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Numbers and their magic. Numerology. Number magic. Magic numbers game. What magic numbers attract good luck?

In search of happiness and the key to a long and prosperous life, a person resorts to various tricks, conducts magical rituals and ancient rituals, uses the power of talismans and amulets. He tries to prevent unwanted events in his life, avoid them by studying astrological forecasts, is trying to comprehend the secrets of palmistry and numerology. All this together is a powerful toolkit, possessing which, a person is able to control his destiny.

Numerical and numerical magic in esotericism was actively practiced in Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, and Greece. True, in those days numerology was not used in the form that is familiar to modern people. In those days, this was a teaching accessible only to selected people - alchemists, astronomers, healers, shamans, etc. Not a single one world religion at that time she did not recognize numerology, believing that it was a tool of the Devil.

Over time, when such scientific disciplines as astronomy, physics, mathematics (including algebra and geometry) reached a new level of development and were already quite widespread, many religions stopped looking at numerology as a “fiend of Hell”, and its supporters They stopped accusing them of demonism and persecuting them.

What is numerology?

Numerology today, as in ancient times, is considered the science of numbers, but these numbers are not simple, but magical, although they have nothing to do with magic itself. They are called magical for a different reason - simple mathematical manipulations with them make it possible to obtain very accurate predictions regarding a wide variety of life situations and events. Numerological science, like esoteric science, has received great use in astrology, which uses its digital subtleties and aspects in its calculations and algorithms.

The exact date or period of time during which the foundation for the formation and development of numerology was laid is unknown. In ancient times, numerology was used in their practice by Egyptian, Indian, Roman, Babylonian and Greek scientists; then numerology was simply called differently - arithmomancy (or the science of predictions by numbers).

If we talk about the version of numerology that was developed in the West in the 16th century before the beginning of our era, then its author should be considered the ancient Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras. He was the first to discover the vibration of numbers and its influence on human destiny. He was also able to successfully combine the developments of the Phoenician, Druid, Egyptian and Arabic mathematical systems into a single complex, including the science of human nature. Traveling a lot around different countries(Egypt, Chaldea, etc.), staying in southern Italy, Pythagoras became the founder of a special philosophical society - the Pythagorean school, in which the main sciences were geometry, arithmetic, and astronomy.

Numerology Basics

Numerology practices the principles of simple addition according to a certain principle, as a result of which their sum must be represented by a single digit. All single digits belong to the numeric range. The numbers of this number series in occult practice are characterized a certain value and endowed with certain properties, images, concepts.

IN magical practice Numerical values ​​of alphabetic letters are also actively used; they are determined by the serial number of the letter in the alphabet. To obtain the numerological meaning of any word, phrase or expression, it is enough to add together the alphabetical serial numbers of the letters that make them up. The magic of numbers that surround each of us in the form of various codes, addresses, significant dates, apartment/house numbers and various technical devices (including serial numbers) influences our destiny.


Even a ticket for travel by any transport is fraught with numeric code events that may happen to us on a trip. Each of us has a “happy” item in our wardrobe and one that we subconsciously want to get rid of, no matter how much it cost you. When purchasing clothes, it seems to us that we are guided by the “like/dislike” principle; in fact, we subconsciously choose our destiny, not clothes. This, in principle, applies to the acquisition of any things/objects - from small household items to furniture, cars and real estate. You can check this when you start it, e.g. bank card. Usually you choose the one you like best based on its numerical number, just like a SIM card for a mobile device.

This is the same number magic, discovered at one time by Pythagoras, transformed over several centuries and clothed in a new, simpler and accessible form. The teachings of the Pythagoreans formed the basis for the emergence and development of various European secret societies - Freemasons, Anthroposophists, Rosicrucians, Kabbalists, etc. In each of them, the meanings and reading schemes of certain numerical combinations were individually developed, but as the basis for their teaching they took the laws of the concept proposed by Pythagoras .

Numerological science, transformed into gematria, received special significance in Kabbalah - the ancient Hebrew teaching about the universe, God, man and their interrelations.

Kabbalists endowed numbers with special power and filled them with special divine meaning.

Representatives of this direction were able to expand the concept of Pythagoras, using the principle of his number square to solve a variety of purposes and their own esoteric doctrines with their many magical Kabbalistic squares. With their help, we can decipher almost all the events happening around us.

There are a huge variety of magic squares that perform different functions. Kabbalists were convinced that the 3 x 3 square represented the forbidden name of the Lord. Alchemists assured that using it you can turn metal into gold bars. During the Middle Ages, squares of this kind were made (cut, minted) from silver and kept with them as an amulet/talisman/amulet. European society began to use such magic squares at a time when the plague struck Europe. Europeans believed in their powerful protective properties. Albrecht Durer depicted such a magic square in one of his engravings, known as “Melancholy”:

Kabbalah deciphers historical dates, individual words and large texts and names, predetermines the destinies of people, the likely consequences of future events, etc. However, Kabbalah assumes the duality of each number, when it acts as a unit of measurement, but at the same time can reveal the secret the spiritual side of any subject. When in XIX century the curtain was lifted over the secrets of the nature of magnetism, electricity and light, humanity, pushing back the ancient occult concepts about the meaning of numbers, began talking about the vibration of energy, its influence on humans.

The principle of modern numerology

The main principle she practices is based on simple addition. The number series is the initial one, from it all other numbers of different orders can be formed. The Pythagoreans developed a system of contraction large number to the elementary by adding its numbers, its components. If the addition results in a two-digit number, it should also be reduced. In a word, the addition algorithm follows this cycle until the result of this mathematical operation becomes an elementary number from the range of values.

Numerology: scope

Similar to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of any event, phenomenon, action, object and the person himself; its knowledge allows you to:

  • reveal the special properties of a person’s character;
  • determine his abilities, predispositions and vices;
  • identify his strengths and vulnerabilities;
  • predict the future;
  • study the influence of certain events on him;
  • indicate a favorable time to make an important decision;
  • choose a positive geographic location within the city/region/country to live;
  • warn against possible danger;
  • identify dates favorable for making important business meetings and concluding agreements/contracts;
  • help choose a partner for marriage, determine the compatibility of the characters of future spouses;
  • identify positive areas of activity for self-realization, etc.

Each number corresponds to a specific meaning; this individual interpretation of them allows us to decipher all the events listed above. Since both numbers and letters (including Latin ones) can be deciphered, the possibilities of numerology are quite wide.

Each person has his own individual cycle, based on certain numbers that can be obtained as a result of some calculations based on his date of birth, name, street name (or city/region/country), his place of residence, car brand, etc. Based on the calculations obtained, you can build a personal numerological horoscope.

If, for example, you want to determine the character of your future partner, you need to use his date of birth and a table of values ​​that looks like this:

A decoding of the meaning of each cell of this square and their general interpretation can be found on a specialized website on the Internet.

With its help, you can give an accurate assessment of the events that have already occurred, study real life and the events taking place in it, trends, as well as a look into the future. In this case, information relating to the present and future is of greatest value. If a person cannot change the past, then he can try to correct his life today or tomorrow.

Numerology: practical examples

Similar to astrology, using numerology, you can study the nature of any event, find a lucky/unlucky number for yourself, determine the number of wealth/poverty, etc.

Money magic

Numerology, based on the magic of numbers and numbers, has its own monetary “magic”, in its power, for example:

  • deciphering the meaning and energy power of any banknotes;
  • searching for a “lucky” or “unlucky” bill;
  • determining the date of a successful/unsuccessful transaction;
  • opportunity to raise money, etc.

Numbers and money are closely related concepts, since the invention of digital signs is associated with the need to calculate something, determine its value (in equivalent) for acquisition or sale, etc. Solving money issues in numerology is carried out according to different schemes and principles, but all of them are aimed at achieving a single result - to determine a person’s financial potential and direct his activities in the necessary (beneficial) direction.

Determining the magic number by banknote code

The calculation of the money code must be performed on the banknote with which you were lucky (this could be unexpected money, transferred change, the result of a successful transaction, etc.). The denomination of the bill itself does not matter, since for us it is not its denomination that is valuable, but the number that can bring financial success. To determine it, you need to add together all the numbers that make it up.

