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Bright personalities and real stubborn people are children born in the year of the Rooster. Child under the zodiac sign Leo in the year of the rooster

Each year, including the year of the Rooster, has its own characteristics, an element, a color and a patronizing animal. The Chinese horoscope spoke about this a long time ago. There was a legend in the East that of all the animals invited to the great Buddha’s holiday, the twelve who came first, according to his promise, would rule for a whole year. Each animal will come again after twelve years and patronize the coming year. There was a river on their way, and the animals swam through it. The one who came to the holiday first became the patron of the first year and then in turn. The rooster appeared on the spot number ten, as he had been delayed giving instructions to his relatives on what to do in his absence. His character is judged by this fact.

Chinese sages believed that the bird in the name of the Year of the Rooster denotes the symbol of the Sun. Image of a rooster on front door symbolized the arrival of the Sun in the house. This is the brightest and sun sign, his song awakens you from sleep and allows a new day to enter the house.

What does the Year of the Rooster mean? This bird represents a protector, because it is not without reason that his drawing or figurine can be seen all over the world, on the roofs of houses. The rooster is always on the alert, sits on the roof, and carefully looks into the distance. In children's fairy tales there is also a cockerel protecting the home. The crest on the head is a crown, it symbolizes the love of literature and art, and the spurs personify aggression in the character of a warrior. There is some opinion that the Rooster is a symbol of war. His courage borders on despair, so success comes to him precisely in those cases where other signs would never dream of. The Rooster has a varied life, with ups and downs. But it is thanks to this carousel that over time he will understand both joy and suffering.

This is a sophisticated, sociable sign that loves attention and praise. In addition, the Rooster is stubborn and self-confident, loves to hit the target, and his inherent egoistic character, pickiness and boasting sometimes make him a vacuous man.

People born at this time are very attentive, hardworking and talented. They love to be in the thick of things, try to look great, and love praise and praise addressed to them.

The rooster combines such positive traits:

  • sincerity;
  • frankness;
  • devotion;
  • honesty;
  • nobility;
  • caring;
  • activity and initiative.

Along with positive character traits, people born under this sign also have negative traits:

  • hot temper;
  • vanity;
  • tactlessness;
  • arrogance;
  • unreliability;
  • puts his interests above all else.

Roosters call all things by their proper names, they are reliable, sometimes selfish, but this is forgiven them. They are courageous and can risk their lives for a worthy cause. They could make brave fighters, but history says that under this sign talented people of art are born.

Among them are E. Caruso, Yves Montand, M. Pfeiffer, R. Wagner. But there are also politicians among them, for example, Akihito - Emperor of Japan, King of Nepal.

A person born under this sign can boast of excellent health. He is active, loves to swim, hike, exercise physical exercise. These hobbies contribute to good health. Roosters rarely get sick, but even in severe cases they easily overcome the disease. Astrologers advise in 2017:

More attention pay attention to your health and safety, follow traffic rules on the road, and take care of your loved ones.

In a profession, do more, talk less, work hard to capitalize on opportunities.

For the most part, such people are creative individuals, but this is not necessary.

Future people are born under the sign of the Rooster:

  1. Announcers.
  2. Journalists.
  3. Restaurant owners.
  4. Surgeons.
  5. Firemen.
  6. Managers.

They are capable of a variety of specialties; all that is needed is contact with people. Roosters make their career a priority in life. Such people are hardworking, talented, and can cope with any task.

The Rooster is somewhat stingy with feelings; he allows himself to be loved, but rarely sincerely reciprocates. He loves himself and his usual way of life too much. This is an obstacle to starting a family. Among the people of this sign there are many bachelors who prefer freedom to marriage.

They love the Rooster for his temperament, his ability to court beautifully and with pathos, and create intrigue. Under this symbol, wonderful lovers and romantic players are born. It is difficult for them to find a partner worthy of themselves.

The Rooster man has a very extraordinary personality. Whatever year of birth a representative of this genus was born, they are all united common features, among them being well-read, educated, organized. A man born under this sign goes from poverty to prosperity, and the life of his family turns from routine to wonderful. ideal relationship. By maturity he is wealthy and prosperous. He finds his place in life, since talent and giftedness are inherent in him at the beginning. But for a perfect ending, you need to work hard, understanding that the money itself will not fall into the beak.

A woman under the sign of the Rooster, unlike the opposite sex, does not like a colorful style of clothing.

She is an extraordinary and complex nature, in which the following traits are mixed:

  1. Initiative.
  2. Sociability.
  3. Moodiness.
  4. Openness.
  5. Ability to suggest.

The ancient Chinese considered a common feature of people of this sign to be inconstancy. There are eloquent, businesslike Rooster women, and there are quiet, thoughtful observers. And the most characteristic thing is that these can be sides of the same lady.

Women under this sign are more creative people, among them are actresses, singers, and writers. Since childhood, rooster girls love to dominate their friends, it’s interesting to be with them, they are inventors, the leaders of the company. True, they like to tell more than listen. Growing up, a girl always tries to look perfect and is very careful about her appearance. Bravely stepping forward, passing all obstacles with dignity on the way, she challenges everyone, but at the same time will always support weak personality. This is a faithful friend and companion.

