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Vigorous barrel tomatoes without a barrel. Cold pickling of tomatoes: in jars, in buckets, in barrels

If you think that pickling tomatoes in a bucket is very difficult, then you are mistaken. For example, this recipe will tell you how to make salted tomatoes in an enamel or plastic bucket just like in a barrel. My grandmother taught me how to salt tomatoes this way, only she salted the vegetables for big family in a large 10 liter bucket, and a small plastic bucket is enough for me to treat my family. Grandma was still closing. My children don’t eat such pickles yet, but my husband and I eat them with pleasure. The best appetizer is barrel tomatoes, and today’s recipe is proof of that. Let's pickle the tomatoes in a bucket, and they will taste like they were in a barrel. A simple marinade for tomatoes is not at all troublesome, wait a few weeks and you will have a wonderful appetizer on your table. Salted tomatoes can be served with boiled potatoes, and nothing else is needed!

- 1.5 liters of water,
- 1.5 kg tomato,
- 10 grams of dill,
- 3 pcs. bay leaf,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- 7 pcs. peppercorns,
- 2 tables. l. salt.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Place washed dill and other spices in a bucket: bay leaves and peppercorns for flavor.

We also place washed tomatoes and peeled garlic cloves in the bucket. It is important to choose tomatoes that are firm and have thick skins; they will last well in the bucket and will not get crushed. Few people will like crumpled and crushed tomatoes; they won’t even want to eat them. Place the tomatoes carefully and not too tightly, do not press on them so that more can fit. It’s better to immediately take a larger container and double the amount of ingredients.

Pour the required amount of salt into the bucket immediately.

Pour boiled but well cooled water over the tomatoes. Fill the bucket completely.

Cover with a lid and place in a cool, dark place for 1.5 weeks. If a film and foam forms on top, remove it.

Serve the prepared salted tomatoes immediately to the table.

Now you understand that salting tomatoes in a bucket is very simple, and the result is finger-licking! The tomatoes taste like they come from a barrel, which is how I like them. Bon Appetite!
another favorite recipe of mine -

Tomatoes for the winter are an indispensable and favorite type of preparation for many. You can prepare tomatoes for future use different ways– tomatoes are salted, pickled, fermented, made in own juice, dried. Never purchased canned tomatoes can’t compare with fragrant homemade ones, prepared with love. Today I will show you a recipe for pickling tomatoes that has long been a favorite in my family - pickled tomatoes in a barrel. Don’t be alarmed, you don’t have to buy a 200-liter wooden barrel) I salt the tomatoes in a plastic 30-liter barrel in a cold way, you can also make these tomatoes in regular banks, the main thing is not to skimp on seasonings, and in a month you will enjoy delicious, appetizing, natural homemade tomatoes.

We will need:

  • tomatoes
  • sprigs of dill (along with umbrellas)
  • parsley, celery
  • garlic
  • Sweet pepper
  • black peppercorns
  • allspice peas
  • Bay leaf
  • currant, horseradish and cherry leaves
  • boiled and chilled water
  • sugar

For a bucket (10 l) cold water take 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar.


Wash and sort the tomatoes thoroughly. Place overripe and bruised tomatoes aside; they can be used for... For pickling, we prefer to use small, dense, meaty cream.

Peel the onion, wash and cut into rings. Peel and rinse the garlic. Wash the sweet pepper, remove the stem and seeds. All greens are also washed thoroughly.

Place a layer of spices, onions, garlic on the bottom of the barrel or bucket. Bell pepper, bay leaf, peppercorns, etc., put a layer of tomatoes on top and repeat all layers until the very edge.

There should be a lot of spices; the taste and aroma of our salted tomatoes will depend on this.

We make brine for tomatoes from boiled and cooled water. In a bucket of cold water, take 2 cups of salt and 1 cup of sugar. Pour this brine over the tomatoes. Cover the top with gauze - mold will collect on it, so the gauze needs to be changed periodically.

