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Custard for Napoleon

In this recipe we will talk about preparing a delicious custard for the well-known Napoleon cake according to the classic recipe.
“Napoleon” is a favorite cake made from Soviet era, when many recipes appeared that have become “folk” today: from simple products, but very tasty. Yes, you will have to spend time preparing it (about 4-5 hours), but the excellent result is worth it. And one of the most important points in cooking Napoleon - preparing custard, which will be discussed in this recipe. Without cream, Napoleon is not Napoleon, and therefore we will tell you how to make its classic version with the well-known and beloved taste.



  • 1 liter of milk
  • 300 g sugar
  • 250 g butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 tbsp.
  • flour 1 sachet

vanilla sugar How to cook custard

for Napoleon cake:

Pour flour and sugar into a thick-bottomed stainless steel pan with a capacity of about 1.5 liters. Mix flour and sugar, beat in 3 raw eggs, add vanilla sugar and mix everything with a fork until smooth so that there are no lumps.

Pour 1 liter of milk into the mixture, continuing to mix everything - the solution should be homogeneous. Put the cream to simmer over low heat, heat with continuous stirring - the flour should brew, but not burn. Cook the cream until it starts to boil and the first bubbles appear; immediately remove from heat. Cool the cream in a fast way : if it’s winter, put it in the cold, if it’s summer, put the pan in another container bigger size , filled cold water

, stir occasionally with a spoon. When the cream has cooled down to room temperature

Friends, how do you prepare the custard for the Napoleon cake - according to the same recipe, or something different? Share with us your favorite recipes for this cream in the comments.


Napoleon cake is a traditional confectionery dish of European and world cuisine.
There are several versions of the origin of his recipe.
According to one of them, puff pastry with delicate cream first appeared during the celebration of the anniversary of the expulsion of Napoleon Bonaparte from Russia.

The new dish had a triangular shape, which appearance vaguely resembled the headdress of the French emperor.
Thanks to its original taste and ease of preparation, the sweet soon gained wide popularity.

Custard for Napoleon - cooking secrets.

Crispy puff pastries and delicate custard harmoniously combine with each other - classic recipe for Napoleon.

Preparing the cream is quite simple, but in order to achieve the correct consistency and taste, you should take into account all the small nuances.

Ingredients for custard.

The classic recipe for custard for Napoleon involves the use of the following components:

  • Medium fat milk – 1 liter.
  • Raw chicken eggs- 2 pcs.
  • Sugar – 200 gr.
  • Butter – 200 gr.
  • Sifted flour - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Some variations of the cream are based on adding exclusively yolks - in this case, the consistency is more delicate, but such a cream needs to be cooked longer.

Making classic custard.

  • When starting to prepare the cream, you need to prepare dishes and kitchen utensils for it.
  • You can mix the ingredients in any container, but cook the cream exclusively in a non-enamel pan - this will help prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the container.
  • The first step is mixing eggs, sugar and flour. They need to be thoroughly ground until smooth so that all the lumps of flour disappear and the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • After the mixture is ready, cold milk is gradually poured into it.
  • If you want to make a really “correct” cream, then milk should be added in tiny portions - 2-3 tablespoons. Although this will take more time, it will allow the proteins to be distributed throughout the entire mass and the flour to swell evenly.

  • The prepared mixture is poured into a small non-enamel saucepan and placed on low heat.
  • During heating, the cream should be constantly stirred so that it does not burn. To do this, it is convenient to use not a metal spoon, but a silicone spatula - it evenly mixes the components of the future cream, and if lumps appear, they can be crushed with the flat side of the spatula.
  • After 5-7 minutes, the liquid will begin to change consistency and thicken. It is important not to miss this moment and bring the cream to a low boil, then remove from heat and let cool.
  • While the cream is cooling, prepare the butter. It is left for some time in a warm place until completely softened.
  • The butter is divided into 4-5 portions, each of which is added separately to the cream and thoroughly beaten with a whisk or mixer.
  • The better the butter combines with the custard, the softer its consistency will be.
  • Cover the finished cream tightly with cling film so that it touches its surface and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. This will help prevent the cream from drying out and forming a thick crust.
  • The cakes are coated evenly big amount cream, fold together and leave to soak overnight.
  • The top of the cake can be poured with glaze, or decorated with small crumbs made from one cake layer.
  • Napoleon is cut into rectangular pieces or diamonds.