A two-digit result must be reduced to one digit, so the digits of the resulting two-digit result are summed to obtain a prime number. If the first addition you get is 10/11/12, you don't need to simplify them because these numbers have a special meaning. True, if you want, you can simplify these numbers too, analyze them, and then simplify and take into account both results. Having received the necessary data, all you have to do is decipher the result of these simple calculations using a table of values:

Number code Code meaning
1 Good luck in the trading sphere and any financial endeavors.
2 An unfavorable code that promises losses and financial loss.
3 A code that attracts money and increases capital for business and creative people.
4 Helps open new profitable financial prospects.
5 Helps improve image, increase authority (requires some effort).
6 A very good number for attracting money and improving the financial side of business. Particularly favors jewelers and people involved in antiques. (This is the main magic number of the properties of the Pythagorean square!)
10 Attracts good luck, but does not bring financial stability.
11 Helps to make useful and promising (financially) contacts.
22 Stability code.
Banknote – amulet

The magic of the properties of the Pythagorean square can be used to calculate the code by date of birth and to determine money amulet. The mystery of this square is that the sum of the numbers in all its columns and diagonals, as well as in the middle row, is 6:

1 4 7
2 5 8
3 6 9

As can be seen from the calculations, the dominant result is 6, but in two cases (top and bottom row) a different result was obtained (3 and 9, respectively). Therefore, code 3 and 9 are also considered successful, although not as powerful as code 6.

If you put this square on your lucky bill or write the number 6 on it, it can be used as your powerful money amulet.

Using the "number of the day"

No one can control their own destiny, but with the help of numerology you can have a significant influence on the development of many events in life. For successful interaction with the outside world and the society in which you live (be it a party of friends or a business meeting, a romantic date), it will be useful to assess the current situation using simple numerological calculations. To determine the prospect of a relationship with another person, you need to know your day number and the day number of this person (as well as other participants in any important event or meetings). The day number and name number are calculated using the following numerical and alphabetic values:

Calculating the number of the day is not difficult; add together the number of the day, month and year of your birth, and then the number, day and year of the expected event (or the person you are interested in). Reduce the results obtained to a simple number, analyze each result separately using a special table of values ​​(it can be found on a specialized website on the Internet). After this, summarize the simplified results and analyze them again using the table of values.

Be sure to take into account that the first 9 calendar months are influenced by numbers from the range, and the last three belong to the number series. This is due to the fact that the 10th month (October), when simplified, takes on a value equal to 1 (10 = 1 + 0 = 1 ), 11th month (November) = 2 (11 = 1 + 1 = 2), 12th month (December) = 3 (12 = 1 + 2 = 3). We see that the method is simple and does not take much time to calculate, but it can bring great benefits.

The magic of numbers to attract money will help improve your financial situation and get rid of debts. Learn how to work with numbers correctly in order to attract money.

In the article:

The magic of numbers to attract money in monetary amounts

The numerology of money manifests itself in all situations that are related to expenses, purchases, and finances. So, for example, there is a number of monetary amounts. It is calculated when operating with a certain amount of funds - both to purchase something and when receiving income. Let's look at this method with an example. Let’s assume that we have 17,000 rubles to purchase a smartphone for work. Let's carry out numerological calculations, summing up all the digits of this monetary amount:

Now let's see what the resulting figure means.

1, 2 or 7 are symbols of spiritual wealth and do not contribute to making a profit. Applying to our example, a smartphone purchased for this resulting figure would not be conducive to communication with clients and business partners.

3 is the number of increased income and active business development. The amounts that this number gives in calculations can be safely lent - they will definitely return, and will also bring benefits in the form of interest or friendly gratitude for the help. However, you shouldn’t put that amount of money aside, otherwise it will quickly go away. In our example, the number 3 would be a good choice for purchasing a communication device for communicating with clients - the smartphone would quickly pay for itself with the profit received from them.

4 is the number of hard work and stability, which does not promise large incomes. Not the worst option for our example, but there are better ones.

5 and 9 are numbers for charity and useless spending. With a high probability, in our example, games would be launched from a smartphone more often than important calls would be made.

6 - stability and savings. It is good to spend such amounts on regular payments, ranging from replenishing your SIM card account to utilities or mortgage payments. This number is quite suitable for our example.

8 is the number of the most daring and unusual projects, but, in general, one of the most favorable for money. It was this that became the number of the monetary amount in our example. This means that calls that will be received on this smartphone may contain non-standard offers, but they will certainly turn out to be extremely profitable.

What should you do if the amount of money you intend to spend or receive contains an interpretation that does not suit you? Let's assume that the smartphone in the example costs 70,000 - this amount gives the number of money 7, one of the most unfavorable for our example. To turn it into a more suitable eight, you just need to add one unit. Leave 1, 10 or 100 rubles more in the store - and money luck will smile on you.

In the same way, you can calculate money numbers for everything that has to do with your income. This could be the number of your office, the building of your enterprise, as well as the number of your work car and even telephone - all this in one way or another affects the financial situation and direction of monetary energy.

Numerology of money for creating a talisman for wealth

Knowing how magic numbers work to attract money, you can do... Almost everyone knows what it is irredeemable bill or coin- This strong amulet, capable of lifting any person out of poverty. This is the name of a coin or bill that has been enchanted in a special way. It is stored in your wallet and is not spent under any circumstances.

Numerology for attracting money is directly related to the creation of such money talismans. Each banknote has a code. If you add up all its numbers, you can get the number of this bill - a numerological indicator that will tell you whether this bill is suitable for creating a talisman for you. Before speaking to her, check whether she will work in the right direction.

Typically, in such calculations, all numbers are reduced to a single-digit form, and the meanings of numbers from 1 to 9 can be found above. However, in this case it is permissible to leave the numbers 11, 22 and 10 - they have separate meanings. Ten is a number money luck, but one cannot expect stability from it. 11 is the number of profitable acquaintances, and 22 is stability in financial matters.

Magic numbers for attracting money - the right timing

Another money number in numerology may be associated with the date of an important financial transaction. If you take out a loan, a large sum in debt or investing money in a business, choose the time that is suitable for this. Knowing the meaning of each number, let's try to analyze this technique using an example. So, let’s assume that on November 5, 2016 we plan to lend a large amount. Let's make standard numerological calculations by summing up all the numbers of this date:

Let's reduce the number to a single-digit form:

7 is the number of spirituality. It does not have a positive effect on monetary transactions. In this case, the situation can develop in different ways, and it will always be disadvantageous for both parties. In this case, you can reschedule the meeting, for example, to the next day, which will give the number 8. Eight - a symbol of wealth and increase in income. In our example, the money will be returned quite quickly, and the situation will benefit both parties.

Numerology for attracting money - simple rituals

Eight is the symbol of infinity

Numerological rituals will help you attract money energy and make friends with. They are quite simple - the numbers whose influence is needed at the moment are written on paper, in hand, and used as screensavers for the monitor. The main thing is that from time to time they catch your eye. In addition to numbers from 1 to 9, as well as 10, 11 and 22, there are several more money numbers that are especially effective in numerological rituals.

15 contributes to the activation of a person’s creative energy, as well as the disclosure of abilities and talents. If your work involves creativity, use this number. It is drawn on the pulse of the left hand before exams and interviews, as well as business meetings. However, before practicing numerology rituals, make sure that the number on your hand does not look like a cheat sheet.

21 is responsible for activity in all its manifestations, and also contributes to the emergence leadership qualities. It must be used by all people who hold leadership positions. The number 21 will help someone who has such a desire to take such a position. This is the number of salary growth and career advancement, power and ambition.

Many people love to play the lottery. For some, this is a relatively inexpensive way to have fun, but for others, it is a real hope for better life. In order to increase your chances of winning, you can use numerology. The properties of the numbers 3, 6 and 8 have already been described above - they attract luck and monetary energy.

Numerology of money by date of birth

Date of birth also helps attract money

The magic of numbers for attracting money also relates to your date of birth. It contains a lot of information. Almost everyone knows about the magical Pythagorean square, which is able to tell about a person’s inclinations, his talents and even his abilities for witchcraft, which are present from birth.