If you salt tomatoes in a bucket or pan, then place a plate or large dish in the form of a weight on top. My barrel has a small neck, I just fill it to capacity, a lot of greenery on top, then gauze and a lid.



Tomatoes salted like barrels- an easy-to-prepare preparation for the winter. No complex ingredients or a lot of time will be required, and the pickling process itself is not very long, because after about two weeks, it will be possible to take a sample from lightly salted tomatoes, and after a month the pickling is completely ready and will be stored without losing appearance and excellent taste for more than six months in a cool place with an air temperature no higher than 10 degrees Celsius. This could be a basement or an insulated balcony. Jars of salted tomatoes can be sealed with iron lids. The main thing is that they are completely fermented, otherwise the lids will fly off.

Tomatoes prepared by salting as in a barrel have a pleasant taste, are moderately salted, naturally fermented and preserve a large number of useful substances. The presence of pickles in the diet has a beneficial effect on the human body, promoting digestion, activating processes that noticeably slow down in winter, stimulate appetite and significantly add variety to human food. Salted tomatoes go well with boiled, fried and baked potatoes; this is an excellent appetizer for meat. Just when I see these tomatoes I immediately want to try them.

We suggest you pickle tomatoes for the winter, which will turn out like barrel tomatoes, using a simple step by step recipe with photo. You will definitely like tomatoes prepared in this way, and the cooking method will become one of your favorites.



    For pickling tomatoes barrel method We select sufficiently ripe tomatoes, always without dents, cracks or black spots. It is advisable that they are not very large, since a large amount of pulp will make the soaked tomatoes very soft and it will be impossible to remove them from the container in which they were salted.

    Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly under running water and place them on a linen napkin to allow the water to drain. We sort through the cooked greens, discard unusable parts, dried leaves and wash them in running water.

    Let's prepare a bowl in which to salt the tomatoes. We wash jars, buckets, lids with soda and rinse in plenty of clean running water. It is important that the plastic container is suitable for food, that is, made of food-grade plastic. We sort the prepared tomatoes by size; you must take into account the fact that during the pickling process the tomatoes will increase somewhat in size and you should be able to remove them from the jar without damaging them. Therefore, for large fruits, it is more advisable to use containers with wide necks rather than jars. Leave the latter for small tomatoes. Since we use it for pickling large tomatoes, then the choice definitely fell on buckets.

    Place clean spices at the bottom of clean, washed and dried buckets. The amount of spices in the list of ingredients for the recipe is approximate, since some people like it, for example, spicier, and then you need to add hot pepper and horseradish root for sharpness; someone likes more spicy tomatoes, then you can vary the amount of green parts and garlic. In any case, we place two-thirds of the prepared greens on the bottom.

    Place tomatoes on a fragrant green pillow. Each of them must be pierced with a gypsy needle at the base of the stalk in order to help the tomato ferment as quickly as possible and not burst. This hole will allow excess air produced in the tomato during fermentation to escape.

    When the tomatoes are laid, place the remaining herbs, garlic and hot peppers. Pour in the mustard seeds - this will add sharpness to the tomatoes and prevent mold from forming, because mustard is a natural antiseptic.

    Pour cold water into buckets with tomatoes clean water. Best option– spring or well water with a minimum amount of salts that precipitate during boiling. It is better not to use tap water for preparing pickles and marinades, as it is processed using rather aggressive methods. We make sure that the water seeps between the tomatoes and covers them by about three centimeters from above - this is a reserve for boiling over.

    Drain the water from the bucket of tomatoes into a clean pan and measure the quantity. For each liter of liquid, pour two level tablespoons of coarse table salt and stir until completely dissolved. Place spices in a pan - bay leaf, peppercorns and pink pepper, dill umbrella. Place it over medium heat and bring the brine to a boil..