This dessert will be an excellent addition to coffee or tea on the holiday table.
Bon appetit!


Napoleon cake recipe

According to one version, the recipe for Napoleon cake was developed during the 2nd French Empire (1852-1870) almost by order of Emperor Napoleon III in honor of his uncle, Napoleon Bonaparte. “Napoleon” (French mille-feuilles) - puff cake or cream cake. Prepared from puff pastry with cream lining. IN different countries This cake is called differently: in France and Italy - millefeuille, in the USA - Napoleon, in the UK - cream slice. Once upon a time, when I was a child, I was taught how to make Napoleon cake. The recipe is generally unpretentious; if desired, you can add prunes, but it has been tested more than a dozen times. Napoleon cake is one of the best cakes homemade, and, probably, every housewife has her own recipe for Napoleon. The cake, in addition to taste, has a number of other advantages: in accordance with the recipe, Napoleon is low-fat, if made with custard, it does not require a lot of time to make and, what is also important, the cake layers can be baked a few days before the celebration, and The right moment is just to prepare the cream and coat the cake. Napoleon is a cake among cakes; it is not for nothing that he is called a great commander.

To prepare Napoleon, cakes made from puff pastry should be greased with cream 5-6 hours before serving. If the dough is not puff pastry, but there are 8-10 cake layers, then the cakes should be spread 8-10 hours before the guests arrive. This time should be enough for the cakes to become saturated with cream.

There are several recipes for Napoleon. Cakes made according to any of the recipes below can be coated with custard or butter cream, each separately or alternately, spreading one cake with custard and the next cake with butter cream. If you grate lemon zest into any cream on a fine grater, the Napoleon cake will acquire a very pleasant taste and aroma. So, how to make shortcakes?

IngredientsNapoleon cake:

5 cups flour
- half a kg of margarine
- glass of water

For creamNapoleon cake:

250 g butter
- a glass of sugar
- egg
- 0.5 cans of condensed milk
- 6 tbsp. spoons of boiled milk

Preparing Napoleon cake:

Chop the flour and margarine until smooth, add water and continue chopping until a dough forms. Divide the dough into several parts and place in the refrigerator for about an hour. We form several large layers from the dough and bake them in the oven until ready. Cool the cakes, coat them with pre-prepared cream, sprinkle the top cake with crumbs.

1 pack of margarine, 2 tbsp. flour,

Chop everything together with a knife.

Break 2 eggs, a little salt, 1 tbsp into a glass. vinegar, chop everything, if half a glass is not liquid then add water.

Add the contents of the glass to the dough and chop until a homogeneous mass is formed. Divide the dough into 7 cake layers.

Custard cream for Napoleon.

0.5 liters of milk,

2 l. flour,

0.5 kg. Sahara,

100 gr. butter,

Beat 4 yolks with sugar

Napoleon cake is one of the best homemade cakes, and every housewife probably has her own Napoleon recipe. The cake, in addition to taste, has a number of other advantages: in accordance with the Napoleon recipe, it is low-fat if made with custard, does not require a lot of time in production and, what is also important, the cake layers can be baked several days before the celebration, and at the right moment, just prepare the cream and coat the cake.

To prepare “Napoleon”, cakes made from puff pastry should be greased with cream 5-6 hours before serving. If the dough is not puff pastry, but there are 8-10 cake layers, then the cakes should be spread 8-10 hours before the guests arrive. This time should be enough for the cakes to become saturated with cream.

There are several Napoleon recipes. Cakes made according to any of the recipes below can be coated with custard or butter cream, each separately or alternately, spreading one cake with custard and the next cake with butter cream. If you grate lemon zest into any cream on a fine grater, the Napoleon cake will acquire a very pleasant taste and aroma. So, how to make shortcakes?