Money numerology by date of birth divides people into nine types depending on the number on which they were born. In order to calculate your money number, sum up all the numbers of the day on which you were born - so that the result is unambiguous. For example, the number 1 is true for those born on the 1st, 10th, 19th and 28th.

1. U units, no inclinations to financial success. There are people who get all the benefits without much effort on their part. You are not one of them.

2. Deuce indicates that you are not very lucky in money matters. Lucky spells will help you find financial well-being. In addition, you need to stop paying attention to helping those in need - think about yourself first and stop giving to others what will be useful to you.

3. Number 3 indicates that you do not know how to save money. What appears in your wallet, or is spent immediately, sometimes goes into circulation. You are active and open to new ideas, and you tend to strive for more without stopping there. There are chances for monetary success if you learn to create long-term goals.

4. A sign of stability. People born on the 4th, 13th, 22nd or 31st rarely boast of large savings. Most likely, you will prefer a smaller but constant income. You won’t have to live in poverty, but you won’t even dream of having a personal island. In order to change the situation, you need to think outside the box.

5. People with money figure equal to five, do not like to save money. They spend it as soon as they receive it. Such people spend their money both on pleasure and on useful investments. In order to change the financial situation in better side, you need to spend less time on entertainment and more time on work.

6. Six attracts money, but this does not mean that people born under it receive all the benefits without effort. They are forced to face constant challenges and limitations. You can only get rich if you put your knowledge and abilities into practice. A decent education and considerable experience in your chosen field of activity will become your passport to the life of your dreams.

7. Born under number 7 prefer spiritual wealth to material wealth. If your financial situation causes too many troubles, you will have to distract yourself from the development of spirituality. Your knowledge can be a good source of profit.

8. Eight- another one monetary figure. Almost all of your ideas related to receiving money are successfully implemented. You must not stop there. It also doesn’t hurt to learn how to make a profit from several sources - you are quite capable of more than one project.

9. Nine indicates a person who is far from the material world. Are you interested in knowledge and hidden meaning life. Perhaps this is your purpose, but you still won’t be able to realize it without a penny in your pocket. In order to improve your financial situation, you need more attention focus on ways to make a profit.

In many mystical traditions, the magic of numbers is the basis and foundation for the alchemical Great Work. Each number is a sacred secret of existence, containing the universal principles of the universe. Anyone who has learned the sacred meaning of numbers becomes able to operate with reality, turning lead into gold.

The magic of numbers is the basis of most esoteric and magical systems. Each number, from one to nine, contains ancient archetypal images, which the ancients personalized in the images of gods and identified with the forces of nature and the qualities of the elements. The one for whom the magic of numbers revealed its most hidden depths mastered enormous power, with the help of which it was possible to both create and destroy. Therefore, deep magical knowledge was kept secret and protected from the eyes of the uninitiated.

Today, in the age of computer technology, you can find almost anything if you want. But this did not make knowledge more accessible than it was before. Now seekers have a new task on the path of knowledge - to separate the important from the unimportant, the true from the false, the wheat from the chaff. Among the terabytes of information, you need to learn to find what is worthy of attention and be able to cut off what leads astray.

When studying the magic of numbers, it is worth remembering that everything in the world is relative, and much depends on the starting point. There are many number systems in the world, such as:

  • 2-ary – used in programming and consisting of zeros and ones;
  • 10-digit - a modern system of numbers from 0 to 9;
  • 12-digit - used in modern calendar and astrological systems;
  • 16-teric - calendar system of the ancient Slavs;
  • 22-fold - Tarot system - Egyptian tradition;
  • The 24-digit system of Runes is a Scandinavian tradition.

In this article we will talk about the nine-fold system of numbers, the magical knowledge of which was brought to Europe by the great Initiate - Pythagoras of Samos. Each character in this system: from 1 to 9 is not empty quantitative designation, but the hypostasis of the Great God. And just as the Trees of Life flow from each other, forming a hierarchy of worlds, so the numbers of the numerological series flow from each other, symbolizing the flow of the divine principles of the universe.

Number 0

Zero has no numerological value. By itself, without other numbers nearby, it is abstract and symbolizes the eternity of the cyclical processes of the Universe. From zero everything appears and everything falls to zero.

Symbolic image of the number “0”. A snake biting its own tail; Black hole; World egg.

Symbolic correspondences of the number 0:

  • a point is like a hole;
  • a snake biting its own tail;
  • world egg.

In the philosophy of numbers, zero is a state of being bordering on non-existence, existence merged with non-existence. Just as the embryo contains the potential for development of a still-born being, so the entire world, not yet created and not yet manifested, is contained in the zero. Therefore, counting in numerology begins not from zero, but from one. Unity is the first principle of the revealed world and the beginning of all things.

Meaning of number 1

Unit is a symbol of Supreme Unity, indivisibility and integrity of the Divine principle. The meaning of number 1 is God, the Great Father. This number contains creative creative energy, through which the Higher Consciousness creates the world.

The esoteric meaning of the unit is the active masculine principle. It carries within itself a life-giving force, rushing, like a light wave, at the maximum possible speed across the expanses of the Universe.

Another meaning of the number 1 is the action of the Holy Spirit, spiritualizing and all-pervading. In the magic of numbers, one is the essence of active action and the principle of existence, contained in constant movement.

Manadala is a symbol of the integrity and unity of the universe

The meaning of the number 1 is revealed in the mythological image of Atman-Brahman, which represents the light of awareness, beyond divisions and suffering. The philosophical concept of this number is pure spirit, outside of time and space. Pythagoras compared the unit with the Great Monad - the image of the world soul.

Number 1 symbols:

  • ray – the principle of perpetual motion;
  • the rod is a symbol of power;
  • phallic symbol - masculinity;
  • mandala – symbol of the Pofiogrean Monad;
  • dot - like the beginning of something.

The astrological meaning of number 1 is the Sun. Being the center of the planetary system, the Sun is the source of life and a necessary condition development of the entire organic world. In the structure of the human psyche, the Sun controls a person’s personality and is responsible for his individuality and self-expression.

Positive qualities of the Sun number 1:

  • royalty;
  • pride;
  • nobility;
  • strength and power;
  • valor;
  • championship;
  • unselfishness;
  • generosity.

In the explicit world, one does not occur in pure form. Everything material is a reflection. And absolute unity exists only in the consciousness of Brahman himself - the Father and Cause of the entire Universe. What a person can operate with is spirit, already mixed with matter.

The Sun is the physical manifestation of the archetypal qualities of the unit

It is worth understanding that the magic of number 1 is the magic of solar energy in all aspects of its manifestation, both positive and negative. After all, the Sun, which gives life, is also capable of incinerating with its rays. Thus, in Egyptian myths there are two sides of the sun. Ra, the father and patron of all humanity, angry with people, turns his fiery eye into the fierce lioness Sekhmet, who in her rage destroys rebellious lawbreakers.

The principle of one is contained in every expression of will and aspiration. But a broken measure in the use of the magic of number 1 will lead to a shift of positive aspects to extremes. Moving away from the “golden mean” makes the positive aspects disharmonious, and the Sun manifests its scorching nature.

Negative qualities of the Sun and number 1:

  • anger;
  • arrogance;
  • tendency to violence;
  • pride;
  • lust for power;
  • egocentrism;
  • impulsiveness.

Meaning of number 2

In the magic of numbers, two is a symbol feminine. On the Tree, Sephiroth is Binah - the Archetype of the Great Mother, whose essence is the restraining power of form. Number 2 is the principle of the duality of the world. Creative process the creation of life is possible only in the interaction of two opposites: active male and passive female.

Number 2 symbols:

  • woman mother;
  • lunar crescent;
  • vessel or bowl.

Two corresponds to the astrological sign of the Moon - the planet reflecting the light of the Sun. Pythagoras called the number 2 the Divine Spouse, which represents nature, and not only earthly, but also, invisible to us, cosmic.

Symbolic images of the positive aspects of the Moon and the number 2. Holy Mother of God. The Holy Grail. Second Arcana of the Tarot - Priestess.

