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Why is the lining dangerous? Lining Kinds

Many of us have encountered such a phenomenon as lining, but due to ignorance we did not pay attention to it special attention. Then bad events and unfavorable changes began to happen in life, but we often had no idea where the roots were coming from.

Let's find out what is meant by the term “lining”. It is an object charged with a certain type of magical spell and aimed at causing the process described at the time of charging to occur around the place where it was placed, or for bad changes to occur to the person who touches it. Since the item is secretly placed, hence the name - lining.

Why is this necessary?

Most of the underlays are malicious, but they have different directions. Some are created in order to transfer their illnesses or problems to another person. Others are done to generally worsen the situation in the family, at work, or in personal affairs. There are also those who can even bring the finder of the lining to the grave.

How to find

How do you know if it's worth looking for a lining? Since it is a type of material damage, you can feel whether a negative impact is occurring on you. Most often, after lining has been done in your house, an unexpected and sharp deterioration in health and the atmosphere in the family occurs, and quarrels become more frequent.

Before you figure out which of the objects found in your home may turn out to be a lining, it should be noted that these are not always things secretly hidden somewhere under the bed or carpet. The lining can be given along with some kind of gift or souvenir. So be careful when accepting anything from someone you are not sure about. Do not accept gifts from people who potentially wish you trouble and misfortune.

In addition, such things can be of a general nature, that is, made not for a specific person. Sometimes the pads are left right on the street, waiting for someone to step over them or take them.

Items for damage

– Almost any thing can be magically charged. Most often, piercing and cutting objects are used for lining. If you find a needle, scissors or nail in the house from nowhere, you should be wary. These items are aimed at the breakdown of relationships, the emergence of family problems; they are stuck into walls, doors, bandaged and left in corners or under furniture.

– Often a dangerous object can be a hairpin, sometimes a comb. This type of padding is often aimed at disrupting sleep and is usually used to attack the woman specifically, but they can also be harmful to health or the family as a whole.

– Cereal lining is common. For example, wheat, sunflower seeds, and buckwheat attract quarrels between loved ones.

– There are finds in the form of threads, often with knots. Knot magic is multidisciplinary, but the lining of the threads is done for illness and infertility.

– Feather lining is mainly left to induce insomnia or nightmares.

– Dead insects are placed under the threshold to worsen health. A lining of fish or poultry bones can cause significant harm to your health and business.

– Salt is actively used in linings for quarrels and illnesses; however, such a lining can have any direction, because salt itself is widely used in magic as a powerful absorbent of various desires and energy. Salt is often mixed with much more dangerous lining- earth. The land can be taken from the cemetery - and then the damage will be aimed at bringing the person to the grave, hastening his death. It’s easier to fight when the lining is simply left on the threshold - you need to properly neutralize it. But there are such magical experimenters who rub the threshold and door with grave soil with a certain spell in order to bring into the space the meaning that from now on this is a place for the dead and those living who live here must move to another world.

– A very strong negative lining is the egg. It is also left in order to quickly drive a person into the grave. Under no circumstances should you touch this lining - otherwise the consequences may be disastrous. Like an egg, a charmed apple is left to rot and take away a person’s youth, health or life.

– In addition to such purposes as deterioration of affairs and health, the lining can also be made for a love spell. Most manipulative love spell techniques involve the use of an object that must be left near the potential victim.

– Few people know that the lining can also be created for good intentions. For example, you can charm an object to attract good luck and health to a person. But, unfortunately, in our world, unexpected “gifts” are often given without at all meaning well.

How to neutralize

The main thing you must remember in the process of neutralizing a negative object is that you cannot touch the lining with your bare hands. To get rid of it, they put on gloves, take a bag and paper and sweep all the “ingredients” into it, then take it away from the home and destroy it. In addition, you should eliminate both the bag and the paper - that is, everything that you used in the fight against the lining. If you find a strange object not in the house itself, but nearby (at the door or near the threshold), never bring it inside the home.

