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What to do? They did damage to death. Protection from evil forces. Dead water ritual

Is it possible to remove damage to the death of a person - this is the topic of my article, by the magician Sergei Artgrom. Although it is still correct to ask the question, not whether it is possible to remove the damage yourself, but how to remove it at home? Today we will talk about cleansing from the evil eye, damage and curses made for the quick death of a person. And not about those that remove weak negativity, but about those methods that are resorted to only in the most serious, most difficult cases. It is difficult to remove mortal curses from a family. However, besides them, there are a number of powerful curses that are among the most dangerous.

Rituals that allow you to remove damage done to the death of a person

How to remove damage from a family caused by death? As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, practicing sorcerers remove even the heaviest negativity from a person or from the entire family. If you contact us in a timely manner to an experienced magician, treatment for the evil eye and pori is usually successful. And, since you are already practicing some black magic rituals, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, advise you to use those witchcraft rituals that I want to offer you for their intended purpose.

In this article I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will give practical recommendations regarding what to do if damage to death is made, and I’ll tell you about two good ways cleansing strong witchcraft negativity. The first magical ritual that allows you to remove yourself severe damage to death, I’ll describe it right now - this is a good cleansing of a person from the evil eye and negativity, by rolling away with a fresh egg. And I will propose a second, no less remarkable method - removing strong damage to the death of a person through wax.

How to remove damage to death yourself - cleaning from negativity using the egg rolling method

The magic ritual against mortal damage works - not bad. Cleanses heavy negativity from the family, such as damage to serious illnesses, removes cemetery love spells, allows you to remove mortal damage from a person, removes the crown of celibacy and eternal loneliness, complete poverty imposed on a person. The witchcraft ritual can be used as an independent ritual, but in especially difficult cases it is necessary to work in combination, to cleanse the remnants of the negativity brought upon a person. Or take the ritual cleansing from damage as the main one, and complete the task with other, easier magical rituals.

A magical ritual can be used to treat another person from a deadly curse, or you can remove the damage from yourself at home.

An independent ritual allows you to remove damage to death from an egg.

What is needed for a home ritual of removing damage to death:

  • 10 white chicken eggs
  • 3 wax candles
  • 2 deep plates with unopened water
  • fabric pouch

Often, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, hear the question of newcomers who have just begun to practice rituals of magical cleansing, Is it possible to remove damage to death at home?? This is a ritual using the method of rolling out damage, as well as a technique for removing the deadly evil eye sent with the help of wax castings, which is done at home. In this case, it is not even the method of independently carrying out the ritual of cleansing a person from mortal damage that plays a role (although this also matters), but rather the performer’s mastery of the technique, the extent to which contact with wax and such material as a living egg has been developed.

So, we return to the ritual of rolling out an egg, which allows the magician at home to remove damage to death from himself or another person. The ritual must be performed on the waning moon. On Thursday before noon, buy 10 white chicken eggs. The eggs must be fertile, i.e. from a hen that comes with a rooster. Eggs from the supermarket will not work. Prepare 3 wax candles for the chick. Do not take church candles.

After sunset, place the candles on the table and light them. Light in this order:
  • light the first candle from a match,
  • the second - from the first,
  • the third - from the second.

The independent method of cleaning with an egg is also applicable to removing a curse on death, i.e. in cases where the negativity concerns not one person, but a family, or is applied to the entire family.

Pour well (not from a tap, not from a store) water into 2 deep plates. Place 3 eggs in one of them. Place the eggs in a plate, and for each egg read the words of the guillemot spell with a chicken egg:

Place the sick person facing east and stand behind him. Take a cup of water and hold it above the patient's head.

Read the text of the plot against mortal damage 12 times:

“In a dark forest, in a green forest, on a remote edge there is a hut. The old woman Matryona sits in the hut, spins black yarn, and lets it fall on people. I'll go to that one dark forest, in the green forest, I’ll go into that hut and give damage to the man of God (name). Let her weave with her thread, and the man of God (name) will bloom more than ever, his body will fill with health, and he will only drink water. Truly."

Place a cup of water on the table. IN left hand take an egg, hold a burning candle in your right hand, and roll the sick person with a fresh egg from the top of the head to the ankles and back. Drive the egg counterclockwise. Then egg knock into a cup of water over which the plot was read. Then take the candle again right hand, and another living egg to the left, and do the same. Then roll out the damaged person with the third chicken egg.
To remove negativity from another person, or get rid of death damage yourself, magical cleansing should be carried out for 3 days in a row. Grind the shells and put them in a bag. This bag should be buried in a deserted place the morning after last day witchcraft cleansing a person from deadly damage. If you did not do it for yourself, you need to give it to a person affected by damage so that he himself can perform the above action. Pour water and eggs from the cup under any dry tree after each day of the ritual of cleansing a person from damage using an egg. Every day a new candle is taken. The previous candle should burn out to the end only if you cleanse yourself. If the ritual of cleansing from witchcraft damage to death is performed for another person, he must burn out the candles at home.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

Usually, magical ritual Three days of cleansing is enough to remove the black spell on death. After removing a fatal curse from a person, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend installing magical protection against the evil eye and curses. To find out whether the damage has been removed completely or partially, it is necessary to use diagnostics, which should be done using the last, 10th egg. If not completely removed, it may come back. More precisely, the unfinished remnants of the deadly corruption program will continue to operate. All witchcraft rituals stipulate that one must avoid contact with the material on which damage to death was carried out on a person, such as an egg, wax or salt. This needs to be removed from the house as quickly as possible.
Another point why treatment of damage done to death does not always end 100% successfully - a strong curse of the ancestral plan. Those. A strong family curse that falls on a blood relative may strike you again. To prevent this from happening, after cleansing the family of damage to early death, they put protection on all family members.

Remove the most severe damage to a quick death on a wax casting

Home ritual of removing fatal damage from a person using wax castings. An independent ritual is not a diagnosis of the evil eye and damage caused to a person; now we are not talking about diagnosis. We are talking specifically about a strong ritual of independently removing damage to death. Most types can be removed with wax:

  1. magical damage,
  2. most types of love spell,
  3. fears,
  4. strong evil eye,
  5. coercive rituals.

In general, wax castings are a universal method. I note that even those types of fatal damage done a long time ago, which cannot be completely removed with wax castings, can be significantly weakened.

Home rituals for removing curses using wax casting work even for beginners, they allow with a high degree of probability completely remove the curse of death from a person. However, wax castings also have a disadvantage. And this lies in the fact that the castings, along with the negative, clean off all the good things that you have gained for yourself through witchcraft:

  • magical protection from damage and the evil eye,
  • rituals for clearing and activating the money channel, etc.

This point must be taken into account if you consider it necessary to remove damage from yourself in this way. However, wax castings of a person are ideal for those who do not cast magic and do not have positive emotions. Real for yourself magicians who remove damage to death, take this witchcraft ritual in an emergency.

Removing powerful damage from a person is usually done on the waning moon. During this period, the evil eye of death curses is easier to remove. However, in castings of the most powerful damage to death using wax, there is no prohibition on work, and they can be performed, regardless of the phase of the moon and the day of the week.
Here's what you'll need to get rid of death damage yourself using wax casting:

  1. a piece of natural wax or wax candles from which you need to remove the wicks
  2. aluminum ladle with handle (sauce spoon for mini castings)
  3. bowl with cold water
  4. photo of a person who was diagnosed with damage
  5. a sheet of thick paper or a piece of cloth on which the castings are laid out for drying

To remove the evil eye of a person to death, large wax castings can be made, but mini-castings weighing no more than 10 g can also be made. For large castings, the wax is melted on the stove. For little ones, a candle flame is enough. As I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, have already said, wax castings of mortal damage are a universal ritual. It is used by magicians working in the black and white traditions of witchcraft.
The main thing in this technique is a witchcraft spell to remove damage to quick death, which is selected depending on what exactly needs to be removed. If you are going from myselflift the death curse, and want to preserve your own witchcraft achievements, read a magical conspiracy against mortal damage, where the emphasis is on the fact that “everything superficial, not said by me, not punished by me…” should be removed.
Place a bowl of water on the photo of the victim of black damage from which you will remove the negative. Place the ladle on the stove, and while the wax is melting, read the plot to remove the black spell of death from a person as many times as you can until the wax melts. Don't let the wax overheat. Let the melted wax cool slightly until it stops clicking. At this time, you can continue to read a strong conspiracy to cleanse a person from black damage to the death of a person. As soon as you realize that the wax is ready, carefully pour it little by little into a cup of water standing in the photo of a person affected by mortal damage or the evil eye. When all the wax has been poured out, wait until it completely hardens.