Positive qualities of the Moon and number 2:

  • motherhood;
  • insight;
  • softness;
  • depth;

IN ancient greek mythology The number two corresponds to the goddess of fertility Demeter in the image of Mother Earth. IN Christian tradition this archetype is represented by the Mother of God, who gave birth to a divine child.

The magic of number 2 is the magic of astral forms. But in contrast to the eternal existence of Consciousness, any form will one day turn into dust, therefore the entire material world is imaginary. Only the One Spirit is immortal. Forgetting about this, consciousness plunges into illusion. And then the Moon begins to show its shadow side in the character of the individual.

Negative qualities of the Moon and number 2:

  • emotional instability;
  • moodiness;
  • unreliability;
  • impermanence;
  • variability;
  • tendency to go into the world of illusions;

Symbolic image of the dark aspect of the Moon and the number 2 in the image of the goddess Hecate

Meaning of number 3

Three is a sacred symbol, both in the magic of numbers and in other esoteric systems. Number 3 is a sign of the Universe at all levels of reality. The Divine Triad consists of three hypostases of the One Absolute: God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit. The triad is also present in the structure of the human essence: in the trinity of spirit, soul and body.

Number 3 symbols:

  • Slavic Triglav;
  • Christian Trinity;
  • symbol of Tao.

In the magic of numbers, the principle of trinity is a continuation and addition of the law of duality. Opposites are simultaneously in opposition and in unity, which is reflected in the sacred symbol of Tao.

The principle of trinity is the law of the structure of everything that appears. Only through three points can a plane be drawn. Triangle is the first figure in geometry. And the presence of three dimensions is necessary for the existence of space. Three primary colors form the entire spectrum of colors.

Symbols of the trinity of the universe. Symbol of Tao. The Holy Trinity. Slavic Triglav.

In Vedic numerology, the number 3 corresponds to the planet Jupiter - the god of knowledge and wisdom. This archetype personifies the authority of power and law.

Positive qualities of Jupiter and number 3:

  • mercy;
  • generosity;
  • discipline;
  • patronage.

In magic, the number 3 is about order, development, integration and expansion. In numerology, the number three is responsible for the desire for science and education. However, in the human personality, due to the existence of the principle of polarity, the qualities of the number 3 can also acquire a negative aspect.

Negative qualities of Jupiter and number 3:

  • excessive self-confidence;
  • desire for the unattainable;
  • pursuit of pleasure.

Meaning of number 4

Four in the magic of numbers displays a form, a static figure, an extreme degree of materialization. Four points in space create a volume from a plane. Therefore, the meaning of the number 4 is stability and firmness.

Number 4 symbols:

  • equilateral cross;
  • 4 cardinal directions;
  • 4 elements of nature;
  • cube or square.

Number 4, as a symbol of the stability of the material world, power and stability of physical forms

In Vedic numerology, the number 4 corresponds to the lunar node: Rahu. Rahu paired with Ketu displays two polarities of the human personality: the outer manifested and the inner unmanifested sides.

Meaning of number 5

If 4 is a form, then the number 5 is a spiritualized form: 4 + 1. Also, the number 5 denotes the entry of the holy trinity into the dense world of matter: 3 + 2.

In magic, the number 5 is a symbol of a person. The most common magical symbol of this number is the pentagram or five-pointed star. The upright position of this sign, with its apex up, denotes the power of the spiritual over the material, of unity over duality. The inverted pentagram symbol is used in dark cults. This sign denotes the predominance of the material over the spiritual.

Symbols for the number 5:

  • five-pointed star;
  • pentagon;
  • square with a dot in the center;
  • cross with intersection point;
  • Vitruvian Man;

The number 5 corresponds to the planet Mercury - the smallest and most mobile planet solar system. According to Hindu cosmology, Mercury is the planet of youth.

Positive qualities of Mercury and the number 5:

  • information transfer speed;
  • interaction, exchange;
  • sharp mind;
  • desire for knowledge;
  • contacts and connections;
  • dexterity;
  • love of travel.

In number magic, 5 is a symbol of dynamic knowledge and awareness. This number symbolizes looking beyond the system represented by the number 4. In ancient Roman mythology, Mercury is the god of trade and travel. IN Ancient Greece and Egypt called him the father of wisdom and wealth.

Number 5 and five-pointed star pentagram - symbol of a human being

The negative side of the archetype intersects with the symbol of the inverted star. The material in the personality can take precedence over spirituality, and consciousness begins to identify itself with the mortal body.

Negative qualities of Mercury and number 5:

  • cunning;
  • talkativeness;
  • deception.

Meaning of number 6

In number magic, the number 6 means perfect form. The symbol of this sign is a hexagon or six-pointed star. The geometric shape of the hexagon is a honeycomb cell, which is present in the principle of crystal construction.

Crystals are representatives of the earth element, the most ordered and dense. Like the number 6 in magic, they represent a perfect, motionless structure. For this reason, the number six is ​​associated with evil spirits. Peace, ideal and symmetry are the prerogative of the devil as opposed to God, who is life, movement and change.

Venus is the goddess of love, beauty and fertility.

On the other hand, the number 6 and the corresponding symbols in magic also denote the fullness of the system, beauty and perfection.

Symbols for the number 6:

  • honeycomb;
  • six-pointed star;
  • cube with six sides;
  • apple;
  • diamond.

In Vedic numerology, the number 6 corresponds to Venus, the goddess of harmony, love and fertility. This archetype is associated with pleasure and a sense of beauty.

Positive qualities of Venus and number 6:

In number magic, six refers to the material world. Everything related to money savings, property, luxury and pleasures is connected with it. Negative aspects this sign will be corresponding.

Negative qualities of Venus and number 6:

  • jealousy;
  • thirst for pleasure;
  • laziness;
  • idleness;
  • hedonism.

Meaning of number 7

Seven played a large role in many traditions of magic and esotericism. Seven is the fusion of four and three - form and spiritual triad, material and divine. Also, the number 7 is the spiritualization of the ideal form of the number 6 through the magic of the number 1. The symbol of this principle is a hexagon with a dot in the center.

Symbols of the number 7. A six-pointed star with a center in the middle. 7 chakras 7 colors of the rainbow.

In number magic, 7 also means 7 stages of evolution, reflected in the 7 notes of the octave and the 7 colors of the rainbow. This is a symbol of deep reflection and esoteric knowledge. Pythagoras called seven a cosmic number.

Symbols of the number 7:

  • rainbow;
  • six-pointed star and center in the middle;
  • seven-pointed star;
  • 7 notes;
  • 7 main chakras;
  • 7 days of Creation.

The number 7 is also a karmic sign. The presence of sevens in the numerological personality chart will give rise to aspirations for spiritual search and enlightenment.

Positive qualities of number 7 and Ketu:

  • connection with the divine;
  • patronage of higher powers;
  • vision of the mystical nature of things;
  • perfection and integrity;
  • completeness.

The number 7 corresponds to the lunar node Ketu. This number makes a person indifferent to material wealth, and directs the ray of his attention to knowledge subtle essence of things.

Negative qualities of number 7 and Ketu:

  • excessive idealism;
  • destruction;
  • rebelliousness;
  • fanaticism;
  • going to extremes.

The meaning of the number 8

Eight is a sign of infinity and a reflection of the highest law, from which no one can escape. This is an inevitable transition, a change of poles, a change.

The number 8 in mythological images represents the aspect of destruction. In the magic of numbers, eight is compared with Saturn - the god of time and the patron saint of old age. In ancient Roman mythology, Saturn was depicted as an old man devouring children.

Symbols for the number 8:

  • Infinity sign;
  • eight-pointed star;
  • eight-pointed cross.

Number 8 is a symbol of cyclicality and completeness of the universe

In the magic of numbers, 8 is a sign of inevitability. Archetypally, the image of the number 8 is death and transformation. On the other hand, 8 is a symbol of the infinity of the cycle of rebirth. And death is only a transition point, destruction in the name of new creation.

Positive qualities of Saturn and number 8:

  • revival;
  • justice;
  • following the law;
  • honor and morality;
  • cosmic order;
  • longevity.

The number eight symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle after consciousness goes beyond the number 7. This number is the designation of a new octave of the musical staff, a repetition of events at a new level of existence.