Just like men, Rooster women love to work, and at work they enjoy trust and authority. You can entrust any complex matter to her, and the result will be guaranteed.

In their personal lives, women born under this sign attach great importance to family, keep warm and create comfort. They are vulnerable in love, and disappointment with their partner can become an obstacle to happiness.

She loves order, is clean, and demands this from her loved ones. Such ladies rely only on themselves; she will not trust anyone to solve a difficult task, believing that only she can do it.

The character of each year's sign differs according to its elements.

Each of them corresponds to a specific year of the Rooster and its color:

  1. Metal is a symbol element.
  2. Gladioli, cockscomb - flowers of the sign.
  3. Numbers: five, seven, eight.
  4. Colors: white, gold, yellow, brown.
  5. Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  6. The elements of the sign are red fire, yellow earth, white metal, blue water, green wood.

What are the rooster's birth years ahead? This is 2029, 2041, what awaits people in the future, many scientists are trying to find the answer to this question, and it is up to everyone to believe or not their predictions.

Red Fire Rooster came to earth on January 28, 2017 and left it on February 15, 2018. Next year The Rooster will begin in 2029 on February 10 and it will be Yellow Earth.

Astrologers different countries predict many events and changes. Based on observations at the beginning current year the earth radiates negative energy, therefore, clashes and disagreements between people and communities may arise during this period.

Therefore, ideas will be implemented with difficulties, health conditions may sharply deteriorate, and infectious diseases may arise. The end of the first quarter will also be unfavorable, conflict situations will become aggravated, problems associated with nervous system disorders will arise. The astrologer advises people to be careful in critical days, and follow the calendar forecasts.

Friendship with other signs

Animals differ from each other in almost everything. Also their signs have unique properties. To determine compatibility Chinese Zodiac studies the type and character of the animal, general features and signs. By analyzing all this, they determine whether one sign is suitable for another, or vice versa.

Astrologers claim that all people are connected.

Some are in perfect harmony with each other, while others are contraindicated in their union:

  1. With the Ox for the couple trusting relationship, but in love everything is smooth, there is no ardor in relationships. An alliance between them is possible if the Rooster ceases to be a commander. But there is no point in starting a business relationship.
  2. With the Tiger, the stars recommend creating a business union; for the sake of harmony, you need to work hard, since both prefer not to give, but to take. The Tiger gets tired of the Rooster's noisiness, so the friendship between them is short-lived. In their work there is a constant struggle between them for their leadership.
  3. The union with the Rat is fatal, there are many contradictions. The charm and self-interest of the Rat are opposed to the brilliance and bravado of the Rooster. There will be no friendship between them, and business relations will lead nowhere.
  4. Marriage with the Dragon is possible only in the case of passionate love. Both signs are ambitious, they are compatible when the Dragon takes high position and has wealth. The rooster will be able to use this skillfully.
  5. The union with the Snake is ideal in everything, especially for general business. Wise Snake and the hard worker Rooster is a guarantee of success. In love there is misunderstanding. The Rooster needs care and affection, but the Snake is incapable of this.
  6. You can create a couple with a Horse, only the union will be long with frequent separations and breaks from each other, love at a distance. The Rooster will not be able to treat the Horse with trust and count on her, and she is not satisfied with his passivity. Friendship is possible, but business relationships are best avoided.
  7. An unsuccessful alliance will turn out to be with the Rabbit, who becomes furious at any performances of the Rooster. The friendship between them is not real, since the noisy Rooster irritates the Rabbit. Business relationships are unequal, and the Rabbit dominates them.
  8. The union of the Rooster and the Goat will be difficult. Partners pursue selfish goals. If each partner makes an effort, the couple will succeed. The Rooster will dominate, and the Goat will remain submissive.
  9. The Monkey and the Rooster will not have a strong marriage either. The Monkey will outwit the Rooster, so neither a business relationship nor friendship will work out.
  10. In an alliance with a Dog, a hostility will arise towards a noisy partner. Friendship and work are impossible here.
  11. The fair and sensual Pig does not suit the strong and aggressive Rooster. Friendship between signs is fraught with disaster. There will be no mutual trust in the work, the relationship is futile.
  12. Marriage with your own sign is undesirable, as constant scandals and quarrels are inevitable. Due to constant clashes and the inability to give in, friendship will not work, and business relationships in general are fraught with collapse and ruin.

Each sign affects a person's share. Therefore, it is interesting and important to know everything about the sign of your year, and not miss out on luck.

Years of birth according to the Rooster sign: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Rooster Man - Personality Characteristics

The Rooster man is a very attractive and extraordinary personality. As a rule, he is well and expensively dressed, well-groomed and gallant.

The Rooster man can present himself well, takes care of his appearance, and often takes care of physical training that keeps his body in excellent shape. He loves to be the center of attention, especially from women, and entertain them with witty jokes.