The best way to destroy a charmed object is to burn it. At the same time, move away from burning objects and do not inhale smoke. You can read "Our Father". If the lining does not burn, douse it with a flammable liquid, and then, wearing gloves, sweep the residue onto a dustpan, place it in a plastic bag and take it to the forest. Dig a small hole and pour out the contents of the bag, cover it with earth and/or cover it with branches. Gloves, a dustpan, a broom, and the clothes you were wearing must be neutralized under running water. If magical attacks continue periodically, then energy body a person may become more vulnerable due to fear and anxiety about this. In this situation, it is important not to panic and remain calm, while at the same time taking up magical protection of the home.

Let's look at the classic method of destroying the lining - by fire. Moving away from the house, light a fire. It would be nice to throw in aspen or poplar branches, sandalwood, as well as some herbs such as angelica, calendula, dill, and wheatgrass. However, the power of fire itself can help you. Looking at the flames of the fire, say:

“This sacred flame of the fire will destroy all evil!
Everything bad, evil, superficial will be destroyed forever!”
Throw the bag with the lining into the fire, while saying:
“Go away, evil, to where it came from!
The one who planted evil on me sent, he himself called for retribution!
Fire, burn, destroy evil forever!
Cleanse me and my loved ones, protect me and my loved ones!
I and my loved ones were freed from your evil,
Protect yourself from attacks and negativity!
All evil has been destroyed forever!
Everything superficial has been destroyed forever!
Let it be so!"

After completing the ritual, go home, under no circumstances looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

Often, after committing a scam, an ill-wisher is drawn to your doorstep like a magnet. Therefore, pay attention to those who will visit you in the coming days after the destruction of the negative.

After you have neutralized the damage, you should cleanse yourself, loved ones and the house (at least with the help of water), and build protection.

Linings can be very dangerous, and if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to turn to a magician to neutralize, cleanse and protect against possible future attacks.

How to find out who spoiled you?

If a completely healthy and successful person strange problems begin with health, with business, with friends, if he begins to quarrel with his household over trifles, then it is difficult not to suspect the evil eye or damage in this case.

There are too many envious people and ill-wishers around us not to worry and not pay attention to such symptoms. Do not ignore them, but urgently take measures to cleanse yourself of all energy crap.

Why is it so important to know who brought negativity to you? This is necessary in order to avoid this person in the future and to be constantly on guard around him. If you do not find out who wished you harm and do not take any action, then this person will continue to damage you until he completely destroys your life.

If you are harmed, be sure to take strong retaliatory measures. Some people consider it above their dignity to take revenge on someone for harm caused, they say, “Why should I know the person who damaged me? It will still come back to him a hundredfold.”

This is not entirely correct, because if you do not find out who damaged you, then you will be absolutely defenseless and will not be able to repel the next attacks of your secret enemy. In addition, while the damage is on you, the villain feels great, and only by removing or returning the damage do you punish the offender.

It is best to remove damage with the help of professional sorcerers or magicians, but you can easily find out for yourself who exactly caused the damage to you and became the organizer of your suffering. Fortunately, there are a lot of fairly simple ways to do this.

Nail to the rescue

Take a regular nail. Drive it into the threshold of your home and say these words:

“I call the one who spoils and harms me a nail! If you don’t come here in three days, then in six months you’ll go to your grave!”

After this ritual, your enemy will definitely show unprecedented activity in order to get into your house.

Wax assistant

For this ritual, you should prepare a piece of real wax (not paraffin) and a bowl of clean water.
Melt the wax in a water bath, and when it becomes liquid, start pouring it in a thin stream into a bowl of water. In this case, you need to say the following words:

“By pouring wax, I pour out the enemy.”

Having poured all the wax into the water, wait until the casting hardens and try to find out from it who has damaged you.

If your enemy is a woman, then on the wax figure you will see the outlines of flowers, the moon or a female figure.

If your enemy is a man, then figures such as a square, raven, bear, and rhombus will appear.

Sometimes in the casting you can see the face of the person who caused the damage.

How to find out who caused damage with the help of dark forces

You can also recognize your offender with the help of otherworldly forces (for example, devils).

At sunset, take seven old keys, throw them one by one into boiling water and say:

“Whoever harms God’s servant (your name) will be brought to the devil in the morning!”

The next morning, the person who caused your troubles will be hanging around your house.

