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  What are the names of insects. The most slowly flying insects. Sand or digging wasps

At the mention of wasps there is an association with an annoying insect with a striped black and yellow belly. In fact, their huge number of species. Representatives of families differ in size, body structure, reproduction characteristics. All kinds of wasps are united by the love of sweet fruit juice, nectar and fermented drinks. Insect females actively take care of their offspring, devoting a major part of their lives to this.

Most aquatic insects live in shallow water near coastlines, where light is still visible from below. They live in all places, from mountain streams and rivers to lakes and calm ponds. The richer the nutrients, the habitat, the greater the variety of insects that live there.

Sand or digging wasps

AT fresh water   the larvae filter the water and organically decompose it. They are at the bottom of the food chain and support a wide variety of aquatic animals, acting as a food source. Many adults are predators of other insects. The presence of insects in water depends on the health of the habitat.

Body structure

A characteristic feature of insects belonging to the suborder of the stalk-spine is the presence of a narrow stalk between the breast and the abdomen. The wasps have two pairs of membranous wings, the body consists of the head, chest and abdomen. A distinctive feature of stinging insects is a transformed ovipositor. It is turned into a smooth sting associated with poisonous glands. Wasps use poison as a defense against enemies, and also paralyze caterpillars and spiders caught to feed the larvae.

Insects that live part of their life in the water

Eggs, larvae and often many species of aquatic insects develop in water. The pupae then leave the water so that they can fly away as adults. The pupae and adults feed in different environments, which reduces the competition between them. For example, adult dragonflies are land predators and do not prey on the same prey as their offspring in water. Others, such as armpits and dobsons, accumulate energy in the larval stages. Once they reach adulthood, they no longer eat - they just multiply on land!

Faceted eyes are located on the sides of the head. The antennae of insects serve as organs of smell and touch. The jaws are developed, they serve to tear insects, nibbling bark from branches. Hymenoptera have two pairs of wings, functioning as a whole in flight. The representatives of the family of folded winged wings fold longitudinally and in half. The legs consist of five segments, there are movable spurs. The abdomen consists of several segments, the presence of the stalk makes it moveable.

Insects that live all their life in the water

Many insect species spend their entire lives in water. For some of them, eggs, larvae, and pupae develop in water, while others live in mud along the coastline. In all cases, adults retain their aquatic lifestyle. At this stage, many are active both in the air and in the water. To find new food resources or lay eggs, adult giant water beetles fly from one reservoir to another.

A place. Housefly

They whine and buzz wherever it stinks. Stifling are not the most popular animals, but if they were not there, we would be pretty much “in shit” - in the truest sense of the word. You know that under the millions of insects, but how many really exist, it is still unclear, because people claim that there are 30 million insect species, some say that they are probably 100 million, but no one denies this We have about 5 million of these, most insects live in the tropics, but, on the other hand, we still find new species here in Germany, for example, we found a species flying some time ago, which was the first in the world, so to speak.

Interesting. There are wingless and short-winged wasps.

Individuals differ in size, structure of the legs, wings, and other organs. Separation of duties among most social os. Is weak. Their uterus differs in larger sizes. The larvae are sedentary, require food meat food and care.

Klaus Kouln of the Cologne Institute of Zoology is one of the few insect researchers in Germany. Most people are unlikely to understand the excitement of a fly, but for an expert and his colleagues, the discovery of a new species is a sensation. Until now, it seemed that the usual fruit fly was an unknown insect.

"How do you recognize an insect?" He has six legs and usually two pairs of wings, and then something very special - the outer shell: insects do not have such bones as we do, but they have skeletons practically outside, like the skin on them, showing small insects to people under a microscope , partly terribly excited, how beautiful they really are.

Types of wasps

OS classification

  1. Public wasps are single-womb families living in a colony and jointly caring for offspring.
  2. Single wasps - representatives of this group build simple nests, each female lays eggs and raises offspring.

