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The meaning of the name Julia according to the church calendar. The name Julia in the Orthodox calendar (Saints)

The name Yulia is melodious, firm-sounding, short and light; it does not seem rustic or overly pretentious to anyone. And most importantly, it always sounds modern.

The origin of the name Julia is still a subject of debate among historians. Despite the fact that there is no reliable information about this, many believe that the origins of the name come from Yul Askania. True, some researchers claim that Yul and Askaniy are two different people(both from the same father, Aeneas, but different mothers). However, a more common version is that it was the same person who founded the city of Alba Longa - the ancestor of modern Rome.

Emperor Caesar, the most famous bearer of the name (in the male version), was most likely a descendant of Ascanius. Later, women from the ancient Roman Julius family began to be named after him.


The sound, as well as the meaning of the name Julia, is quite deceptive. Literally translated from Latin, it means “July”. In Greek, this name means “fluffy.”

However best characteristic named after Julia is contained in his patron stones. These are: amber (a source of happy energy and love attraction), lapis lazuli (the so-called success crystal), sapphire (a symbol of sincerity and purity of thoughts) and jade (a stone of power and unfading beauty, protecting against the evil eye).

The symbols show what the “July” woman represents: a beautiful, successful person with an authoritative leadership character.


Despite the bright personal qualities and diverse talents, Julia does not strive for career heights. Best Career for her - happy marriage and motherhood. If she makes a dizzying career, then this is a reason to sympathize with her. However, with the same ease with which I achieved high position, she will sacrifice it as soon as a worthy chosen one appears on the horizon.

Fate depends on character. A woman named Yulia does not have the easiest character: fighting, leadership and not femininely strong. Julia's character contributes to the creation of difficult relationships in society. However, the name gives its owner rare luck and the favor of Fortune.


It is important to remember when choosing a name for a girl: it has a meaning not in itself, but depending on the season of birth.

The kindest and most gentle Julia is the summer one. She is exceptionally feminine, compassionate and tolerant. But hardness and leadership skills they will not allow her to turn into a weakling even with those whom she loves infinitely. No matter what happens, she will not change her principles and will not allow herself to be pushed around.

It is difficult to find a brighter creative personality than Yulia, who was born in the spring. She is interesting, multifaceted and has many friends and fans. Of course, her man will be jealous: after all, her beloved is always surrounded by admirers, and it is not easy for him to break into this circle.

Yulia Zimnaya is a woman leader. She looks cold and preoccupied with something, which can initially cool the ardor of men. But deep down she is a romantic, and love is more important to her than anything in the world, although this is difficult to recognize at first glance.

Julia Autumn is an unread book, a riddle for men who will strive in vain to establish relationships with her. trusting relationship. She is not very confident in herself, timid, although practical, so it is difficult for her to learn to trust. This weakness is compensated by numerous love affairs.

Name color

The color of the name Yulia is the brightest, richest and warmest color: yellow.

Name flower

It’s not hard to guess which flower Julia considers hers: a bright, fertile sunflower. It is the bearer of life-giving power and protects against damage and the evil eye. The sunflower contains the desire for happiness, prosperity and prosperity.

Church name of Julia

In the calendar it sounds like Julia. That is, when baptized, the name Yulia does not change.

This name has two patron saints. The first, the Christian Carthaginian Julia, who lived in one of the first centuries BC. Having fallen into slavery in Syria, she refused to accept paganism and paid for it with her life. The pagans tortured her and then crucified her on the cross. At the moment of death, an angel flew out of the martyr’s body, frightening and scattering the robbers.

The second saint, Julia of Corinth, who lived in the third century BC, during the reign of Diocletian, was one of the seven righteous women who refused to renounce Christianity and also accepted martyrdom.


To the envy of other zodiac signs, Julia celebrates name days many times a year. Her days, according to the calendar, fall on two winter months (December 10 and 17, January 3, 9 and 15), three spring months (March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31) and three summer months (June 15, 5, 25 and July 29, as well as August 13 and 31). In the fall, her name day is celebrated on only one day: November 14.

How the name is translated into different languages

In Finnish, Swedish, and German, Yulia is pronounced the same way as in Russian. The name sounds a little different when pronounced by the English and Italians: Julia. And in French, Julia sounds especially tender: Julie.

Full, short and affectionate names

Julia is full name, but it also has other forms: for an informal setting, for loved ones, loved ones and relatives.