If you find strange strange things at the door, then it is quite possible that you were targeted. A lining conspiracy is when a text with a negative meaning is pointed at an item, and then the enchanted item is thrown under the victim’s door.

This is one of the options for damage. Through a charmed object, energy enters the victim’s house, which dissolves evil.

What things can be in the lining?

As a rule, small, inconspicuous things are thrown in as lining. It could be a pin, thread, knitting needle, sometimes it could be trash or a small doll. Those who spent their childhood in the village probably heard instructions from their grandmother and older friends about not picking up pins and buttons from the ground.

They warned about this precisely because these things are most often damaged. Some magicians also damage jewelry, some bright jewelry. Such things cannot be picked up either. Sometimes they make a lining for money, they say both pennies and bills.

Types of linings

It would seem, why cast a spell on an object and simply leave it on the street, because a complete stranger could pick it up, but sorcerers do this too, it all depends on the type of lining:

  • There are detached linings - this is when they talk to an object and throw it on the road. It doesn’t matter to the magician who exactly picks up the item, his goal here is to transfer negative energy to someone so that the person takes it upon himself. Thus, the magician gets rid of negative energy.
  • There are personified linings when they want to damage specific person. Such enchanted things are placed near the victim’s house or right in his house. In this case, the object is thrown under doors, stuffed into clothes, or into the victim’s wallet or bag.

Damage to an item


How to determine if a found item is cursed

Damage and curse: what things carry negative energy- Labyrinth - 09.04

House damage How to identify and remove

Sometimes the magician expects the lining to be found, and sometimes it is deliberately hidden.

To be fair, it must be said that there are also linings with a positive intention. These are a kind of planted talismans, when they want to impose good luck on a person in different areas of life.

There is also a love spell - this is one of the types of love spells, when a spell is cast on a thing and, thus, they try to evoke love in a person.

What kind of things are they used for lining?

Here is a list of things that are most often used for lining:

  • Rope, thread. The rope retains the information message well. When magicians cast a spell on this subject, they try to wrap a thread or rope around their palm. Strengthen the plot with the help of knots on a thread. Knots are tied when they want to emphasize one of the words of the conspiracy.
  • Salt is a very popular seasoning among magicians. It is not for nothing that there is a sign that if you spill salt, it will lead to a quarrel. And if you make a negative spell on salt and pour it on the victim’s doorstep, then you can easily cause squabbles in the house.
  • Earth is a very high-energy substance. People who practice black magic, as a rule, use earth from the cemetery, thus often laying a lining for the death of a person.
  • Feathers. If they want to make a lining for insomnia, so that a person has nightmares, then they use feathers.
  • Dead insects. They try to send various diseases to humans through dead insects, mental disorders, depression.
  • Eggs. They are considered one of the most unpleasant items for lining. Through them, death and terrible diseases are sent to a person.
  • Garbage. Through litter and garbage that is swept to the victim’s door, magicians try to cause discord and separation and lack of money in the family.

How to remove the lining?

If you find a strange thing in your clothes or in your house, or under your door, then don’t panic, but proceed step by step:

  • First, look at the object from a distance. Make sure that it is definitely not your item that you accidentally dropped or put in your pocket. If there are children in the house, then think about the options in which they could throw this toy, ball of thread or feather to you.
  • If you have mentally gone through all the options and are convinced that this thing is not from your home, then try to touch it with your hands as little as possible. Leave it in place, don't touch it.
  • If the item is not yet in the house, then do not bring it there.
  • Find gloves at home that you can later throw away or rags with which you will take this thing in your hands. Also take a magazine or newspaper and a broom with you so that you don’t touch the item when destroying it.
  • Using a broom and newspaper, carefully collect the lining and throw it all into a large trash bag along with the broom and newspaper.
  • Throw the package away from the house, or even better, burn it along with all the contents.
  • Do not wash the place where the strange thing was with a cloth. Fill a bucket of water and pour the entire bucket over the area for a touchless wash.
  • At first, go around this place, do not step on it with your feet.
  • The next day, go to church, bring holy water and pour it on the same place.

In fact, not everything is as scary as it might seem. Don't think about it again. You have removed the action of the lining. And the more you think about him, the more energy you give to the person who did all this for you.