Many women are simply delighted with him. And this is not surprising. After all, a bright, impressive and charming Rooster man knows what to say and when to say it in order to please women. He struts around, spreading a magnetism that attracts and excites. But, unfortunately, the personal life of the Rooster man can be very stormy - according to various reasons. According to eastern horoscope, V at a young age the Rooster man will not be able to create happy family, only in his mature years is he able to find happiness.

It is worth noting that the Rooster man needs to always be in sight, in the center of attention, only then does he feel like a human being. He needs an exchange of energies. And when they forget about him, he feels bad, and he may even fall into a prolonged depression.

The Rooster man loves to command and hates to obey, either at work, among friends, or in the family. He considers himself right in all matters and his opinion is the ultimate truth. Entering into an argument with him is useless and even fraught with consequences. The Rooster man is not shy in his expressions, does not care about the feelings of others and can say whatever he wants to his face. Sometimes it’s easier to agree with him, otherwise he will start to get cocky and may cause a scandal. The Rooster man loves to make comments to others (even to the point that he can tell a girl that this hairstyle makes her look old), but he himself does not tolerate criticism of himself and does not tolerate intrusion into his personal affairs. But, behind the narcissism of Roosters, deep complexes are sometimes hidden, which they carefully hide.

Most often, a man was born in and is extremely proud of it. He is neat and organized and tries to carry a diary with him, where he writes down all his schedules, meeting dates and times, ideas and thoughts. Smart and attentive to detail, he likes to observe from the outside. Friends often turn to him for advice, because he can accurately predict a situation like no one else.

The Rooster man is trusting and childishly naive, so he is easy to deceive. And when he finds himself in an environment where he cannot command, he quickly falls into apathy. Some consider the Rooster man to be a classic bureaucrat. And this is not without reason. He plays it safe many times, so he delays solving the problem. This man is incapable of adequately assessing himself. He does not believe in his own strength, he lacks willpower, and he constantly fluctuates between high self-esteem and self-doubt, and doubts and hesitations are a loss of vital energy, which leads to failures.

Many of the men born in the year of the Rooster are great workers and strive to do more than they can handle. They are active, active, and quite purposeful. And they understand that money does not fall into their beaks without difficulty. They must work, work and work again to ensure decent life. The Rooster's wealth accumulates grain by grain, gradually. To take big risks and win big, they lack the courage and scope of imagination. In addition, the Rooster, according to the eastern horoscope, is wasteful, he does not know how to stock up and most often spends everything he earns.

IN classic version The Rooster man goes from poverty to wealth, from the most disgusting relationships in the family to perfect love. But his old age, as a rule, is prosperous and prosperous. Sooner or later, the Rooster man finds himself in life - he is still a gifted person.

Man of the Year Rooster - career

A man born in the year of the Rooster is not very lucky and has to work hard to achieve success. in addition, his temper and lightness of character, which, for a strange circumstance, easily coexist in the soul of this man, may prevent him from achieving a dizzying career. In work matters, the Rooster man is very careful and prudent. If he occupies the manager’s chair, he first carefully studies all the details, and only then begins to make serious decisions. The Rooster man in the boss's chair is not very good a good option for subordinates. He is overly power-hungry and loves to criticize, and does not listen at all to the advice and recommendations of others. He believes that he knows everything better than others, and in the whole world you cannot find a better specialist than himself. It is simply impossible to dissuade him from naive and impractical goals, and his subordinates will have to deal with the consequences.

But if the Rooster man is an ordinary employee, then there will always be laughter and fun in the team, live communication. Men born in the year of the Rooster love compliments and attention from others. They are susceptible to flattery, generous and always ready to help. They are observant and always ready to suggest a reasonable way to solve a problem. It is not surprising that many turn to them for help.

He starts his very early professional activity, because he is ambitious, self-confident and strives for independence. It is difficult to find a profession that a Rooster man cannot cope with. His hard work, diligence, determination, as well as administrative abilities, desire to command and manage help him achieve good results. The Rooster man is a talented organizer, careful and plans everything in advance. His desk is always in order, all things are in their place, and documents are kept in strict order.
In work, the Rooster man always tries to do more than he can and takes on tasks that exceed his strength. Therefore, the plans he has in mind are not always realized. In addition, the Rooster man is a famous braggart; he likes to show great expectations, but does not live up to them. Despite the obvious abundance of fresh ideas, he implements them very poorly. In everyday life it’s the same thing - a lot of ideas and no hope of realizing them.

The Rooster man approaches any work very responsibly, but avoids taking on unnecessary obligations. If necessary, he is able to help others, but he will do it in such a way that others will properly appreciate his action. At work, as a rule, he is valued and respected, although they are wary of his frankness and uncompromising nature in communicating with his superiors, as well as his reluctance to take on more than what is required by his position.