Napoleon cake recipe

Products for the test: 200 g butter or margarine, a spoonful of vodka, 1/2 cup water, 2 cups flour, a pinch of salt

To prepare the dough for Napoleon cake according to this recipe, pour vodka into a glass half filled with boiled water, add salt and stir everything. Pour the required amount of flour onto a cutting board, cut the butter or margarine from the refrigerator into pieces and chop until crumbs form. Then collect the crumbs in a mound, make a funnel and gradually pour in liquid from the glass, continuing to chop until a dough forms.

Place the finished dough in the refrigerator for 2 hours, then divide into 4 parts and roll out a layer of 3-5 mm thick from each. The number of cakes depends on the size of the mold or baking sheet. If the mold is small, then you can make 5-6 cakes.

Napoleon cake made from puff pastry

Products for the test:

For this Napoleon cake dough recipe, make two doughs: one - 200 g of soft margarine and 1 cup of flour, the other - 1 cup of sour cream and 1 cup of flour.

Lightly sprinkle flour onto a cutting board and place sour cream dough and make cuts on it. Roll out the dough and four sides with an envelope. In the middle of the envelope place margarine dough, rolled out on a board until the right size. Cover the butter dough with the sides of the sour cream dough envelope and begin rolling out this layer, pinching the edges. There should be a lot of flour on the board so that the dough does not stick to the board anywhere.

Roll out this filled layer from the middle so that no voids form in the sour cream dough along the edges. Having rolled out the dough into a rectangle 10 mm thick, fold it in four, cover it with a napkin and let it stand for 5 minutes, then roll the dough into a rectangle again (you need to roll from the middle to the edges and from the edge to the middle) and fold it in four again. Do this 4 times to get many layers.

When the dough is rolled out for the last time, fold it to form a bar and cut it into pieces according to the number of cakes. From this amount of dough you will get 6 cakes in a regular form and 4 cakes the size of a baking sheet. After you have marked and cut the block, cover it with a napkin and put it in the cold for 2 hours. After this, you can begin making the cakes. Sprinkle a cutting board generously with flour and place one piece of dough the way it was in the refrigerator on a plate, without turning it over, otherwise the puff pastry will break. Roll out the dough to the desired size. Grease a mold or baking sheet with margarine and place the layer on a hot baking sheet or mold so that the dough “runs” less. You need to prick the entire surface of the dough with a fork lengthwise and crosswise. When placing the dough in the mold, lift it a little on the side - the dough will certainly “shrink” in the oven, and after baking the size of the cake will be equal to the size of the bottom of the mold. The cakes are baked in a hot oven until golden brown. Handle the cakes carefully as they are very fragile.

Napoleon layer cake

Products for the test: 100 g creamy margarine or butter, 150 g sour cream, 1/2 cup granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 2.5 cups flour.

To prepare the dough for “Napoleon” according to this recipe, grind eggs with sand, add soft butter or margarine, continuing to grind until smooth, then add sour cream, stir it into the mixture and add 2 cups of flour (pre-sifted). Mix the flour with the mixture, add the rest of the flour one tablespoon at a time, kneading the dough. Make a block from the finished dough and divide it into 7-8 parts for large cakes (on a baking sheet) or 9-10 for a regular shape.

Roll out the crust dough thinly. Grease a mold or baking sheet, slightly heated in the oven, with margarine, place the rolled out dough and prick it with a fork along and across the cake. The rolled out dough, as we have already mentioned, is convenient to transfer to a baking sheet by wrapping it around a rolling pin. Stroke the rolling pin and the surface of the dough with your hand “dipped” in flour. When placing the rolled out cake on a baking sheet, roll it off the rolling pin.

The cakes are baked in a hot oven for only 8-10 minutes, so be careful not to burn them.

Cake cakes prepared this way are best coated with custard. Do not put a lot of cream on the cake - it will soak the cakes, the cake will become “wet”, and this will worsen its quality.

napoleon cake classic

Products for the test: 200 g creamy margarine, 1 cup sour cream, 2 cups flour.

Place a mound of flour on a cutting board, cut the margarine from the refrigerator into the flour and chop with the flour until crumbs form. Add sour cream to the crumbs, continuing to chop. Make the dough. If the dough sticks to your hands, add a little flour to the board and knead it. Form the dough into a bar and make cuts on its surface with a knife, indicating the number of cakes. Place the dough on a plate, cover with a napkin and put it in the cold for 1.5-2 hours, after which you can roll out the cakes.