Lining for love

We will not teach problems that lead to human illness, much less death. First of all, you need to understand that for the person who does this, this also does not end well.

But we will teach you the lining of love that will help evoke reciprocal feelings in your chosen one. To make it you will need one church candle, red rose and glass of water. How to make a lining?

Sit in solitude. Turn off all sources of electric light. Let only the church candle burn. Place a red rose in front of you and a glass of water. Focus your thoughts on the person you want to bewitch through the lining. Imagine in your mind how he smiles at you lovingly, how you and he spend time together, enjoying each other. When the picture becomes especially bright, pick up a rose and read the following plot:

“Heavenly powers, those who protect love, help me open the heart of God’s servant (Name of the guy). Let him see all my virtues, let me bloom in his eyes like this bright rose. So that he sees a beautiful bride in me, so that he cannot imagine life without me. What does he do, but he thinks about me, everything is drawn to me, he can’t live without me, he doesn’t want to live without me. I am like earthly moisture for him, I nourish him with my love, and then our love for each other blossoms. Help the powers of heaven, they will be grateful to the grave. Amen".

When the text talks about moisture, pour some water directly onto the rose petals. After this, let the candle burn out to the end. Drink a glass of water in one gulp. The next day you need to put a few petals from this rose in your chosen one’s clothes or under the door. The lining will begin to work immediately.

This is a strong lining; whoever does it, then always notices reciprocal sympathy from the chosen person. It's easy to make it yourself. Natalya Stepanova also has a similar conspiracy over the lining. This conspiracy is good because it does not carry any dark energies.