The intersection point in the symbol of the number 8 is the value of restored equilibrium. This is the point of retribution, karma and transition from one state to another. It is also a symbol of realization, achievement and embodiment.

The meaning of the number 8 lies in a harmonious relationship with the law. Anyone who lives according to the laws is protected by the planet of this number - Saturn, the god of time. Saturn in the magic of numbers carries the meaning of restrictions. This is a force that restrains movement, sets boundaries, and aims to bring order to chaos.

Negative qualities of Saturn and number 8:

  • cold;
  • gloominess;
  • loneliness;
  • pessimism;
  • gloominess.

The harsh god Saturn, devouring children with attributes: a scythe and an hourglass

The meaning of the number 9

The magic of number 9 is enormous strength and power. Being the last digit of the numerological series, it includes the qualities of all previous digits. This symbol is patronized by Mars, the god of war and destruction.

Number 9 is the archetype of a strong warlike man, a king-commander who leads his people to expand their borders. If Saturn is a silent reminder of time and the inevitable but smooth manifestation of its laws, then Mars is development and transformation through rapid destruction and purification.

Symbols of the number 9:

  • 9 Muses of Pythagoras;
  • 9 months pregnant;
  • an eight-pointed star centered in the middle.

In the magic of numbers, nine, whose patron is Mars, is associated with the element of fire and its properties. Fiery energy gives incredible will and desire for action. This is the archetype of a disruptive force that incinerates everything in its path to victory.

Positive qualities of Mars and number 9:

  • courage;
  • spiritual wisdom;
  • integrity of perception;
  • enlightenment;
  • energy;
  • spirit of victory;
  • progress.

Nine consists of three triads, which symbolizes the completion of the cycle, fullness and limitation. After 9 comes the number 10, which is the unit of the new order. The further path is possible only through the destruction of borders. So in this symbol the law of transformation is manifested.

The magic of number 9 is the magic of final achievement and accomplishment. In esotericism, it is a symbol of the constancy and integrity of the system, the principle of cyclical events.

Negative qualities of Mars and number 9:

  • hot temper;
  • uncontrollable anger;
  • dispersion of energy;
  • aggression;
  • cruelty;
  • disobedience.

The next number after nine is ten or one in a new round of evolution. Secret meaning This number is enclosed in the mystical symbol of Tetraxis, denoting the harmony and universality of nature. If nine is the number of integrity of understanding, then ten is a designation of the integrity of the system itself. The symbol 10 is the closure of the cyclic circle. The snake bites its own tail and the end turns into a new beginning.

Sacred Tetractys of Pythagoras

Along with astrology, it is a metaphysical science that studies the influence of numbers on a person and his destiny. It has long been noticed that a combination of numbers obtained on the basis of a person’s date of birth affects his future life path, and using these data it is possible to construct a numerological personality diagram, which contains information about strengths and weaknesses personality, natural motivation and much more.

At the same time, it becomes possible, with the correct use of this information, to adjust one’s life path in the direction in which a person can demonstrate his natural potential to the maximum.

Each number has its own vibration and rhythm. Among the ancient Egyptians, each number combined all combinations of functions that caused given number(or phenomenon). People believed that as a result of the interaction of numbers, various phenomena of physical reality arise along with manifestations of physical experience.

In the resonance of the rhythms of the cosmos, people with symbols, places, periods of time - in general, absolutely everything that exists in our world can be described using digital terms. It turns out that in reality all processes with objects that occur in our reality are essentially numbers.


This is not even the number itself, but a certain essence of the concept “number”. The unit acts as absolute, non-polarized, vectorless energy. It is believed that one does not belong to either an even or an odd number, because if you add it to even numbers, it will turn them into odd ones and vice versa.

It turns out that the number one is the union of two opposites - even and odd numbers, as well as other opposite things in the Universe. The unit is something perfect, eternal, unchanging, and has polarized energy.


Two also has polarized energy. The number “two” has the properties of polarity, which manifests itself in the division into “one” and “second”. Two acts as a unit having a polarized state. Moreover, polarity affects absolutely all phenomena of our Universe. This may include the following types of opposites:

  • male and female energies;
  • even and odd numbers;
  • negative and positive;
  • activity with passivity;
  • good with evil;
  • truth with lies and so on.

In our world, one of the opposites constantly replaces the other, cyclical changes occur - day gives way to night, sleep gives way to wakefulness, life gives way to death. Ultimately, all opposites unite and the two become one - one whole.


Three abstractly characterizes the types of spiritual relationships between two types of opposites. For example, in a couple of a man and a woman, there must be something to hold on to - there must be a spiritual relationship in it. The presence of love or desire is important for this spiritual relationship to occur. The Bible speaks about the metaphysical role of the troika (the phenomenon of the Holy Trinity), as well as in the religious teachings of the ancient Egyptians and other world religious movements.


It acts as a number that characterizes the composition of a substance - its structural and compositional characteristics. The ancient inhabitants of Egypt also associated the creator god of the Universe with the four. It is also not by chance that in Ancient Egypt they turned to the power of the 4 elements (fire, air, earth and water) for help.


The Egyptians depicted the number five in the form of a two (II), inscribed on top of the three (III), or, alternatively, in the form of a star. The number five performs the function of uniting the principles of polarity (number two), as well as their reconciliation (number three).

Absolutely all of the phenomena of our world differ in polarity from nature and triplicity. This means that the number five represents the key with which a person can understand the secrets of our Universe.


Six is ​​a cosmic number of the material world, which was used by the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt to denote the concepts of time and space. IN modern science Many scientists are convinced that there is a very close connection between space and time. This connection is so close that it is difficult to imagine both concepts separately; they are two different sides of the same coin.


In ancient times, seven combined spirit (the number three) and matter (four) and was therefore written in a similar format. One of the forms in which seven was usually expressed is a pyramid with a square base (symbol of the four elements) and triangular sides (symbol of the spirit).

Seven is associated with constant development, growth, as well as the cyclical aspects of the Universe, which form the basis of the universe. The number seven is often considered in the context of explaining the principles and sequences of human development.

For example, the menstrual cycle of the fair sex consists of 4 weeks multiplied by 7 days. There are seven days in a week, seven notes in a musical series, and seven shades in the color spectrum. Similar associations can be traced in different areas human life.


Eight is a number four pairs primordial forces known as the power of Night, Darkness, Mystery and Eternity. It turns out that eight elements are combined in the figure eight (4 pairs each).


The development of the baby from the moment of conception to birth is 9 months. This information is significant in the process of interpreting the semantic meaning invested by the ancient Egyptians in this figure. Nine is associated with the emergence of life itself on planet Earth. Also, nine is the number of a completed pregnancy, and it also completes each of the cycles of numbers. It is also a number from one scale (the numbers from one to nine) to another scale (which starts from ten). It turns out that the number nine symbolizes a beginning, similar to the birth of a baby after 9 months.


Ten is the number of the Absolute, which harmoniously combines one and ten. For the people of Ancient Egypt, nine was associated with completion and perfection, since this number stands at the very end of the series of basic numbers and reduces them back to one. This is both a new force and a new return to the beginning of all beginnings.

The magic of numbers numerology is very interesting topic, which we can talk about for a very, very long time. From the following video material you will get even more useful and interesting information regarding how numbers really rule the world and what impact they have on human life:

Among the mysteries, a special place is occupied by the mysteries of numbers, their origin and influence on people. We encounter numbers at every step, they accompany us from birth to last days. We cannot imagine our life without them. What role do they play in our destiny?

Superstitions associated with numbers are perhaps one of the most enduring and widespread. A person who does not believe in any omens will still knock on the table three times, “so as not to jinx it,” or spit over his shoulder three times. Many people have “their”, that is, favorite number, and they almost seriously believe that it brings them luck. Our current superstitions are echoes of ancient ideas about mystical power numbers. In tribes where counting was limited to two or three, everything that was associated with counting objects exceeding two or three was equivalent to the concept of “many” or “darkness.” That which could not be counted was, as it were, beyond the limits of reason, and was mysterious, endowed with supernatural properties, and was considered sacred. A special science of numbers was even invented - numerology. Numerology has its roots in ancient times - primitive tribes used numbers. Consciously or unconsciously, people obey her: an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, a service for six or twelve people, repeat three times. Number magic is reflected in superstitions: in many countries there are no planes with tail number 13, there is no floor with the number “13”, there is no 13th room in hotels, etc.