With this method of preparing dough for Napoleon, the cut part can be turned over and rolled out on either side. This amount of dough makes 4-5 large cakes and 5-6 regular ones.

Products for the test: 350 g of creamy margarine, 2 cups of flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon of vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1 cup of cold boiled water.

Place flour on a cutting board, finely chop the margarine from the refrigerator and chop until crumbs form. Pour into a glass a raw egg, shake it, add a teaspoon of vinegar, add salt, stir, adding cold boiled water to the edge and stirring so that the liquid in the glass is homogeneous. Pour the liquid from the glass into the crumbs little by little, continuing to chop until a dough forms.

Divide the finished dough in the form of a bar into 5-6 parts for large cakes or 7-9 for small ones. Place the dough in the cold for 2-3 hours, after which it can be rolled out.

Napoleon cake cream recipes

To layer the cake layers, use custard or butter cream, or both at the same time.

Products for custard: 1/2 liter of milk, 3 eggs, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 100 g of butter, 2 tablespoons (with top) of flour, vanillin.

Ingredients for butter custard: 2 glasses of milk or cream, 1 glass of granulated sugar, 3 eggs, 2 tablespoons (slightly topped) of flour, vanillin (on the tip of a knife), 50-70 g of butter.

To prepare the cream, pour milk into an enamel pan with a heavy bottom and place it on low heat. While the milk is heating, grind the eggs with granulated sugar until the mass becomes homogeneous, then add flour to this mass and stir it so that there are no lumps. Pour hot milk into the mixture in small portions, stirring constantly.

Place the pan with the mixture on low heat and stir all the time so that the cream does not burn and the flour is brewed without lumps. You need to stir the cream not with a spoon, but with a wooden spatula: it fits more tightly to the bottom of the pan. When the cream thickens to the desired consistency, remove it from the heat, add the butter and stir the cream until the butter melts. Let the cream cool and only then add vanilla.

Custard without vanillin is not as fragrant, although its nutritional value remains unchanged. You can add lemon or orange zest to the custard, or grate chocolate.

Products for buttercream: 300 g butter, 1 can of condensed milk with sugar, vanillin.

To prepare the buttercream, you need to take the butter out of the refrigerator a few hours in advance so that it becomes soft. Beat soft butter with a mixer until fluffy. Then, without stopping whisking, you need to add condensed milk with sugar, 1-2 tablespoons each (condensed milk should also be at room temperature).

The cream is whipped until the entire portion of condensed milk is used and the mass becomes homogeneous and plastic.

If the cream becomes pockmarked while whipping, heat it slightly and beat again.

After the cakes are baked, the cream is prepared, both are cooled, you can spread the cakes and decorate the cake. Before frosting the cakes, cut off any excess dough from the main cake size with a sharp knife. This mainly applies to large cakes that were baked on a baking sheet. Cakes baked in a mold will have less waste. Grind these trimmings or waste - this will be powder for the cake. After you have coated all the cakes with cream, the ends of the cake on all sides should also be greased with cream, and the cake should be sprinkled with powder on top.

If the cakes are not very even, grease them with cream and let them stand for 2-3 hours, then use a sharp knife to cut a narrow strip around the entire perimeter of the cake - the cake will become even, and then spread the cream on the ends of the cake.

Bon appetit!

Napoleon custard cake

There are many options for making this cake - from quick ones, using ready-made puff pastry or baking 4-5 unpuffed cake layers, to long and meticulous ones - with rolling out homemade puff pastry yourself. I offer a golden mean - this recipe is not the fastest, but also not as boring as it might seem at first glance. I would say that it is the most common among Napoleon lovers. So, Monsieur Napoleon!