– one of the most dangerous and powerful occult negatives. After all, its goal is to cause spiritual, physical, and financial harm to a person, up to and including the complete destruction of health, family, and even loss of life. Removing negativity, and in this case, damage, is a struggle for life and death, because causing damage for many unscrupulous people who self-confidently call themselves black magicians is a source of enrichment. They do not care that the damage they have caused causes entire families and children to suffer, and people’s destinies and lives are destroyed. People also constantly turn to me who want to use damage to get rid of those who interfere with the achievement of their goals, who are driven by envy, hatred, and malice.
Self-diagnosis of signs of damage is dangerous. Without the appropriate abilities and experience, you can mistakenly diagnose it in yourself, i.e., in fact, damage yourself! The solution to such complex tasks, how to diagnose and remove damage, it is better to entrust it to a specialist.
Firstly, do not look for an answer to the question of why you were chosen as the object of magical aggression, why you were damaged, you may not find it. Because damage is a means of fulfilling other people’s claims to what you have, perhaps even by right. There can be many unfounded claims. They are based on evil character, greed and envy. These properties have a destructive effect not only on the victim of aggression, but ultimately on the aggressor himself. The law of magic is harsh, but fair: evil, having passed in a circle, always returns to where it came from - No one has repealed the Law of the Boomerang! Damage, as a negative magical effect - be it damage to loneliness, damage to death or salt, damage to illness - aims to damage all important energy centers: the “third eye” area in the middle of the forehead, heart, endocrine system: thyroid and pancreas gland, genitals, and as a result, imbalance of the endocrine system, weakened immunity, which brings with it colds, infections, skin diseases - boils, pimples, warts, etc.
Damage and its signs can be direct - these are symptoms of deteriorating health, even death.
Signs of damage can be indirect - this affects relationships: family, friends, business. This also includes damage to the house, which affects all family members living in this housing.
Damage to money, wealth, work, damage to a specific person and company. The signs and symptoms of damage to health and death are similar to the signs of ordinary endocrinological disorders and borderline mental disorders. Moreover, tests for damage at first may not confirm these violations. And the disease itself may not manifest itself in a standard way during occult intervention, which makes it difficult to establish a diagnosis and makes it impossible to cure until the occult aggression, namely the damage, is successfully removed.
The signs and symptoms of damage are very similar to the symptoms of ordinary endocrinological disorders and borderline mental disorder.
VARIETIES OF DAMAGE. LINING(what it looks like and what it is used, the list is not small, but not complete either). What do people usually do when they find something strange under their threshold - coins, nails, earth, parcels, cereals? They are surprised, look attentively, touch with their hands and remove the garbage. And after a while, trouble comes - yesterday, a strong, friendly family makes scandals and swears over trivial reasons, money slips through their fingers, and members of the household begin to get seriously ill. And all because damage crawled into the house along with the garbage! - this is the name for causing damage with the help of objects that, after certain magical rituals thrown into the victim’s home, office, car, bed, pockets or bag - one of the most ancient practices of destructive magic. It is still widely used today by modern sorcerers and witches. Negative Impact the lining begins at the moment when the victim comes into contact with the “damaged” object (touches it, picks it up, removes it, steps on it or simply steps over it, thus activation occurs negative program. Some today don’t even bother with personal trips to the victim’s house, but send it by mail or courier (usually the donor is anonymous). The following items have long been used to cause damage:
- Alcohol- to drunkenness, to unbearable life, death and torment;
- Dried butterfly- to loneliness;
- The jar is empty- losses;
- Birch branches and leaves- To oncological diseases;
- Pancakes- damage to death;
- Finely cut paper- to failures, empty troubles;
- Paper money- to ruin, poverty;
- Beads- to tears, tear damage to suffering;
- Bottles- damage to drunkenness;
- Broom- to quarrels, discord, expulsion from home;
-Wreath- damage to death;
- Willow- to sadness and loss;
- Dried cherries– eye disease, blindness;
- Hair– damage to fornication, infidelity, pushing the family towards divorce;
- Killed crow or other bird– to diseases;
- Tie- to separation;
- Nails are rusty- to the impotence of the husband, if the nails are pulled out of a coffin or a bench or table in a cemetery - to death;
- Clay- to death;
- Bird's nest- to the collapse of the family;
- The pot is broken (broken)- to the loss of family;
- Mushrooms– to diseases of the genitourinary system;
- Small money (change)- for tears, troubles, resentments, failures;
- Hedgehog killed– to losses, destruction in all areas, both at the energy and physical levels;
- Beetles– to skin diseases;
- Lock– to imprisonment;
- Cemetery land- to death;
- Animal teeth– for nervous diseases;
- Needles– to a heart attack;
- Stone- failures in personal life;
- Leather– to burns;
- Red ribbon– loss of a loved one;
- Cross- to death;
- Groats- to quarrels;
- Key- closing paths and opportunities;
- Ice– to coldness and coldness in relationships;
-The bat is dead- to death;
- Frog or frogs– love damage, drying;
-Chalk- to failures in business;
- Flour– to losses;
-Garbage- to scandals;
- Dried flies- to death;
- Soap- to losses, if taken from washing the deceased - to death;
- Meat is raw or rotting– to disease (usually rotting alive);
- Knife- to quarrels;
- Scissors- to divorce;
- Blanket (bed linen or pieces from the set)– to diseases;
- Necklace- to tears;
- Nuts- to squabbles and tears;
-Gloves- disease;
- Feathers or pen- to divorce;
- Sand– to a painful illness or death if the sand is taken from the grave;
- A loop- damage to suicide;
- Handkerchief– separation;
- Towel- to death;
- Buttons– poverty;
- Crayfish– oncology;
- Cancer Female- sarcoma, metastases;
- The fish is dead– to illness or death from water;
- Salo– serious long-term illness;
- Matches- to a fire;
- Broken glass – divorce, destruction of a family or couple’s relationship;
- Plate- to loneliness;
- Already dead– to impotence;
- Dry bread– back diseases;
- Flowers(usually taken from a cemetery) or on daisies (field or from a flower garden) - to death;
-Chain– loss of freedom (prison);
- Dry tea brewing– to quarrels in the family;
- The clock is broken- to death;
- Worms– to illness;
- Black ribbon– to death in the home, family;
- Dried or rotten apple– to diseases;
- Berries- tears;
- Egg- to infertility or loss on the farm;
- A clump of mixed cat and dog hair– to quarrels and fights in the family;

As you have already noticed, there are different types of damage.
Be careful, peace and goodness to you.

Knowing the types of pads and their meaning, you will always stay one step ahead of your enemies. In addition, with the help of a lining you can cast a love spell, protect your home and attract money.

