structures) that determines the main task of the financial control bodies. In a word, the planning of the economy, the financial policy of the state and the control over the results achieved are interrelated, parallel functioning categories. At the same time, the results of the ongoing control are an actual, real reflection of the financial and economic activities of the state in the broad and direct sense of this concept.

A properly developed and implemented budgetary and financial policy at various stages and areas of its implementation largely determines the real possibilities for solving objectively urgent economic problems of the current period and at the same time makes it possible to predict the prospects for further development of the state economy using new forms and methods of legal regulation of social relations, the emergence of which is due to the requirements of specific stages of development of society.

The financial balance of any state, being a combination of income and expenditure items, in the process of its formation is subjected to serious scientific and practical tests and changes under the influence of suddenly arising circumstances - factors associated with evolutionary processes in the socio-economic sphere of society and government. A situation is being created in which the state has new tasks and functions that involve the improvement of certain steps (actions) in the sphere of the economy and the regulation of problems of financing specific programs.

A dynamic method of priority legal regulation of budgetary and financial relations is an objective necessity, due to the priority basic (economic) nature of these relations.

The organization and implementation of control are mandatory elements of the management of public financial resources, because. such management entails responsibility to society as a whole. The financial control exercised can be implemented either by the competent structures of legitimate authority, or in the order of administrative (internal) control along the vertical.

Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs), in most cases, as an institution of legislative power, are initially called upon to assist the parliaments of their countries in exercising external control over the use of the state budget and legal requirements related to the sphere of financial and economic activities of entities operating primarily on the basis (foundation) state property, and then its other forms. The supreme financial control bodies of different countries differ from each other not only in name, but also in the history of formation, the constitutional basis of activity, the purpose and methods of establishment, the degree of independence, the nature of subordination (to parliament or the head of state), the internal structure, the subject, task and form of control - auditing activities and areas of their implementation, the amount of control powers granted to them, and finally, the procedure and form of reporting. In modern conditions, the fundamental principles set forth in the Lima Declaration are recognized as guiding parameters for the creation and operation of SAIs. The highest financial control over revenues is the prerogative of Parliament. On the ground, these functions are performed by local government bodies. In all states, ministries of finance have broad rights for such control. For example, in England, control over the distribution of state budget funds between departments and their use is carried out by the Office of the Comptroller and Chief Auditor together with the Ministry of Finance. As a special body of financial control in the United States operates the General Accounting Office, headed by the chief controller, who is appointed by the president and can only be removed by decision of both houses of Congress. In France, compliance with financial discipline by all state bodies in the center and in the field is controlled by the Accounts Chamber. Reports of the Accounts Chamber are sent to the President of France, its decision can only be appealed to the Council of State. The Ministry of Finance, through financial inspectors, directly controls state bodies and institutions on budget and cost estimates. In France, there are also inspectorates for social security, education, bridges and roads, forests and waters, mines and mines, which control the income and expenditure of funds by the public and private sectors. The financial control bodies of different countries have very peculiar historical origins, taking into account not only the level of economic development, the importance and role of finance for the state, but also the form of government, government and the applied mechanism of legislative and executive power.

The Constitution and organic laws do not have a clear definition of the concept of supreme financial control bodies; in relation to them, only their individual features are mentioned. However, taking into account the order of formation, tasks, specific functions, powers, correlation with the executive power and accountability, we can give the following definition of the concept of supreme financial control bodies. The supreme financial control bodies are an independent, supreme, collegiate body of the unified state power, exercising external financial control over the timely, correct, targeted and efficient spending by the state of budgetary funds, other financial sources, receipts to the budget, management of state property, as well as the legality of foreign economic activities of competent structures, regardless of their location. Specific functions of financial control are carried out by state customs, which control the transport of material assets across the border and collect customs fees and duties. Monetary collection from goods and property, passed through the border under the control of customs departments, goes to the state. Effective financial control allows the state to accumulate certain funds for the purpose of their further use in the interests of society.


External functions of the state represent the main activities of the state, directly related to the solution of the goals facing it in the international arena.

The latter have never been and practically cannot be the same for all state formations and states. They depend on the nature of the political regime existing in the country and the types of states, on the stages of development of one and the same state, on the international situation that is taking shape in the world, on the nature of the relationship of states coexisting with each other, and at the same time on the social class essence and content of the state, its social-class predetermination and direction, and also to a large extent - from its ideological conditionality. The state does not and cannot have such goals and objectives, and with them the corresponding functions, that would not be due to its essence, content, ideological views of the ruling circles, its social and cash purpose.