Family of public or paper wasps


This is the most developed family of os, it is characterized by a complex behavior and architecture of the home. Vespins live in colonies with one womb. She is engaged in laying eggs, and working individuals hunt and protect the nest. The future queen deals with the establishment of the colony. She in April begins building a nest with the first honeycomb. The female lays eggs and feeds carnivorous larvae. Working individuals appear by June. With their help, building a house goes faster, new tiers appear. These insects are builders of large paper nests from chewed bark and saliva. The functions of the uterus are limited to laying eggs.

What are insects?

Scientific observation of insects is reserved for the professional world. I like everything that crawls. The woman, frightened by spiders and flies, is inferior to the general fallacy, because not everything that creeps must necessarily be an insect. They are associated with insects, but they have eight legs, for example, they have not learned to fly, like insects in the process of evolution. There are signs that they have taught insects to fly, because they are so aggressive and successful as hunters, that these spiders have blown up insects, because there they are safer.

  Vespina - the most developed family of os

By the fall of females, capable of giving offspring. They mate with males and remain to winter in shelters. The old queen dies, in the spring new families and new wombs appear.

Interesting fact. Hornets belong to the genus Vespa, they are the largest representatives of paper wasps. The common hornet has dimensions of 20-35 mm, and the Asian species exceeds 50 mm. An insect bite causes a strong pain and allergic reaction.

She does not want to get into the spider's web, because this is her biggest enemy. When you help someone, you hate him just like an insect does a spider. And the one who hides from us and wants evil, sits like a spider on the web. This term is derived from an insect that changes during its development. Whether the doll hides a colorful butterfly or an ordinary fly, you learn only when the insect is hatched. Thus, even a question that starts promising can turn out to be a huge flop. To protect yourself, you must be on your guard.

Care should be taken. This phrase has nothing to do with a headdress, but comes from the verb "beware", it is protection from something. You also need to be alert before doing natural cycles. One can only imagine, if there were no degrading insects, and leaf litter remains every year, what consequences may have consequences, which consist not only in passing through the leaves to the neck, but the cycle will be interrupted. The chains are also provided a dozen times. , so our intervention will not be so obvious, if one or two kinds fail, then there are many more people who can take responsibility.

  Wasps and their nest


An extensive and diverse family of polistin includes more than 800 species. One of the most studied representatives of paper wasps is polista. Primitive insects build open honeycombs, hanging them on the grass and branches. In such a nest lives from 10 to 100 individuals. In some groups of insects, the colony is based on a single womb, while others have polygyny — the basis of a family by several womb.

Did you know that a cow produces almost five tons of manure annually? Without insects living and processing it, it is likely to stink on this planet. Anyone who would like to stretch out on the meadow next to the newly fertilized field in the grass, probably already nasalized and thought to himself.

"Bah, stink, I better make a fly." In Australia, people intervened in the natural cycle and imported cows - without taking into account the fact that there are no insects on the fifth continent that specialize in removing wet feces. As a result, cow patties lie for about a year, valuable pastures remain unused.

  Polystyrene - a type of paper wasps

Polystin feed on ripe fruit, aphids, nectar. Their larvae get partially fermented parts of dead insects.

The pompilid family includes over 5,000 species, among them there are medium and large individuals with a size of 15–40 mm. The wide area of ​​distribution covers all corners of the world, 200 species live in Russia. Most of the representatives of the family dig minks in the ground, where an egg and a paralyzed spider are left.

Well, many farmers thought he would come to a rich herd with a herd of cattle, he could quickly earn tens of thousands of dollars. Zig is an abbreviation of fourteen, fifties, sixties, etc. you do not make a certain value, but it is clear that this is a large amount. If you put someone in your ear, then you incite him so that he no longer finds peace. The picture is from a dog that desperately scratches its head with its paw, but cannot get rid of the flea.