For the test:
2 eggs
300 g butter
6 cups flour (cup = 200 ml)
4 tbsp. l. vinegar
300 ml water
For the custard:
5 yolks
1.5 l. milk
3 tbsp. l. starch
300 g sugar
vanilla to taste
Pour the flour onto the table, add room temperature butter and chop it all into fine, uniform crumbs (I just rubbed it with my hands).
We make a hole in the pile of crumbs and begin to gradually add eggs, vinegar and water there.
Knead into a homogeneous, smooth dough.
Place it in a bowl, cover with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour and a half to two. Then take it out and divide it into 16 equal parts.
Let's start rolling out. First we need to choose the shape in which we will level our cakes. I took an ordinary bowl so that its diameter was smaller than the diameter of the dish on which the cake would lie (in the end it was not a dish at all, but oh well). Next, we decide on the rolling method - either we roll out the cakes directly on a baking sheet, or we do it on a table sprinkled with flour, and then transfer the cake by rolling it onto a rolling pin. I went the other way - each time I took a piece of foil, rolled out and pricked the cake on it (2 mm thick).
We bake the cakes in a preheated oven at 250 degrees. oven until lightly golden (this takes about 5-7 minutes for each cake) and place on a plate. If a couple of cakes didn’t work out - they crumbled, for example - don’t be upset. We will use them to sprinkle the finished cake.
Between baking the cakes, prepare the cream. First, start boiling milk in a saucepan without one glass. While it is boiling, mix the yolks with a glass of milk, vanilla, starch and sugar.
Pour this mixture into the boiled milk and cook, stirring constantly until the mixture thickens. Then remove from heat, stir for another 3 minutes. Now the cream needs to be cooled. You should not leave it to the will of fate - a film will form on the surface, which, when stirred, will worsen the consistency of the cream. Experienced people advise pouring the cream into the mixer bowl and leaving it spinning at minimum speed. As an option, pour the cream into a wider container, which we will then place in a larger container with cold water and cool, stirring by hand. In general, something like this
When the cream has cooled, we begin to coat the cakes with it. Apply generously, approximately 2-3 tbsp. spoons on the cake. (Don't forget to save a couple of the worst crumb cakes). We leave our still unsightly “Napoleon” in this form for a couple of hours so that the cakes become saturated and settle.

Then we smooth out the protruding edges with a sharp knife, coat the cake with the remaining cream on all sides and sprinkle it with crumbs.
Let it soak completely for 4-5 hours.
Enjoy your tea!

Each classic dessert has its own specific cream. Sacher torte is impossible without chocolate glaze, Opera is impossible without ganache, Elisabeth cake is made with condensed milk, and if you decide to bake the namesake of the French emperor, get ready to make custard for Napoleon. The good news: although there is a classic recipe, you can use your imagination, change the ingredients a little, simplify or, conversely, complicate the preparation, and make something new. This way the cake will taste different every time. In addition, by changing the cream recipe, you can reduce the calorie content of the dessert. Finally, new recipe will help you out if you are used to cooking Napoleon, say, with condensed milk, but today there is none in the refrigerator.

We present the most win-win custard options for our favorite cake

The simplest option

Prepare the ingredients

  • 2 eggs;
  • fresh or pasteurized milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar – 1 glass (without a pea if you don’t have a sweet tooth);
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (with a heap).

Timing: 10 minutes.
Difficulty: the most simplified recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Mix sugar with flour, add egg, grind everything.
  2. Pour in the milk and beat the mixture with a mixer.
  3. Place the future cream on the fire, stirring, and bring to a boil.
  4. Cool.
  5. Beat the cream again. And you can layer the cakes with it.


Prepare the ingredients

  • 200 g butter (or exactly 1 pack);
  • 1 liter of milk of any fat content (but the fattier the milk, the tastier the result will be);
  • 2 eggs;
  • 3 tablespoons of flour (no heaps).

Timing: 10–15 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  • In order to prepare the classic custard for Napoleon, you need to take a whisk, beat the eggs into a saucepan or stewpan, and then grind them with sugar and flour.
  • Pour in milk. Most the best option– add it one spoon at a time. However, if you don’t have time, add it in two or three additions and change the whisk to a mixer. Yours the main task– break up all the lumps and create the most homogeneous substance.
  • Place the saucepan on heat (medium or slightly below medium) and bring to a boil. There is no need to leave the stove - stir so that your delicious cream does not burn.
  • Immediately remove the pan from the stove and place it in a secluded corner to cool. You can place a plate of butter on top of the saucepan, this will soften it faster. But be careful: it should not melt!
  • Beat the cooled cream, adding a spoonful of butter. When all the oil and cream have entered, and the latter becomes like an airy cloud, the cream is ready.