The external functions of the state are the main directions of its activity in the international arena. They are called upon to solve the following external tasks of the state: establishing and maintaining normal relations with other states, and ensuring the country's defense against external aggression. In accordance with these tasks, two main external functions of the state are distinguished: mutually beneficial cooperation with all other states of the world community and the defense of the country from attack from outside.

2.1 Maintain mutually beneficial cooperation with other states

Mutually beneficial cooperation with other states is a diverse activity of the state aimed at establishing and developing equal economic, political, cultural and other relations that harmoniously combine the interests of this state with the specific and common interests of all states. The current level of development of society objectively requires the integration of the economic, political and cultural life of all civilized states, the unification of their common efforts to more effectively solve the internal problems of each state individually and the world community as a whole. Such cooperation presupposes a broad and mutually beneficial approach to integration issues, the ability to jointly find the most rational solutions that meet the interests of not only this country, but also all participants in cooperation.

The role of the state in foreign economic activity.
In contrast to the recent past, the state is now understood not as a single subject of civil law relations. For example, the Russian Federation and its subjects act independently in civil circulation, including in foreign economic relations. It should be noted that the state is the only subject of foreign economic activity that has the right to establish "rules of the game" binding on others and for itself in this or that sphere. Thus, it turns out that in one person both a political organization endowed with power and a subject of economic activity are united. Entering into civil legal relations, the state must act as an equal participant in them, along with other subjects of civil circulation, both in the internal and external spheres. The state acts in the field of foreign economic activity in two directions:

Firstly, the state, as the bearer of state power, regulates property and other relations in a normative manner, establishes the content and limits of the legal personality of individuals and legal entities, as well as the state entity itself, and takes measures to create favorable conditions for citizens to access the markets of other states. The state licenses certain types of activities, regulates foreign economic activity within its competence.
Secondly, the state, on an equal footing with other participants in the property turnover, enter into civil law relations.
Sometimes it is quite difficult to separate from each other two hypostases into which the state enters - an equal partner and the state - the bearer of power. For example, it is impossible to automatically bring a state acting as a partner in a foreign economic transaction to property liability by a foreign court, since this would violate the sovereignty of the state. Therefore, the concept of judicial immunity arises, that is, the impossibility of bringing him to court as a defendant without his consent.

Views on the doctrine of immunity are ambiguous. Thus, the European Convention on State Immunity of May 16, 1972, does not recognize the immunity of states when they act as a private person. But before the adoption of a universal international convention on the jurisdictional immunities of states, the jurisprudence of each state on this issue plays a significant role.

The state, using its powers of authority, may conclude international treaties, participate in the creation of international organizations and intergovernmental commissions designed to promote the development of foreign economic conditions for the access of citizens of this state to the markets of other states.

Thus, acting as a carrier of public authority, the state ensures the creation of favorable conditions for the activities of all subjects of foreign economic activity.

International environmental protection

Cooperation in the field of environmental protection unites the efforts of most states to maintain a normal ecological situation on the planet. This activity is all-encompassing and is aimed at creating such environmental conditions that are necessary for the existence and development of human life. It is being actively pursued both through the UN specialized agencies and within the framework of regional and other interstate bodies. To protect the environment, the latest achievements of states in the field of astronautics, medicine, biology, and electronics are used. The external activity of the states of our time is based on international legal norms, takes into account the fundamental interests and national characteristics of all peoples that are part of the world community.

2. 2 National defense function

Ensuring national defense and security is one of the most important functions of the state. History confirms that at all stages of the development of a state-organized society, there was an objective need to protect the freedom and independence of the country, its sovereignty and territorial integrity from external aggressors. The function of national defense is carried out by economic, political, diplomatic and military means. In peacetime, this is a comprehensive preparation of the country to repel a possible attack from outside. In wartime, this function takes the form of direct armed struggle against the enemy, during which all the forces of the country unite to achieve victory.