A man born in the year of the Rooster is characterized by sharp ups and equally sharp downs. In his life, streaks of success alternate with streaks of failure. His professional life is unstable and he often changes one profession to another, not thinking too much about the future and living in the current moment. As a rule, the Rooster man has a fairly flexible worldview, which helps him cope with adversity and need, and financial success and promotion career ladder- these are only companions to the growth of personal prestige. And for men born in the year of the Rooster, it is very important. They love to receive awards and medals. However, almost every Rooster man sooner or later experiences one or more crises. This is the fate of most Roosters, since crises help them renew themselves internally. Starting everything from scratch, from the very beginning - this is the missionary role of the Rooster man. In addition, such an update makes it possible to try something unknown for yourself, to realize yourself in a new field. It can even be said that many Rooster men themselves subconsciously lay a time bomb under their projects.

Men born in the year of the Rooster rarely have big money. He does not know how to save money and invest it, and quickly spends everything he earns on household needs. But, if the Rooster man is still able to find his purpose and realize himself, then he can achieve good financial well-being. When it comes to work, the Rooster man hates routine and likes it to be accompanied by travel and a certain amount of independence. He will be able to prove himself most effectively in professions related to organizing large meetings, corporate events, exhibitions, presentations, and competitions. In this area, most men born in the year of the Rooster turn into peacocks and create beauty salons, fashion collections, etc. They demonstrate their own brilliance and talent and help others realize themselves. His favorite business will give him everything he dreams of: money, prestige, personal freedom and independence. He just needs to be the center of attention, a generator of ideas, and then he will be able to make his own career, which will help him open up in society. But if he does not have such ideas and an appropriate assistant, then he turns into a selfish, stubborn person, fixated on his own problems.

Many Rooster men love to chair meetings, demonstrating the ability to present themselves and express their opinions. And the Rooster - good speaker. Therefore, the Rooster man is able to manifest himself most fully in the role of an intermediary between the audience and the speaker. He may be the best entertainer ever. Feeling this, many men born in the year of the Rooster choose professions based on collective creativity. But it is worth remembering that he is more of a tactician than a strategist and rarely learns from his mistakes and generally does not learn lessons for the future.

For the Rooster man, both self-esteem and the assessment of others are very important; he wants to be the best in everything. Men born in the year of the Rooster try not to show such weak sides character such as uncertainty, weakness, timidity, which visit them quite often. They disguise them with eloquence, chic appearance, and tireless energy.

Horoscope of the Rooster man – love and family

The Rooster man takes great care of his appearance and prefers to dress brightly and stylishly. Therefore, he will carefully evaluate the woman he likes, paying attention to the smallest details. And the main thing is that a woman must be very well-groomed, original and “high-class” in order to attract the attention of the Rooster man. He can be offended by the slightest deviation or flaw in people's appearance. He himself evaluates people by their appearance and manner of behavior and prefers to be “met and escorted by their clothes.”

The Rooster man knows that only he will wish and everyone will be fascinated by his personality. But it is worth noting that this quality makes him a very self-centered person, completely absorbed your own desires and needs. In addition, he demonstrates absolute indifference to the mental state of other people.

Most men born in the year of the Rooster are well educated, well read and know how to carry on a conversation on any topic. They are interested in philosophy, esotericism, politics, economics and are well aware of what is happening around them. But he can fully reveal himself only in the circle of family and very close friends, when he is not afraid of being laughed at or being a target for gossip. After all, he knows that behind his luxurious plumage hides a smaller and stronger body than it seems to others, and he is afraid of being a “wet chicken.” The emotions and feelings of the Rooster man are like a mercury bulb on a thermometer, which rises and falls. If a Rooster man is in a great mood, then he is welcoming, friendly, open and emotional, can sympathize with another, and even provide help. But if the Rooster man bad mood, then it’s better not to touch him, as he will show all his negative qualities: excessive self-confidence, sarcasm and criticism, capable of “dividing everyone into pieces.”

Choosing a life partner for a Rooster man is not an easy task. In his youth, he prefers to collect his victories, quickly abandoning those girls who came easy to him. He likes to feel like a sultan in a harem. Almost everyone admires him, and few can resist his beautiful appearance, comprehensive development, irresistible charm, assertiveness and perseverance. and conquering the object of his love, but if everything does not go as he expected, he quickly grows cold. He has been in a state of uncertainty for a long time, because he himself does not know what kind of woman he needs. When he makes up his mind and realizes that the time has come to start a family, he becomes a typical homebody and is very reluctant to leave home, where he feels very good. He cares about the well-being and prosperity of his family and becomes a generous husband.

The Rooster man needs a special companion who will love and admire him, please, be patient and flexible, take care of herself and her family. The conservatism of the Rooster man makes him demanding in everyday life, and he believes that his marriage leaves much to be desired in the case when the woman he is married to does not care about coziness and comfort.

The wife of a man born in the year of the Rooster should be calm and calm, be able to extinguish his rage and relieve irritation before it leads to quarrels. A reliable rear is extremely important for the Rooster. He dreams of a partner who would understand and support him. If a woman cannot appreciate the Rooster man, then family life will not be easy. This man is subject to outbursts of rage and irritation, and being disappointed in his wife, he can leave her without pity or seek solace on the side. Although, it is worth noting that, no matter what, in family life For Roosters, both men and women, it rarely comes to an official divorce, and it often happens that the Rooster man, having had plenty of fun, returns to his wife again.