Numerology was part of the secret knowledge of the most educated and enlightened elite of ancient states: Egyptian priests, Assyrian magicians, Indian Brahmins. The priests of ancient Memphis argued: “The science of numbers and the art of will are the two keys of magic, they open all the doors of the universe.” Numbers were especially revered in Ancient Greece.

Pythagoras' positions

The main provisions of the current version of Western numerology were developed in the 6th century BC. e. ancient Greek philosopher and the mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical systems of the Arabs, Druids, Phoenicians and Egyptians with the sciences of human nature. Pythagoras was born around 580 BC. e., traveled a lot in Egypt, Chaldea and other countries and, upon returning, founded a special philosophical society. In this society, or Pythagorean school, the sciences were studied, especially arithmetic, geometry and astronomy, and important discoveries were made.

“Numbers rule the world,” said Pythagoras. The Pythagoreans believed in the mystical life of numbers and believed that behind every object there was always a certain number. Numbers, like spirits, bring with them good and evil, happiness and unhappiness to people. You just need to know which of them are good and which are evil. Pythagoras, expounding this mysterious science to his students, said that depending on how familiar a person is with magical properties numbers, to the extent he knows how to use them, to the extent he controls his destiny. The Pythagoreans placed one above others. The whole world supposedly came from her, she is the beginning of all things, the universe, the gods themselves. The deuce brings with it love, marriage, and at the same time it is a symbol of the impermanent. Perfection was identified with three. It seemed extraordinary because it was the sum of the previous numbers. The number six was considered amazing, since it was obtained as a result of adding or multiplying all numbers that are divisible by 6. Six is ​​divisible by 1, 2, 3, and if you add or multiply these numbers, you get 6 again. Neither one different number.

Pythagorean theory

Pythagoras, his students and followers reduced all numbers to numbers from 1 to 9 inclusive, since they are the initial numbers from which all others can be obtained (this in itself is no longer credible, since in the binary number system, for example, such There is only one digit; in hexadecimal, on the contrary, it is fifteen). Various systems have been developed to reduce large numbers into elementary ones. The simplest and most popular method of obtaining these digits from numbers is to add all the digits of that number, then, if 10 or more are formed, add these digits as well. This process is continued until the elementary number from 1 to 9 is obtained (in some versions of numerological calculations, the two-digit numbers 11 and 22, also called the dominant ones, are not reduced to single digits). Any numbers can be subjected to such “analysis”: date of birth, telephone number, apartment number, and so on.

Numerological analysis of words

Numerological analysis of words, for example, a name, is also possible. The fact that a name distinguishes a person from other people serves as a basis for believing that it contains the individuality of a person. If a name is analyzed according to traditional rules, it will reveal character and destiny. To do this, tables are compiled where each letter of the name and birthday corresponds to a certain number. The sum obtained by adding these numbers is converted into single digit number from 1 to 9, which is considered the essence of the name. That is, certain character traits “correspond” to it and the fate of a person is determined by them.

Of course, neither horoscopes, nor the secrets of one’s birthday and name, nor the ill-fated numbers three, seven and others can influence the fate, character and activity of a person who believes in his abilities. But these and similar factors create additional emotions in a superstitious person, which in one case add energy and strength to him, give him greater confidence in achieving the goal obtained, bring some joy, but in another - suppress the will, cause a feeling of fear, apprehension, uncertainty and the futility of struggling with life's adversities.

Examples of numerological descriptions of numbers
0 - nothing
1 - unit - basis of account
2 - bilateral symmetry of organisms, dichotomy of many nomenclatures
3 - three-dimensionality of the material world, 3 points of support for stable balance, three-component theory of color vision
4 - 4 elements Ancient world(Mediterranean, Greece), 4 temperaments, 4 tastes
5 - closely related to the 5 fingers on the hand - the eastern pentatonic scale, as well as among civilizations Ancient East— 5 tastes, 5 colors, 5 elements; pentagram
6 - six faces of a honeycomb, six-petaled flowers, a hexagram of two triangles
7 - 7 metals of antiquity, 7 "planets" of antiquity (observable with the naked eye, including the Sun and Moon), 7 notes, 7 colors of Newton's rainbow
8 — infinity sign (∞), rotated 90°
10 - base decimal number system
11 - in numerology - a symmetrical and individual two
12 - dozen - the first number with many divisors (2,3,4,6), 12 months of the year, 12 signs of the Zodiac, 12 hours on the dial, 12 parts of Solomon's temple, 12 * 5: the basis of the 60-digit number system
13 - devil's dozen - close to a dozen, but not completely divisible
21 – Point (game)

Number meanings
In fairy tales and myths of many peoples, the numbers 3, 7, and 12 are widely used.

Number three

The superstitions that arose around the number three date back to a time when our ancestors could not count beyond three. In many religions this number is considered sacred.

In the ancient world, we are faced with three faces or three hypostases of female mythological characters (three graces, mountains, gorgons, erinyes). In Buddhism, the understanding of knowledge is perceived as trikaya (“threeness”). In addition, there is the symbol of the three jewels (tritarna) and the three signs of Buddhism - trilakshna.

On this basis in the Christian religion the idea of Holy Trinity- one God, appearing in three persons (hypostases): God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, and almost everything is accomplished church ceremonies and rituals: three-finger folding of the fingers of the right hand during the sign of the cross, three-time immersion during the sacrament of baptism, three-time kissing during meetings and partings. On the third day after death, the soul leaves the body. The number three is a symbol of three Christian virtues: faith, hope and love. To protect the deceased from evil spirits, three candles are lit at his head.

There are many similar examples in other religious teachings. And not only in them. The number three is one of the most popular in folklore. Remember: a man has three sons or a king has three daughters, three tasks of fairy-tale heroes, three heads for a serpent, three heroes go to distant lands to a distant kingdom.

People say: “God loves the Trinity,” “Without the Trinity, a house cannot be built,” “The Trinity of fingers makes a cross.” And “damned” is a person who is cursed by all earthly and heavenly powers. A good worker works for three, a mighty tree has three girths, you can get lost in three pines, and you can lie about three boxes; misfortune or illness can bend into three deaths, but from fear threefold in the eyes.

The magic of the number seven

The number seven has been endowed with magical properties since ancient times. Why? But because the ancients saw in it a reflection of many phenomena of the world. In Ancient Babylon, people observed seven moving planets in the sky that supposedly revolved around the Earth: the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The Babylonians deified them and believed that the seven gods who settled on the planets controlled the destinies of people and nations. The origin of the seven-day week of the lunar month is apparently connected with the number of these celestial bodies. Since the Moon is visible in the sky for 28 days, this period was divided into four phases of seven days. For Arabs, Assyrians, and Jews, this number was an oath. “As strong as seven” is the French oath. The number seven appears frequently in the Bible (seven days of creation, seven sacraments, seven deadly sins). For a long time, only seven metals were recognized in alchemy. There were seven wonders of the world known on earth.

This figure occupies a large place in the mythology of the Ancient world. Atlas, who supported the firmament with his shoulders, had seven daughters - the Pleiades, whom Zeus turned into constellations; Odysseus was held captive by the nymph Calypso for 7 years. The underground river Styx flows seven times around hell, which in turn is divided into seven regions. The Babylonians have a kingdom surrounded by seven walls. According to Islam, there are seven heavens above us, and everyone pleasing to God goes to the seventh heaven of bliss, and the earth rests on seven oxen. The Hindus began the custom of giving seven elephants for good luck. Lent Christians last seven weeks. The Bible talks about seven lamps of fire, seven bowls of God's wrath, seven angels, seven seals, seven years of plenty and seven years of famine. Setting sail during global flood, Noah took into his ark seven pairs of clean and two pairs of unclean animals... In the Middle Ages in playing cards there was the “seven-devil”, which beat all other cards. The saying “the wicked witch seven” meant a grumpy spouse.