In the article:

Types of linings and their meaning

As a rule, finding a lining near a door, in a car or somewhere else is not good. Things don't just appear; they are left for specific purposes. And if the person who turns to magic is not your close relative, most likely you can’t expect anything good from the “gift”.

They are usually used to direct. Depending on the material, the meaning of the lining changes:

  1. Things made of aluminum - for tooth loss and dental diseases.
  2. Dry or moldy bread - spoilage " empty table”, to need and poverty.
  3. Bottles, empty or filled with alcohol, indicate alcoholism.
  4. Dead birds or the bats- for sadness, death or illness.
  5. Crumpled newspapers indicate scandals in the family.
  6. Rusty nails - many options, from minor problems to death.
  7. Clay - or disease.
  8. Nest - destruction of the family living in the house.
  9. Rotten meat, lard, mushrooms, birch branches, worms - for a serious illness.
  10. Pears - for disability.
  11. Small coins - for poverty.
  12. The castle is like a prison.
  13. Crosses, broken watches - to death.
  14. Garbage means quarrels.
  15. A dry toad or frog indicates exhaustion or obesity, it can be a sign of a love spell or damage to death.
  16. Small berries - for tears.
  17. Apples take away youth and years of life.

In addition, such witchcraft is used for love spells, and quarrel on the family of a loved one with the goal of marrying him or at least getting rid of his rival. There are also protective pads, which they make for themselves or their relatives, money and many others.

In essence, all of these rites are rituals using one or more objects, which are then placed closer to the object of witchcraft. True, such rituals for acquiring something positive are rarely called linings. Usually this concept refers to love spells and damage.

Where can I throw the lining? Almost anywhere! But no one should, and this does not depend on the purpose of witchcraft. Home protection may become ineffective if seen by others. A victim of damage after finding strange items at home or may take action and you will have to suffer the blow back. True, many do not pay attention to the objects on the threshold and calmly step over them, and this is what you need. The lining in the pillow is another one good idea. You can also give a pillow, because you don’t always have the opportunity to get to the enemy’s pillows.

Lining for love - a powerful love spell ritual

The good thing about a love lining is that it will always be close to the object of your passion, and accordingly, the impact time will be impressive. This guarantees good results in creating a love spell. Such rituals are held closer to midnight, only during the waxing moon.

In order to, light a red candle. Of course, you need to worry about finding a secluded place in advance - no one should witness your ritual or interfere with it. Place a photo of the person alone on a table or other surface.

In the photo you need to put something that will become a lining. It is thrown into a person’s house or car; the lining should remain near the object of the love spell for as long as possible. You can give the item as a gift. Choose things for lining depending on the preferences and character of the person on whom you are casting a love spell. Does he not like cleaning? Take a candy wrapper that won't arouse suspicion if found under the sofa. Collects figurines? Give him the spoken souvenir.

Let's return to the ritual. After you have posted the right thing in the photo, you need to concentrate on who is dear to your heart. Call up his image, imagine your future together, his actions towards you. When you are ready, look at the candle flame and say the following spell:

Just as I fell in love with you and shared my feelings with you, so you will fall in love with me and be united by fate with my life. Let it be so.

Now it’s advisable to start visualizing. Just look at the candle flame and dream about your betrothed. When you finish, take the spoken thing to him. This ritual can be done either once or repeated once a month if you are serious. It will definitely work if you put effort into it.

How to make a lining for death

The easiest way to create a lining for the death of an enemy is this hex on needles. Damage to needles is quite popular due to the simple technique of execution, and the object itself is small and inconspicuous. You can do a lot with a needle - throw it under the door, stick it in the doorframe, leave it under the carpet or furniture. If you enter a victim's house, you can try leaving the needles under the wallpaper, this will make them much harder to find.

So, grab a new gypsy needle. If there are no such items in stock, buy it without haggling or taking change. Place it on a piece of paper and say:

In the Name and Power of Asmodeus the Warrior-Destroyer! I shoot this arrow into the heart of the accursed (name), may it fly faster than lightning, may it strike stronger than heavenly thunder, may it strike her/him, may it crush and condemn her to a fierce death. My spell is stronger than damask steel, stronger than the storm. No one can get off! Cursed!