Also, the wife of the Rooster man should remember that he is not inclined to demonstrate high emotions even towards the one he loves very much. It is difficult for him to express his feelings and he rarely says “I love you,” but he is capable of deep care and sincere love. Often the Rooster man is very reserved because he is afraid or embarrassed to express himself, or maybe it’s just not in his character. He cannot be called a great romantic, but he is completely devoted to the woman he loves.

In order for the family union to be happy, the wife of the Rooster man should know specific features her husband. Firstly, although he is energetic and active, his activity is often chaotic and meaningless. Therefore, a woman must constantly support him morally and try to direct his energy in the right direction. Secondly, we must remember that the Rooster man wants to seem impeccable, so in order to attract his attention, from time to time unobtrusively tell him how interesting you are with him, ask him about himself. Like all vain people, Roosters love it. Thirdly, the Rooster man loves to dream and fantasize. Support him in this. Build castles in the air together or, say, simulate a vacation for next year. And most importantly, try to be different, change all the time, keep yourself in great shape. Create a good climate for such a man, and he, in turn, will do everything to make you happy.

For a person born in the year of the Rooster, Fate has prepared many different surprises. There may be many ups and downs in his life, but even when circumstances are not in his favor, he has unlimited faith in himself and his strength.

In company, the Rooster knows how to present himself effectively. He is sociable, quite talkative, dresses fashionably and carries himself very confidently. In a conversation, he is not averse to boasting and exaggerating, including his many merits, but he does this not out of arrogance, but rather for the sake of a “cunning word.”

Despite his love for spectacular exaggerations, the Rooster is very truthful by nature, to the point that sometimes his truthfulness borders on straightforwardness and harshness. Without thinking too much about the consequences and wording, he is able to express to a person’s face everything that is boiling in his soul, often thereby provoking resentment and quarrels. Being not a very sensitive person, it is difficult for him to understand how painfully a careless word can hurt. All this makes the Rooster a bad diplomat, but on the other hand, knowing his directness and frankness, those around him can be sure that he does not hold a stone in his bosom.

Self-confidence is both the Rooster’s strength and his “Achilles’ heel,” since it often borders on self-confidence, causing him to lose ground under his feet. Because of this, the Rooster is capable of committing rash acts, miscalculating his strength in business, or fearlessly rushing into battle with a superior enemy. At work, he is often reproached for promising to do more than he is capable of, but this is not a manifestation of his boasting, but only the Rooster’s boundless faith in his own abilities.

The Rooster's self-confidence is reflected in his demeanor. Knowing in advance that he is right, it is difficult for the Rooster to back down or admit that he is wrong in an argument, but he willingly gives advice to others - even when he is not asked for it. However, despite some unceremoniousness, the Rooster usually has many acquaintances and true, devoted friends who value his sincerity, loyalty, reliability and nobility.

Although the Rooster's faith in his own strength often turns into his own reverse side, nevertheless, it also brings him tangible benefits. His confidence rubs off on those around him, giving him a significant advantage when applying for a job and in many other important situations. Thanks to his ability to present himself, as well as his artistic talents, the Rooster knows how to earn good money, although he sometimes spends it too thoughtlessly. Individual activities not for him, he needs a team and the approval of others, so the Rooster can do good career primarily in those areas where there is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to everyone: in teaching activities, politics, management, show business, advertising, etc.

Brave and noble, talented and honest, the Rooster, like Don Quixote, is always ready to defend the weak. His self-confidence not only makes him set himself complex tasks, but often helps him solve them brilliantly.

Nata Karlin April 24, 2018, 6:21 pm

A person born in the year of the Rooster will experience many ups and downs during his life. However, he always will believe in own strength and get out of any situation unharmed. The Rooster knows how to present himself correctly in society, he is sociable, dresses well, always behaves confidently, loves to brag and exaggerate his merits.

Despite the fact that the Rooster man is characterized by bravado, he is truthful, straightforward and sometimes extremely harsh in his statements

Very often he tries to directly express to his opponent all his claims and grievances, thereby causing a lot of discontent and conflicts. The fact is that it is difficult for him to control his emotions and he simply does not understand that he is hurting a person.

No matter how bad a diplomat the Rooster is, you can be 100% sure that he doesn’t have a “stone in his bosom” and all the arguments expressed are the maximum of negative points. A person of this sign has some kind of painful and unquestioning self-confidence. Sometimes this leads him to actions that are not very correct from the point of view of logic. Having incorrectly calculated his own strength, he rushes into a battle that is obviously lost, after which it takes a long time to restore his strength.

A bright and dynamic person born in the year of the Rooster

The Rooster's self-confidence sometimes irritates others. It is expressed in behavior when a person of this zodiac sign begins to give advice, even if he is not asked for it. But some unceremoniousness and tactlessness do not prevent him from having many acquaintances and friends who appreciate his sincerity, honesty and loyalty.