Place the finished castings on paper and leave until the water droplets dry completely. It is advisable not to touch the casting until the next day, when you repeat the entire process again. Used wax after the ritual self-removal of strong damage to death dispose of by burning. Naturally, do not burn at home. This needs to be done where few people go. It would be a good idea to cover the place where the wax was burned with earth. Pour the water into the sewer, or onto the street, away from the house, and preferably where no one goes (alternatively, you can pour it on the enemy). Wash your hands up to the elbows (you can use holy water if this does not contradict your egregor).

Treatment of black damage to death with wax castings - used conspiracies

By photo love couple remove:

  • severe damage to relationships,
  • cold weather,
  • lapels,
  • quarrels,
  • melancholy,
  • strong family damage.

Under these conditions, spells are used to relieve cold, or the problem that needs to be solved.

When solving family problems, a magic spell to remove damage to love may be suitable:

“I will become (name), without being blessed, I will go, without crossing myself, not forgiven by my father, not blessed by my mother, not from the canopy, not from the door, not from the gate, but from mouse armor, dog tracks, I will go out into the open field. There is a windy little man in an open field, he has a bow. He shoots, shoots, stabs, the bush so that there is not a single leaf, not a single branch. So (name) would not have had shooting, no blackness, no melancholy, no pain. That arrow flew, fell, the veil fell from (name), neither in white hands, nor in quick legs, nor in a wild head, nor in a zealous heart, nor in clear eyes, nor in black eyebrows, nor in a white body evil spirit. Forever and ever, from now until forever. So be it."

Ancestral death curses are quite difficult to remove with wax castings. Few magicians cope with this task. But, as you understand, it is possible. And, I remind the magician Sergei Artgrom that for wax castings of the evil eye and curses, only pure natural wax is used. Paraffin is not applicable.

Independent conspiracies that can be used for wax castings of damage and powerful curses on the death of a person.

“I remove the words dashing, spell and curse, windward and doorway, loud and whispered, with blood and without blood, relatives and strangers, old and small. Secret and obvious, hidden and open; everything that the sorcerer boasts about and is silent about, speaks in a whisper, and shouts about. Yesterday and long ago, in the eyes and behind the eyes. I remove from (name) every spell, every curse. My word cannot be interrupted or altered. As said, so it will be. Amen".

Words of a home plot against deadly damage:

those launched would go out and go out. Just as the light is knocked out of a damask steel, from a blue frame with a stone, so it would be knocked out and knocked out of (name) with my words all the ailments and damage. You, tributary, prikkina mother, sickness, lessons, care, combing, go away from (name) into the black forests, into dry trees, where people do not walk, cattle do not roam, birds do not fly, animals do not prowl. I close my conspiracy with nine-three locks, three-nine keys, and my words are stronger than flint, sharper than damask steel. Amen".

What happens after free removal of damage to death

With castings, with appropriate experience, you can remove almost any magical negative, even black damage to death made in a cemetery. In case of removal of grave damage, the used wax can be buried in the cemetery. When working with wax, the main thing is not the quantity of castings, but the quality of the ritual of removing black damage from a person. The effectiveness of self-cleaning a person from the most powerful damage to death depends on how experienced the magician is, whether the working conditions are met, and whether the text is chosen correctly strong conspiracy from curses and the evil eye. Wax castings, despite their apparent simplicity and versatility, have a very negative effect on people. You can remove the ancestral witchcraft negative with wax. In this case, you need to cast magic in conjunction with other rituals.

How do you know that the damage has been removed and no more repetitions are required?

You will understand this by the quality of the wax casting. Of course, it will not be absolutely even, since, apparently, only dead people have even castings. As straight as the cardiogram is straight. If, after a series of magical rituals to remove black damage to death, there are no rough protrusions, strands, or large bubbles on the underside of the casting, we can conclude that the fatal damage to a person has been eliminated.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend after the damage is removed, death Immediately put up strong magical defenses. Preliminarily diagnose whether all negativity has been removed from the right person. Wax cleans everything wonderfully, but if you want to punish the offender, you should choose another person from fatal damage with a return. To take revenge or not, return damage to death, or not, it's up to you to decide. In my opinion, revenge is secondary. Takes strength and energy. You can find out who exactly sent the black damage (there are magical rituals that reveal the enemy). The enemy will become your debtor, and this can be used later for his own purposes.

Happens in life different situations: they often betray you, someone sets you up, they want to ruin your life in every possible way. But what should you do, sit on the sidelines? No! Of course you will take revenge. But try to do it inconspicuously. And the most cruel type of revenge is causing damage to death. It will certainly be bad for your enemy here. If he does not die, his life will constantly hang by a thread, or he will be seriously ill all his life.

Damage to death is the most powerful ritual or rite in all black magic. You won't be able to find anything stronger. And it is the most dangerous, so all rituals related to this topic must be performed correctly, otherwise the ritual may not work correctly and side effects will fall on you.

So, damage to death comes in three varieties (the most common):

  1. Damage to death, made from a photo;
  2. Damage to death using things from the cemetery;
  3. Damage to death during a phone call.

Let's try to sort each one out.

Rituals of corruption from photos

How to spoil death over the phone - this ritual is the simpler of the other two. But its duration is no different from damage to cemetery land. Especially getting a photograph of a person will not be a problem. They can be found on social networks.

Most easy way Damage is putting a photo of the victim in a coffin with a dead person when the coffin has not yet been nailed. This ritual does not require any special magical abilities and skills, so if you are new to this business, then you should try it out initially. You can put it in absolutely any place for the deceased, but it is advisable to put it near the heart.

There is another type of damage using a photograph - burying it in the ground on a grave.

For this you need:

  • Black scarf;
  • Photo;
  • Needle;
  • A couple of coins;
  • Wax candle.

Go to the cemetery. The time of day does not matter; if you are afraid at night, you can go during the day. It's your responsibility to find a damp, fresh grave. The name of the person buried must match the name of your enemy.

Take a handful of earth from this grave and put it in a black scarf. You need to make holes in your enemy's photo card with a needle, but not an even number. Try to put as much anger, enmity, and feelings of revenge into this process as possible.

Light a candle and melt the wax in the photo. Now collect everything and tie it in a scarf with earth. Bury this resulting bag in the grave of the deceased. You need to calmly leave the cemetery without looking back and around, just go straight, but you should choose a different road. The one by which they came here is cursed. Don't talk to anyone under any circumstances. When you approach the exit of the cemetery somewhere 6 graves away, take out the coins and throw them over the left side of your shoulder and shout:

“Paid for it!”

By throwing a few coins, you will inflict fatal damage on your enemy, and your aura and your health will not suffer either.


All rituals and ceremonies that are performed with the help of objects that are related to the cemetery or the deceased have great magical otherworldly power. Usually, in order to make a strong damage to death, they use pads that were next to the deceased, for example, water after washing him, or a forehead band.

It will also have a very strong effect if you can take the icon from the hands of the deceased from the coffin, right before burial, and put it in your enemy’s bedchamber, but in such a way that no one can find the lining, otherwise all the magical effects can come back to you.