The diminutive form of the name is Julia. Affectionate forms - Yulenka, Yulchonok, Yulechka, Yulyasha.

And finally, somewhat rudely, in a courtyard way: Yulka. However, this is considered to be the case among Russians, but among Poles, on the contrary, it is a diminutive form of the name. A girl can be called “Mrs. Yulka” by someone who addresses her with a certain amount of tenderness.

Compatibility with other names

In personal relationships, Julia is perfectly compatible with Sergei, an alliance with whom gives her mutual understanding and respectful partnership. There is a strong spiritual connection with Alexander, leading both to improvement. In her relationship with Vladimir, the spiritual also prevails over the physical, which allows them to create good family. The alliance with Alexey is interesting: both partners are in constant search, but by no means for new connections, but next discoveries in their unconventional, creative relationships that are dear to both.

A strong marriage based on trust and mutual assistance is possible with Andrey. Energetic daily work side by side with Igor will lay the foundation ideal family. The tender feeling will grow stronger every year in alliance with Ivan, and Ilya will give her peace and comfort in a quiet family haven. One of the best alliances is predicted with Valery: this is the man for whom Julia will sacrifice everything, leaving herself only the roles of wife and mother.

With Dmitry in love, everything will not be easy: both lovers are freedom-loving, and also proud. Having flared up instantly, their feelings may cool down at the first difficulties. A passionate relationship with Eugene will also not give you peace and confidence in tomorrow, although there is still a chance of saving love. And difficulties are possible with Victor: if she does not moderate her ambitions, and Victor does not come to terms with her brightness, their union will collapse.

Life with Oleg resembles a constant struggle for primacy in the family - not the easiest option for coexistence. Artem is not a suitable spouse simply because both take serious things lightly. With the pragmatic Maxim it is unlikely that it will be possible to achieve harmony in marriage, with Vitaly the fire of passion can quickly burn out, leaving only ashes, and relations with Nikita can even end in a volcanic eruption.

Declension of name

Julia bows in accordance with the laws of the Russian language:

  • I. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • R. p. (who?) – Julia.
  • D. p. (to whom?) - Julia.
  • V. p. (who?) - Julia.
  • etc. (by whom?) – Julia.
  • P. p. (about whom?) – about Julia.

Famous people named Julia

This name is given to actresses (Menshova, Peresild), directors (Krasnova), singers (Savicheva, Nachalova), TV presenters (Bordovskikh) and figure skaters (Lipnitskaya). This name adorns pop divas and socialites. However, it is very difficult to meet a learned lady or politician whose name is that.

Probably, Julia is born to shine. Her destiny is not routine work, and her clothes are not a business suit. Its purpose is to burn brightly in the sky, delighting some, inspiring others, and teasing others with its extraordinary beauty and inaccessibility.

The name Julia - bright, sonorous and intriguing - will always be fashionable and in demand. Primordial Orthodox, and at the same time European, when naming a girl, it does not raise doubts either among Slavophiles or Westerners. From century to century, this name has served as an adornment for successful, beautiful, creative women.

Useful video about the meaning of the name Julia


Happy New Year is coming to Yulia. January 3 is the feast of the martyr Juliana of Vyazemskaya and Novotorzhskaya. This woman was the wife of Prince Simeon Vyazemsky. She is famous for remaining faithful to her husband, giving a heroic rebuff to his killer, who wanted to take possession of her. She died by his sword. After her burial, miracles began to happen. The saint helps heal the sick and
the suffering.

Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya

The next time Julia's Angel Day is celebrated is January 15th. At this time, Christians remember Lazarevskaya, who showed unprecedented meekness and self-denial. For this saint, the main work of her life was caring for those in need.

Angel Julia Day in spring

At a time when nature is filled with the juices of life, Orthodox Christians glorify Saint Julian three times. March 17 and April 2 are the days of the martyr Juliana of Pontus, May 31 - the virgin Julia. These women received the title of saints for their commitment to the faith. They themselves holyly kept the commandments and encouraged others to do the same.

Angel Julia Day in summer

On June 15, July 19 and 29, August 30 and 31, it is quite possible to congratulate Yulia’s friends on their name day. All these days the Church remembers saints with this name. Of course, there is no need to throw a special holiday. But you can congratulate a girl by presenting a bouquet of flowers. On the day of the angel, it is best for the Yulias themselves to go to the Temple to ask their intercessor for protection or fulfillment of desires.