It is self-confidence and the ability to present oneself that allow the Rooster to have an excellent career. This is one of those people who know how to always benefit from everything. His artistry and impressiveness allow him to earn good money, which very often he simply throws into the wind. A person born under the sign of the Rooster simply needs a team. He can't be individual entrepreneur no way.

The Rooster Man will find himself in teaching, management, politics, cinema, and theater

People born under this sign have a painful sense of justice. These are Donquixotes, always ready to take the side of the humiliated and insulted. They are no strangers to taking on the most serious problems and tasks. As a rule, they manage to get out of any difficult situation with success.

What year was the Rooster born?

The Year of the Rooster is 10th among the signs of the eastern horoscope

When the Year of the Rooster comes, the 10th cycle of the Chinese horoscope begins. They say that once upon a time, Buddha called all the animals to him without exception, and the first 12 of them to arrive were awarded power over the whole year. Chinese horoscope. In the East it is generally accepted that everything in the world consists of 5 matters:

  • water,
  • land,
  • wood,
  • fire,
  • metal

That is why each subsequent year is assigned the corresponding matter.

Rooster:Year of birthCharacteristic
Metal1921, 1981 Responsible, workaholic, confident, persistent, purposeful, devoted and an excellent family man
Water1933, 1993 Eloquent, sociable, purposeful, tireless fighter, energetic, impressionable
Wood1945, 2005 Reliable, sociable, successful in life, versatile, caring and sensitive
Honest, reliable, organized, straightforward, purposeful, tactful
Zemlyanoy1909, 1969 Hardworking, insightful, careerist, persistent, responsible

Next year 2029 will be the year of the Earth Rooster

Characteristics of the Rooster man according to the Chinese horoscope

Rooster Guy ‒ very attractive personality. He behaves well in society, always tries to look brand new, gallant and helpful. It’s very easy for him to present himself with the most positive side, because regular self-care, exercise and wit allow you to always be the center of attention, especially among women.

He knows how to entertain ladies, attracting them with witty jokes and gallant compliments. Personal life men of this sign are always stormy, filled with numerous novels. Astrologers claim that in his youth a Rooster man can create strong family will not be able to because of his constant attention to women. In adulthood, having stroked his pride, he manages to find the very woman who will become a reliable support for the rest of his life.

Loving guy-Rooster

The Rooster man constantly feels the desire to be the center of attention, and only in this case does he feel like a happy and fulfilled person. Having been alone for a long time, forgotten and abandoned, he becomes withdrawn and falls into a prolonged depression.

A man of this sign simply loves to manage and completely refuses to obey anyone’s orders. Relatives know that it is better not to enter into an argument with him, but simply agree, otherwise a huge scandal awaits everyone.

Insightful, serious and pragmatic, he easily predicts the development of any events, so he can make the right decision leading to success.

Credulity and childish naivety Rooster men do not allow him to reach the top of his career. There is no cunning or inclination towards intrigue in his character, so at work envious colleagues can easily fool him around their finger. In a leadership position, the Rooster man is a tyrant and despot; it is difficult to argue with him; it is simply impossible to prove a different point of view. However, as an ordinary colleague, he is a very nice, interesting and sociable person.

Interesting and sociable Rooster male colleague

Characteristics of the Rooster woman according to the eastern calendar

Rooster Girl ‒ bright, extraordinary, sociable and charming. She adores colorful things, loves and knows how to dress in such a way that those around her will take their breath away with admiration. According to the eastern horoscope, she is an ambiguous and flighty nature, in which a thirst for adventure is mixed with the desire to build her own nest, straightforwardness and gentleness, capriciousness and sincerity, perseverance and compliance. She likes to change her appearance often and is just as fickle in relationships as she is in her image.

The Rooster woman can be so different in certain situations that she amazes even close people with her behavior.

She can be eloquent and quick-witted and then immediately become thoughtful and languid. These are two sides of the same personality

Maybe, best profession It’s hard to find something more than an artist for a woman born under the sign of the Rooster. She knows how to be different , easily makes new acquaintances, can adapt to any situation and knows a lot about fashion. At the same time, he can find his calling exclusively in creativity.

The most main feature character of the Rooster woman - absolute inability to lie. She can't lie to a loved one even for good. The lady of this sign loves to be the center of attention, visit large companies and shine. She simply vitally needs an exchange of energies, only in this case does she feel absolutely happy.

Bright and brilliant Rooster girl

Communicating with a Rooster woman is not easy. The ideal for her is a man who is stronger than her in character and higher in intelligence. She will reach for these heights, realizing that she is absolutely happy, accepting and absorbing everything new. Otherwise, he becomes an authoritarian leader in the family and despotically takes the reins of power into his own hands.

From a young age, a woman of this sign usually has a crowd of fans, struck to the very heart by her enchantment and brightness. IN family relationships she is the most appreciates comfort, coziness and a warm, friendly atmosphere.

Compatibility of people born under the sign of the Rooster

Astrologers are absolutely sure that everything people are connected on a star power level. Some are compatible, while others are absolutely not suitable for each other. For example, the Rooster should not start any relationship with the Rat in principle.