Let's try to explain what the lining does. The spirit of the deceased from whom you took the item will begin to pursue your enemy, taking from him in every possible way vitality, and taking, instead of the thing that should have been with him in the grave, the soul of your enemy to the next world.

You need to be extremely careful, because if a person finds this lining, then everything you wanted, and all the damage will return to you. In the end, it pays to hide the little thing well. But there is not always a chance that all ritual actions will return to you.

Since the victim of damage must not only find the thing, but also find the grave of the person from whom the thing was taken. Remember one thing, if you take an item from a dead person with the same name as your enemy, then the effect of damage will be two or three times more effective. By name people are closely connected with each other, together with this connection soul of the dead will haunt. And he will begin to wither very quickly, along with the corpse in the grave.

Damage to an old grave

In black magic, damage to death is considered the strongest and most terrible damage if you use old burials, earth from a cemetery, bones of a dead person, an old grave, etc.

For the following type damage, you will need to find an old, old grave, which no one has visited for a long time, and where you can’t even see who is buried. Wait until Friday and go to the cemetery in the evening without any witnesses. Take a sharp aspen stake with you. When you find a suitable grave, stick a peg in the middle of it. And say the spell about three times:

“Pointer to all spirits, today celebrates Friday. I’ll stick a stake in the aspen, and death penalty I'll send it to you. You will rot like this body, my ritual is done. You are God's servant (first name, surname, patronymic). Amen!"

Say this spell, cross yourself in front of the grave and walk without turning around, otherwise you may drag other souls of the departed with you. There is no need to take the stake with you; let it sit in that place and absorb the energy of the deceased. The next week on Friday, repeat the same thing, and then one last time.

After last week carrying out the ritual, take the peg with you. And on the same night at 12 o’clock it is necessary to drive it completely into the ground, so that almost nothing sticks out, near the enemy’s house.

Cemetery land

Another type of damage to death is rituals with cemetery soil, with the help of which you can create damage to a sudden death. All actions to cause damage must be carried out with extreme care. This work is very dangerous, so you should not miss what is written in the rules of the ritual. Otherwise it will not work, and God forbid it will come back to you.


  1. Find a photo of your enemy. The picture should preferably be fresh, clear and he should be alone in it;
  2. After afternoon tea, go to the cemetery and look for a grave there, no matter how old it is, the main thing is that it should be nameless. Bury the photograph there;
  3. Take the earth from this grave and put it in a scarf;
  4. At home, when midnight comes that same day, begin to speak to the cemetery land:

“On a clear night, a warm night, spirits walk here and there

And they bring someone’s life to the extremes of life.

The moonlit evening will roam, and taking my care,

And accepting the new dead into their eternal arms.

So I command my slave (name) to be taken away,

To bring you to this same cemetery.

Let them bury you with all honors,

But in the ground your body will be covered in worms.

And you will rot in dampness and wetness.

And let the devils torment in water and on land.

The dead soul will wander around the world,

And the one who brought this one will return to her world

Let it be so!

My words were heard and fulfilled"

If you have such an opportunity, then you should definitely add a little of this soil to the enemy’s food. This ritual should work very quickly if done correctly.

Damage by phone.

Many people watch information about how to do damage to death, especially those who want to take revenge, trying to repeat it. But not everyone succeeds.

But it's still hard. You need to know the days, time of day, words, and so on... Rituals with phones are also considered the most powerful damage.

There is also a way to spoil it over the phone: to do this, find two black candles, but if there are none, then take two large ones from the church. Find a fresh grave in which the name of the deceased will coincide with the name of your sworn enemy. Borrow a photo from the grave. When picking up a photo, you must say 3 times:

“I’m taking it, but I’ll return it.”

It is advisable to put some kind of pledge, money, or little thing on the grave. That's not the point. Grab some cemetery soil from this grave. It is also called magic dust.

Take the phone and place it in front of you. And take a photo, starting to read the plot:

“Dark forces, hear me, call to me the spirit of God’s servant (name of the deceased with the photo), let him come to me and fulfill my request. Let him appear to my sworn enemy, and from then on there will never be peace in his life. Lead him with you to the cemetery, lead his life to death. First, take away your health and happiness, then bad weather will come, then all your strength will dry up, but the servant of God (the offender’s name) will still die. Let it be so"

Now try to call, after the beeps, when they pick up and start saying “Hello”, you should be silent, after you hear “Hello” again on the receiver, hang up the call. It is necessary to put out the candles, and it is advisable to do this with your hands, do not be afraid of getting burned, it is not hot at all.

Go to the crossroads of four roads and take magic dust from the cemetery and scatter it in the middle of the road, take glue or the cutting itself (depending on what the photograph of the deceased was glued to) and glue (screw) the photo that was previously taken for the ceremony. During this you need to say three times:

“I’m returning it!”

Take from the cemetery one of the candles that burned during the ritual and place it near the cross. With the second candle, go to church and place for the repose of the soul of the person who was damaged. There is one condition: if black candles were used, then they cannot be taken to church; the clergyman will definitely not approve of this. In this case, it is better to burn one during the ritual, burn one to the end, and the other also at the grave.

How to remove damage?

In black magic, the most powerful damage is damage to death. You may fall under its influence.

Firstly, if you yourself caused damage, and your victim found a lining, and all the actions of the ritual transferred to you;

Secondly, if you have been damaged.

How can you find out that you have been damaged? You will not have any abnormal phenomena, you may develop addictions, both alcoholic and drug, you often have thoughts of suicide, serious illnesses appear that are difficult to recover from, you lose sleep and have nightmares.

To remove such damage you need to be a strong believer. Only with the help of the Lord can you be cured. Go to the nearest church or temple and ask the priest what you need for this.

If this method does not work for you, then contact a magician, Witch or psychic. Can also be removed using runic signs. You can not only damage them, but also remove them.

How to remove damage to death is a complex question and requires great responsibility. But, besides turning to the church or powerful magicians, you can remove it yourself. But you will still need outside help. You must have a virgin, a widow and an old maid in your environment.

What they will have to do: each one collects sand in a bag or handkerchief, then, when dawn comes, they must go to a clean large field, bowing to the rising sun. Make a small hole in the ground and slowly pour out the sand while reading prayers. At the end, they all leave without looking back; it is advisable to throw away the bag in which the sand was.

If you need quick magical help, you can always contact me for such a service!



Please tell me how to damage death.

Hello, Mikhail!

There are many situations in life when we hold a grudge against a person. These could be insults, betrayals, and much more. And often our evil is so strong that we begin to wish the death of the person. And the way to kill a person is a magical ritual.

If you find yourself in such a difficult situation when thoughts come to kill a person using magic, then think about the consequences. All the evil that you send into the Universe will certainly return to you, only multiplied several times! This will also affect your offspring. But if you have already weighed all the pros and cons and still decided to cast a spell on death, I will tell you how to do it.

Damage to death

Damage of this type is most effective if you use cemetery paraphernalia. So you, Mikhail, should visit the cemetery, find a grave with a deceased person who had the same name as your victim.

Take any object or even a small piece of something from this grave: a flower, a tree that grows on the grave, a wreath, etc.

Then burn it and collect the ashes in a handkerchief. After this, use ashes to draw a cross on the mirror with the words:

“Alive - alive! Dead - dead! I am drawing (the name of the victim) the way to the grave threshold! The churchyard is ready! The door is open! Your (victim's name) life is closed forever! I lock all his light into the looking glass! (name of the victim) will die before the deadline - there is no turning back!”

Your victim must look in this mirror. If this is not possible, simply point the mirror at the victim.

This ritual is very powerful. But think many times before you commit it. Taking revenge in this way will not bring you joy and satisfaction.

Leave it to God to decide who lives and who doesn’t!

Relationships between people are sometimes not simple. Often, as a result of some action on the part of a person, such anger arises in the soul that can push the offender to hatred and a desire for death.