The main goal of the practical activity of the state and society in the defense sphere is the improvement of the military organization in order to ensure a possible adequate response to the threats that may arise, with rational defense costs.
The overwhelming majority of modern states have adopted a defensive doctrine, the essence of which is to create an optimal sufficiency of forces and means to prevent possible aggression from another state or group of states. Such an approach to questions of military confrontation greatly reduces the possibility of wars breaking out in the life of peoples, assuming in the future the prospect of their gradual disappearance. The concept of the function of the state is capacious and multifaceted. It includes the entire system of measures to strengthen the country's defense capability and maintain the combat power of the armed forces, both in peacetime and in wartime. It is no coincidence that the foundations of the state administration of defense and security are enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The main subject of ensuring national security is the state. Moreover, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, issues of defense and security, defense production, determining the procedure for the sale and purchase of weapons, ammunition, military equipment and other military property, the production of poisonous substances, narcotic drugs and the procedure for their use are within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation (clause "m" of Art. 71 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).
In accordance with this provision, the duties of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation are assigned to the President of the Russian Federation, who also approves the military doctrine of the Russian Federation, and has the right, in the event of aggression against Russia or from an immediate threat, to introduce martial law on the territory of the Russian Federation or in certain areas of it with immediate effect. by reporting this to the Federation Council and the State Duma. (Art. 83.87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)

In addition, it is the President, who is the head of state and the guarantor of the Constitution, the rights and freedoms of man and citizen, who is obliged to take measures in accordance with the procedure established by the fundamental law to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation, its independence and state integrity, to ensure the coordinated functioning and interaction of state authorities . The implementation of measures to ensure the defense of the country, state security is entrusted to the Government of the Russian Federation. The defense activity of the state is not based on its military doctrine and consists of five main areas.
First, strengthening the country's defense power. The high defense capability of the state is ensured by a developed and efficient economy based on the latest achievements of scientific and technological progress, which makes it possible to satisfy not only the material needs of society, but also to produce everything necessary to strengthen the country's defense potential. The modern economy provides the necessary level of development of the military industry, the production of the latest models of equipment and weapons, the creation of stocks of strategic raw materials and food and other components of the state's defense potential.

Secondly, the daily improvement of the armed forces, the constant increase in their combat capability and combat readiness. Each state constantly takes care that its armed forces are powerful, mobile, have modern means of protection, professionally use all types of military equipment and weapons, have high combat capability and combat readiness, operate in the regime of legality and the provisions of international law.
The armed forces of a state are the state military organization that forms the basis of its defense. In addition to the armed forces, other military units are being created in the Russian Federation that perform the tasks of ensuring military security and are involved as necessary in the defense of the country: the Border Troops of the Russian Federation, the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the railway troops of the Russian Federation, the troops of the Federal Agency for Government Communications and Information under the President Russian Federation, civil defense troops.

Military organizations perform the tasks of state administration in the field of defense and security, and are directly involved in the defense of the country using the means of armed protection.

The goals of the military organization, as an integral part of the armed forces, in particular, it was established that the armed forces are designed to repel aggression directed against the country, for the armed protection of the integrity and inviolability of the territory of the state, as well as to perform tasks in accordance with international treaties.

Thus, by the nature and goals of their activities, military organizations are state bodies created to implement the functions of the state in the field of ensuring national security by means of armed protection. Moreover, they are part of a single mechanism of state administration in the field of ensuring the defense and security of the country.
Thirdly, the protection of state borders. This activity is carried out by border troops or other special units and is aimed at ensuring the border regime determined by the legislation of a particular state.

Fourth, the organization of civil defense. States carry out a number of defense measures in peacetime in order to counter a possible attack from outside and ensure the stable functioning of the country's economy in wartime. This activity involves the evacuation of residents from settlements that are most likely to be hit by weapons of mass destruction. It is associated with the creation of special protective structures, carrying out rescue and restoration work.

Fifth, the military training of the reserve of the armed forces (reserves). In many countries, periodic military retraining of persons on the military list is organized. This makes it possible in the event of interstate military conflicts to quickly deploy armed forces and replenish them with qualified personnel. The state also organizes non-military training, which is carried out in secondary and higher educational institutions.
Special mention should be made of the interaction between the defense policies of the states of the world community. In modern conditions, this interaction is aimed at reducing nuclear and conventional weapons, at excluding bacteriological, chemical, biological and other types of weapons of mass destruction from the defense means of each state. We are talking about the humanization of military confrontation, if such confrontation arises between warring states for certain reasons. A decrease in the level of military confrontation between various countries has a positive effect on the economic opportunities of all states, the cultural, spiritual and environmental well-being of their peoples.