Variant with nuts

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of sugar (without a grain);
  • 1 egg;
  • 1.5 tablespoons flour;
  • 1 glass of milk (it is important that it is not sour);
  • vanilla sugar (about a level teaspoon - however, this is an optional component);
  • 2 tablespoons of nuts (for example, walnuts);
  • butter – 300 g.

Timing: 20 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Beat the egg and sugar into a white foam.
  2. Add flour, milk and vanilla.
  3. Heat the mixture over medium heat. Important! There is no need to bring it to a boil. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, this is a signal that it is time to remove it.
  4. Lightly toast the nuts in a frying pan (this is not necessary, but the toasted nuts will greatly enhance the aroma of the cake).
  5. Chop the nuts. This can be done with a blender (even an immersion blender - the main thing is to choose a deep bowl).
  6. Meanwhile, the custard mixture has cooled. All that remains is to add butter (softened to room temperature), as well as nuts. Beat everything with a blender... Done! By the way, you can take three times more nuts than the recipe calls for - this way you can also make a beautiful nut topping on top of Napoleon.

Option with condensed milk

Prepare the ingredients

  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons flour (no heaps);
  • condensed milk – 200 g (the thicker it is, the better);
  • butter – 100 g (room temperature);
  • vanilla - on the tip of a knife.

Timing: about 10 minutes.
Difficulty: easy recipe.

Cooking method

Vanilla-cream option

Prepare the ingredients

  • milk – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 180 g (that is, about 3/4 of a faceted glass);
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 3 yolks (they can be replaced with two whole eggs);
  • starch – 3 level tablespoons (it can be replaced with flour);
  • butter – 50 g (softened);
  • 35% cream – 150 ml.

Timing: 25 minutes + 5 hours.
Difficulty: Medium difficulty recipe.

Cooking method

  1. Boil milk with half the regular and vanilla sugar.
  2. Cool, add the remaining sugar mixed with starch. Important! It is better to use corn starch rather than potato starch, plus sift it thoroughly. After this manipulation, the cream will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful, that is, without lumps.
  3. Bring the milk to a boil again. Let it cook for about two minutes (however, if you don’t have starch in your kitchen and you included flour in your recipe, remove the pan from the heat immediately after “boiling” bubbles appear).
  4. Add a piece of butter and beat the cream.
  5. Cover the top of the pan with cling film (so that it completely rests on the cream - this way you will protect it from the appearance of a dense crust). Let the cream cool, and then put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours - however, you can keep it cold for longer, this will not spoil the recipe.
  6. Whip the cream until foamy (it should be fresh from the refrigerator).
  7. Mix the cream with the cream, beat again... Finally ready!

Congratulations: now you have more than one cream recipe at your disposal, so you can make a new delicious Napoleon every time.

The version with condensed milk will especially appeal to those with a sweet tooth, the simplified version of the cream will appeal to all busy housewives, and the version with nuts will appeal to lovers of everything new (you must admit, it’s not often that this famous cake is supplemented with walnuts).

Good luck in the kitchen! And let the guests eat all the cakes down to the crumbs, and then strictly demand that the recipe be rewritten for them!

Napoleon cake is one of the most popular desserts all over the world. With minor differences, it can be found in Russia, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, etc. It is made from delicious puff pastry with a variety of cream fillings.

This unusual name They tried to explain it in different ways. Some believe that it came from the triangular shape of “Napoleon,” which resembled the hat of a French commander. Others claim that the name appeared on the centenary of Bonaparte’s expulsion from Russia, when a similar cake was first prepared for the celebration.

Actually, the whole secret of delicious “Napoleon” lies in the right cream. A whole lot of recipes have been invented for it, but there are also general cooking trends.

Classic cream is made from butter, sugar and milk. The milk is brought to a boil, so the cream turns out custard and very tender. Everyone chooses the amount of sugar according to their own taste, so the cake becomes a real treat for those with a sweet tooth. For a more airy consistency, you can add full-fat sour cream or cream to the recipe.

The easiest way to make cream for Napoleon is to use condensed milk. To do this, you just need to buy a jar of condensed milk and mix it with softened butter.