A conspiracy to kill a person is certain manipulations using black magic of such power that they can bring a person to the grave. Carrying out these manipulations is difficult and dangerous. They can bring suffering and illness not only to the offender, but also to the performer of the ritual.

These manipulations are called Death Magic or necromancy. It is used as a last resort - when the thirst for revenge is great and it is impossible to achieve it in other ways. And here there are only two options: try to let go of anger and forgive the offender, or perform a terrible ritual with the risk of retribution from higher powers.

Types of deadly conspiracies and curses

As mentioned above, there are different types of death conspiracies. Almost all of them can be done at home. Some may require the presence of some thing of the victim, or his blood or hair, for some his trace is enough. Some, the most powerful ones, require church attendance.

The general classification of deadly curses (or slander, as they were called in ancient times) is as follows:

  • candle spells;
  • conspiracies for cemetery land;
  • salt spells;
  • mirror spells;
  • spells for a knife or other metal object subject to rust;
  • food spells;
  • photography spells;
  • conspiracies to the wind;
  • conspiracies on the trail;
  • spell on a wax figurine (Voodoo magic).

Each of them is simple to perform in its own way, but they all have one thing in common: common feature. In order to curse a person to death, you must truly hate him.

What consequences can there be after witchcraft?

If a person undertakes to carry out a ritual of a mortal curse, it is necessary to first find out about the consequences that it may entail. And there can be many consequences.

  1. First of all, if the plot is read by a person with weak energy, or who does not comply with the rules of protection, then the plot can act in reverse side. And it turns out that a person curses not his enemy, but himself. And lifting this curse is usually very difficult.
  2. The second common problem faced by inexperienced trainees is kickbacks.

Magic kickbacks can be briefly described in one phrase: every action entails a reverse reaction. That is, the magician, performing evil deed, receives an equal amount of evil in his life. Cursed to illness? Children will get sick. Cursed to death?

The whole family will be sick, and it’s good if you only get sick.

A death plot can destroy the caster’s family or his previously strong relationships, or bring a black streak of failures in work or business. And finally, it may simply not work. Simply because the person being cursed has strong natural or spiritual protection.

Basic rules when reading death conspiracies

  1. The first rule when reading death conspiracies has already been mentioned above: the reader must sincerely hate the person he wants to curse. The absence of strong emotions simply will not trigger the mechanism, and the plot most likely will not work.
  2. The second rule is that many conspiracies require knowing the person’s name given to him at baptism. This applies to those conspiracies that do not involve divination with the personal belongings of the cursed person. For envolting - creating wax figures in the image and likeness of the victim, in some cases it is not necessary to know the name.
  3. The third rule is that conspiracies that are read at night - between midnight and three o'clock - are most powerful. During the day, they read only conspiracies in the cemetery, or those made on the trail of a person.

The main thing is to comply with the rules of protection when reading a conspiracy.


Candle spell

  • church candle;
  • photograph of the object.

Before performing the ritual, you must remove your cross (if any). Place a candle on the table and a photograph next to it. Turn off the lights in the room. It is better to do such a plot on the waning moon.

“As this candle burns and burns, so let the servant of God (name) burn in fire and fever, let him break and shake, his spirit will not find peace.

Let death take him, but he will not find salvation from my conspiracy.

My strength is strong, I conjure my enemy! Just as my word is strong, so my conspiracy cannot be destroyed, cannot be interrupted, unless the sea overflows its shores, and animals begin to rule the earth instead of people! Burn, candle, following you the servant of God (name of the enemy)!”

  • At the same time, a photograph of the person for whom the plot is being read is burned in the fire of a candle.
  • You need to wait until the candle burns out completely, then throw the remains out of the house.
  • For protection, immediately after completing the ritual, you must wash your face with cold water, put on a cross and read the “Our Father” three times.
  • Then the room where the ceremony was held is wet cleaned to remove any remaining negative energy.

Please note: at the end of the plot there is mandatory item- a condition under which it can be violated (“unless the sea overflows its shores”).

It can be replaced at your discretion, giving the person who is being cursed a chance to be saved .

Is it possible to perform the ritual before bedtime?

This is very effective way curse a person without using special magical means. To perform the ritual, you will need a personal item or photograph of the person being conjured. It is usually held at midnight, preferably on the waning moon.

  1. No strangers should sleep in the room where the plot will be read that night. If you have pets, especially cats, remove them from the room, as they can interfere with the ritual.
  2. Before going to bed, place a photo or thing of the person being conjured under your pillow.
  3. Turn off the lights, close your eyes and say to yourself three times:

“I will come to you in a dream, servant of God (name), and I will bring your Death with me. Just as I will sleep a carefree sleep, so you will soon fall asleep forever. Your sins are great, they brought you a lot of melancholy.

Death paid attention to you, I pointed it out to you. My word cannot be interrupted with an ax, nor can it be cut with a blade, but in order to defeat it, you need to forgive your sins. I conjure you, servant of God (name), to quick and inevitable death, so be it!”

  • If you see your enemy in a dream this night, it means the conspiracy has worked.
  • Otherwise, the ritual will need to be repeated, but no more than three times.
  • Remember that when reading a plot, you should concentrate as much as possible on the desire to see your enemy dead.

The cleansing ritual is carried out after waking up - get up at dawn, take a bath, and put on clean clothes. Go to church, light some candles Mother of God and ask forgiveness for your sin. Give alms.

The caste's item will need to be burned or thrown away after the ritual is completed.

Spells that are read on the new moon

As already mentioned, deadly curses acquire special power only when read on the waning moon. This period lunar calendar Since ancient times, magicians considered it most suitable for various kinds of dark conspiracies.

But there is an exception to this unspoken rule. A conspiracy read for death on the emerging moon, which should bring a guaranteed result in exactly one lunar month.

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • black wax candle;
  • mirror;
  • a hair or nail clippings of the conjured person (if they are not there, an object that he held in his hands for at least five minutes will do);
  • if you do not have any belongings of the person being conjured, you can use his photograph.

  1. The best time to read the plot is from midnight to three in the morning.
  2. Place a mirror on the table so that the growing moon is reflected in it.
  3. Draw a circle on the table with chalk, in the center of which write the name of the victim and place her hair or photograph.
  4. Remove the cross. Sit in front of a mirror and light a candle.

“As this month gains strength and grows, let the strength leave you (name) every drop. Let an internal ulcer gnaw at you, an unearthly melancholy, let the voices of the dead be heard.

They call you to follow them. As the moon waxes, so the power of the dead increases towards you. As this month begins to wane, the deceased will take you with him. You will lie in a damp grave, remembering your mother and father.

Appeal to the Dead

Dead people and spirits, hear me, I give this soul (name) to you! My word is strong and indestructible, like the Alatyr stone, and my conspiracy is sworn in his name. The one who finds the stone will only save you (name) from death. Mouth is a lock, tongue is the key!”

After you say the last word, put out the candle. Bury its remains, along with the victim’s item and the mirror used during the ritual, in the ground (best in a cemetery).

Rituals that are read in broad daylight

One of the most powerful death conspiracies is read exclusively during the daytime.

  • To perform it you will need an egg or candy, or another memorial gift from a fresh grave. Therefore, before reading this plot, you will need to go to the cemetery.
  • Having taken his gift from the deceased, thank him by name and be sure to remember this name. You will need it during the ritual.
  • When you come home, get ready for the ceremony. It will require wax candle, a church one is better, but an ordinary one will do.
  • You must be alone during the ritual. If there is someone at home, try to remove him under a plausible pretext.
  • Place the gift from the deceased on the table, in a circle outlined in chalk. Light a candle and circle the gift three times from left to right.

Start reading the plot: “The soul (name of the deceased) came, brought a gift, treated a dear guest to (name of the victim). Accept the gift and give it to the giver in the house.
You, (name of the deceased), a mortal, incorporeal soul, open the way to your world for a living guest, let him come to you, but not return home! Just as my word merged with the winds, so it dissolved in them, my word cannot be broken, the conspiracy cannot be canceled, or interrupted. Lips are the lock, the key is the tongue!