2.3 Functions to solve global problems

Also recently, the functions of solving global problems of our time have been added to the main functions of the state. In recent years, they have taken not the last place on the world arena of problems. The competence of the state includes the solution of these problems. global problems called the problems that arose in the second half of the 20th century before all mankind, on the solution of which the existence of the latter depends. Let's consider some of them:

1. The problem of preventing a new world war

The search for ways to prevent world conflicts began immediately after the end of World War II and the victory over Nazism. At the same time, a decision was made to create the UN, a universal international organization, the main goal of which was to develop interstate cooperation and, in the event of a conflict between countries, to assist opposing countries in resolving disputes peacefully. However, the division of the world into two systems, capitalist and socialist, which soon took place, as well as the beginning of the Cold War and the arms race, more than once brought the world to the brink of a nuclear catastrophe. A particularly real threat of the start of a third world war was during the so-called Caribbean crisis in 1962, caused by the deployment of Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba. But thanks to the reasonable position of the leaders of the USSR and the USA, the crisis was resolved peacefully. The decisions of governments were influenced by the public movement for peace, as well as the speeches of such an authoritative interstate association of scientists for general and complete disarmament as the Pugwash Movement.

Today we can state the fact that the likelihood of conflict between the leading powers of the world is much less than before. However, there is a possibility of nuclear weapons falling into the hands of totalitarian reactionary regimes or into the hands of individual terrorists.

2. Demographic problem

People have always been crowded on the planet. Aristotle and other philosophers of antiquity were also concerned about the overpopulation of the Earth. But this tightness also served as an incentive for people to strive to develop new earthly spaces. This was the impetus for the great geographical discoveries, technical inventions, the scientific process itself. If this were not so, people would not develop new lands, would not seek to move to new continents, and would not make geographical discoveries. The growing population of the planet requires an ever-increasing increase in the pace of economic development in order to maintain balance. However, if we take into account the current state of technology, then such growth will cause increasing environmental pollution and may even lead to the irreversible death of nature, which provides food for all of us and supports all life. It is difficult to judge the phenomenon of a population explosion in Russia, where the population began to decrease since 1993, and even in Western Europe, where it is growing very slowly, but it is well illustrated by the demographic statistics of China, Africa, Latin America, and the south.
Asia, where the population is growing at a gigantic pace.

At the beginning of the century, 1.5 billion people lived on Earth. In 1950, despite losses in two world wars, the population rose to
2.5 billion, and then began to increase annually by 70-100 million people. In 1993, the world's population reached 5.5 billion people, that is, doubled compared to 1950, and in 2000 it will exceed 6 billion.

In a finite space, growth cannot be infinite. Stabilization of the world population is one of the most important conditions for the transition to sustainable environmental and economic development. In all likelihood, the current number of people on Earth will double. Perhaps it will stabilize at the level of 10-12, maybe 14 billion people by the end of the century. The conclusion follows from this: we must hurry today in order to stop the slide into irreversible situations in the future.

3. The problem of ecology and ways to solve it

Ecology was born as a purely biological science of relationships
"organism - environment". However, with the intensification of anthropogenic and technogenic pressure on the environment, the insufficiency of this approach became obvious. Indeed, at present there are no phenomena, processes and territories unaffected by this powerful pressure. And there is no science that could withdraw from the search for a way out of the ecological crisis. The range of sciences involved in environmental issues has expanded enormously. The environmental problems of our time in terms of their scale can be conditionally divided into local, regional and global ones and require for their solution different means of solution and scientific developments of different nature. An example of a local environmental problem is a plant that dumps its waste into the river without treatment, which is harmful to human health. This is a violation of the law. The nature conservation authorities or even the public should fine such a plant through the courts and, under threat of closure, force it to build a sewage treatment plant. It does not require any special science. An example of regional environmental problems is the Kuzbass - an almost enclosed mountain hollow filled with gases from coke ovens and fumes from a metallurgical giant, which no one thought about capturing during construction, or the drying up Aral Sea with a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation along its entire periphery, or the high radioactivity of soils in areas adjacent to Chernobyl. As before, in the infinite Universe, in orbit around the Sun, the small planet Earth revolves non-stop, with each new turn, as it were, proving the inviolability of its existence. The face of the planet is constantly reflected by satellites that send cosmic information to the Earth. But this face is irreversibly changing. Anthropogenic impact on nature has reached such proportions that global problems have arisen. One of the most acute environmental problems is the problem of the ozone layer. As you know, life on Earth appeared only after the protective ozone layer of the planet was formed, covering it from cruel ultraviolet radiation. For many centuries, nothing foreshadowed trouble. However, in recent decades, intensive destruction of this layer has been noticed. The problem of the ozone layer arose in 1982, when a probe launched from a British station in Antarctica detected a sharp decrease in ozone at an altitude of 25-30 kilometers. Since then, an ozone "hole" of varying shapes and sizes has been recorded over Antarctica all the time. According to the latest data for 1992, it is equal to 23 million square kilometers, that is, an area equal to the whole of North America. Later, the same "hole" was discovered over the Canadian Arctic archipelago, over Svalbard, and then in different parts of Eurasia, in particular over Voronezh. The depletion of the ozone layer is a much more dangerous reality for all life on Earth than the fall of some super-large meteorite, because ozone does not allow dangerous radiation to reach the Earth's surface. In the event of a decrease in ozone, humanity is threatened, at a minimum, with an outbreak of skin cancer and eye diseases. In general, an increase in the dose of ultraviolet rays can weaken the human immune system, and at the same time reduce the yield of fields, reduce the already narrow base of the Earth's food supply. "It is quite possible that by the year 2100 the protective ozone blanket will disappear, ultraviolet rays will dry up the Earth, animals and plants will die. Man will seek salvation under giant domes of artificial glass, and feed on the food of astronauts."