You can diversify the cream by adding walnuts or almonds, cocoa or berry puree. Vanillin, vanilla sugar and lemon zest are also used for flavor.

Cakes for “Napoleon” are coated with still warm cream. You can also decorate the top of the cake using a pastry syringe.

Delicate and sweet cream that does not require extra time and effort. To make it fragrant and aromatic, the recipe contains vanillin. If desired, it can be replaced or supplemented with lemon zest.


  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 0.5 kg sugar;
  • 100g flour;
  • 8 eggs;
  • 1 stick of butter;
  • Vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and put on fire;
  2. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks;
  3. Place the yolks in a deep bowl and beat, adding sugar;
  4. Pour a packet of vanillin into the cream;
  5. Add flour and mix thoroughly;
  6. Pour a little warm milk from the saucepan into a cup and add to the cream, stir;
  7. When the remaining milk boils, pour the entire contents of the bowl into it;
  8. Stir the cream intensively in one direction, touching the bottom with the spoon;
  9. When the cream begins to boil, remove from heat and leave to cool;
  10. Place the butter in a deep plate and soften with a spoon;
  11. Pour the warm cream into a container with butter in several stages, constantly whisking with a mixer.

Interesting from the network

Condensed milk itself is everyone’s favorite delicacy, but for “Napoleon” it is simpler and delicious cream You just can't find it! In this case, you can use both boiled and white condensed milk, depending on your own preferences. You can make the cake unusual and original by adding a little fresh strawberry puree to the recipe.


  • 200g butter;
  • 200g condensed milk;
  • 1 cup walnuts;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.

Cooking method:

  1. Soften the butter and beat with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  2. Add condensed milk in small portions (2-3 tablespoons), continuing to beat the mixture;
  3. Place the cream in a saucepan, heat a little and beat again;
  4. Crush the nuts and add to the cream;
  5. Add a packet of vanilla sugar and mix thoroughly.

The cream turns out very light and airy, but only with the right choice of sour cream. It must be fresh and quite fatty (20-30%), otherwise it will not fluff up. This cream can not only coat the cakes, but also decorate the top of the cake.


  • 500g sour cream;
  • 3 glasses of milk;
  • 2 tbsp. starch;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 2g vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Cool 1 glass of milk and pour into a deep bowl;
  2. Dissolve starch in milk;
  3. Add sugar and eggs to a common plate, beat;
  4. Pour the remaining 2 cups of milk into a saucepan and boil;
  5. Slowly add the hot milk to the remaining ingredients, whisking the mixture constantly;
  6. Pour the resulting mass back into the pan and boil again, stirring vigorously;
  7. Remove the pan from the heat and pour vanilla into the cream;
  8. Allow the cream to cool to room temperature;
  9. Add sour cream and mix again.

Now you know how to prepare cream for Napoleon cake according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Napoleon cake is a unique confectionery product that has become a favorite dessert for several generations. Every cook knows that much in its preparation depends on the cream. Professionals will tell you how to make delicious cream at home:
  • In order for all the components to combine better and faster, it is better to add milk gradually, starting with a small portion. The same applies to the process of adding flour and mixing cream with butter;
  • For sour cream It is very important that the sour cream is rich. If you don’t have one at hand, then you need to strain off the whey from the liquid sour cream, or add a thickener for the cream;
  • For flavor, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar to the cream. You need very little vanilla, otherwise the cake will be bitter.


Kongo-class battlecruisers

Kongo-class battlecruisers

Victory in the war with Russia gave a powerful impetus to the development of the Japanese navy. As in previous years, Japanese specialists focused on...

Yearly forecast for Capricorn woman

Yearly forecast for Capricorn woman

Many Capricorns are true careerists by nature. This means that they will easily be able to find a common language with someone who is determined to help everyone...

Types of interspecies relationships

Types of interspecies relationships

The relationship between different organisms, in which they begin to compete with each other, is competition. The subject area is not...

What does the process of mRNA maturation involve?

What does the process of mRNA maturation involve?

RNA processing (post-transcriptional modifications of RNA) is a set of processes in eukaryotic cells that lead to the transformation of the primary...

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