“Toast, i.e. the disc is also a term from the kingdom of insects. " If a bee stings, its victim is rather restless, because the bite in the flesh hurts, but you do not experience noise from such a bite, which is more alcoholic. If you say that the place is buzzing, then it is very crowded - as if a swarm of insects invaded his wings create a buzzing noise.

  Lone road wasp

The color of insects is a black torso with red or yellow spots. The limbs are thin and long, armed with smoking crests. Pompilids hunt spiders, prey paralyzed with a good blow of the sting.


These furry wasps are called velvet ants. Wingless females look like these insects. Body length 5-30 mm, choose southern steppe areas for habitat. Insects are very noticeable sexual dimorphism. The bodies of males and females differ in structure and size, the males are larger. Insects are covered with black and blond hairs, they form a pattern on the abdomen. Males of brown or black color, female individuals are painted brightly, often in red scale.

Insects also play the role of health pests, of course, lice are common, fleas are becoming less common, and malaria, of course, is transmitted by insects as a major human problem, and insects are also our biggest competitors. For example, when it comes to food, they attack our stocks, the locust sore, of course, is completely clear in this direction, and, of course, we also have pests that affect our equipment, think about our clothes: who gets moths , he is definitely having problems with his sweaters and the many holes left there.

  These wasps are otherwise called velvet ants.

Glitter Wasps

  Cute wasp


The size of the insect depends on the species, there are giant individuals up to 100 mm, while the average size of the scoli is 10-25 mm. Insects are black, with yellow and orange spots visible on the abdomen. Their wings are reddish in color. The female is much larger than the male. Scollies grow their offspring on the larvae of beetles and rhinoceros beetles. These insects are malicious pests of cultivated plants. The female stings the larva in the nerve center and paralyzes, then lays an egg.

Many were angry at the destroyed clothes, but you must not forget how valuable insects are in the natural cycle. No wonder, finally, a busy bee. An expression that is often conveyed to particularly hard-working people. Insects are good for us, just pollination, we often do not have our supplies, if insects do not pollinate our plants, and this is not just a bee, a lot of flies, but just stand there. You would need to wash the cherry plantation or tomato farm with a brush, transferring it from stamens to a hub, which would be tens of millions, which in Germany are generated annually by insects.

Information. On reed plantations, they are specially bred so as to help destroy the rhinoceros beetle.


  The body of Typhia has a monochromatic black color

Sand or digging wasps

Members of this group prefer to lay eggs in the ground. The detachment of sand wasps unites 200 genera. All of them hunt smaller insects that feed offspring. Some have a food specialization - aphid spiders. Species size from 5 to 20 mm, antennae shorter than other wasps. Life expectancy1-1.5 months.

And many loving couples lazily lie in a meadow with butterflies in their bellies, and busy bees carry pollen. “If you’re listening this way, it’s exciting because you feel that it’s a mushroom bacon that benefits from working with insects.” Insects are useful in many ways, and in some countries even end up as delicacies on the table.

There are documents from Mesopotamia that the king even had grasshopper skewers, locust skewers, and there are culinary items, such as chocolate ants, which are said to be especially tasty, and which you can buy today in canned goods in stores.

  One species of sand wasp

Unusual fact. Sexual dimorphism in burrowing wasps is manifested differently. They have a male larger than a female. Most members of the subfamily have a typical black and yellow color, but there are types of black in color with red and brown spots.

People eat insects, but jump up, as if stung by a tarantula, and run away when they in turn demand food from them. For example, a piece of cake on a coffee table, such as a wasp or a little blood, like a mosquito. If you also think mosquitoes are useless, ask a doctor.

"The mosquito, for example, had a life of a larva, and as a larva in water, it ate a lot of bacteria there, and also contributed to the purity of the water." And then only female mosquitoes invade us. In order to drain some of the blood, they need our blood proteins to build their eggs, and then again provide the larvae that purify the water.