Currently, joint scientific research is underway to develop the most rational ways to artificially restore the previous ozone content in the stratosphere. Work in this direction has already begun.

4. Problems of the world ocean

The world ocean, covering 2/3 of the earth's surface, is a huge water reservoir, the mass of water in which is 1.4 (1021 kilograms or
1.4 billion cubic kilometers. Ocean water is 97% of all water on the planet. Being the largest supplier of food products, the World Ocean provides, according to various estimates, from 1/6 to all animal proteins consumed by the world's population for food. The ocean, and especially its coastal zone, plays a leading role in maintaining life on Earth. The World Ocean is one of the most important objects of environmental protection. The peculiarity of this object of environmental protection is that the current in the seas and oceans quickly carries pollutants to long distances from the places of their release. Therefore, the problem of protecting the cleanliness of the ocean has a pronounced international character.

Chemical pollution is a change in the natural chemical properties of water due to an increase in the content of harmful impurities in it, both inorganic (mineral salts, acids, alkalis, clay particles) and organic nature (oil and oil products, organic residues, surfactants, pesticides and the like). Sources and substances that pollute the oceans are numerous, from mercury to non-degradable synthetic detergents, which often form thick foam in rivers. The ocean is regarded as a free dump of waste - anthropogenic "runoff" has already become much larger than natural: for lead, its share is 92%, for oil - more than 90%, for mercury - 70%. Only oil pollution of the World Ocean is estimated at 3 to 15 million tons per year, with most of it falling on pollution from land (carriage by rivers) - more than ½.

More obscure problems may arise due to climate warming
Earth. Currently, there is an imperceptible rise in the ocean level up to 1.5 - 2 meters, which leads to the flooding of "marches" (zones of high biological productivity, bird nests, and so on), causing serious damage to the economy of many countries.

In recent years, a number of important international agreements have been adopted to protect the seas and oceans from pollution. In accordance with these agreements, the washing of tankers and the discharge of waste ship waters must be carried out in special port facilities. Each country that has signed the agreement bears legal and financial responsibility for the pollution of the waters of the oceans and seas.

Conclusion: Environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources and disruption of ecological ties in ecosystems have become global problems. And if humanity continues to follow the current path of development, then its death, according to the leading ecologists of the world, is inevitable in two or three generations. The earth is like a library. It should remain in the same state even after we have nourished our minds by reading all her books and enriching ourselves with the ideas of new authors. Life is the most valuable book. We must treat it with love, but try not to tear a single page out of it, in order to pass it - with new remarks - into the hands of those who will be able to decipher the language of the forefathers, hoping to do honor to the world that they will leave to their sons and daughters.

Along with global problems, there are also general ones. The general functions of the state are: the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and a citizen.


A strong state is unthinkable without a strong, effective government. But strong power alone does not create a strong state. It is not supported by power alone. This applies, by the way, to both authoritarian and totalitarian states. How unshakable the power of the CPSU seemed, but it also disintegrated with a speed that struck the whole world, having lost those supports that helped it maintain constant control over the state machine and society.