Autumn name days

In the fall, Yulia can visit twice: October 11 and November 14. It turns out that you either need to buy gifts many times a year, or find out from relatives when Angel Julia’s day is. 2013 is no exception. All dates have been named, only one remains. Before New Year holidays there is another reason to give a gift to your friend Yulia - December 17, this is also her Angel Day.

Angel Day Julia

It is believed that female name Julia is a derivative of the masculine. Nowadays it is not often that boys are called Julia, although in ancient times it was quite popular. If you know someone with this rare name, then you can also congratulate him on his name day. So when is Angel Julius Day? The date February 19 is exactly that day. The Church remembers the holy martyr Julian, who died in 312 for his adherence to the faith. He was a doctor and performed his duty religiously. Another day when young man should be congratulated - July 4th.

When to congratulate Yulia and Yulia on their name day

First you need to decide when to congratulate these people. angel is due to the fact that babies used to be given that is, they were named in honor of the saints who were remembered in church on the day the child was born. If the date was not named, then they chose the saint whose name was closer in date. In this regard, it is recommended to congratulate your acquaintances on the day of the angel, which is celebrated closest to the birthday. But there is nothing to worry about if you mark all the listed days. A girl or guy will be pleased. But birthday people themselves are recommended to come to church or at home to pray to the icon of their saint. Moreover, every time he (she) is remembered in church.

Many married couples When deciding what to name their unborn child, they are guided by the church calendar. The choice largely depends on what date the child was born. One of the most common names in the eastern part of Europe is Julia. In general, Julia’s name day according to the church calendar is celebrated at all times of the year, which is why it is so popular. After all, previously the child was named in accordance with the calendar, and even now Orthodox Christians all over the world apply this fact in their lives.

This name has three possible origins:

  1. Greek. Pronounced Julia, which means “curly” or “wavy.”
  2. Scandinavian. Jul in Russian means "Christmas".
  3. Latin origin has in turn two different meanings: “a representative of the Yuliev family” and “born in July.”

In accordance with the last version of the origin, when asked what day of the angel Julia is on the church calendar, one can safely answer “July”. It is worth saying that in Scandinavian countries they celebrate Julia’s name day in December, since Christmas falls in this month.

According to experts, the initial form of the name may be longer - Yuliana, however, it is the variant Yulia that is considered the main one, and Ulyana is one of its popular forms. All other existing names are consonant and have no connection.

note! In the USA, the name Julia was transformed into Julia, Ulita or Iulitta. Similar forms are common in Latin American countries.

Celebration dates according to the calendar

When is Julia’s name day celebrated according to the church calendar? In accordance with the calendar, you can celebrate the day of the angel almost all year round, with the exception of autumn.

The symbol of steadfastness and innocence is the martyr Julia of Corsican (Carthage). She is considered to be the patron saint of the so-called women. By Orthodox rite The day of remembrance of this martyr falls on July 29 (July 16 in accordance with the Julian calendar).

According to legend, the girl was of noble Roman origin. The family professed Christianity. She was kidnapped and sold as a slave. Subsequently, the girl was executed by the governor of Corsica for refusing to make offerings to idols. When the girl was dying, a white dove flew out of her mouth.

According to the church calendar, Julia’s name day is celebrated more than once, but it is July 29 that Orthodox Christians honor most.

In accordance with the Orthodox calendar, Julia celebrates her name day:

  • in winter - December 10 and 17, January 3, 9 and 15;
  • in spring - March 17, April 2, May 16 and 31;
  • in summer - June 15, July 5, 19 and 29, August 30 and 31.

Now you know exactly what date Julia celebrates her name day in accordance with the Orthodox Christian calendar, and you can congratulate them. It is useful to know that this name glorifies such saints as the blessed princess Julianskaya of Novotorzhskaya and Vyazemskaya, gracious Juliana, martyrs of Pontus, Ancyra, and others.

Important! Yulia should celebrate her name day in accordance with the church calendar on the day that is as close as possible to her date of birth.

Useful video: Julia - Angel's Day (Name Day)

Revealing the secrets of the name

The owner of this name is distinguished by sociability and kindness. True, they talk about themselves extremely rarely, and in conversation they listen more to their interlocutors. It is this trait that attracts them a large number of friends. Julia is creative person s good developed intuition. They are big book lovers and enjoy surprises, so don’t forget about when their angel day is.