Having read the plot to the end, the gift is removed from the deceased and, at the first opportunity, offered to the victim as food. Or, if this is not possible, they burn or bury it, after writing the name of the victim on it.

Death plot using cemetery land

There are many options for damaging cemetery land to death, and each of them is based on its own principles of operation. Some masters come to the cemetery to gain the necessary energy, the second group of magicians directly turns to the souls of the deceased for help and “adds” the dead to the victim, the third category of mediums, in order to get what they want, brings terrible entities of the other world onto the victim.

For beginners in the magical sphere, it is not advisable to do cemetery damage to death. In order for the created negative to work in the right direction, it is important to have experience and sufficient strength. Otherwise, the performer will subsequently take the blow back if the damaged object manages to turn to a more powerful sorcerer in time.

To perform death rituals, other attributes are needed:

  • Icons;
  • Photo of the victim;
  • Tapes;
  • Black wax/paraffin candles.

The most simple action It is considered to place a photograph of a living person in the coffin of the deceased. It is not accompanied by reading conspiracies. The photo is placed under the head or clothing. It's even better to leave the image in the heart area. Thus, sooner or later the deceased will take the person from the photograph to another world.

  1. The essence of using an icon to cause damage is that the magician secretly takes the holy image from the hands of the deceased and places it under the victim’s bed.
  2. The offended soul will come to the person to take away not only the icon, but also the object of attachment.
  3. To make the ritual more effective, it would be better to wait for the funeral of a person with the same name as the victim.

How to target an enemy

The land from the churchyard is a source of troubles and misfortunes. It brings the most serious illnesses and the biggest troubles. And if you take soil from the namesake’s grave, the spirit of the deceased will simply stick to the victim. Sensing a kindred spirit in her, he will attract her to him different ways until he takes you to the next world.

Method 1

Buy a knife with a black handle and at the time of payment think:

“I take it not for myself, but to fulfill the damage.”

Wait until Thursday, when the moon is debilitated, and go to the cemetery with a new knife. Take 4 more bags and sweets for the Black Widow. Take 3 handfuls of earth from each cemetery corner and place it in a pile in the center of any cemetery intersection.

Draw crosses on the hill with a knife and say:

“The earth is black and white, I cut you with a cross that is ruinous, and black, but not a church cross. Through this cross I call for help the corpses lying in the corners, and I direct them along with a black arrow into the heart (name of the victim). Let them torture him and twist him into a pool, break his arms and legs, fill him with water instead of living blood. Let them tear it to pieces and scatter it into particles.

I conjure my words with the cemetery soil, because Satan himself broke his horns on it, and they remained sticking out. Let the horns of the unclean pierce into the body and life of (such and such), let them shake out all the soul out of him and confuse him, lock him in the four corners.

Let him trample all the paths day and night in search of his death. Let him come through the burial ground to a place prepared by the demon, and not by people. I cut and dissect (the name of the victim) with a knife, throw him into a hole and sprinkle him with earth. Amen!"

Divide the handful crosswise and put each part into a separate bag (you have 4 of them). Leave the knife in the same place with payment.

Where to pour the soil

“I order the Black Mother to walk through all four corners of the churchyard and get to the body of (name) in order to drive it into the coffin. Amen."

Throw the contents of the 2nd package into any running water and say:

“Leave with the water, quarter, and drag the soul (name of the victim) with you with a black ribbon. Amen."

Release the third package at the grave of the deceased namesake of an unpleasant person with the words:

“One is lying, and the other will soon be lying nearby. He cannot escape, he cannot rise, and he cannot accept a terrible death. Amen."

You should pour a handful from the 4th package in such a place that the hated object will walk over it. As soon as he steps on the enchanted land, a magical program will be implanted into him. Sprinkle earth on the road and whisper:

“Everything was cut with a knife and marked with cemetery corners. Black melancholy will descend from all the dead, it will gather other dead people and bind them to you. You can neither leave nor resist. Amen."

Method 2

At midnight between Friday and Saturday, stand in the center of an unmarked grave and drive an aspen stake. Say it three times:

“Friday, you are in charge of all unhappy affairs. It is your plan and the nameless one on which I stand. I drive a stake at the unknown, and with this stake I drive death. Go, inevitable death, through the suicide bomber and the aspen stake and bring black misfortune to the slave (name of the enemy). Everything is done, everything is said. Amen."

Perform the ritual 3 Fridays in a row and drive a stake under the threshold of your enemy. He will feel the destructive power of the curse very soon.

When to expect results

On average, a death ritual takes 2 to 4 weeks to complete. In some cases, the event occurs either earlier or a little later. It is much more difficult to spoil a healthy and energetically strong person than a vulnerable object.

Experienced mediums say how long it will take to wait for the result, looking at the photo of the future victim.

Will there be consequences?

Damage to death through cemetery soil is the most terrible thing in magic. It affects the victim with incurable diseases, depression and thoughts of suicide, melancholy, fear, and failure. A person feels broken, sick and unnecessary to society and dies of hopelessness.

  • For an inexperienced sorcerer who has not put protection on himself, the use of cemetery land for damage to death also brings various troubles.
  • First, there is a feeling of emptiness and loss of strength that is difficult to recover.
  • And if you still forget to pay off dark forces, you cannot avoid the “return”.
  • That is, you will die, and not the enemy, who suspected something was wrong and was able to remove the damage.

The effect of rollback is multifaceted. It affects the entire family of the failed magician and especially bothers the descendants of the same sex as the victim of witchcraft.

For family members, the consequences of an ineptly done death spell using cemetery land can be as follows:

  1. Infertility;
  2. Celibacy;
  3. Alcoholism;
  4. Impotence;
  5. Addiction;
  6. Malignant tumors;
  7. Serious illnesses with fatal outcomes.


Damage to death using salt

How to damage

Salt is spoken and sprinkled on the enemy’s doorstep:

“I don’t pour salt, I add pain, I don’t give away, I steal peace. Damn, take away (name)'s peace so that he gets bored and sick day and night, in the sun and in the moon. Let it be so!"

How to check for damage

By carrying out a ritual to remove damage without reason, you can harm your energy health. Checking for spoilage is also done using salt.

  1. On a clear night, closer to 24.00, take a well-washed frying pan and a bag of salt.
  2. Place the frying pan on the stove and heat it, then with your left hand throw a handful of salt on it, which you heat for about 20 minutes, asking out loud if you have an enemy and if he has damaged you or wished harm.
  3. If you do not notice anything strange, and the salt behaves calmly during heating, slightly crackling and turning a little yellow, then your suspicions are unfounded.
  4. When the salt smokes, explodes, and emits black smoke, then you definitely have a negative feeling and you should think carefully about how to get rid of it.
  5. But first, you need to get rid of this salt by pouring it out on the street under a tree, while looking at the sky, then turning to the right and counting the stars to 21, and asking the sky to return the evil to the one who sent it on your head.

After completing the ritual, go to bed and do not be surprised that you will be tormented by nightmares.

By the way, in them you may dream of your enemy, who sent damage to you. In the morning you will feel much better, as the salt will partially absorb your negativity. At the same time, the next day, try to communicate less, do not lend anything to anyone, under any pretext - categorically.

Saving a house with salt

Did you find needles, soil, cereal, salt or any other material near the threshold? Then you definitely need to cleanse your house of negativity. Salt will help you with this again!

  • When it gets dark, pour salt on a saucer and light a church candle.
  • With a burning candle, cross the salt three times and say a wish on it for deliverance from the evil that has been brought upon you.
  • After this, you need to walk around the perimeter of the entire house clockwise.
  • There should be silence. It's better if there is no one at home. If you have nowhere to send your household members, ask them not to make noise or ask questions.
  • While walking around your house or apartment, throw a pinch of charmed salt in each corner, which you need to leave there until the morning so that it absorbs all the negativity overnight. At dawn, collect the salt with a broom, put it in a paper bag and take it as far from home as possible.
  • The best option is to throw it into running water or under a tree.