    Carefully pour the hot brine over the tomatoes. The spices that were cooked in it are also sent to the bucket. You need to pour carefully so that the tomatoes do not burst, and the bucket is not directly exposed to boiling water and is not deformed. After the brine is poured, you don’t have to worry about the fate of the bucket - the tomatoes will take on some of the heat from the water, and the bucket will just warm up a little to the touch.

    Now the tomatoes need to be covered, but not with a lid, but with a plate that fits freely into the bucket and completely submerges the tomatoes.

    You need to put some kind of weight on top of the plate - something quite heavy, for example, a liter jar of water, or a bag of cereal.

    Leave the tomatoes in this position for a day. During this time, white foam should appear on the surface of the bucket, which indicates that the fermentation process in the tomatoes has started. This is the same air coming out of the tomatoes, and salty water is gradually entering them..

    After the foam appears, the tomatoes must be left in a warm room for some time so that the souring process that has begun is completed. You will understand when the process reaches the required stage - the cloudy brine will become lighter, the tomatoes will wrinkle a little. It may take up to five days from the foam to appear. All this time the load must be on the container with tomatoes. When the fermentation process is complete, cover the buckets with lids; now air access is not necessary, and the tomatoes need constant temperature conditions with an air temperature of no more than 10 degrees Celsius. This could be a cold basement or a refrigerator.

    The tomatoes will be ready in a month, they will become transparent and will be moderately dense.

    In the context salted tomatoes how the barrels will look like this. The liquid inside the tomato will acquire a salty, slightly sour taste, the tomato pulp will be juicy and slightly watery, and the aftertaste will be sharp and pungent.

    You will love cold-cooked tomatoes at home; they are, of course, not barrel tomatoes, but their taste is identical and just as tempting. It's all about the boiled potatoes.

    Bon appetit!

Salted tomatoes are unlikely to ever lose their popularity among our compatriots. On the contrary, pickling recipes are being improved every year. And not only our grandmothers do this, but also all lovers of cooking, wanting to pamper themselves and their family with something delicious.

Why in a bucket?

Canned tomatoes are not as tasty as they will be in a bucket or barrel. The thing is that canning involves only one taste of these vegetables, but pickling involves many. Thanks to the fermentation process, tomatoes can be eaten at all stages of their pickling. At first they will be lightly salted, then their taste will begin to gain momentum, and now you have incredibly spicy and tasty, almost vigorous, tomatoes!

IN Lately quite popular cold method preparations. Housewives do not always have time to tinker with hot brine, especially in large quantities, but such tomatoes turn out no less juicy and tasty. By the way, when salted they retain much more useful substances than canned and heat-treated ones.

In addition, it is much more convenient to pickle a large number of tomatoes for the whole family in a bucket. Even 10 three-liter jars will take up a lot of space, but your relatives will want a lot of delicious pickles in the winter.

How to choose tomatoes for pickling

You can salt any variety and color - red, brown, green. Even cherry tomatoes will do, although you will need to take a smaller container. Find out which ones you and your family like best here.

However, many advise using the “” variety. Firstly, the variety is one of the most popular, and secondly, it contains a lot of dry matter, so it is ideal for any type of processing - pickling, pickling or canning.

Be sure to make sure there is no white core inside the vegetables. Otherwise, the pickling will not be as tasty and of high quality as you expect.

Also take into account the hardness of the tomatoes. For example, by pickling red ones, you will get soft tomatoes, the juice of which will immediately flow through your hands. If you like hard ones, then salt the green ones. Even at the last stages of salting, they will not lose their hardness, but the taste will be no worse than that of red or brown ones.

The main thing is not to mix all types of tomatoes in one container. If in canning it will look beautiful and interesting, and the difference in taste will be minimal, then with pickling it’s the opposite: red, brown and green tomatoes have different time preparations. Therefore, the resulting salting will be quite strange and the jump in taste will be too great.