Ammophila is a typical representative of its family. The size of her body is 11-25 mm, the largest individual is 38 mm. A distinctive feature of the group is a strongly compressed and elongated first abdominal segment. The slender wasp is distinguished by the red color of the base of the abdomen, the rest of it is black with a blue tint. It hunts butterflies, caterpillars and other insects. Paralyzed prey lays in the mink, dug from the sand. She will serve as food for posterity.

This is the eternal cycle of nature. And therefore, perhaps no one should suffer from a sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, sudden, severe suffering. They just want to feed their brood. Even if someone has the impression that they are attacking, like grasshoppers over one - extremely numerous, they are, as we know from the locust rocks, whole fields in a rage.

These grasshoppers then live like larvae in bacon, they have a lot of food. However, such cattle ham makes us pretty madig. It spoils our food, it becomes inedible, because who wants to eat food that the larvae attacked? Therefore, if you mistreat someone for a person or a business, you spoil them accordingly.

  This wasp has a unique body shape.

Sfecida - large single wasps with a length of 30-60 mm. They settle in sandy soil, prefer southern areas.

Diversity of Russia

In Russia, there are representatives of solitary and social wasps. On the territory of the country spread 8 species of hornets belonging to the genus Vespa. The common hornet lives in the European part, Siberia, Transbaikalia, Primorye. The size of the female is up to 35 mm, the working individuals are 2-24 mm. In the Amur Region and Primorye, the Black Hornet and the largest representatives of this species can be found. Among them is the Vespa mandarinia. Females of this species have a body length of 43-55 mm, males 30-40 mm. Adults feed on fruit juice, larvae feed on meat.

No one else can eat. The word “faucet” originally refers to a beer keg affected by a faucet, but in a figurative sense, you can also use other liquids: gas from a reservoir, for example, or in the case of mosquito blood from people. If you have butterflies in your stomach, you feel a tingling sensation in your stomach: an unmistakable sign that he is in love. And if you kill two birds with one stone, you get double benefit from one action.

By the way, the red tongs are sewn so that the ladies can decorate themselves, because the lipstick is made from their colored pigments. It is also quite obvious that insects are the true rulers of the world. According to research, more insects will live on an area of ​​about 1, 5 by 1, 5 meters of rainforest than people around the world, and about 60 percent of all living things on this planet will be insects.

Among social wasps there are species that build nests in the ground (Austrian, German and red) and on branches (forest, Norwegian, Saxon). Representatives of the genus Polist, building their nests without an outer shell, are noted in the south of the European part, in Siberia, Altai and Buryatia.

On planet Earth live and breed different types of animals and plants. Thanks to their coexistence, they do not die, combining into complex food chains. What insects eat their brethren? What animals eat insects? Read about this and much more in the article.

General information

In nature, there are a huge number of insects, about one and a half million per person on the planet. Scientists estimate that the area of ​​one hectare of insects lives much more than people on earth. It is impressive. Insects can be found everywhere. They are teeming with forests and meadows, seas and ponds, land and bare rocks. Their homes are hot deserts and permafrost. They settle in the dwellings of man. Insects are able to fly at high altitude, reaching thousands of two hundred meters. The total mass of all insects is about two billion tons. This is ten times the mass of all other animals that generally exist on earth.

Red ants

What insects eat insects? This is their poison according to the degree of impact comparable to fire. From here insects got their name. They are also called Fiery. A person stung by this ant feels nauseous, dizzy, has vomiting, redness, swelling and blisters on the skin. Some people get anaphylactic shock. There have been cases of death. Red ant bites have a negative effect on animals. Under the influence of poison, they begin to change their behavior.

What insects eat insects? These are Fire ants - aggressive predators. Thanks to their efforts, many pests of gardens, fields and gardens are always under control. First of all, the locust, which refers to the herd of insects. suffer from locusts of different species. But the most voracious is considered desert, so it is also the most dangerous for plants.