When you return home, do a thorough cleaning, thoroughly washing the floors and finally protecting front door some kind of amulet.

Transferring spoilage to salt

Another way to get rid of damage is translation. First you transfer the damage to the salt, and then it passes on to the one who picks it up. The ritual is carried out on any day, regardless of the phase of the moon.

Salt is poured into a saucer, a photograph of the corrupted person face up is placed on it, and another handful of salt is placed on top of it; a wax candle is placed on top, which should be lit and the spell read:

“The graveyard is abandoned, there is a comfortable coffin in it, in this coffin the corpse rests, and troubles with sins and blasphemy are guarded. The witchers go to that dead man along overgrown paths, but they ask him blasphemy and throw it at people with evil.

The dead man is blind and does not know that sinful deeds are happening through him, he sleeps, he sleeps, he outlives his deadness. To this dead thing I will quietly tell my gloomy order, how blasphemy was sent to (name), corruption drives vainly into the coffin, eats the living, to live and live, never see the world.

That dead guy will throw a bag of salt at me, give it to me without payment, whoever I throw it to will look for a new black dominatrix. What I say will happen. Amen".

After the spell, you need to wait until the candle burns out and wrap its remains along with salt in a scarf, tie it, leave it in a public place, saying:

“Whoever touches him will not leave, take everything from (name) and live with blasphemy. Amen".

  1. Before and after cleaning, casting should be done.
  2. Cleaning can be carried out several times in a row until traces of damage completely disappear.
  3. For the ritual, use regular table or sea salt.
  4. You can take either a church candle or a simple wax candle, preferably a small one.
  5. In the photo, enough salt is sprinkled so that you can install a candle without it falling.

Conspiracy using a mirror for death

For some people, the bride and groom see each other for the first time when they are reflected in the mirror. That is, acquaintance occurs through mirror doubles. There is an opinion that ancient mirrors contain the souls of those who looked into these mirrors.

  • If the mirror stores energy evil man, then it itself becomes evil.
  • This mirror is cold to the touch.

Many people believe that it is possible to damage a mirror. If a person looks in your mirror and at the same time says a bunch of nasty things, then everything said will come true. That is, in this case, the mirror acts as an accumulator of negative energy and also as a reflector. You should get rid of such a mirror.

But using a mirror you can also get rid of damage. Since the mirror acts as an accumulator of negative energy, it can absorb all the negativity of damage. But then it is dangerous to store such a mirror in the house.


How it can harm

Not just to one person, but to everyone who looked at him. Scientists have recorded that healthy and self-confident people who loved to look in the mirror began to feel chronic fatigue and memory impairment. They explained this phenomenon by the fact that mirrors are not simple objects. Everyday life, these are energy eaters.

  1. Many doctors treated patients with the help of a mirror.
  2. The thoughts of patients, as a rule, are focused on the disease; this thought generates a certain negative energy.
  3. The mirror helps to get rid of this energy, as a result of which the diseases themselves disappear.
  4. Black magic also pays great attention to mirrors.

Damage to mirrors has become widespread. With its help, you can achieve any desired result, even the death of a person. Therefore, mirrors should be treated with great attention, pay attention to who is visiting your home and who is looking at it.


How to perform the ritual

Damage of this type is most effective if you use cemetery paraphernalia. So you, Mikhail, should visit the cemetery, find a grave with a deceased person who had the same name as your victim.

  1. Take any object or even a small piece of something from this grave: a flower, a tree that grows on the grave, a wreath, etc.
  2. Then burn it and collect the ashes in a handkerchief.
  3. After this, use ashes to draw a cross on the mirror with the words:

“Alive - alive! Dead - dead! I am drawing (the name of the victim) the way to the grave threshold! The churchyard is ready! The door is open! Your (victim's name) life is closed forever! I lock all his light into the looking glass! (name of the victim) will die before the deadline - there is no turning back!”

Your victim must look in this mirror. If this is not possible, simply point the mirror at the victim.

This ritual is very powerful. But think many times before you commit it. Taking revenge in this way will not bring you joy and satisfaction.


Conspiracy to death through a knife

Powerful damage to a person by a knife is not uncommon; it is used quite often in everyday witchcraft. A knife is an object that we use every day in everyday life. This item is in every home, and if you damage it with a knife that is in constant contact with the object, then the negativity, even caused unprofessionally, will have its effect.

The degree of danger of such object linings is high, and the goal is

  • health loss,
  • family well-being,
  • success
  • and prosperity.

To inflict cemetery damage on a knife, it is the black knives that each of us uses every day that is used.

Powerful damage to a knife - a lining at the doorstep

If you find a simple household knife at your doorstep, you should know that you have been targeted severe damage to illness and family discord. A thrown household knife covered with a layer of rust may mean that a magical attack was launched aimed at deteriorating health, a series of troubles, quarrels in the family, or death.

Damage to a rusty household knife is usually carried out in a cemetery, has significant power and a very high degree of danger. A broken knife stuck into a door frame - this lining indicates black damage to loneliness.

  1. But no matter how strong the curse is - magical damage on a knife or some other type, it can be neutralized, as well as eliminate the bad consequences.
  2. For effective treatment, I recommend contacting practicing sorcerers or witches.
  3. The black magician will diagnose the damage done to the knife, determine the cause of your problems and take the necessary measures to eliminate the curse.
  4. Helping to cleanse yourself of magical damage, a sorcerer practicing black magic will give you all the necessary explanations and instructions to achieve the complete destruction of the evil eye, or cemetery damage to the knife.

How to remove damage to a knife yourself

The most powerful and destructive damage to a knife is done on graves. However, there are other ways to send damage to the enemy for free. For example, black ritual:

  • you can do it yourself, without turning to a sorcerer,
  • at a distance from a photograph of the enemy,
  • or directly in his house through the lining, if there is free access there.

If strong magical damage was cast on the knife located in the house, it is necessary to eliminate the negative program.

If it is not possible to turn to a practicing sorcerer for help, you can try to get rid of the black curse on the knife yourself. Most often, conspiracies, prayers, and church paraphernalia are used for this purpose.


Death plot for food

The worst thing is if the damage is caused through the food of the deceased. You need to have close contact with the deceased and his relatives. After the deceased is washed, take this water. When they start putting food on him, you need to take some of this bread and salt. Combine all the ingredients and start reading the special plot.

“The deceased (name of the deceased) washed himself and dressed in a different light. Relatives collected it completely, and put the food in last way. The deceased has no companions on the road; no one can keep him company. You will not wake up, servant of God (name), after sleep.

You will eat food and it will hurt your throat. You will go to the ground and never return. Return what you took from the deceased with your body. Leave your soul to me. The dead place is with the dead. I will live and outlive everyone.

I won’t go to the next world for a long time yet. My words will become a lock. They can never be changed or overcome. Let my words become a call. Amen".

You are forbidden to eat and drink what you said.

  1. This “dish” must be given to the victim, and make sure that he has consumed it.
  2. The victim will begin to suffer, you can be sure. You just need to remember that this damage is unpredictable.
  3. Therefore, you never know what awaits you in the future.
  4. It is likely that you may also be harmed.
  5. And no less than the person whose food was damaged.

Removing damage to food

Many people wonder how to remove spoilage from food. You can remove spoilage from food yourself at home, or you can use the services of professionals.

Damage can be removed from a person only if black magic has begun to manifest itself. Neutralization of food spoilage must be carried out extremely quickly. Sacred water will help you.

When it is taken in church, you need to read the hex.

“I take water to get rid of the disease. The disease must soon be taken away from me, God’s servant (name), and it must never be given to me again. I ask water to help me and save me from black damage. May my strength return to me and never leave me again. Amen". You need to wash your face with sacred water for a week. At the same time, do not forget to read the words: “I remove the water from my face, I restore my health. The enemy is shining in health, and that’s what I want.”