The owners of this name do not have conflicts; they tend to be sincerely happy for their friends without any envy. They are very economical, hospitable, loving wives and mothers. There should always be someone next to Yulia who will look after her and warn her against various mistakes. She is completely dependent, even irresponsible.

It is destined from above that the girl named so should live happily, provided that she has successfully married and realized herself in the family. Success largely depends on when the name day is.

From an early age they turn men's heads. However, when choosing a husband, the owners of this name, regardless of when Julia has an angel day, are very critical. They meet with their chosen one for a long time, look closely at him, getting to know all his sides, and only after that do they get married. successful marriage make Yulia the happiest wife and loving mother.

Paying attention to Julia’s name day according to the church calendar, we recommend taking into account the fact that the character changes depending on what time of year the child was born:

  1. The year-old girl is distinguished by her patience and tenderness. She values ​​sincerity and treats her parents with respect. She is always ready to lend a helping hand, as she is not indifferent to the problems of her loved ones and even completely strangers. Summer Julia believes in selfless love.
  2. Autumn beauties are practical and even somewhat cold. These girls never show real emotions, so it is very difficult to understand what is on her mind. At the same time, she has a certain mysterious appeal.
  3. Winter Yulias are distinguished by insight and intelligence. They are gentle and romantic, they always need the support of loved ones, so when it’s their name day, don’t forget to congratulate them.
  4. Spring girls with this name are creative people who love to create with their own hands. Always the center of male attention, but often the opposite sex is treated only in a friendly manner.

Useful video: the secret of the name Julia


Now you know when Julia’s name day is celebrated, so don’t forget to congratulate them. Even if your congratulations do not arrive when Yulia celebrates her day, we are sure that the girl will be pleased.

The name Julia has quite ancient roots and to find out its meaning, you need to look deep into history. Historians offer us at least two theories of its origin.

According to one version, the name is Greek and comes from the word yulos (ϊουλος), which translates as “fluffy” or “wavy”. So according to this theory the meaning of the name Yulia is “fluffy” or “wavy”.

According to the second theory, the name is Julia, the feminine form of the name Julius. Well, the name Julius comes from the Yuliev family and means “from the Yuliev family.” By the way, there is a similar theory regarding the name Sergei. This name is also attributed to origin from one patrician family - the Sergeev family.

The meaning of the name Julia for a girl

Girls named Yulia grow up to be friendly and friendly children. They find it easily mutual language with other children. Likes to share toys, which is not typical for children. At the same time, they are happy almost all the time and charge those around them with joy. Julia is an obedient girl and her upbringing will not cause any difficulties for her parents.

In her studies, Yulia can get good grades, but with knowledge it is more difficult. If she likes the subject and considers it important, then her knowledge will be top level. If the subject is not interesting to her, then this is knowledge for one day, as they say, “pass and forget.” Studying is rarely important for Yulia, which in principle does not affect her performance.

Yulia is in good health, but like many people she has weaknesses. Yulia's ears are usually a problem area. She catches colds easily, especially in adolescence. Nothing helps here except precautions.

Short name Julia

Julia, Yulyok, Yulka.

Diminutive pet names

Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yulchik, Yulenok.

Name Julia in English

IN English language The name Julia is spelled Julia.

Name Yulia for international passport- IULIIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Yulia into other languages

in Arabic - جوليا (read as Yu-li-ya)
in Bulgarian - Julia
in Greek - Ιουλία
in Spanish - Julia
in Italian - Giulia
in Chinese - 朱莉娅 (pronounced Yu-li-a)
in German - Julia
in Romanian - Iulia
in Tatar - Yulia (with emphasis on the last syllable)
in Ukrainian - Yulia
in French - Julie
in Japanese - ジュリア (read as Yuria)

Church name Julia(V Orthodox faith) is written as Julia.

Characteristics of the name Julia

If we try to characterize the name Julia, then most likely she could be called changeable. She can quite easily become sad out of nowhere and then begin to rejoice again. The main thing is not to disturb her unnecessarily at the moment of a change in mood. She can also be described as a “hostess”. This character trait influences her life priorities and daily behavior.

Julia at work good employee. She rarely works for pleasure and achieves success in her work, but she performs her duties well. The main thing here is to find evaluation criteria in your work. She goes to work “from bell to bell” and happily runs home as soon as possible.