The “septenary” nature of the world was manifested, as they thought, in seven ages of human life: infancy - up to 7x1 = 7 years; adolescence - up to 7x2 = 14 years; youth - 7x 3 = 21 years; young man - up to 7x4 = 28 years; man - up to 7x7 = 49 years; elderly man - up to 7 x 8 = 56 years.

Echoes of the veneration of the seven have reached our time. Let's remember, for example, seven notes, seven colors of the rainbow. Remember the proverbs and sayings with the number seven... (“seven do not wait for one,” “seven troubles have one answer,” “seven spans in the forehead,” etc.) In addition to the well-known ones, you can also remember these: “And the righteous man falls seven times a day ”, an experienced person “he ate from seven ovens”, “people see who they are through seven walls”, “a fox will lead seven wolves”, “rather than send seven, it’s better to visit it yourself”, “with seven roads there are eight streets”. The Kazakhs have a saying: “Buried in the seventh depth of the earth,” used when talking about something that is too secret, inaccessible (in the sense that you can’t get to the bottom of it).

The question involuntarily arises: how to explain such a long-standing and widespread veneration of this number? The most convincing explanation was given by psychologist D. Miller. The researchers conducted various experiments. A blindfolded person, for example, was asked to determine by ear the pitch of the sound he heard from the speaker. When a person heard two or three different sounds, he never confused them. When subjects were asked to rate four sounds of different tones, they sometimes made mistakes. And at five and six, mistakes became frequent. Repeated experiments have shown that a person is able to distinguish no more than seven different tones.

Another experiment. The person was shown a piece of paper with dots marked on them. If there were no more than seven dots on the paper, he immediately named the correct number without counting. When there were more dots, errors began. Psychologists called the number seven “object of attention.” There is no longer an instantaneous grasp behind it. “Apparently,” Miller believes, “our body has some kind of limit that limits our abilities and ... is determined by the very structure of our nervous system.”

It turns out that long before the ancients deified the number seven, this number was well known to people. It reflected the property of their brain, its “throughput.”

So, what does the ancient science of numerology say about the meaning of the number 7?

7 - symbolizes mystery, as well as the study of the unknown and invisible. Astrologers think of seven as a perfect number. According to popular belief, the seventh son of the seventh son is endowed with incredible magical power. Seven unites the integrity of 1 with the ideality of 6 and forms its own symmetry, making it truly a psychic number.

Seven is the number of luck, the most magical and sacred number, personifying wisdom, holiness and secret knowledge. This line of inconsistency can be continued. Here are such personality traits as diligence and a poetic soul, a penchant for analytical thinking and strong intuition, rich imagination, a lively, vivid imagination. 7 is a sign of nature's interest in human development. Composers and musicians, writers and poets, philosophers and hermits, thinkers and hermits are born and raised with this number. Their inspiration requires solitude and loneliness. This is their need and their element. With the number 7 they become bright personalities, people of world renown. 7 conceals the ability to direct talent into the field of science, into the world of art or philosophy, into religious activity. But the success of their activities largely depends on a deep analysis of the results of what has already been achieved and on real planning for their future. 7 is a symbol of everything mysterious and magical, this is the most interesting and most mysterious number. Owners of 7 are talented, emotional and inquisitive, have a good sense of humor and a penchant for invention.

Baker's dozen

In English, 13 is often called “the baker’s dozen.” The origin of this name is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages, bakers, fearing the harsh penalties in force at that time for deceiving customers (up to cutting off a hand), usually added an extra bun to every dozen so as not to accidentally make a mistake.

In many European cities there are no houses, floors, or apartments numbered 13. This number is skipped when numbering seats on airplanes and buses, in auditoriums and train carriages. You won’t see this terrible number above the door of a hospital room... Why?

Yes, because everyone knows: according to ancient popular belief, the number 13 has long been called the devil’s dozen and is believed to bring misfortune. And if it falls on a Friday, then definitely expect trouble! If Monday is a “hard day,” then Friday is far from the most favorite day of the week among all peoples. Unknown forces can bring people a lot of trouble on this fateful day, because all the worst things that are individually in Friday and the number 13, when combined, are doubled. This date is called “the day of Satan” because of its ominous unpredictability. Fear of Friday the 13th is called paraskavedekatriaphobia or friggatriskaidekaphobia.

This is not a joke or an empty superstition at all. For example, in such a reputable publication as the British Medical Journal, it has been noted more than once that on Fridays, and especially the 13th, surgeons try not to schedule planned operations, because they know that the risk of failure on this day doubles! This unique phenomenon has hardly been studied by official medicine, but it exists.

By the way, the opinion that only people of simple origin believe in such prejudices is not entirely true. Even geniuses often feared this day. Goethe, for example, tried to spend this day in bed. Napoleon did not fight any battles, and Bismarck did not sign any documents. The writer Gabriele D. Annunzio in 1913 dated all his letters to 1912+1. And the composer Schoenberg, himself born on the 13th, spent the entire day of July 13, 1951, on Friday, under the covers, shaking with fear. Fifteen minutes before midnight, his wife said he had little left to be afraid of. But it all ended even earlier: Schoenberg barely raised his head, squeezed out the word “harmony” and died. Time of death - 23.47, 13 minutes to midnight.

The number of such examples is inexhaustible. Many people today believe in an unlucky day and support this belief with irrefutable facts. The German Automobile Club recently published its own data from many years of recording road accidents. You can explain this with anything and question it, but according to German traffic cops, on every Black Friday the number of road accidents increases by almost 60%!

If you ask the opinion of police officers from other departments, they will definitely say that on Fridays there are more thefts, robberies and murders than on other days of the week, and on Black Fridays the number of criminal acts increases even more. The number of suicides and plane crashes is also increasing significantly.

Moreover, the irrational fear of Friday and the number 13 is international. Muslims consider Friday the worst day to start any journey. To this day, most Western travel companies prefer to adhere to this golden rule: they never send tourists on trips and cruises on Fridays, and even more so on the 13th.

But not everyone is in awe of the onset of a “rainy day.” The Soviet poet Mark Lisyansky, for example, wrote this wonderful poem:

As for anyone, but for me thirteen
Lucky and generous number.
I don’t believe in omens, but I must admit,
I've always been lucky with the number thirteen.
I'll start with the fact that I became a man,
According to my calendar,
In the thirteenth year
At the beginning of the century, January 13th.
When I was thirteen I fell in love for the first time
My first teacher.
I was lucky in this difficult world
He slept on the grass and drank water from rivers.
As a child, I lived in apartment number thirteen,
I went to school number thirteen.
From a lived-in sunny paradise
I have climbed into utter hell more than once.
I died on the twelfth of May,
On the thirteenth of May I was resurrected.
Friends, I'm wearing a lucky shirt,
Lucky number come soon!
It's a pity I only have one daughter,
And we need thirteen daughters.
And there is only one life. And you need to be friends with her,
And after spring, celebrate spring.
It would be nice to have thirteen lives,
Thank you for one for now!

There are also those who protest against this sign. The ship was called “Friday” because, contrary to all superstitions, it was laid down on the day of the same name. A man named Pyatnitser was appointed captain of this vessel. The British Admiralty did all this with the sole purpose of demonstrating the absurdity and absurdity of the superstition firmly rooted in the Royal Navy, according to which Friday is an unlucky day for a sailor. On Friday, “Friday” went on a test voyage and disappeared without a trace along with Pyatnitser and the entire crew. As if she sank into the water.

Still at the end century before last In London, “Club 13” was organized, whose members decided to fight stupid superstitions. On January 13, 1894, they gathered at 13 tables of 13 people each in a large restaurant, in room No. 13. Still, one person was missing for complete happiness - the 13th at one table. A note of apology was soon delivered: “My courage failed me at the last moment,” wrote Mr. George R. Sims. Thus the first attempt to overcome the “black” number failed.

Daredevils are still trying to challenge “Black Fridays” and other symbols of misfortune. In the state of Philadelphia, several very wealthy people were determined to show that they were far from prejudices and superstitions. They united in a club, which they ironically called “Friday the 13th.” Every 13th day of the month, thirteen people gather in room 13 of a local hotel, tempting fate and challenging it. On these days, lavish dinners are held, and then everyone enthusiastically commits various reckless acts - breaking mirrors to smithereens, opening umbrellas in rooms (this is considered bad omen), salt is scattered by the handful, black cats are released from their cages, and similar insanities are committed.