Wrap the needle in paper so that it is not visible and make a lining. They often try to unwrap paper bundles, even if a person finds your lining, most likely he will touch it with his hands. This cannot be done, as a person will take away all the negative energy invested in the object.

Such rituals are performed on the waning moon. If you spoil a man, do it on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. To take a woman to her grave, choose a time on Wednesday, Friday or Saturday. It is not customary to practice black magic on Sunday.

How to make a lining for failure

If you have an ill-wisher, but you do not want him to die, you can punish him in another way - to bring failure. They will pursue a person in literally all areas of his life - relationships with his other half, work, hobbies and others.

In order to make a lining for failure, you will need black wax candle and a pin or needle. The ritual is performed on the waning moon. You need to drip wax into the eye of a needle or pin with the following words:

Just as sharp is the needle, so is the arrow of the spirit of evil directed by my hand. Just as this wax sticks to iron, so my words and deeds of the spirit of evil stick to this needle. Let it be so!

The plot is repeated three times. A needle or pin is placed as close to the enemy as possible - under the door, in the house, in personal belongings. Do not remove the wax from it; you can wrap the lining in a bag or piece of paper - this will make it more likely that the person will unfold it and touch the spoken object with his hands.

How to make a lining for the enemy - damage to cards

Damage to cards are considered one of the strongest. Most often these are caused by gypsies, but you can try too, they work regardless of nationality. Are you interested in how to make a lining for the enemy? It is not difficult. First, buy a deck of 36 cards. If you can’t find one, take the one with 52 cards, but you’ll have to leave the extra ones at the crossroads or burn them as if they never existed.

After you get rid of extra cards or buy a suitable deck, return home. Take the Ace of Spades from the deck and set the remaining cards aside. Say this to Ace:

He was a godfather and a matchmaker, but he became a damn brother. What he possessed, he lost, sifted through his fingers. You, slave (name), have no life, no life, but only free salt. I close with an ace, I close with a key. He took the key to the sea and threw it away. Amen.

The card needs to be torn in half, lengthwise. Take one half to the cemetery and bury it, throw the second half into the enemy’s house so that it will not be found soon. Three days later, the remaining 35 cards, which were previously kept in your house, are burned in the open air with the following words:

I conjure not with the word of God, but with demonic whispers, the blackness and the sweeping and everything empty to go to the servant of God (name) and live with him until his death. Amen.

The victim of such a ritual is haunted by a wide variety of troubles; her life will change for the worse within a few days after the appearance of the lining.

Lining for money - what kind of damage is this?

Damage can affect all areas human life, and its material side is no exception. Perhaps you wish your enemy ruin? Lining up with money can literally take away the last. It is difficult to make, but the result may exceed all your expectations.

In order to spoil poverty, go to the cemetery and look for a grave with the same name as the victim. When you find it, take thirteen small coins and place them in a circle. Now recite the plot thirteen times:

Just as a dead person does not need money, so (name) did not need money all his life. Through the circle, money will run away from (name), no matter how much he wants, he will not be able to keep it. Money, get away from (name) and don’t go into his hands, he will be in poverty until death. Just as a beggar walks around with a bundle, so he will walk and suffer in poverty all his life. As I said, so be it.

Prepare in advance a rag or bag with which you will collect coins in a bag. If you pick them up with your bare hands, negative energy will stick to you and the damage to poverty will be yours. Set the bundle or bag aside. Leave a treat for the deceased who lies in the selected grave. Tie a bundle of coins with a thread and make thirteen knots on it, then take it closer to the object of hatred, easiest way - to the threshold.

Money backing for yourself

Cash lining- a good way to get a certain amount of money for some purpose. But there are conditions - the goal must have great importance, but there is no other way to find money.

You will need a natural white thread, any needle, a red scarf made of natural fabric, a wax candle and a rope. During the day you need to wait for sunny weather. Sit near the window and use single stitches to sew the scarf around the perimeter. At the same time, the following conspiracy is read:

A strong thread winds along the right path to oak chests in which countless silver and gold lie and age, waiting for me. For a just cause, for a right cause, for a worthy cause, I ask you, (name), my white God. Don’t leave me, but help and guide me. My road will be paved with red red. Amen. Amen. Amen.



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