No matter how important the maintenance and strengthening of power, in itself it does not solve the problems facing the state. It is one thing to firmly hold the helm of power in your hands, and another to skillfully use it, effectively perform the basic functions entrusted to the state.

There are several main functions from the effective implementation, which the strength of the state depends on:

Reasonable law and order.

A growing economy and a strong budget.

Ensuring social justice as the basis of social harmony.
- Sufficiently powerful armed forces and professional security services.

Thus, the functions of the state are an integral, interconnected activity of the entire system of state bodies, aimed at the harmonious economic, social and spiritual development of society, with indispensable interaction and cooperation with other states. Mutual equal partnership of states, their joint efforts to resolve the common problems facing humanity, create the necessary conditions for the normal life of individuals, various state and public associations and the world community as a whole. A state-organized society in modern conditions can develop progressively only if the functional activities of the states that form it are coordinated.

The functions of the state express its essence, the real role that the state plays in solving the main issues of social development and, above all, in satisfying the various interests of the country's population. #G0 The functions of the state are established depending on the main tasks facing the state at a particular stage of its development, and represent a means of realizing these tasks. The content of the tasks of the state is determined by various internal and external factors. For example, crisis phenomena in the economic life of the country require the concentration of the efforts of the state, all its bodies on solving economic problems. The growth of crime forces the state to take serious practical steps in a timely manner to strengthen the fight against it, to identify and eliminate the causes and conditions that give rise to it. The threat of external aggression mobilizes the state mechanism to prepare the population of the country to repel it.


1. Regulations

1. The Constitution of the Russian Federation. Adopted at the popular vote on December 12, 1993 // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 1993. - December 25.

2. The Constitution of the Republic of Tatarstan dated 11/06/1992 (as amended on 04/19/2002) // Republic of Tatarstan. - 2002. - April 30. - No. 87-88.

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12. Protasov V.I. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.I. Protasov. - M., 2001. - 22 - 24 p.

13. Romanian V.V. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.V. Romanian. -

M., 2002. - 10 - 15 p.

14. Rzhevsky V.A. Fundamentals of state and law: textbook / V.A. Rzhevsky. - M., 1996. - 25 - 27 p.

15. Syrykh V.M. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.M. Raw. - M., 1998. - 45 - 47 p.

16. Tolstik V.A. Theory of law and state: textbook / V.A. Fatty. - M., 2001. - 20 - 25 p.

17. Chervonyuk V.N. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.N. Chervonyuk. - M. : Infa-M, 2003. - 70 - 73 p.

18. Chistyakova L.N. History of the domestic state and law (part 1): textbook / L.N. Chistyakov. - M., 1996. - 64 - 68 p.

19. Chistyakova L.N. History of the domestic state and law (part 2): textbook / L.N. Chistyakov. - M., 1996. - 10 - 11 p.

20. Khropanyuk V.N. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.N. Khropanyuk. - M., 1999. - 32 - 35 p.

21. Shumilov V.M. Jurisprudence: textbook / V.M. Shumilov. - M., 2006. - 14 - 19 p.

Khropanyuk, V.N. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.N. Khropanyuk. - M.: Jurist, 2000. - S. 52

Alekseev, S.S. State and law: textbook / S.S. Alekseev. - M.: Enlightenment, 1996. - S. 68

Khropanyuk, V.N. Theory of state and law: textbook / V.N. Khropanyuk. - M.: Bylina, 1998. - S. 30

Golubkova, N.A. Theory of state and law: textbook / N.A. Golubkov. - M.: Bylina, 1998. - S. 31

See Vengerov A.B. Theory of Government and Rights. - M., 2005, p. 40 - 45.

Nerseyants, V.S. General theory of state and law: textbook / V.S. Nerseyants. - M.: Beck, 2002. - S. 20 - 22

Theory of Government and Rights. Ed. A.B. Vengerova M., 1995, pp. 80 - 85

Shumilov, V.M. Jurisprudence: textbook / V.M. Shumelov. - M.: Bustard, 2006. - S. 14 - 19

Kirienko, A.G. Geography: textbook / A.G. Kiriyenko. - M.: Bustard, 2000. - S. 120

Surykh, P.L. Ecology: textbook / P.L. Surikh. - M.: Beck, 2006. - S. 56 - 60

Surykh, P.L. Ecology: textbook / P.L. Surikh. - M.: Beck, 2006. - S. 61 - 63

Surykh, P.L. Ecology: textbook / P.L. Surikh. - M.: Beck, 2006. - S. 63 - 64



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