Death plot from a photograph

Whether or not to believe in damage is up to everyone. But it’s a completely different matter when a person feels bad energy on yourself or loved ones, there will be no trace of mistrust left.

The most in a simple way is placed under a treasure of photographs of the person who will be affected by black magic in the coffin during the funeral. The place of the lining can be any, but the most effective will be if you place the photograph near the heart of the deceased.

It is almost impossible to remove such a curse.

Damage to a rival in a photograph

If you want to resort to a method other than burying a photograph in the grave soil, then this ritual will suit you:

  1. Place a jug or cup of water
  2. After the water boils, throw the photo of your opponent into the boiling water.
  3. Read the spell: the body of the servant of God (the name on whom the spell is directed) will now burn, her blood will boil through her veins, and then completely disappear, she will never find peace. The words will come true.
  4. Boil for 5 minutes, then remove and dry.
  5. Pour the water into the trash or into the water supply.
  6. This ritual is performed on the waxing moon, since your task is to bring negativity into the life of your rival.

This ritual is considered not the most powerful, because such spells need to be performed throughout the entire lunar cycle and the photograph will dissolve after 2 or 3 procedures. Stock up on photographs to complete the ritual.

Progress and rituals of corruption

Nowadays, it has become possible to use photography on your phone. It contains the energy of the person who was photographed.

For the ritual you will need two black wax candles.

  • You also need to find an old grave that has not been looked after for a long time, necessarily with a photo and name like that of a rival.
  • You need to take the photo from the grave with you for a while.
  • But you can’t just take it, you need to leave something for the deceased’s approval, food or money, and say the phrase: Soon I will return to you what I took from you.
  • Afterwards, you can carefully pick up the photographs and a handful of soil.
  • Before you take the land, say the words: Take for yourself what I give you, and also leave it to farm. Don’t be stingy when it comes to the farm-out, otherwise the dead man will pester you. And you won't be able to get rid of it.


Death plot to the wind

In ancient times, sorcerers cast spells on a person by saying next plot to the wind:

“Evil that harms and tears the soul, fly with the wind against the Servant of God (name of the victim). I am sending you to harm and pain. Enter with a strong wind and dark smoke into the soul of my enemy and never come back. I will let the words go with the wind and I will never return them back. Amen".

Conspiracy to death through the trail

The most powerful damage, possessing truly crushing power, is done by practicing dark sorcerers and magicians when using the biomaterial of an object. But even black damage to a trace, done at a distance, can have a serious negative energy message.

Using self-damage to trace:

  • the magician is able to send diseases to the enemy,
  • ruin his life
  • ruin a marriage
  • ruin,
  • send your family around the world.

Deadly damage to the trail in the cemetery

And there are many ways to damage the trail. And strength negative programs have different. There are mild impacts, but there are also those that cause serious consequences - serious illnesses, a series of troubles, accidents.

For example, a sorcerer can take the seized trace of an enemy to a cemetery, throw it into a fresh grave prepared for the deceased and read the words of the spell of corruption:

“Just as the legs of a dead man cannot be carried, so the legs of a slave (name) will no longer rise and walk. The earth is dead, but the deed is true, the word is strong. Amen".

Another magical ritual do strong damage to the trail at a distance.

On a fresh grave, scatter the seized trace in a cross shape and read the words of damage to a person:

“From the threshold to the graveyard there will be a quick road for slave (name). Said, done, amen."

Powerful damage to the trail - a modern version of targeting

In the old days, the work of sorcerers was carried out precisely with the trace of the victim.

But today the rituals have been somewhat modernized, and now you can use them as material for independently damaging a person’s trace.

  1. a rug lying at the victim's door,
  2. insoles from his shoes,
  3. socks,
  4. old worn shoes will do,
  5. even the rug from his car.

All this can be used in the ritual as effectively as the removed trace. The magical, independent ritual of damaging a trace of things must be carried out according to the same rules, and deal with them in the same way as with the trace that was taken out.

How black magic works - the influence of damage on the trace

The rituals of deadly damage known to modern black magicians and the rituals they use are by no means always fatal. However, many of them are quite dangerous, including black damage on the enemy’s trail.

  • Under their influence, a person will experience stress, increased anxiety, causeless fear, melancholy, melancholy, which, sooner or later, will lead him to various types of mental disorders.
  • Under the influence of black magic, a person loses vital energy, which increases the likelihood of serious illnesses that can lead to death.


Death plot using a voodoo doll

How to make a voodoo doll

So, if you are planning to make a Voodoo doll for some kind of ritual, you must think about how to ensure the similarity of the person and the doll. It could be some kind of characteristic feature in appearance, which is associated with the right person.

You must determine this before making a Voodoo doll. And thus, the doll will organize a direct energy channel, which already gives access to the human biofield.

When making a doll, different materials can be used:

  1. tree,
  2. wool,
  3. wax,
  4. natural cotton fabrics.

Many experts, in their recipes for how to make a Voodoo doll, mention that it is better to add a small part of a person, which will strengthen the connection significantly. These could be particles of hair, nails, or even human secretions.

The simplest method of production is considered to be wax. The likeness of the desired person is sculpted from melted wax. If there is hair, then it is, as it were, implanted into the wax head. It would be great if you have something from the chosen person’s clothes that you can put the doll in. You can sprinkle dust from the shoes of the desired person on top of the doll.

DIY Voodoo doll

Thus, you get a do-it-yourself Voodoo doll, which can later be used for rituals.

  • After production, many people give the doll a name for an even greater energetic connection.
  • It is also important in the process of making your own Voodoo doll, to always remember whose likeness you are making, and to invest as much of this energy as possible.

The most common impact on a doll is to pierce it with pins; it can also be drowned, burned, or buried in the ground.

All rituals with a Voodoo doll are performed with one’s own hands using incantations and spells, observing a number of conventions. Moreover, if the magician changes his mind about the effect, or wants to remove the effect, then doing this is even more difficult than applying it. Therefore, it is always important to remember the consequences.

Voodoo doll at home

  1. Another option for creating a Voodoo doll at home is to use the method of the sorcerers of the southern states of America using 2 wooden pegs.
  2. They are immediately connected with a cross using ropes, and only then pieces of fabric are wound diagonally until the doll begins to resemble the silhouette of a person.
  3. All materials must be used of natural origin, and the wood for the pegs can be aspen or hazel.

Such a Voodoo doll can even be used at home to achieve a slight therapeutic effect, such as relieving headaches, fatigue or heartburn, etc.

Voodoo doll to death

However, positive goals are not always pursued; very often with the help of such a doll they want to take revenge or cause harm. Voodoo dolls make death spells.
The most terrible ritual that is performed with a Vuda doll upon death is the ritual of burying the doll.

In this case, the Voodoo doll will be a tool of black magic, so you need to think a hundred times about how to perform this action. Nothing goes unpunished and after any action committed there will always be a response. Think about what is more important to you: a clear conscience or revenge with consequences.


Signs of damage to death and how to remove it

Finding signs of death damage in yourself or another person is also very difficult. This is because they are very similar to other negative magical effects. Examples:

  • craving for drugs and alcohol;
  • constant nightmares;
  • serious illnesses;
  • prostration;
  • obsessive thoughts of suicide.

One of the best ways detect symptoms of damage to death - have a cat at home. Everything is very simple!

These animals have strong, reliable protection against exposure negative energy. And only a strong sorcerer can break through this protection. So if you suddenly notice a change in your pet’s condition (for no reason). This is a clear reason to think, because you may have to find out how to remove damage to death.

You can also use folk remedies, which will show whether you have negative impacts. To do this you will need salted water and a raw egg.