After this, the insect begins to gradually twist its thin sting into the bark. This continues until the egg-blade is stuck into the larva. Riders kill a total of ninety percent of various pests. Insect victims are leaf beetles and mining flies, sawflies and moths, shovels and cabbage caterpillars, haws and weevils, leafworms and moths.

What are insects?

The names of some of them terrify. There are insects that are very dangerous to humans and animals. For example, a giant. Its size is larger than a finger, and poison has a corrosive effect. The hornet shoots them to the victim, trying to get into the eyes. On the smell of pheromones contained in the poison flies a whole cloud of his relatives. From one type of such a picture, you can faint. To run away from insects is impossible, they fly much faster. Up to forty people die from a bite each year, and in unbearable agony.

The hornet flies in search of creatures with soft flesh. If there is a hive on the way, he sprinkles poison on it. The reinforcement of several dozen beetles flies to the smell. They amicably attack the hive. The bees have no chance of escape: the hornets use their huge jaws. They tear the workers into pieces.

Ant bullet

What insects eat insects? One of them is ant-bullet. It should be feared because of a strong bite that resembles a wound. Hence the name of the insect. This ant is small, only two and a half centimeters in length. He builds his house in the trees. Before the attack shrill screaming, and then falls from a height on his victim. The pain of his bite resembles walking on burning coals with a nail in the heel area.

The aboriginal population of some countries even today uses insects to perform ritual acts, for example, initiation into adulthood. A cape of leaves, which is teeming with ants woven into the sleeves, is worn on the birthday party. When he pushes his hands in them, he gets numerous bites, from which his hands lumber and twist. The body shakes uncontrollable spasms for several days. The purpose of the ritual is to hold out for at least ten minutes.

Wood pests

Insects lay eggs in the cracks of the bark. The emerged larvae feed on wood, gradually penetrating and destroying it. Some live in it for ten years. Pupae emerge from the larvae, and then the beetles themselves. Their purpose is to lay eggs.

  • What kind of insect is eating a tree? There are a lot of wood pests; we list some of them: the wood cleaver is purple flat. This insect develops in any wood: dry and wet. The adult individual is thirteen millimeters in length, and the larva is twenty. The elytra of the beetle is colored dark blue or purple with a metallic sheen. It affects wood felled but not cleared of bark.
  • Spruce Sapwood. It is easy to distinguish by the long mustache and yellow-brown color of the body, the length of which reaches eleven millimeters. This beetle makes moves up to five millimeters deep. Develops in freshly harvested conifers of trees. In the dwelling of man appears with the building material.
  • Pine brown barbel Differs in black and brown body color with a length of twenty-four millimeters. It has a great similarity with the woodcutter. Long, oval-shaped moves are clogged with sawdust. Distributed in the wood of coniferous trees.

Cabbage pests

Pests feel great and successfully reproduce in a period of prolonged heavy rains, when the earth does not dry out for a long time. This weather is most often in June and early July. With harmful cabbage lovers need to fight.

Plant pests

What insects eat plants, it is difficult to answer without thinking. After all, plant food in the diet of almost all animals, including insects. There are many of them, it is impossible to list them all. Here are some of them:

  • Colorado potato beetle is a malicious pest that prefers to harm tomatoes, peppers, potatoes and other solanaceous crops. It is easy to recognize. The body has a round-shaped convex shape with black longitudinal stripes. Beetles hibernate in the ground and with the onset of autumn young shoots actively attack.

  • Cruciferous flea - very dangerous for vegetables from the family with the same name, which includes cabbage, katran, radish, lettuce, rutabaga. Insect is not averse to eat horseradish, mustard leaves. This little bug with a body length of only three millimeters is able to tolerate frosts, hiding under the plants that were not harvested from the beds. With the onset of spring comes to life and flea. It gets to the soil with seedlings. Larvae postpones a couple of days. Developing, they begin to harm the roots. Adult individuals gnaw through the leaves, leaving sores on them. They quickly fade and begin to die. Flea intensively multiplies in warm, dry weather.


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