Recipes for pickling and pickling

It is very difficult to grasp the line that separates salting and fermentation. Salting is storing food in a saline solution, and pickling is something between pickling and preservation using biological, i.e. lactic acids.

Many recipes now have signs of both fermentation and salting, so the difference in preparing tomatoes using these methods is not at all fundamental.

As noted earlier, we will pickle using the cold method, since it will take less time, the taste will be good, and the tomatoes will not lose their beneficial qualities.


To begin with, it must be said that the dishes themselves must be thoroughly washed, even if they were completely clean and no one touched them. A controversial statement, because microbes don’t care.

Rinse the tomatoes and peppers under running water. Immediately select any wrinkled or overripe vegetables and set them aside. They are not suitable for pickling, but they are ideal for ketchup or adjika.

Fresh herbs also need to be washed thoroughly.

What should be in greens anyway? Well, it’s difficult to give a specific answer here, since every housewife uses a proven set for years, “gotten” to her according to recipes from grandmothers and mothers. If you are cooking for the first time, you can take the following set: dill (the sprigs should be with the umbrellas), celery, parsley, bay leaf, cherry, currant and horseradish leaves.

Now thinly slice the entire green set, except for the leaves, to match length and approximately the same thickness. Mix it to form a homogeneous green mass. Place it on the bottom of the bucket so that it is completely covered. Add a couple of bay leaves, the same number of clove buds, 2-3 allspice peas and 8-10 black peppercorns. The chili pepper can be cut into pieces, but it is not necessary.

Let's start preparing the brine. Assume that a container of, for example, 10 liters will need about 5 liters of brine. However, make sure to fill the bucket to the brim. Dissolve the required amount of salt (10 tablespoons for the same 5 liters of water) in water and fill the bucket with brine.

Place a wooden circle on top, press it down with something and cover it with a napkin. Let the tomatoes sit at room temperature for a few days to allow the fermentation process to begin, and then store them in a cool place.

After about 2 weeks, start tasting your pickles.

Little secrets

A cold appetizer that can be enjoyed in the winter (shouldn’t you open the rolls ahead of time?).

Today we will share a recipe from Leno4ki98, which suggests cooking barrel tomatoes in a plastic bucket or any plastic container, a recipe just like my mother’s.

Barrel tomatoes according to my mother's recipe! Real jam!

Do you know what a person lacks in big city where you don’t have your own garden, fresh air and mom's jam? But he misses the delicious and aromatic barrel tomatoes! It turns out that you don’t have to have a barrel to make barrel tomatoes! All you have to do is stock up on inspiration and wait 2-3 weeks.

You can use any bucket to prepare barrel tomatoes. The amount of ingredients depends on the amount of liquid. For a five-liter bucket of water I needed:

  • 2.5 kg medium tomatoes,
  • horseradish root (1 piece),
  • dill and parsley (large bunch),
  • hot pepper (1 piece),
  • sweet pepper (2 pieces),
  • garlic (to taste),
  • spices (peppercorns, salt, sugar).

Dissolve 150 g of salt and 100 g of sugar in 5 liters of warm water.

While the brine is cooling, we place the tomatoes in our improvised barrel. I stacked everything in tiers (tomatoes, herbs, spices, tomatoes again), which can be seen in the photographs.

After we have poured the brine, we need to weigh down our tomatoes with something heavy (I use a brick for this, on top of a plate). We put our tomatoes in a cool place and enjoy the incredible aroma for 2 weeks! In two weeks, not earlier, you will be able to try the barrel tomatoes. If you find them too salty, leave them to ferment for another week, then take the sample again.

If after some time you notice mold or muddy water with plaque - everything is in order, carefully remove the mold or foam with a spoon and continue to ferment the tomatoes.

Always store barrel tomatoes in a plastic bucket or other container in a cool place: in the refrigerator, in the basement or outside. But make sure that there is no sub-zero temperature, otherwise the texture of the elastic tomatoes will change and the taste will suffer.

Bon appetit!



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