The Rat will be enraged by the pride, arrogance and selfishness of the Rooster from the very first day of their life together

Love and business relationships are possible with the Ox. The calm and confident Ox will take on the main responsibilities, and will give the Rooster the opportunity to shine. At first, everything goes quite well in love between the Rooster and the Tiger. The big cat is amazed business qualities partner, but over time she begins to be irritated by many of the nuances of the relationship and nothing good comes from the union.

When it comes to the Rooster-Rabbit tandem, we can say with confidence that even if at first the relationship is cloudless, then very soon they will collapse. The homely and calm Rabbit will try to accustom the eccentric Rooster to discipline, which is impossible in principle.

Love compatibility between a Dragon guy and a Rooster girl

An alliance with the Dragon can be considered successful. Both representatives of these zodiac signs love the public, fun and noisy companies. However, the Dragon may be irritated by the carelessness of the Rooster. The Rooster-Snake tandem is perfect. There are no conflicts in the couple, there is only a calm agreement and a desire to compromise.

A not entirely successful alliance develops with the Horse and the Goat. Complete misunderstanding and rejection of your partner’s point of view will cause serious disagreements.

Calm, appreciating home and comfort, the Horse and Goat will never understand the reveler-Rooster

A dog is also not very suitable for an overly active Rooster.. She will not put up with carelessness and irresponsibility in some aspects of the Rooster. The Pig values ​​sincerity and high intelligence in a partner born under the sign of the Rooster. This is a pretty good tandem that can thrive for many years.

Compatibility table of the Rooster according to the eastern horoscope with other zodiac signs:



Moderate compatibilityNot compatible
RoosterDragon, Ox, Tiger, Boar, PigRooster, Dog, Goat, Monkey, HorseRabbit, Rat
DogRabbit, Tiger, Horse, BoarRat, Snake, Dog, Goat, Monkey, RoosterDragon, Bull
PigTiger, Rabbit, Rooster, Goat, Bull, DogBoar, Monkey, Dragon, Rat, HorseSnake
RatOx, Dragon, MonkeyDog, Rat, Goat, Snake, Pig, TigerHorse, Rabbit, Rooster
OxRat, Rooster, Pig, SnakeOx, Tiger, Monkey, Dragon, RabbitGoat, Horse, Dog
TigerBoar, Dog, Rabbit, Horse, RoosterGoat, Rat, Ox, Tiger, Dragon, SnakeMonkey
RabbitDog, Pig, Tiger, GoatSnake, Monkey, Ox, Dragon, Horse, RabbitRooster, Rat
The DragonRooster, Monkey, Rat, Goat, SnakeTiger, Boar, Bull, Rabbit, Horse, DragonDog
SnakeMonkey, Rooster, Bull, DragonRabbit, Horse, Tiger, Goat, Snake, Dog, RatBoar
HorseGoat, Dog, TigerDragon, Monkey, Rooster, Boar, Rabbit, Snake, HorseRat, Ox
SheepHorse, Rabbit, Boar, DragonMonkey, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Rat, Dog, TigerBull
MonkeySnake, Rat, DragonHorse, Goat, Bull, Boar, Rooster, Monkey, Rabbit, DogTiger

Which zodiac sign corresponds to the year of the Rooster?

The rooster corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo according to the Western horoscope. A person born under this combination of signs attracts others with his amazing character qualities - love of life, insight, ability to get along with others, easily meet people and maintain a good relationship with everyone.

The Virgo-Rooster has an extremely negative attitude towards any criticism addressed to her, and she herself is often quite harsh in her assessments

The amulet gemstone is aquamarine.

Gold pendant with aquamarine and cubic zirconia, Maskom(price on the link)

Children born in the year of the Rooster

The Rooster Child, according to astrologers, brave, noble and sociable. Mothers can be proud of their Rooster teenagers, who are passionate about learning and books. Although this hobby irritates others and peers. High intelligence and the extensive knowledge acquired by children of this sign, starting from a young age, helps them subsequently become outstanding people.

In a team, they are always honest and open, do not like gossip and intrigue, and will always say what they think about a particular problem.

Roosters independent, self-reliant, optimistic and dreamy kids. They always have a lot of plans and ideas in their heads, most of which are quite crazy from a logical point of view.

In fact, all Roosters are big critics. Therefore, a child’s comments on any occasion should not be taken as an insult. This is just an indication of what he considers not entirely correct and would like to change the situation. However, the decision is yours. Children of this zodiac sign simply do not accept criticism addressed to them. They cannot always sensibly assess their mistakes and explain to them the extent of guilt in a calm and even tone so as not to hurt their pride.

Optimistic Rooster child according to the eastern horoscope

Among peers Rooster children love to stand out. If given the opportunity, parents should support their children in word and deed.

Celebrities-Roosters according to the eastern horoscope

People born in the year of the Rooster are too picky about their appearance. They are very concerned about how they look and what impression they make on others.

However, they can be conservative and do not like any changes in life at all.