Family for Yulia is the most important thing in life. She evaluates her own success by looking at her family. Is there a car, what kind of house is it, what food is in the house, how are the children dressed? She asks herself all these questions every day and strives for everything to be of the highest standard. She chooses a husband who is hard-working and who appreciates such care. He raises his children for show and doesn’t devote much time to their upbringing. But we can definitely say that she loves them very much.

The secret of the name Julia

Much of what Julia does for her family is not for her loved ones. This is her thing and you would rather have a perfect picture than a friendly and loving family. From the outside it will almost always seem that everything is perfect at Yulia’s home. This is why she tries so hard. If she finds a husband with the same approach to life, then the idyll will really be close.

Another secret can be called her sentimentality. Knowing this, she tries to avoid situations in which it will become noticeable to others. Often cries while watching movies. Take care of this feature, it is rare these days.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- A lion.

Totem animal- Dragonfly.

Name color- Bright yellow.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Sunflower.

Stone- Amber.

    Angel Julia's Day is celebrated:

    Patron saints of the name Julia according to modern style: Julia of Corinth (name day May 31), Julia of Corsican (name day July 29).

    When is Yulia's name day?

    IN Orthodox calendar two dates are mentioned May 31 and July 29(days of the martyred virgins Julius).

    In addition, there are also dates on which Yulia can be congratulated on her name day (or angel day):

    In January - 15th, in March - 17th, in April - 2nd, in June - 15th, in July - 19th, in August - 30th and 31st, in October - 11th, in November - 14th and 17th.

    The name Julia comes from Hebrew and means the flame of God.

    The name Yulia can have the following diminutive variants: Yulasha, Yulenka, Yulechka, Yulchik, Yulanchik, Yulenok, Yulk.

    As far as I know, one name can have several name days in a year, but they are celebrated once a year, and they choose the name day date closest to their real birthday. I have a sister, Yulia, and she was born on April 28; we have been celebrating our name day on July 19 all our lives.

    Angel Julia Day is celebrated more than once a year. It falls on the following months:

    It is on these days that women who bear the name Julia and who were born on these days celebrate their birthdays.

    Julia celebrates Angel Day (name day) either on July 29 or May 31 (in both cases, in honor of the martyr Virgin Julia). According to the old style, these are July 16 and May 18, respectively.

    The name Julia comes from the name Julianus (Roman), the translation meaning is happiness.

    The name Julia Bert originates from the Roman hero Iulus Ascanius, from whom the Roman family of Julius originated. Julia is the feminine form of the generic name Julius.

    The patron saints of the name Julia are: Julia of Corinth (name day May 31) and Julia of Corsican (name day July 29).

    In 2012, Julia's name day falls on: January 3, January 15, March 17, April 2, May 16, May 31, June 15, July 5, July 19, July 29, August 30, August 31, November 14 and December 17.

    At baptism, Yulia is given a name Julia. Name day should be looked at according to the church calendar. In the church calendar, the feast day of St. Julia appears several times. Depending on the date of birth, you need to look at when Julia will celebrate her name day. If you were baptized as an adult, then the date of birth and name day may not coincide, so you need to look at the date that is closest to the date of birth.

    The Russian Orthodox Church honors Julia of Ancyra, Julia of Carthage. Julia's (Julia's) birthday is celebrated May 31. This is the day of remembrance of the holy martyr Julia of Ancyra.

    Yulia may also have a name day July 29. This is the day of remembrance of St. Martyr Julia of Carthage (Corsicana).

    The worldly name Julia, Julia, according to the Church sounds like Julia. To find out when Angel Julia’s day is, you need to find in the Orthodox calendar the day closest to Julia’s birthday when the Church honors Saint Julia. This day will be Angel Julia's Day.

    Russian Orthodox Church honors:

    • Holy Martyr Julia of Ancyra (Corinth) - May 31.
    • Holy Martyr Julia of Carthage (Corsicana) - July 29.
  • I myself, Julia, have celebrated my name day all my life on July 29, the day of the holy martyr Julia of Carthage (Corsicana).

    But I recently found out that there are more than a dozen days a year when Julia can celebrate her name day. Name days are considered to be the day of the saint of the same name, which falls on a person’s birthday or the first name day after his birth.

    For Julia, such name days are the following:

    As for the church, it honors only the holy martyr Julia of Ancyra (Corinth), on May 31, and the holy martyr Julia of Carthage (Corsicana) on July 29.



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