Diagnostic stages

Diagnostics consists of the following stages:

  1. Take a container with salt water. We take three matches. We set them on fire and immediately extinguish them. We throw these matches into the water, if they drown, you will be damaged.
  2. With the next step you can find out a lot more information about this cast magic. Moreover, you can find out important details yourself and you can interpret them yourself. Take a glass and fill it 2/3 with salt water. Break the eggs into it, being careful not to damage the yolk. Next, we sit down, pressing our chin to our knees. Take a glass of water and an egg and place it on the crown of your head. We wait three minutes. The important thing here is not to move. The only thing you can do is change hands.

Let's interpret the results:

  • If the water is clear and the yolk is intact, there are no dark magical influences on you. Your symptoms need to be explained by other reasons.
  • If columns are found in a glass, damage has been imposed on you. But the columns may be different. And their correct interpretation will help determine what impact lies on you.
  • If cobwebs (thin columns) appear in your glass, you have been slightly damaged. Its consequences will be scanty and insignificant. And most likely, you won't even notice them. Such magic was brought upon you by a weak, inexperienced magician. Such magic will leave you on its own after some time. She will return to the caster.
  • If you find bubbles in the protein, it means that you have been damaged, which promises a bad life;

  • If there are a lot of black dots in your glass, which are located all over the yolk, these are symptoms of the most powerful cemetery magic that will lead the victim to death;
  • And the worst thing you can find in your glass is green and gray spots, torn edges of the protein. This means that a very great evil has been imposed on you, which was created to take the victim in terrible torment. Only a very strong, experienced sorcerer who knows you personally could cast such magic. You urgently need protection and removal of damage to death, otherwise the consequences will be dire.

How to remove damage done to death

The best way to escape from this evil is to turn to the Lord. Go to the nearest temple. They will help you and tell you what to do. Remember that our Lord's protection is beyond compare.

If the church does not accept you (this happens very, very rarely), you can try turning to a psychic or magician. There are special powerful rune spells that can get rid of damage.

There is also a very ancient independent method getting rid of this dark magic. To perform this ritual you will need the voluntary help of an old maid, a widow and an innocent girl. They have to:

  1. collect sand in a small bag;
  2. at dawn go out into the open field;
  3. bow to the rising sun;
  4. dig a small hole;
  5. pour the sand you brought into the hole, while reading special prayer from damage to death.

Damage to death - consequences for the customer and the victim

The worst thing that can happen to a victim is, of course, death. If you are a wise, sensitive and professional magician, privy to runic secrets, you yourself can calculate the amount you will need to pay for using such black magic.

But if you are not an experienced or novice sorcerer, you are highly discouraged from using such strong unclean magic. Will you be able to cope with the evil forces that you will call upon to kill another?

Even if you manage, you will have to pay the price in any case. It is impossible to easily buy off damage to the one who does it. This magic is extremely dangerous. You can't joke with such powers.


Removing damage to death is a complex and painstaking magical process. It will help stabilize a person’s state of mind and return him to normal life.

Have you ever witnessed a complete collapse? human life? Failures in all endeavors, illness, betrayal - it seems that a person is cursed. In such a situation, one thought comes to mind - about an extraneous negative magical influence.

If everything goes badly and there is not a hint of a successful resolution, then we can confidently talk about the evil eye or damage.

Signs of damage

If you are wondering how to get rid of damage, then first you need to make sure that it exists. Exist different kinds negative influences, and damage can be removed in different ways, using a variety of techniques.

However, there are general signs presence of black magical influence, which will initially help in determining it:

Damage to death

a sharp deterioration in health.
Regardless of whether the damage is done to health, luck or death, a clear symptom will be a sharp deterioration in well-being. It can all start with a mild cold due to interference in a person’s energy, and continue with an exacerbation of chronic diseases, which will result in new diseases.

constant fatigue, lethargy, lifelessness.
The person seems tired even if they have not done anything at all or have just woken up. It seems that all vitality has left him. If the magical effect is not removed, this state will turn into prolonged depression.

loss of interest in life, sudden change of priorities.
Ate formerly man If he was distinguished by his activity and initiative, then the induced mortal damage can turn him into a weak-willed person who is indifferent to everything.

feeling of approaching death and thoughts of suicide.
Damage can manifest itself in a reluctance to live and in anticipation and anticipation of an imminent end. This is especially true for death rites. That is why the question of how to remove damage to death is quite common and very important, on the answer to which human life may depend.

General signs of the evil eye or damage

strong unreasonable fear.
Sharp manifestations of panic, unreasonable fear of everything, increased suspicion are signs characteristic of magical influence.

nightmares or insomnia.
Sleep problems of various types are clear signs of black magic. They can be expressed in constant drowsiness, when a person sleeps more than expected, insomnia and nightmares.

sudden changes in temperature.
As a rule, this happens suddenly and there are no signs or other symptoms of any disease.

problems with potency and conception.
When an absolutely healthy woman cannot get pregnant or a man suddenly becomes inactive in the sexual sphere, these signs are the first bells of black magic.

fear of church attributes.
It is believed that damage to death causes fear of the church and other symbols of faith. Removing damage helps solve this problem.

constant bad luck in all areas, problems at work and with money.
Even if the ritual was done for death or health, luck always suffers and financial well-being. Since a person cannot concentrate on anything, troubles begin at work, which can lead to dismissal.

We examined the main signs of damage, although when it is done to a specific area of ​​a person’s life, then greatest number troubles happen there. If you remove the damage in time, you can avoid a variety of consequences, the worst of which is the death of a person.

The attitude of animals towards “spoiled”

Pets usually refer to an owner who has been subjected to black magic in a certain way. At first they caress, and then they suddenly run away, hissing and biting. And if street dogs They often started barking at you for no reason, and mice and cockroaches suddenly appeared at home - these are also signs of black magic.

The simplest and effective method the fight against black magic is reading Orthodox prayers. And since removing black damage is a rather lengthy process, which directly depends on the strength of the impact and the experience of the ritual performer.

For this ritual, you need for forty days in a row, without missing a single day, to read the Lord’s Prayer three times before going to bed.

After this period, the damage should recede. Therefore, to the question of how to remove damage, the answer is simple - pray. This is what will help remove any black impact.

How to remove damage with holy water

If you want to learn about how to get rid of damage, then you have probably discovered signs of this black influence in yourself or your loved ones. Removal of damage can be done using holy water. To do this, you need to read the spell on water and spray and give the “spoiled” one to drink for twelve days.

“Holy water, God’s water.
Help remove everything black and evil from the servant of God (name).
So that everything goes away from him and from him into the abyss, into the distant distance,
So that he returns to his old self.
Take away from him severe illnesses, quick death,
Help me.

Removing damage this way will not be difficult. It is enough for the person himself to believe in a speedy recovery and hope for the best.

How to remove spoilage with salt

The powerful energy of salt contributes to the effectiveness of many rituals, and removing damage to death is no exception. For the ritual you will need a grain of salt, for which you need to read the plot at noon:

“White salt, pure salt.
Make sure that the malicious damage recedes
From the servant of God (name), so that she leaves him forever.
So that illnesses and forebodings leave the young body,
Take away bad luck, failure, curses and death from him.
Give him back his life.

After reading the plot, salt must be used in all dishes that are prepared “spoiled”. The removal of damage to death will be possible after a few weeks. If the charmed salt runs out, repeat the ritual.

If it happens that the question of how to remove damage to death is extremely important for you, the following ritual for removing damage to an egg will completely solve this problem.

To complete this you will need one fresh chicken egg.

To remove damage, you need to run this egg over a person’s body, rolling out all the negativity. At this time you need to read the plot:

“Damage and evil - march all into the egg!”

You need to circle the human body with an egg about thirty times, after which the egg, which has collected all the negativity and damage, must be buried in the ground.

Having correctly identified the presence of black magical influence, you can get rid of it quite simply. It is enough to choose the necessary ritual and damage and all misfortunes will remain in the past.

Removing damage - video



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