Famous men born in the year of the Rooster include:

  • Elton John,
  • Mai Kaine,
  • Enrique Caruso,
  • Eric Clapton
  • Richard Harris
  • Van Morrison, etc.

Famous Rooster women:

  • Michelle Pfeiffer
  • Maloney Griffiths
  • Rita Coolidge,
  • Yoko Ono,
  • Diane Keaton,
  • Priscilla Presley, etc.

Michelle Pfeiffer is a famous woman born in the year of the Rooster

People born in the year of the Rooster are stubborn, purposeful and uncompromising. Perhaps all these qualities help them achieve certain heights in their careers, but to some extent they hinder them. If they were a little more loyal and flexible, they would not have to cope with any difficulty alone. If in a family the Rooster man receives full recognition and power, he does everything to make his family and friends absolutely happy.

Parents planning a child in 2017 want to know what children born in the year of the Rooster will be like. The reign of this zodiac sign begins on January 28th. It has long been known that the year of birth influences the fate and development of an individual; of course, other factors should not be excluded, which allows each person to be individual.

2017 is coming. The symbol of this animal is associated with unbridled courage, a quarrelsome and not always simple character, leadership qualities and the need to defend one’s point of view. The Chinese believe that the Rooster symbolizes perseverance and hard work, the desire to achieve one’s goals no matter what. This image is a little contradictory. Despite the thirst for adventure, the Rooster still has conservative inclinations, and it is difficult for him to change his occupation and place of residence. He is optimistic, but at the same time he can be cruel if someone gets in his way.

Young children born in 2017 will have a cantankerous character, developed intelligence, and the ability to see and predict events. They are very diligent, which can sometimes lead to an unreasonable desire to bring everything to a perfect conclusion. Despite his fighting nature, the Rooster can endure for a very long time and “peck” at the most inopportune moment. Nervous system Children born under this sign will have to be protected. A natural love of control over others will make a child a leader in any children's group, but provided that the gift of being first is not blocked by parents with excessive restrictions and guardianship.

Children in the year of the Rooster are future creative individuals

A small child born this year must always be busy with something. He has natural curiosity and ingenuity, and a love of knowledge. If you want to know what children born in 2017 will be like, then the stars say that there are many artists, musicians, and painters among them. Natural talents allow them to become architects or engineers, as well as directors, writers or screenwriters. An open vision of the world, the desire to learn and create endows such children with creative abilities.

However, everything is not so simple. Parents should not rely only on a natural gift; it must be developed. The Rooster child has a tendency towards laziness, so from an early age he will have to be taught discipline and order, because what is instilled in childhood will remain with him forever. We remember that it is difficult for a conservative Rooster, endowed with leadership qualities, to change his views and attitudes.

What other abilities will children born in 2017 be endowed with? They are certainly smart and grasp on the fly any knowledge that is available to them. In addition, such children have the ability for analytical and logical thinking, including girls. Working professions are not for them, so training should be directed towards science or art.

In the future, children under the sign of the Rooster will certainly have a career, but this is provided that they can overcome natural laziness and uncompromisingness. The Rooster is a leader, so training programs are suitable for him, where he can show initiative.

How to raise a Rooster child

Parents should prepare in advance and find out what kind of children they will have in 2017. The character of each baby is individual, but the stars largely help us choose the vector of development. A child born this year will surprise his parents. He will be distinguished by his insightful mind, stubbornness and manifestation of “maturity” already in preschool age. He is active and persistent, striving to get what he considers right for himself.

Parents will have to give the child some degree of freedom so that he learns to act independently. Criticism is unacceptable. Children born under the sign of the Rooster may be too sensitive to criticism of their actions. It is necessary to pay attention to successes more often than to failures, otherwise there is a chance to educate low self-esteem. Rough treatment can easily translate courage and perseverance into fears and uncertainty, so the Rooster must be given the opportunity to show leadership from childhood. This does not mean that he should be allowed everything. Parents will have to explain the boundaries of what is permissible and teach the child that sometimes there will be losses that one should not be afraid of, but learn from them to avoid mistakes.

Excessive guardianship is also unacceptable. In this case, the child will either put up with it and develop weak traits character, or will begin to vigorously defend its independence, and education will develop into a struggle. Such children do not like the lies that they notice, and may not forgive them for this. Betrayal by loved ones may in the future force them to abandon these people forever. However, the Rooster is a patient person and, with a certain degree of love and trust, can forgive a lot until patience is overflowing.

Thus, basic qualities children born in the year of the Fire Rooster:

  • creativity;
  • desire for leadership;
  • persistence in achieving goals;
  • conservatism;
  • love of truth;
  • highly developed intelligence and insight;
  • stubbornness.

Once parents know what children will be born in 2017, they will be able to outline a parenting plan. If you want to raise a happy, creative and successful person, you will have to develop the most vibrant and positive character traits. Don't be surprised if your child seems older than he is. The Rooster is endowed with natural wisdom; his views often surprise people, and some do not understand them at all. Sensitivity, patience, development leadership qualities And creativity- this is the motto of parents whose children were born this year.

We invite you to watch video about the year of the rooster:



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