By the way, many nations have a belief: “Do not gather thirteen at one table,” because in this case one of them will leave this mortal world before the end of the year. In the Russian version, this is reflected in the proverb: “The thirteenth guest is under the table.” There was even a profession for the “fourteenth guest,” who was invited to the meeting specifically to avoid the unlucky number.

Where did the belief in the fatality of Friday and the number 13 come from?

It is believed that “discrimination” has its roots in Holy Bible. One popular explanation is last supper, the thirteenth member of which was the traitor Judas. Many Christians claim that Christ was crucified on the 13th. Some biblical scholars believe that Eve tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit on Friday. And finally, it is believed that Cain killed Abel just on Friday the 13th. IN Ancient Rome witches gathered in groups of 12 people. The 13th was believed to be the devil. Another version comes from the Middle Ages: supposedly 12 witches organized covens together with Satan. Modern scientists are still looking for an explanation for this phenomenon. Thomas Fensler, a mathematician at the University of Delaware, concluded that the negative reputation of the number 13 is due to its position after 12. The fact is that numerologists consider 12 to be a truly perfect number. There are 12 months in a year, there are 12 signs of the zodiac, 12 gods on Olympus, 12 labors of Hercules, 12 tribes of Israel and 12 disciples of Christ... The number 13 violates this perfection. The scientist also believes that the fear of the 13th also comes from the Scandinavian myth about the 12 gods who feasted on Valhalla. They were joined by the 13th uninvited guest - the evil Loki. Once at the feast, he made sure that the blind god of darkness, Hoder, killed the god of joy, Balder the Handsome, with an arrow. Balder died, and the whole earth became dark.

However, there is no such exact historical date, which would be officially identified as the origin of superstition. There are many versions about the origin of this concept. For example, this one. Friday, October 13, 1066 was the last day of the reign of the Saxon king Harold ΙΙ. On this day, William offered to cede the crown to Harold, but Harold rejected the offer. The Battle of Hastings occurred the next day. Harold was killed and William took control of England.

Or this version, voiced, for example, in Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code. It is said that King Philip IV the Fair arrested and executed most of the Knights Templar. Their arrest was organized on one day, and that day was Friday, October 13, 1307. This event gave rise to the legend of Unlucky Friday the 13th.

Some independent experts involved in the study of anomalous phenomena believe that it was not in vain that humanity has been afraid since ancient times certain days weeks. The fact is that calendars, in their deepest essence, reflect not only the countdown of time, but also carry certain information about the cyclicity of the so-called “voltage peaks” of invisible forces in the universe, which are inextricably linked with the Earth’s noosphere. Even the legendary fortuneteller Spurinna urged Caesar to be wary of certain days. Perhaps, if he had listened and not appeared in the Senate then, the tension would have subsided, and the conspiracy against him would have crumbled on its own, since the peak of the tension of negative energy would have passed.

Fear of the “devil's dozen” is a fairly common phenomenon. It is even included in the classification of neuroses called triscadekaphobia (fear of the number 13). According to some estimates, in the US alone, on one such day, the economy suffers damage of 800-900 million dollars - due to canceled flights and imperfect transactions. Friday the 13th affects between 17 and 21 million people in the United States. Symptoms of the disease range from mild anxiety to large-scale panic, causing people to sometimes completely change their business decision, schedule, or even refuse to work that day. The practical cure for fear of the 13th is very simple - focus on the pleasant things that sometimes happen on this day, and not dwell on the failures. Folklore different nations suggests other cures: climb to the top of a mountain or skyscraper and burn all your holey socks there. Or, standing on your head, eat a piece of cartilage. What to do - choose for yourself.

Competition: “Numbers in Literature and Art”

Remember works of art, movies and cartoons, the titles of which include numbers (we will limit ourselves to numbers from 1 to 13). The competition can be held in the form of an auction - the one who names the work last wins.
“An Old Man,” “How One Man Fed Two Generals” (M. Saltykov-Shchedrin), “Two Maples,” “Two Brothers” (I. Schwartz), “Two Frosts,” “Two Lizards” (Bazhov), “Two Frogs” (L. Panteleev), “Two Captains” (V. Kaverin). “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Bears” (L. Tolstoy), “The Secret of the Third Plenty”, “Around the World in Three Hours” (Kir Bulychev), “Three Fat Men” (Yu. Olesha), “Three Musketeers” (A. Dumas), “Three Nuts for Cinderella”, the painting “Three Heroes” (Vasnetsov), “Five from One Pod” (Andersen), “The Seven-Year-Old Girl”, “Seven Semenov - Seven Simeon”, “The Tale of dead princess and the seven heroes”, “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, “The Seven-Flower Flower” (V. Kataev), “Seven Underground Kings” (A Volkov). American film "The Magnificent Seven". The film “Seven Nannies” (R. Bykov), “Twelve Months” (S. Marshak), “The Twelve Labors of Hercules” (A. Kun), “The Thirteenth Labor of Hercules” (F. Iskander).

1. Zero option
a) visibility of the solution. b) an unreasonable solution. c) a staged retreat. d) an ill-considered course of action.

2. First glove
a) graduate. b) the best boxer. V) high quality. d) bully.

3. Two Ajaxes
a) two sides of the coin. b) cause and effect. c) twins. d) friends.

4. Third eye
a) television. b) monocle. c) security camera. d) telepathy.

5. The Fourth Estate
a) the press. b) rumors. c) law enforcement agencies. d) army.

6. Fifth Column
a) architectural excess. b) agents of the enemy. c) rear convoy. d) looters.

7. A book with seven seals
A) great secret. b) very rare. c) state secret d) priceless treasure.

8. The eighth wonder of the world
a) Pyramid of Cheops. b) something amazing, built in our time. c) the Great Wall of China.

Game: “How do they talk about it?”

The game is based on knowledge of proverbs and sayings. The presenter addresses each player with a question, which gives a free retelling of a stable phraseological phrase. The player must guess which proverb or saying we're talking about. The one who gives the most correct answers wins. (The number seven is a clue.)

What do they say about someone who often changes his mind? (He has seven Fridays a week).

How do they say about someone who experiences the highest degree of joy, bliss, happiness? (He's over the moon).

What do you say about someone who works hard? (He works until he sweats).

How do they talk about very distant relatives? (Seventh water on jelly).

What do they say about a child left unattended in the presence of an abundance of adults? (Seven nannies have a child without an eye).

How do they talk about a guilty person who accumulates troubles, hoping to solve the problem in one fell swoop? (Seven troubles one answer).

As they say about a very cautious person who wants to calculate everything in advance possible options? (Measure seven times, cut once).

As they say about very smart person? (Seven spans in the forehead).

What do they say about a large family with only one breadwinner? (Seven with a spoon, and one with a bipod).

How do they say that it is difficult to reach a certain height, and how easy it is to fall from it? (Seven people drag you up the mountain, but one pushes you down the mountain.)

What do they say about someone who has gone on a long journey for a dubious result? (I walked seven miles away to slurp jelly).


  1. Bagaev E. Three, seven, damn dozen: about some numerical superstitions / E. Bagaev // Rural news. - 1999. - No. 2. - P. 40.
  2. Bagaev E. Not in numbers, but in skill / E. Bagaev // Science and life. - 1998. - No. 5. - P. 138 - 142.
  3. Zavgorodnyaya T. Black day of all times and peoples / T. Zavgorodnyaya // Peasant woman. - 2008. - No. 12. - P. 130 - 133.
  4. From horror to adoration // Ural worker. - 2009. - February 13. - P.6.
  5. Mezentsev V. Numerical balancing act / V. Mezentsev // Mezentsev V. Miracles: Popular Encyclopedia: T. 2. Book. 3. Nature and man; Book 4. In the world of illusions. - Alma - Ata, 1990.- P. 168 -174.
  6. Suprunenko Yu.P. Not on Friday! / Yu. P. Suprunenko // Svet. Nature and man. -2003. - No. 10. - P. 68 - 69.


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